ActiveCallBar Calling... Телефоную… Connecting... Підключення… You are screen sharing Ви ділитеся екраном. Hide/Show Picture-in-Picture Приховати/Показати картинку в картинці Unmute Mic Увімкнути мікрофон Mute Mic Вимкнути мікрофон AliasEditingModel Failed to unpublish alias %1: %2 Не вдалося скасувати публікацію псевдоніма %1: %2 Failed to update aliases: %1 Не вдалося оновити псевдоніми: %1 AliasEditor Aliases to %1 Псевдоніми %1 List of aliases to this room. Usually you can only add aliases on your server. You can have one canonical alias and many alternate aliases. Список псевдонімів цієї кімнати. Зазвичай ви можете додавати псевдоніми лише на своєму сервері. Ви можете мати один канонічний псевдонім і багато альтернативних псевдонімів. Primary alias Основний псевдонім Make primary alias Створити основний псевдонім Advertise as an alias in this room Оголосити псевдонімом у цій кімнаті Publish in room directory Опублікувати в каталозі кімнати Remove this alias Видалити цей псевдонім #new-alias:server.tld #новий-псевдонім:сервер.домен Add Додати AllowedRoomsSettingsDialog Allowed rooms settings Налаштування дозволених кімнат List of rooms that allow access to this room. Anyone who is in any of those rooms can join this room. Список кімнат, які дозволяють доступ до цієї кімнати. Кожен, хто перебуває в будь-якій із цих кімнат, може приєднатися до цієї кімнати. Parent community Батьківська спільнота Other room Інша кімната Enter additional rooms not in the list yet... Введіть додаткові кімнати, яких ще немає в списку... Cache %1 and %n other(s) %1 і ще %n %1 та ще %n %1 та ще %n Empty Room Порожня кімната CallInvite Video Call Відеодзвінок Voice Call Голосовий виклик No microphone found. Мікрофон не знайдено. CallInviteBar Video Call Відеодзвінок Voice Call Голосовий виклик Devices Пристрої Accept прийняти Unknown microphone: %1 Невідомий мікрофон: %1 Unknown camera: %1 Невідома камера: %1 Decline Відхилити No microphone found. Мікрофон не знайдено. CallManager Entire screen Весь екран ChatPage Failed to invite user: %1 Не вдалося запросити користувача: %1 Invited user: %1 Запрошений користувач: %1 Confirm logout Підтвердьте вихід The cache on your disk is newer than this version of Nheko supports. Please update Nheko or clear your cache. Кеш на вашому диску новіший, ніж підтримує ця версія Nheko. Оновіть Nheko або очистіть кеш. Failed to open database, logging out! Не вдалося відкрити базу даних, вихід із системи! Knock on room Постукати в кімнату Do you really want to knock on %1? You may optionally provide a reason for others to accept your knock: Ви дійсно хочете постукати до %1? За бажанням ви можете вказати причину, щоб інші прийняли ваш стукіт: Failed to knock room: %1 Не вдалося постукати в кімнату: %1 Room creation failed: Bad Alias Не вдалося створити кімнату: поганий псевдонім Room %1 created. Кімната %1 створена. Confirm invite Підтвердити запрошення Do you really want to invite %1 (%2)? Ви справді хочете запросити %1 (%2)? Failed to invite %1 to %2: %3 Не вдалося запросити %1 до %2: %3 Kicked user: %1 Вигнано користувача: %1 Failed to ban %1 in %2: %3 Не вдалося заблокувати %1 у %2: %3 Banned user: %1 Заблоковано користувача: %1 Confirm unban Підтвердити розблокування Do you really want to unban %1 (%2)? Ви дійсно хочете розблокувати %1 (%2)? Failed to unban %1 in %2: %3 Не вдалося розблокувати %1 у %2: %3 Unbanned user: %1 Розблоковано користувача: %1 Do you really want to start a private chat with %1? Ви справді хочете розпочати приватну бесіду з %1? Cache migration failed! Помилка міграції кешу! Because of the following reason Nheko wants to drop you to the login page: %1 If you think this is a mistake, you can close Nheko instead to possibly recover your encryption keys. After you have been dropped to the login page, you can sign in again using your usual methods. З наступних причин Nheko хоче перекинути вас на сторінку входу: %1 Якщо ви вважаєте, що це помилка, ви можете закрити Nheko, щоб, можливо, відновити свої ключі шифрування. Після того, як вас перекинули на сторінку входу, ви можете знову ввійти, використовуючи звичайні методи. Migrating the cache to the current version failed. This can have different reasons. Please open an issue at and try to use an older version in the meantime. Alternatively you can try deleting the cache manually. Не вдалося перенести кеш до поточної версії. Це може мати різні причини. Будь ласка, відкрийте проблему на та тим часом спробуйте використати старішу версію. Крім того, ви можете спробувати видалити кеш вручну. Incompatible cache version Несумісна версія кешу Failed to restore OLM account. Please login again. Не вдалося відновити обліковий запис OLM. Увійдіть ще раз. Failed to restore save data. Please login again. Не вдалося відновити збережені дані. Увійдіть ще раз. Failed to setup encryption keys. Server response: %1 %2. Please try again later. Не вдалося налаштувати ключі шифрування. Відповідь сервера: %1 %2. Будь-ласка, спробуйте пізніше. Please try to login again: %1 Спробуйте увійти знову: %1 You failed to join %1. You can try to knock so that others can invite you in. Do you want to do so? You may optionally provide a reason for others to accept your knock: Вам не вдалося приєднатися до %1. Ви можете спробувати постукати, щоб інші запросили вас увійти. Ви хочете це зробити? За бажанням ви можете вказати причину, щоб інші прийняли ваш стукіт: Failed to join room: %1 Не вдалося приєднатися до кімнати: %1 Failed to remove invite: %1 Не вдалося видалити запрошення: %1 Room creation failed: %1 Не вдалося створити кімнату: %1 Failed to leave room: %1 Не вдалося залишити кімнату: %1 Reason for the kick Причина вигону Enter reason for kicking %1 (%2) or hit enter for no reason: Введіть причину вигону %1 (%2) або натисніть Enter щоб не уточнювати причину: Failed to kick %1 from %2: %3 Не вдалося вигнати %1 з %2: %3 Reason for the ban Причина блокування Enter reason for banning %1 (%2) or hit enter for no reason: Введіть причину блокування %1 (%2) або натисніть Enter щоб не уточнювати причину: No network connection Немає підключення до мережі CommandCompleter /me <message> /me <повідомлення> /react <text> /react <текст> /join (!roomid|#alias) [reason] /join (!