src/lib/Namecoin.hs: cleanup
- Replace TemplateHaskell with DeriveGenerics for Aeson instance - Limit exported functions - Use qualified module names
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,16 +1,34 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- | Namecoin utility library
module Namecoin where
module Namecoin
-- * JSON-RPC client
( RPCRequest(..)
, RPCResponse(..)
, RPCError(..)
, rpcRequest
-- * Name operations
, Name(..)
, nameList
, nameUpdate
-- * Miscellanea
, uri
) where
import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>))
import Control.Lens (set, view)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, try)
import Prelude hiding (error)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (try)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Network.Wreq
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON, Value)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.Wreq as W
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
import qualified Control.Exception as E
-- | Alias for types with an error message
@ -20,36 +38,40 @@ type Error = Either String
-- * Namecoin config parser
-- | Parse a comment (line beggining with a "#")
comment :: Parser ()
comment :: P.Parser ()
comment = do
char '#' >> takeTill isEndOfLine
P.char '#' >> P.takeTill P.isEndOfLine
return ()
-- | Parse an option of form
-- > key=value
setting :: Parser (Text, Text)
setting :: P.Parser (Text, Text)
setting = do
name <- takeTill (== '=')
char '='
value <- takeTill isEndOfLine
name <- P.takeTill (== '=')
P.char '='
value <- P.takeTill P.isEndOfLine
return (name, value)
-- | Parse a line (either a comment or an option)
line :: Parser (Text, Text)
line :: P.Parser (Text, Text)
line = (comment >> line) <|> setting
-- | Parse the namecoin config format
config :: Parser [(Text, Text)]
config :: P.Parser [(Text, Text)]
config = many line
-- | Takes the content of a namecoin config file
-- and gives the URI to connect to the JSON-RPC server
uri :: Text -> Error String
uri content = do
dict <- parseOnly config content
dict <- P.parseOnly config content
username <- get dict "rpcuser"
password <- get dict "rpcpassword"
address <- get dict "rpcbind"
@ -67,36 +89,36 @@ data RPCRequest = RPCRequest
{ id :: String -- ^ a string identificating the client
, method :: String -- ^ the name of the method
, params :: [String] -- ^ a list of parameters for the method
} deriving (Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
-- | JSON-RPC 1.0 response record
data RPCResponse = RPCResponse
{ id :: String -- ^ the same identificative string
, result :: Value -- ^ result if the method call succeded
, error :: Maybe RPCError -- ^ error in case the method call failed
, rpcError :: Maybe RPCError -- ^ error in case the method call failed
} deriving (Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
-- | Namecoin API error record
data RPCError = RPCError
{ code :: Int -- ^ a number indicating the kind of error
, message :: String -- ^ a detailed explanation of the error
} deriving (Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
-- | Namecoin API Value record
data Name = Name
{ name :: String -- ^ the namecoin name
, value :: String -- ^ its value
, expires_in :: Int -- ^ number of blocks before the name expires
} deriving (Show)
} deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON)
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''RPCRequest
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''RPCResponse
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''RPCError
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Name
-- | Turn an Aeson AST object into a 'fromJSON' type
decodeValue :: FromJSON a => Value -> Error a
decodeValue = eitherDecode . encode
decodeValue = J.eitherDecode . J.encode
-- | Execute an RPC method
@ -105,23 +127,24 @@ rpcRequest
-> [String] -- ^ the method parameters
-> IO (Error Value) -- ^ and error or the wanted result
rpcRequest uri method params = do
req <- try (view responseBody <$> (asJSON =<< postWith options uri req))
req <- E.try (view W.responseBody <$> (W.asJSON =<< W.postWith options uri req))
return $ case req of
Left err -> Left ("RPC error: "++show (err :: SomeException))
Right res -> case (error res) of
Left err -> Left ("RPC error: "++show (err :: E.SomeException))
Right res -> case (rpcError res) of
Nothing -> Right (result res)
Just err -> Left ("API error "++show (code err)++": "++message err)
req = toJSON (RPCRequest "namecoin-update" method params)
req = J.toJSON (RPCRequest "namecoin-update" method params)
options = set checkResponse (Just $ \_ _ -> return ()) defaults
-- * Name operations
-- | Return the list of currently registered names
-- | Returns the list of currently registered names
nameList :: String -> IO (Error [Name])
nameList uri = fmap (decodeValue =<<) (rpcRequest uri "name_list" [])
-- | Issue an udpate for a name (confirming its current value)
nameUpdate :: String -> Name -> IO Int
nameUpdate uri (Name {..}) = do
@ -130,4 +153,3 @@ nameUpdate uri (Name {..}) = do
case req of
Left err -> putStrLn "failed" >> putStrLn err >> return 1
Right _ -> putStrLn "ok" >> return 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user