ActiveCallBarCalling...Connecting...You are screen sharingHide/Show Picture-in-PictureUnmute MicMute MicAliasEditingModelFailed to unpublish alias %1: %2Gagal membatalkan publikasi alias %1: %2Failed to update aliases: %1Gagal memperbarui alias: %1AliasEditorAliases to %1List of aliases to this room. Usually you can only add aliases on your server. You can have one canonical alias and many alternate aliases.Primary aliasMake primary aliasAdvertise as an alias in this roomPublish in room directoryRemove this alias#new-alias:server.tldAddAllowedRoomsSettingsDialogAllowed rooms settingsList of rooms that allow access to this room. Anyone who is in any of those rooms can join this room.Parent communityOther roomEnter additional rooms not in the list yet...Cache%1 and %n other(s)%1 dan %n lainnyaEmpty RoomRuangan KosongCallInviteVideo CallVoice CallNo microphone found.CallInviteBarVideo CallVoice CallDevicesAcceptNo microphone found.Unknown microphone: %1Unknown camera: %1DeclineCallManagerX11X11PipeWirePipeWireEntire screenSemua layarChatPageFailed to invite user: %1Gagal mengundang pengguna: %1Invited user: %1Pengguna yang diundang: %1%n unread message(s) in room %1
%n pesan yang belum dibaca dalam ruangan %1Confirm logoutKonfirmasi keluar dari akunThe cache on your disk is newer than this version of Nheko supports. Please update Nheko or clear your cache.Tembolok pada diskmu lebih baru daripada versi yang didukung Nheko ini. Harap perbarui Nheko atau bersihkan tembolokmu.Failed to open database, logging out!Gagal untuk membuka basisdata, kamu telah dikeluarkan!Knock on roomKetuk pada ruanganDo you really want to knock on %1? You may optionally provide a reason for others to accept your knock:Apakah kamu ingin mengetuk pada %1? Kamu dapat memberikan alasan secara opsional supaya lainnya dapat menerima ketukan kamu:Failed to knock room: %1Gagal mengetuk ruangan: %1Room creation failed: Bad AliasPembuatan ruangan gagal: Alias Tidak BenarRoom %1 created.Ruangan %1 telah dibuat.Confirm inviteKonfirmasi undanganDo you really want to invite %1 (%2)?Apakah kamu ingin mengundang %1 (%2)?Failed to invite %1 to %2: %3Gagal mengundang %1 ke %2: %3Kicked user: %1Pengguna yang dikeluarkan: %1Failed to ban %1 in %2: %3Gagal mencekal %1 di %2: %3Banned user: %1Pengguna yang dicekal: %1Confirm unbanKonfirmasi menghilangkan cekalanDo you really want to unban %1 (%2)?Apakah kamu ingin menghilangkan cekalan %1 (%2)?Failed to unban %1 in %2: %3Gagal menghilangkan pencekalan %1 di %2: %3Unbanned user: %1Menghilangkan cekalan pengguna: %1Do you really want to start a private chat with %1?Apakah kamu ingin memulai chat privat dengan %1?Cache migration failed!Migrasi tembolok gagal!Because of the following reason Nheko wants to drop you to the login page:
If you think this is a mistake, you can close Nheko instead to possibly recover your encryption keys. After you have been dropped to the login page, you can sign in again using your usual methods.Karena alasan berikut Nheko ingin kamu kembali ke laman masuk:
Jika kamu pikir bahwa ini adalah kesalahan, kamu bisa menutup Nheko untuk memulihkan kunci enkripsimu. Setelah kamu berada di laman masuk, kamu bisa masuk lagi menggunakan metode biasanya.Migrating the cache to the current version failed. This can have different reasons. Please open an issue at and try to use an older version in the meantime. Alternatively you can try deleting the cache manually.Migrasi tembolok ke versi saat ini gagal. Ini dapat memiliki alasan yang berbeda. Silakan buka sebuah masalah di dan coba menggunakan versi yang lama untuk saat ini. Secara alternatif kamu bisa menghapus tembolok secara manual.Incompatible cache versionVersi tembolok tidak kompatibelFailed to restore OLM account. Please login again.Gagal memulihkan akun OLM. Mohon masuk lagi.Failed to restore save data. Please login again.Gagal memulihkan data yang tersimpan. Mohon masuk lagi.Failed to setup encryption keys. Server response: %1 %2. Please try again later.Gagal menyiapkan kunci enkripsi. Respons server: %1 %2. Silakan coba lagi nanti.Please try to login again: %1Mohon mencoba masuk lagi: %1You failed to join %1. You can try to knock so that others can invite you in. Do you want to do so?
You may optionally provide a reason for others to accept your knock:Kamu gagal bergabung %1. Kamu bisa mengetuk supaya yang lain bisa mengundangmu. Apakah kamu ingin melakukannya?
Kamu dapat memberikan alasan untuk orang lain untuk menerima ketukanmu:Failed to join room: %1Gagal bergabung ruangan: %1Failed to remove invite: %1Gagal menghapus undangan: %1Room creation failed: %1Pembuatan ruangan gagal: %1Failed to leave room: %1Gagal meninggalkan ruangan: %1Reason for the kickAlasan untuk mengeluarkanEnter reason for kicking %1 (%2) or hit enter for no reason:Masukkan alasan untuk mengeluarkan %1 (%2) atau tekan enter untuk mengeluarkan tanpa alasan:Failed to kick %1 from %2: %3Gagal mengeluarkan %1 dari %2: %3Reason for the banAlasan untuk mencekalEnter reason for banning %1 (%2) or hit enter for no reason:Masukkan alasan untuk mencekal %1 (%2) atau tekan enter untuk mencekal tanpa alasan:No network connectionCommandCompleter/me <message>/me <pesan>/react <text>/react <teks>/join <!roomid|#alias> [reason]/join <!idruangan|#alias> [alasan]/knock <!roomid|#alias> [reason]/knock <!idruangan|#alias> [alasan]/part [reason]/part [alasan]/leave [reason]/leave [alasan]/invite <@userid> [reason]/invite <@idpengguna> [alasan]/kick <@userid> [reason]/kick <@idpengguna> [alasan]/ban <@userid> [reason]/ban <@idpengguna> [alasan]/unban <@userid> [reason]/unban <@idpengguna> [alasan]/redact <$eventid|@userid>/redact <$idperistiwa|@idpengguna>/roomnick <displayname>/roomnick <namatampilan>/shrug [message]/shrug [pesan]/md <message>/md <pesan>/plain <message>/plain <pesan>/rainbow <message>/rainbow <pesan>/rainbowme <message>/rainbowme <pesan>/notice <message>/notice <pesan>/rainbownotice <message>/rainbownotice <pesan>/confetti [message]/confetti [pesan]/rainbowconfetti [message]/rainbowconfetti [pesan]/cmark <message>/cmark <pesan>/rainfall [message]/rainfall [pesan]/msgtype <msgtype> [message]/msgtype <jenis pesan> [pesan]/goto <message reference>/goto <referensi pesan>Send a message expressing an action.Kirim pesan mengekspresikan sebuah tindakan.Send <text> as a reaction when you’re replying to a message.Kirim <teks> sebagai reaksi ketika kamu membalas ke sebuah pesan.Join a room. Reason is optional.Bergabung dengan sebuah ruangan. Alasan opsional.Ask to join a room. Reason is optional.Bertanya untuk bergabung dengan sebuah ruangan. Alasan opsional.Leave a room. Reason is optional.Tinggalkan sebuah ruangan. Alasan opsional.Invite a user into the current room. Reason is optional.Undang seorang pengguna ke ruangan saat ini. Alasan opsional.Kick a user from the current room. Reason is optional.Keluarkan seorang pengguna dari ruangan saat ini. Alasan opsional.Ban a user from the current room. Reason is optional.Cekal seorang pengguna dari ruangan saat ini. Alasan opsional.Unban a user in the current room. Reason is optional.Batalkan cekalan seorang pengguna di ruangan saat ini. Alasan opsional.Redact an event or all locally cached messages of a user.Redaksi sebuah peristiwa atau semua pesan tembolok lokal pengguna.Change your displayname in this room.Ubah nama tampilanmu dalam ruangan ini.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ with an optional message.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ dengan pesan opsional.(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻┯━┯╭( º _ º╭)┯━┯╭( º _ º╭)ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\Clear the currently cached messages in this room.Hapus pesan yang saat ini ditembolok dalam ruangan ini.Refetch the state in this room.Dapatkan ulang keadaan di ruangan ini.Rotate the current symmetric encryption key.Putar kunci enkripsi simetris saat ini.Send a markdown formatted message (ignoring the global setting).Kirim pesan dengan format markdown (mengabaikan pengaturan global).Send a commonmark formatted message disabling most extensions compared to /md.Kirim pesan yang diformat dengan CommonMark, menonaktifkan banyak ekstensi dibandingkan /md.Send an unformatted message (ignoring the global setting).Kirim pesan tanpa format (mengabaikan pengaturan global).Send a message in rainbow colors.Kirim pesan dengan warna pelangi.Send /me in rainbow colors.Kirim /me dengan warna pelangi.Send a bot message.Kirim pesan bot.Send a bot message in rainbow colors.Kirim pesan bot dengan warna pelangi.Send a message with confetti.Kirim pesan dengan konfeti.Send a message in rainbow colors with confetti.Kirim pesan dengan warna pelangi dengan konfeti.Send a message with rain.Kirim pesan dengan hujan.Send a message with a custom message type.Kirim pesan dengan jenis pesan khusus.Go to a specific message using an event id, index or matrix: linkPergi ke pesan spesifik menggunakan sebuah ID peristiwa, indeks, atau tautan matrix:Convert this room to a direct chat.Ubah ruangan ini ke obrolan langsung.Convert this direct chat into a room.Ubah obrolan langsung ini ke sebuah ruangan.CommunitiesListExpandCollapseDo not show notification counts for this community or tag.Hide rooms with this tag or from this community by default.CommunitiesModelAll roomsSemua ruanganShows all rooms without filtering.Menampilkan semua ruangan tanpa penyaringan.Direct ChatsPesan LangsungShow direct chats.Tampilkan pesan langsung.FavouritesFavoritRooms you have favourited.Ruangan yang kamu favoritkan.Low PriorityPrioritas RendahRooms with low priority.Ruangan dengan prioritas rendah.Server NoticesPemberitahuan ServerMessages from your server or administrator.Pesan dari servermu atau administratormu.Failed to update community: %1Gagal memperbarui komunitas: %1Failed to delete room from community: %1Gagal menghapus ruangan dari komunitas: %1Failed to update community for room: %1Gagal memperbarui komunitas untuk ruangan: %1Failed to remove community from room: %1Gagal menghapus komunitas dari ruangan: %1ConfirmJoinRoomDialogConfirm community joinConfirm room join%n member(s)This room can't be joined directly. You can, however, knock on the room and room members can accept or decline this join request. You can additionally provide a reason for them to let you in below:Do you want to join this room? You can optionally add a reason below:KnockJoinCreateDirectCreate Direct ChatUser to invite@user:server.tldEncryptionCreateRoomNew communityNew RoomNameNo nameTopicNo topicAliasPublicPublic rooms can be joined by anyone; private rooms need explicit invites.TrustedAll invitees are given the same power level as the creatorEncryptionCaution: Encryption cannot be disabledCreate RoomCrossSigningSecretsDecrypt secretsDekripsi rahasiaEnter your recovery key or passphrase to decrypt your secrets:Masukkan kunci pemulihanmu atau frasa sandi untuk mendekripsikan rahasiamu:Enter your recovery key or passphrase called %1 to decrypt your secrets:Masukkan kunci pemulihanmu atau frasa sandi yang bernama %1 untuk mendekripsikan rahasiamu:Decryption failedGagal mendekripsiFailed to decrypt secrets with the provided recovery key or passphraseGagal mendekripsi rahasia dengan kunci pemulihan atau frasa sandi yang diberikanDigitVerificationVerification CodePlease verify the following digits. You should see the same numbers on both sides. If they differ, please press 'They do not match!' to abort verification!They do not match!They match!EmojiVerificationVerification CodePlease verify the following emoji. You should see the same emoji on both sides. If they differ, please press 'They do not match!' to abort verification!The displayed emoji might look different in different clients if a different font is used. Similarly they might be translated into different languages. Nonetheless they should depict one of 64 different objects or animals. For example a lion and a cat are different, but a cat is the same even if one client just shows a cat face, while another client shows a full cat body.They do not match!They match!EncryptedThere is no key to unlock this message. We requested the key automatically, but you can try requesting it again if you are impatient.This message couldn't be decrypted, because we only have a key for newer messages. You can try requesting access to this message.There was an internal error reading the decryption key from the database.There was an error decrypting this message.The message couldn't be parsed.The encryption key was reused! Someone is possibly trying to insert false messages into this chat!Unknown decryption errorRequest keyEncryptionEnabled%1 enabled end-to-end encryptionEncryption keeps your messages safe by only allowing the people you sent the message to to read it. For extra security, if you want to make sure you are talking to the right people, you can verify them in real life.EncryptionIndicatorThis message is not encrypted!Encrypted by a verified deviceEncrypted by an unverified device, but you have trusted that user so far.Encrypted by an unverified device or the key is from an untrusted source like the key backup.EventExpirationDialogEvent expiration for %1Event expirationYou can configure when your messages will be deleted in %1. This only happens when Nheko is open and has permissions to delete messages until Matrix servers support this feature natively. In general 0 means disable.You can configure when your messages will be deleted in all rooms unless configured otherwise. This only happens when Nheko is open and has permissions to delete messages until Matrix servers support this feature natively. In general 0 means disable.Expire events after X daysAutomatically redacts messages after X days, unless otherwise protected. Set to 0 to disable.Only keep latest X eventsDeletes your events in this room if there are more than X newer messages unless otherwise protected. Set to 0 to disable.Always keep latest X eventsThis prevents events to be deleted by the above 2 settings if they are the latest X messages from you in the room.Include state eventsIf this is turned on, old state events also get redacted. The latest state event of any type+key combination is excluded from redaction to not remove the room name and similar state by accident.EventExpiryFailed to set hidden events: %1Gagal menetapkan peristiwa tersembunyi: %1FailedVerification failedOther client does not support our verification protocol.Key mismatch detected!Device verification timed out.Other party canceled the verification.Verification messages received out of order!Unknown verification error.CloseForwardCompleterForward MessageGridImagePackModelAccount PackPaket AkunHiddenEventsFailed to set hidden events: %1Gagal menetapkan peristiwa tersembunyi: %1HiddenEventsDialogHidden events for %1Hidden eventsThese events will be <b>shown</b> in %1:These events will be <b>shown</b> in all rooms:User eventsJoins, leaves, avatar and name changes, bans, …Power level changesSent when a moderator is added/removed or the permissions of a room are changed.StickersImagePackEditorDialogEditing image packAdd imagesImages (*.png *.webp *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg)Select images for packAdd to packChange the overview image for this packOverview Image (*.png *.webp *.jpg *.jpeg)Select overview image for packState keyPacknameAttributionUse as EmojiUse as StickerShortcodeBodyRemove from packRemoveImagePackSettingsDialogImage pack settingsCreate account packNew room packPrivate packPack from this roomPack from parent communityGlobally enabled packEnable globallyEnables this pack to be used in all roomsEditCloseInputBarAll Files (*)Semua File (*)Upload of '%1' failedPengunggahan '%1' gagalSelect file(s)Pilih berkasInviteDialogInvite users to %1Search user@joe:matrix.orgExample user id. The name 'joe' can be localized however you want.Search on ServerInviteCancelBatalkanJoinRoomDialogJoin roomRoom ID or aliasJoinLeaveRoomDialogLeave roomAre you sure you want to leave?LoginPageYou have entered an invalid Matrix ID e.g @joe:matrix.orgKamu telah memasukkan ID Matrix yang tidak valid mis. @joe:matrix.orgAutodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.Penemuan otomatis gagal. Menerima respons cacat.Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known.Penemuan otomatis gagal. Kesalahan tidak diketahui saat meminta .well-known.The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server.Titik akhir yang dibutuhkan tidak dapat ditemukan. Kemungkinan bukan server Matrix.Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Menerima respons cacat. Pastikan domain homeservernya valid.An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak diketahui. Pastikan domain homeservernya valid.The selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol, that this client understands (v1.1 to v1.5). You can't sign in.Server yang dipilih tidak mendukung sebuah versi protokol Matrix yang klien ini mengerti (v1.1 sampai v1.5). Kamu tidak bisa masuk.Sign in with AppleMasuk dengan AppleContinue with FacebookLanjutkan dengan FacebookSign in with GoogleMasuk dengan GoogleSign in with TwitterMasuk dengan TwitterLogin using %1Masuk menggunakan %1SSO LOGINLOGIN SSOEmpty passwordKata sandi kosongSSO login failedLogin SSO gagalMatrix IDe.g @joe:matrix.orgYour login name. A mxid should start with @ followed by the user ID. After the user ID you need to include your server name after a :.
You can also put your homeserver address there if your server doesn't support .well-known lookup.
If Nheko fails to discover your homeserver, it will show you a field to enter the server manually.PasswordYour password.Device nameA name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided, a default is used.Homeserver address that can be used to contact you homeserver's client API.
Example: outA call is in progress. Log out?Are you sure you want to log out?MediaUploadFailed to upload media. Please try again.Gagal untuk mengunggah media. Silakan coba lagi.MessageDelegateThis room was replaced for the following reason: %1Go to replacement room%1 removed a message%1 changed which servers are allowed in this room.%2 changed the room name to: %1%1 removed the room name%2 changed the topic to: %1%1 removed the topic%1 changed the room avatar%1 changed the pinned messages.%1 changed the addresses for this room.%1 changed the parent communities for this room.%1 created and configured room: %2%1 placed a voice call.%1 placed a video call.%1 placed a call.%1 answered the call.%1 rejected the call.%1 select answer%1 ended the call.%1 is negotiating the call...Allow them inMessageInputHang upAlready on a callPlace a callSend a fileWrite a message...Ketik pesan…StickersEmojiSendKirimYou don't have permission to send messages in this roomMessageViewEditReactReply in threadNew threadReplyGo to messageOptions%1's status messageEnter reason for removal or hit enter for no reason:Reason for removalGo to &message&CopyCopy &link locationRe&actRepl&y&Edit&ThreadUn&pin&Pin&Read receipts&Forward&Mark as readView raw messageView decrypted raw messageRemo&ve message&Save as&Open in external programCopy link to eve&nt&Go to quoted messageNewVerificationRequestSend Verification RequestReceived Verification RequestTo allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify an unverified device now? (Please make sure you have one of those devices available.)To allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify %1 now?To ensure that no malicious user can eavesdrop on your encrypted communications you can verify the other party.%1 has requested to verify their device %2.%1 using the device %2 has requested to be verified.Your device (%1) has requested to be verified.CancelBatalkanDenyStart verificationAcceptNotificationsManager%1 sent an encrypted message%1 mengirim pesan terenkripsi%1 replied: %2Format a reply in a notification. %1 is the sender, %2 the message%1 membalas: %2%1 replied with an encrypted message%1 membalas dengan pesan terenkripsi%1 replied to a message%1 membalas pesan%1 sent a message%1 mengirim gambarPlaceCallPlace a call to %1?No microphone found.VoiceVideoScreenCancelBatalkanPlaceholderunimplemented event: PowerLevelEditorPermissions in %1Be careful when editing permissions. You can't lower the permissions of people with a same or higher level than you. Be careful when promoting others.RolesUsersMove permissions between roles to change themAdministrator (%1)Moderator (%1)User (%1)Custom (%1)Remove event typeAdd event typeAdd new roleAddMove users up or down to change their permissionsRemove userAdd userPowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogApply permission changesWhich of the subcommunities and rooms should these permissions be applied to?Apply permissions recursivelyOverwrite exisiting modifications in roomsNo permissions to apply the new permissions hereNo changes neededExisting modifications to the permissions in this room will be overwrittenPermissions synchronized with communityPowerLevelsFailed to update powerlevel: %1Gagal memperbarui tingkat daya: %1PowerlevelEditingModelsFailed to update powerlevel: %1Gagal memperbarui tingkat daya: %1PowerlevelsTypeListModelOther eventsPeristiwa lainnyaOther state eventsPeristiwa status lainRemove other usersMenghapus pengguna lainnyaBan other usersCekal pengguna lainInvite other usersMengundang pengguna lainnyaRedact events sent by othersMeredaksi peristiwa terkirim dari lainnyaReactionsReaksiDeprecated aliases eventsPeristiwa alias yang usangChange the room avatarUbah avatar ruanganChange the room addressesUbah alamat ruanganSend encrypted messagesKirim pesan terenkripsiEnable encryptionMengaktifkan enkripsiChange guest accessMengubah akses tamuChange history visibilityMengubah visibilitas riwayatChange who can joinMengubah siapa saja yang dapat bergabungSend messagesKirim pesanChange the room nameMengubah nama ruanganChange the room permissionsMengubah izin ruanganChange the rooms topicMengubah topik ruanganChange the widgetsMengubah widgetChange the widgets (experimental)Mengubah widget (eksperimental)Redact own eventsMeredaksi peristiwa sendiriChange the pinned eventsMengubah peristiwa yang tersematUpgrade the roomMeningkatkan ruanganSend stickersKirim stikerBan users using policy rulesCekal pengguna menggunakan aturan kebijakanBan rooms using policy rulesCekal ruangan menggunakan aturan kebijakanBan servers using policy rulesCekal server menggunakan aturan kebijakanEdit child communities and roomsEdit komunitas dan ruangan anakChange parent communitiesUbah induk komunitasStart a callMemulai sebuah panggilanNegotiate a callMenegosiasi sebuah panggilanAnswer a callMenjawab sebuah panggilanHang up a callMengakhiri sebuah panggilanReject a callTolak panggilanChange the room emotesMengubah emoji ruanganPowerlevelsUserListModelOther usersPengguna lainQCoreApplicationCreate a unique profile which allows you to log into several accounts at the same time and start multiple instances of nheko.Buat sebuah profil unik yang memungkinkan kamu untuk masuk ke beberapa akun secara bersamaan dan mulai beberapa instansi Nheko.profileprofilprofile namenama profilQObjectAlias for '--log-level trace'.Alias untuk '--log-level trace'.Set the global log level, or a comma-separated list of <component>=<level> pairs, or both. For example, to set the default log level to 'warn' but disable logging for the 'ui' component, pass 'warn,ui=off'. levels:{trace,debug,info,warning,error,critical,off} components:{crypto,db,mtx,net,qml,ui}Tetapkan tingkat pencatatan global, atau daftar <komponen>=<tingkat> yang dipisahkan oleh koma, atau keduanya. Misalnya, untuk menetapkan tingkat pencatatan ke 'warn' tetapi menonaktifkan pencatatan untuk komponen 'ui', tambahkan 'warn,ui=off'. tingkat={trace,debug,info,warning,error,critical,off} komponen:[crypto,db,mtx,net,qml,ui}leveltingkatSet the log output type. A comma-separated list is allowed. The default is 'file,stderr'. types:{file,stderr,none}Tetapkan jenis keluaran catatan. Daftar yang dipisahkan oleh koma diperbolehkan. Bawaan adalah 'file,stderr'. tipe:{file,stderr,none}typejenisRespondTanggapiSendKirimWrite a message...Ketik pesan…ReCaptchaDialogSolve the reCAPTCHA and press the confirm buttonOpen reCAPTCHACancelBatalkanConfirmKonfirmasiReadReceiptsRead receiptsLaporan dibacaReadReceiptsModelYesterday, %1Kemarin, %1RegisterPageAutodiscovery failed. Received malformed response.Penemuan otomatis gagal. Menerima respons cacat.Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known.Penemuan otomatis gagal. Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak diketahui saat meminta .well-known.The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server.Titik akhir yang dibutuhkan tidak dapat ditemukan. Kemungkinan bukan server Matrix.Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Menerima respons cacat. Pastikan domain homeservernya valid.An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid.Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak diketahui. Pastikan domain homeservernya valid.The selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol that this client understands (v1.1 to v1.5). You can't register.Server yang dipilih tidak mendukung sebuah versi protokol Matrix yang klien ini mengerti (v1.1 ke v1.5). Kamu tidak bisa mendaftar.Server does not support querying registration flows!Server tidak mendukung kueri alur pendaftaran!Server does not support registration.Server tidak mendukung pendaftaran.Invalid username.Nama pengguna tidak valid.Name already in use.Nama sudah digunakan.Part of the reserved namespace.Bagian oleh namespace yang direservasikan.HomeserverHomeserveryour.serverA server that allows registration. Since matrix is decentralized, you need to first find a server you can register on or host your own.UsernameThe username must not be empty, and must contain only the characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /.BackPasswordPlease choose a secure password. The exact requirements for password strength may depend on your server.Password confirmationYour passwords do not match!Device nameA name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided a default is used.REGISTERReplyPopupCloseCancel EditCancel ThreadRoomDirectoryExplore Public RoomsSearch for public roomsChoose custom homeserverRoomInfono version storedtidak ada versi yang disimpanRoomListStart a new chatJoin a roomCreate a new roomStart a direct chatCreate a new communityRoom directorySearch rooms (Ctrl+K)User settingsLogoutEnter your status message:Status MessageProfile settingsSet status messageEncryption not set upCross-signing setup has not run yet.Unverified loginThe user just signed in with this device and hasn't verified their master key.Please verify your other devicesThere are unverified devices signed in to this account.CloseEnter the tag you want to use:New tagOpen separatelyRoom settingsLeave roomCopy room linkTag room as:FavouriteLow priorityServer noticeCreate new tag...Add or remove from community...RoomMembersMembers of %1%n people in %1Summary above list of membersInvite more peopleSearch...Sort by: User IDID PenggunaDisplay namePower levelAdministrator: %1Moderator: %1User: %1This room is not encrypted!This user is verified.This user isn't verified, but is still using the same master key from the first time you met.This user has unverified devices!RoomSettingsFailed to enable encryption: %1Gagal mengaktifkan enkripsi: %1Select an avatarPilih sebuah avatarAll Files (*)Semua File (*)The selected file is not an imageFile yang dipilih bukan sebuah gambarError while reading file: %1Terjadi kesalahan saat membaca file: %1Failed to upload image: %sGagal mengunggah gambar: %sRoom SettingsChange room avatar.Change name of this room%n member(s)View members of %1No topic setChange topic of this roomNOTIFICATIONSNOTIFIKASINotificationsMutedMentions onlyAll messagesENTRY PERMISSIONSAnyone can joinAllow knockingAllow joining via other roomsRooms to join viaChangeChange the list of rooms users can join this room via. Usually this is the official community of this room.Allow guests to joinApply access rulesMESSAGE VISIBILITYAllow viewing history without joiningThis is useful to see previews of the room or view it on public websites.Members can see messages sinceHow much of the history is visible to joined members. Changing this won't affect the visibility of already sent messages. It only applies to new messages.EverythingAs long as the user joined, they can see all previous messages.They got invitedMembers can only see messages from when they got invited going forward.They joinedMembers can only see messages since after they joined.Apply visibility changesLocally hidden eventsConfigureSelect events to hide in this roomAutomatic event deletionSelect if your events get automatically deleted in this room.GENERAL SETTINGSEncryptionEnd-to-End EncryptionEncryption is currently experimental and things might break unexpectedly. <br>
Please take note that it can't be disabled afterwards.PermissionView and change the permissions in this roomAliasesView and change the addresses/aliases of this roomSticker & Emote SettingsChange what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new onesINFOINFOInternal IDCopied to clipboardRoom Versionshow lessshow moreRoomlistModelPending invite.Undangan tertunda.Previewing this roomMenampilkan ruangan iniNo preview availableTidak ada tampilan yang tersediaThis room is possibly inaccessibleRuangan ini mungkin tidak dapat diaksesRootPlease enter your login password to continue:Please enter a valid email address to continue:Please enter a valid phone number to continue:Please enter the token which has been sent to you:Wait for the confirmation link to arrive, then continue.ScreenShareShare desktop with %1?Method:Window:Request screencastFrame rate:Include your camera picture-in-pictureRequest remote cameraView your callee's camera like a regular video callHide mouse cursorSharePreviewCancelBatalkanSecretStorageFailed to connect to secret storageGagal menghubungkan ke penyimpanan rahasiaNheko could not connect to the secure storage to save encryption secrets to. This can have multiple reasons. Check if your D-Bus service is running and you have configured a service like KWallet, Gnome Keyring, KeePassXC or the equivalent for your platform. If you are having trouble, feel free to open an issue here: tidak bisa terhubung ke penyimpanan aman untuk menyimpan rahasia enkripsi. Ini dapat memiliki beberapa alasan. Periksa apakah layanan D-Bus kamu berjalan dan kamu telah mengkonfigurasi layanan seperti KWallet, Gnome Keyring, KeePassXC atau yang setara untuk platform kamu. Jika kamu mengalami masalah, jangan ragu untuk membuka masalah di sini: is your recovery key. You will need it to restore access to your encrypted messages and verification keys. Keep this safe. Don't share it with anyone and don't lose it! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200!Encryption setup successfullyFailed to setup encryption: %1Setup EncryptionHello and welcome to Matrix!
