Previously magenticow calculated 30-days period as literally 30 days (30 * 24 * 60 * 60 seconds) from NOW, which was counter-intuitive for the user as it did not correspond to whole days. Now that is fixed.
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# magneticow - Lightweight web interface for magnetico.
# Copyright (C) 2017 Mert Bora ALPER <bora@boramalper.org>
# Dedicated to Cemile Binay, in whose hands I thrived.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import collections
import functools
import datetime as dt
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import sqlite3
import os
import appdirs
import flask
from magneticow import utils
File = collections.namedtuple("file", ["path", "size"])
Torrent = collections.namedtuple("torrent", ["info_hash", "name", "size", "discovered_on", "files"])
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
# TODO: We should have been able to use flask.g but it does NOT persist across different requests so we resort back to
# this. Investigate the cause and fix it (I suspect of Gevent).
magneticod_db = None
# Adapted from: http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/8/
# (c) Copyright 2010 - 2017 by Armin Ronacher
def check_auth(supplied_username, supplied_password):
""" This function is called to check if a username / password combination is valid. """
for username, password in app.arguments.user:
if supplied_username == username and supplied_password == password:
return True
return False
def authenticate():
""" Sends a 401 response that enables basic auth. """
return flask.Response(
"Could not verify your access level for that URL.\n"
"You have to login with proper credentials",
{"WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="Login Required"'}
def requires_auth(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
auth = flask.request.authorization
if not auth or not check_auth(auth.username, auth.password):
return authenticate()
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
def home_page():
with magneticod_db:
# COUNT(ROWID) is much more inefficient since it scans the whole table, so use MAX(ROWID)
cur = magneticod_db.execute("SELECT MAX(ROWID) FROM torrents ;")
n_torrents = cur.fetchone()[0] or 0
return flask.render_template("homepage.html", n_torrents=n_torrents)
def torrents():
if flask.request.args:
if flask.request.args["search"] == "":
return newest_torrents()
return search_torrents()
return newest_torrents()
def search_torrents():
search = flask.request.args["search"]
page = int(flask.request.args.get("page", 0))
context = {
"search": search,
"page": page
with magneticod_db:
cur = magneticod_db.execute(
" info_hash, "
" name, "
" total_size, "
" discovered_on "
"FROM torrents "
" SELECT docid AS id, rank(matchinfo(fts_torrents, 'pcnxal')) AS rank "
" FROM fts_torrents "
" WHERE name MATCH ? "
" ORDER BY rank ASC"
") AS ranktable USING(id);",
(search, 20 * page)
context["torrents"] = [Torrent(t[0].hex(), t[1], utils.to_human_size(t[2]),
datetime.fromtimestamp(t[3]).strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), [])
for t in cur.fetchall()]
if len(context["torrents"]) < 20:
context["next_page_exists"] = False
context["next_page_exists"] = True
return flask.render_template("torrents.html", **context)
def newest_torrents():
page = int(flask.request.args.get("page", 0))
context = {
"page": page
with magneticod_db:
cur = magneticod_db.execute(
" info_hash, "
" name, "
" total_size, "
" discovered_on "
"FROM torrents "
(20 * page,)
context["torrents"] = [Torrent(t[0].hex(), t[1], utils.to_human_size(t[2]), datetime.fromtimestamp(t[3]).strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), [])
for t in cur.fetchall()]
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
if len(context["torrents"]) < 20:
context["next_page_exists"] = False
context["next_page_exists"] = True
return flask.render_template("torrents.html", **context)
@app.route("/torrents/<info_hash>/", defaults={"name": None})
def torrent_redirect(**kwargs):
info_hash = bytes.fromhex(kwargs["info_hash"])
assert len(info_hash) == 20
except (AssertionError, ValueError): # In case info_hash variable is not a proper hex-encoded bytes
return flask.abort(400)
with magnetico_db:
cur = magnetico_db.execute("SELECT name FROM torrents WHERE info_hash=? LIMIT 1;", (info_hash,))
name = cur.fetchone()[0]
except TypeError: # In case no results returned, TypeError will be raised when we try to subscript None object
return flask.abort(404)
return flask.redirect("/torrents/%s/%s" % (kwargs["info_hash"], name), code=301)
def torrent(**kwargs):
context = {}
info_hash = bytes.fromhex(kwargs["info_hash"])
assert len(info_hash) == 20
except (AssertionError, ValueError): # In case info_hash variable is not a proper hex-encoded bytes
return flask.abort(400)
with magneticod_db:
cur = magneticod_db.execute("SELECT id, name, discovered_on FROM torrents WHERE info_hash=? LIMIT 1;",
torrent_id, name, discovered_on = cur.fetchone()
except TypeError: # In case no results returned, TypeError will be raised when we try to subscript None object
return flask.abort(404)
cur = magneticod_db.execute("SELECT path, size FROM files WHERE torrent_id=?;", (torrent_id,))
raw_files = cur.fetchall()
size = sum(f[1] for f in raw_files)
files = [File(f[0], utils.to_human_size(f[1])) for f in raw_files]
context["torrent"] = Torrent(info_hash.hex(), name, utils.to_human_size(size), datetime.fromtimestamp(discovered_on).strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), files)
return flask.render_template("torrent.html", **context)
def statistics():
# Ahhh...
# Time is hard, really. magneticod used time.time() to save when a torrent is discovered, unaware that none of the
# specifications say anything about the timezones (or their irrelevance to the UNIX time) and about leap seconds in
# a year.
# Nevertheless, we still use it. In future, before v1.0.0, we may change it as we wish, offering a migration
# solution for the current users. But in the meanwhile, be aware that all your calculations will be a bit lousy,
# though within tolerable limits for a torrent search engine.
with magneticod_db:
# latest_today is the latest UNIX timestamp of today, the very last second.
latest_today = int((dt.date.today() + dt.timedelta(days=1) - dt.timedelta(seconds=1)).strftime("%s"))
# Retrieve all the torrents discovered in the past 30 days (30 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds...)
# Also, see http://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html for details of `date()`.
# Function Equivalent strftime()
# date(...) strftime('%Y-%m-%d', ...)
cur = magneticod_db.execute(
"SELECT date(discovered_on, 'unixepoch') AS day, count() FROM torrents WHERE discovered_on >= ? "
"GROUP BY day;",
(latest_today - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, )
results = cur.fetchall() # for instance, [('2017-04-01', 17428), ('2017-04-02', 28342)]
return flask.render_template("statistics.html", **{
# We directly substitute them in the JavaScript code.
"dates": str([t[0] for t in results]),
"amounts": str([t[1] for t in results])
def initialize_magneticod_db() -> None:
global magneticod_db
logging.info("Connecting to magneticod's database...")
magneticod_db_path = os.path.join(appdirs.user_data_dir("magneticod"), "database.sqlite3")
magneticod_db = sqlite3.connect(magneticod_db_path, isolation_level=None)
with magneticod_db:
magneticod_db.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;")
magneticod_db.execute("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp.fts_torrents USING fts4(name);")
magneticod_db.execute("INSERT INTO fts_torrents (docid, name) SELECT id, name FROM torrents;")
magneticod_db.execute("INSERT INTO fts_torrents (fts_torrents) VALUES ('optimize');")
magneticod_db.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TRIGGER on_torrents_insert AFTER INSERT ON torrents FOR EACH ROW BEGIN"
" INSERT INTO fts_torrents (docid, name) VALUES (NEW.id, NEW.name);"
magneticod_db.create_function("rank", 1, utils.rank)
def close_db() -> None:
logging.info("Closing magneticod database...")
if magneticod_db is not None: