I've decided instead to release a minimum viable product for v0.7.0 and get some feedback from the community, and most importantly some motivation as well to be able to keep working on magnetico as it currently feels like a Sisyphean where the development seem to never going to end...
283 lines
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283 lines
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package mainline
import (
type Protocol struct {
previousTokenSecret, currentTokenSecret []byte
tokenLock sync.Mutex
transport *Transport
eventHandlers ProtocolEventHandlers
started bool
type ProtocolEventHandlers struct {
OnPingQuery func(*Message, net.Addr)
OnFindNodeQuery func(*Message, net.Addr)
OnGetPeersQuery func(*Message, net.Addr)
OnAnnouncePeerQuery func(*Message, net.Addr)
OnGetPeersResponse func(*Message, net.Addr)
OnFindNodeResponse func(*Message, net.Addr)
OnPingORAnnouncePeerResponse func(*Message, net.Addr)
func NewProtocol(laddr string, eventHandlers ProtocolEventHandlers) (p *Protocol) {
p = new(Protocol)
p.transport = NewTransport(laddr, p.onMessage)
p.eventHandlers = eventHandlers
p.currentTokenSecret, p.previousTokenSecret = make([]byte, 20), make([]byte, 20)
_, err := rand.Read(p.currentTokenSecret)
if err != nil {
zap.L().Fatal("Could NOT generate random bytes for token secret!", zap.Error(err))
copy(p.previousTokenSecret, p.currentTokenSecret)
func (p *Protocol) Start() {
if p.started {
zap.L().Panic("Attempting to Start() a mainline/Transport that has been already started! (Programmer error.)")
p.started = true
go p.updateTokenSecret()
func (p *Protocol) Terminate() {
func (p *Protocol) onMessage(msg *Message, addr net.Addr) {
switch msg.Y {
case "q":
switch msg.Q {
case "ping":
if !validatePingQueryMessage(msg) {
zap.L().Debug("An invalid ping query received!")
// Check whether there is a registered event handler for the ping queries, before
// attempting to call.
if p.eventHandlers.OnPingQuery != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnPingQuery(msg, addr)
case "find_node":
if !validateFindNodeQueryMessage(msg) {
zap.L().Debug("An invalid find_node query received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnFindNodeQuery != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnFindNodeQuery(msg, addr)
case "get_peers":
if !validateGetPeersQueryMessage(msg) {
zap.L().Debug("An invalid get_peers query received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnGetPeersQuery != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnGetPeersQuery(msg, addr)
case "announce_peer":
if !validateAnnouncePeerQueryMessage(msg) {
zap.L().Debug("An invalid announce_peer query received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnAnnouncePeerQuery != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnAnnouncePeerQuery(msg, addr)
case "vote":
// Although we are aware that such method exists, we ignore.
zap.L().Debug("A KRPC query of an unknown method received!",
zap.String("method", msg.Q))
case "r":
// get_peers > find_node > ping / announce_peer
if len(msg.R.Token) != 0 { // The message should be a get_peers response.
if !validateGetPeersResponseMessage(msg) {
zap.L().Debug("An invalid get_peers response received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnGetPeersResponse != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnGetPeersResponse(msg, addr)
} else if len(msg.R.Nodes) != 0 { // The message should be a find_node response.
if !validateFindNodeResponseMessage(msg) {
zap.L().Debug("An invalid find_node response received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnFindNodeResponse != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnFindNodeResponse(msg, addr)
} else { // The message should be a ping or an announce_peer response.
if !validatePingORannouncePeerResponseMessage(msg) {
zap.L().Debug("An invalid ping OR announce_peer response received!")
if p.eventHandlers.OnPingORAnnouncePeerResponse != nil {
p.eventHandlers.OnPingORAnnouncePeerResponse(msg, addr)
case "e":
// TODO: currently ignoring Server Error 202
if msg.E.Code != 202 {
zap.L().Sugar().Debugf("Protocol error received: `%s` (%d)", msg.E.Message, msg.E.Code)
/* zap.L().Debug("A KRPC message of an unknown type received!",
zap.String("type", msg.Y))
func (p *Protocol) SendMessage(msg *Message, addr net.Addr) {
p.transport.WriteMessages(msg, addr)
func NewPingQuery(id []byte) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewFindNodeQuery(id []byte, target []byte) *Message {
return &Message{
Y: "q",
T: []byte("aa"),
Q: "find_node",
A: QueryArguments{
ID: id,
Target: target,
func NewGetPeersQuery(id []byte, info_hash []byte) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewAnnouncePeerQuery(id []byte, implied_port bool, info_hash []byte, port uint16,
token []byte) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewPingResponse(t []byte, id []byte) *Message {
return &Message{
Y: "r",
T: t,
R: ResponseValues{
ID: id,
func NewFindNodeResponse(t []byte, id []byte, nodes []CompactNodeInfo) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewGetPeersResponseWithValues(t []byte, id []byte, token []byte, values []CompactPeer) *Message {
panic("Not implemented yet!")
func NewGetPeersResponseWithNodes(t []byte, id []byte, token []byte, nodes []CompactNodeInfo) *Message {
return &Message{
Y: "r",
T: t,
R: ResponseValues{
ID: id,
Token: token,
Nodes: nodes,
func NewAnnouncePeerResponse(t []byte, id []byte) *Message {
// Because they are indistinguishable.
return NewPingResponse(t, id)
func (p *Protocol) CalculateToken(address net.IP) []byte {
defer p.tokenLock.Unlock()
sum := sha1.Sum(append(p.currentTokenSecret, address...))
return sum[:]
func (p *Protocol) VerifyToken(address net.IP, token []byte) bool {
defer p.tokenLock.Unlock()
panic("VerifyToken() not implemented yet!")
return false
func (p *Protocol) updateTokenSecret() {
for range time.Tick(10 * time.Minute) {
copy(p.previousTokenSecret, p.currentTokenSecret)
_, err := rand.Read(p.currentTokenSecret)
if err != nil {
zap.L().Fatal("Could NOT generate random bytes for token secret!", zap.Error(err))
func validatePingQueryMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.A.ID) == 20
func validateFindNodeQueryMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.A.ID) == 20 &&
len(msg.A.Target) == 20
func validateGetPeersQueryMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.A.ID) == 20 &&
len(msg.A.InfoHash) == 20
func validateAnnouncePeerQueryMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.A.ID) == 20 &&
len(msg.A.InfoHash) == 20 &&
msg.A.Port > 0 &&
len(msg.A.Token) > 0
func validatePingORannouncePeerResponseMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.R.ID) == 20
func validateFindNodeResponseMessage(msg *Message) bool {
if len(msg.R.ID) != 20 {
return false
// TODO: check nodes field
return true
func validateGetPeersResponseMessage(msg *Message) bool {
return len(msg.R.ID) == 20 &&
len(msg.R.Token) > 0
// TODO: check for values or nodes