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import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
2020-06-24 16:24:22 +02:00
import im.nheko 1.0
// This class is for showing Reactions in the timeline row, not for
// adding new reactions via the emoji picker
2020-05-04 00:59:05 +02:00
Flow {
2020-10-08 21:11:21 +02:00
id: reactionFlow
// highlight colors for selfReactedEvent background
property real highlightHue: colors.highlight.hslHue
property real highlightSat: colors.highlight.hslSaturation
property real highlightLight: colors.highlight.hslLightness
property string eventId
property alias reactions: repeater.model
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: 4
Repeater {
id: repeater
delegate: AbstractButton {
id: reaction
hoverEnabled: true
implicitWidth: contentItem.childrenRect.width + contentItem.leftPadding * 2
implicitHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: modelData.users
onClicked: {
console.debug("Picked " + modelData.key + "in response to " + reactionFlow.eventId + ". selfReactedEvent: " + modelData.selfReactedEvent);
TimelineManager.queueReactionMessage(reactionFlow.eventId, modelData.key);
contentItem: Row {
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: reactionText.implicitHeight / 4
leftPadding: reactionText.implicitHeight / 2
rightPadding: reactionText.implicitHeight / 2
TextMetrics {
id: textMetrics
font.family: Settings.emojiFont
elide: Text.ElideRight
elideWidth: 150
text: modelData.key
Text {
id: reactionText
anchors.baseline: reactionCounter.baseline
text: textMetrics.elidedText + (textMetrics.elidedText == modelData.key ? "" : "…")
font.family: Settings.emojiFont
color: reaction.hovered ? colors.highlight : colors.text
maximumLineCount: 1
Rectangle {
id: divider
height: Math.floor(reactionCounter.implicitHeight * 1.4)
width: 1
color: (reaction.hovered || modelData.selfReactedEvent !== '') ? colors.highlight : colors.text
Text {
id: reactionCounter
anchors.verticalCenter: divider.verticalCenter
text: modelData.count
font: reaction.font
color: reaction.hovered ? colors.highlight : colors.text
background: Rectangle {
anchors.centerIn: parent
implicitWidth: reaction.implicitWidth
implicitHeight: reaction.implicitHeight
border.color: (reaction.hovered || modelData.selfReactedEvent !== '') ? colors.highlight : colors.text
2020-10-26 13:50:44 +01:00
color: modelData.selfReactedEvent !== '' ? Qt.hsla(highlightHue, highlightSat, highlightLight, 0.2) : colors.window
2020-10-08 21:11:21 +02:00
border.width: 1
radius: reaction.height / 2
2020-05-04 00:59:05 +02:00
2020-10-08 21:11:21 +02:00