202 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
202 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
print_usage() {
cat <<EOF
Usage: $(basename "$0") [OPTIONS] COMMAND [COMMAND_OPTIONS]
Get information about Trenitalia trains
-h --help print this message
search FROM TO [OPTIONS] search for trains between two stations
-i --interactive allows selecting a train for more information
-d --date DATE use DATE instead of now
status TRAIN_ID [--board STATION] get realtime information about a train
-b --board STATION prints the platform number when boarding
then train from a given station
exit 1
# Prints realtime information about a train
train_status() {
test "$2" = "-b" -o "$2" = "--board" && board_station="$3"
# Resolve the station name, if necessary
if test "${board_station#id:}" = "$board_station"; then
board_station=$(station_search "$board_station" | sed 's/^8300/S/g')
today="$(date -d "$(date +%F)" +%s)000"
station=$(curl -s "$url/cercaNumeroTrenoTrenoAutocomplete/$1" |
grep "$today" | cut -d\| -f2 | cut -d- -f2)
curl -s "$url/andamentoTreno/$station/$train/$today" |
jq -r --arg board_station "$board_station" '
# Functions to color text
def red($x): "\u001B[1;31m\($x)\u001B[0m";
def green($x): "\u001B[1;32m\($x)\u001B[0m";
def yellow($x): "\u001B[1;36m\($x)\u001B[0m";
(if .tipoTreno == "PG" then green("regolare")
elif .tipoTreno == "ST" then red("cancellato")
elif .tipoTreno == "DV" then yellow("deviato")
elif .tipoTreno == "PP" or
.tipoTreno == "SI" or
.tipoTreno == "SF" then yellow(.subTitle)
else "sconosciuto"
end) as $status
| (if .nonPartito
then []
else ["ultima posizione: " + .stazioneUltimoRilevamento
+ "(\(.compOraUltimoRilevamento))"]
end) as $position
| (if .ritardo <= 0
then green(.compRitardo[0])
else red(.compRitardo[0])
end) as $late
| (if $board_station
then ["binario arrivo: " +
(.fermate[] | select(.id == $board_station)
| .binarioProgrammatoArrivoDescrizione)]
else []
end) as $platform
| ["nome: \(.compNumeroTreno)",
"stato: \($status)",
"ritardo: \($late)"
] + $platform + $position
| join("\n")'
# Searches for a station by name and returns its ID
station_search() {
# URL-encode the search string
encoded=$(printf '%s' "$1" | jq -sRr '@uri')
curl -s "$url/locations/search?name=$encoded&limit=1" | jq '.[0].id'
# Searches for a route between two stations
route_search() {
query=$(cat <<EOF
"departureLocationId": "$1",
"arrivalLocationId": "$2",
"departureTime": "$(date -d "$3" --iso-8601=s)",
"adults": 1,
"children": 0,
"criteria": {
"frecceOnly": false,
"regionalOnly": false,
"noChanges": false,
"order": "DEPARTURE_DATE",
"limit": 6,
"offset": 0
"advancedSearchRequest": { "bestFare": false }
printf 'data: \033[36m%s\033[0m\n\n' "$(date -d "$3" +'%F %R')"
curl -s --json "$query" "$url/ticket/solutions" |
jq -r '
"%FT%T.%G%z" as $timefmt |
# Functions to color text
def red($x): "\u001B[1;31m\($x)\u001B[0m";
def green($x): "\u001B[1;32m\($x)\u001B[0m";
def blue($x): "\u001B[1;34m\($x)\u001B[0m";
def parse_iso8601:
# Parse an ISO 8601 date with timezone information
capture("(?<no_tz>[^.]*)(?<frac_sec>\\.\\d+)?(?:(?:(?<tz_sgn>[-+])(?<tz_hr>\\d{2}):?(?<tz_min>\\d{2})?)|Z)$") |
(.no_tz + "Z" | fromdateiso8601)
+ ("0"+.frac_sec | tonumber)
- (.tz_sgn + "60" | tonumber)
* ((.tz_hr // "0" | tonumber) * 60 + (.tz_min // "0" | tonumber))
| todateiso8601 | strptime("%FT%TZ");
def time:
# Extracts "HH:MM" from a timestamp
parse_iso8601 | mktime | strftime("%R");
def delta($stop; $start):
# Computes the time elapsed between two dates
[$stop, $start]
| map(strptime($timefmt) | mktime) # seconds
| .[0] - .[1]
| ((./60) % 60) as $m
| (./3600 | floor) as $h
| (if $h > 0 then "\($h)h " else "" end) + "\($m)min";
def print_trip:
# Prints a trip "station(time) → station(time)"
(.duration // delta(.arrivalTime; .departureTime)) as $delta |
"\(.origin)(\(green(.departureTime | time)))" +
" → \(.destination)(\(.arrivalTime | time)) " +
def print_train:
# Prints the train name and its trip
"\(.train.description // .train.trainCategory): " + print_trip;
def print_summary:
(.trains | length) as $ntrain |
(if $ntrain > 2 then (", " + red("\($ntrain-1) cambi"))
elif $ntrain == 2 then (", " + red("1 cambio"))
else "" end) as $switch |
"- " + print_trip + $switch + "\n "
+ (.nodes | map(print_train) | join("\n "));
.solutions | map(.solution | print_summary) | join("\n\n")'
handle_search() {
# Get station IDs
start_id=$(station_search "$1")
stop_id=$(station_search "$2")
shift 2
while :; do
case "$1" in
-d|--date) date=$2; shift ;;
-i|--interactive) interactive=1; shift ;;
-?*) print_usage ;;
*) break
results=$(route_search "$start_id" "$stop_id" "${date:-now}")
printf '%s\n\n' "$results"
if test -n "$interactive"; then
# Ask user to select a train
info=$(printf '%s' "$results" | fzf --ansi --no-sort --disabled | cut -d: -f1)
# Print the train status
train_id=$(printf '%s' "$info" | cut -d: -f1 | rev | cut -d' ' -f 1 | rev)
# convert between different API conventions
station_id=$(printf '%s' "$start_id" | sed 's/^8300/S/g')
train_status "$train_id" --board "id:$station_id"
test $# -eq 0 && print_usage
cmd="$1"; shift
case "$cmd" in
search) handle_search "$@" ;;
status) train_status "$@" ;;
*) print_usage