// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nheko Contributors // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nheko Contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import "./components" import "./delegates" import "./emoji" import "./ui" import "./dialogs" import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 as Platform import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.13 import im.nheko 1.0 Item { id: chatRoot property int padding: Nheko.paddingMedium property int availableWidth: width ScrollBar { id: scrollbar parent: chat.parent anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom } ListView { id: chat anchors.fill: parent property int delegateMaxWidth: ((Settings.timelineMaxWidth > 100 && Settings.timelineMaxWidth < chatRoot.availableWidth) ? Settings.timelineMaxWidth : chatRoot.availableWidth) - chatRoot.padding * 2 - (scrollbar.interactive? scrollbar.width : 0) displayMarginBeginning: height / 2 displayMarginEnd: height / 2 model: room // reuseItems still has a few bugs, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-95105 https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-95107 //onModelChanged: if (room) room.sendReset() //reuseItems: true boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds //pixelAligned: true spacing: 2 verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop onCountChanged: { // Mark timeline as read if (atYEnd && room) model.currentIndex = 0; } ScrollBar.vertical: scrollbar anchors.rightMargin: scrollbar.interactive? scrollbar.width : 0 Control { id: messageActions property Item attached: null property alias model: row.model // use comma to update on scroll property var attachedPos: chat.contentY, attached ? chat.mapFromItem(attached, attached ? attached.width - width : 0, -height) : null padding: Nheko.paddingSmall hoverEnabled: true visible: Settings.buttonsInTimeline && !!attached && (attached.hovered || hovered) x: attached ? attachedPos.x : 0 y: attached ? attachedPos.y + Nheko.paddingSmall : 0 z: 10 background: Rectangle { color: Nheko.colors.window border.color: Nheko.colors.buttonText border.width: 1 radius: padding } contentItem: RowLayout { id: row property var model spacing: messageActions.padding Repeater { model: Settings.recentReactions delegate: TextButton { required property string modelData visible: chat.model ? chat.model.permissions.canSend(MtxEvent.Reaction) : false Layout.preferredHeight: fontMetrics.height font.family: Settings.emojiFont text: modelData onClicked: { room.input.reaction(row.model.eventId, modelData); TimelineManager.focusMessageInput(); } } } ImageButton { id: editButton visible: !!row.model && row.model.isEditable buttonTextColor: Nheko.colors.buttonText width: 16 hoverEnabled: true image: ":/icons/icons/ui/edit.svg" ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay ToolTip.text: qsTr("Edit") onClicked: { if (row.model.isEditable) chat.model.edit = row.model.eventId; } } ImageButton { id: reactButton visible: chat.model ? chat.model.permissions.canSend(MtxEvent.Reaction) : false width: 16 hoverEnabled: true image: ":/icons/icons/ui/smile.svg" ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay ToolTip.text: qsTr("React") onClicked: emojiPopup.visible ? emojiPopup.close() : emojiPopup.show(reactButton, function(emoji) { var event_id = row.model ? row.model.eventId : ""; room.input.reaction(event_id, emoji); TimelineManager.focusMessageInput(); }) } ImageButton { id: threadButton visible: chat.model ? chat.model.permissions.canSend(MtxEvent.TextMessage) : false width: 16 hoverEnabled: true image: row.model.threadId ? ":/icons/icons/ui/thread.svg" : ":/icons/icons/ui/new-thread.svg" ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay ToolTip.text: row.model.threadId ? qsTr("Reply in thread") : qsTr("New thread") onClicked: chat.model.thread = (row.model.threadId || row.model.eventId) } ImageButton { id: replyButton visible: chat.model ? chat.model.permissions.canSend(MtxEvent.TextMessage) : false width: 16 hoverEnabled: true image: ":/icons/icons/ui/reply.svg" ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay ToolTip.text: qsTr("Reply") onClicked: chat.model.reply = row.model.eventId } ImageButton { id: optionsButton width: 16 hoverEnabled: true image: ":/icons/icons/ui/options.svg" ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay ToolTip.text: qsTr("Options") onClicked: messageContextMenu.show(row.model.eventId, row.model.threadId, row.model.type, row.model.isSender, row.model.isEncrypted, row.model.isEditable, "", row.model.body, optionsButton) } } } ScrollHelper { flickable: parent anchors.fill: parent } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.MoveToPreviousPage onActivated: { chat.contentY = chat.contentY - chat.height / 2; chat.returnToBounds(); } } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.MoveToNextPage onActivated: { chat.contentY = chat.contentY + chat.height / 2; chat.returnToBounds(); } } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Cancel onActivated: { if(room.input.uploads.length > 0) room.input.declineUploads(); else if(chat.model.reply) chat.model.reply = undefined; else if (chat.model.edit) chat.model.edit = undefined; else chat.model.thread = undefined TimelineManager.focusMessageInput(); } } Shortcut { sequence: "Alt+Up" onActivated: chat.model.reply = chat.model.indexToId(chat.model.reply ? chat.model.idToIndex(chat.model.reply) + 1 : 0) } Shortcut { sequence: "Alt+Down" onActivated: { var idx = chat.model.reply ? chat.model.idToIndex(chat.model.reply) - 1 : -1; chat.model.reply = idx >= 0 ? chat.model.indexToId(idx) : null; } } Shortcut { sequence: "Alt+F" onActivated: { if (chat.model.reply) { var forwardMess = forwardCompleterComponent.createObject(timelineRoot); forwardMess.setMessageEventId(chat.model.reply); forwardMess.open(); chat.model.reply = null; timelineRoot.destroyOnClose(forwardMess); } } } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+E" onActivated: { chat.model.edit = chat.model.reply; } } Window.onActiveChanged: readTimer.running = Window.active Timer { id: readTimer // force current read index to update onTriggered: { if (chat.model) chat.model.setCurrentIndex(chat.model.currentIndex); } interval: 1000 } Component { id: sectionHeader Column { topPadding: userName_.visible? 4: 0 bottomPadding: Settings.bubbles? (isSender && previousMessageDay == day? 0 : 2) : 3 spacing: 8 visible: (previousMessageUserId !== userId || previousMessageDay !== day || isStateEvent !== previousMessageIsStateEvent) width: parentWidth height: ((previousMessageDay !== day) ? dateBubble.height : 0) + (isStateEvent? 0 : userName.height +8 ) Label { id: dateBubble anchors.horizontalCenter: parent ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined visible: room && previousMessageDay !== day text: room ? room.formatDateSeparator(timestamp) : "" color: Nheko.colors.text height: Math.round(fontMetrics.height * 1.4) width: contentWidth * 1.2 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter background: Rectangle { radius: parent.height / 2 color: Nheko.colors.window } } Row { height: userName_.height spacing: 8 visible: !isStateEvent && (!isSender || !Settings.bubbles) id: userInfo Avatar { id: messageUserAvatar width: Nheko.avatarSize * (Settings.smallAvatars? 0.5 : 1) height: Nheko.avatarSize * (Settings.smallAvatars? 0.5 : 1) url: !room ? "" : room.avatarUrl(userId).replace("mxc://", "image://MxcImage/") displayName: userName userid: userId onClicked: room.openUserProfile(userId) ToolTip.visible: messageUserAvatar.hovered ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay ToolTip.text: userid } Connections { function onRoomAvatarUrlChanged() { messageUserAvatar.url = chat.model.avatarUrl(userId).replace("mxc://", "image://MxcImage/"); } function onScrollToIndex(index) { chat.positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.Center); } target: chat.model } property int remainingWidth: chat.delegateMaxWidth - spacing - messageUserAvatar.width AbstractButton { contentItem: ElidedLabel { id: userName_ fullText: userName color: TimelineManager.userColor(userId, Nheko.colors.base) textFormat: Text.RichText elideWidth: Math.min(userInfo.remainingWidth-Math.min(statusMsg.implicitWidth,userInfo.remainingWidth/3), userName_.fullTextWidth) } ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay ToolTip.text: userId onClicked: chat.model.openUserProfile(userId) leftInset: 0 rightInset: 0 leftPadding: 0 rightPadding: 0 CursorShape { anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor } } Label { id: statusMsg color: Nheko.colors.buttonText text: Presence.userStatus(userId) textFormat: Text.PlainText elide: Text.ElideRight width: userInfo.remainingWidth - userName_.width - parent.spacing font.italic: true Connections { target: Presence function onPresenceChanged(id) { if (id == userId) statusMsg.text = Presence.userStatus(userId); } } } } } } delegate: Item { id: wrapper required property double proportionalHeight required property int type required property string typeString required property int originalWidth required property string blurhash required property string body required property string formattedBody required property string eventId required property string filename required property string filesize required property string url required property string thumbnailUrl required property string duration required property bool isOnlyEmoji required property bool isSender required property bool isEncrypted required property bool isEditable required property bool isEdited required property bool isStateEvent required property bool previousMessageIsStateEvent required property string replyTo required property string threadId required property string userId required property string roomTopic required property string roomName required property string callType required property var reactions required property int trustlevel required property int encryptionError required property var timestamp required property int status required property int index required property int relatedEventCacheBuster required property string previousMessageUserId required property string day required property string previousMessageDay required property string userName property bool scrolledToThis: eventId === chat.model.scrollTarget && (y + height > chat.y + chat.contentY && y < chat.y + chat.height + chat.contentY) anchors.horizontalCenter: parent ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined width: chat.delegateMaxWidth height: section.active ? section.height + timelinerow.height : timelinerow.height Loader { id: section property int parentWidth: parent.width property string userId: wrapper.userId property string previousMessageUserId: wrapper.previousMessageUserId property string day: wrapper.day property string previousMessageDay: wrapper.previousMessageDay property bool previousMessageIsStateEvent: wrapper.previousMessageIsStateEvent property bool isStateEvent: wrapper.isStateEvent property bool isSender: wrapper.isSender property string userName: wrapper.userName property date timestamp: wrapper.timestamp z: 4 active: previousMessageUserId !