flip Vec arguments to allow a Functor instance
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,14 +13,21 @@ module Data.TypeClass
, Read(..)
, IsList(..)
, IsString(..)
, Functor(..)
, Applicative(..)
, Monad(..)
) where
import GHC.Enum
import GHC.Show
import GHC.Read
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Real
import GHC.Exts
import Prelude (Eq(..), Ord(..), Integral(..))
import Data.Eq
import Data.Ord
import Data.Functor
import Prelude (Monad(..), Applicative(..))
-- * Aliases
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Data.Nat hiding ((+), (-), (×), min, max)
import Data.Bool
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Char (Char)
import Data.Function ((∘))
import Data.Function ((∘), flip)
import Data.Singletons (SingI, sing)
import Data.TypeClass
@ -32,34 +32,35 @@ import Data.TypeClass
infixr 5 :-
-- | The 'Vec' datatype
data Vec ∷ Type → ℕ → Type where
Nil ∷ Vec a Z -- ^ empty 'Vec', length 0
(:-) ∷ a → Vec a n → Vec a (S n) -- ^ "cons" operator
data Vec ∷ ℕ → Type → Type where
Nil ∷ Vec Z a -- ^ empty 'Vec', length 0
(:-) ∷ a → Vec n a → Vec (S n) a -- ^ "cons" operator
-- | 'String' type alias for vector of characters
type String n = Vec Char n
type String n = Vec n Char
deriving instance Eq a ⇒ Eq (Vec a n)
deriving instance Eq a ⇒ Eq (Vec n a)
instance Show a ⇒ Show (Vec a n) where
instance Show a ⇒ Show (Vec n a) where
showsPrec d = showsPrec d ∘ vecToList
instance SingI n ⇒ IsList (Vec a n) where
type Item (Vec a n) = a
instance SingI n ⇒ IsList (Vec n a) where
type Item (Vec n a) = a
fromList = listToVec
toList = vecToList
instance SingI n ⇒ IsString (String n) where
fromString = fromList
instance SingI n ⇒ Functor (Vec n) where
fmap = map
-- * Conversions
-- | Convert a 'Vec' into a List
vecToList ∷ Vec a n → [a]
vecToList ∷ Vec n a → [a]
vecToList Nil = []
vecToList (x :- xs) = x : vecToList xs
@ -69,42 +70,42 @@ vecToList (x :- xs) = x : vecToList xs
-- It's not possible to convert an infinite list to a vector
-- as haskell does not permit constructing infinite type,
-- which the resulting vector length would be.
listToVec ∷ SingI n ⇒ [a] → Vec a n
listToVec ∷ SingI n ⇒ [a] → Vec n a
listToVec = f sing
where f ∷ Sℕ n → [a] → Vec a n
f SZ _ = Nil
f (SS n) (x:xs) = x :- f n xs
where f ∷ Sℕ n → [a] → Vec n a
f SZ [] = Nil
f (SS n) (x:xs) = x :- f n xs
-- * Basic functions
-- | Vector concatenation
(⧺) ∷ Vec a n → Vec a m → Vec a (n :+ m)
(⧺) ∷ Vec n a → Vec m a → Vec (n :+ m) a
(⧺) (x :- xs) ys = x :- xs ⧺ ys
(⧺) Nil ys = ys
-- | Extracts the 'head' (ie the first element) of a nonempty 'Vec'.
head ∷ Vec a (S n) → a
head ∷ Vec (S n) a → a
head (x :- _) = x
-- | Extracts the last element of a nonempty 'Vec'.
last ∷ Vec a (S n) → a
last ∷ Vec (S n) a → a
last (x :- Nil) = x
last (x :- y :- ys) = last (y :- ys)
-- | Applied to a nonempty 'Vec' returns everything but its first element.
-- > x ≡ head x ⧺ tail x
tail ∷ Vec a (S n) → Vec a n
tail ∷ Vec (S n) a → Vec n a
tail (_ :- xs) = xs
-- | Applied to a nonempty 'Vec' returns everything but its last element.
-- > x ≡ init x ⧺ last x
init ∷ Vec a (S n) → Vec a n
init ∷ Vec (S n) a → Vec n a
init (x :- Nil) = Nil
init (x :- y :- ys) = x :- init (y :- ys)
@ -112,23 +113,23 @@ init (x :- y :- ys) = x :- init (y :- ys)
-- | Given a nonempty 'Vec' returns the first element
-- and the rest of the vector in a tuple.
-- > uncons x ≡ (head x, tail x)
uncons ∷ Vec a (S n) → (a, Vec a n)
uncons ∷ Vec (S n) a → (a, Vec n a)
uncons (x :- xs) = (x, xs)
-- | Test whether a 'Vec' has zero length.
null ∷ Vec a n → 𝔹
null ∷ Vec n a → 𝔹
null Nil = T
null _ = F
-- | Returns the length (numbers of elements) of a 'Vec'.
length ∷ Vec a n → ℕ
length ∷ Vec n a → ℕ
length Nil = Z
length (_ :- xs) = S (length xs)
-- | Same as 'length' but produces a singleton type 'Sℕ'.
sLength ∷ Vec a n → Sℕ n
sLength ∷ Vec n a → Sℕ n
sLength Nil = SZ
sLength (x :- xs) = SS (sLength xs)
@ -137,14 +138,14 @@ sLength (x :- xs) = SS (sLength xs)
-- * Transformations
-- | Applies a function on every element of a 'Vec'.