ідентифікатор-кімнати|#псевдонім) [причина] /knock (!roomid|#alias) [reason] /knock (!ідентифікатор-кімнати|#псевдонім) [причина] /part [reason] /part [причина] /leave [reason] /leave [причина] /invite @userid [reason] /invite @ідентифікатор-користувача [причина] /kick @userid [reason] /kick @ідентифікатор-користувача [причина] /ban @userid [reason] /ban @ідентифікатор-користувача [причина] /unban @userid [reason] /unban @ідентифікатор-користувача [причина] /redact ($eventid|@userid) /redact ($ідентифікатор-події|@ідентифікатор-користувача) /roomnick <displayname> /roomnick <відображуване-ім'я> /shrug [message] /shrug [повідомлення] /fliptable /fliptable /unfliptable /unfliptable /sovietflip /sovietflip /clear-timeline /clear-timeline /reset-state /reset-state /rotate-megolm-session /rotate-megolm-session /md [message] /md [повідомлення] /plain [message] /plain [повідомлення] /rainbow [message] /rainbow [повідомлення] /rainbowme [message] /rainbowme [повідомлення] /notice [message] /notice [повідомлення] /rainbownotice [message] /rainbownotice [повідомлення] /confetti [message] /confetti [повідомлення] /rainbowconfetti [message] /rainbowconfetti [повідомлення] /goto ($eventid|message index|matrix:r/room/e/event) /goto ($ідентифікатор-події|повідомлення індекс|matrix:r/кімната/e/подія) /converttodm /converttodm /converttoroom /converttoroom Send a message expressing an action. Надіслати повідомлення, що виражає дію. Send <text> as a reaction when you’re replying to a message. Надіслати <текст> як реакцію, коли ви відповідаєте на повідомлення. Join a room. Reason is optional. Приєднатися до кімнати. Причина необов'язкова. Ask to join a room. Reason is optional. Попросити приєднатися до кімнати. Причина необов'язкова. Leave a room. Reason is optional. Вийти з кімнати. Причина необов'язкова. Invite a user into the current room. Reason is optional. Запросити користувача в поточну кімнату. Причина необов'язкова. Kick a user from the current room. Reason is optional. Вигнати користувача з поточної кімнати. Причина необов'язкова. Ban a user from the current room. Reason is optional. Заборонити користувача в поточній кімнаті. Причина необов'язкова. Unban a user in the current room. Reason is optional. Розблокувати користувача в поточній кімнаті. Причина необов'язкова. Redact an event or all locally cached messages of a user. Редагувати подію або всі локально кешовані повідомлення користувача. Change your displayname in this room. Змінити своє відображуване ім'я в цій кімнаті. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ with an optional message. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ з додатковим повідомленням. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ┯━┯╭( º _ º╭) ┯━┯╭( º _ º╭) ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\ ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\ Clear the currently cached messages in this room. Очистити кешовані повідомлення в цій кімнаті. Refetch the state in this room. Повторно отримати стан цієї кімнати. Rotate the current symmetric encryption key. Обернути поточний ключ симетричного шифрування. Send a markdown formatted message (ignoring the global setting). Надіслати повідомлення у форматі markdown (ігноруючи глобальне налаштування). Send an unformatted message (ignoring the global setting). Надіслати неформатоване повідомлення (ігноруючи глобальне налаштування). Send a message in rainbow colors. Надіслати повідомлення в кольорах веселки. Send /me in rainbow colors. Надіслати /me в кольорах веселки. Send a bot message. Надіслати повідомлення боту. Send a bot message in rainbow colors. Надіслати повідомлення боту в кольорах веселки. Send a message with confetti. Надіслати повідомлення з конфетті. Send a message in rainbow colors with confetti. Надіслати повідомлення в кольорах веселки з конфетті. Go to this event or link. Перейти на цю подію або за посиланням. Convert this room to a direct chat. Перетворити цю кімнату на особистий чат. Convert this direct chat into a room. Перетворити цей особистий чат на кімнату. CommunitiesList Do not show notification counts for this community or tag. Не показувати кількість сповіщень для цієї спільноти чи тегу. Hide rooms with this tag or from this community by default. Приховати кімнати з цим тегом або від цієї спільноти за умовчанням. Expand Розгорнути Collapse Згорнути CommunitiesModel All rooms Всі кімнати Shows all rooms without filtering. Показує всі кімнати без фільтрації. Direct Chats Особисті чати Show direct chats. Показати особисті чати. Favourites Вибране Rooms you have favourited. Кімнати, які ви вибрали. Low Priority Низький пріоритет Rooms with low priority. Кімнати з низьким пріоритетом. Server Notices Повідомлення сервера Messages from your server or administrator. Повідомлення від вашого сервера