package persistence import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "fmt" "net/url" "os" "path" "text/template" "time" _ "" "" "" ) // Close your rows lest you get "database table is locked" error(s)! // See type sqlite3Database struct { conn *sql.DB } func makeSqlite3Database(url_ *url.URL) (Database, error) { db := new(sqlite3Database) dbDir, _ := path.Split(url_.Path) if err := os.MkdirAll(dbDir, 0755); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("for directory `%s`: %s", dbDir, err.Error()) } var err error url_.Scheme = "" db.conn, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", url_.String()) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("sql.Open: %s", err.Error()) } // > Open may just validate its arguments without creating a connection to the database. To // > verify that the data source Name is valid, call Ping. // if err = db.conn.Ping(); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("sql.DB.Ping: %s", err.Error()) } if err := db.setupDatabase(); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("setupDatabase: %s", err.Error()) } return db, nil } func (db *sqlite3Database) Engine() databaseEngine { return Sqlite3 } func (db *sqlite3Database) DoesTorrentExist(infoHash []byte) (bool, error) { rows, err := db.conn.Query("SELECT 1 FROM torrents WHERE info_hash = ?;", infoHash) if err != nil { return false, err } defer rows.Close() // If rows.Next() returns true, meaning that the torrent is in the database, return true; else // return false. exists := rows.Next() if rows.Err() != nil { return false, err } return exists, nil } func (db *sqlite3Database) AddNewTorrent(infoHash []byte, name string, files []File) error { tx, err := db.conn.Begin() if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "conn.Begin") } // If everything goes as planned and no error occurs, we will commit the transaction before // returning from the function so the tx.Rollback() call will fail, trying to rollback a // committed transaction. BUT, if an error occurs, we'll get our transaction rollback'ed, which // is nice. defer tx.Rollback() var totalSize uint64 = 0 for _, file := range files { totalSize += uint64(file.Size) } // This is a workaround for a bug: the database will not accept total_size to be zero. if totalSize == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("totalSize is zero") } // Although we check whether the torrent exists in the database before asking MetadataSink to // fetch its metadata, the torrent can also exists in the Sink before that. Now, if a torrent in // the sink is still being fetched, that's still not a problem as we just add the new peer for // the torrent and exit, but if the torrent is complete (i.e. its metadata) and if its waiting // in the channel to be received, a race condition arises when we query the database and seeing // that it doesn't exists there, add it to the sink. // Hence INSERT OR IGNORE. res, err := tx.Exec(` INSERT OR IGNORE INTO torrents ( info_hash, name, total_size, discovered_on ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?); `, infoHash, name, totalSize, time.Now().Unix()) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "tx.Exec (INSERT OR IGNORE INTO torrents)") } var lastInsertId int64 if lastInsertId, err = res.LastInsertId(); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "sql.Result.LastInsertId") } for _, file := range files { _, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO files (torrent_id, size, path) VALUES (?, ?, ?);", lastInsertId, file.Size, file.Path, ) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "tx.Exec (INSERT INTO files)") } } err = tx.Commit() if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "tx.Commit") } return nil } func (db *sqlite3Database) Close() error { return db.conn.Close() } func (db *sqlite3Database) GetNumberOfTorrents() (uint, error) { // COUNT(1) is much more inefficient since it scans the whole table, so use MAX(ROWID). // Keep in mind that the value returned by GetNumberOfTorrents() might be an approximation. rows, err := db.conn.Query("SELECT MAX(ROWID) FROM torrents;") if err != nil { return 0, err } defer rows.Close() if rows.Next() != true { return 0, fmt.Errorf("No rows returned from `SELECT MAX(ROWID)`") } var n *uint if err = rows.Scan(&n); err != nil { return 0, err } // If the database is empty (i.e. 0 