diff --git a/src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp b/src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp
index 9696dffb..0bec9505 100644
--- a/src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp
+++ b/src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp
@@ -561,25 +561,28 @@ TimelineModel::data(const mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents &event, int r
// TODO(Nico): Don't parse html with a regex
- const static QRegularExpression matchEmoticonHeight(
- "(
- formattedBody_.replace(matchEmoticonHeight, QString("\\1 height=\"%1\"\\3").arg(ascent));
const static QRegularExpression matchIsImg("
auto itIsImg = matchIsImg.globalMatch(formattedBody_);
while (itIsImg.hasNext()) {
+ // The current
const QString curImg = itIsImg.next().captured(0);
+ // The replacement for the current
+ auto imgReplacement = curImg;
// Construct image parameters later used by MxcImageProvider.
QString imgParams;
if (curImg.contains("height")) {
- const static QRegularExpression matchImgHeight("height=[\"\']?(\\d+)[\"\']?");
- const auto height = matchImgHeight.match(curImg).captured(1).toInt();
+ const static QRegularExpression matchImgHeight("height=([\"\']?)(\\d+)([\"\']?)");
+ // Make emoticons twice as high as the font.
+ if (curImg.contains("data-mx-emoticon")) {
+ imgReplacement =
+ imgReplacement.replace(matchImgHeight, "height=\\1%1\\3").arg(ascent * 2);
+ }
+ const auto height = matchImgHeight.match(imgReplacement).captured(2).toInt();
imgParams = QString("?scale&height=%1").arg(height);
// Replace src in current
- auto imgReplacement = curImg;
const static QRegularExpression matchImgUri("src=\"mxc://([^\"]*)\"");