або адміністратора. Failed to update community: %1 Не вдалося оновити спільноту: %1 Failed to delete room from community: %1 Не вдалося видалити кімнату зі спільноти: %1 Failed to update community for room: %1 Не вдалося оновити спільноту для кімнати: %1 Failed to remove community from room: %1 Не вдалося видалити спільноту з кімнати: %1 ConfirmJoinRoomDialog Confirm community join Підтвердити приєднання до спільноти Confirm room join Підтвердити приєднання до кімнати %n member(s) %n учасник %n учасників %n учасників Do you want to join this room? You can optionally add a reason below: Ви хочете приєднатися до цієї кімнати? Ви можете додати причину нижче: This room can't be joined directly. You can, however, knock on the room and room members can accept or decline this join request. You can additionally provide a reason for them to let you in below: До цієї кімнати не можна приєднатися безпосередньо. Однак ви можете постукати в кімнату, і учасники кімнати зможуть прийняти або відхилити цей запит на приєднання. Нижче ви можете додатково вказати причину, щоб вони вас впустили: Knock Стукнути Join Приєднатися CreateDirect Create Direct Chat Створити прямий чат User to invite Користувач для запрошення @user:server.tld @користувач:сервер.домен Encryption Шифрування CreateRoom Create Room Створити кімнату Name Ім'я New community Нова спільнота New Room Нова кімната No name Без імені Topic Тема No topic Немає теми Alias Псевдонім Public Загальнодоступна Public rooms can be joined by anyone; private rooms need explicit invites. До загальнодоступних кімнат може приєднатися кожен; приватні кімнати потребують явних запрошень. Trusted Довірена All invitees are given the same power level as the creator Усім запрошеним надається той самий рівень влади, що й творцю Encryption Шифрування Caution: Encryption cannot be disabled Застереження: шифрування не можна вимкнути CrossSigningSecrets Decrypt secrets Розшифрувати ключі Enter your recovery key or passphrase to decrypt your secrets: Введіть ключ відновлення або парольну фразу, щоб розшифрувати свої ключі: Enter your recovery key or passphrase called %1 to decrypt your secrets: Введіть ключ відновлення або парольну фразу %1, щоб розшифрувати свої ключі: Decryption failed Не вдалося розшифрувати Failed to decrypt secrets with the provided recovery key or passphrase Не вдалося розшифрувати ключі за допомогою наданого ключа відновлення або парольної фрази DigitVerification Verification Code Код підтвердження Please verify the following digits. You should see the same numbers on both sides. If they differ, please press 'They do not match!' to abort verification! Перевірте наступні цифри. Ви повинні побачити однакові цифри з обох сторін. Якщо вони відрізняються, натисніть «Вони не збігаються!» щоб перервати перевірку! They do not match! Вони не збігаються! They match! Вони збігаються! EmojiPicker Search Пошук People Люди Nature Природа Food Їжа Activity Активності Travel Подорожі Objects Об'єкти Symbols Символи Flags Прапори EmojiVerification Verification Code Код підтвердження Please verify the following emoji. You should see the same emoji on both sides. If they differ, please press 'They do not match!' to abort verification! Перевірте наступні емодзі. Ви повинні побачити однакові емодзі з обох сторін. Якщо вони відрізняються, натисніть «Вони не збігаються!» щоб перервати перевірку! The displayed emoji might look different in different clients if a different font is used. Similarly they might be translated into different languages. Nonetheless they should depict one of 64 different objects or animals. For example a lion and a cat are different, but a cat is the same even if one client just shows a cat face, while another client shows a full cat body. Відображені емодзі можуть виглядати по-різному в різних клієнтах, якщо використовується інший шрифт. Так само вони можуть бути перекладені різними мовами. Тим не менш, вони повинні зображати один із 64 різних предметів або тварин. Наприклад, лев і кіт різні, але кіт однаковий, навіть якщо один клієнт показує лише котяче обличчя, а інший показує повне котяче тіло. They do not match! Вони не збігаються! They match! Вони збігаються! Encrypted There is no key to unlock this message. We requested the key automatically, but you can try requesting it again if you are impatient. Немає ключа для розблокування цього повідомлення. Ми запросили ключ автоматично, але Ви можете спробувати запросити його знову вручну. This message couldn't be decrypted, because we only have a key for newer messages. You can try requesting access to this message. Це повідомлення не вдалося розшифрувати, оскільки ми маємо ключ лише для нових повідомлень. Ви можете спробувати надіслати запит на доступ до цього повідомлення. There was an internal error reading the decryption key from the database. Під час читання ключа розшифровки з бази даних сталася внутрішня помилка. There was an error decrypting this message. Під час розшифровки цього повідомлення сталася помилка. The message couldn't be parsed. Не вдалося проаналізувати повідомлення. The encryption key was reused! Someone is possibly trying to insert false messages into this chat! Ключ шифрування використано повторно! Можливо, хтось намагається вставити неправдиві повідомлення в цей чат! Unknown decryption error Невідома помилка дешифрування Request key Запитати ключ EncryptionIndicator This message is not encrypted! Це повідомлення не зашифровано! Encrypted by a verified device Зашифровано перевіреним пристроєм Encrypted