ActiveCallBarCalling...Llamando...Connecting...Conectando...You are screen sharingEstás compartiendo tu pantallaHide/Show Picture-in-PictureOcultar/Mostrar Picture-in-PictureUnmute MicDesilenciar micrófonoMute MicSilenciar micrófonoAliasEditingModelFailed to unpublish alias %1: %2Failed to update aliases: %1AliasEditorAliases to %1List of aliases to this room. Usually you can only add aliases on your server. You can have one canonical alias and many alternate aliases.Primary aliasMake primary aliasAdvertise as an alias in this roomPublish in room directoryRemove this alias#new-alias:server.tldAddAñadirAllowedRoomsSettingsDialogAllowed rooms settingsList of rooms that allow access to this room. Anyone who is in any of those rooms can join this room.Parent communityOther roomEnter additional rooms not in the list yet...Cache%1 and %2RoomName%1 and %n other(s)%1 y %n otro%1 y %n otrosEmpty RoomSala vacíaCallInviteVideo CallVideollamadaVoice CallLlamada de vozNo microphone found.No se encontró micrófono.CallInviteBarVideo CallVideollamadaVoice CallLlamada de vozDevicesDispositivosAcceptAceptarNo microphone found.No se encontró micrófono.Unknown microphone: %1Micrófono desconocido: %1Unknown camera: %1Cámara desconocida: %1DeclineRechazarCallManagerX11PipeWireEntire screenPantalla completaChatPageFailed to invite user: %1No se pudo invitar al usuario: %1Invited user: %1Se invitó al usuario: %1%n unread message(s) in room %1
Confirm logoutBecause of the following reason Nheko wants to drop you to the login page:
If you think this is a mistake, you can close Nheko instead to possibly recover your encryption keys. After you have been dropped to the login page, you can sign in again using your usual methods.Migrating the cache to the current version failed. This can have different reasons. Please open an issue at and try to use an older version in the meantime. Alternatively you can try deleting the cache manually.The cache on your disk is newer than this version of Nheko supports. Please update Nheko or clear your cache.La cache en su disco es más reciente de lo que esta versión de Nheko soporta. Por favor actualiza Nheko o limpia la cache.Failed to open database, logging out!Error al abrir la base de datos, cerrando sesión!Knock on roomYou failed to join %1. You can try to knock so that others can invite you in. Do you want to do so?
You may optionally provide a reason for others to accept your knock:Do you really want to knock on %1? You may optionally provide a reason for others to accept your knock:Failed to knock room: %1Room creation failed: Bad AliasRoom %1 created.Sala %1 creada.Confirm inviteConfirmar invitaciónDo you really want to invite %1 (%2)?¿Seguro que quieres invitar a %1 (%2)?Failed to invite %1 to %2: %3No se ha podido invitar a %1 a %2: %3Reason for the kickEnter reason for kicking %1 (%2) or hit enter for no reason:Kicked user: %1Se ha expulsado a %1Reason for the banEnter reason for banning %1 (%2) or hit enter for no reason:Failed to ban %1 in %2: %3Error al banear a %1 en %2: %3Banned user: %1Usuario baneado: %1Confirm unbanConfirmar desbaneoDo you really want to unban %1 (%2)?¿Seguro que quieres desbanear a %1 (%2)?Failed to unban %1 in %2: %3Error al desbanear a %1 en %2: %3Unbanned user: %1Usuario desbaneado: %1Do you really want to start a private chat with %1?¿Seguro que quieres comenzar un chat privado con %1?Cache migration failed!Migración de cache fallida!Incompatible cache versionVersión de cache incompatibleFailed to restore OLM account. Please login again.No se ha podido restaurar la cuenta OLM. Por favor inicia sesión de nuevo.Failed to restore save data. Please login again.No se ha podido restaurar los datos guardados. Por favor inicia sesión de nuevo.Failed to setup encryption keys. Server response: %1 %2. Please try again later.No se han podido configurar las claves de encriptación. Respuesta del servidor: %1 %2. Por favor intentalo de nuevo más tarde.Please try to login again: %1Por favor intenta iniciar sesión de nuevo: %1Failed to join room: %1No se pudo unir a la sala %1Failed to remove invite: %1Falló al remover la invitación: %1Room creation failed: %1No se pudo crear la sala: %1Failed to leave room: %1Error al salir de la sala: %1Failed to kick %1 from %2: %3Falló al expulsar a %1 de %2: %3No network connectionCommandCompleter/me <message>/react <text>/join <!roomid|#alias> [reason]/knock <!roomid|#alias> [reason]/part [reason]/leave [reason]/invite <@userid> [reason]/kick <@userid> [reason]/ban <@userid> [reason]/unban <@userid> [reason]/redact <$eventid|@userid>/roomnick <displayname>/shrug [message]/md <message>/cmark <message>/plain <message>/rainbow <message>/rainbowme <message>/notice <message>/rainbownotice <message>/confetti [message]/rainbowconfetti [message]/rainfall [message]/msgtype <msgtype> [message]/goto <message reference>Send a message expressing an action.Send <text> as a reaction when you’re replying to a message.Join a room. Reason is optional.Ask to join a room. Reason is optional.Leave a room. Reason is optional.Invite a user into the current room. Reason is optional.Kick a user from the current room. Reason is optional.Ban a user from the current room. Reason is optional.Unban a user in the current room. Reason is optional.Redact an event or all locally cached messages of a user.Change your displayname in this room.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ with an optional message.(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻┯━┯╭( º _ º╭)ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\Clear the currently cached messages in this room.Refetch the state in this room.Rotate the current symmetric encryption key.Send a markdown formatted message (ignoring the global setting).Send a commonmark formatted message disabling most extensions compared to /md.Send an unformatted message (ignoring the global setting).Send a message in rainbow colors.Send /me in rainbow colors.Send a bot message.Send a bot message in rainbow colors.Send a message with confetti.Send a message in rainbow colors with confetti.Send a message with rain.Send a message with a custom message type.Go to a specific message using an event id, index or matrix: linkConvert this room to a direct chat.Convert this direct chat into a room.CommunitiesListExpandExpandirCollapseColapsarDo not show notification counts for this community or tag.Hide rooms with this tag or from this community by default.CommunitiesModelAll roomsTodas las salasShows all rooms without filtering.Mostrar todas las salas sin filtros.Direct ChatsChats DirectosShow direct chats.Mostrar chats directos.FavouritesFavoritosRooms you have favourited.Salas que has marcado como favoritas.Low PriorityBaja prioridadRooms with low priority.Salas con baja prioridad.Server NoticesAvisos del servidorMessages from your server or administrator.Mensajes de tu servidor o administrador.Failed to update community: %1Failed to delete room from community: %1Failed to update community for room: %1Failed to remove community from room: %1ConfirmJoinRoomDialogConfirm community joinConfirm room join%n member(s)%n miembro%n miembrosThis room can't be joined directly. You can, however, knock on the room and room members can accept or decline this join request. You can additionally provide a reason for them to let you in below:Do you want to join this room? You can optionally add a reason below:KnockJoinCreateDirectCreate Direct ChatUser to invite@user:server.tldEncryptionEncriptaciónCreateRoomNew communityNew RoomNameNombreNo nameTopicTemaNo topicAliasAliasPublicPúblicoPublic rooms can be joined by anyone; private rooms need explicit invites.TrustedAll invitees are given the same power level as the creatorEncryptionEncriptaciónCaution: Encryption cannot be disabledCreate RoomCrossSigningSecretsDecrypt secretsDesencriptar secretosEnter your recovery key or passphrase to decrypt your secrets:Utiliza tu clave de recuperación o contraseña para desencriptar tus secretos:Enter your recovery key or passphrase called %1 to decrypt your secrets:Utiliza tu clave de recuperación o contraseña llamada %1 para desencriptar tus secretos:Decryption failedDesencriptación fallidaFailed to decrypt secrets with the provided recovery key or passphraseError al desencriptar los secretos con la clave de recuperación o contraseña utilizadasDigitVerificationVerification CodeCódigo de verificaciónPlease verify the following digits. You should see the same numbers on both sides. If they differ, please press 'They do not match!' to abort verification!Por favor verifica los siguientes digitos. Deberías ver los mismos números en ambos lados. Si son diferentes,por favor presiona 'No son iguales!' para abortar la verificación!They do not match!No son iguales!They match!Son iguales!EmojiVerificationVerification CodeCódigo de verificaciónPlease verify the following emoji. You should see the same emoji on both sides. If they differ, please press 'They do not match!' to abort verification!Por favor verifica el siguiente emoji. Deberías ver el mismo emoji en ambos lados. Si son diferentes, por favor presiona 'No son iguales!' para abortar la verificación!The displayed emoji might look different in different clients if a different font is used. Similarly they might be translated into different languages. Nonetheless they should depict one of 64 different objects or animals. For example a lion and a cat are different, but a cat is the same even if one client just shows a cat face, while another client shows a full cat body.They do not match!No son iguales!They match!Son iguales!EncryptedThere is no key to unlock this message. We requested the key automatically, but you can try requesting it again if you are impatient.No hay clave para desbloquear este mensaje. Solicitamos la clave automáticamente, pero puedes intentar solicitandola de nuevo si eres impaciente.This message couldn't be decrypted, because we only have a key for newer messages. You can try requesting access to this message.Este mensaje no pudo ser desencriptado, porque sólo tenemos la clave para los mensajes más recientes. Puedes intentar solicitando acceso a este mensaje.There was an internal error reading the decryption key from the database.Hubo un error interno leyendo la clave de desencriptación de la base de datos.There was an error decrypting this message.Hubo un error desencriptando este mensaje.The message couldn't be parsed.Este mensaje no pudo ser procesado.The encryption key was reused! Someone is possibly trying to insert false messages into this chat!La clave de encriptación fue reusada! Es posible que alguien este intentando insertar mensajes falsos en enste chat!Unknown decryption errorError de desencriptación desconocidoRequest keySolicitar claveEncryptionEnabled%1 enabled end-to-end encryptionEncryption keeps your messages safe by only allowing the people you sent the message to to read it. For extra security, if you want to make sure you are talking to the right people, you can verify them in real life.EncryptionIndicatorThis message is not encrypted!Este mensaje no está encriptado!Encrypted by a verified deviceEncriptado por un dispositivo verificadoEncrypted by an unverified device, but you have trusted that user so far.Encriptado por un dispositivo sin verificar, pero hasta ahora has confiado en este usuario.Encrypted by an unverified device or the key is from an untrusted source like the key backup.Encriptado por un dispositivo sin verificar o la clave proviene de una fuente no confiable como la copia de seguridad.EventExpirationDialogEvent expiration for %1Event expirationYou can configure when your messages will be deleted in %1. This only happens when Nheko is open and has permissions to delete messages until Matrix servers support this feature natively. In general 0 means disable.You can configure when your messages will be deleted in all rooms unless configured otherwise. This only happens when Nheko is open and has permissions to delete messages until Matrix servers support this feature natively. In general 0 means disable.Expire events after X daysAutomatically redacts messages after X days, unless otherwise protected. Set to 0 to disable.Only keep latest X eventsDeletes your events in this room if there are more than X newer messages unless otherwise protected. Set to 0 to disable.Always keep latest X eventsThis prevents events to be deleted by the above 2 settings if they are the latest X messages from you in the room.Include state eventsIf this is turned on, old state events also get redacted. The latest state event of any type+key combination is excluded from redaction to not remove the room name and similar state by accident.EventExpiryFailed to set hidden events: %1FailedVerification failedVerificación fallidaOther client does not support our verification protocol.El otro cliente no soporta nuestro protocolo de verificación.Key mismatch detected!Las claves no son iguales!Device verification timed out.Se agotó el tiempo para verificar el dispositivo.Other party canceled the verification.El otro grupo canceló la verificación.Verification messages received out of order!Los mensajes de verificación fueron recibidos en desorden!Unknown verification error.Error de verificación desconocido.CloseCerrarFallbackAuthDialogFallback authenticationOpen the fallback, follow the steps, and confirm after completing them.Open Fallback in BrowserAbrir respaldo en el navegadorCancelCancelarConfirmConfirmarForwardCompleterForward MessageReenviar MensajeGridImagePackModelAccount PackHiddenEventsFailed to set hidden events: %1HiddenEventsDialogHidden events for %1Hidden eventsThese events will be <b>shown</b> in %1:These events will be <b>shown</b> in all rooms:User eventsJoins, leaves, avatar and name changes, bans, …Power level changesSent when a moderator is added/removed or the permissions of a room are changed.StickersStickersIgnoredUsersIgnored usersIgnoring a user hides their messages (they can still see yours!).Stop Ignoring.ImagePackEditorDialogEditing image packJust in case, I'll be leaving pack as pack instead of using paquete (which is the valid translation) but since a lot of spanish speaking people just say pack, I think it's fineEditando pack de imágenesAdd imagesAñadir imágenesImages (*.png *.webp *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg)Imágenes (*.png *.webp *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg)Select images for packSeleccionar imágenes para el packAdd to packAñadir al packChange the overview image for this packCambiar la imagen previa para este packOverview Image (*.png *.webp *.jpg *.jpeg)Imagen previa (*.png *.webp *.jpg *.jpeg)Select overview image for packSeleccionar imagen previa para el packState keyThere isn't a reasonable translation for this and it will sound ridiculous if I translate it, so I'll just leave it as isState keyPacknameNombre del packAttributionAtribuciónUse as EmojiUsar como EmojiUse as StickerUsar como StickerShortcodeAliasBodyCuerpoRemove from packEliminar del packRemoveEliminarImagePackSettingsDialogImage pack settingsAjustes del pack de imágenesCreate account packCrear pack globalNew room packNuevo pack para la salaPrivate packPack privadoPack from this roomPack de esta salaPack from parent communityGlobally enabled packPack habilitado globalmenteEnable globallyHabilitar pack globalmenteEnables this pack to be used in all roomsPermite que este pack sea usado en todas las salasEditEditarCloseCerrarInputBarAll Files (*)Todos los archivos (*)Select file(s)Upload of '%1' failedInviteDialogInvite users to %1Invitar usuarios a %1Search user@user:yourserver.example.comExample user id. The name 'user' can be localized however you want.Search on ServerInviteInvitarCancelCancelarJoinRoomDialogJoin roomUnirse a la salaRoom ID or aliasID de la sala o aliasJoinLeaveRoomDialogLeave roomSalir de la salaAre you sure you want to leave?¿Seguro que deseas salir?LoginPageYou have entered an invalid Matrix ID e.g. @user:yourserver.example.comAutodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.El autodescubrimiento falló. Se ha recibido una respuesta malformada.Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known.El autodescubrimiento falló. Error desconocido al solicitar .well-known.The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server.No se han encontrado los puntos finales requeridos. Es posible que no sea un servidor de Matrix.Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Se recibió una respuesta malformada. Asegurate de que el dominio del servidor base es valido.An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Un error desconocido ocurrió. Asegurate de que el dominio del servidor es válido.The selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol, that this client understands (v1.1 to v1.5). You can't sign in.Sign in with AppleContinue with FacebookSign in with GoogleSign in with TwitterLogin using %1SSO LOGININICIO DE SESION SSOEmpty passwordContraseña vaciaSSO login failedEl inicio de sesión SSO fallóMatrix IDID de Matrixe.g @user:yourserver.example.comYour login name. A mxid should start with @ followed by the user ID. After the user ID you need to include your server name after a :.
You can also put your homeserver address there if your server doesn't support .well-known lookup.
If Nheko fails to discover your homeserver, it will show you a field to enter the server manually.PasswordContraseñaYour password.Tu contraseña.Device nameNombre de dispositivoA name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided, a default is used.Homeserver addressDirección del servidor address that can be used to contact your homeserver's client API.
Example: SESIONBackLogoutDialogLog outCerrar sesiónA call is in progress. Log out?Una llamada está en progreso . Cerrar sesión?Are you sure you want to log out?¿Seguro que deseas cerrar sesión?MediaUploadFailed to upload media. Please try again.No se ha podido subir el archivo. Por favor, intenta de nuevo.MessageInputHang upColgarPlace a callLlamarAlready on a callSend a fileEnviar archivoWrite a message...Escribe un mensaje...StickersStickersEmojiEmojiSendEnviarYou don't have permission to send messages in this roomNo tienes permisos para enviar mensajes en esta salaMessageViewEditEditarReactReaccionarReply in threadNew threadReplyResponderGo to messageOptionsOpcionesEnter reason for removal or hit enter for no reason:Reason for removalGo to &message&Copy&CopiarCopy &link locationCopiar dirección de &enlaceRe&actRe&accionarRepl&yRespo&nder&Edit&Editar&ThreadUn&pinDes&fijar&Pin&Fijar&Read receipts&Forward&Reenviar&Mark as read&Marcar como leidoView raw messageVer código fuenteView decrypted raw messageVer código fuente sin encriptarRemo&ve messageElimin&ar mensajeReport message&Save as&Guardar como&Open in external program&Abrir en programa externoCopy link to eve&ntCopiar enlace a even&to&Go to quoted message&Ir a mensaje citadoNewVerificationRequestSend Verification RequestEnviar solicitud de verificaciónReceived Verification RequestSolicitud de verificación recibidaTo allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify an unverified device now? (Please make sure you have one of those devices available.)To allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify %1 now?To ensure that no malicious user can eavesdrop on your encrypted communications you can verify the other party.Para asegurarse de que ningún usuario malicioso pueda espiar tus comunicaciones encriptadas puedes verificar con el otro grupo.%1 has requested to verify their device %2.%1 ha solicitado verificar su dispositivo %2.%1 using the device %2 has requested to be verified.%1 utilizando el dispositivo %2 ha solicitado ser verificado.Your device (%1) has requested to be verified.Tu dispositivo (%1) ha solicitado ser verificado.CancelCancelarDenyRechazarStart verificationComenzar verificaciónAcceptAceptarNotificationsManager%1 sent an encrypted message%1 envió un mensaje encriptado%1 replied: %2Format a reply in a notification. %1 is the sender, %2 the message%1 respondió %2%1 replied with an encrypted message%1 respondió con un mensaje encriptado%1 replied to a message%1 respondió a un mensaje%1 sent a message%1 envió un mensajePlaceCallPlace a call to %1?Hacer una llamada a %1?No microphone found.No se encontró micrófono.VoiceVozVideoVideoScreenPantallaCancelCancelarPlaceholderunimplemented event: evento-sin-implementar: PowerLevelEditorPermissions in %1Be careful when editing permissions. You can't lower the permissions of people with a same or higher level than you. Be careful when promoting others.RolesUsersMove permissions between roles to change themAdministrator (%1)Moderator (%1)User (%1)Custom (%1)Remove event typeAdd event typeAdd new roleAddAñadirMove users up or down to change their permissionsRemove userAdd userPowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogApply permission changesWhich of the subcommunities and rooms should these permissions be applied to?Apply permissions recursivelyOverwrite exisiting modifications in roomsNo permissions to apply the new permissions hereNo changes neededExisting modifications to the permissions in this room will be overwrittenPermissions synchronized with communityPowerLevelsFailed to update powerlevel: %1PowerlevelEditingModelsFailed to update powerlevel: %1PowerlevelIndicatorAdministrator: %1Moderator: %1User: %1PowerlevelsTypeListModelOther eventsOther state eventsRemove other usersBan other usersInvite other usersRedact events sent by othersReactionsDeprecated aliases eventsChange the room avatarChange the room addressesSend encrypted messagesEnable encryptionChange guest accessChange history visibilityChange who can joinSend messagesChange the room nameChange the room permissionsChange the rooms topicChange the widgetsChange the widgets (experimental)Redact own eventsChange the pinned eventsUpgrade the roomSend stickersBan users using policy rulesBan rooms using policy rulesBan servers using policy rulesEdit child communities and roomsChange parent communitiesStart a callNegotiate a callAnswer a callHang up a callReject a callChange the room emotesPowerlevelsUserListModelOther usersQCoreApplicationCreate a unique profile which allows you to log into several accounts at the same time and start multiple instances of nheko.profileperfilprofile namenombre del perfilQObjectRespondSendEnviarWrite a message...Escribe un mensaje...Alias for '--log-level trace'.Set the global log level, or a comma-separated list of <component>=<level> pairs, or both. For example, to set the default log level to 'warn' but disable logging for the 'ui' component, pass 'warn,ui=off'. levels:{trace,debug,info,warning,error,critical,off} components:{crypto,db,mtx,net,qml,ui}levelSet the log output type. A comma-separated list is allowed. The default is 'file,stderr'. types:{file,stderr,none}typeRecompacts the database which might improve performance.ReCaptchaDialogSolve the reCAPTCHA and press the confirm buttonResuelve el reCAPTCHA y presiona el botón de confirmarOpen reCAPTCHAAbrir reCAPTCHACancelCancelarConfirmConfirmarReadReceiptsRead receiptsVistosReadReceiptsModelYesterday, %1Ayer, %1RegisterPageAutodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.El autodescubrimiento falló. Se ha recibido una respuesta malformada.Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known.El autodescubrimiento falló. Error desconocido al solicitar .well-known.The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server.No se han encontrado los puntos finales requeridos. Es posible que no sea un servidor de Matrix.Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Recibió respuesta malformada. Asegurate de que el dominio del servidor base es valido.An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Un error desconocido ocurrió. Asegurate de que el dominio del servidor es válido.The selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol that this client understands (v1.1 to v1.5). You can't register.Server does not support querying registration flows!Server does not support registration.Invalid username.Name already in use.Part of the reserved namespace.HomeserverServidor baseyour.serverA server that allows registration. Since matrix is decentralized, you need to first find a server you can register on or host your own.Un servidor que permite registrarse. Debido a que matrix es descentralizado primero debes encontrar un servidor en el que puedas registrarte o mantener el tuyo propio.UsernameNombre de usuarioThe username must not be empty, and must contain only the characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /.El nombre de usuario no debe estar vacio, y sólo debe contener los carácteres a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, y /.BackPasswordContraseñaPlease choose a secure password. The exact requirements for password strength may depend on your server.Por favor escoge una contraseña segura. Los requerimientos exactos para la seguridad de la contraseña pueden depender de tu servidor.Password confirmationConfirmar contraseñaYour passwords do not match!Device nameNombre de dispositivoA name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided a default is used.REGISTERREGISTRARSEReplyPopupCloseCerrarCancel EditCancel ThreadReportMessageReport messageThis message you are reporting will be sent to your server administrator for review. Please note that not all server administrators review reported content. You should also ask a room moderator to remove the content if necessary.Enter your reason for reporting:How bad is the message?Not badMildBadSeriousExtremely seriousRoomDirectoryExplore Public RoomsExplorar salas públicasJoinOpenSearch for public roomsBuscar salas públicasChoose custom homeserverSeleccionar servidor base personalizadoCloseCerrarRoomInfono version storedninguna version guardadaRoomListStart a new chatComenzar un nuevo chatJoin a roomUnirse a una salaCreate a new roomCrear nueva salaStart a direct chatCreate a new communityRoom directoryListado de salasSearch rooms (Ctrl+K)User settingsAjustes de usuarioLogoutCerrar sesiónEnter your status message:Inserta tu estado:Status MessageEstadoProfile settingsAjustes de perfilSet status messageEstablecer estadoAutomatic online statusOnlineUnavailableOfflineEncryption not set upCross-signing setup has not run yet.La encriptación no está configuradaUnverified loginThe user just signed in with this device and hasn't verified their master key.Inicio de sesión sin verificarPlease verify your other devicesThere are unverified devices signed in to this account.Por favor verifica el resto de tus dispositivosCloseCerrarEnter the tag you want to use:Inserta la etiqueta que deseas usar:New tagNueva etiquetaOpen separatelyMark as readRoom settingsLeave roomSalir de la salaCopy room linkTag room as:Etiquetar sala como:FavouriteFavoritoLow priorityBaja prioridadServer noticeAviso del servidorCreate new tag...Crear nueva etiqueta...Add or remove from community...RoomMembersMembers of %1Miembros de: %1%n people in %1Summary above list of members%n persona en %1%n personas en %1Invite more peopleInvitar más personasSearch...Sort by: User IDDisplay namePower levelThis room is not encrypted!Esta sala no está encriptada!This user is verified.Este usuario está verificado.This user isn't verified, but is still using the same master key from the first time you met.Este usuario no está verificado, pero está usando la misma clave maestra desde la primera vez que se conocieron.This user has unverified devices!Este usuario tiene dispositivos sin verificar!RoomSettingsFailed to enable encryption: %1Error al activar la encriptación: %1Select an avatarSeleccionar un avatarAll Files (*)Todos los archivos (*)The selected file is not an imageEl archivo seleccionado no es una imagenError while reading file: %1Error al leer el archivo: %1Failed to upload image: %sHubo un problema al subir la imagen: %sRoomSettingsDialogRoom SettingsAjustes de la salaChange room avatar.Change name of this room%n member(s)%n miembro%n miembrosView members of %1No topic setChange topic of this roomNOTIFICATIONSNotificationsNotificationesMutedSilenciadoMentions onlySólo mencionesAll messagesTodos los mensajesENTRY PERMISSIONSAnyone can joinAllow knockingAllow joining via other roomsRooms to join viaChangeCambiarChange the list of rooms users can join this room via. Usually this is the official community of this room.Allow guests to joinApply access rulesMESSAGE VISIBILITYAllow viewing history without joiningThis is useful to see previews of the room or view it on public websites.Members can see messages sinceHow much of the history is visible to joined members. Changing this won't affect the visibility of already sent messages. It only applies to new messages.EverythingAs long as the user joined, they can see all previous messages.They got invitedMembers can only see messages from when they got invited going forward.They joinedMembers can only see messages since after they joined.Apply visibility changesLocally hidden eventsConfigureSelect events to hide in this roomAutomatic event deletionSelect if your events get automatically deleted in this room.GENERAL SETTINGSEncryptionEncriptaciónEnd-to-End EncryptionEncriptado de extremo a extremoPermissionView and change the permissions in this roomAliasesView and change the addresses/aliases of this roomSticker & Emote SettingsAjustes de Stickers & EmotesChange what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new onesINFOINFORMACIONInternal IDID InternoCopied to clipboardRoom VersionVersión de la salashow lessshow moreRoomlistModelPending invite.Invitación pendiente.Previewing this roomVista previa de esta salaNo preview availableVista previa no disponibleThis room is possibly inaccessibleRootPlease enter your login password to continue:Por favor inserta tu contraseña para iniciar sesión:Please enter a valid email address to continue:Por favor inserta un correo electrónico válido para continuar:Please enter a valid phone number to continue:Por favor inserta un número de teléfono válido para continuar:Please enter the token which has been sent to you:Wait for the confirmation link to arrive, then continue.Espera a que el enlace de confirmación llegue para continuar.ScreenShareShare desktop with %1?¿Compartir pantalla con %1?Method:Window:Ventana:Request screencastFrame rate:Tasa de fotogramas:Include your camera picture-in-pictureIncluir tu cámara picture-in-pictureRequest remote cameraSolicitar cámara remotaView your callee's camera like a regular video callVer la cámara de la persona que estás llamando como si fuera una videollamada normalHide mouse cursorEsconder el cursor del mouseShareCompartirPreviewVista previaCancelCancelarSecretStorageFailed to connect to secret storageHubo en error al conectarse al almacenamiento secretoNheko could not connect to the secure storage to save encryption secrets to. This can have multiple reasons. Check if your D-Bus service is running and you have configured a service like KWallet, Gnome Keyring, KeePassXC or the equivalent for your platform. If you are having trouble, feel free to open an issue here: no pudo conectarse al almacenamiento secreto para guardar los secretos encriptados. Esto puede tener múltiples razones. Verifica si D-Bus está funcionando y has configurado un servicio como KWallet, Gnome-Keyring, KeepassXC o el equivalente para tu plataforma. Si estás teniendo problemas, puedes abrir un problema aquí: is your recovery key. You will need it to restore access to your encrypted messages and verification keys. Keep this safe. Don't share it with anyone and don't lose it! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200!Esta es tu clave de seguridad. La necesitaras para restaurar acceso a tus mensajes encriptados y claves de verificación. Mantenla segura. No la compartas con nadie y no la pierdas! No la dejes ir! No aceptes $200 por ella!Encryption setup successfullyEncriptación configurada de forma exitosaFailed to setup encryption: %1No se pudo configurar la encriptación: %1Setup EncryptionConfigurar encriptaciónHello and welcome to Matrix!
It seems like you are new. Before you can securely encrypt your messages, we need to setup a few small things. You can either press accept immediately or adjust a few basic options. We also try to explain a few of the basics. You can skip those parts, but they might prove to be helpful!Hola y bienvenido a Matrix!
Parece que eres nuevo. Antes de que puedas encriptar tus mensajes de forma segura, debemos configurar unas cuantas cosas. Puedes presionar aceptar de inmediato o ajustar unas cuantas opciones básicas. También intentamos explicar algunas de las bases. Puedes omitir esas partes, pero podrían ser útiles!Activate EncryptionActivar encriptaciónIt seems like you have encryption already configured for this account. To be able to access your encrypted messages and make this device appear as trusted, you can either verify an existing device or (if you have one) enter your recovery passphrase. Please select one of the options below.
If you choose verify, you need to have the other device available. If you choose "enter passphrase", you will need your recovery key or passphrase. If you click cancel, you can choose to verify yourself at a later point.Parece que ya tienes la encriptación configurada en esta cuenta. Para poder acceder a tus mensajes encriptados y hacer que este dispositivo aparezca como confiable puedes verificar con un dispositivo ya existente o (si tienes una) utilizar tu clave de recuperación. Por favor selecciona una de las opciones abajo.
Si escoges verificar, necesitas tener otro dispositivo disponible. Si escoges "insertar contraseña", necesitaras tu clave de recuperación o contraseña. Si haces click en cancelar, puedes verificar tu dispositivo en otro momento.verifyverificarenter passphraseinsertar contraseñaSelfVerificationStatusFailed to create keys for cross-signing!Falló en la creación de claves para firma cruzada!Failed to create keys for online key backup!Falló en la creación de claves para copia de seguridad en línea!Failed to create keys for secure server side secret storage!Falló en la creación de llaves para el almacenamiento secreto!Encryption SetupConfiguración de encriptaciónEncryption setup failed: %1Falló en la configuración de encriptación: %1Identity key changed. This breaks E2EE, so logging out.La clave de identidad cambió. Esto rompe la E2EE, por lo que se cierra la sesión.SingleImagePackModelFailed to update image pack: %1Falló en la actualización del pack de imágenes: %1Failed to delete old image pack: %1Falló al eliminar el antiguo pack de imágenes %1Failed to open image: %1Falló al abrir la imagen: %1Failed to upload image: %1Falló al subir la imagen: %1SpaceMenuLevelAdd or remove from communityOfficial community for this roomAffiliated community for this roomListed only for community membersListed only for room membersNot relatedSubcommunitiesStatusIndicatorFailedFallóSentEnviadoReceivedRecibidoReadVistoStickerPickerSearchBuscarChange what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new onesSuccessSuccessful VerificationVerificación ExitosaVerification successful! Both sides verified their devices!Verificación exitosa! Ambos lados verificaron sus dispositivos!CloseCerrarTimelineDefaultMessageStylePart of a threadTimelineEvent%1 placed a voice call.%1 hizo una llamada de voz.%1 placed a video call.%1 hizo una videollamada.%1 placed a call.%1 hizo una llamada.%1 answered the call.%1 atendió la llamada.%1 rejected the call.%1 selected answer.%1 ended the call.%1 terminó la llamada.%1 is negotiating the call...Allow them inPermitir que entrenThis room was replaced for the following reason: %1Go to replacement roomTimelineMetadataEditedEditadoPart of a threadTimelineModelMessage redaction failed: %1Falló en la eliminación del mensaje: %1Failed to encrypt event, sending aborted!Falló al encriptar el evento, abortando el envío!Save imageGuardar imagenSave videoGuardar vídeoSave audioGuardar audioSave fileGuardar archivo%1 and %2 are typing.Multiple users are typing. First argument is a comma separated list of potentially multiple users. Second argument is the last user of that list. (If only one user is typing, %1 is empty. You should still use it in your string though to silence Qt warnings.)%1 %2 está escribiendo.%1 y %2 están escribiendo.%1 opened the room to the public.%1 hizo la sala pública.%1 made this room require an invitation to join.%1 allowed to join this room by knocking.%1 se le permitió unirse a esta sala tocando la puerta.%1 allowed members of the following rooms to automatically join this room: %2%1 permitió a los miembros de las siguientes salas unirse automáticamente a a esta sala: %2%1 made the room open to guests.%1 abrió la sala a invitados.%1 has closed the room to guest access.%1 restringió la sala a invitados.%1 made the room history world readable. Events may be now read by non-joined people.%1 hizo el historial de la sala legible para cualquiera. Ahora los eventos pueden ser leídos por personas que no se hayan unido.%1 set the room history visible to members from this point on.%1 hizo el historial futuro visible a los miembros a partir de éste momento.%1 set the room history visible to members since they were invited.%1 hizo el historial de la sala visible a los miembros desde el momento en el que fueron invitados.%1 set the room history visible to members since they joined the room.%1 hizo el historial visible a los miembros desde el momento en el que se unieron a la sala.%1 has changed the room's permissions.%1 cambió los permisos de la sala.%1 has changed the room's kick powerlevel from %2 to %3.%n member(s) can now kick room members.%1 can now kick room members.%1 has changed the room's redact powerlevel from %2 to %3.%n member(s) can now redact room messages.%1 can now redact room messages.%1 has changed the room's ban powerlevel from %2 to %3.%n member(s) can now ban room members.%1 can now ban room members.%1 has changed the room's state_default powerlevel from %2 to %3.%n member(s) can now send state events.%1 can now send state events.%1 has changed the room's invite powerlevel from %2 to %3.%1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3. New users can now not send any events.%1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3. New users can now send events that are not otherwise restricted.%1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3.%1 has made %2 an administrator of this room.%1 has made %2 a moderator of this room.%1 has downgraded %2 to moderator of this room.%1 has changed the powerlevel of %2 from %3 to %4.%1 allowed only administrators to send "%2".%1 allowed only moderators to send "%2".%1 allowed everyone to send "%2".%1 has changed the powerlevel of event type "%2" from the default to %3.%1 has changed the powerlevel of event type "%2" from %3 to %4.(empty)%1 removed the following images from the pack %2:<br>%3%1 added the following images to the pack %2:<br>%3%1 changed the sticker and emotes in this room.%1 disabled the rule to ban users matching %2.%1 added a rule to ban users matching %2 for '%3'.%1 disabled the rule to ban rooms matching %2.%1 added a rule to ban rooms matching %2 for '%3'.%1 disabled the rule to ban servers matching %2.%1 added a rule to ban servers matching %2 for '%3'.Removed by %1Mensaje eliminado por %1%1 (%2) removed this message at %3%1 (%2) eliminó este mensaje a las %3Removed by %1 because: %2Mensaje eliminado por %1, razón: %2%1 (%2) removed this message at %3
Reason: %4%1 (%2) eliminó este mensaje a las %3
Razón: %4%1 invited %2.%1 has changed their avatar and changed their display name to %2.%1 cambió su avatar y su nombre a %2.%1 has changed their display name to %2.%1 cambió su nombre a %2.%1 changed their avatar.%1 cambió su avatar.%1 changed some profile info.%1 cambió información en su perfil.%1 joined.%1 se unió.%1 joined via authorisation from %2's server.%1 se unió a través de la autorización del servidor de %2.%2 kicked %1.%1 rejected their invite.%1 rechazó la invitación.%1 left the room.%1 abandonó la sala.Reason: %1Razón: %1%1 redacted their knock.%1 canceló después de tocar la puerta.%1 changed which servers are allowed in this room.%1 removed the room name.%1 changed the room name to: %2%1 removed the topic.%1 changed the topic to: %2%1 changed the room avatar to: %2%1 removed the room avatar.%1 changed the pinned messages.%1 cambió los mensajes fijados.%1 changed the addresses for this room.%1 cambió las direcciones para esta sala.%1 changed the parent communities for this room.%1 created and configured room: %2%1 creó y configuró la sala: %2%1 changed unknown state event %2.You joined this room.Te has unido a esta sala.%2 revoked the invite to %1.%2 unbanned %1.%2 rejected the knock from %1.%1 left after having already left!This is a leave event after the user already left and shouldn't happen apart from state resets%1 se fue después de ya haberse ido!%1 banned %2%1 knocked.%1 tocó a la puerta.TimelineSectionHeader%1's status messageTimelineViewNo room openNinguna sala abiertaYou are about to notify the whole roomEstás a punto de notificar a toda la salaThe command /%1 is not recognized and will be sent as part of your message/%1 looks like an incomplete command. To send it anyway, add a space to the end of your message.No preview availableVista previa no disponibleSettingsAjustes%n member(s)%n miembro%n miembrosView members of %1This room is possibly inaccessible. If this room is private, you should remove it from this community.join the conversationunirse a la conversaciónaccept inviteaceptar invitacióndecline inviterechazar invitaciónleaveInvited by %1 (%2)Hide invite reasonShow invite reasonBack to room listDe vuelta a la lista de salasTopBarNo room selectedNinguna sala seleccionadaIn %1Back to room listVolver a la lista de salasShow or hide pinned messagesMostrar u ocultar mensajes fijadosShow room members.This room contains only verified devices.Esta sala sólo contiene dispositivos verificados.This room contains verified devices and devices which have never changed their master key.Esta sala contiene dispositivos verificados y dispositivos que nunca han cambiado su clave maestra.This room contains unverified devices!Esta sala contiene dispositivos sin verificar!Search this roomRoom optionsAjustes de la salaInvite usersInvitar usuariosMembersMiembrosLeave roomSalir de la salaSettingsAjustesUnpinDesfijarEnter search queryTrayIconShowMostrarQuitSalirUIANo available registration flows!No hay flujos de registro disponibles!Registration abortedRegistro abortadoPlease enter a valid registration token.Por favor, introduzca un token de registro válido.Invalid tokenToken inválidoUploadBoxUpload %n file(s)UserProfileSign out device %1Cerrar sesión en el dispositivo %1You signed out this device.Cerraste sesión en este dispositivo.Failed to ignore "%1": %2Select an avatarSelecciona un avatarAll Files (*)Todos los archivos (*)The selected file is not an imageEl archivo seleccionado no es una imagenError while reading file: %1Error al leer el archivo: %1Global User ProfilePerfil de Usuario GlobalRoom User ProfilePerfil de Usuario en esta SalaChange avatar globally.Cambiar el avatar globalmente.Change avatar. Will only apply to this room.Cambiar el avatar. Sólo aplicara a esta sala.Change display name globally.Cambiar el nombre de usuario globalmente.Change display name. Will only apply to this room.Cambiar el nombre de usuario. Sólo aplicara a esta sala.