Compare commits


No commits in common. "vm-test" and "master" have entirely different histories.

50 changed files with 2324 additions and 1877 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#pattern filter=crypt diff=crypt #pattern filter=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt
secrets/*/** filter=crypt diff=crypt secrets/*/** filter=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt
secrets/default.nix filter=crypt diff=crypt secrets/default.nix filter=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt

32 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Maxwell configuration
The NixOS configuration of Maxwell
## Switching configuration
1. Mount remotely the secrets directory
`$ rsshfs secrets maxwell:$PWD/secrets -o allow_other &`
2. Run nixos-rebuild
`$ nixos-rebuild test -I nixos-config=configuration.nix
--target-host maxwell --use-remote-sudo`
3. Unmount the secrets directory
`kill %%`
## Testing changes
1. Build a VM
`$ nixos-rebuild build-vm -I nixos-config=testing.nix`
2. Change the open files limit
`$ ulimit -n 90000`
3. Run the VM without internet (to avoid a mess)
`$ unshare -nc result/bin/run-maxwell-vm`

View File

@ -1,735 +0,0 @@
debug : False # Debug mode, only for development
instance_name : "searxwell" # displayed name
safe_search : 0 # Filter results. 0: None, 1: Moderate, 2: Strict
autocomplete : "" # Existing autocomplete backends: "dbpedia", "duckduckgo", "google", "startpage", "wikipedia" - leave blank to turn it off by default
language : "en-US"
ban_time_on_fail : 5 # ban time in seconds after engine errors
max_ban_time_on_fail : 120 # max ban time in seconds after engine errors
port : 8083
bind_address : "" # address to listen on
secret_key : "QzsHA00oA7H68Z2OXYYk3MaC6BjxkTiS"
base_url : ""
image_proxy : False # Proxying image results through searx
http_protocol_version : "1.0" # 1.0 and 1.1 are supported
static_path : "" # Custom static path - leave it blank if you didn't change
templates_path : "" # Custom templates path - leave it blank if you didn't change
default_theme : oscar # ui theme
default_locale : "" # Default interface locale - leave blank to detect from browser information or use codes from the 'locales' config section
theme_args :
oscar_style : logicodev # default style of oscar
outgoing: # communication with search engines
request_timeout : 2.0 # seconds
useragent_suffix : "" # suffix of searx_useragent, could contain informations like an email address to the administrator
pool_connections : 100 # Number of different hosts
pool_maxsize : 10 # Number of simultaneous requests by host
- name : arch linux wiki
engine : archlinux
shortcut : al
- name : archive is
engine : xpath
search_url :{query}
url_xpath : (//div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/a)/@href
title_xpath : (//div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/a)
content_xpath : //div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/ul/li
categories : general
timeout : 7.0
disabled : True
shortcut : ai
- name : arxiv
engine : arxiv
shortcut : arx
categories : science
timeout : 4.0
- name : asksteem
engine : asksteem
shortcut : as
- name : base
engine : base
shortcut : bs
- name : wikipedia
engine : wikipedia
shortcut : wp
base_url : 'https://{language}'
- name : bing
engine : bing
shortcut : bi
- name : bing images
engine : bing_images
shortcut : bii
- name : bing news
engine : bing_news
shortcut : bin
- name : bing videos
engine : bing_videos
shortcut : biv
- name : bitbucket
engine : xpath
paging : True
search_url :{pageno}?name={query}
url_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]/@href
title_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]
content_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]/p
categories : it
timeout : 4.0
disabled : True
shortcut : bb
- name : ccc-tv
engine : xpath
paging : False
search_url :{query}
url_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h3/a/@href
title_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h3/a/text()
content_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h4/@title
categories : videos
disabled : True
shortcut : c3tv
- name : crossref
engine : json_engine
paging : True
search_url :{query}&page={pageno}
url_query : doi
title_query : title
content_query : fullCitation
categories : science
shortcut : cr
- name : currency
engine : currency_convert
categories : general
shortcut : cc
- name : deezer
engine : deezer
shortcut : dz
- name : deviantart
engine : deviantart
shortcut : da
timeout: 3.0
- name : ddg definitions
engine : duckduckgo_definitions
shortcut : ddd
weight : 2
disabled : True
- name : digbt
engine : digbt
shortcut : dbt
timeout : 6.0
disabled : True
- name : digg
engine : digg
shortcut : dg
- name : erowid
engine : xpath
paging : True
first_page_num : 0
page_size : 30
search_url :{query}&s={pageno}
url_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/@href
title_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/text()
content_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dd[@class="result-details"]
categories : general
shortcut : ew
disabled : True
- name : wikidata
engine : wikidata
shortcut : wd
timeout : 3.0
weight : 2
- name : duckduckgo
engine : duckduckgo
shortcut : ddg
disabled : True
- name : duckduckgo images
engine : duckduckgo_images
shortcut : ddi
timeout: 3.0
disabled : True
- name : etymonline
engine : xpath
paging : True
search_url :{query}&p={pageno}
url_xpath : //a[contains(@class, "word--")]/@href
title_xpath : //p[contains(@class, "word__name--")]/text()
content_xpath : //section[contains(@class, "word__defination")]/object
first_page_num : 0
shortcut : et
disabled : True
- name : faroo
engine : faroo
shortcut : fa
disabled : True
- name : 1x
engine : www1x
shortcut : 1x
disabled : True
- name : fdroid
engine : fdroid
shortcut : fd
disabled : True
- name : flickr
categories : images
shortcut : fl
# You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key
# See :
# engine : flickr
# api_key: 'apikey' # required!
# Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default
engine : flickr_noapi
- name : free software directory
engine : mediawiki
shortcut : fsd
categories : it
base_url :
number_of_results : 5
# what part of a page matches the query string: title, text, nearmatch
# title - query matches title, text - query matches the text of page, nearmatch - nearmatch in title
search_type : title
timeout : 5.0
disabled : True
- name : frinkiac
engine : frinkiac
shortcut : frk
disabled : True
- name : genius
engine : genius
shortcut : gen
- name : gigablast
engine : gigablast
shortcut : gb
timeout : 3.0
disabled: True
- name : gitlab
engine : json_engine
paging : True
search_url :{query}&page={pageno}
url_query : web_url
title_query : name_with_namespace
content_query : description
page_size : 20
categories : it
shortcut : gl
timeout : 10.0
disabled : True
- name : github
engine : github
shortcut : gh
- name : google
engine : google
shortcut : go
- name : google images
engine : google_images
shortcut : goi
- name : google news
engine : google_news
shortcut : gon
- name : google videos
engine : google_videos
shortcut : gov
- name : google scholar
engine : xpath
paging : True
search_url :{pageno}&q={query}&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1
results_xpath : //div[contains(@class, "gs_r")]/div[@class="gs_ri"]
url_xpath : .//h3/a/@href
title_xpath : .//h3/a
content_xpath : .//div[@class="gs_rs"]
suggestion_xpath : //div[@id="gs_qsuggest"]/ul/li
page_size : 10
first_page_num : 0
categories : science
shortcut : gos
- name : google play apps
engine : xpath
search_url :{query}&c=apps
url_xpath : //a[@class="title"]/@href
title_xpath : //a[@class="title"]
content_xpath : //a[@class="subtitle"]
categories : files
shortcut : gpa
disabled : True
- name : google play movies
engine : xpath
search_url :{query}&c=movies
url_xpath : //a[@class="title"]/@href
title_xpath : //a[@class="title"]/@title
content_xpath : //a[contains(@class, "subtitle")]
categories : videos
shortcut : gpm
disabled : True
- name : google play music
engine : xpath
search_url :{query}&c=music
url_xpath : //a[@class="title"]/@href
title_xpath : //a[@class="title"]
content_xpath : //a[@class="subtitle"]
categories : music
shortcut : gps
disabled : True
- name : geektimes
engine : xpath
paging : True
search_url :{pageno}/?q={query}
url_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//a[@class="post__title_link"]/@href
title_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//a[@class="post__title_link"]
content_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//div[contains(@class, "post__text")]
categories : it
timeout : 4.0
disabled : True
shortcut : gt
- name : habrahabr
engine : xpath
paging : True
search_url :{pageno}/?q={query}
url_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//a[@class="post__title_link"]/@href
title_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//a[@class="post__title_link"]
content_xpath : //article[contains(@class, "post")]//div[contains(@class, "post__text")]
categories : it
timeout : 4.0
disabled : True
shortcut : habr
- name : hoogle
engine : json_engine
paging : True
search_url :{query}&start={pageno}
results_query : results
url_query : location
title_query : self
content_query : docs
page_size : 20
categories : it
shortcut : ho
- name : ina
engine : ina
shortcut : in
timeout : 6.0
disabled : True
- name: kickass
engine : kickass
shortcut : kc
timeout : 4.0
disabled : True
- name : library genesis
engine : xpath
search_url :{query}
url_xpath : //a[contains(@href,"")]/@href
title_xpath : //a[contains(@href,"book/")]/text()[1]
content_xpath : //td/a[1][contains(@href,"=author")]/text()
categories : general
timeout : 7.0
disabled : True
shortcut : lg
- name :
engine : xpath
search_url :{query}&what=stories&order=relevance
results_xpath : //li[contains(@class, "story")]
url_xpath : .//span[@class="link"]/a/@href
title_xpath : .//span[@class="link"]/a
content_xpath : .//a[@class="domain"]
categories : it
shortcut : lo
- name : microsoft academic
engine : microsoft_academic
categories : science
shortcut : ma
- name : mixcloud
engine : mixcloud
shortcut : mc
- name : nyaa
engine : nyaa
shortcut : nt
disabled : True
- name : openairedatasets
engine : json_engine
paging : True
search_url :{pageno}&size=10&title={query}
results_query : response/results/result
url_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/children/instance/webresource/url/$
title_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/title/$
content_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/description/$
categories : science
shortcut : oad
timeout: 5.0
- name : openairepublications
engine : json_engine
paging : True
search_url :{pageno}&size=10&title={query}
results_query : response/results/result
url_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/children/instance/webresource/url/$
title_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/title/$
content_query : metadata/oaf:entity/oaf:result/description/$
categories : science
shortcut : oap
timeout: 5.0
- name : openstreetmap
engine : openstreetmap
shortcut : osm
- name : openrepos
engine : xpath
paging : True
search_url :{query}?page={pageno}
url_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a/@href
title_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a
content_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//div[@class="search-snippet-info"]//p[@class="search-snippet"]
categories : files
timeout : 4.0
disabled : True
shortcut : or
- name : pdbe
engine : pdbe
shortcut : pdb
# Hide obsolete PDB entries.
# Default is not to hide obsolete structures
# hide_obsolete : False
- name : photon
engine : photon
shortcut : ph
- name : piratebay
engine : piratebay
shortcut : tpb
timeout : 3.0
- name : pubmed
engine : pubmed
shortcut : pub
categories: science
timeout : 3.0
- name : qwant
engine : qwant
shortcut : qw
categories : general
disabled : True
- name : qwant images
engine : qwant
shortcut : qwi
categories : images
- name : qwant news
engine : qwant
shortcut : qwn
categories : news
- name : qwant social
engine : qwant
shortcut : qws
categories : social media
- name : reddit
engine : reddit
shortcut : re
page_size : 25
timeout : 10.0
disabled : True
- name : scanr structures
shortcut: scs
engine : scanr_structures
disabled : True
- name : soundcloud
engine : soundcloud
shortcut : sc
- name : stackoverflow
engine : stackoverflow
shortcut : st
- name : searchcode doc
engine : searchcode_doc
shortcut : scd
- name : searchcode code
engine : searchcode_code
shortcut : scc
disabled : True
- name : framalibre
engine : framalibre
shortcut : frl
disabled : True
# - name : searx
# engine : searx_engine
# shortcut : se
# instance_urls :
# -
# - ...
# disabled : True
- name : semantic scholar
engine : xpath
paging : True
search_url :{query}&sort=relevance&page={pageno}&ae=false
results_xpath : //article
url_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-title"]/a/@href
title_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-title"]/a
content_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-abstract"]
shortcut : se
categories : science
- name : spotify
engine : spotify
shortcut : stf
- name : subtitleseeker
engine : subtitleseeker
shortcut : ss
# The language is an option. You can put any language written in english
# Examples : English, French, German, Hungarian, Chinese...
# language : English
- name : startpage
engine : startpage
shortcut : sp
timeout : 6.0
disabled : True
- name : ixquick
engine : startpage
base_url : ''
search_url : ''
shortcut : iq
timeout : 6.0
disabled : True
- name : swisscows
engine : swisscows
shortcut : sw
disabled : True
- name : tokyotoshokan
engine : tokyotoshokan
shortcut : tt
timeout : 6.0
disabled : True
- name : torrentz
engine : torrentz
shortcut : tor
timeout : 3.0
- name : twitter
engine : twitter
shortcut : tw
# maybe in a fun category
# - name : uncyclopedia
# engine : mediawiki
# shortcut : unc
# base_url :
# number_of_results : 5
# tmp suspended - too slow, too many errors
# - name : urbandictionary
# engine : xpath
# search_url :{query}
# url_xpath : //*[@class="word"]/@href
# title_xpath : //*[@class="def-header"]
# content_xpath : //*[@class="meaning"]
# shortcut : ud
- name : yahoo
engine : yahoo
shortcut : yh
disabled : True
- name : yandex
engine : yandex
shortcut : yn
disabled : True
- name : yahoo news
engine : yahoo_news
shortcut : yhn
- name : youtube
shortcut : yt
api_key: 'AIzaSyDvEpB_xVEk3Xt0IIU8sXbyEGIdjf33CEM'
engine : youtube_api
- name : dailymotion
engine : dailymotion
shortcut : dm
- name : vimeo
engine : vimeo
shortcut : vm
- name : wolframalpha
shortcut : wa
api_key: 'AUQ8EY-H452ETQ7RL'
engine : wolframalpha_api
timeout: 6.0
categories : science
- name : seedpeer
engine : seedpeer
shortcut: speu
categories: files, music, videos
disabled: True
- name : dictzone
engine : dictzone
shortcut : dc
- name : mymemory translated
engine : translated
shortcut : tl
timeout : 5.0
disabled : True
# You can use without an API key, but you are limited to 1000 words/day
# See :
# api_key : ''
- name : voat
engine: xpath
shortcut: vo
categories: social media
search_url :{query}
url_xpath : //div[@class="entry"]/p/a[@class="title"]/@href
title_xpath : //div[@class="entry"]/p/a[@class="title"]
content_xpath : //div[@class="entry"]/p/span[@class="domain"]
timeout : 10.0
disabled : True
- name : 1337x
engine : 1337x
shortcut : 1337x
disabled : True
- name : seznam
shortcut: szn
engine: xpath
paging : True
search_url :{query}&count=10&from={pageno}
results_xpath: //div[@class="Page-content"]//div[@class="Result "]
url_xpath : ./h3/a/@href
title_xpath : ./h3
content_xpath : .//p[@class="Result-description"]
first_page_num : 0
page_size : 10
disabled : True
# - name : yacy
# engine : yacy
# shortcut : ya
# base_url : 'http://localhost:8090'
# number_of_results : 5
# timeout : 3.0
# Doku engine lets you access to any Doku wiki instance:
# A public one or a privete/corporate one.
# - name : ubuntuwiki
# engine : doku
# shortcut : uw
# base_url : ''
en : English
ar : العَرَبِيَّة (Arabic)
bg : Български (Bulgarian)
cs : Čeština (Czech)
da : Dansk (Danish)
de : Deutsch (German)
el_GR : Ελληνικά (Greek_Greece)
eo : Esperanto (Esperanto)
es : Español (Spanish)
fi : Suomi (Finnish)
fil : Wikang Filipino (Filipino)
fr : Français (French)
he : עברית (Hebrew)
hr : Hrvatski (Croatian)
hu : Magyar (Hungarian)
it : Italiano (Italian)
ja : 日本語 (Japanese)
nl : Nederlands (Dutch)
pl : Polski (Polish)
pt : Português (Portuguese)
pt_BR : Português (Portuguese_Brazil)
ro : Română (Romanian)
ru : Русский (Russian)
sk : Slovenčina (Slovak)
sl : Slovenski (Slovene)
sr : српски (Serbian)
sv : Svenska (Swedish)
tr : Türkçe (Turkish)
uk : українська мова (Ukrainian)
zh : 中文 (Chinese)
zh_TW : 國語 (Taiwanese Mandarin)
doi_resolvers : : '' : '' : '' : ''
default_doi_resolver : ''