It seems like you are new. Before you can securely encrypt your messages, we need to setup a few small things. You can either press accept immediately or adjust a few basic options. We also try to explain a few of the basics. You can skip those parts, but they might prove to be helpful!Activate EncryptionIt seems like you have encryption already configured for this account. To be able to access your encrypted messages and make this device appear as trusted, you can either verify an existing device or (if you have one) enter your recovery passphrase. Please select one of the options below.
If you choose verify, you need to have the other device available. If you choose "enter passphrase", you will need your recovery key or passphrase. If you click cancel, you can choose to verify yourself at a later point.verifyenter passphraseSelfVerificationStatusFailed to create keys for cross-signing!Gagal membuat kunci untuk penandatanganan silang!Failed to create keys for online key backup!Gagal untuk membuat kunci untuk cadangan kunci daring!Failed to create keys for secure server side secret storage!Gagal untuk membuat kunci untuk penyimpanan rahasia aman di server!Encryption SetupPenyiapan EnkripsiEncryption setup failed: %1Penyiapan enkripsi gagal: %1Identity key changed. This breaks E2EE, so logging out.Kunci identitas telah berubah. Ini merusak enkripsi ujung-ke-ujung, jadi kamu dikeluarkan.SingleImagePackModelFailed to update image pack: %1Gagal memperbarui paket gambar: %1Failed to delete old image pack: %1Gagal menghapus paket gambar yang lama: %1Failed to open image: %1Gagal membuka gambar: %1Failed to upload image: %1Gagal mengunggah gambar: %1SpaceMenuLevelAdd or remove from communityOfficial community for this roomAffiliated community for this roomListed only for community membersListed only for room membersNot relatedSubcommunitiesStatusIndicatorFailedSentReceivedReadStickerPickerSearchChange what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new onesSuccessSuccessful VerificationVerification successful! Both sides verified their devices!CloseTimelineModelMessage redaction failed: %1Reaksi pesan gagal: %1Failed to encrypt event, sending aborted!Gagal mendekripsikan peristiwa, pengiriman dihentikan!Save imageSimpan gambarSave videoSimpan videoSave audioSimpan audioSave fileSimpan file%1 and %2 are typing.Multiple users are typing. First argument is a comma separated list of potentially multiple users. Second argument is the last user of that list. (If only one user is typing, %1 is empty. You should still use it in your string though to silence Qt warnings.)%1 dan %2 sedang mengetik.%1 opened the room to the public.%1 membuka ruangan ke publik.%1 allowed to join this room by knocking.%1 mengizinkan siapa saja untuk bergabung ke ruangan ini dengan mengetuk.%1 allowed members of the following rooms to automatically join this room: %2%1 mengizinkan anggota dari ruangan berikut untuk bergabung ke ruangan ini secara otomatis: %2%1 made the room open to guests.%1 membuat ruangan ini terbuka ke tamu.%1 has closed the room to guest access.%1 telah menutup ruangan ke akses tamu.%1 made the room history world readable. Events may be now read by non-joined people.%1 membuat sejarah ruangan dibaca oleh siapa saja. Peristiwa mungkin bisa dibaca oleh orang yang tidak bergabung.%1 set the room history visible to members from this point on.%1 membuat sejarah ruangan bisa dilihat oleh anggota dari titik sekarang.%1 set the room history visible to members since they were invited.%1 membuat sejarah ruangan bisa dilihat oleh anggota yang telah diundang.%1 set the room history visible to members since they joined the room.%1 membuat sejarah ruangan bisa dilihat oleh anggota yang telah bergabung ke ruangan ini.%1 has changed the room's permissions.%1 telah mengubah izin ruangan.%1 has changed the room's kick powerlevel from %2 to %3.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya pengeluaran ruangan dari %2 ke %3.%n member(s) can now kick room members.%n anggota sekarang dapat mengeluarkan anggota ruangan.%1 can now kick room members.%1 sekarang dapat mengeluarkan anggota ruangan.%1 has changed the room's redact powerlevel from %2 to %3.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya redaksi ruangan dari %2 ke %3.%n member(s) can now redact room messages.%n anggota sekarang dapat meredaksikan pesan ruangan.%1 can now redact room messages.%1 sekarang dapat meredaksikan pesan ruangan.%1 has changed the room's ban powerlevel from %2 to %3.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya pencekalan ruangan dari %2 ke %3.%n member(s) can now ban room members.%n anggota sekarang dapat mencekal anggota ruangan.%1 can now ban room members.%1 sekarang dapat mencekal anggota ruangan.%1 has changed the room's state_default powerlevel from %2 to %3.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya state_default ruangan dari %2 ke %3.%n member(s) can now send state events.%n anggota sekarang dapat mengirim peristiwa status.%1 can now send state events.%1 sekarang dapat mengirim peristiwa status.%1 has changed the room's invite powerlevel from %2 to %3.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya undangan ruangan dari %2 ke %3.%1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3. New users can now not send any events.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya events_default ruangan dari %2 ke %3. Pengguna baru sekarang tidak dapat mengirim peristiwa apa pun.%1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3. New users can now send events that are not otherwise restricted.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya events_default ruangan dari %2 ke %3. Pengguna baru sekarang dapat mengirim peristiwa yang tidak dibatasi.%1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya events_default ruangan dari %2 ke %3.%1 has made %2 an administrator of this room.%1 telah membuat %2 sebagai seorang administrator di ruangan ini.%1 has made %2 a moderator of this room.%1 telah membuat %2 sebagai seorang moderator di ruangan ini.%1 has downgraded %2 to moderator of this room.%1 telah menurunkan %2 sebagai moderator di ruangan ini.%1 has changed the powerlevel of %2 from %3 to %4.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya %2 dari %3 ke %4.%1 allowed only administrators to send "%2".%1 hanya memperbolehkan para administrator untuk mengirim "%2".%1 allowed only moderators to send "%2".%1 hanya memperbolehkan para moderator untuk mengirim "%2".%1 allowed everyone to send "%2".%1 memperbolehkan semuanya untuk mengirim "%2".%1 has changed the powerlevel of event type "%2" from the default to %3.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya tipe peristiwa "%2" dari bawaan ke %3.%1 has changed the powerlevel of event type "%2" from %3 to %4.%1 telah mengubah tingkat daya tipe peristiwa "%2" dari %3 ke %4.(empty)(kosong)%1 removed the following images from the pack %2:<br>%3%1 menghapus gambar berikut ini dari paket %2:<br>%3%1 added the following images to the pack %2:<br>%3%1 menambahkan gambar berikut ini dari paket %2:<br>%3%1 changed the sticker and emotes in this room.%1 mengubah stiker dan emoji di ruangan ini.%1 disabled the rule to ban users matching %2.%1 menonaktifkan aturan untuk mencekal pengguna bercocokan dengan %2.%1 added a rule to ban users matching %2 for '%3'.%1 menambahkan sebuah aturan untuk mencekal pengguna bercocokan dengan %2 untuk '%3'.%1 disabled the rule to ban rooms matching %2.%1 menonaktifkan peraturan ini untuk mencekal ruangan bercocokan dengan %2.%1 added a rule to ban rooms matching %2 for '%3'.%1 menambahkan sebuah aturan untuk mencekal ruangan bercocokan dengan %2 untuk '%3'.%1 disabled the rule to ban servers matching %2.%1 menonaktifkan aturan untuk mencekal ruangan bercocokan dengan %2.%1 added a rule to ban servers matching %2 for '%3'.%1 menambahkan sebuah aturan untuk mencekal server bercocokan dengan %2 untuk '%3'.Removed by %1Dihapus oleh %1%1 (%2) removed this message at %3%1 (%2) menghapus pesan ini pada %3Removed by %1 because: %2Dihapus oleh %1 karena: %2%1 (%2) removed this message at %3