by an unverified device, but you have trusted that user so far. Зашифровано неперевіреним пристроєм, але ви довіряєте цьому користувачеві. Encrypted by an unverified device or the key is from an untrusted source like the key backup. Зашифровано неперевіреним пристроєм або ключ отримано з ненадійного джерела, як-от резервна копія ключа. Failed Verification failed Не вдалося перевірити Other client does not support our verification protocol. Інший клієнт не підтримує наш протокол перевірки. Key mismatch detected! Виявлено невідповідність ключів! Device verification timed out. Час перевірки пристрою минув. Other party canceled the verification. Інша сторона скасувала перевірку. Verification messages received out of order! Повідомлення про підтвердження отримано не в порядку! Unknown verification error. Невідома помилка підтвердження. Close Закрити ForwardCompleter Forward Message Переслати повідомлення HiddenEvents Failed to set hidden events: %1 Не вдалося встановити приховані події: %1 HiddenEventsDialog Hidden events for %1 Приховані події для %1 Hidden events Приховані події These events will be <b>shown</b> in %1: Ці події будуть <b>показані</b> в %1: These events will be <b>shown</b> in all rooms: Ці події <b>відображатимуться</b> в усіх кімнатах: User events Події користувача Joins, leaves, avatar and name changes, bans, … Приєднання, виходи, зміни аватара та імені, блокування, … Power level changes Зміна прав доступу Sent when a moderator is added/removed or the permissions of a room are changed. Надсилається, коли додається/видаляється модератор або змінюються дозволи кімнати. Stickers Наліпки ImagePackEditorDialog Editing image pack Редагування набору зображень Add images Додати зображення Images (*.png *.webp *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg) Зображення (*.png *.webp *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg) Select images for pack Вибрати зображення для набору Add to pack Додати до набору Change the overview image for this pack Змінити оглядове зображення для цього набору Overview Image (*.png *.webp *.jpg *.jpeg) Оглядове зображення (*.png *.webp *.jpg *.jpeg) Select overview image for pack Вибрати оглядове зображення для набору State key Унікальне ім'я Packname Назва набору Attribution Атрибуція Use as Emoji Використовувати як емодзі Use as Sticker Використовувати як наліпку Shortcode Короткий код Body Тіло Remove from pack Вилучити з набору Remove Вилучити ImagePackSettingsDialog Image pack settings Create account pack New room pack Private pack Pack from this room Pack from parent community Globally enabled pack Enable globally Enables this pack to be used in all rooms Edit Close Закрити InputBar Select a file All Files (*) Upload of '%1' failed InviteDialog Invite users to %1 User ID to invite Example user id. The name 'joe' can be localized however you want. Add Додати Invite Cancel JoinRoomDialog Join room Room ID or alias Join Приєднатися LeaveRoomDialog Leave room Are you sure you want to leave? LoginPage Matrix ID e.g Your login name. A mxid should start with @ followed by the user ID. After the user ID you need to include your server name after a :. You can also put your homeserver address there if your server doesn't support .well-known lookup. Example: If Nheko fails to discover your homeserver, it will show you a field to enter the server manually. Password Your password. Device name A name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided, a default is used. The address that can be used to contact you homeserver's client API. Example: Homeserver address LOGIN Back You have entered an invalid Matrix ID e.g Autodiscovery failed. Received malformed response. Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known. The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server. Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid. An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid. The selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol, that this client understands (v1.1 to v1.5). You can't sign in. Sign in with Apple Continue with Facebook Sign in with Google Sign in with Twitter Login using %1 SSO LOGIN Empty password SSO login failed LogoutDialog Log out A call is in progress. Log out? Are you sure you want to log out? MediaUpload Failed to upload media. Please try again. MessageDelegate %1 removed a message %1 enabled encryption %2 changed the room name to: %1 %1 removed the room name %2 changed the topic to: %1 %1 removed the topic %1 changed the room avatar %1 changed the pinned messages. %1 changed the addresses for this room. %1 created and configured room: %2 %1 placed a voice call. %1 placed a video call. %1 placed a call. %1 rejected the call. %1 select answer %1 is negotiating the call... Allow them in %1 answered the call. This room was replaced for the following reason: %1 Go to replacement room %1 changed the parent communities for this room. %1 ended the call. MessageInput Hang up Place a call Already on a call Send a file Write a message... Stickers Наліпки Emoji Send You don't have permission to send messages in this room MessageView Edit React Reply in thread New thread Reply Options Reason for removal Enter reason for removal or hit enter for no reason: &Copy Copy &link location Re&act Repl&y &Edit &Thread Un&pin &Pin &Read receipts &Forward &Mark as read View raw message View decrypted raw message Remo&ve message &Save as &Open in external program Copy link to eve&nt &Go to quoted message NewVerificationRequest