<i><b>Status:</b> %1</i>Room: %1Sala: %1This is a room-specific profile. The user's name and avatar may be different from their global versions.Este es un perfil específico para esta sala. El nombre de usuario y avatar pueden ser diferentes de sus versiones globales.Open the global profile for this user.Abrir el perfil global para este usuario.VerifyVerificarStart a private chat.Empezar un chat privado.Kick the user.Expulsar al usuario.Ban the user.Banear al usuario.Unignore the user.Ignore the user.Refresh device list.Refrescar lista de dispositivos.DevicesDispositivosShared RoomsSign out this device.Cerrar sesión en este dispositivo.Change device name.Cambiar el nombre del dispositivo.Last seen %1 from %2Última vez visto %1 a las %2UnverifySin verificarUserSettingsDefaultPor defectoUserSettingsModelThemeTemaScale factorFactor de escalaHighlight message on hoverDestacar los mensajes al pasar el mouse por encimaLarge Emoji in timelineActivar emojis grandes en el chatMinimize to trayMinimizar la ventana a un icono en la barra de tareas cuando esta se cierreStart in trayAbrir automáticamente después de iniciar sesión en el sistemaCommunities sidebarScrollbars in room listSend messages as MarkdownEnviar mensajes en MarkdownUse shift+enter to send and enter to start a new lineEnable message bubblesEnable small AvatarsPlay animated images only on hoverRegroducir automáticamente los GIFs sólo al pasar el mouse por encimaTyping notificationsIndicador de escrituraSort rooms by unreadsOrganizar salas por mensajes no leidosSort rooms alphabeticallyShow buttons in timelineMostrar botones en la línea de tiempoLimit width of timelineLimitar la anchura de la línea de tiempoRead receiptsVistosHidden eventsIgnored usersDesktop notificationsNotificaciones de escritorioAlert on notificationAlertar cuando haya una notificaciónCircular AvatarsAvatares circularesUse identiconsUsar identiconsOpen images with external programOpen videos with external programDecrypt messages in sidebarDesencriptar mensajes en la barra lateralDecrypt notificationsShow message counts for communities and tagsDisplay fancy effects such as confettiReduce or disable animationsPrivacy ScreenPrivacidad de pantallaPrivacy screen timeout (in seconds [0 - 3600])Tiempo de espera para privacidad de pantalla (en segundos [0 3600])Touchscreen modeModo de pantalla táctilFont sizeTamaño de la fuenteFont FamilyNombre de la fuenteEmoji Font FamilyNombre de fuente para EmojisRingtoneTonoMicrophoneMicrófonoCameraCámaraCamera resolutionResolución de la cámaraCamera frame rateTasa de fotogramas de la cámaraAllow fallback call assist serverPermitir el servidor de respaldo de asistenciaSend encrypted messages to verified users onlyEnviar mensajes encriptados sólo a usuarios verificadosShare keys with verified users and devicesCompartir claves con usuarios y dispositivos verificadosOnline Key BackupCopia de seguridad en línea de clavesProfileUser IDAccesstokenDevice IDID de dispositivoDevice FingerprintHuella de dispositivoHomeserverServidor baseVersionPlatformGENERALGENERALACCESSIBILITYTIMELINESIDEBARTRAYGLOBAL MESSAGE VISIBILITYNOTIFICATIONSCALLSLLAMADASENCRYPTIONENCRIPTACIÓNINFOINFORMACIONSession KeysClaves de sesiónCross Signing SecretsOnline backup keySelf signing keyClave para autofirmarUser signing keyClave de usuario para firmasMaster signing keyClave privada maestra para firmarExpose room information via D-BusPeriodically update community routing informationPeriodically delete expired eventsDefaultPor defectoSet the notification sound to play when a call invite arrivesEscoge el sonido de notificación para las invitaciones de llamadasSet the max width of messages in the timeline (in pixels). This can help readability on wide screen when Nheko is maximizedSet timeout (in seconds) for how long after window loses
focus before the screen will be blurred.
Set to 0 to blur immediately after focus loss. Max value of 1 hour (3600 seconds)Establecer el tiempo de espera (en segundos) para el tiempo después de que la ventana
pierde el enfoque antes de que la pantalla se desenfoque.
Si se ajusta a 0, la pantalla se desenfoca inmediatamente después de la pérdida de enfoque. Valor máximo de 1 hora (3600 segundos)Change the background color of messages when you hover over them.Cambiar el color de fondo de los mensajes al pasar el mouse por encima.Make font size larger if messages with only a few emojis are displayed.Hacer el tamaño de la fuente más grande si se muestran mensajes que sólo tienen unos cuantos emojis.Keep the application running in the background after closing the client window.Mantener la aplicación en segundo plano después de cerrar la ventana del cliente.Start the application in the background without showing the client window.Ejecutar la aplicación en segundo plano sin mostrar la ventana del cliente.Show a column containing communities and tags next to the room list.Shows scrollbars in the room list and communities list.Allow using markdown in messages.
When disabled, all messages are sent as a plain text.Permitir usar markdown en los mensajes.
Cuando está deshabilitado, todos los mensajes son enviados en texto sin formato.Invert the behavior of the enter key in the text input, making it send the message when shift+enter is pressed and starting a new line when enter is pressed.Messages get a bubble background. This also triggers some layout changes (WIP).Avatars are resized to fit above the message.Plays media like GIFs or WEBPs only when explicitly hovering over them.Reproducir archivos como GIFs o WEBPs únicamente cuando pases sobre ellos.Show who is typing in a room.
This will also enable or disable sending typing notifications to others.Mostrar quién está escribiendo en una sala.
Esto también activa o desactiva enviar notificaciones cuando estes escribiendo.Display rooms with new messages first.
If this is off, the list of rooms will only be sorted by the preferred sorting order.
If this is on, rooms which have active notifications (the small circle with a number in it) will be sorted on top. Rooms that you have muted will still be sorted by the preferred sorting order, since you don't seem to consider them as important as the other rooms.Sort rooms alphabetically.
If this is off, the list of rooms will be sorted by the timestamp of the last message in a room.
If this is on, rooms that come first alphabetically will be sorted earlier than ones that come later.Show buttons to quickly reply, react or access additional options next to each message.Mostrar botones para responder rápidamente, reaccionar o acceder opciones adicionales junto a cada mensaje.Show if your message was read.
Status is displayed next to timestamps.