Reason: %4%1 (%2) menghapus pesan ini pada %3
Alasan: %4%2 revoked the invite to %1.%2 membatalkan undangan ke %1.%2 kicked %1.%2 mengeluarkan %1.%2 unbanned %1.%2 membatalkan cekalan %1.%2 rejected the knock from %1.%2 menolak ketukan dari %1.%1 changed their avatar.%1 mengubah avatarnya.%1 changed some profile info.%1 mengubah beberapa info profil.%1 joined.%1 bergabung.%1 joined via authorisation from %2's server.%1 bergabung via otorisasi dari servernya %2.%1 rejected their invite.%1 menolak undangannya.%1 left the room.%1 meninggalkan ruangan.Reason: %1Alasan: %1%1 redacted their knock.%1 menolak ketukannya.You joined this room.Kamu bergabung ruangan ini.%1 made this room require an invitation to join.%1 membuat ruangan ini membutuhkan undangan untuk bergabung.%1 invited %2.%1 mengundang %2.%1 has changed their avatar and changed their display name to %2.%1 mengubah avatarnya dan ubah nama tampilannya ke %2.%1 has changed their display name to %2.%1 mengubah nama tampilannya ke %2.%1 left after having already left!This is a leave event after the user already left and shouldn't happen apart from state resets%1 keluar setelah sudah keluar!%1 banned %2%1 mencekal %2%1 knocked.%1 mengetuk.TimelineRowPart of a threadEditedTimelineViewNo room openYou are about to notify the whole roomThe command /%1 is not recognized and will be sent as part of your message/%1 looks like an incomplete command. To send it anyway, add a space to the end of your message.No preview availableTidak ada tampilan yang tersediaSettings%n member(s)View members of %1This room is possibly inaccessible. If this room is private, you should remove it from this community.join the conversationaccept invitedecline inviteleaveInvited by %1 (%2)Hide invite reasonShow invite reasonBack to room listTopBarNo room selectedIn %1Back to room listShow or hide pinned messagesShow room members.This room contains only verified devices.This room contains verified devices and devices which have never changed their master key.This room contains unverified devices!Search this roomRoom optionsInvite usersMembersLeave roomSettingsUnpinEnter search queryTrayIconShowTampilkanQuitTutupUIANo available registration flows!Tidak ada alur pendaftaran yang tersedia!Registration abortedPendaftaran dibatalkanPlease enter a valid registration token.Mohon masukkan token pendaftaran yang valid.Invalid tokenToken tidak validUploadBoxUpload %n file(s)UserProfileSign out device %1Keluarkan perangkat %1You signed out this device.Kamu mengeluarkan perangkat ini.Select an avatarPilih sebuah avatarAll Files (*)Semua File (*)The selected file is not an imageFile yang dipilih bukan sebuah gambarError while reading file: %1Terjadi kesalahan saat membaca file: %1Global User ProfileRoom User ProfileChange avatar globally.Change avatar. Will only apply to this room.Change display name globally.Change display name. Will only apply to this room.<i><b>Status:</b> %1</i>Room: %1This is a room-specific profile. The user's name and avatar may be different from their global versions.Open the global profile for this user.VerifyStart a private chat.Kick the user.Ban the user.Refresh device list.DevicesShared RoomsSign out this device.Change device name.Last seen %1 from %2UnverifyUserSettingsDefaultDefaultUserSettingsModelThemeTemaScale factorFaktor skalaHighlight message on hoverHighlight pesan saat kursor di atas pesanLarge Emoji in timelineEmoji besar di lini masaMinimize to trayPerkecil ke bakiStart in trayMulai di bakiScrollbars in room listBilah gulir dalam daftar ruanganSend messages as MarkdownKirim pesan sebagai MarkdownUse shift+enter to send and enter to start a new lineGunakan shift+enter untuk mengirim dan enter untuk memulai baris baruEnable message bubblesAktifkan gelembung pesanEnable small AvatarsAktifkan avatar kecilPlay animated images only on hoverMainkan gambar beranimasi hanya saat kursor diarahkan ke gambarTyping notificationsNotifikasi mengetikSort rooms by unreadsUrutkan ruangan bedasarkan yang belum dibacaSort rooms alphabeticallyUrutkan ruangan secara abjadShow buttons in timelineTampilkan tombol di lini masaLimit width of timelineBatasi lebar lini masaRead receiptsLaporan dibacaDesktop notificationsNotifikasi desktopAlert on notificationBeri tahu saat ada notifikasiCircular AvatarsAvatar BundarUse identiconsGunakan identikonOpen images with external programBuka gambar dengan program eksternalOpen videos with external programBuka video dengan program eksternalDecrypt messages in sidebarDekripsikan pesan di bilah sampingDecrypt notificationsDekripsi notifikasiDisplay fancy effects such as confettiTampilkan efek mewah seperti konfetiReduce or disable animationsKurangi atau nonaktifkan animasiPrivacy ScreenLayar PrivasiPrivacy screen timeout (in seconds [0 - 3600])Waktu kehabisan layar privasi (dalam detik [0 - 3600])Touchscreen modeMode layar sentuhFont sizeUkuran fontFont FamilyKeluarga FontEmoji Font FamilyKeluarga Font EmojiRingtoneNada DeringMicrophoneMikrofonCameraKameraCamera resolutionResolusi kameraCamera frame rateFrame rate kameraAllow fallback call assist serverIzinkan panggilan menggunakan bantuan server sebagai cadanganSend encrypted messages to verified users onlyKirim pesan terenkripsi ke pengguna yang telah diverifikasi sajaShare keys with verified users and devicesBagikan kunci dengan pengguna dan perangkat yang telah diverifikasiOnline Key BackupCadangan Kunci DaringProfileProfilUser IDID PenggunaAccesstokenTokenaksesDevice IDID PerangkatDevice FingerprintSidik Jari PerangkatHomeserverHomeserverVersionVersiPlatformPlatformGENERALUMUMACCESSIBILITYAKSESIBILITASTIMELINELINI MASASIDEBARBILAH SAMPINGTRAYBAKINOTIFICATIONSNOTIFIKASICALLSPANGGILANENCRYPTIONENKRIPSIINFOINFOSession KeysKunci-Kunci SesiCross Signing SecretsRahasia Penandatanganan SilangOnline backup keyCadangan kunci daringSelf signing keyKunci penandatanganan diriUser signing keyKunci penandatanganan penggunaMaster signing keyKunci penandatanganan utamaExpose room information via D-BusEkspos informasi ruangan via D-BusPeriodically update community routing informationPerbarui informasi perutean komunitas secara berkalaPeriodically delete expired eventsHapus peristiwa yang telah kedaluwarsa secara berkalaDefaultDefaultSet the notification sound to play when a call invite arrivesTetapkan suara notifikasi untuk dimainkan ketika ada panggilanSet timeout (in seconds) for how long after window loses
focus before the screen will be blurred.