Send Verification Request Received Verification Request To allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify an unverified device now? (Please make sure you have one of those devices available.) To allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify %1 now? To ensure that no malicious user can eavesdrop on your encrypted communications you can verify the other party. %1 has requested to verify their device %2. %1 using the device %2 has requested to be verified. Your device (%1) has requested to be verified. Cancel Deny Start verification Accept Прийняти NotificationWarning You are about to notify the whole room NotificationsManager %1 sent an encrypted message %1 replied: %2 Format a reply in a notification. %1 is the sender, %2 the message %1 replied with an encrypted message %1 replied to a message %1 sent a message PlaceCall Place a call to %1? No microphone found. Мікрофон не знайдено. Voice Video Screen Cancel Placeholder unimplemented event: PowerLevelEditor Permissions in %1 Be careful when editing permissions. You can't lower the permissions of people with a same or higher level than you. Be careful when promoting others. Roles Users Move permissions between roles to change them Administrator (%1) Moderator (%1) User (%1) Custom (%1) Remove event type Add event type Add new role Add Додати Move users up or down to change their permissions Remove user Add user PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialog Apply permission changes Which of the subcommunities and rooms should these permissions be applied to? Apply permissions recursively Overwrite exisiting modifications in rooms No permissions to apply the new permissions here No changes needed Existing modifications to the permissions in this room will be overwritten Permissions synchronized with community PowerLevels Failed to update powerlevel: %1 PowerlevelEditingModels Failed to update powerlevel: %1 PowerlevelsTypeListModel Other events Other state events Remove other users Ban other users Invite other users Redact events sent by others Reactions Deprecated aliases events Change the room avatar Change the room addresses Send encrypted messages Enable encryption Change guest access Change history visibility Change who can join Send messages Change the room name Change the room permissions Change the rooms topic Change the widgets Change the widgets (experimental) Redact own events Change the pinned events Upgrade the room Send stickers Ban users using policy rules Ban rooms using policy rules Ban servers using policy rules Edit child communities and rooms Change parent communities Start a call Negotiate a call Answer a call Hang up a call Reject a call Change the room emotes PowerlevelsUserListModel Other users QCoreApplication Create a unique profile which allows you to log into several accounts at the same time and start multiple instances of nheko. profile profile name QObject Alias for '--log-level trace'. Set the global log level, or a comma-separated list of <component>=<level> pairs, or both. For example, to set the default log level to 'warn' but disable logging for the 'ui' component, pass 'warn,ui=off'. levels:{trace,debug,info,warning,error,critical,off} components:{crypto,db,mtx,net,qml,ui} level Set the log output type. A comma-separated list is allowed. The default is 'file,stderr'. types:{file,stderr,none} type Respond Send Write a message... ReadReceipts Read receipts ReadReceiptsModel Yesterday, %1 RegisterPage Username The username must not be empty, and must contain only the characters a-z, 0-9, ., _, =, -, and /. Back Password Please choose a secure password. The exact requirements for password strength may depend on your server. Password confirmation A name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided a default is used. Homeserver your.server A server that allows registration. Since matrix is decentralized, you need to first find a server you can register on or host your own. Your passwords do not match! Device name REGISTER Autodiscovery failed. Received malformed response. Autodiscovery failed. Unknown error when requesting .well-known. The required endpoints were not found. Possibly not a Matrix server. Received malformed response. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid. An unknown error occured. Make sure the homeserver domain is valid. The selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol that this client understands (v1.1 to v1.5). You can't register. Server does not support querying registration flows! Server does not support registration. Invalid username. Name already in use. Part of the reserved namespace. ReplyPopup Close Закрити Cancel Edit Cancel Thread RoomDirectory Explore Public Rooms Search for public rooms Choose custom homeserver RoomInfo no version stored RoomList New tag Enter the tag you want to use: Open separately Room settings Leave room Copy room link Tag room as: Favourite Вибране Low priority Низький пріоритет Server notice Повідомлення сервера Create new tag... Add or remove from community... Status Message Enter your status message: Profile settings Set status message Logout Encryption not set up Cross-signing setup has not run yet. Unverified login The user just signed in with this device and hasn't verified their master key. Please verify your other devices There are unverified devices signed in to this account. Close Закрити Start a new chat Join a room Create a new room Start a direct chat Create a new community Room directory Search