== undefined && previousMessageUserId !== userId || previousMessageDay !== day || previousMessageIsStateEvent !== isStateEvent //asynchronous: true sourceComponent: sectionHeader visible: status == Loader.Ready } TimelineRow { id: timelinerow proportionalHeight: wrapper.proportionalHeight type: chat.model, wrapper.type typeString: wrapper.typeString originalWidth: wrapper.originalWidth blurhash: wrapper.blurhash body: wrapper.body formattedBody: wrapper.formattedBody eventId: chat.model, wrapper.eventId filename: wrapper.filename filesize: wrapper.filesize url: wrapper.url thumbnailUrl: wrapper.thumbnailUrl duration: wrapper.duration isOnlyEmoji: wrapper.isOnlyEmoji isSender: wrapper.isSender isEncrypted: wrapper.isEncrypted isEditable: wrapper.isEditable isEdited: wrapper.isEdited isStateEvent: wrapper.isStateEvent replyTo: wrapper.replyTo threadId: wrapper.threadId userId: wrapper.userId userName: wrapper.userName roomTopic: wrapper.roomTopic roomName: wrapper.roomName callType: wrapper.callType reactions: wrapper.reactions trustlevel: wrapper.trustlevel encryptionError: wrapper.encryptionError timestamp: wrapper.timestamp status: wrapper.status index: wrapper.index relatedEventCacheBuster: wrapper.relatedEventCacheBuster y: section.visible && section.active ? section.y + section.height : 0 onHoveredChanged: { if (!Settings.mobileMode && hovered) { if (!messageActions.hovered) { messageActions.attached = timelinerow; messageActions.model = timelinerow; } } } background: Rectangle { id: scrollHighlight opacity: 0 visible: true z: 1 enabled: false color: Nheko.colors.highlight states: State { name: "revealed" when: wrapper.scrolledToThis } transitions: Transition { from: "" to: "revealed" SequentialAnimation { PropertyAnimation { target: scrollHighlight properties: "opacity" easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad from: 0 to: 1 duration: 500 } PropertyAnimation { target: scrollHighlight properties: "opacity" easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad from: 1 to: 0 duration: 500 } ScriptAction { script: chat.model.eventShown() } } } } } Connections { function onMovementEnded() { if (y + height + 2 * chat.spacing > chat.contentY + chat.height && y < chat.contentY + chat.height) chat.model.currentIndex = index; } target: chat } } footer: Item { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.margins: Nheko.paddingLarge visible: chat.model && chat.model.paginationInProgress // hacky, but works height: loadingSpinner.height + 2 * Nheko.paddingLarge Spinner { id: loadingSpinner anchors.centerIn: parent anchors.margins: Nheko.paddingLarge running: chat.model && chat.model.paginationInProgress foreground: Nheko.colors.mid z: 3 } } } Platform.Menu { id: messageContextMenu property string eventId property string threadId property string link property string text property int eventType property bool isEncrypted property bool isEditable property bool isSender function show(eventId_, threadId_, eventType_, isSender_, isEncrypted_, isEditable_, link_, text_, showAt_) { eventId = eventId_; threadId = threadId_; eventType = eventType_; isEncrypted = isEncrypted_; isEditable = isEditable_; isSender = isSender_; if (text_) text = text_; else text = ""; if (link_) link = link_; else link = ""; if (showAt_) open(showAt_); else open(); } Component { id: removeReason InputDialog { id: removeReasonDialog property string eventId title: qsTr("Reason for removal") prompt: qsTr("Enter reason for removal or hit enter for no reason:") onAccepted: function(text) { room.redactEvent(eventId, text); } } } Platform.MenuItem { visible: messageContextMenu.text enabled: visible text: qsTr("&Copy") onTriggered: Clipboard.text = messageContextMenu.text } Platform.MenuItem { visible: messageContextMenu.link enabled: visible text: qsTr("Copy &link location") onTriggered: Clipboard.text = messageContextMenu.link } Platform.MenuItem { id: reactionOption visible: room ? room.permissions.canSend(MtxEvent.Reaction) : false text: qsTr("Re&act") onTriggered: emojiPopup.show(null, function(emoji) { room.input.reaction(messageContextMenu.eventId, emoji); }) } Platform.MenuItem { visible: room ? room.permissions.canSend(MtxEvent.TextMessage) : false text: qsTr("Repl&y") onTriggered: room.reply = (messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { visible: messageContextMenu.isEditable && (room ? room.permissions.canSend(MtxEvent.TextMessage) : false) enabled: visible text: qsTr("&Edit") onTriggered: room.edit = (messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { visible: (room ? room.permissions.canSend(MtxEvent.TextMessage) : false) enabled: visible text: qsTr("&Thread") onTriggered: room.thread = (messageContextMenu.threadId || messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { visible: (room ? room.permissions.canChange(MtxEvent.PinnedEvents) : false) enabled: visible text: visible && room.pinnedMessages.includes(messageContextMenu.eventId) ? qsTr("Un&pin") : qsTr("&Pin") onTriggered: visible && room.pinnedMessages.includes(messageContextMenu.eventId) ? room.unpin(messageContextMenu.eventId) : room.pin(messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("&Read receipts") onTriggered: room.showReadReceipts(messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { visible: messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.ImageMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.VideoMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.AudioMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.FileMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.Sticker || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.TextMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.LocationMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.EmoteMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.NoticeMessage text: qsTr("&Forward") onTriggered: { var forwardMess = forwardCompleterComponent.createObject(timelineRoot); forwardMess.setMessageEventId(messageContextMenu.eventId); forwardMess.open(); timelineRoot.destroyOnClose(forwardMess); } } Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("&Mark as read") } Platform.MenuItem { text: qsTr("View raw message") onTriggered: room.viewRawMessage(messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { // TODO(Nico): Fix this still being iterated over, when using keyboard to select options visible: messageContextMenu.isEncrypted enabled: visible text: qsTr("View decrypted raw message") onTriggered: room.viewDecryptedRawMessage(messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { visible: (room ? room.permissions.canRedact() : false) || messageContextMenu.isSender text: qsTr("Remo&ve message") onTriggered: function() { var dialog = removeReason.createObject(timelineRoot); dialog.eventId = messageContextMenu.eventId; dialog.show(); dialog.forceActiveFocus(); timelineRoot.destroyOnClose(dialog); } } Platform.MenuItem { visible: messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.ImageMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.VideoMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.AudioMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.FileMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.Sticker enabled: visible text: qsTr("&Save as") onTriggered: room.saveMedia(messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { visible: messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.ImageMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.VideoMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.AudioMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.FileMessage || messageContextMenu.eventType == MtxEvent.Sticker enabled: visible text: qsTr("&Open in external program") onTriggered: room.openMedia(messageContextMenu.eventId) } Platform.MenuItem { visible: messageContextMenu.eventId enabled: visible text: qsTr("Copy link to eve&nt") onTriggered: room.copyLinkToEvent(messageContextMenu.eventId) } } Component { id: forwardCompleterComponent ForwardCompleter { } } Platform.Menu { id: replyContextMenu property string text property string link property string eventId function show(text_, link_, eventId_) { text = text_; link = link_; eventId = eventId_; open(); } Platform.MenuItem { visible: replyContextMenu.text enabled: visible text: qsTr("&Copy") onTriggered: Clipboard.text = replyContextMenu.text } Platform.MenuItem { visible: replyContextMenu.link enabled: visible text: qsTr("Copy &link location") onTriggered: Clipboard.text = replyContextMenu.link } Platform.MenuItem { visible: true enabled: visible text: qsTr("&Go to quoted message") onTriggered: chat.model.showEvent(replyContextMenu.eventId) } } RoundButton { id: toEndButton anchors { bottom: parent.bottom right: scrollbar.left bottomMargin: Nheko.paddingMedium+(fullWidth-width)/2 rightMargin: Nheko.paddingMedium+(fullWidth-width)/2 } property int fullWidth: 40 width: 0 height: width radius: width/2 onClicked: chat.positionViewAtBeginning(); flat: true hoverEnabled: true background: Rectangle { color: toEndButton.down ? Nheko.colors.highlight : Nheko.colors.button opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.3 border.color: toEndButton.hovered ? Nheko.colors.highlight : Nheko.colors.buttonText border.width: 1 radius: toEndButton.radius } states: [ State { name: "" PropertyChanges { target: toEndButton; width: 0 } }, State { name: "shown" when: !chat.atYEnd PropertyChanges { target: toEndButton; width: toEndButton.fullWidth } } ] Image { id: buttonImg anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: Nheko.paddingMedium source: "image://colorimage/:/icons/icons/ui/download.svg?" + (toEndButton.down ? Nheko.colors.highlightedText : Nheko.colors.buttonText) fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } transitions: Transition { from: "" to: "shown" reversible: true SequentialAnimation { PauseAnimation { duration: 500 } PropertyAnimation { target: toEndButton properties: "width" easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad duration: 200 } } } } }