View File

@ -7,20 +7,28 @@
./packages.nix ./packages.nix
./jobs.nix ./jobs.nix
./matrix.nix ./matrix.nix
./magnetico.nix ./magnetico.nix
./nameserver.nix ./nameserver.nix
./custom ./custom
./secrets ./secrets
]; ];
### State ### State
# Stateful things to do before updating: # Stateful things to do before updating:
# 1. Postgres migration # 1. Postgres migration (
# 2. Matrix Synapse migration # 2. Matrix Synapse migration (
system.stateVersion = "20.03"; system.stateVersion = "23.05";
nixpkgs.source = builtins.fetchTarball
{ url = "";
sha256 = "11r8w8p36183cvk8vjg9w8mghgj4spwpb5n6jw31g3vzi0c2ykc7";
boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
boot.tmpOnTmpfs = true; boot.tmp.useTmpfs = true;
boot.kernel.sysctl = { boot.kernel.sysctl = {
# avoid OOM hangs # avoid OOM hangs
"vm.admin_reserve_kbytes" = 262144; "vm.admin_reserve_kbytes" = 262144;
@ -30,34 +38,41 @@
i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";
systemd.enableEmergencyMode = false; systemd.enableEmergencyMode = false;
systemd.oomd.enable = false;
networking = { networking = {
hostName = "maxwell"; hostName = "maxwell";
firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
53 # dns
443 80 # reverse proxy 443 80 # reverse proxy
8080 # hubot 993 # imaps server
5349 # turn server 25 465 # smtp(s) server
5350 # turn server
3551 # apcups
5001 # iperf server
18080 # monero p2p 18080 # monero p2p
20000 # syncthing transfert 22000 # syncthing transfer
64738 # mumble server 64738 # mumble server
]; ];
firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [
53 # powerdns 500 # ipsec
1194 # dnscrypt 53 # dns
21027 # syncthing discovery 21027 # syncthing discovery
64738 # mumble server 64738 # mumble server
]; ];
firewall.allowedUDPPortRanges = [
{ from=49152; to=49999; } # turn relay nftables.enable = true;
]; firewall.extraInputRules = ''
meta l4proto esp counter accept comment "allow IPsec"
ip saddr tcp dport apcupsd accept comment "allow UPS from LAN"
usePredictableInterfaceNames = false; usePredictableInterfaceNames = false;
nameservers = [ "" ]; nameservers = [ "" ];
hosts."" = [ config.var.hostname ];
# ensure hostname works without DNS
hosts = with config.var;
{ ${ipv4LanAddress} = [ hostname ];
${ipv6Address} = [ hostname ];
}; };
# Only declarative users and no password logins # Only declarative users and no password logins
@ -65,7 +80,7 @@
users.users ={ users.users ={
# Only needed for local (read emergency) shell access # Only needed for local (read emergency) shell access
root.passwordFile = config.secrets.passwords.root; root.hashedPasswordFile = config.secrets.passwords.root;
# Admin # Admin
rnhmjoj = { rnhmjoj = {
@ -80,12 +95,11 @@
fazo = { fazo = {
extraGroups = [ "wheel" ]; extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
isNormalUser = true; isNormalUser = true;
openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [ config.secrets.publicKeys.fazo]; openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [ config.secrets.publicKeys.fazo ];
}; };
# Runs two chatbots # User
meme = { meme = {
extraGroups = [ "ubino" "miguelbridge" ];
isNormalUser = true; isNormalUser = true;
shell =; shell =;
openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [ ]; openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [ ];
@ -103,19 +117,26 @@
builder = { builder = {
description = "Remote Nix builds user"; description = "Remote Nix builds user";
isNormalUser = true; isNormalUser = true;
openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [ config.secrets.publicKeys.rnhmjoj-builder ]; openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = with config.secrets.publicKeys; [
}; };
# Use "git" instead of the default name to make # Use "git" instead of the default name to make
# SSH operation handier, example: # SSH operation handier, example:
# git clone git@maxwell:user/repo # git clone git@maxwell:user/repo
git = { git = {
group = "git";
description = "Git server user"; description = "Git server user";
home = "/var/lib/gitea"; home = "/var/lib/gitea";
isSystemUser = true;
useDefaultShell = true; useDefaultShell = true;
}; };
}; };
users.groups.git = { };
# Generate Diffie-Hellman parameters # Generate Diffie-Hellman parameters
# for TLS applications, like nginx. # for TLS applications, like nginx.
security.dhparams = { security.dhparams = {
@ -127,64 +148,57 @@
enable = true; enable = true;
# Users don't have a password # Users don't have a password
wheelNeedsPassword = false; wheelNeedsPassword = false;
extraConfig =
path = "/run/current-system/sw/bin";
journal = name: "${path}/journalctl -* ${name}";
services = lib.concatMapStringsSep "," (name: "${journal name}");
in ''
# Allow meme to see his logs.
Cmnd_Alias MEME_UNITS = ${services ["ubino" "miguelbridge"]}
}; };
security.polkit.extraConfig = ''
// Allow meme to manage his services.
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if ( == "org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units" &&
subject.user == "meme" &&
(action.lookup("unit") == "ubino.service" ||
action.lookup("unit") == "miguelbridge.service")) {
return polkit.Result.YES;
# Limit user process to stop fork bombs
security.pam.loginLimits = [ security.pam.loginLimits = [
# Limit user process to stop fork bombs
{ domain = "@users"; { domain = "@users";
type = "hard"; type = "hard";
item = "nproc"; item = "nproc";
value = "400"; value = "400";
} }
# Disable core dumping
{ domain = "*";
type = "soft";
item = "core";
value = "0";
]; ];
### ACME certificates ### ACME certificates
security.acme = with config.var; { security.acme = {
email = ""; = "";
acceptTerms = true; acceptTerms = true;
certs."${hostname}" = { certs."" = {
group = "maxwell-ydns-eu"; group = "maxwell-eurofusion-eu";
}; };
certs."riot.${hostname}" = { certs."" = {
group = "riot-maxwell-ydns-eu"; group = "eurofusion-eu";
}; };
}; };
# Allow read access to ACME certificate # Allow read access to ACME certificate
# to specific (service) users. # to specific (service) users.
users.groups."maxwell-ydns-eu".members = [ "murmur" "turnserver" ]; users.groups."maxwell-eurofusion-eu".members = [ "murmur" "nginx" ];
users.groups."riot-maxwell-ydns-eu".members = [ "nginx" ]; users.groups."eurofusion-eu".members = [ "nginx" ];
# sensible logging
services.journald = {
storage = "volatile";
extraConfig = ''
services.openssh = { services.openssh = {
enable = true; enable = true;
permitRootLogin = "no"; settings.PermitRootLogin = "no";
passwordAuthentication = false; settings.PasswordAuthentication = false;
challengeResponseAuthentication = false; settings.KbdInteractiveAuthentication = false;
}; };
# Traceroute easter egg # Traceroute easter egg
@ -201,21 +215,19 @@
### Mumble server ### Mumble server
services.murmur = { services.murmur = {
enable = true; enable = true;
password = "allwellthatmaxwell";
registerHostname = config.var.hostname; registerHostname = config.var.hostname;
registerName = "Maxwell Mumble"; registerName = "Maxwell Mumble";
registerPassword = config.secrets.murmur.password; registerPassword = "$REG_PASSWORD";
password = "$JOIN_PASSWORD";
users = 10; users = 10;
extraConfig = with config.var; '' environmentFile = config.secrets.environments.murmur;
sslCert=/var/lib/acme/${hostname}/fullchain.pem sslCert = "/var/lib/acme/${config.var.hostname}/fullchain.pem";
sslKey=/var/lib/acme/${hostname}/key.pem sslKey = "/var/lib/acme/${config.var.hostname}/key.pem";
}; };
### Syncthing node ### Syncthing node
services.syncthing = { services.syncthing = {
enable = true; enable = true;
openDefaultPorts = true;
}; };
### Monero node with local RPC ### Monero node with local RPC
@ -248,26 +260,88 @@
### Git server ### Git server
services.gitea = with config.var; { services.gitea = with config.var; {
enable = true; enable = true;
domain = hostname;
appName = "Maxwell git server"; appName = "Maxwell git server";
rootUrl = "https://${hostname}/git/";
user = "git"; user = "git";
database.user = "git"; database.user = "git";
log.level = "Error";
cookieSecure = true;
disableRegistration = false;
settings = { settings = {
server.ROOT_URL = "https://${hostname}/git/";
server.domain = hostname;
session.COOKIE_SECURE = true;
log.LEVEL = "Error";
# increase cookie expiration time
security.LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS = 365; security.LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS = 365;
# file upload size (MB)
attachment.MAX_SIZE = 10; attachment.MAX_SIZE = 10;
# new users can only create PR/issues
repository.MAX_CREATION_LIMIT = 0;
# somewhat limit spam
# allow the notify webhook to use matrix
webhook.ALLOWED_HOST_LIST = "";
}; };
}; };
### Searx instance ### Searx instance
services.searx = { services.searx = {
enable = true; enable = true;
configFile = ./assets/searx-settings.yml; environmentFile = config.secrets.environments.searx;
package = pkgs.searxng;
# Use nginx+uWSGI
runInUwsgi = true;
uwsgiConfig = {
disable-logging = true;
# serve using the uwsgi protocol
socket = "/run/searx/uwsgi.sock";
chmod-socket = "660";
# use /searx as url "mountpoint"
mount = "/srx=searx.webapp:application";
module = "";
manage-script-name = true;
# caching
cache2 = lib.concatStringsSep ","
[ "name=searxcache"
settings =
{ general.instance_name = "searxwell";
server.base_url = "https://${config.var.hostname}/";
server.secret_key = "@SEARX_SECRET@";
# Replace DOI links with Sci-Hub
default_doi_resolver = "";
## Use authenticated APIs for some services
engines = [
{ name = "wolframalpha";
api_key = "@WOLFRAM_API_KEY@";
{ name = "youtube";
api_key = "@YOUTUBE_API_KEY@";
}; };
# Allow nginx access to the uwsgi socket
users.groups."searx".members = [ "nginx" ];
### Reverse Proxy ### Reverse Proxy
services.nginx = services.nginx =
@ -281,21 +355,13 @@
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always;
''; '';
in in
{ rec {
enable = true; enable = true;
enableReload = true; enableReload = true;
commonHttpConfig = '' recommendedTlsSettings = true;
# recommendedTlsSettings = true;
# android doesn't like this one:
# ssl_ecdh_curve secp384r1;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:42m;
ssl_session_timeout 23m;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
recommendedGzipSettings = true; recommendedGzipSettings = true;
recommendedProxySettings = true; recommendedProxySettings = true;
appendHttpConfig = disableLog;
# Large enough to allow file uploads. # Large enough to allow file uploads.
clientMaxBodySize = "1000M"; clientMaxBodySize = "1000M";
@ -303,38 +369,51 @@
sslDhparam = "${}/nginx.pem"; sslDhparam = "${}/nginx.pem";
# Maxwell # Maxwell
virtualHosts."${hostname}" = virtualHosts."${hostname}" = {
{ enableACME = true;
enableACME = true; forceSSL = true;
forceSSL = true; default = true;
default = true; extraConfig = enableSTS;
extraConfig = disableLog + enableSTS;
# Returns IP address # Returns IP address
locations."/ip".extraConfig = "return 200 $remote_addr;"; locations."/ip".extraConfig = ''
default_type text/plain;
return 200 $remote_addr;
# Asjon code coverage reports # Asjon code coverage reports
locations."/asjon/report/" = { locations."/asjon/report/" = {
index = "index.html"; index = "index.html";
alias = "/var/lib/asjon/tree/report/"; alias = "/run/nginx/static/asjon/";
}; };
# Searx instance # Searx instance
locations."/srx/" = { locations."/srx/".extraConfig =
proxyPass = "http://localhost:8083/"; ''
extraConfig = '' include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/uwsgi_params;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme; uwsgi_pass unix:/run/searx/uwsgi.sock;
proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /srx/;
proxy_buffering off;
''; '';
}; locations."/srx/static/".alias = "${}/share/static/";
# Git server # Git server
locations."/git/" .proxyPass = "http://localhost:3000/"; locations."/git/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:3000/";
# Syncthing # Syncthing
locations."/sync/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8384/"; locations."/sync/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8384/";
# User static files
locations."/~rnhmjoj/" = {
alias = "/run/nginx/static/rnhmjoj/";
extraConfig = ''
charset UTF-8;
# directories with listing
location ~ /~rnhmjoj/[^/]+.index/ { autoindex on; }
locations."/~giu/" = {
alias = "/run/nginx/static/giu/";
extraConfig = "charset UTF-8;";
}; };
# Breve URL shortner # Breve URL shortner
@ -352,87 +431,82 @@
# The Cactalogue # The Cactalogue
virtualHosts."cacta.bit" = { virtualHosts."cacta.bit" = {
locations."/".alias = "/home/giu/cactalogue/"; root = "/run/nginx/static/cactalogue";
extraConfig = disableLog; extraConfig = disableLog;
}; };
virtualHosts."" = virtualHosts."cacta.bit";
}; };
# Bind mount directories for Nginx
# This avoids giving nginx traversal permission
systemd.mounts =
let bindNginx = from: to:
{ what = from;
where = "/run/nginx/static/" + to;
type = "none";
options = "bind";
wantedBy = [ "nginx.service" ];
in [ (bindNginx "/home/rnhmjoj/www" "rnhmjoj")
(bindNginx "/home/giu/www" "giu")
(bindNginx "/home/giu/cactalogue" "cactalogue")
(bindNginx "/var/lib/asjon/tree/report" "asjon")
### IPsec mesh
environment.etc."ipsec.d/mesh.secrets".source = config.secrets.passwords.mesh;
services.libreswan.enable = true;
services.libreswan.connections.mesh =
### Misc. services ### Misc. services
services.ubino.enable = true;
services.miguelbridge.enable = true;
services.asjon.enable = true; services.asjon.enable = true;
# Needed for the Asjon memory module # Needed for the Asjon memory module
services.redis.enable = true; services.redis.servers."asjon" =
{ enable = true;
user = "asjon";
### Program configuration
programs = {
fish.enable = true;
mosh.enable = true;
tmux = {
enable = true;
newSession = true;
baseIndex = 1;
escapeTime = 0;
historyLimit = 4096;
keyMode = "vi";
terminal = "screen-256color";
customPaneNavigationAndResize = true;
extraConfig = ''
set -g mouse on
# bindings
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
bind : command-prompt
bind -n C-k clear-history
# colors
set -g pane-border-style fg=brightblack
set -g pane-active-border fg=green
set -g message-style fg=white,bg=black
set -g status-style fg=brightblue,bg=black
setw -g mode-style fg=black,bg=cyan
# status line
set -g status on
set -g status-justify left
set -g status-left ""
set -g status-right-length 60
set -g status-right '#[fg=yellow]#(cut -d\ -f 1-3 /proc/loadavg) | #[fg=brightgreen]%a %H:%M'
setw -g window-status-format "#[fg=black#,bg=brightblack] #I #[fg=blue#,bg=black] #W "
setw -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=white#,bg=cyan] #I #[fg=black#,bg=brightblack] #W "
}; };
nix = { # Emergency SSH access via tor
useSandbox = true; services.tor =
{ enable = true;
client.enable = false; = [ 22 ];
nix.settings = {
# Can connect to the Nix daemon # Can connect to the Nix daemon
# and upload/run code as root! # and upload/run code as root!
trustedUsers = [ "builder" "rnhmjoj" ]; trusted-users = [ "builder" "rnhmjoj" ];
# Use at most half the cores # Use at most half the cores
buildCores = 8; cores = 8;
extraOptions = '' max-jobs = 16;
# Always keep at least 256MiB free # Always keep at least 256MiB free
min-free = 268435456 min-free = 268435456;
}; };
environment.variables = { environment.sessionVariables = {
PATH = "$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"; PATH = [ "$HOME/bin" ];
XDG_DATA_HOME = "$HOME/.local/share"; XDG_DATA_HOME = "$HOME/var/lib";
XDG_CACHE_HOME = "$HOME/.cache"; XDG_CACHE_HOME = "$HOME/var/cache";
# Needed to make the mosh server survive a
# user logout: systemd kills everything by default
environment.shellAliases = {
mosh-server = "systemd-run --user --scope mosh-server";
}; };
} }

View File

@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
[ # Misc. system services [ # Misc. system services
./modules/breve.nix ./modules/breve.nix
./modules/asjon.nix ./modules/asjon.nix
# Safely handle secrets # Safely handle secrets
./modules/secrets-store.nix ./modules/secrets-store.nix
# Pin Nixpkgs
]; ];
} }

View File

@ -27,21 +27,33 @@ in {
''; '';
}; };
group = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "asjon";
description = ''
Asjon will be run under this group (user will be created if it doesn't exist.
This can be your user name).
}; };
config = mkIf cfg.enable { config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users.extraUsers."${cfg.user}" = { users.users.${cfg.user} = {
group =;
home = cfg.dataDir; home = cfg.dataDir;
isSystemUser = true;
createHome = true; createHome = true;
description = "asjon user"; description = "asjon user";
shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
}; };
users.groups.${} = { }; = { = {
description = "asjon: our chat bot"; description = "asjon: our chat bot";
after = [ "nginx.service" "matrix-synapse.service" "asjon-init.service" ]; after = [ "nginx.service" "matrix-synapse.service" "asjon-init.service" ];
requires = [ "nginx.service" "matrix-synapse.service" "asjon-init.service" ]; partOf = [ "nginx.service" "matrix-synapse.service" "asjon-init.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ]; wantedBy = [ "" ];
path = with pkgs; [ path = with pkgs; [
@ -61,11 +73,12 @@ in {
# Scripts # Scripts
REV_KEY = "~/.ssh/proxy"; REV_KEY = "~/.ssh/proxy";
REDIS_URL = "redis:///run/redis-asjon/redis.sock";
}; };
serviceConfig = { serviceConfig = {
@ -74,7 +87,7 @@ in {
Restart = "always"; Restart = "always";
WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.dataDir}/tree"; WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.dataDir}/tree";
# API keys and passwords definitions # API keys and passwords definitions
EnvironmentFile = config.secrets.asjon.environment; EnvironmentFile = config.secrets.environments.asjon;
}; };
}; };
@ -96,11 +109,6 @@ in {
git clone ${cfg.dataDir}/tree git clone ${cfg.dataDir}/tree
cd ${cfg.dataDir}/tree cd ${cfg.dataDir}/tree
yarn install yarn install
# give read/traverse permission to nginx
setfacl -m g:nginx:x ${cfg.dataDir}
setfacl -m g:nginx:x ${cfg.dataDir}/tree
setfacl -Rdm g:nginx:rx ${cfg.dataDir}/tree/report
''; '';
}; };

View File

@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ in {
''; '';
}; };
group = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "breve";
description = ''
Breve will run under this group (user will be created if it doesn't exist.
This can be your user name).
hostname = mkOption { hostname = mkOption {
type = types.str; type = types.str;
default = config.networking.hostName; default = config.networking.hostName;
@ -98,11 +107,14 @@ in {
config = mkIf cfg.enable { config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users.extraUsers."${cfg.user}" = { users.users.${cfg.user} = {
isSystemUser = true; isSystemUser = true;
group =;
description = "Breve daemon user"; description = "Breve daemon user";
}; };
users.groups.${} = {};
networking.firewall = mkIf cfg.openPorts { networking.firewall = mkIf cfg.openPorts {
allowedTCPPorts = [ cfg.port ] allowedTCPPorts = [ cfg.port ]
++ optional (cfg.port == 443) 80; ++ optional (cfg.port == 443) 80;
@ -116,6 +128,7 @@ in {
environment.XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "${dataDir}/conf"; environment.XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "${dataDir}/conf";
serviceConfig = { serviceConfig = {
User = cfg.user; User = cfg.user;
Group =;
ExecStart = "${pkgs.haskellPackages.breve}/bin/breve"; ExecStart = "${pkgs.haskellPackages.breve}/bin/breve";
Restart = "on-failure"; Restart = "on-failure";
StateDirectory = "breve"; StateDirectory = "breve";

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
in { = {
enable = mkEnableOption "miguelbridge: Bridge Telegram - Matrix.";
user = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "miguelbridge";
description = ''
miguelbridge will be run under this user (user will be created if it doesn't exist.
This can be your user name).
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users.groups.miguelbridge = {};
users.extraUsers."${cfg.user}" = {
isSystemUser = true;
group = "miguelbridge";
description = "miguelbridge user";
}; = {
description = "miguelbridge: Bridge Telegram - Matrix";
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
User = cfg.user;
Group = "miguelbridge";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.openjdk}/bin/java -jar MiguelBridge.jar";
Restart = "always";
StateDirectory = "miguelbridge";
WorkingDirectory = "%S/miguelbridge";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
{ config, lib, ... }:
nixpkgs = config.nixpkgs.source;
conf = "${toString ../..}/configuration.nix";
rebuild = self: super:
{ nixos-rebuild = super.nixos-rebuild.overrideAttrs (old:
{ postInstall = old.postInstall +
sed -i "$target" \
-e '/^export PATH/ a \
export NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=${nixpkgs}:nixos-config=${conf}"' \
-e 's/remoteSudo=/remoteSudo=1/' \
-e 's/-A system/-A system --no-out-link/'
options.nixpkgs.source = lib.mkOption
{ type = lib.types.path;
description = "Nixpkgs sources";
config =
{ nixpkgs.overlays = [ rebuild ];
nix.nixPath =
[ "nixpkgs=/run/current-system/nixpkgs"
system.extraSystemBuilderCmds = "ln -s ${nixpkgs} $out/nixpkgs";