rooms (Ctrl+K) User settings RoomMembers Members of %1 %n people in %1 Summary above list of members Invite more people Search... Sort by: User ID Display name Power level Administrator: %1 Moderator: %1 User: %1 This room is not encrypted! This user is verified. This user isn't verified, but is still using the same master key from the first time you met. This user has unverified devices! RoomSettings Room Settings Change room avatar. Change name of this room %n member(s) View members of %1 No topic set Change topic of this room SETTINGS Notifications Muted Mentions only All messages Encryption Шифрування End-to-End Encryption Encryption is currently experimental and things might break unexpectedly. <br> Please take note that it can't be disabled afterwards. Permission View and change the permissions in this room View and change the addresses/aliases of this room Sticker & Emote Settings Change Hidden events Приховані події Configure Anyone can join Allow knocking Allow joining via other rooms Rooms to join via Change the list of rooms users can join this room via. Usually this is the official community of this room. Allow guests to join Apply access rules Aliases Change what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new ones Select events to hide in this room INFO Internal ID Copied to clipboard Room Version show less show more Failed to enable encryption: %1 Select an avatar All Files (*) The selected file is not an image Error while reading file: %1 Failed to upload image: %s RoomlistModel Pending invite. Previewing this room No preview available Root Please enter your login password to continue: Please enter a valid email address to continue: Please enter a valid phone number to continue: Please enter the token which has been sent to you: Wait for the confirmation link to arrive, then continue. ScreenShare Share desktop with %1? Window: Frame rate: Include your camera picture-in-picture Request remote camera View your callee's camera like a regular video call Hide mouse cursor Share Preview Cancel SecretStorage Failed to connect to secret storage Nheko could not connect to the secure storage to save encryption secrets to. This can have multiple reasons. Check if your D-Bus service is running and you have configured a service like KWallet, Gnome Keyring, KeePassXC or the equivalent for your platform. If you are having trouble, feel free to open an issue here: SelfVerificationCheck This is your recovery key. You will need it to restore access to your encrypted messages and verification keys. Keep this safe. Don't share it with anyone and don't lose it! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200! Encryption setup successfully Failed to setup encryption: %1 Setup Encryption Hello and welcome to Matrix! It seems like you are new. Before you can securely encrypt your messages, we need to setup a few small things. You can either press accept immediately or adjust a few basic options. We also try to explain a few of the basics. You can skip those parts, but they might prove to be helpful! Activate Encryption It seems like you have encryption already configured for this account. To be able to access your encrypted messages and make this device appear as trusted, you can either verify an existing device or (if you have one) enter your recovery passphrase. Please select one of the options below. If you choose verify, you need to have the other device available. If you choose "enter passphrase", you will need your recovery key or passphrase. If you click cancel, you can choose to verify yourself at a later point. verify enter passphrase SelfVerificationStatus Failed to create keys for cross-signing! Failed to create keys for online key backup! Failed to create keys for secure server side secret storage! Encryption Setup Encryption setup failed: %1 Identity key changed. This breaks E2EE, so logging out. SingleImagePackModel Failed to update image pack: %1 Failed to delete old image pack: %1 Failed to open image: %1 Failed to upload image: %1 SpaceMenuLevel Add or remove from community Official community for this room Affiliated community for this room Listed only for community members Listed only for room members Not related Subcommunities StatusIndicator Failed Sent Received Read StickerPicker Search Пошук Success Successful Verification Verification successful! Both sides verified their devices! Close Закрити TimelineModel Message redaction failed: %1 Failed to encrypt event, sending aborted! Save image Save video Save audio Save file %1 and %2 are typing. Multiple users are typing. First argument is a comma separated list of potentially multiple users. Second argument is the last user of that list. (If only one user is typing, %1 is empty. You should still use it in your string though to silence Qt warnings.) %1 opened the room to the public. %1 allowed to join this room by knocking. %1 allowed members of the following rooms to automatically join this room: %2 %1 made the room open to guests. %1 has closed the room to guest access. %1 made the room history world readable. Events may be now read by non-joined people. %1 set the room history visible to members from this point on. %1 set the room history visible to members since they were invited. %1 set the room history visible to members since they joined the room. %1 has changed the room's permissions. %1 has changed the room's kick powerlevel from %2 to %3. %n member(s) can now kick room members. %1 can now kick room members. %1 has changed the