import "../" import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import im.nheko 1.0 Popup { modal: true // only set the anchors on Qt 5.12 or higher // see Component.onCompleted: { if (anchors) anchors.centerIn = parent; frameRateCombo.currentIndex = frameRateCombo.find(Settings.screenShareFrameRate); remoteVideoCheckBox.checked = Settings.screenShareRemoteVideo; hideCursorCheckBox.checked = Settings.screenShareHideCursor; } palette: colors ColumnLayout { Label { Layout.margins: 8 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft text: qsTr("Share desktop with %1?").arg(TimelineManager.timeline.roomName) color: colors.windowText } RowLayout { Layout.leftMargin: 8 Layout.rightMargin: 8 Label { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft text: qsTr("Frame rate:") color: colors.windowText } ComboBox { id: frameRateCombo Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight model: ["25", "20", "15", "10", "5", "2", "1"] } } CheckBox { id: remoteVideoCheckBox Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft Layout.leftMargin: 8 Layout.rightMargin: 8 text: qsTr("Request remote camera") ToolTip.text: qsTr("View your callee's camera like a regular video call") ToolTip.visible: hovered } CheckBox { id: hideCursorCheckBox Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft Layout.leftMargin: 8 Layout.rightMargin: 8 text: qsTr("Hide mouse cursor") } RowLayout { Layout.margins: 8 Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } Button { text: qsTr("Share") icon.source: "qrc:/icons/icons/ui/screen-share.png" onClicked: { if (buttonLayout.validateMic()) { Settings.microphone = micCombo.currentText; Settings.screenShareFrameRate = frameRateCombo.currentText; Settings.screenShareRemoteVideo = remoteVideoCheckBox.checked; Settings.screenShareHideCursor = hideCursorCheckBox.checked; CallManager.sendInvite(TimelineManager.timeline.roomId(), CallType.SCREEN); close(); } } } Button { text: qsTr("Cancel") onClicked: { close(); } } } } background: Rectangle { color: colors.window border.color: colors.windowText } }