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ with lib;
let let
cfg =; cfg =;
secretsStore = "/var/secrets";
# A recursive attrset of submodule # A recursive attrset of submodule
storeType = types.attrsOf (types.submodule storeType = types.attrsOf (types.submodule
{ freeformType = storeType; { freeformType = storeType;
@ -49,23 +51,24 @@ let
let index = name: value: let index = name: value:
if isAttrs value && cond value if isAttrs value && cond value
then recurse (path ++ [name]) value then recurse (path ++ [name]) value
else singleton { path = path ++ [name]; value = value; }; else singleton { loc = path ++ [name]; value = value; };
in concatLists (mapAttrsToList index set); in concatLists (mapAttrsToList index set);
in recurse [] set; in recurse [] set;
isFile = v: isAttrs v && v.path != ""; isFile = v: isAttrs v && v.path != "";
# Secret files flattened to an index. This is needed # Secret files flattened to an index. This is needed
# to iterate over the set. # to iterate over the set. It contains: {name, path, value}
secretFiles = secretFiles =
filter (pair: isFile pair.value) (map (x: x // { name = concatStringsSep "-" x.loc; })
(attrsToIndex (v: !isFile v) cfg); (filter (pair: isFile pair.value)
(attrsToIndex (v: !isFile v) cfg)));
# Secrets with paths rewritten to the store location # Secrets with paths rewritten to the store location
storedSecrets = mapAttrsRecursiveCond (v: !isFile v) storedSecrets = mapAttrsRecursiveCond (v: !isFile v)
(names: secret: (names: secret:
if isFile secret if isFile secret
then "/run/secrets/${concatStringsSep "-" names}" then "${secretsStore}/${concatStringsSep "-" names}"
else secret) cfg; else secret) cfg;
in { in {
@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ in {
Definitions of runtime secrets. This is a freeform attributes Definitions of runtime secrets. This is a freeform attributes
set: it can contain arbitrarily nested sets of secrets. set: it can contain arbitrarily nested sets of secrets.
Secrets are paths to be copied into the secrets store Secrets are paths to be copied into the secrets store
(/run/secrets) with proper permission and owenership. (${secretsStore}) with proper permission and ownership.
''; '';
}; };
@ -109,33 +112,28 @@ in {
deps = [ ]; deps = [ ];
text = text =
'' ''
echo setting up secrets store... secret=${(head secretFiles).value.path}
rm -rf /run/secrets if test -f "$secret"; then
'' + concatMapStrings (pair: echo copying secrets...
let rm -rf ${secretsStore}
name = "${concatStringsSep "-" pair.path}"; ${concatMapStrings (f: ''
secret = pair.value; install -m ${f.value.mode} -D ${f.value.path} ${secretsStore}/${}
in '') secretFiles}
'' fi
# Install secret ${name} '';
install -m ${secret.mode} -D ${secret.path} /run/secrets/${name}
'') secretFiles;
}; };
# Set secrets ownership, later because the # Set secrets ownership, later because the
# `user` activation script hasn't run yet. # `user` activation script hasn't run yet.
config.system.activationScripts.secrets-own = { config.system.activationScripts.secrets-own = {
deps = [ "secrets-copy" "users" ]; deps = [ "users" "groups" ];
text = concatMapStrings (pair: text =
let ''
name = "${concatStringsSep "-" pair.path}"; echo setting secrets ownership...
secret = pair.value; ${concatMapStrings (f: ''
in chown ${f.value.user}:${} ${secretsStore}/${}
'' '') secretFiles}
echo setting secrets store ownership... '';
# Set ownership of ${name}
chown ${secret.user}:${} /run/secrets/${name}
'') secretFiles;
}; };
} }

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
in { = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Ubino: assistente virtuale di Ube, sottoforma di bot di Telegram.";
user = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "ubino";
description = ''
Ubino will be run under this user (user will be created if it doesn't exist.
This can be your user name).
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users.groups.ubino = {};
users.extraUsers."${cfg.user}" = {
isSystemUser = true;
group = "ubino";
description = "Ubino user";
}; = {
description = "Ubino: assistente virtuale di Ube, sottoforma di bot di Telegram.";
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
User = cfg.user;
Group = "ubino";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.openjdk}/bin/java -jar UbinoBot.jar";
Restart = "always";
StateDirectory = "ubino";
WorkingDirectory = "%S/ubino";

View File

@ -1,20 +1,35 @@
{ writeScriptBin, fish, curl { lib
, writers
, curl
, jq
, homeserver , homeserver
, roomId , roomId
, authToken , authToken
}: }:
writeScriptBin "notify" '' writers.writeDashBin "notify" ''
#!${fish}/bin/fish export PATH="$PATH:${lib.makeBinPath [ curl jq ]}"
set token (cat ${authToken}) if test $(id -u) != 0; then
if test (id -u) != 0
echo 'you must be root to send a notice' echo 'you must be root to send a notice'
exit 1 exit 1
end fi
set url '${homeserver}/rooms/${roomId}/send/'$token token=$(cat ${authToken})
set msg '{"msgtype":"m.text", "body": "'$argv[1]'"}' url="${homeserver}/rooms/${roomId}/send/$token"
${curl}/bin/curl -s -XPOST -d $msg $url
if test $# -eq 1; then
# send first arg as text
msg=$(printf "%s" "$1" | jq -Rsc '{ "msgtype": "m.text", "body": . }')
# send stdin formatted as code
msg=$(jq -Rsc '{
"msgtype": "m.text",
"format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
"body": "",
"formatted_body": ("<pre><code>" + . + "</code></pre>")
curl -s "$url" -d "$msg"
'' ''

email.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [
(builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "08zdidja5kdqgskynxsmcd8skh1b7cfl9ijjy9pak4b5h3aw2iqv";
mailserver = {
enable = true;
fqdn = "";
domains = [ "" ];
messageSizeLimit = 78643200; # ~50MiB of base64 binary
loginAccounts = config.secrets.emailAccounts;
extraVirtualAliases = config.secrets.emailAliases;
# store state under /var
mailDirectory = "/var/lib/mail";
dkimKeyDirectory = "/var/lib/dkim";
mailboxes = {
# default IMAP folders
Sent = { specialUse = "Sent"; auto = "subscribe"; };
Drafts = { specialUse = "Drafts"; auto = "subscribe"; };
Spam = { specialUse = "Junk"; auto = "subscribe"; };
Trash = { specialUse = "Trash"; auto = "no"; };
# Use Let's Encrypt certificate
certificateScheme = "acme-nginx";
# There is one already (pdns-recursor)
localDnsResolver = false;
# Enable IMAPS (993), SMTPS (465)
enableImapSsl = true;
enableImap = false;
enableSubmissionSsl = true;
enableSubmission = false;
services.dovecot2.extraConfig = ''
# Improve hashing speed
auth_cache_verify_password_with_worker = yes
services.postfix.extraConfig = ''
# Prefer IPv6
smtp_address_preference = ipv6
# Prevent binding on temporary addresses
smtp_bind_address6 = ${config.var.ipv6Address}
# Keep the key stable across renewals (for DANE)
security.acme.certs.${config.mailserver.fqdn}.extraLegoRenewFlags = [ "--reuse-key" ];
# Utilities
environment.systemPackages = [
# computes the DANE records
(pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "mailserver-dane" ''
set -e
export PATH=${with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ coreutils openssl gawk ]}:$PATH
pubkey_hash() {
openssl x509 -noout -pubkey | \
openssl pkey -pubin -outform DER | \
sha256sum | cut -f1 -d' '
self=$(awk '{print $0} /END CERT/{exit}' "$cert" | pubkey_hash)
ca=$(awk '{if(keep) print $0} /END CERT/{keep=1}' "$cert" | pubkey_hash)
# main: DANE-EE(3) SPKI(1) SHA2-256(1)
printf '_25._tcp.%s. IN TLSA 3 1 1 %s\n' "$fqdn" "$self"
# fallback: DANE-TA(2) SPKI(1) SHA2-256(1)
printf '_25._tcp.%s. IN TLSA 2 1 1 %s\n' "$fqdn" "$ca"
# computes the DKIM record
(pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "mailserver-dkim" ''
set -e
export PATH=${with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ coreutils gawk ]}:$PATH
domain=${builtins.elemAt 0}
raw=$(cat ${config.mailserver.dkimKeyDirectory}/*.txt | tr -d '\n\t' | awk -F'"' '{print $2$4}')
printf 'mail._domainkey.%s IN TXT %s' "$domain" "$raw"

fish.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
{ ... }:
{ = true; =
{ e = "nvim";
l = "ls -lh";
ip = "ip -c";
iftop = "iftop -m 70M";
}; =
{ namecoin-cli = "namecoin-cli -conf=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/namecoin"; }; =
# Start abduco in ssh
if set -q SSH_CLIENT
# start abduco on ssh
if not set -q ABDUCO_SESSION
exec abduco -A ssh fish
else if test $SHLVL -eq 1
tput rmcup
''; =
## Fish settings
# mixed emacs/vi
# kj to normal mode
bind -M insert kj "
if commandline -P;
commandline -f cancel;
set fish_bind_mode default;
commandline -f backward-char repaint-mode;
# fix unquoted URLs
set -U fish_features ampersand-nobg-in-token qmark-noglob
# change default cursor
set fish_cursor_insert underscore
## Color scheme
# syntax highlighting
set fish_color_command green
set fish_color_param normal
set fish_color_comment brcyan
set fish_color_operator purple
set fish_color_escape bryellow
set fish_color_redirection blue
set fish_color_selection --background=black
# completion/history
set fish_pager_color_prefix yellow
set fish_pager_color_description brblue
set fish_pager_color_progress brblack --background=black
set fish_color_search_match --background=black
# man pages colors
# bold, blink stop
set -x LESS_TERMCAP_md (set_color -o bryellow)
set -x LESS_TERMCAP_mb (set_color -u magenta)
set -x LESS_TERMCAP_me (set_color normal)
# standout start/stop
set -x LESS_TERMCAP_so (set_color brblue -b black)
set -x LESS_TERMCAP_se (set_color normal -b normal)
# underline start/stop
set -x LESS_TERMCAP_us (set_color -u brmagenta)
set -x LESS_TERMCAP_ue (set_color normal)
# used default LS_COLORS
eval (dircolors | sed 's/\(\w\+\)=/set \1 /')
## Aliases
# start process and detach
function start
nohup $argv > /dev/null 2>&1 &; disown
# start process without network access
function nnet
unshare -nc fish -ic "$argv"
# interactively rename files
function vimv
set tmp (mktemp --tmpdir -d vimv.XXX)
if set -q argv[1]
# directory listing
find $argv[1] -maxdepth 1 | sort | cat -n | tee $tmp/before > $tmp/after
# read from stdin
cat -n - | tee $tmp/before > $tmp/after
$EDITOR $tmp/after
# only print differing lines
awk '
NR==FNR { line=$0; sub($1, "", line); sub(/\s+/, "", line); lines[$1]=line; next }
NR!=FNR { line=$0; sub($1, "", line); sub(/\s+/, "", line);
if (!($1 in lines)) { printf("rm -vr \"%s\"\n", line); next }
if (lines[$1] != line) printf("mv -vin \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", line, lines[$1])
' $tmp/after $tmp/before | sh
rm -r $tmp
''; =
# Outputs colored text
function color
set_color $argv[1]
for i in $argv[2..-1]
echo -n $i
set_color normal
# Git branch info
function git_branch
if not test -f .git/HEAD
set branch (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null)
if test $status -ne 0
set branch (cut -f 3 -d '/' .git/HEAD)
else if test $branch = HEAD
set branch (head -c 10 .git/HEAD)
timeout 0.1 git diff-files --quiet 2>/dev/null
if test $status -eq 1
set branch (color yellow $branch'*')
set branch (color green $branch)
timeout 0.1 git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null 1>| read untracked
if test -n "$untracked"
set dirty (color red '*')
echo " <$branch$dirty>"
# Left prompt
function fish_prompt
if fish_is_root_user
set prompt (color blue Λ)
set user (color red (whoami))
set prompt (color blue λ)
set user (color green (whoami))
if test \( "$LINES" -lt 10 \) -o \( "$COLUMNS" -lt 30 \)
echo "$prompt "
if set -q SSH_CLIENT
set host (color yellow (hostname))
set host (color green (hostname))
set git (git_branch)
set path (color cyan (prompt_pwd))
switch $fish_bind_mode
case default
set mode (color blue n)
case insert
set mode (color red i)
case visual
set mode (color yellow v)
echo "$user@$host $mode$path$git"
echo "$prompt "
# Right prompt
function fish_right_prompt
set code $status
if test $code -ne 0
set exitcode (color red $code" ")
if string match -q '/nix*' $PATH[1]
set nix " <"(color blue nix)">"
echo "$exitcode$nix"
function fish_mode_prompt; end
function fish_greeting; end

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
]; ];
boot.loader.grub = { boot.loader.grub = {
enable = true; enable = true;
version = 2;
device = "/dev/sda"; device = "/dev/sda";
}; };
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
fsType = "ext4"; fsType = "ext4";
}; };
nix.maxJobs = lib.mkDefault 16;
powerManagement.cpuFreqGovernor = "ondemand"; powerManagement.cpuFreqGovernor = "ondemand";
services.apcupsd = { services.apcupsd = {
@ -40,36 +38,33 @@
''; '';
hooks = hooks =
let let
# Send notifications on the Maxwell # Send notifications when something bad happens
# room when something bad happens.
notify = msg: ''${pkgs.maxwell-notify}/bin/notify "UPS: ${msg}"''; notify = msg: ''${pkgs.maxwell-notify}/bin/notify "UPS: ${msg}"'';
in in
{ {
changeme = notify "sostituire le batterie"; changeme = notify "replace batteries";
battdetach = notify "batterie disconnesse"; battdetach = notify "batteries disconnected";
battattach = notify "batterie riconnesse"; battattach = notify "batteries reconnected";
commfailure = notify "connessione persa"; commfailure = notify "connection lost";
commok = notify "connessione ristabilita"; commok = notify "connection enstablished";
loadlimit = notify "livello batterie critico (5%)"; loadlimit = notify "critical battery level (5%)";
runlimit = notify "autonomia batterie critico (5min)"; runlimit = notify "critical battery life (5min)";
doshutdown = notify "inizio sequenza di spegnimento"; doshutdown = notify "shutting down!";
powerout = notify "rete elettrica disconnessa"; powerout = notify "main power is out";
mainsback = notify "rete elettrica riconnessa"; mainsback = notify "main power is back";
onbattery = notify "attivate batterie"; onbattery = notify "batteries connected";
offbattery = notify "disattivate batterie"; offbattery = notify "batteries disconnected";
emergency = notify "malfunzionamento batterie, possibile spegnimento!"; emergency = notify "battery malfunction, possible shutdown!";
}; };
}; };
services.smartd = services.smartd =
let let
# Send a notification on the Maxwell # Send a notification when a disk is starting to fail
# when a disk is starting to fail.
failHook = with pkgs; writeScript "disk-fail-hook" '' failHook = with pkgs; writeScript "disk-fail-hook" ''
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
${pkgs.maxwell-notify}/bin/notify \ ${pkgs.maxwell-notify}/bin/notify \

View File

@ -4,126 +4,114 @@ with lib;
{ { = {"notify-failed@" = {
description = "update ydns address record"; description = "notify that %i has failed";
after = [ "" ]; scriptArgs = "%i";
startAt = "*:0/30"; path = [ pkgs.maxwell-notify ];
script = ''
notify "$unit: failed. last log lines:"
journalctl -u "$unit" -o cat -n 15 | notify
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; =
serviceConfig.environmentFile = config.secrets.ydns.environment; let
saved = pkgs.writeText "backup-saved" ''
path = with pkgs; [ curl cacert gawk iproute ]; excluded = pkgs.writeText "backup-excluded" ''
environment = { /var/lib/systemd
YDNS_HOST = config.var.hostname; /var/lib/udisks2
CURL_CA_BUNDLE = "${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; /var/lib/postgresql
in {
description = "system backup";
startAt = "*-*-* 03:00"; # every day at 3:00
onFailure = [ "notify-failed@backup.service" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
PrivateTmp = true;
PrivateMounts = true;
LimitNOFILE = 65536;
}; };
environment.BUP_DIR = "/mnt/backup";
path = with pkgs; [ bup git util-linux sudo gzip postgresql ];
script = '' script = ''
update() { # mount repository
ret=$(curl -$1 --basic --silent \ mount -m -L backup "$BUP_DIR"
"$YDNS_HOST&ip=$2" || exit 0)
case "$ret" in # init backup, if empty
ok) ! test -e $BUP_DIR/bupindex && bup init
echo "updated successfully: $YDNS_HOST ($2)"
badauth) # build indices and save
echo "updated failed: $YDNS_HOST (authentication failed)" while read -r dir; do
;; {
name=$(basename "$dir")
echo indexing $name...
bup index "$dir" --exclude-from="${excluded}"
echo done
*) echo saving $name...
echo "update failed: $YDNS_HOST ($ret)" bup save -n "$name" "$dir" || true
;; echo done
esac } || true
} done < "${saved}"
update 4 "$(curl -s -4" # postgresql backup
update 6 "$(ip addr show mngtmpaddr | awk '/inet6/{print $2; exit}' | cut -d/ -f1)" dir=/tmp/postgresql
mkdir -p "$dir"
echo dumping databases...
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall > "$dir"/db.bak
echo done
echo saving...
bup index "$dir"
bup save -n postgresql "$dir" --strip-path=/tmp
echo done
echo generating par2 files...
bup fsck -j 8 -g
echo done
# prune backups every week
if test $(( $(date +%s) / 86400 % 7 )) -eq 0; then
echo pruning...
bup prune-older --keep-all-for 6m --keep-monthlies-for 2y --unsafe
echo done
''; '';
}; }; = { =
description = "run system backup"; let
after = [ "" ]; userFile = with;
startAt = "weekly"; pkgs.writeText "namecoin.conf" ''
rpcport=${toString rpc.port}
in {
description = "update namecoin names";
after = [ "namecoind.service" ];
startAt = "hourly";
onFailure = [ "notify-failed@namecoin-update.service" ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; path = [ pkgs.namecoind ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
path = with pkgs; [ bup git nfs-utils ]; serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.haskellPackages.namecoin-update}/bin/namecoin-update ${userFile}";
environment.BUP_DIR = "/mnt/backup";
script = ''
${}/bin/fish << 'EOF'
set locations \
/etc/lvm \
/etc/nixos \
/var/lib \
set excluded \
/var/lib/alsa \
/var/lib/systemd \
/var/lib/udisks2 \
/var/lib/udev \
# mount NFS share
mkdir -p $BUP_DIR
mount.nfs -o nolock $BUP_DIR
# check if properly mounted
if not mountpoint -q $BUP_DIR
echo mount failed! 1>&2
exit 1
# init backup
if not test -e $BUP_DIR/bupindex
bup init
# build indices and copy
for i in $locations
eval bup index $i --exclude=(string join " --exclude=" $excluded)
bup save -n (basename $i) $i
# postgresql backup
set dir /var/lib/postgresql-backup
mkdir -p $dir
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall | gzip > $dir/db.bak
bup index $dir
bup save -n postgresql $dir
rm -rf $dir
umount /mnt/backup
}; =
userFile = with;
pkgs.writeText "namecoin.conf" ''
rpcport=${toString rpc.port}
in {
description = "update namecoin names";
after = [ "namecoind.service" ];
startAt = "hourly";
path = [ pkgs.namecoind ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.haskellPackages.namecoin-update}/bin/namecoin-update ${userFile}";
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Setup: # Setup:
# Maxwell runs the web UI (magneticow) but doesn't # Maxwell runs the web UI (magneticow) but doesn't
# run the crawler (magneticod) because it's too # run the crawler (magneticod) because it's too
# network intesive. The latter is run by Wigfrid, # network intensive. The latter is run by Wigfrid,
# which periodically uploads a sqlite database. # which periodically uploads a sqlite database.
# Once received, Maxwell merges it with the local one. # Once received, Maxwell merges it with the local one.

View File

@ -1,31 +1,14 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with config.var;
let let
### Element (Riot) configuration domain = "";
conf = with config.var; {
default_server_config."m.homeserver" =
{ base_url = "https://${hostname}";
server_name = "Maxwell";
default_server_config."m.identity_server" =
{ base_url = ""; };
roomDirectory.servers = [ "" hostname ];
brand = "Maxwell matrix";
defaultCountryCode = "IT";
showLabsSettings = true;
# Use a trusted Jitsi instance
jitsi.preferredDomain = "";
jitsi.externalApiUrl = "";
in in
{ {
### Reverse proxy locations ### Reverse proxy locations
services.nginx.virtualHosts."${config.var.hostname}" =
# Setup for well-known on the bare domain
services.nginx.virtualHosts.${domain} =
let let
client = client =
{ "m.homeserver" = { "base_url" = "https://${config.var.hostname}"; }; { "m.homeserver" = { "base_url" = "https://${config.var.hostname}"; };
@ -34,6 +17,9 @@ in
server = { "m.server" = "${config.var.hostname}:443"; }; server = { "m.server" = "${config.var.hostname}:443"; };
in in
{ {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
# Needed for matrix federation # Needed for matrix federation
locations."/.well-known/matrix/server".extraConfig = '' locations."/.well-known/matrix/server".extraConfig = ''
add_header Content-Type application/json; add_header Content-Type application/json;
@ -47,40 +33,24 @@ in
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
return 200 '${builtins.toJSON client}'; return 200 '${builtins.toJSON client}';
''; '';
# Forward matrix API calls to synapse
locations."/_matrix".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8448";
}; };
# Forward matrix/admin API calls to synapse
### Element/Riot static location services.nginx.virtualHosts.${config.var.hostname} =
services.nginx.virtualHosts."riot.${config.var.hostname}" = { locations."/_matrix".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8448";
{ enableACME = true; locations."/_synapse".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8448";
forceSSL = true; };
locations."/" =
{ index = "index.html";
alias = (pkgs.element-web.override { inherit conf; }) + "/";
### Homeserver ### Homeserver
services.matrix-synapse = { services.matrix-synapse.enable = true;
enable = true; services.matrix-synapse.settings = {
server_name = config.var.hostname; server_name = domain;
public_baseurl = "https://${config.var.hostname}/";
# Tell users about our TURN server
turn_uris = [
# Bind on localhost and used a reverse proxy # Bind on localhost and used a reverse proxy
listeners = [ listeners = [
{ bind_address = "localhost"; { bind_addresses = [ "localhost" ];
port = 8448; port = 8448;
type = "http"; type = "http";
tls = false; tls = false;
@ -94,30 +64,30 @@ in
# Connect to Postrges # Connect to Postrges
database_type = "psycopg2"; database_type = "psycopg2";
database_args = { database_args =
user = "matrix-synapse"; { user = "matrix-synapse";
database = "matrix-synapse"; database = "matrix-synapse";
}; };
# Make logging less verbose # Make logging less verbose
logConfig = '' log_config = pkgs.writeText "synapse-log.yml" ''
version: 1 version: 1
formatters: formatters:
journal_fmt: journal_fmt:
format: '%(name)s: [%(request)s] %(message)s' format: '%(name)s: [%(request)s] %(message)s'
filters: filters:
context: context:
(): synapse.util.logcontext.LoggingContextFilter (): synapse.util.logcontext.LoggingContextFilter
request: "" request: ""
handlers: handlers:
journal: journal:
class: systemd.journal.JournalHandler class: systemd.journal.JournalHandler
formatter: journal_fmt formatter: journal_fmt
filters: [context] filters: [context]
root: root:
level: WARN level: WARN
handlers: [journal] handlers: [journal]
disable_existing_loggers: False disable_existing_loggers: False
''; '';
@ -125,65 +95,68 @@ in
expire_access_token = true; expire_access_token = true;
event_cache_size = "2K"; event_cache_size = "2K";
max_upload_size = "1000M"; max_upload_size = "1000M";
turn_user_lifetime = "1d"; dynamic_thumbnails = true;
# Needed to restrict access to the TURN
# server to only our matrix users.
turn_shared_secret = config.secrets.matrix.turn;
# Needed by the register_new_matrix_user script
registration_shared_secret = config.secrets.matrix.registration;
}; };
# Secrets
services.matrix-synapse.extraConfigFiles =
# Password reset via email
# Note: can't be put here, see NixOS/nixpkgs#158605
# Needed by the register_new_matrix_user script
### Database ### Database
services.postgresql.enable = true; services.postgresql.enable = true;
# Create database on the first run # Create databases on the first run
services.postgresql.initialScript = pkgs.writeText "synapse-init.sql" '' services.postgresql.initialScript = pkgs.writeText "synapse-init.sql" ''
CREATE ROLE "matrix-synapse" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'synapse'; CREATE ROLE "matrix-synapse" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'synapse';
CREATE DATABASE "matrix-synapse" WITH OWNER "matrix-synapse" CREATE DATABASE "matrix-synapse" WITH OWNER "matrix-synapse"
TEMPLATE template0 TEMPLATE template0
CREATE ROLE "mautrix-whatsapp" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'whatsapp';
CREATE DATABASE "mautrix-whatsapp" WITH OWNER "mautrix-whatsapp"
TEMPLATE template0
''; '';
### Whatsapp bridge
# Handles users behind a NAT, # allow synapse to read the shared secrets
# needed for reliable VoIP. users.users.matrix-synapse.extraGroups = [ "mautrix-whatsapp" ];
services.coturn = {
enable = true;
# Only allow users vouched for # Allow olm for mautrix-whatsapp
# by the Matrix server. nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [ "olm-3.2.16" ];
lt-cred-mech = true;
use-auth-secret = true;
static-auth-secret = config.secrets.matrix.turn;
# Use maxwell certificate for TLS services.mautrix-whatsapp =
realm = config.var.hostname; {
cert = "/var/lib/acme/${config.var.hostname}/fullchain.pem"; enable = true;
pkey = "/var/lib/acme/${config.var.hostname}/key.pem"; serviceDependencies = [ "postgresql.service" ];
settings.appservice =
# Port range for TURN relaying { database.type = "postgres";
min-port = 49152; database.uri = "postgresql:///mautrix-whatsapp?host=/run/postgresql";
max-port = 49999; };
settings.bridge =
# Enable TLS { encryption =
secure-stun = true; { allow = true;
no-tcp-relay = false; default = true;
require = true;
extraConfig = '' };
external-ip=${config.var.ipAddress} permissions =
cipher-list=HIGH { "" = "user";
no-loopback-peers "" = "admin";
no-multicast-peers };
denied-peer-ip= relay.enabled = false;
denied-peer-ip= mute_bridging = true;
allowed-peer-ip= };
user-quota=12 };
} }

View File

@ -1,46 +1,51 @@
{ config, ... }: { config, lib, ... }:
# Setup: # Setup:
# PDNS recursor on port 53 # pdns-recursor on localhost:54
# DNSCrypt wrapper on port 1194 # dnsdist on port 53 (DNS)
# NCDNS for Namecoin bit. zone resolution # ncdns for Namecoin bit. zone resolution
{ {
# Recursive DNS resolver # Recursive DNS resolver
services.pdns-recursor = { services.pdns-recursor =
enable = true; { enable = true;
# Configures the bit. zone # Configures the bit. zone
resolveNamecoin = true; resolveNamecoin = true;
dns.allowFrom = [ "" ]; dns.port = 54;
}; };
# Wrap the local recursive resolver # Public DNS resolver
# in DNSCrypt on the default OpenVPN port. services.dnsdist =
# This port is chosen because it's usually { enable = true;
# not blocked in corporate networks. extraConfig = ''
services.dnscrypt-wrapper = { -- Listen on IPv6 and IPv4
enable = true; setLocal("[::]:53"); addLocal("")
address = "";
port = 1194; -- Allow everything
providerKey.public =; setACL({"", "::/0"})
providerKey.secret = config.secrets.dnscrypt.sec;
}; -- Set upstream resolver
newServer({address="[::1]:54", name="pdns"})
# Namecoin resolver # Namecoin resolver
services.ncdns = { services.ncdns =
enable = true; { enable = true;
# This is currently broken, see ncdns issue: # This is currently broken, see ncdns issue:
# #
dnssec.enable = false; dnssec.enable = false;
}; };
# Namecoin daemon with RPC server # Namecoin daemon with RPC server
services.namecoind = { services.namecoind =
enable = true; { enable = true;
# This are used by the resolver (ncdns) # This are used by the resolver (ncdns)
# to query the blockchain. # to query the blockchain.
rpc.user = config.secrets.namecoin.user; rpc.user = config.secrets.namecoin.user;
rpc.password = config.secrets.namecoin.password; rpc.password = config.secrets.namecoin.password;
}; }; = "namecoin";
} }

neovim.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
frameline = pkgs.callPackage (pkgs.fetchFromGitea
{ domain = "";
owner = "rnhmjoj";
repo = "nvim-frameline";
rev = "v0.1.0";
sha256 = "PrTSSoXbu+qtTsJUv81z+MuTUmB1RHLPEWFQQnu6+J8=";
}) { };
plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins;
[ # UI
undotree gitsigns-nvim
frameline nvim-fzf
# Syntax
nix-queries fortran-queries
(nvim-treesitter.withPlugins (p: with p;
[ bash fish
c fortran haskell
html css
nix python lua
# Misc
vim-fugitive supertab neomake
auto-pairs plenary-nvim
pack = pkgs.linkFarm "neovim-plugins"
(map (pkg:
{ name = "pack/${}/start/${}";
path = toString pkg;
}) (lib.concatMap (p: [p] ++ p.dependencies or []) plugins));
neovim-wrapped = pkgs.runCommand "${}"
{ nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; }
mkdir -p "$out"
makeWrapper '${pkgs.neovim-unwrapped}/bin/nvim' "$out/bin/nvim" \
--add-flags "-u ${conf}"
nix-queries = pkgs.writeTextDir "/queries/nix/injections.scm"
;; extends
; writeText highlight
(apply_expression function:
(apply_expression function: (_) @_func
argument: (string_expression (string_fragment) @injection.language))
argument: [
(string_expression (string_fragment) @injection.content)
(indented_string_expression (string_fragment) @injection.content)]
(#match? @_func "(^|\\.)writeText(Dir)?$")
(#gsub! @injection.language ".*%.(.*)" "%1")
(#set! injection.combined))
fortran-queries = pkgs.writeTextDir "/queries/fortran/highlights.scm"
;; extends
(end_block_construct_statement) @keyword
(implicit_statement) @keyword
conf = pkgs.writeText "init.lua" ''
local opt = vim.opt
local cmd = vim.api.nvim_command
local keymap = vim.keymap.set
local autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd
-- Load plugins
opt.packpath = ${builtins.toJSON pack}
opt.runtimepath:prepend(${builtins.toJSON pack})
-- Options
local cache = os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME')..'/nvim' = cache..'/tmp'
opt.backupdir = cache..'/tmp'
opt.shadafile = cache..'/shada'
opt.undodir = cache..'/undo'
opt.hidden = true -- Hide buffers
opt.mouse = 'a' -- Enable mouse support
opt.ignorecase = true -- Case insensitive search...
opt.smartcase = true -- ...for lowercase terms
opt.splitkeep = 'screen' -- keep text still when splitting
opt.laststatus = 3 -- global statusline
opt.fsync = true -- Sync writes
opt.swapfile = false -- Disable swap files
opt.writebackup = true -- Backup file before overwriting...
opt.backup = false -- ...but delete it on success
opt.undofile = true -- Store all changes
opt.modeline = false -- Disable for Security
opt.showmatch = true -- Highlight matched parenthesis
opt.clipboard = 'unnamedplus' -- Yank to clipboard
-- Files to ignore
opt.wildignore = {
'*.so', '*.hi', '*.a', '*.la', '*.mod',
opt.shiftwidth = 2 -- Tabs
opt.tabstop = 2 --
opt.expandtab = true --
opt.number = true -- Line numbering
opt.smartindent = true -- Indentation
opt.showmode = false -- Disable printing of mode changes
opt.ruler = false -- Already in statusline
opt.fillchars = {
eob=' ', -- Hide ~ on empty lines
vert='', -- make vertical split sign better
fold=' ', -- Hide . in fold markers
opt.foldmethod = "expr" -- Folding
opt.foldexpr = 'nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()' --
opt.foldlevel = 99 -- open by default
opt.foldopen:remove("search") -- don't open when searching
-- OSC 52 clipboard for SSH
if os.getenv('SSH_TTY') ~= nil then
vim.g.clipboard = {
name = 'OSC 52',
copy = {
['+'] = require('vim.ui.clipboard.osc52').copy('+'),
['*'] = require('vim.ui.clipboard.osc52').copy('*'),
paste = {
['+'] = require('vim.ui.clipboard.osc52').paste('+'),
['*'] = require('vim.ui.clipboard.osc52').paste('*'),
-- Terminal mode
-- Hide some UI elements
autocmd('TermOpen', {pattern='*', command='setlocal nonumber'})
autocmd('TermEnter', {pattern='*', command='set cmdheight=0 laststatus=0'})
autocmd('TermLeave', {pattern='*', command='set cmdheight=1 laststatus=3'})
autocmd('VimResized', {pattern='*', command='wincmd ='})
-- Exit without confirmation
autocmd('TermClose', {pattern='*', command='call feedkeys("\\<CR>")'})
keymap('t', '<C-b>', '<C-\\><C-n>', {noremap=true}) -- Easier escape
keymap('n', '<C-b>', '<Nop>', {noremap=true}) --
keymap('n', '<C-w>-', ':split +term<CR>', {silent=true}) -- Tmux-like moves
keymap('n', '<C-w>|', ':vsplit +term<CR>', {silent=true}) --
keymap('n', '<C-w>t', ':tabnew +term<CR>', {silent=true}) --
keymap('n', '<C-w>c', ':quit<CR>', {silent=true}) --
keymap('n', '<M-h>', '<C-w>h', {noremap=true}) --
keymap('n', '<M-j>', '<C-w>j', {noremap=true}) --
keymap('n', '<M-k>', '<C-w>k', {noremap=true}) --
keymap('n', '<M-l>', '<C-w>l', {noremap=true}) --
-- Keybindings
vim.g.mapleader = ','
function listToggle()
for _, win in ipairs(vim.fn.getwininfo()) do
if win.loclist == 1 then return cmd('lclose') end
fzf = require'fzf'
function searchFiles()
local query = [[\( -name .git -o -name __pycache__ -o -path ./dist -o -path ./build \) -prune -o -type f]]
res = fzf.fzf('find '..query, "", {border='none'})
cmd('edit '..res[1])
function searchCommands()
local history = {}
for i = 1, vim.fn.histnr("cmd") do
history[i] = vim.fn.histget("cmd", i)
res = fzf.fzf(history, "", {border='none'})
vim.fn.feedkeys(':'..res[1], 't')
keymap('n', '<C-p>', searchFiles, {silent=true}) -- Fuzzy search files
keymap('n', '<C-e>', searchCommands, {silent=true}) -- Fuzzy search command history
keymap('n', '<Leader>u', ':UndotreeToggle<CR>', {silent=true}) -- Toggle UndoTree
keymap('n', '<leader>l', listToggle, {silent=true}) -- Toggle Neomake errors
keymap('i', 'kj', '<ESC>', {noremap=true}) -- Exit with kj
keymap('n', 'o', 'o<ESC>', {noremap=true}) -- Add empty lines
keymap('n', 'O', 'O<ESC>', {noremap=true}) --
keymap('x', 'p', 'p:let @+=@0<CR>', {noremap=true, silent=true}) -- Keep selection after p
keymap('c', 'w!!', 'w !sudo tee >/dev/null %', {silent=true}) -- Save with sudo
-- Colors
-- = 'light' -- Use dark colors
function color(group, args)
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, args)
-- Source code
color('Cursor', {ctermfg=14})
color('Keyword', {ctermfg=04})
color('Define', {ctermfg=03})
color('Type', {ctermfg=06})
color('Identifier', {ctermfg=13})
color('Constant', {ctermfg=03})
color('Function', {ctermfg=02})
color('Include', {ctermfg=04})
color('Statement', {ctermfg=11})
color('String', {ctermfg=03})
color('Number', {ctermfg=04})
color('Comment', {ctermfg=07})
color('SpecialComment', {ctermfg=15})
color('Operator', {ctermfg='none'})
color('Conceal', {ctermfg='none', ctermbg='none'})
-- Text
color('Title', {ctermfg=4})
color('Special', {ctermfg=12})
color('Delimiter', {ctermfg=1})
color('PandocReferenceURL', {ctermfg=3})
color('PandocCiteKey', {ctermfg=6})
color('PandocTableDelims', {ctermfg=8})
color('texBeginEndName', {ctermfg=2})
color('Error', {ctermfg='none', ctermbg='none', underline=true})
-- Editor UI
color('NonText', {ctermfg=0})
color('LineNr', {ctermfg=8})
color('Pmenu', {ctermfg=12, ctermbg=0})
color('Folded', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=0, cterm={}})
color('VertSplit', {ctermfg=8, cterm={}})
color('FoldColumn', {ctermfg='none', cterm={}})
color('Visual', {ctermfg='none', ctermbg=0})
color('Search', {ctermfg='none', ctermbg=0})
color('CurSearch', {ctermfg='none', ctermbg=0})
-- Diff mode
color('DiffAdd', {ctermfg=2, ctermbg=0, underline=true})
color('DiffChange', {ctermfg=3, ctermbg=0, underline=true})
color('DiffText', {ctermfg=1, ctermbg=0, underline=true})
color('DiffDelete', {ctermfg=0, ctermbg=1, underline=true})
-- Spelling
color('SpellBad', {ctermfg=1, ctermbg=0, underline=true})
color('SpellCap', {ctermfg=3, underline=true})
-- Neomake
color('NeomakeWarning', {ctermfg=3, underline=true})
color('ErrorMsg', {ctermfg=1, ctermbg='none'})
color('WarningMsg', {ctermfg=3})
-- Git signs
color('SignColumn', {ctermfg=1, ctermbg='none', cterm={}})
color('GitSignsAdd', {ctermfg=2})
color('GitSignsChange', {ctermfg=3})
color('GitSignsDelete', {ctermfg=1})
-- Statusline
color('StatusLine', {ctermfg=8, ctermbg=0, cterm={}})
color('StatusLineNC', {ctermfg=4, ctermbg=0, cterm={}})
color('User1', {ctermfg=8, ctermbg=0}) -- base
color('User2', {ctermfg=3, ctermbg=0}) -- location
color('StatusLineErr', {ctermfg=0, ctermbg=1})
color('StatusLineWarn', {ctermfg=0, ctermbg=3})
color('TablineTab', {ctermfg=8, ctermbg=0})
color('TablineTabCur', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=8})
color('ModeNormal', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=14})
color('ModeInsert', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=1})
color('ModeCommand', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=4})
color('ModeVisual', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=3})
color('ModeVLine', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=11})
color('ModeVBloc', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=11})
color('ModeTerm', {ctermfg=7, ctermbg=2})
-- Plugin options
-- Neomake'neomake#configure#automake', 'nwr', 750)
vim.g.neomake_warning_sign = {text='W', texthl='WarningMsg'}
vim.g.neomake_error_sign = {text='E', texthl='ErrorMsg'}
vim.g.neomake_highlight_lines = 1
vim.g.neomake_virtualtext_current_error = 0
vim.g.neomake_fortran_gfortran_args =
{'-fsyntax-only', '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Jbuild/obj'}
-- Pandoc Markdown
autocmd({'BufNewFile', 'BufFilePre', 'BufRead'},
{pattern='*.md', command='set filetype=markdown.pandoc | TSBufDisable highlight'})
-- Git signs
gitsigns = require'gitsigns'
add = {text='+'},
change = {text='δ'},
delete = {text='-'},
topdelete = {text=''},
changedelete = {text='~'}}
keymap('n', '<leader>gb', function() gitsigns.blame_line{full=true} end, {silent=true})
keymap('n', '<leader>gp', function() gitsigns.preview_hunk() end, {silent=true})
-- Tree-sitter
-- Non built-in filetypes
autocmd({'BufNewFile', 'BufRead'},
{pattern='*.nix', command='setlocal filetype=nix'})
-- Statusline
local frameline = require 'frameline'
local utils = frameline.utils
function mode(win, buf)
if not win.is_active then return end
local k = vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode
local modes = {
n={'Normal', 'Normal'},
i={'Insert', 'Insert'},
R={'Replas', 'Insert'},
v={'Visual', 'Visual'},
V={'VLine', 'VLine'},
t={'Termin', 'Term'},
['']={'VBloc', 'VBloc'}
return utils.highlight('Mode'..modes[k][2], ' '..modes[k][1]..' ')
function branch(_, buf)
local head = vim.fn.FugitiveHead()
if buf.modifiable and head ~= "" then return ' '..head end
function filename(_, buf)
local delta = ""
if buf.modified then delta = 'Δ' end
if not buf.modifiable then delta = '' end
local fname = ~= "" and utils.filename or 'new-file'
return delta..fname
function neomake()
local res, msg ='neomake#statusline#LoclistCounts'), ""
if res.E then
msg = msg..utils.highlight('StatusLineErr', ' '..res.E..'E ')
if res.W then
msg = msg..utils.highlight('StatusLineWarn', ' '..res.W..'W ')
return msg
function readonly(_, buf)
if buf.modifiable and buf.readonly then return '' end
function encoding(_, buf)
return buf.fileencoding ~= "" and buf.fileencoding or nil
function filetype(_, buf)
return buf.filetype ~= "" and buf.filetype or 'no ft'
-- Tabline
local segments = {}
local api = vim.api
local color = '%#StatusLine#'
-- Tabs
local current = api.nvim_get_current_tabpage()
local label = ' %d %s '
for i, tab in pairs(api.nvim_list_tabpages()) do
-- tab -> active win -> active buf -> name
local active_buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(api.nvim_tabpage_get_win(tab))
local name = api.nvim_buf_get_name(active_buf)
name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(name, ':t') -- filename only
local group = tab == current and 'TablineTabCur' or 'TablineTab'
table.insert(segments, utils.highlight(group, label:format(i, name)))
table.insert(segments, color)
table.insert(segments, utils.split)
-- Current date
table.insert(segments, vim.fn.strftime("%a %H:%M"))
-- Battery level
local level = io.popen('cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/capacity'):read()
local symbol = ' '..utils.highlight('User2', '')..color
local battery = level and symbol..level..'%% ' or ""
table.insert(segments, battery)
return table.concat(segments)
-- Statusline
local segments = {}
-- Left section
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{items={mode}})
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{
separator=' ',
items={branch, filename, readonly},
table.insert(segments, utils.split)
-- Right section
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{items={neomake}})
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{
separator=':', stop=' ',
items={utils.line_number, utils.column_number},
table.insert(segments, utils.subsection{
separator=' ',
items={utils.percent, encoding, filetype}
return segments
# nix build -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' pkgs.neovim for testing
nixpkgs.overlays = lib.singleton (self: super: {
neovim = neovim-wrapped;

View File

@ -1,36 +1,38 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
unstable = import <nixos-unstable> { };
{ {
nixpkgs.overlays = lib.singleton nixpkgs.overlays = lib.singleton
(self: super: (self: super:
{ maxwell-notify = self.callPackage ./custom/packages/maxwell-notify.nix { maxwell-notify = self.callPackage ./custom/packages/maxwell-notify.nix
{ homeserver = "https://${config.var.hostname}/_matrix/client/r0"; { homeserver = "https://${config.var.hostname}/_matrix/client/r0";
roomId = "!"; roomId = "!";
authToken = config.secrets.passwords.matrix; authToken = config.secrets.passwords.matrix;
}; };
monero = unstable.monero; haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.extend (hself: hsuper:
element-web = unstable.element-web; { breve = super.haskell.lib.overrideCabal hsuper.breve
(old: { broken = false; });
}); });
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# utilities # utilities
iftop curl ranger neovim iftop curl tree neovim
nix-script openssl nix-script openssl
jq ack jq ack sshfs abduco
# backup # backup
bup git nfs-utils bup git
# admin # admin
dnsutils dnsutils
matrix-synapse matrix-synapse
maxwell-notify maxwell-notify
smartmontools smartmontools
# namecoin
namecoind haskellPackages.rosa
]; ];
} }

View File

@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
U2FsdGVkX1+v2LZrhijmp31otrHMh+DfaYCLGD/Ne8e30ShI5/q5ZSz7RFqPq6MX U2FsdGVkX187G2cVGXN/qIpUhA1QpAp926TLMqfie7I3tmv5ZmzFJ8hMLdm+N15v
p6XliglIJfARnYpLGjZdX1ZWW9vXDyNO5OvQ/LS+sbaSbOWcLQrMtLqUAhbOUzk6 0GGtqBrNzMhD2o6gJQVfdV4Dla5sdylmSu+mnlR2MpBezkGn4wEb6K8JZkBJwl0R
seVaK0aCwlUUFCnu80r0MzVvPKMxwEoFBu1fWI1cQqVxyTfoYgbQK68Ple1a4jDc N1LwJasDQ0qFXknYueISrff1TEcXWKZ0fAB99fP/OfvtEGlKCsphK8m1EV9a1Lex
/c0sUyPmXWYZQ+qMGOPWmSW+CeTR7yPplj0lD8xch8WehrBb0oqj1iiGHDIp0PNG RDsobzgRKnZ8FCgst7C9GZ2JBd0RwR5kEdx4HmbHZXXI06AxhCcLL41OW4x6AmXO
OKrUoHs1mUD54m2hXNbX4vji4VUMt3xmTIAlLaGxj637vz0NoaLdscgAXl0c9kPK XeBcrmizmpMuaWGxdMo4E+fB1VHZsyy0Cuciz9yfxqtcq8F9n1C/tP/c/HXpmhzU
Vn53o7utJWgvEWeMXGDliRGDQ7F3vNcPwfCO1bNLfDCKJ9Bfm78wrcIWH8SPvwpa qzRX3CBfOyct3dAvmxaSXGWAEkaUdz66bEsjXUtjIvzme7RqHpTmjKap9QbdD16z
XC0cYqPN2gwrPZkR7w42Vu5itkCVkr+V2EhSfioktRRMDrt2mPTIABnaYbfvKlFK rfHY+tZjet9ohpHuKniAGlAwTWY5ULj5BXxTJyoDO0NGzUrKKwIQbNZmON958+5K
p+sO/cT1ONF47rncU60vpt62Q5J/qHLzEqoOCO61uL9SRZ/n7NDn4wYJb+1brWwU BxrLsVVVZYgPC6RFCn2c0amlLgE0n/2jPbdQZQ5d4K4jPBw3dKam4lq2au1rrHgn
Mo2Wgnk1blpJ9EseAXRN9+8Orn3RTkMMp9nRftlGSBNZq3GxTe/RNTIT/bhAcHNr FtEBmeuBkOXt6aVeCCcoTuAGlG5J4K7m9fXzq9fXkw97V2+XXCk3Hcoujegw2zYv
Houv5OgKnKfOB8NW0jshW3NRBMXOAhtloXJ2wmgvw4JI5jVXAvVlAhfyOcU+C3uE HJdAhWpqNgR5IH8xcvvxeFiGJCnjIxXoyl62xLwVKe3Uz77R0I8zCAvznj39zxw2
NdSz35/SymMkMyRnjPlKHEz6sjNc4DiowRBrA7i/4TNU7bVk5L8+hh4wOa5vZjq0 gapVu0c3MIumFVpd5PtU0xpZjdjNQUr1B3sAKS9IYF2J95lfdB1oqas8bC/FmU01
3Om86891UWSJKVF0bpYEaS3TXqfWq70dzg13OCB0ue/wxHsZrHUefqYOY0zgeQoP X+XGyo6uw+tM17PDDrhIiQwM3oCDvmGJzhQ2IXpIesjeC69WYbMsppaf4odDwhMP
G6jnUpMogXnIhTwcSCRha5vjkc1Vrv8w9riPagpkhzlTjFU535YN7Kta5tGNrZGp WnGR65VyAeUJlA0k1nAWPd9eF32S5Tn5JvMVF4AHMmwDbW84dDvivXEh2MiPTbnB
7SOPm+hgKPCm0sWlH9QJKES4iIpwohsbm8WBTLl/KDvT1P7ia6UMIbRdZF36ONhG BzEaxFHNnhLgEKr4BKRZoHiMyqbj0HPDI7ypQ5qBLJwUL50BFs42SngLg/lsltlg
H/rTDRXHwAMu67dM+v93OSc7bq2W9NuCXjkp/7VxR/SmUvygMARNJqEpexWeIU7o MI4XZ8+lMx6mrTlzlVzVHxDwUxOX7WxQfaMeI8UnWic/lxGtuIby9u/uzAy0Sy2H
OhiKNzjLhOLW1Fp6vM0gJ9iDzN5ng2QG1l1SmhPzYNeNO1YoSIqR6X/GBuq3d0so krZVtKGAESrH/ypY6rOjjjwzPAc007wi6Ej7eKq0HPkDEcBOF8sJYLpPWCaxhuOa
B+oVBcNCHhWpMKbeH1sQX2ZfbG00I4JHYF4k9b8GDn8ek7f/hFC9CQTtixhnx40m hMGxCi3JLN3BzK4zfP+fxalud9P1Sa4ajfPFsh/a751HPqZxtvrKL1jrGWItJBmy
cZqkCu6WBYLOLOgLbn2u+xDHSQT8bbKtbvCJv1d7xHMzmsM1/eRNj1Wl/itEB+ZP VEJ93paIaastKqo5iGblhAICCWbqtiakl4yRtD1ipX4ZaJx5Nv4MyWGrvFepDeIC
XMTuM4x59fr6SyKJ1Gnei8tc59ZVFPJyM48AxWUjp/zfL/RagPMBqG8yTtxJY9GJ A+z0QJuFQg5X9T+D+ekzIV8fHk7D09himElID2PuLPqL8M6vOPtAYoihyWaQyUBh
ozVlGPprDXMkcS4MNu4iTbRNkbdhQDa83YMzgOGYYsmoQhaZ0yT4SINjfuTFa47l dUA3b7fpJjQt+mUDmSfR549+gOX2LLhEyttHyLnfhiv/7qjogDNARa6qvzOyBvZG
BlbYpUD7TL6vVQaJw99pBig2aUiUGSbUlXUFaaigT4vl922ayjxFilsFSR2K5zdP 1FonY5/m/l/ziGgkRfXE2qTEd8+S0vtwST5bGcd9zylV5CMM6n0G9ZQuWhzxEXNq
RAJdMAj+PjXwkmeYf0l6mxQy4EgCqd50thkgFpeRK2oaDZpbF8le0Hv+Lci9QtUD i0579spHDGBgg+lswrIKtVVSyBNHUsYh0NAX7t55CYywdi1fIE6idUIAzkVZv+ZD
t6nqb8QLMnLzuc02EXJt7wW5HTuTq0B1RYqNepka13Zt1ILxS83Vde3iC72mSr4e sAJV1VjQylVh6HZwRca8q/kD3IXQn4FBmocFf5mhvlczhA0Xm3hIRTKkcKOVicP9
ifs+Rk75L+llAKfqhc29YcfRoKqxs2gTBFSOsTuqBA9JwUFWClPS6lg1RKVdeV2s 0tNRimNOefMy0YmE0Sltfj4xlrPvmz4fsvXvfXVvA2QDy7lmDbC6oo2+ej86En30
gycdtksZrSDQEyCJuZibx7HDu4o0zbmeIcPreV/LnAOyFS5i75NgzjFVe0VrmVIO V006jG1hsfAcAhy2cvyxoFZiZUMabrVDlJadq5eTuMPJ24NhFX9SKa2KJgIBXPdv
FR/T5+4KP3V8WCvbPerDNdsQ+HePkEzToJzbyKWSaqRo+3eyYtlSt9pZ+yrrIKSR 0DiEmGYmWi5CAcZw3HIk0i4Yi0fKabgXo/K8RXhMcsRuy2/EpyzHTfNuaJs6+2By
8g1pm/my31mOMQn5tZD+NvsXY2PIH69y8ELJwL5Kdpr6NkPKFF/i9upIHqzUcudT STGWrm0Lf4ZG4ypy+Tj1exv8sE4fhR0RELYKwjBgLrY8FFgNurJP8XyHEYaLVKHH
FfX/xP/KyEkIOEyhRHoznqDxx8Ya/BLaKWDFCqRSgNmrbnvqqZ4nX0bhzSNM6nhy U+0VzBmGLxK2EaIOpKsAiQ4dy91gDsQTZnku3D0jTBRdXs1O2HFHNLvBkVJp7Rt2
LX8mexTQjaLXyoexnu8zFYJpp6ss0g1mB/AAE58JNX1crNTpDSYxsje9VR4Ufw3V wc1x0+mIvHgYfDSgtOHBzD1Cbj1Ww0I96JBVwcNvRFas2qYb4q+cd17lZLdoKNuZ
DnCuWAclwCdI/RPO1YmqvOHzy2qbJ6JW8imV8v5YsM+hwahWVmaw4+H9B50lmq3A 40g3cxAF2CgCk37JIgK+ex3isyWHPiP4YvQNVwVFd/5giPPI5bw8r1TlINKG0ijN
qU946wMTlSpLgnIuUPKfuUydB4pGUGMjMCilGwJF/0yVWGcQt04INXDGF6D8eC/l bUVYQHeDK0zDi74TVxKHz6XRdsiv2Zc539ONOQr5z5rqUYVzvw5SYMkTtKQYYCoV
nYyck2w9tHnwDy1Oi0lRWF6x2IfvK5b+g06OIy80i37onySn1cf8zWyvCcsJ84zY ygZRXrTzkGeBFGeixITvVTQHlhe+6Dd6NgrbVAeC0hsfo/zkQhlrjHZANnoPthvk
K2fDoDZxO4v/b1b1SCkbHhNjaFKxH9oQ7ZkNwDTAsjdzV1DiNM50vI5PkofhRAZe CITAVaBM5s/3dWb955HgYWJZjsB2U56XCxb+ACQ9k4o1sB4SHoJSMcz5fmP10lMR
3miMnRdhwebj1JbxPkDhyrNYAS6FPzDOnCgLKqAMcd6Zq1HELrNi1qYZnYywGwr6 9sVGZcG4P/f8GiuiBdNpmkq8qlJU5DgozOoVDe5f/BIqpJOWcRl2HmDL5Xf4RtCR
1Yrn2LxcKgzNVBFIxA5yI8jaeUHnqSLgkVP9G2WsN/6zIRur4R+bJe1VKJfEw1CK Wht7jB1yhMcI0htxFwxJPnWw/FTwQnDJIWiJyxlvfREzZgd8572LJtBD0xExd3xt
Qjn5fmqfxnAUe3W158EfX4AxVSYUAkT+wz5hX23iLeqoXxE4PW0tLXn1Oi1Q0n+S qqTgZ+dlhEoHgGYrHNryCRiRYUjG4YeVvzgFIg5z7FOrFIep0U4uQ7Y9k9oZ0LBo
4JHfTF5VKICE52ihuzBl66VtGOpWfkxb7cLrC3i2jwZBxdipJq+jOeOSZeC379pe TM6cqnKjprgwC5n8MkHYD0PPqHKHov7VSVIgPHY8ZdibqYZoK0GYV9ctDUmcVUsJ
U0WdVQtml8M+AmAe58FjxY/JL6Gzrmt5qecNQV0qmor40Rvc8/OwlaAaooM1rVQr z5dZ4Cf3UFGTwEtLlsGLEbuECfoKOBrh/nySXrBpZ+ahPa1U1DR5YVwK9TEN5Jmy
0vlWHVDo9A6huuKWF0kDwNGt6sz1Nn/E76pTuw+FQORxVrapQpF/V4byOxuyIyMy W3k1g1qmF5rvNWlRgU2CU7p4xWSltYopkIZ3mtyDQlqPjidJWT7l2V6gR48O3Omk
yaeWJh6O2TknxiBRp76MR2GnjHmkBdADwm2PsoeH/dcXsPnTftZwsg== HnLfAynO1w==