room's redact powerlevel from %2 to %3. %n member(s) can now redact room messages. %1 can now redact room messages. %1 has changed the room's ban powerlevel from %2 to %3. %n member(s) can now ban room members. %1 can now ban room members. %1 has changed the room's state_default powerlevel from %2 to %3. %n member(s) can now send state events. %1 can now send state events. %1 has changed the room's invite powerlevel from %2 to %3. %1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3. New users can now not send any events. %1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3. New users can now send events that are not otherwise restricted. %1 has changed the room's events_default powerlevel from %2 to %3. %1 has made %2 an administrator of this room. %1 has made %2 a moderator of this room. %1 has downgraded %2 to moderator of this room. %1 has changed the powerlevel of %2 from %3 to %4. %1 allowed only administrators to send "%2". %1 allowed only moderators to send "%2". %1 allowed everyone to send "%2". %1 has changed the powerlevel of event type "%2" from the default to %3. %1 has changed the powerlevel of event type "%2" from %3 to %4. (empty) %1 removed the following images from the pack %2:<br>%3 %1 added the following images to the pack %2:<br>%3 %1 changed the sticker and emotes in this room. %1 disabled the rule to ban users matching %2. %1 added a rule to ban users matching %2 for '%3'. %1 disabled the rule to ban rooms matching %2. %1 added a rule to ban rooms matching %2 for '%3'. %1 disabled the rule to ban servers matching %2. %1 added a rule to ban servers matching %2 for '%3'. Removed by %1 %1 (%2) removed this message at %3 Removed by %1 because: %2 %1 (%2) removed this message at %3 Reason: %4 %2 revoked the invite to %1. %2 kicked %1. %2 unbanned %1. %2 rejected the knock from %1. %1 changed their avatar. %1 changed some profile info. %1 joined. %1 joined via authorisation from %2's server. %1 rejected their invite. %1 left the room. Reason: %1 %1 redacted their knock. You joined this room. %1 made this room require an invitation to join. %1 invited %2. %1 has changed their avatar and changed their display name to %2. %1 has changed their display name to %2. %1 left after having already left! This is a leave event after the user already left and shouldn't happen apart from state resets %1 banned %2 %1 knocked. TimelineRow Edited Part of a thread TimelineView No room open No preview available Settings %n member(s) View members of %1 join the conversation accept invite decline invite Hide invite reason Show invite reason Back to room list TopBar Back to room list No room selected In %1 Show room members. This room contains only verified devices. This room contains verified devices and devices which have never changed their master key. This room contains unverified devices! Show or hide pinned messages Search this room Room options Invite users Members Leave room Settings Unpin Enter search query TrayIcon Show Quit UIA No available registration flows! Registration aborted Please enter a valid registration token. Invalid token UploadBox Upload %n file(s) UserProfile Global User Profile Room User Profile Change avatar globally. Change avatar. Will only apply to this room. Change display name globally. Change display name. Will only apply to this room. Room: %1 This is a room-specific profile. The user's name and avatar may be different from their global versions. Open the global profile for this user. Verify Start a private chat. Kick the user. Ban the user. Refresh device list. Sign out this device. Change device name. Last seen %1 from %2 Unverify Sign out device %1 You signed out this device. Select an avatar All Files (*) The selected file is not an image Error while reading file: %1 UserSettings Default UserSettingsModel Theme Scale factor Highlight message on hover Large Emoji in timeline Minimize to tray Start in tray Send messages as Markdown Use shift+enter to send and enter to start a new line Enable message bubbles Enable small Avatars Play animated images only on hover Typing notifications Sort rooms by unreads Show buttons in timeline Limit width of timeline Read receipts Desktop notifications Alert on notification Circular Avatars Use identicons Open images with external program Open videos with external program Decrypt messages in sidebar Decrypt notifications Display fancy effects such as confetti Privacy Screen Privacy screen timeout (in seconds [0 - 3600]) Touchscreen mode Font size Font Family Emoji Font Family Ringtone Microphone Camera Camera resolution Camera frame rate Allow fallback call assist server Send encrypted messages to verified users only Share keys with verified users and devices Online Key Backup Profile User ID Accesstoken Device ID Device Fingerprint Homeserver Version Platform GENERAL TIMELINE SIDEBAR TRAY NOTIFICATIONS CALLS ENCRYPTION INFO Session Keys Cross Signing Secrets Online backup key Self signing key User signing key Master signing key Expose room information via D-Bus Default Set the notification sound to play when a call invite arrives Set timeout (in seconds) for how long after window loses focus before the screen will be blurred. Set to 0 to blur immediately after focus loss. Max value of 1 hour (3600 seconds) Change the background color of messages when you hover over them. Make font size larger if messages with only a few emojis are displayed. Keep the application running in the background after closing the client window. Start the application