Set to 0 to blur immediately after focus loss. Max value of 1 hour (3600 seconds)Tetapkan waktu kehabisan (dalam detik) untuk berapa lama setelah jendela kehilangan
fokus sebelum layarnya akan diburamkan.
Tetapkan ke 0 untuk memburamkan secara langsung setelah kehilangan fokus. Nilai maksimum adalah 1 jam (3600 detik)Change the background color of messages when you hover over them.Mengubah warna latar belakang pesan ketika kursor kamu di atas pesannya.Make font size larger if messages with only a few emojis are displayed.Membuat ukuran font lebih besar jika pesan dengan beberapa emoji ditampilkan.Keep the application running in the background after closing the client window.Membiarkan aplikasi berjalan di latar belakang setelah menutup jendela klien.Start the application in the background without showing the client window.Mulai aplikasinya di latar belakang tanpa menunjukkan jendela kliennya.Shows scrollbars in the room list and communities list.Tampilkan bilah gulir dalam daftar ruangan dan daftar komunitas.Allow using markdown in messages.
When disabled, all messages are sent as a plain text.Memperbolehkan menggunakan Markdown di pesan.
Ketika dinonaktifkan, semua pesan akan dikirim sebagai teks biasa.Invert the behavior of the enter key in the text input, making it send the message when shift+enter is pressed and starting a new line when enter is pressed.Balikkan perilaku tombol enter dalam masukan teks, membuatnya mengirim pesan ketika shift+enter ditekan dan memulai baris baru ketika enter ditekan.Messages get a bubble background. This also triggers some layout changes (WIP).Pesan-pesan akan mendapatkan latar belakang gelembung pesan. Ini juga melakukan perubahan layout (dalam pengembangan).Avatars are resized to fit above the message.Avatar diubah ukurannya untuk muat di atas pesan.Plays media like GIFs or WEBPs only when explicitly hovering over them.Memainkan media seperti GIF atau WEBP ketika kursor di atas medianya.Show who is typing in a room.
This will also enable or disable sending typing notifications to others.Tampilkan siapa yang sedang mengetik dalam ruangan.
Ini akan mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan pengiriman pemberitahuan pengetikan ke yang lain.Display rooms with new messages first.
If this is off, the list of rooms will only be sorted by the preferred sorting order.
If this is on, rooms which have active notifications (the small circle with a number in it) will be sorted on top. Rooms that you have muted will still be sorted by the preferred sorting order, since you don't seem to consider them as important as the other rooms.Tampilkan ruangan dengan pesan baru terlebih dahulu.
Jika tidak aktif, daftar ruangan hanya akan diurutkan berdasarkan urutan penyortiran yang diinginkan.
Jika aktif, ruangan yang memiliki notifikasi aktif (lingkaran kecil dengan angka di dalamnya) akan diurutkan di atas. Ruangan yang telah kamu nonaktifkan masih akan disortir berdasarkan urutan pilihan, karena kamu tampaknya tidak menganggapnya sama pentingnya dengan ruangan lain.Sort rooms alphabetically.
If this is off, the list of rooms will be sorted by the timestamp of the last message in a room.
If this is on, rooms that come first alphabetically will be sorted earlier than ones that come later.Urutkan kamar berdasarkan abjad.
Jika tidak aktif, daftar ruangan akan diurutkan berdasarkan stempel waktu pesan terakhir di sebuah ruangan.
Jika diaktifkan, ruangan yang datang lebih dulu menurut abjad akan diurutkan lebih awal dari yang datang belakangan.Show buttons to quickly reply, react or access additional options next to each message.Tampilkan tombol untuk membalas, bereaksi, atau mengakses opsi tambahan di sebelah pesan dengan cepat.Notify about received messages when the client is not currently focused.Beri tahu tentang pesan yang diterima saat klien tidak difokuskan.Change the appearance of user avatars in chats.
OFF - square, ON - circle.Mengubah penampilan avatar pengguna dalam obrolan.
MATI - kotak, NYALA - bulat.Decrypt messages shown in notifications for encrypted chats.Dekripsi pesan ditampilkan dalam notifikasi untuk obrolan terenkripsi.Choose where to show the total number of notifications contained within a community or tag.Pilih di mana untuk menampilkan jumlah notifikasi di dalam sebuah komunitas atau tag.Some messages can be sent with fancy effects. For example, messages sent with '/confetti' will show confetti on screen.Beberapa pesan dapat dikirim dengan efek mewah. Misalnya, pesan dikirim dengan '/confetti' akan menampilkan konfeti di layar.Nheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty. This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell.Nheko menggunakan animasi di beberapa tempat untuk membuat hal-hal indah. Ini memungkinkanmu untuk menonaktifkannya jika mereka membuatmu pusing.Automatically replies to key requests from other users if they are verified, even if that device shouldn't have access to those keys otherwise.Secara otomatis membalas permintaan kunci dari pengguna lain jika mereka terverifikasi, bahkan jika perangkat itu seharusnya tidak memiliki akses ke kunci itu bagaimanapun.The key to verify your own devices. If it is cached, verifying one of your devices will mark it verified for all your other devices and for users that have verified you.Kunci untuk memverifikasi perangkatmu. Jika disimpan, memverifikasi salah satu perangkatmu akan menandainya sebagai terverifikasi untuk perangkatmu yang lain dan untuk pengguna yang telah memverifikasimu.Show an alert when a message is received.
This usually causes the application icon in the task bar to animate in some fashion.Menampilkan pemberitahuan saat sebuah pesan diterima.
Ini biasanya menyebabkan ikon aplikasi di bilah tugas untuk beranimasi.Communities sidebarBilah samping komunitasShow message counts for communities and tagsTampilkan hitungan pesan untuk komunitas dan tagSet the max width of messages in the timeline (in pixels). This can help readability on wide screen when Nheko is maximizedTetapkan lebar pesan di lini masa (dalam pixel). Ini dapat membantu keterbacaan di layar lebar ketika Nheko dimaksimalkanShow a column containing communities and tags next to the room list.Tampilkan sebuah kolom berisi komunitas dan tag di samping daftar ruangan.Show if your message was read.
Status is displayed next to timestamps.
Warning: If your homeserver does not support this, your rooms will never be marked as read!Tampilkan jika pesanmu dibaca.
Status ditampilkan di sebelah stempel waktu.
Peringatan: Jika homeservermu tidak mendukung ini, ruanganmu tidak akan pernah ditandai sebagai dibaca!Display an identicon instead of a letter when no avatar is set.Tampilkan sebuah identikon daripada sebuah huruf ketika tidak ada avatar yang diatur.Opens images with an external program when tapping the image.
Note that when this option is ON, opened files are left unencrypted on disk and must be manually deleted.Membuka gambar dengan sebuah program eksternal ketika mengetuk pada gambar.
