import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import im.nheko 1.0 import "../components/" import "../ui/" import "../" Item { id: loginPage property int maxExpansion: 800 property string error: login.error Login { id: login } ScrollView { id: scroll clip: false palette: Nheko.colors ScrollBar.horizontal.visible: false anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter height: Math.min(loginPage.height, col.implicitHeight) anchors.margins: Nheko.paddingLarge contentWidth: availableWidth ColumnLayout { id: col spacing: Nheko.paddingMedium anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter width: Math.min(loginPage.maxExpansion, scroll.width- Nheko.paddingLarge*2) Image { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter source: "qrc:/logos/login.png" height: 128 width: 128 } RowLayout { spacing: Nheko.paddingLarge Layout.fillWidth: true MatrixTextField { id: matrixIdLabel label: qsTr("Matrix ID") placeholderText: qsTr("e.g") onEditingFinished: login.mxid = text ToolTip.text: qsTr("Your login name. A mxid should start with @ followed by the user id. After the user id you need to include your server name after a :.\nYou can also put your homeserver address there, if your server doesn't support .well-known lookup.\nExample:\nIf Nheko fails to discover your homeserver, it will show you a field to enter the server manually.") Keys.forwardTo: [pwBtn, ssoBtn] } Spinner { height: matrixIdLabel.height/2 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom visible: running running: login.lookingUpHs foreground: Nheko.colors.mid } } MatrixText { textFormat: Text.PlainText color: Nheko.theme.error text: login.mxidError visible: text } MatrixTextField { id: passwordLabel Layout.fillWidth: true label: qsTr("Password") echoMode: TextInput.Password ToolTip.text: qsTr("Your password.") visible: login.passwordSupported Keys.forwardTo: [pwBtn, ssoBtn] } MatrixTextField { id: deviceNameLabel Layout.fillWidth: true label: qsTr("Device name") placeholderText: login.initialDeviceName() ToolTip.text: qsTr("A name for this device, which will be shown to others, when verifying your devices. If none is provided a default is used.") Keys.forwardTo: [pwBtn, ssoBtn] } MatrixTextField { id: hsLabel enabled: visible visible: login.homeserverNeeded Layout.fillWidth: true label: qsTr("Homeserver address") placeholderText: qsTr("") text: login.homeserver onEditingFinished: login.homeserver = text ToolTip.text: qsTr("The address that can be used to contact you homeservers client API.\nExample:") Keys.forwardTo: [pwBtn, ssoBtn] } Item { height: Nheko.avatarSize Layout.fillWidth: true Spinner { height: parent.height anchors.centerIn: parent visible: running running: login.loggingIn foreground: Nheko.colors.mid } } MatrixText { textFormat: Text.PlainText color: Nheko.theme.error text: loginPage.error visible: text } FlatButton { id: pwBtn visible: login.passwordSupported enabled: login.homeserverValid && matrixIdLabel.text == login.mxid && login.homeserver == hsLabel.text Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter text: qsTr("LOGIN") function pwLogin() { login.onLoginButtonClicked(Login.Password, matrixIdLabel.text, passwordLabel.text, deviceNameLabel.text) } onClicked: pwBtn.pwLogin() Keys.onEnterPressed: pwBtn.pwLogin() Keys.onReturnPressed: pwBtn.pwLogin() Keys.enabled: pwBtn.enabled && login.passwordSupported } FlatButton { id: ssoBtn visible: login.ssoSupported enabled: login.homeserverValid && matrixIdLabel.text == login.mxid && login.homeserver == hsLabel.text Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter text: qsTr("SSO LOGIN") function ssoLogin() { login.onLoginButtonClicked(Login.SSO, matrixIdLabel.text, passwordLabel.text, deviceNameLabel.text) } onClicked: ssoBtn.ssoLogin() Keys.onEnterPressed: ssoBtn.ssoLogin() Keys.onReturnPressed: ssoBtn.ssoLogin() Keys.enabled: ssoBtn.enabled && !login.passwordSupported } } } ImageButton { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.margins: Nheko.paddingMedium width: Nheko.avatarSize height: Nheko.avatarSize image: ":/icons/icons/ui/angle-arrow-left.svg" ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.text: qsTr("Back") onClicked: mainWindow.pop() } }