magneticod: !!! disabled the gradual increase in congestion control, for some reason we still can't detect congestion... - `*net.UDPAddr` in dht/mainline instead of `net.Addr` - fixed a bug when a very small extension message received - simplified how peer adress is handled in bittorrent/metadata/sink - simplified TrawlingResult in dht/mainline magneticow: - use WAL for sqlite3 persistence: - use URL.String() instead of url.Path in sql.Open() so that URL parameters are not lost...
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package mainline
import (
type Protocol struct {
previousTokenSecret, currentTokenSecret []byte
tokenLock sync.Mutex
transport *Transport
eventHandlers ProtocolEventHandlers
started bool
type ProtocolEventHandlers struct {
OnPingQuery func(*Message, *net.UDPAddr)
OnFindNodeQuery func(*Message, *net.UDPAddr)
OnGetPeersQuery func(*Message, *net.UDPAddr)
OnAnnouncePeerQuery func(*Message, *net.UDPAddr)
OnGetPeersResponse func(*Message, *net.UDPAddr)
OnFindNodeResponse func(*Message, *net.UDPAddr)
OnPingORAnnouncePeerResponse func(*Message, *net.UDPAddr)
OnCongestion func()
func NewProtocol(laddr string, eventHandlers ProtocolEventHandlers) (p *Protocol) {
p = new(Protocol)
p.transport = NewTransport(laddr, p.onMessage, p.eventHandlers.OnCongestion)
p.eventHandlers = eventHandlers
p.currentTokenSecret, p.previousTokenSecret = make([]byte, 20), make([]byte, 20)
_, err := rand.Read(p.currentTokenSecret)
if err != nil {
zap.L().Fatal("Could NOT generate random bytes for token secret!", zap.Error(err))
copy(p.previousTokenSecret, p.currentTokenSecret)
func (p *Protocol) Start() {
if p.started {
zap.L().Panic("Attempting to Start() a mainline/Transport that has been already started! (Programmer error.)")
p.started = true
go p.updateTokenSecret()
func (p *Protocol) Terminate() {
func (p *Protocol) onMessage(msg *Message, addr *net.UDPAddr) {
switch msg.Y {
case "q":
switch msg.Q {
case "ping":
if !validatePingQueryMessage(msg) {
// zap.L().Debug("An invalid ping query received!")
// Check whether there is a registered event handler for the ping queries, before
// attempting to call.
if p.eventHandlers.OnPingQuery != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnPingQuery(msg, addr)
case "find_node":
if !validateFindNodeQueryMessage(msg) {
// zap.L().Debug("An invalid find_node query received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnFindNodeQuery != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnFindNodeQuery(msg, addr)
case "get_peers":
if !validateGetPeersQueryMessage(msg) {
// zap.L().Debug("An invalid get_peers query received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnGetPeersQuery != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnGetPeersQuery(msg, addr)
case "announce_peer":
if !validateAnnouncePeerQueryMessage(msg) {
// zap.L().Debug("An invalid announce_peer query received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnAnnouncePeerQuery != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnAnnouncePeerQuery(msg, addr)
case "vote":
// Although we are aware that such method exists, we ignore.
// zap.L().Debug("A KRPC query of an unknown method received!", zap.String("method", msg.Q))
case "r":
// get_peers > find_node > ping / announce_peer
if len(msg.R.Token) != 0 { // The message should be a get_peers response.
if !validateGetPeersResponseMessage(msg) {
// zap.L().Debug("An invalid get_peers response received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnGetPeersResponse != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnGetPeersResponse(msg, addr)
} else if len(msg.R.Nodes) != 0 { // The message should be a find_node response.
if !validateFindNodeResponseMessage(msg) {
// zap.L().Debug("An invalid find_node response received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnFindNodeResponse != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnFindNodeResponse(msg, addr)
} else { // The message should be a ping or an announce_peer response.
if !validatePingORannouncePeerResponseMessage(msg) {
// zap.L().Debug("An invalid ping OR announce_peer response received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnPingORAnnouncePeerResponse != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnPingORAnnouncePeerResponse(msg, addr)
case "e":
// TODO: currently ignoring Server Error 202
if msg.E.Code != 202 {
zap.L().Sugar().Debugf("Protocol error received: `%s` (%d)", msg.E.Message, msg.E.Code)
/* zap.L().Debug("A KRPC message of an unknown type received!",
zap.String("type", msg.Y))
func (p *Protocol) SendMessage(msg *Message, addr *net.UDPAddr) {
p.transport.WriteMessages(msg, addr)
func NewPingQuery(id []byte) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewFindNodeQuery(id []byte, target []byte) *Message {
return &Message{
Y: "q",
T: []byte("aa"),
Q: "find_node",
A: QueryArguments{
ID: id,
Target: target,
func NewGetPeersQuery(id []byte, info_hash []byte) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewAnnouncePeerQuery(id []byte, implied_port bool, info_hash []byte, port uint16,
token []byte) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewPingResponse(t []byte, id []byte) *Message {
return &Message{
Y: "r",
T: t,
R: ResponseValues{
ID: id,
func NewFindNodeResponse(t []byte, id []byte, nodes []CompactNodeInfo) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewGetPeersResponseWithValues(t []byte, id []byte, token []byte, values []CompactPeer) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewGetPeersResponseWithNodes(t []byte, id []byte, token []byte, nodes []CompactNodeInfo) *Message {
return &Message{
Y: "r",
T: t,
R: ResponseValues{
ID: id,
Token: token,
Nodes: nodes,
func NewAnnouncePeerResponse(t []byte, id []byte) *Message {
// Because they are indistinguishable.
return NewPingResponse(t, id)
func (p *Protocol) CalculateToken(address net.IP) []byte {
defer p.tokenLock.Unlock()
sum := sha1.Sum(append(p.currentTokenSecret, address...))
return sum[:]
func (p *Protocol) VerifyToken(address net.IP, token []byte) bool {
defer p.tokenLock.Unlock()
panic("VerifyToken() not implemented yet!")
return false
func (p *Protocol) updateTokenSecret() {
for range time.Tick(10 * time.Minute) {
copy(p.previousTokenSecret, p.currentTokenSecret)
_, err := rand.Read(p.currentTokenSecret)
if err != nil {
zap.L().Fatal("Could NOT generate random bytes for token secret!", zap.Error(err))
func validatePingQueryMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.A.ID) == 20
func validateFindNodeQueryMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.A.ID) == 20 &&
len(msg.A.Target) == 20
func validateGetPeersQueryMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.A.ID) == 20 &&
len(msg.A.InfoHash) == 20
func validateAnnouncePeerQueryMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.A.ID) == 20 &&
len(msg.A.InfoHash) == 20 &&
msg.A.Port > 0 &&
len(msg.A.Token) > 0
func validatePingORannouncePeerResponseMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.R.ID) == 20
func validateFindNodeResponseMessage(msg *Message) bool {
if len(msg.R.ID) != 20 {
return false
// TODO: check nodes field
return true
func validateGetPeersResponseMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.R.ID) == 20 &&
len(msg.R.Token) > 0
// TODO: check for values or nodes