entries in 'torrents') then the query will return nil. if n == nil { return 0, nil } else { return *n, nil } } func (db *sqlite3Database) QueryTorrents( query string, epoch int64, orderBy OrderingCriteria, ascending bool, limit uint, lastOrderedValue *float64, lastID *uint64, ) ([]TorrentMetadata, error) { if query == "" && orderBy == ByRelevance { return nil, fmt.Errorf("torrents cannot be ordered by relevance when the query is empty") } if (lastOrderedValue == nil) != (lastID == nil) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("lastOrderedValue and lastID should be supplied together, if supplied") } doJoin := query != "" firstPage := lastID == nil // executeTemplate is used to prepare the SQL query, WITH PLACEHOLDERS FOR USER INPUT. sqlQuery := executeTemplate(` SELECT id , info_hash , name , total_size , discovered_on , (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files WHERE = files.torrent_id) AS n_files {{ if .DoJoin }} , idx.rank {{ else }} , 0 {{ end }} FROM torrents {{ if .DoJoin }} INNER JOIN ( SELECT rowid AS id , bm25(torrents_idx) AS rank FROM torrents_idx WHERE torrents_idx MATCH ? ) AS idx USING(id) {{ end }} WHERE modified_on <= ? {{ if not .FirstPage }} AND ( {{.OrderOn}}, id ) {{GTEorLTE .Ascending}} (?, ?) -- {{ end }} ORDER BY {{.OrderOn}} {{AscOrDesc .Ascending}}, id {{AscOrDesc .Ascending}} LIMIT ?; `, struct { DoJoin bool FirstPage bool OrderOn string Ascending bool }{ DoJoin: doJoin, FirstPage: firstPage, OrderOn: orderOn(orderBy), Ascending: ascending, }, template.FuncMap{ "GTEorLTE": func(ascending bool) string { if ascending { return ">" } else { return "<" } }, "AscOrDesc": func(ascending bool) string { if ascending { return "ASC" } else { return "DESC" } }, }) // Prepare query queryArgs := make([]interface{}, 0) if doJoin { queryArgs = append(queryArgs, query) } queryArgs = append(queryArgs, epoch) if !firstPage { queryArgs = append(queryArgs, lastOrderedValue) queryArgs = append(queryArgs, lastID) } queryArgs = append(queryArgs, limit) rows, err := db.conn.Query(sqlQuery, queryArgs...) defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while querying torrents: %s", err.Error()) } torrents := make([]TorrentMetadata, 0) for rows.Next() { var torrent TorrentMetadata err = rows.Scan( &torrent.ID, &torrent.InfoHash, &torrent.Name, &torrent.Size, &torrent.DiscoveredOn, &torrent.NFiles, &torrent.Relevance, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } torrents = append(torrents, torrent) } return torrents, nil } func orderOn(orderBy OrderingCriteria) string { switch orderBy { case ByRelevance: return "idx.rank" case ByTotalSize: return "total_size" case ByDiscoveredOn: return "discovered_on" case ByNFiles: return "n_files" default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown orderBy: %v", orderBy)) } } func (db *sqlite3Database) GetTorrent(infoHash []byte) (*TorrentMetadata, error) { rows, err := db.conn.Query(` SELECT info_hash, name, total_size, discovered_on, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files WHERE torrent_id = AS n_files FROM torrents WHERE info_hash = ?`, infoHash, ) defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return nil, err } if rows.Next() != true { return nil, nil } var tm TorrentMetadata if err = rows.Scan(&tm.InfoHash, &tm.Name, &tm.Size, &tm.DiscoveredOn, &tm.NFiles); err != nil { return nil, err } return &tm, nil } func (db *sqlite3Database) GetFiles(infoHash []byte) ([]File, error) { rows, err := db.conn.Query( "SELECT size, path FROM files, torrents WHERE files.torrent_id = AND torrents.info_hash = ?;", infoHash) defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return nil, err } var files []File for rows.Next() { var file File if err = rows.Scan(&file.Size, &file.Path); err != nil { return nil, err } files = append(files, file) } return files, nil } func (db *sqlite3Database) GetStatistics(from string, n uint) (*Statistics, error) { fromTime, gran, err := ParseISO8601(from) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while parsing from: %s", err.Error()) } var toTime time.Time var timef string // time format: switch gran { case Year: toTime = fromTime.AddDate(int(n), 0, 0) timef = "%Y" case Month: toTime = fromTime.AddDate(0, int(n), 0) timef = "%Y-%m" case Week: toTime = fromTime.AddDate(0, 0, int(n)*7) timef = "%Y-%W" case Day: toTime = fromTime.AddDate(0, 