in the background without showing the client window. Allow using markdown in messages. When disabled, all messages are sent as a plain text. Invert the behavior of the enter key in the text input, making it send the message when shift+enter is pressed and starting a new line when enter is pressed. Messages get a bubble background. This also triggers some layout changes (WIP). Avatars are resized to fit above the message. Plays media like GIFs or WEBPs only when explicitly hovering over them. Show who is typing in a room. This will also enable or disable sending typing notifications to others. Show buttons to quickly reply, react or access additional options next to each message. Notify about received messages when the client is not currently focused. Change the appearance of user avatars in chats. OFF - square, ON - circle. Decrypt messages shown in notifications for encrypted chats. Choose where to show the total number of notifications contained within a community or tag. Some messages can be sent with fancy effects. For example, messages sent with '/confetti' will show confetti on screen. Automatically replies to key requests from other users if they are verified, even if that device shouldn't have access to those keys otherwise. The key to verify your own devices. If it is cached, verifying one of your devices will mark it verified for all your other devices and for users that have verified you. Show an alert when a message is received. This usually causes the application icon in the task bar to animate in some fashion. Communities sidebar Show message counts for communities and tags Set the max width of messages in the timeline (in pixels). This can help readability on wide screen when Nheko is maximized Show a column containing communities and tags next to the room list. Display rooms with new messages first. If this is off, the list of rooms will only be sorted by the timestamp of the last message in a room. If this is on, rooms which have active notifications (the small circle with a number in it) will be sorted on top. Rooms that you have muted will still be sorted by timestamp, since you don't seem to consider them as important as the other rooms. Show if your message was read. Status is displayed next to timestamps. Warning: If your homeserver does not support this, your rooms will never be marked as read! Display an identicon instead of a letter when no avatar is set. Opens images with an external program when tapping the image. Note that when this option is ON, opened files are left unencrypted on disk and must be manually deleted. Opens videos with an external program when tapping the video. Note that when this option is ON, opened files are left unencrypted on disk and must be manually deleted. Decrypt the messages shown in the sidebar. Only affects messages in encrypted chats. When the window loses focus, the timeline will be blurred. Will prevent text selection in the timeline to make touch scrolling easier. Change the scale factor of the whole user interface. Will use as assist when your home server does not offer one. Requires a user to be verified to send encrypted messages to them. This improves safety but makes E2EE more tedious. Download message encryption keys from and upload to the encrypted online key backup. The key to decrypt online key backups. If it is cached, you can enable online key backup to store encryption keys securely encrypted on the server. The key to verify other users. If it is cached, verifying a user will verify all their devices. Your most important key. You don't need to have it cached, since not caching it makes it less likely it can be stolen and it is only needed to rotate your other signing keys. Allow third-party plugins and applications to load information about rooms you are in via D-Bus. This can have useful applications, but it also could be used for nefarious purposes. Enable at your own risk. This setting will take effect upon restart. Select a file All Files (*) Open Sessions File Error File Password Enter the passphrase to decrypt the file: The password cannot be empty Enter passphrase to encrypt your session keys: File to save the exported session keys UserSettingsPage REQUEST DOWNLOAD CACHED NOT CACHED Back IMPORT EXPORT VerificationManager No encrypted private chat found with this user. Create an encrypted private chat with this user and try again. Waiting Waiting for other party… Waiting for other side to accept the verification request. Waiting for other side to continue the verification process. Waiting for other side to complete the verification process. Cancel WelcomePage Welcome to nheko! The desktop client for the Matrix protocol. Enjoy your stay! REGISTER LOGIN descriptiveTime Yesterday dialogs::FallbackAuth Open Fallback in Browser Cancel Confirm Open the fallback, follow the steps, and confirm after completing them. dialogs::ReCaptcha Open reCAPTCHA Cancel Confirm Solve the reCAPTCHA and press the confirm button message-description sent: You sent an audio clip %1 sent an audio clip You sent an image %1 sent an image You sent a file %1 sent a file You sent a video %1 sent a video You sent a sticker %1 sent a sticker You sent a notification %1 sent a notification You: %1 %1: %2 You sent some confetti %1 sent some confetti You sent an encrypted message %1 sent an encrypted message You placed a call %1 placed a call You answered a call %1 answered a call You ended a call %1 ended a call You rejected a call %1 rejected a call utils Unknown Message Type