Dicatat bahwa ketika opsi ini NYALA, file yang terbuka ditinggal tidak terenkripsi pada disk dan harus dihapus secara manual.Opens videos with an external program when tapping the video.
Note that when this option is ON, opened files are left unencrypted on disk and must be manually deleted.Membuka video dengan sebuah program eksternal ketika mengetuk pada video.
Dicatat bahwa ketika opsi ini NYALA, file yang terbuka ditinggal tidak terenkripsi pada disk dan harus dihapus secara manual.Decrypt the messages shown in the sidebar.
Only affects messages in encrypted chats.Dekripsi pesan yang ditampilkan di bilah samping.
Hanya mempengaruhi pesan di chat terenkripsi.When the window loses focus, the timeline will
be blurred.Ketika jendela kehilangan fokus, lini masanya
akan buram.Will prevent text selection in the timeline to make touch scrolling easier.Akan mencegah pemilihan teks di linimasi untuk membuat guliran mudah.Change the scale factor of the whole user interface.Mengubah faktor skala antarmuka pengguna.Will use as assist when your home server does not offer one.Akan menggunakan sebagai bantuan jika homeserver-mu tidak menawarkannya.Requires a user to be verified to send encrypted messages to them. This improves safety but makes E2EE more tedious.Memerlukan pengguna diverifikasi untuk mengirim pesan terenkripsi ke pengguna. Ini meningkatkan keamanan tetapi membuat enkripsi ujung-ke-ujung lebih susah.Download message encryption keys from and upload to the encrypted online key backup.Unduh kunci enkripsi pesan dari dan unggah ke cadangan kunci daring terenkripsi.The key to decrypt online key backups. If it is cached, you can enable online key backup to store encryption keys securely encrypted on the server.Kunci untuk mendekripsikan cadangan kunci daring. Jika disimpan, kamu bisa mengaktifkan kunci cadangan daring untuk menyimpan kunci enkripsi yang dienkripsi secara aman di servernya.The key to verify other users. If it is cached, verifying a user will verify all their devices.Kunci untuk memverifikasi pengguna lain. Jika disimpan, memverifikasi sebuah pengguna akan memverifikasi semua perangkat mereka.Your most important key. You don't need to have it cached, since not caching it makes it less likely it can be stolen and it is only needed to rotate your other signing keys.Kuncimu yang paling penting. Kamu tidak perlu menyimpannya dalam tembolok, karena tidak menyimpannya akan memperkecil kemungkinannya untuk dicuri dan hanya diperlukan untuk memutar kunci penandatanganan kamu yang lain.Allow third-party plugins and applications to load information about rooms you are in via D-Bus. This can have useful applications, but it also could be used for nefarious purposes. Enable at your own risk.
This setting will take effect upon restart.Perbolehkan plugin dan aplikasi pihak ketiga untuk memuat informasi tentang ruangan kamu berada via D-Bus. Ini dapat memiliki penggunaan yang berguna, tetapi juga dapat digunakan untuk tujuan jahat. Aktifkan dengan risiko kamu sendiri.
Pengaturan ini akan ditetapkan saat dimulai ulang.To allow new users to join a community, the community needs to expose some information about what servers participate in a room to community members. Since the room participants can change over time, this needs to be updated from time to time. This setting enables a background job to do that automatically.Untuk mengizinkan pengguna baru bergabung dengan komunitas, komunitas perlu mengungkapkan beberapa informasi tentang server apa yang berpartisipasi dalam suatu ruangan kepada anggota komunitas. Karena peserta ruangan dapat berubah dari waktu ke waktu, hal ini perlu diperbarui dari waktu ke waktu. Pengaturan ini memungkinkan pekerjaan latar belakang untuk melakukannya secara otomatis.Regularly redact expired events as specified in the event expiration configuration. Since this is currently not executed server side, you need to have one client running this regularly.Hapus peristiwa yang telahkedaluwarsa secara berkala seperti yang ditentukan dalam konfigurasi kedaluwarsa peristiwa. Karena ini saat ini tidak dijalankan di sisi server, kamu harus memiliki satu klien yang menjalankan ini secara berkala.Select a filePilih sebuah fileAll Files (*)Semua File (*)Open Sessions FileBuka File SesiErrorKesalahanFile PasswordKata Sandi FileEnter the passphrase to decrypt the file:Masukkan kata sandi untuk mendekripsi filenya:The password cannot be emptyKata sandi tidak boleh kosongEnter passphrase to encrypt your session keys:Masukkan frasa sandi untuk mengenkripsikan kunci sesimu:File to save the exported session keysFile untuk menyimpan kunci sesi yang telah dieksporUserSettingsPageCACHEDNOT CACHEDIMPORTEXPORTDOWNLOADREQUESTBackVerificationManagerNo encrypted private chat found with this user. Create an encrypted private chat with this user and try again.Tidak ada chat privat terenkripsi ditemukan dengan pengguna ini. Buat sebuah chat privat terenkripsi dengan pengguna ini dan coba lagi.WaitingWaiting for other party…Waiting for other side to accept the verification request.Waiting for other side to continue the verification process.Waiting for other side to complete the verification process.CancelBatalkanWelcomePageWelcome to nheko! The desktop client for the Matrix protocol.Enjoy your stay!REGISTERLOGINReduce animationsNheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty. This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell.Nheko menggunakan animasi di beberapa tempat untuk membuat hal-hal indah. Ini memungkinkanmu untuk menonaktifkannya jika mereka membuatmu pusing.descriptiveTimeYesterdayKemarindialogs::FallbackAuthOpen Fallback in BrowserBuka Fallback di PerambanCancelBatalkanConfirmKonfirmasiOpen the fallback, follow the steps, and confirm after completing them.Buka munduran, ikuti petunjuknya, dan konfirmasi setelah menyelesaikannya.emoji-catagoryPeopleOrangNatureAlamFoodMakananActivityAktivitasTravelTempatObjectsObjekSymbolsSimbolFlagsBenderamessage-description sent:You sent an audio clipKamu mengirim klip audio%1 sent an audio clip%1 mengirim klip audioYou sent an imageKamu mengirim sebuah pesan%1 sent an image%1 mengirim sebuah gambarYou sent a fileKamu mengirim sebuah file%1 sent a file%1 mengirim sebuah fileYou sent a videoKamu mengirim sebuah video%1 sent a video%1 mengirim sebuah videoYou sent a stickerKamu mengirim sebuah stiker%1 sent a sticker%1 mengirim sebuah stikerYou sent a notificationKamu mengirim sebuah pemberitahuan%1 sent a notification%1 mengirim sebuah pemberitahuanYou: %1Kamu: %1%1: %2%1: %2You sent a chat effectKamu mengirim efek pesan%1 sent a chat effect%1 mengirim efek pesanYou sent an encrypted messageKamu mengirim sebuah pesan terenkripsi%1 sent an encrypted message%1 mengirim sebuah pesan terenkripsiYou placed a callKamu melakukan panggilan%1 placed a call%1 melakukan panggilanYou answered a callKamu menjawab panggilan%1 answered a call%1 menjawab panggilanYou ended a callKamu mengakhiri panggilan%1 ended a call%1 mengakhiri panggilanYou rejected a callKamu menolak panggilan%1 rejected a call%1 menolak panggilanutilsUnknown Message TypeTipe Pesan Tidak Dikenal