0, int(n)) timef = "%Y-%m-%d" case Hour: toTime = fromTime.Add(time.Duration(n) * time.Hour) timef = "%Y-%m-%dT%H" } // TODO: make it faster! rows, err := db.conn.Query(fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT strftime('%s', discovered_on, 'unixepoch') AS dT , sum(files.size) AS tS , count(DISTINCT AS nD , count(DISTINCT AS nF FROM torrents, files WHERE = files.torrent_id AND discovered_on >= ? AND discovered_on <= ? GROUP BY dt;`, timef), fromTime.Unix(), toTime.Unix()) defer rows.Close() if err != nil { return nil, err } stats := NewStatistics() for rows.Next() { var dT string var tS, nD, nF uint64 if err := rows.Scan(&dT, &tS, &nD, &nF); err != nil { if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } return nil, err } stats.NDiscovered[dT] = nD stats.TotalSize[dT] = tS stats.NFiles[dT] = nF } return stats, nil } func (db *sqlite3Database) setupDatabase() error { // Enable Write-Ahead Logging for SQLite as "WAL provides more concurrency as readers do not // block writers and a writer does not block readers. Reading and writing can proceed // concurrently." // Caveats: // * Might be unsupported by OSes other than Windows and UNIXes. // * Does not work over a network filesystem. // * Transactions that involve changes against multiple ATTACHed databases are not atomic // across all databases as a set. // See: // // Force SQLite to use disk, instead of memory, for all temporary files to reduce the memory // footprint. // // Enable foreign key constraints in SQLite which are crucial to prevent programmer errors on // our side. _, err := db.conn.Exec(` PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL; PRAGMA temp_store=1; PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON; PRAGMA encoding='UTF-8'; `) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.DB.Exec (PRAGMAs): %s", err.Error()) } tx, err := db.conn.Begin() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.DB.Begin: %s", err.Error()) } // If everything goes as planned and no error occurs, we will commit the transaction before // returning from the function so the tx.Rollback() call will fail, trying to rollback a // committed transaction. BUT, if an error occurs, we'll get our transaction rollback'ed, which // is nice. defer tx.Rollback() // Initial Setup for `user_version` 0: // FROZEN. // TODO: "torrent_id" column of the "files" table can be NULL, how can we fix this in a new // version schema? _, err = tx.Exec(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS torrents ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, info_hash BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE, name TEXT NOT NULL, total_size INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK(total_size > 0), discovered_on INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK(discovered_on > 0) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, torrent_id INTEGER REFERENCES torrents ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT, size INTEGER NOT NULL, path TEXT NOT NULL ); `) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.Tx.Exec (v0): %s", err.Error()) } // Get the user_version: rows, err := tx.Query("PRAGMA user_version;") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.Tx.Query (user_version): %s", err.Error()) } defer rows.Close() var userVersion int if rows.Next() != true { return fmt.Errorf("sql.Rows.Next (user_version): PRAGMA user_version did not return any rows!") } if err = rows.Scan(&userVersion); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.Rows.Scan (user_version): %s", err.Error()) } switch userVersion { case 0: // FROZEN. // Upgrade from user_version 0 to 1 // Changes: // * `info_hash_index` is recreated as UNIQUE. zap.L().Warn("Updating database schema from 0 to 1... (this might take a while)") _, err = tx.Exec(` DROP INDEX IF EXISTS info_hash_index; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX info_hash_index ON torrents (info_hash); PRAGMA user_version = 1; `) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.Tx.Exec (v0 -> v1): %s", err.Error()) } fallthrough case 1: // FROZEN. // Upgrade from user_version 1 to 2 // Changes: // * Added `n_seeders`, `n_leechers`, and `updated_on` columns to the `torrents` table, and // the constraints they entail. // * Added `is_readme` and `content` columns to the `files` table, and the