{ ... }: { programs.fish.shellAbbrs = { e = "nvim"; l = "ls -lh"; ip = "ip -c"; iftop = "iftop -m 70M"; }; programs.fish.shellAliases = { namecoin-cli = "namecoin-cli -conf=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/namecoin"; }; programs.fish.loginShellInit = '' # Start abduco in ssh if set -q SSH_CLIENT # start abduco on ssh if not set -q ABDUCO_SESSION exec abduco -A ssh fish else if test $SHLVL -eq 1 tput rmcup end end ''; programs.fish.interactiveShellInit = '' ## Fish settings # mixed emacs/vi fish_hybrid_key_bindings # kj to normal mode bind -M insert kj " if commandline -P; commandline -f cancel; else; set fish_bind_mode default; commandline -f backward-char repaint-mode; end" # fix unquoted URLs set -U fish_features ampersand-nobg-in-token qmark-noglob # change default cursor set fish_cursor_insert underscore ## Color scheme # syntax highlighting set fish_color_command green set fish_color_param normal set fish_color_comment brcyan set fish_color_operator purple set fish_color_escape bryellow set fish_color_redirection blue set fish_color_selection --background=black # completion/history set fish_pager_color_prefix yellow set fish_pager_color_description brblue set fish_pager_color_progress brblack --background=black set fish_color_search_match --background=black # man pages colors # bold, blink stop set -x LESS_TERMCAP_md (set_color -o bryellow) set -x LESS_TERMCAP_mb (set_color -u magenta) set -x LESS_TERMCAP_me (set_color normal) # standout start/stop set -x LESS_TERMCAP_so (set_color brblue -b black) set -x LESS_TERMCAP_se (set_color normal -b normal) # underline start/stop set -x LESS_TERMCAP_us (set_color -u brmagenta) set -x LESS_TERMCAP_ue (set_color normal) # used default LS_COLORS eval (dircolors | sed 's/\(\w\+\)=/set \1 /') ## Aliases # start process and detach function start nohup $argv > /dev/null 2>&1 &; disown end # start process without network access function nnet unshare -nc fish -ic "$argv" end set conf (systemctl cat namecoind | awk -F 'conf=| ' '/ExecStart/ {print $3}') namecoin-cli -conf=$conf $argv # interactively rename files function vimv set tmp (mktemp --tmpdir -d vimv.XXX) if set -q argv[1] # directory listing find $argv[1] -maxdepth 1 | sort | cat -n | tee $tmp/before > $tmp/after else # read from stdin cat -n - | tee $tmp/before > $tmp/after end $EDITOR $tmp/after # only print differing lines awk ' NR==FNR { line=$0; sub($1, "", line); sub(/\s+/, "", line); lines[$1]=line; next } NR!=FNR { line=$0; sub($1, "", line); sub(/\s+/, "", line); if (!($1 in lines)) { printf("rm -vr \"%s\"\n", line); next } if (lines[$1] != line) printf("mv -vin \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", line, lines[$1]) } ' $tmp/after $tmp/before | sh rm -r $tmp end ''; programs.fish.promptInit = '' # Outputs colored text function color set_color $argv[1] for i in $argv[2..-1] echo -n $i end set_color normal end # Git branch info function git_branch if not test -f .git/HEAD return end set branch (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) if test $status -ne 0 set branch (cut -f 3 -d '/' .git/HEAD) else if test $branch = HEAD set branch (head -c 10 .git/HEAD) end timeout 0.1 git diff-files --quiet 2>/dev/null if test $status -eq 1 set branch (color yellow $branch'*') else set branch (color green $branch) end timeout 0.1 git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null 1>| read untracked if test -n "$untracked" set dirty (color red '*') end echo " <$branch$dirty>" end # Left prompt function fish_prompt if fish_is_root_user set prompt (color blue Λ) set user (color red (whoami)) else set prompt (color blue λ) set user (color green (whoami)) end if test \( "$LINES" -lt 10 \) -o \( "$COLUMNS" -lt 30 \) echo "$prompt " return end if set -q SSH_CLIENT set host (color yellow (hostname)) else set host (color green (hostname)) end set git (git_branch) set path (color cyan (prompt_pwd)) switch $fish_bind_mode case default set mode (color blue n) case insert set mode (color red i) case visual set mode (color yellow v) end echo "$user@$host $mode$path$git" echo "$prompt " end # Right prompt function fish_right_prompt set code $status if test $code -ne 0 set exitcode (color red $code" ⏎") end if string match -q '/nix*' $PATH[1] set nix " <"(color blue nix)">" end echo "$exitcode$nix" end function fish_mode_prompt; end function fish_greeting; end ''; }