View File

@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
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x+7N+/gRRTzXvEn8JBanNaY6KGIiyE2sySod0ggbx4Vs/MQzSMZpfFNTvC8W/EkN vLzVTA7qMMy4kom0fq//pqs5AFneUfgZRev/DxL0B3IFZz/6+BUAk9KWyEZex9Tf
K1VeXluIBGP4wdN7AikEYQpJlN6RjE3VAC/oRs/QJs7peiDdCg5zmXPaz+ZwT1cX VipKj8pQIqIVmzyn+fex/HtOVlgDWT3tEyOKRFDPaVZELZ9oxln5M4TWSbwb5YTP
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View File

@ -1,44 +1,63 @@
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mnlYQquN8v7GDnmd04g93dYaSvzZZXw8D3pvQJ27i6mRT6VTH4JreQQgVHTiGcLb flPruOU5KgQnacRAhC+o+f2HKs3tccQr2i2Ja17LJ14CuwEa7pBFdlvfvRhJ1jqy
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83fhZUQeHCyyeMs8/1bymxRO0KDvj+9KJH0TPpmtybEQJ2BvgjJANC0lAgEObLu4 hVulwmlk7FP6XFVnAju34MH16ADtIW6RrFuDP/K4jRsdro5Mhm0lH+u1XCLp91pC
ZHPbY1QS4nV7HpmQvACWexw6h4pBdlpdJ1uufa0+HR5b66g/hmBLGyAbDuZEMmnh JWA4LMIHmrFiW1m+QgHvA1L0lHEN6jXE3gahruwxZsEyjAeFD9CnhbOhhruREOrI
d36xOXB0piSWJjhpHB1agyH0yzuzupcEUKqFADSyqexsxDgJ+h+DjeQTe1b1LvAC 7EEGdEQ31AFxogK5BKmvV4AwZiysNy7zG/YH1m76BeFR0T19hF05S5tBUwJ1FDjV
HV2HzA9L5hgDTdWXKhpQr1qlLKKx4Ganb3DGJEN9hai6FnEhDU4ZkYp+GyVV2c+t kECLHFnBZYJIJ0URjRuG1Uf6LKqk0p0HAtnI3ru/I9OFISZS4yYLtz70bqPFruqh
f7ZZnmY+1x7qOfBN6sOl3mtpVHLVmJDPrlF9h0YdCyE5U1HvS5wZMu9f2C9uPclp KoeJoaShV9HQViolrlW9SJOitK6fxxyiSGaydsQS22Hud5uRPEMkWeadG0aqL2OG
0EireGrTUGJcPsNMRjLHM5ItbZkNy0DgoCgjKo/oTB6i2icAEooafe/F3DMpXprx UFp7i8oj6lqksD96F/rOZJrdPETmuXxQjzapdmwJpRD5Fr9QnprP4Tx9kZdRlitb
YhUmk6qk4MR9VpMFwVr2I83BFgD3fcHsDsPhuhVXiTaAPhsqmL6vqMltQ2shcW3b jUYGhK+TDAvUuvXfTSdBwuNuMmOVWOGv5aT2QG2fGW1naN5zhq7B0lMj5unXiV7g
n5US0lM/KnlyDqpmflL1Cil41zXAyQfsX+3jIbrPJqYFqqqUUwmdpcnucWI9CL/8 B/6Wmr9Vryj1zS8Qi8OQafL8QBugC4mIaHRjp1cwJ/5fMsAlPw0OI6sVhgSwzxiF
YbwDoVlPwpB5cPfn8W740L0DF/J6TQMrmKSxKqarDAlCBuqB7ahCWccftyteb16B aMx8jUhqjSoh7AeElSNmVcLClUKjL3gCgW79GOZZ7MeeeoVd6YObZ15IrMjej55D
9Z7V7Jmj+D1vdbGhCC+2PvaW670R5MdWHWGXAuAZwDUGSvO4I8/FcHWTTRr1W41e HsSitL1hFrM7Ra0q1EI2TS1KK+HZAKmGyPu5Mzgf2+UySVcBwBpdmtQAby4mTofX
bsTbOvw26waay+evPImZqHIMnpySkX4N6IKcXRB180OXgurPl4ZFS8cQQmG+Acuq sVHnUARIYuJPw29dc7qW5O9SAw+xtfGyJ6bIvmi2HsVnlLaqpO1qqOY169Fsneur
j+y3r7V1pn7wahUz8gftQENhEHp9EC3u99OC/cVBdKlSYqqZ91LPzYQsskk5Ygcs az2KfjbY3pXqEo36N6xqhwQHNK6MRfk9X0BJlAotWZtshKq8NjrFiBg1mSFB2h+H
KC5BRAgaqc101vAQShXCCQ/ftRKrs7LJCM0l4IJWSWYLIg1PGy2Vm0/7BS60jpU+ CFgoa5R6KmZbIowNOLSaUB77npBcpnlv7PTp9RSL55XqXNf7SUBxwWt0mtpiI9UX
gFk9M49glFG5AvqkmnsYTAr3QYN+KjBsCCNQ2lrV+S7IBlfJ5ThgtfaTMcN7ZECm eaXUW2SX2dCfoEy9l7FoPnDgk83dJi6KMcSkLJczULqF0KQWnTcZTwOy7CvC0rQY
mdFZPqju2x2ibu/8NEM+Cw9aTHiIZtRwAzn+Emb5mTeohAEN7gLKbsF4DeNJQoPn K9L1I5LUg5RyH7/J4+4i98WkKx70kOoyXFwz4684RoZlKyFAoqgtnfbHa0BvvBrF
AFJ2MNl1KYdEI8HLpvXhiX2SH8jep4duGdVQzOSbJmxu0G+3PAP4pHdp+YduFnXX TwnXNN/bbBTk46hsSsXnpIiPAKxmrUfHeF+EybVmkxhTntsKrsY4PEQs2tJZqF+w
ixseqk8UE0ErCllhXZrWsL/b8OEXQgTdChFiS65Dks5L0x7pgq5MedAiykpbykC5 0TochC4zhMqMmgHzQN1U40k+Uli4XT0c+6UfLfxzmFJSWw+Hbw99C4b42HqGYwvn
yV1/k7AQ8SEXX0692OWPhg/WWlWoDkLNnMFredgnJ53KviPUmxEsv0aRtjnd/DEA XTgetrd3CS7hQumSpdj0IRo+4AU8eLMMc04IC1Ep1PWs07fAXghvU7HGDYSmGcTz
cwZYo+yRvQcBVHND4dsRz84cnKEbhfh0IuVLL05oz6L492i8vBhzKAqKdx109tt1 jcsvJ/X94ivsW6aSh772D9/NFjlbqijt5OPH38eRm+2rdbLml0x3wxFWsjt8XUdL
DtOv/JjCpNn5FKnb/l8ID/GlFNU0T33Zgz71hcZVmOj9m7+N+wX6AVKN5AL3NBm6 vzJR3tQXS2d796h1jFUHOEeTbglcO7jFDRcsGpW7raA6JMBBbwtd3PdKqUVsQ+DC
NCV7p/N8FhMSpC620wAd3DupMcH4JGBD+mE1z8Yd36qVFhIhPv00gnhq48D+n/Jv 4xItSzJiZ+Vce5GNHdqbi457KXSUUF/zX99n26r4ifCnI1h0kqA9TimXaPlOuptm
Rm3AOulV1eQ8pzOfXrkmDYIwLE49yNGH+w== 4LxykOuMbvkymmDcZ0XrwSQFOlg6qaLmGmmtHkF/ZNNC/Y0Z1Qk3EvJEwXA+BLXa

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
U2FsdGVkX1+Ay4K0S+xuJiyoMRj00oMkaw5sYVvu9VBR68aypK8eLTng8xoqKwzm U2FsdGVkX190tK2fRtlU6XqGGKq0rzfIAZQz12ysC+Ltrjgwt95tduUxOcHr32x1
uD1YNhLdh515CgHyMI7/LraT2yDYIlF+pNEfftH6U2qU5IfWSoukD59RscfaAft+ sXgMjc+ZjL76jQV5UVxCRSqpLj46lqJoAQX4CujTk1yoRbG0fZFGqgJr8OQIQGI3
/dend9Y6HyG1WdlyPyLVabruHFScx3d+oaLwEcgggnI/M9coWnHyvBXspo6E75um gkwVqtpMyxSE91o62IAmnHFztL+MUTJ+hZjpDo8IkcHDAZIXB7gRgrRUye1Jj0hV
gyvFntN4GmJLf1sMQIn0I7lW9djC8nupjSTstRo5HNLM/LwlhwAYRb/jbJUOkYSK f6eDIaw5P0wzzq5y7fNzbNzM4cK5IjWQtOyhrpcsmjaTzy2S9qzKib3xtAqwMfUC
D/SDHW5p/9OrACQzAKHFB3mg4+9SufD+cju8qIAn9uFcyCJxkri6Mz+SGqdXtSgi 7or6RLdKWrDcUOZPJWp8nI/cbIITGpNA0hsSK+LV4gbSwzcfhyr00OCGHKMVTf/5
fEZE2r1aCUXFa8Nq+qoYbxVue3BFlzxetC7fZrx2zWnmkSgOn7LWDn6q3B3KWeT5 sEBFZmrcdsGxqvWe1D3Hf2CZS3e9iWzBlu4v78jHhLuXc/6+ltPFosZ5AwSJbnMo
om/g+Ph/RE4piKzm9m2jIx+0TlkUHlpOKAf4Xzwdaivmm6HaCNc5pt1Hw0le1fTW m7tTLPMWMmUYmD4E5I2znITrtg7dtPYXItqsTMoHQJFMX0Kst/U6TqFF3Jcxv55s
JE+6BkXFDJz/8ytROujTGlMaMCB/JHgK04diEAnQJmNQnYVG03PxmRHmmqXc1czQ uTS1p0I/kqldY4p8Fmz2XgNCgm0QvQu5UJukQkuAj0PVOdRtpOR47CqqF0basD82
OnIzyUraBCpBsHSAVsN/afC8 LQ6EbLe863TL1hhdo+bP907A

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
U2FsdGVkX19/6c3AzyWTN5p17ujhKlbDdk91iQs9z7Q0HiyA4L7BKFT/ZOk4VNqY U2FsdGVkX1/UgigdAI8G1DADfHlOdqKX2TLIy/33gEUA+sADMY2MjCsBnVgirHe6
2Yh7r0b1F1ScFjvKH3aJ7jYGHT0i+w3LSHsufCDATEUejN/Z9JtEIXYaodOCJaYE oFyts9qlwfUmRjiIiB1GYm0GhZ9YkgzZLgRSw7sSqtqiyjt6glZd7OXwt3/pyTs8
YuIaLuBwWdkAPUl1lhs= TY7U3rA=

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
U2FsdGVkX1/StXpT1GfebxPB+1TyCHLo5fjFZLNkkWXnCS04WnREE2xlV7OXw0Iq U2FsdGVkX1+j3nwfqf4SUkH2HoSAMqkoYJYgRDPRknNOur7PZ5Ctx+eh2RYufCXd
llqZTflZ/z1hSz7NuUO/vrR57RRo6icf3UXnxvJ8HD6Z9q7uxI+WpIj+ME2zij6B 5yrTs/23jetpqjBGztmrPwZcN1AioGDEMKruyI+Cpr1RLE8SKrRjSvTXXK7nJHhI
Jg== Fw==

View File

@ -1,7 +1,2 @@
U2FsdGVkX19J8VE7lArWiwLIURQ8NjPEUwkOAh4m1oR0yrmBCI5u/vhwSQTC+ETb U2FsdGVkX1/284cSqdL3Tn4Yv682x+kNJ4OMUrOgaD05vJpoQ284b8Bji4PYvOYG
S3b80dqDKkR8QKRxIaquJHw/KRvQqKViZbu1OsHQTPQhK//mvs6vZ8G00vfucphc UazEOc260aNPofw=

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
U2FsdGVkX18yVvW7ZvcS0Xc/LsBJmDBTjmHeODQqsVSq8AlzjHH0Z15cY2ibL0+2 U2FsdGVkX1//NF0E4XObFG2/rvsrFG7AG6OaLwJDSaJlOed/DbGkXE1d7bTa9SX1
/fq+Sb12nfYhXkdFePGNJl+pwTVN2KmQhQtTPUawwa0bmvqC3wPXmHn8O1AndVP9 7g7SeTKm7KdXsb8vxyjWbjRIBw/RQln3IM77bdDBCSCmsLp+HsHndv0QeXSUhSMP
8g== rg==

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
U2FsdGVkX19MH3jJZJHEhLZLqIGcQCvd7JS2I8vWztP1Htde6A/xfy3zP8U6NUOc U2FsdGVkX18Qd6gBIE7im5jGZlFK2r9QRPtRj/MtweDdMtXPxO/JbN8zxlGIibcx
QPBYfycwXLqUM89gVrKnnj28HQiAzQNf2zzPqG7MOpQKA6zdRF6i9n+CGtvXC36u 5XxR5dtAQE5++pBw1mY8nxrtZIJLAWSS4r3TWDQnNr7XSM3wP8/kxCUL7KvhJ0d+
zQ== Tw==

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
U2FsdGVkX18X2ltRnCWQnXMSt/FSKiq/ScbhdjFP4wmPHi5njgtam/c1Dg+0T1fj U2FsdGVkX1/OVD62ZQPn1AUSo2ZWvjHbmfv9x52rv//gH+5wO0bApyxtHHsCZe63
JzOYe53LglUBfjDMbIepcIymHXPteizligpJzNE7DwuzsCp2JTkn9KWzKJb45Qa/ DbfdwiQNPCYKZOYvvf6tzqQsxbZwN0kBeyWKmxK35ZZpuVqA1RGgMB1pk7Ue1iBQ
/UtVdTfkS9WH z9Ta00qOXeWw

secrets/matrix/email.pwd Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

secrets/pass/gmarcer.pwd Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
U2FsdGVkX19YVs+neL4R4JDT1CSsndTtbggYoDxEF2iwRCRDJRtrBBJthnxRrUsr U2FsdGVkX1/pO8dHm5elQ+5CIICbNLeWCuO5rVEPX6Are8Hxj9SYXfM47dWUTm4z
c+A5NSSRRAu0LQ5vjaHlOYiCtmVCdYu7ECrpHQ40KqYgYhXJAw== wLMdCqxgQBKTxxfs7l+P9RCDLG03K8d6Z9Aqw5S9j1oFoxxANQ==

secrets/pass/mesh.pwd Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

secrets/pass/rnhmjoj.pwd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
U2FsdGVkX1+1zBjw7Y2NlBeTLcGS8o3Er/ngQMU57HLCN8jSfKBU0/C4o9D4NDjl U2FsdGVkX18ukCHRMwgdh9+FALCgM9f4u6hqx2xC/6OB/XhMSkRHllfF5GUJ6kYk
C7pRu3oOHmz0Pn9ipLaP87ST9RzVncHw/kqNBh8Dg29n3jNoTdSfwTn6xV/mBwQO O6UyamMNnMyrg0Us2RkP4ax95HskaPSt6uy7DsmV53cZ0hpoxQAfN+SxBLOU36TW
a4OsKusYMI/dCriATixomxe1GkC06YfwJg== RhMdt6gT/t/zN+yBwFStJi13oCVQXWDMQA==