Warning: If your homeserver does not support this, your rooms will never be marked as read!Configure whether to show or hide certain events like room joins.Notify about received messages when the client is not currently focused.Show an alert when a message is received.
This usually causes the application icon in the task bar to animate in some fashion.Mostrar una alerta cuando un mensaje sea recibido.
Esto usualmente causa que el icono de la aplicación en la barra de tareas sea animado de alguna forma.Change the appearance of user avatars in chats.
OFF - square, ON - circle.Display an identicon instead of a letter when no avatar is set.Mostrar un identicon en lugar de una letra cuando no hay un avatar seleccionado.Opens images with an external program when tapping the image.
Note that when this option is ON, opened files are left unencrypted on disk and must be manually deleted.Opens videos with an external program when tapping the video.
Note that when this option is ON, opened files are left unencrypted on disk and must be manually deleted.Decrypt the messages shown in the sidebar.
Only affects messages in encrypted chats.Desencriptar mensajes mostrados en la barra lateral.
Sólo afecta a los mensajes en chats encriptados.Decrypt messages shown in notifications for encrypted chats.Choose where to show the total number of notifications contained within a community or tag.Some messages can be sent with fancy effects. For example, messages sent with '/confetti' will show confetti on screen.Nheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty. This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell.When the window loses focus, the timeline will
be blurred.Cuando la ventana no este enfocada, la línea de tiempo se volverá borrosa.Will prevent text selection in the timeline to make touch scrolling easier.Evitar seleccionar texto en la línea de tiempo para hacer el desplazamiento táctil más sencillo.Change the scale factor of the whole user interface.Cambiar el factor de escala de toda la interfaz de usuario.Will use as assist when your home server does not offer one.Se usará como asistencia cuando tu servidor base no lo ofrezca.Requires a user to be verified to send encrypted messages to them. This improves safety but makes E2EE more tedious.Requerir que un usuario este verificado para enviarle mensajes encriptados. Esto incrementa la seguridad pero hace la encriptación de extremo a extremo más tediosa.Automatically replies to key requests from other users if they are verified, even if that device shouldn't have access to those keys otherwise.Download message encryption keys from and upload to the encrypted online key backup.Descargar las claves de los mensajes y subirlas a tu copia de seguridad encriptada de la clave.The key to decrypt online key backups. If it is cached, you can enable online key backup to store encryption keys securely encrypted on the server.La clave para desencriptar copias de seguridad en línea. Si está en la cache, puedes activar la copia de seguridad en línea para almacenar tus claves de encriptación de forma segura en el servidor.The key to verify your own devices. If it is cached, verifying one of your devices will mark it verified for all your other devices and for users that have verified you.The key to verify other users. If it is cached, verifying a user will verify all their devices.La clave para verificar a otros usuarios. Si está en la cache, verificar a un usuario verificará a todos sus dispositivos.Your most important key. You don't need to have it cached, since not caching it makes it less likely it can be stolen and it is only needed to rotate your other signing keys.Tu clave más importante. No necesitar tenerla en la cache, debido a que no tenerla en cache hace menos probable que pueda ser robada y sólo es necesaria para rotar tus otras llaves de firmas.Allow third-party plugins and applications to load information about rooms you are in via D-Bus. This can have useful applications, but it also could be used for nefarious purposes. Enable at your own risk.
This setting will take effect upon restart.To allow new users to join a community, the community needs to expose some information about what servers participate in a room to community members. Since the room participants can change over time, this needs to be updated from time to time. This setting enables a background job to do that automatically.Regularly redact expired events as specified in the event expiration configuration. Since this is currently not executed server side, you need to have one client running this regularly.Manage your ignored users.System fontSystem emoji fontSelect a fileSeleccionar un archivoAll Files (*)Todos los archivos (*)Open Sessions FileAbrir el archivo de sesionesErrorErrorFile PasswordContraseña de archivoEnter the passphrase to decrypt the file:Inserta la contraseña para desencriptar el archivo:The password cannot be emptyLa contraseña no puede estar vacíaEnter passphrase to encrypt your session keys:Inserta la contraseña para encriptar tus claves de sesión:File to save the exported session keysArchivo para guardar las claves de sesión exportadasUserSettingsPageCACHEDEN CACHENOT CACHEDNO ESTA EN LA CACHEIMPORTIMPORTAREXPORTEXPORTARDOWNLOADDESCARGARREQUESTSOLICITARCONFIGUREMANAGEBackVerificationManagerNo encrypted private chat found with this user. Create an encrypted private chat with this user and try again.No se han encontrado chats privados encriptados con este usuario. Crea un chat privado encriptado con este usuario e intenta de nuevo.WaitingWaiting for other party…Esperando por el otro grupo...Waiting for other side to accept the verification request.Esperando a que el otro lado acepte la solicitud de verificación.Waiting for other side to continue the verification process.Esperando por el otro lado para continuar el proceso de verificación.Waiting for other side to complete the verification process.Esperando por el otro lado para completar el proceso de verificación.CancelCancelarWelcomePageWelcome to nheko! The desktop client for the Matrix protocol.Bienvenido a nheko! El cliente de sobremesa para el protocolo Matrix.Enjoy your stay!Disfruta tu estadía!REGISTERREGISTRARSELOGININICIAR SESIONReduce animationsNheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty. This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell.descriptiveTimeYesterdayAyeremoji-catagoryPeoplePersonasNatureNaturalezaFoodComidaActivityActividadesTravelViajesObjectsObjetosSymbolsSímbolosFlagsBanderasmessage-description sent:You sent an audio clipEnviaste un clip de audio%1 sent an audio clip%1 envió un clip de audioYou sent an imageEnviaste una imagen%1 sent an image%1 envió una imagenYou sent a fileEnviaste un archivo%1 sent a file%1 envió un archivoYou sent a videoEnviaste un vídeo%1 sent a video%1 envió un vídeoYou sent a stickerEnviaste un sticker%1 sent a sticker%1 envió un stickerYou sent a notificationEnviaste una notificación%1 sent a notification%1 envió una notificaciónYou: %1Tú: %1%1: %2%1: %2You sent a chat effect%1 sent a chat effectYou sent an encrypted messageEnviaste un mensaje encriptado%1 sent an encrypted message%1 envió un mensaje encriptadoYou placed a callLlamaste%1 placed a call%1 llamóYou answered a callRespondiste a la llamada%1 answered a call%1 respondió a la llamadaYou ended a callTerminaste la llamada%1 ended a call%1 terminó la llamadaYou rejected a call%1 rejected a callutilsUnknown Message TypeTipo de mensaje desconocido