constraints & the // the indices they entail. // * Added unique index `readme_index` on `files` table. zap.L().Warn("Updating database schema from 1 to 2... (this might take a while)") // We introduce two new columns in `files`: content BLOB, and is_readme INTEGER which we // treat as a bool (NULL for false, and 1 for true; see the CHECK statement). // The reason for the change is that as we introduce the new "readme" feature which // downloads a readme file as a torrent descriptor, we needed to store it somewhere in the // database with the following conditions: // // 1. There can be one and only one readme (content) for a given torrent; hence the // UNIQUE INDEX on (torrent_id, is_description) (remember that SQLite treats each NULL // value as distinct [UNIQUE], see // 2. We would like to keep the readme (content) associated with the file it came from; // hence we modify the files table instead of the torrents table. // // Regarding the implementation details, following constraints arise: // // 1. The column is_readme is either NULL or 1, and if it is 1, then column content cannot // be NULL (but might be an empty BLOB). Vice versa, if column content of a row is, // NULL then column is_readme must be NULL. // // This is to prevent unused content fields filling up the database, and to catch // programmers' errors. _, err = tx.Exec(` ALTER TABLE torrents ADD COLUMN updated_on INTEGER CHECK (updated_on > 0) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE torrents ADD COLUMN n_seeders INTEGER CHECK ((updated_on IS NOT NULL AND n_seeders >= 0) OR (updated_on IS NULL AND n_seeders IS NULL)) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE torrents ADD COLUMN n_leechers INTEGER CHECK ((updated_on IS NOT NULL AND n_leechers >= 0) OR (updated_on IS NULL AND n_leechers IS NULL)) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE files ADD COLUMN is_readme INTEGER CHECK (is_readme IS NULL OR is_readme=1) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE files ADD COLUMN content TEXT CHECK ((content IS NULL AND is_readme IS NULL) OR (content IS NOT NULL AND is_readme=1)) DEFAULT NULL; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX readme_index ON files (torrent_id, is_readme); PRAGMA user_version = 2; `) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.Tx.Exec (v1 -> v2): %s", err.Error()) } fallthrough case 2: // NOT FROZEN! (subject to change or complete removal) // Upgrade from user_version 2 to 3 // Changes: // * Created `torrents_idx` FTS5 virtual table. // // See: // * // * // // * Added `n_files` column to the `torrents` table. zap.L().Warn("Updating database schema from 2 to 3... (this might take a while)") _, err = tx.Exec(` CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS torrents_idx USING fts5(name, content='torrents', content_rowid='id', tokenize="porter unicode61 separators ' !""#$%&''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_` + "`" + `{|}~'"); -- Populate the index INSERT INTO torrents_idx(rowid, name) SELECT id, name FROM torrents; -- Triggers to keep the FTS index up to date. CREATE TRIGGER torrents_ai AFTER INSERT ON torrents BEGIN INSERT INTO torrents_idx(rowid, name) VALUES (,; END; CREATE TRIGGER torrents_ad AFTER DELETE ON torrents BEGIN INSERT INTO torrents_idx(torrents_idx, rowid, name) VALUES('delete',,; END; CREATE TRIGGER torrents_au AFTER UPDATE ON torrents BEGIN INSERT INTO torrents_idx(torrents_idx, rowid, name) VALUES('delete',,; INSERT INTO torrents_idx(rowid, name) VALUES (,; END; -- Add column modified_on ALTER TABLE torrents ADD COLUMN modified_on INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (modified_on >= discovered_on AND (updated_on IS NOT NULL OR modified_on >= updated_on)) DEFAULT (-1) ; UPDATE torrents SET modified_on = (SELECT discovered_on); CREATE INDEX modified_on_index ON torrents (modified_on); PRAGMA user_version = 3; `) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.Tx.Exec (v2 -> v3): %s", err.Error()) } } if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sql.Tx.Commit: %s", err.Error()) } return nil } func executeTemplate(text string, data interface{}, funcs template.FuncMap) string { t := template.Must(template.New("anon").Funcs(funcs).Parse(text)) var buf bytes.Buffer err := t.Execute(&buf, data) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } return buf.String() }