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash --pure #! nix-shell -i bash --pure
#! nix-shell -p bash openssl git unixtools.column #! nix-shell -p bash openssl git unixtools.column perl
set -euo pipefail set -euo pipefail
# #
@ -18,37 +18,15 @@ set -euo pipefail
# the release version of this script # the release version of this script
readonly VERSION='2.0.0' readonly VERSION='2.2.0'
# the default cipher to utilize # the default cipher to utilize
readonly DEFAULT_CIPHER='aes-256-ctr' readonly DEFAULT_CIPHER='aes-256-ctr'
# the openssl options to encrypt/decrypt the files # arguments of the openssl enc command
# shellcheck disable=SC2016 readonly ENCRYPT_OPTIONS='-pbkdf2 -iter 200000 -pass env:ENC_PASS'
readonly ENCRYPT_OPTIONS='-$cipher -pbkdf2 -iter 200000'
# regular expression used to test user input ##### FUNCTIONS
readonly YES_REGEX='^[Yy]$'
## Repository Metadata
# whether or not transcrypt is already configured
readonly CONFIGURED=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.version 2>/dev/null)
# the current git repository's top-level directory
readonly REPO=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null)
# whether or not a HEAD revision exists
readonly HEAD_EXISTS=$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet HEAD 2>/dev/null)
# whether or not the git repository is running under vcsh
readonly IS_VCSH=$(git config --get --local --bool vcsh.vcsh 2>/dev/null)
# whether or not the git repository is bare
readonly IS_BARE=$(git rev-parse --is-bare-repository 2>/dev/null)
## Git Directory Handling
# print a canonicalized absolute pathname # print a canonicalized absolute pathname
realpath() { realpath() {
@ -78,21 +56,46 @@ realpath() {
fi fi
} }
# the current git repository's .git directory # establish repository metadata and directory handling
RELATIVE_GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null) # shellcheck disable=SC2155
readonly GIT_DIR=$(realpath "$RELATIVE_GIT_DIR" 2>/dev/null) gather_repo_metadata() {
# whether or not transcrypt is already configured
readonly CONFIGURED=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.version 2>/dev/null)
# the current git repository's gitattributes file # the current git repository's top-level directory
readonly CORE_ATTRIBUTES=$(git config --get --local --path core.attributesFile) readonly REPO=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null)
if [[ $CORE_ATTRIBUTES ]]; then
elif [[ $IS_BARE == 'true' ]] || [[ $IS_VCSH == 'true' ]]; then
readonly GIT_ATTRIBUTES="${GIT_DIR}/info/attributes"
readonly GIT_ATTRIBUTES="${REPO}/.gitattributes"
##### FUNCTIONS # whether or not a HEAD revision exists
readonly HEAD_EXISTS=$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet HEAD 2>/dev/null)
# whether or not the git repository is running under vcsh
readonly IS_VCSH=$(git config --get --local --bool vcsh.vcsh 2>/dev/null)
# whether or not the git repository is bare
readonly IS_BARE=$(git rev-parse --is-bare-repository 2>/dev/null || printf 'false')
# the current git repository's .git directory
readonly RELATIVE_GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null || printf '')
readonly GIT_DIR=$(realpath "$RELATIVE_GIT_DIR" 2>/dev/null)
# Respect transcrypt.crypt-dir if present. Default to crypt/ in Git dir
readonly CRYPT_DIR=$(git config transcrypt.crypt-dir 2>/dev/null || printf '%s/crypt' "${RELATIVE_GIT_DIR}")
# respect core.hooksPath setting, without trailing slash. Fall back to default hooks dir
readonly GIT_HOOKS=$(git config core.hooksPath | sed 's:/*$::' 2>/dev/null || printf "%s/hooks" "${RELATIVE_GIT_DIR}")
# the current git repository's gitattributes file
CORE_ATTRIBUTES=$(git config --get --local --path core.attributesFile 2>/dev/null || git config --get --path core.attributesFile 2>/dev/null || printf '')
if [[ $CORE_ATTRIBUTES ]]; then
elif [[ $IS_BARE == 'true' ]] || [[ $IS_VCSH == 'true' ]]; then
readonly GIT_ATTRIBUTES="${GIT_DIR}/info/attributes"
readonly GIT_ATTRIBUTES="${REPO}/.gitattributes"
# print a message to stderr # print a message to stderr
warn() { warn() {
@ -114,26 +117,209 @@ die() {
exit "$st" exit "$st"
} }
# The `decryption -> encryption` process on an unchanged file must be
# deterministic for everything to work transparently. To do that, the same
# salt must be used each time we encrypt the same file. An HMAC has been
# proven to be a PRF, so we generate an HMAC-SHA256 for each decrypted file
# (keyed with a combination of the filename and transcrypt password), and
# then use the last 16 bytes of that HMAC for the file's unique salt.
git_clean() {
# ignore empty files
if [[ ! -s $filename ]]; then
# cache STDIN to test if it's already encrypted
tempfile=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t tmp)
trap 'rm -f "$tempfile"' EXIT
tee "$tempfile" &>/dev/null
# the first bytes of an encrypted file are always "Salted" in Base64
# The `head + LC_ALL=C tr` command handles binary data in old and new Bash (#116)
firstbytes=$(head -c8 "$tempfile" | LC_ALL=C tr -d '\0')
if [[ $firstbytes == "U2FsdGVk" ]]; then
cat "$tempfile"
cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher)
password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password)
openssl_path=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.openssl-path)
salt=$("${openssl_path}" dgst -hmac "${filename}:${password}" -sha256 "$tempfile" | tr -d '\r\n' | tail -c16)
openssl_major_version=$($openssl_path version | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1)
if [ "$openssl_major_version" -ge "3" ]; then
# Encrypt the file to base64, ensuring it includes the prefix 'Salted__' with the salt. #133
echo -n "Salted__" && echo -n "$salt" | perl -pe 's/(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge' &&
# Encrypt file to binary ciphertext
ENC_PASS="$password" "$openssl_path" enc -e -$cipher $ENCRYPT_OPTIONS -S "$salt" -in "$tempfile"
) |
openssl base64
# Encrypt file to base64 ciphertext
ENC_PASS="$password" "$openssl_path" enc -e -a -$cipher $ENCRYPT_OPTIONS -S "$salt" -in "$tempfile"
git_smudge() {
tempfile=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t tmp)
trap 'rm -f "$tempfile"' EXIT
cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher)
password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password)
openssl_path=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.openssl-path)
tee "$tempfile" | ENC_PASS="$password" "$openssl_path" enc -d -$cipher $ENCRYPT_OPTIONS -a 2>/dev/null || cat "$tempfile"
git_textconv() {
# ignore empty files
if [[ ! -s $filename ]]; then
cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher)
password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password)
openssl_path=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.openssl-path)
ENC_PASS="$password" "$openssl_path" enc -d -$cipher $ENCRYPT_OPTIONS -a -in "$filename" 2>/dev/null || cat "$filename"
# shellcheck disable=SC2005,SC2002,SC2181
git_merge() {
# Get path to transcrypt in this script's directory
TRANSCRYPT_PATH="$(dirname "$0")/transcrypt"
# Look up name of local branch/ref to which changes are being merged
OURS_LABEL=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
# Look up name of the incoming "theirs" branch/ref being merged in.
# TODO There must be a better way of doing this than relying on this reflog
# action environment variable, but I don't know what it is
if [[ "$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION" = "merge "* ]]; then
THEIRS_LABEL=$(echo "$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION" | awk '{print $2}')
if [[ ! "$THEIRS_LABEL" ]]; then
# Decrypt BASE $1, LOCAL $2, and REMOTE $3 versions of file being merged
echo "$(cat "$1" | "${TRANSCRYPT_PATH}" smudge)" >"$1"
echo "$(cat "$2" | "${TRANSCRYPT_PATH}" smudge)" >"$2"
echo "$(cat "$3" | "${TRANSCRYPT_PATH}" smudge)" >"$3"
# Merge the decrypted files to the temp file named by $2
git merge-file --marker-size="$4" -L "$OURS_LABEL" -L base -L "$THEIRS_LABEL" "$2" "$1" "$3"
# If the merge was not successful (has conflicts) exit with an error code to
# leave the partially-merged file in place for a manual merge.
if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
exit 1
# If the merge was successful (no conflicts) re-encrypt the merged temp file $2
# which git will then update in the index in a following "Auto-merging" step.
# We must explicitly encrypt/clean the file, rather than leave Git to do it,
# because we can otherwise trigger safety check failure errors like:
# error: add_cacheinfo failed to refresh for path 'FILE'; merge aborting.
# To re-encrypt we must first copy the merged file to $5 (the name of the
# working-copy file) so the crypt `clean` script can generate the correct hash
# salt based on the file's real name, instead of the $2 temp file name.
cp "$2" "$5"
# Now we use the `clean` script to encrypt the merged file contents back to the
# temp file $2 where Git expects to find the merge result content.
cat "$5" | "${TRANSCRYPT_PATH}" clean "$5" >"$2"
# shellcheck disable=SC2155
git_pre_commit() {
# Transcrypt pre-commit hook: fail if secret file in staging lacks the magic prefix "Salted" in B64
slow_mode_if_failed() {
for secret_file in $(git -c core.quotePath=false ls-files | git -c core.quotePath=false check-attr --stdin filter | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" }; /crypt$/{ print $1 }'); do
# Skip symlinks, they contain the linked target file path not plaintext
if [[ -L $secret_file ]]; then
# Get prefix of raw file in Git's index using the :FILENAME revision syntax
local firstbytes=$(git show :"${secret_file}" | head -c8)
# An empty file does not need to be, and is not, encrypted
if [[ $firstbytes == "" ]]; then
: # Do nothing
# The first bytes of an encrypted file must be "Salted" in Base64
elif [[ $firstbytes != "U2FsdGVk" ]]; then
printf 'Transcrypt managed file is not encrypted in the Git index: %s\n' "$secret_file" >&2
printf '\n' >&2
printf 'You probably staged this file using a tool that does not apply' >&2
printf ' .gitattribute filters as required by Transcrypt.\n' >&2
printf '\n' >&2
printf 'Fix this by re-staging the file with a compatible tool or with'
printf ' Git on the command line:\n' >&2
printf '\n' >&2
printf ' git rm --cached -- %s\n' "$secret_file" >&2
printf ' git add %s\n' "$secret_file" >&2
printf '\n' >&2
exit 1
# validate file to see if it failed or not, We don't care about the filename currently for speed, we only care about pass/fail, slow_mode_if_failed() is for what failed.
validate_file() {
# Skip symlinks, they contain the linked target file path not plaintext
if [[ -L $secret_file ]]; then
# Get prefix of raw file in Git's index using the :FILENAME revision syntax
# The first bytes of an encrypted file are always "Salted" in Base64
local firstbytes=$(git show :"${secret_file}" | head -c8)
if [[ $firstbytes != "U2FsdGVk" ]]; then
echo "true" >>"${tmp}"
# if bash version is 4.4 or greater than fork to number of threads otherwise run normally
if [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -ge 4 ]] && [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}" -ge 4 ]]; then
for secret_file in $(git -c core.quotePath=false ls-files | git -c core.quotePath=false check-attr --stdin filter | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" }; /crypt$/{ print $1 }'); do
while ((${num_jobs@P} >= num_procs)); do
wait -n
validate_file "${secret_file}" &
if [[ -s ${tmp} ]]; then
rm -f "${tmp}"
exit 1
rm -f "${tmp}"
unset IFS
# verify that all requirements have been met # verify that all requirements have been met
run_safety_checks() { run_safety_checks() {
# validate that we're in a git repository # validate that we're in a git repository
[[ $GIT_DIR ]] || die 'you are not currently in a git repository; did you forget to run "git init"?' [[ $GIT_DIR ]] || die 'you are not currently in a git repository; did you forget to run "git init"?'
# exit if transcrypt is not in the required state # exit if transcrypt is not in the required state
if [[ $requires_existing_config ]] && [[ ! $CONFIGURED ]]; then if [[ $ignore_config_status ]]; then
: # no-op, no need to check $CONFIGURED status
elif [[ $requires_existing_config ]] && [[ ! $CONFIGURED ]]; then
die 1 'the current repository is not configured' die 1 'the current repository is not configured'
elif [[ ! $requires_existing_config ]] && [[ $CONFIGURED ]]; then elif [[ ! $requires_existing_config ]] && [[ $CONFIGURED ]]; then
die 1 'the current repository is already configured; see --display' die 1 'the current repository is already configured; see --display'
fi fi
# check for dependencies # check for dependencies
for cmd in {column,grep,mktemp,openssl,sed,tee}; do for cmd in {column,grep,mktemp,"${openssl_path}",sed,tee}; do
command -v $cmd >/dev/null || die 'required command "%s" was not found' "$cmd" command -v "$cmd" >/dev/null || die 'required command "%s" was not found' "$cmd"
done done
# ensure the repository is clean (if it has a HEAD revision) so we can force # ensure the repository is clean (if it has a HEAD revision) so we can force
# checkout files without the destruction of uncommitted changes # checkout files without the destruction of uncommitted changes
if [[ $requires_clean_repo ]] && [[ $HEAD_EXISTS ]] && [[ $IS_BARE == 'false' ]]; then if [[ $requires_clean_repo ]] && [[ $HEAD_EXISTS ]] && [[ $IS_BARE == 'false' ]]; then
# ensure index is up-to-date before dirty check
git update-index -q --really-refresh
# check if the repo is dirty # check if the repo is dirty
if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then
die 1 'the repo is dirty; commit or stash your changes before running transcrypt' die 1 'the repo is dirty; commit or stash your changes before running transcrypt'
@ -143,24 +329,20 @@ run_safety_checks() {
# unset the cipher variable if it is not supported by openssl # unset the cipher variable if it is not supported by openssl
validate_cipher() { validate_cipher() {
local list_cipher_commands local list_cipher_commands
list_cipher_commands='openssl enc -ciphers' list_cipher_commands="${openssl_path} enc -ciphers"
remove_dash() {
sed 's#\(^\| \)-#\1#g'
local supported local supported
supported=$($list_cipher_commands | remove_dash | tr -s ' ' '\n' | grep --line-regexp "$cipher") || true supported=$($list_cipher_commands | tr -s ' ' '\n' | grep -Fx -- "-$cipher") || true
if [[ ! $supported ]]; then if [[ ! $supported ]]; then
if [[ $interactive ]]; then if [[ $interactive ]]; then
printf '"%s" is not a valid cipher; choose one of the following:\n\n' "$cipher" printf '"%s" is not a valid cipher; choose one of the following:\n\n' "$cipher"
$list_cipher_commands | remove_dash | column -c 80 $list_cipher_commands | column -c 80
printf '\n' printf '\n'
cipher='' cipher=''
else else
# shellcheck disable=SC2016 # shellcheck disable=SC2016
die 1 '"%s" is not a valid cipher; see `%s`' "$cipher" "$($list_cipher_commands | remove_dash)" die 1 '"%s" is not a valid cipher; see `%s`' "$cipher" "$list_cipher_commands"
fi fi
fi fi
} }
@ -200,7 +382,7 @@ get_password() {
if [[ $answer =~ $YES_REGEX ]] || [[ ! $answer ]]; then if [[ $answer =~ $YES_REGEX ]] || [[ ! $answer ]]; then
local password_length=30 local password_length=30
local random_base64 local random_base64
random_base64=$(openssl rand -base64 $password_length) random_base64=$(${openssl_path} rand -base64 $password_length)
password=$random_base64 password=$random_base64
else else
printf 'Password: ' printf 'Password: '
@ -276,100 +458,73 @@ stage_rekeyed_files() {
# save helper scripts under the repository's git directory # save helper scripts under the repository's git directory
save_helper_scripts() { save_helper_scripts() {
mkdir -p "${GIT_DIR}/crypt" mkdir -p "${CRYPT_DIR}"
openssl_command="openssl enc $ENCRYPT_OPTIONS -pass env:ENC_PASS" local current_transcrypt
current_transcrypt=$(realpath "$0" 2>/dev/null)
# The `decryption -> encryption` process on an unchanged file must be echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > "${CRYPT_DIR}/transcrypt"
# deterministic for everything to work transparently. To do that, the same tail -n +4 "$current_transcrypt" >> "${CRYPT_DIR}/transcrypt"
# salt must be used each time we encrypt the same file. An HMAC has been
# proven to be a PRF, so we generate an HMAC-SHA256 for each decrypted file
# (keyed with a combination of the filename and transcrypt password), and
# then use the last 16 bytes of that HMAC for the file's unique salt.
cat <<-'EOF' >"${GIT_DIR}/crypt/clean"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ignore empty files
if [[ -s $filename ]]; then
# cache STDIN to test if it's already encrypted
tempfile=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t tmp)
trap 'rm -f "$tempfile"' EXIT
tee "$tempfile" &>/dev/null
# the first bytes of an encrypted file are always "Salted" in Base64
read -n 8 firstbytes <"$tempfile"
if [[ $firstbytes == "U2FsdGVk" ]]; then
cat "$tempfile"
cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher)
password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password)
salt=$(openssl dgst -hmac "${filename}:${password}" -sha256 "$filename" | tr -d '\r\n' | tail -c 16)
ENC_PASS=$password @openssl_command@ -e -a -S "$salt" -in "$tempfile"
cat <<-'EOF' >"${GIT_DIR}/crypt/smudge"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
tempfile=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null || mktemp -t tmp)
trap 'rm -f "$tempfile"' EXIT
cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher)
password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password)
tee "$tempfile" | ENC_PASS=$password @openssl_command@ -d -a 2>/dev/null || cat "$tempfile"
cat <<-'EOF' >"${GIT_DIR}/crypt/textconv"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ignore empty files
if [[ -s $filename ]]; then
cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher)
password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password)
ENC_PASS=$password @openssl_command@ -d -a -in "$filename" 2>/dev/null || cat "$filename"
# make scripts executable # make scripts executable
for script in {clean,smudge,textconv}; do for script in {transcrypt,}; do
chmod 0755 "${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${script}" chmod 0755 "${CRYPT_DIR}/${script}"
sed "s/@openssl_command@/$openssl_command/" -i "${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${script}"
done done
} }
# save helper hooks under the repository's git directory
save_helper_hooks() {
# Install pre-commit-crypt hook script
[[ ! -d "${GIT_HOOKS}" ]] && mkdir -p "${GIT_HOOKS}"
cat <<-'EOF' >"$pre_commit_hook_installed"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Transcrypt pre-commit hook: fail if secret file in staging lacks the magic prefix "Salted" in B64
RELATIVE_GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null || printf '')
CRYPT_DIR=$(git config transcrypt.crypt-dir 2>/dev/null || printf '%s/crypt' "${RELATIVE_GIT_DIR}")
"${CRYPT_DIR}/transcrypt" pre_commit
# Activate hook by copying it to the pre-commit script name, if safe to do so
if [[ -f "$pre_commit_hook" ]]; then
printf 'WARNING:\n' >&2
printf 'Cannot install Git pre-commit hook script because file already exists: %s\n' "$pre_commit_hook" >&2
printf 'Please manually install the pre-commit script saved as: %s\n' "$pre_commit_hook_installed" >&2
printf '\n'
cp "$pre_commit_hook_installed" "$pre_commit_hook"
chmod 0755 "$pre_commit_hook"
# write the configuration to the repository's git config # write the configuration to the repository's git config
save_configuration() { save_configuration() {
save_helper_scripts save_helper_scripts
# write the encryption info # write the encryption info
git config transcrypt.version "$VERSION" git config transcrypt.version "$VERSION"
git config transcrypt.cipher "$cipher" git config transcrypt.cipher "$cipher"
git config transcrypt.password "$password" git config transcrypt.password "$password"
git config transcrypt.openssl-path "$openssl_path"
# write the filter settings # write the filter settings. Sorry for the horrific quote escaping below...
if [[ -d $(git rev-parse --git-common-dir) ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2016
# this allows us to support multiple working trees via git-worktree git config filter.crypt.clean '"$(git config transcrypt.crypt-dir 2>/dev/null || printf ''%s/crypt'' ""$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"")"/transcrypt clean %f'
# ...but the --git-common-dir flag was only added in November 2014 # shellcheck disable=SC2016
# shellcheck disable=SC2016 git config filter.crypt.smudge '"$(git config transcrypt.crypt-dir 2>/dev/null || printf ''%s/crypt'' ""$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"")"/transcrypt smudge'
git config filter.crypt.clean '"$(git rev-parse --git-common-dir)"/crypt/clean %f' # shellcheck disable=SC2016
# shellcheck disable=SC2016 git config diff.crypt.textconv '"$(git config transcrypt.crypt-dir 2>/dev/null || printf ''%s/crypt'' ""$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"")"/transcrypt textconv'
git config filter.crypt.smudge '"$(git rev-parse --git-common-dir)"/crypt/smudge' # shellcheck disable=SC2016
# shellcheck disable=SC2016 git config merge.crypt.driver '"$(git config transcrypt.crypt-dir 2>/dev/null || printf ''%s/crypt'' ""$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"")"/transcrypt merge %O %A %B %L %P'
git config diff.crypt.textconv '"$(git rev-parse --git-common-dir)"/crypt/textconv'
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
git config filter.crypt.clean '"$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"/crypt/clean %f'
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
git config filter.crypt.smudge '"$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"/crypt/smudge'
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
git config diff.crypt.textconv '"$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"/crypt/textconv'
git config filter.crypt.required 'true' git config filter.crypt.required 'true'
git config diff.crypt.cachetextconv 'true' git config diff.crypt.cachetextconv 'true'
git config diff.crypt.binary 'true' git config diff.crypt.binary 'true'
git config merge.renormalize 'true' git config merge.renormalize 'true'
git config 'Merge transcrypt secret files'
# add a git alias for listing encrypted files # add a git alias for listing encrypted files
git config "!git ls-files | git check-attr --stdin filter | awk 'BEGIN { FS = \":\" }; /crypt$/{ print \$1 }'" git config "!git -c core.quotePath=false ls-files | git -c core.quotePath=false check-attr --stdin filter | awk 'BEGIN { FS = \":\" }; /crypt$/{ print \$1 }'"
} }
# display the current configuration settings # display the current configuration settings
@ -396,6 +551,7 @@ clean_gitconfig() {
git config --remove-section transcrypt 2>/dev/null || true git config --remove-section transcrypt 2>/dev/null || true
git config --remove-section filter.crypt 2>/dev/null || true git config --remove-section filter.crypt 2>/dev/null || true
git config --remove-section diff.crypt 2>/dev/null || true git config --remove-section diff.crypt 2>/dev/null || true
git config --remove-section merge.crypt 2>/dev/null || true
git config --unset merge.renormalize git config --unset merge.renormalize
# remove the merge section if it's now empty # remove the merge section if it's now empty
@ -406,6 +562,20 @@ clean_gitconfig() {
fi fi
} }
# Remove from the local Git DB any objects containing the cached plaintext of
# secret files, created due to the setting diff.crypt.cachetextconv='true'
remove_cached_plaintext() {
# Delete ref to cached plaintext objects, to leave these objects
# unreferenced and available for removal
git update-ref -d refs/notes/textconv/crypt
# Remove ANY unreferenced objects in Git's object DB (packed or unpacked),
# to ensure that cached plaintext objects are also removed.
# The vital sub-commands equivalents we require this `gc` command to do are:
# `git prune`, `git repack -ad`
git gc --prune=now --quiet
# force the checkout of any files with the crypt filter applied to them; # force the checkout of any files with the crypt filter applied to them;
# this will decrypt existing encrypted files if you've just cloned a repository, # this will decrypt existing encrypted files if you've just cloned a repository,
# or it will encrypt locally decrypted files if you've just flushed the credentials # or it will encrypt locally decrypted files if you've just flushed the credentials
@ -419,7 +589,7 @@ force_checkout() {
cd "$REPO" || die 1 'could not change into the "%s" directory' "$REPO" cd "$REPO" || die 1 'could not change into the "%s" directory' "$REPO"
IFS=$'\n' IFS=$'\n'
for file in $encrypted_files; do for file in $encrypted_files; do
rm "$file" rm -f "$file"
git checkout --force HEAD -- "$file" >/dev/null git checkout --force HEAD -- "$file" >/dev/null
done done
unset IFS unset IFS
@ -433,7 +603,8 @@ flush_credentials() {
if [[ $interactive ]]; then if [[ $interactive ]]; then
printf 'You are about to flush the local credentials; make sure you have saved them elsewhere.\n' printf 'You are about to flush the local credentials; make sure you have saved them elsewhere.\n'
printf 'All previously decrypted files will revert to their encrypted form.\n\n' printf 'All previously decrypted files will revert to their encrypted form, and your\n'
printf 'repo will be garbage collected to remove any cached plaintext of secret files.\n\n'
printf 'Proceed with credential flush? [y/N] ' printf 'Proceed with credential flush? [y/N] '
read -r answer read -r answer
printf '\n' printf '\n'
@ -446,6 +617,8 @@ flush_credentials() {
if [[ $answer =~ $YES_REGEX ]]; then if [[ $answer =~ $YES_REGEX ]]; then
clean_gitconfig clean_gitconfig
# re-encrypt any files that had been previously decrypted # re-encrypt any files that had been previously decrypted
force_checkout force_checkout
@ -461,7 +634,8 @@ uninstall_transcrypt() {
if [[ $interactive ]]; then if [[ $interactive ]]; then
printf 'You are about to remove all transcrypt configuration from your repository.\n' printf 'You are about to remove all transcrypt configuration from your repository.\n'
printf 'All previously encrypted files will remain decrypted in this working copy.\n\n' printf 'All previously encrypted files will remain decrypted in this working copy, but your\n'
printf 'repo will be garbage collected to remove any cached plaintext of secret files.\n\n'
printf 'Proceed with uninstall? [y/N] ' printf 'Proceed with uninstall? [y/N] '
read -r answer read -r answer
printf '\n' printf '\n'
@ -474,11 +648,30 @@ uninstall_transcrypt() {
if [[ $answer =~ $YES_REGEX ]]; then if [[ $answer =~ $YES_REGEX ]]; then
clean_gitconfig clean_gitconfig
if [[ ! $upgrade ]]; then
# remove helper scripts # remove helper scripts
for script in {clean,smudge,textconv}; do # Keep obsolete clean,smudge,textconv,merge refs here to remove them on upgrade
[[ ! -f "${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${script}" ]] || rm "${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${script}" for script in {transcrypt,clean,smudge,textconv,merge}; do
[[ ! -f "${CRYPT_DIR}/${script}" ]] || rm "${CRYPT_DIR}/${script}"
done done
[[ ! -d "${GIT_DIR}/crypt" ]] || rmdir "${GIT_DIR}/crypt" [[ ! -d "${CRYPT_DIR}" ]] || rmdir "${CRYPT_DIR}"
# rename helper hooks (don't delete, in case user has custom changes)
if [[ -f "$pre_commit_hook" ]]; then
hook_md5=$("${openssl_path}" md5 -hex <"$pre_commit_hook")
installed_md5=$("${openssl_path}" md5 -hex <"$pre_commit_hook_installed")
if [[ "$hook_md5" = "$installed_md5" ]]; then
rm "$pre_commit_hook"
printf 'WARNING: Cannot safely disable Git pre-commit hook %s please check it yourself\n' "$pre_commit_hook"
[[ -f "$pre_commit_hook_installed" ]] && rm "$pre_commit_hook_installed"
# touch all encrypted files to prevent stale stat info # touch all encrypted files to prevent stale stat info
local encrypted_files local encrypted_files
@ -503,23 +696,85 @@ uninstall_transcrypt() {
case $OSTYPE in case $OSTYPE in
darwin*) darwin*)
/usr/bin/sed -i '' '/filter=crypt diff=crypt[ \t]*$/d' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES" /usr/bin/sed -i '' '/filter=crypt diff=crypt[ \t]*$/d' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES"
/usr/bin/sed -i '' '/filter=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt[ \t]*$/d' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES"
;; ;;
linux*) linux*)
sed -i '/filter=crypt diff=crypt[ \t]*$/d' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES" sed -i '/filter=crypt diff=crypt[ \t]*$/d' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES"
sed -i '/filter=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt[ \t]*$/d' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES"
;; ;;
esac esac
printf 'The transcrypt configuration has been completely removed from the repository.\n' if [[ ! $upgrade ]]; then
printf 'The transcrypt configuration has been completely removed from the repository.\n'
else else
die 1 'uninstallation has been aborted' die 1 'uninstallation has been aborted'
fi fi
} }
# uninstall and re-install transcrypt to upgrade scripts and update configuration
upgrade_transcrypt() {
CURRENT_VERSION=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.version 2>/dev/null)
if [[ $interactive ]]; then
printf 'You are about to upgrade the transcrypt scripts in your repository.\n'
printf 'Your configuration settings will not be changed.\n\n'
printf ' Current version: %s\n' "$CURRENT_VERSION"
printf 'Upgraded version: %s\n\n' "$VERSION"
printf 'Proceed with upgrade? [y/N] '
read -r answer
printf '\n'
if [[ $answer =~ $YES_REGEX ]]; then
# User confirmed, don't prompt again
# User did not confirm, exit
# Exit if user did not confirm
die 1 'upgrade has been aborted'
# Keep current cipher and password
cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher)
password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password)
# Keep current openssl-path, or set to default if no existing value
openssl_path=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.openssl-path 2>/dev/null || printf '%s' "$openssl_path")
# Keep contents of .gitattributes
# Re-instate contents of .gitattributes
# Update .gitattributes for transcrypt'ed files to include "merge=crypt" config
case $OSTYPE in
/usr/bin/sed -i '' 's/=crypt\(.*\)/=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt/' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES"
sed -i 's/=crypt\(.*\)/=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt/' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES"
printf 'Upgrade is complete\n'
printf '\nYour gitattributes file has been updated with the latest recommended values.\n'
printf 'Please review and commit the new values in:\n'
printf '%s\n' "$GIT_ATTRIBUTES"
# list all of the currently encrypted files in the repository # list all of the currently encrypted files in the repository
list_files() { list_files() {
if [[ $IS_BARE == 'false' ]]; then if [[ $IS_BARE == 'false' ]]; then
cd "$REPO" || die 1 'could not change into the "%s" directory' "$REPO" cd "$REPO" || die 1 'could not change into the "%s" directory' "$REPO"
git ls-files | git check-attr --stdin filter | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" }; /crypt$/{ print $1 }' git -c core.quotePath=false ls-files | git -c core.quotePath=false check-attr --stdin filter | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" }; /crypt$/{ print $1 }'
fi fi
} }
@ -528,8 +783,8 @@ show_raw_file() {
if [[ -f $show_file ]]; then if [[ -f $show_file ]]; then
# ensure the file is currently being tracked # ensure the file is currently being tracked
local escaped_file=${show_file//\//\\\/} local escaped_file=${show_file//\//\\\/}
if git ls-files --others -- "$show_file" | awk "/${escaped_file}/{ exit 1 }"; then if git -c core.quotePath=false ls-files --others -- "$show_file" | awk "/${escaped_file}/{ exit 1 }"; then
file_paths=$(git ls-tree --name-only --full-name HEAD "$show_file") file_paths=$(git -c core.quotePath=false ls-tree --name-only --full-name HEAD "$show_file")
else else
die 1 'the file "%s" is not currently being tracked by git' "$show_file" die 1 'the file "%s" is not currently being tracked by git' "$show_file"
fi fi
@ -562,10 +817,10 @@ export_gpg() {
current_cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher) current_cipher=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.cipher)
local current_password local current_password
current_password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password) current_password=$(git config --get --local transcrypt.password)
mkdir -p "${GIT_DIR}/crypt" mkdir -p "${CRYPT_DIR}"
local gpg_encrypt_cmd="gpg --batch --recipient $gpg_recipient --trust-model always --yes --armor --quiet --encrypt -" local gpg_encrypt_cmd="gpg --batch --recipient $gpg_recipient --trust-model always --yes --armor --quiet --encrypt -"
printf 'password=%s\ncipher=%s\n' "$current_password" "$current_cipher" | $gpg_encrypt_cmd >"${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${gpg_recipient}.asc" printf 'password=%s\ncipher=%s\n' "$current_password" "$current_cipher" | $gpg_encrypt_cmd >"${CRYPT_DIR}/${gpg_recipient}.asc"
printf "The transcrypt configuration has been encrypted and exported to:\n%s/crypt/%s.asc\n" "$GIT_DIR" "$gpg_recipient" printf "The transcrypt configuration has been encrypted and exported to:\n%s/crypt/%s.asc\n" "$GIT_DIR" "$gpg_recipient"
} }
@ -575,10 +830,10 @@ import_gpg() {
command -v gpg >/dev/null || die 'required command "gpg" was not found' command -v gpg >/dev/null || die 'required command "gpg" was not found'
local path local path
if [[ -f "${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${gpg_import_file}" ]]; then if [[ -f "${CRYPT_DIR}/${gpg_import_file}" ]]; then
path="${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${gpg_import_file}" path="${CRYPT_DIR}/${gpg_import_file}"
elif [[ -f "${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${gpg_import_file}.asc" ]]; then elif [[ -f "${CRYPT_DIR}/${gpg_import_file}.asc" ]]; then
path="${GIT_DIR}/crypt/${gpg_import_file}.asc" path="${CRYPT_DIR}/${gpg_import_file}.asc"
elif [[ ! -f $gpg_import_file ]]; then elif [[ ! -f $gpg_import_file ]]; then
die 1 'the file "%s" does not exist' "$gpg_import_file" die 1 'the file "%s" does not exist' "$gpg_import_file"
else else
@ -636,6 +891,9 @@ help() {
the password to derive the key from; the password to derive the key from;
defaults to 30 random base64 characters defaults to 30 random base64 characters
use OpenSSL at this path; defaults to 'openssl' in \$PATH
-y, --yes -y, --yes
assume yes and accept defaults for non-specified options assume yes and accept defaults for non-specified options
@ -657,6 +915,10 @@ help() {
remove all transcrypt configuration from the repository and remove all transcrypt configuration from the repository and
leave files in the current working copy decrypted leave files in the current working copy decrypted
apply the latest transcrypt scripts in the repository without
changing your configuration settings
-l, --list -l, --list
list all of the transparently encrypted files in the repository, list all of the transparently encrypted files in the repository,
relative to the top-level directory relative to the top-level directory
@ -689,12 +951,12 @@ help() {
$ transcrypt $ transcrypt
Once a repository has been configured with transcrypt, you can trans- Once a repository has been configured with transcrypt, you can trans-
parently encrypt files by applying the "crypt" filter and diff to a parently encrypt files by applying the "crypt" filter, diff and merge
pattern in the top-level .gitattributes config. If that pattern matches to a pattern in the top-level .gitattributes config. If that pattern
a file in your repository, the file will be transparently encrypted matches a file in your repository, the file will be transparently
once you stage and commit it: encrypted once you stage and commit it:
$ echo 'sensitive_file filter=crypt diff=crypt' >> .gitattributes $ echo 'sensitive_file filter=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt' >> .gitattributes
$ git add .gitattributes sensitive_file $ git add .gitattributes sensitive_file
$ git commit -m 'Add encrypted version of a sensitive file' $ git commit -m 'Add encrypted version of a sensitive file'
@ -722,23 +984,52 @@ help() {
# reset all variables that might be set # reset all variables that might be set
cipher='' cipher=''
display_config='' display_config=''
flush_creds='' flush_creds=''
gpg_import_file='' gpg_import_file=''
# used to bypass certain safety checks # used to bypass certain safety checks
requires_existing_config='' requires_existing_config=''
requires_clean_repo='true' requires_clean_repo='true'
ignore_config_status='' # Set for operations where config can exist or not
# parse command line options # parse command line options
while [[ "${1:-}" != '' ]]; do while [[ "${1:-}" != '' ]]; do
case $1 in case $1 in
git_clean "$@"
exit $?
git_smudge "$@"
exit $?
git_textconv "$@"
exit $?
git_merge "$@"
exit $?
git_pre_commit "$@"
exit $?
-c | --cipher) -c | --cipher)
cipher=$2 cipher=$2
shift shift
@ -753,6 +1044,11 @@ while [[ "${1:-}" != '' ]]; do
--password=*) --password=*)
password=${1#*=} password=${1#*=}
;; ;;
# Immediately apply config setting
git config transcrypt.openssl-path "$openssl_path"
-y | --yes) -y | --yes)
interactive='' interactive=''
;; ;;
@ -777,9 +1073,15 @@ while [[ "${1:-}" != '' ]]; do
requires_existing_config='true' requires_existing_config='true'
requires_clean_repo='' requires_clean_repo=''
;; ;;
-l | --list) -l | --list)
list_files list='true'
exit 0 requires_clean_repo=''
;; ;;
-s | --show-raw) -s | --show-raw)
show_file=$2 show_file=$2
@ -831,14 +1133,25 @@ while [[ "${1:-}" != '' ]]; do
shift shift
done done
# always run our safety checks # always run our safety checks
run_safety_checks run_safety_checks
# regular expression used to test user input
readonly YES_REGEX='^[Yy]$'
# in order to keep behavior consistent no matter what order the options were # in order to keep behavior consistent no matter what order the options were
# specified in, we must run these here rather than in the case statement above # specified in, we must run these here rather than in the case statement above
if [[ $uninstall ]]; then if [[ $list ]]; then
exit 0
elif [[ $uninstall ]]; then
uninstall_transcrypt uninstall_transcrypt
exit 0 exit 0
elif [[ $upgrade ]]; then
exit 0
elif [[ $display_config ]] && [[ $flush_creds ]]; then elif [[ $display_config ]] && [[ $flush_creds ]]; then
display_configuration display_configuration
printf '\n' printf '\n'
@ -880,7 +1193,7 @@ fi
# ensure the git attributes file exists # ensure the git attributes file exists
if [[ ! -f $GIT_ATTRIBUTES ]]; then if [[ ! -f $GIT_ATTRIBUTES ]]; then
mkdir -p "${GIT_ATTRIBUTES%/*}" mkdir -p "${GIT_ATTRIBUTES%/*}"
printf '#pattern filter=crypt diff=crypt\n' >"$GIT_ATTRIBUTES" printf '#pattern filter=crypt diff=crypt merge=crypt\n' >"$GIT_ATTRIBUTES"
fi fi
printf 'The repository has been successfully configured by transcrypt.\n' printf 'The repository has been successfully configured by transcrypt.\n'

View File

@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
{ lib, ... }: { pkgs, lib, ... }:
secrets = toString ./secrets;
{ {
imports = [ imports = [
@ -10,18 +6,25 @@ in
./configuration.nix ./configuration.nix
]; ];
# VM hardware setup
virtualisation.memorySize = 4000; # MB = false;
virtualisation.cores = 4;
virtualisation.msize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
# Ensure secrets are accessible by the # Ensure secrets are accessible by the
# activation scripts at runtime. # activation scripts at runtime.
virtualisation.qemu.options = [ virtualisation.sharedDirectories.secrets =
"-virtfs local,path=${secrets},security_model=none,mount_tag=secrets" { source = toString ./secrets;
]; target = toString ./secrets;
fileSystems = lib.mkVMOverride { };
"${secrets}" =
{ device = "secrets"; # These don't work in a virtual machine
fsType = "9p"; = lib.mkForce false;
options = [ "trans=virtio" "version=9p2000.L" ]; = lib.mkForce false;
neededForBoot = true;
}; # Automatically resize the console
}; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.xterm ];
environment.shellInit = "resize > /dev/null";
} }

View File

@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
type = lib.types.attrs; type = lib.types.attrs;
readOnly = true; readOnly = true;
default = { default = {
hostname = ""; hostname = "";
ipAddress = ""; ipv4WanAddress = "";
ipv4LanAddress = "";
ipv6Address = "2001:470:b576:0:230:48ff:fefa:91e1";
}; };
description = "Global constants."; description = "Global constants.";
}; };