map ∷ (a → b) → Vec a n → Vec b n
map ∷ (a → b) → Vec n a → Vec n b
map _ Nil = Nil
map f (x :- xs) = f x :- map f xs
-- | Reverse the order of the elements of a 'Vec'
-- > reverse ∘ reverse = id
reverse ∷ Vec a n → Vec a n
reverse ∷ Vec n a → Vec n a
reverse Nil = Nil
reverse (y :- ys) = gcastWith proof (reverse ys ⧺ (y :- Nil))
where proof = succ_plus (sLength ys)
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ reverse (y :- ys) = gcastWith proof (reverse ys ⧺ (y :- Nil))
-- | 'intersperse' @s@ takes a 'Vec' and produces one where
-- @s@ is interspersed (ie inserted between) every two elements
-- of the vector
intersperse ∷ a → Vec a n → Vec a (n :+ Pred n)
intersperse ∷ a → Vec n a → Vec (n :+ Pred n) a
intersperse _ Nil = Nil
intersperse _ (x :- Nil) = x :- Nil
intersperse s (x :- xs) = gcastWith proof (x :- s :- intersperse s xs)
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ intersperse s (x :- xs) = gcastWith proof (x :- s :- intersperse s xs)
-- | 'intercalate' @xs xss@ is equivalent to
-- @('concat' ('intersperse' xs xss))@. It inserts the vector @xs@
-- in between the vectors in @xss@ and concatenates the result.
intercalate ∷ Vec a n → Vec (Vec a n) m → Vec a ((m :+ Pred m) :× n)
intercalate ∷ Vec n a → Vec m (Vec n a) → Vec ((m :+ Pred m) :× n) a
intercalate xs xss = concat (intersperse xs xss)
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ intercalate xs xss = concat (intersperse xs xss)
-- > transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] ≡ [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
transpose ∷ SingI n ⇒ Vec (Vec a n) m → Vec (Vec a m) n
transpose ∷ SingI n ⇒ Vec m (Vec n a) → Vec n (Vec m a)
transpose Nil = replicate Nil
transpose (xs :- xss) = gcastWith proof (zipWith (:-) xs (transpose xss))
where proof = min_self (sLength xs)
@ -183,12 +184,12 @@ transpose (xs :- xss) = gcastWith proof (zipWith (:-) xs (transpose xss))
-- | The 'permutations' function returns the vector of all permutations of the argument.
-- > permutations "abc" ≡ ["abc","bac","cba","bca","cab","acb"]
permutations ∷ Vec a n → Vec (Vec a n) (Fact n)
permutations ∷ Vec n a → Vec (Fact n) (Vec n a)
permutations Nil = Nil:-Nil
permutations (x:-Nil) = (x:-Nil):-Nil
permutations xs@(_:-_) = concatMap (\(y,ys) → map (y:-) (permutations ys)) (select xs)
select ∷ Vec a n → Vec (a, Vec a (Pred n)) n
select ∷ Vec n a → Vec n (a, Vec (Pred n) a)
select Nil = Nil
select (x:-Nil) = (x, Nil) :- Nil
select (x:-xs@(_:-_)) = (x,xs) :- map (\(y,ys) → (y, x:-ys)) (select xs)
@ -197,27 +198,27 @@ permutations xs@(_:-_) = concatMap (\(y,ys) → map (y:-) (permutations ys)) (se
-- | 'foldl' applied to a binary operator, a starting value
-- and a 'Vec' reduces the vector to a single value obtained
-- by sequentially applying the operation from the left to the right.
foldl ∷ (a → b → a) → a → Vec b n → a
foldl ∷ (a → b → a) → a → Vec n b → a
foldl _ x Nil = x
foldl (⊗) x (y :- ys) = foldl (⊗) (x ⊗ y) ys
-- | Same as "fold" but reduces the vector in the opposite
-- direction: from the right to the left.
foldr ∷ (a → b → b) → b → Vec a n → b
foldr ∷ (a → b → b) → b → Vec n a → b
foldr _ x Nil = x
foldr (⊗) x (y:-ys) = y ⊗ (foldr (⊗) x ys)
-- | Variant of 'foldl' which requires no starting value but
-- applies only on nonempty 'Vec'
foldl₁ ∷ (a → a → a) → Vec a (S n) → a
foldl₁ ∷ (a → a → a) → Vec (S n) a → a
foldl₁ _ (x :- Nil) = x
foldl₁ (⊗) (x :- y :- ys) = foldl₁ (⊗) (x ⊗ y :- ys)
-- | As for 'foldl', a variant of 'foldr' with no starting point
foldr₁ ∷ (a → a → a) → Vec a (S n) → a
foldr₁ ∷ (a → a → a) → Vec (S n) a → a
foldr₁ _ (x :- Nil) = x
foldr₁ (⊗) (x :- y :- ys) = x ⊗ (foldr₁ (⊗) (y :- ys))
@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ foldr₁ (⊗) (x :- y :- ys) = x ⊗ (foldr₁ (⊗) (y :- ys))
-- * Special folds
-- | The concatenation of all the elements of a vector of vectors.
concat ∷ Vec (Vec a n) m → Vec a (m :× n)
concat ∷ Vec m (Vec n a) → Vec (m :× n) a
concat Nil = Nil
concat (xs :- xss) = gcastWith proof (xs ⧺ concat xss)
@ -237,61 +238,61 @@ concat (xs :- xss) = gcastWith proof (xs ⧺ concat xss)
-- | Map a function over all the elements of a vector and concatenate
-- the resulting vectors.
concatMap ∷ (a → Vec b n) → Vec a m → Vec b (m :× n)
concatMap ∷ (a → Vec n b) → Vec m a → Vec (m :× n) b
concatMap f = concat ∘ map f
-- | Applied to a a value produces a vector obtained by
-- duplicating the value @n@ times.
replicate ∷ ∀ a n. SingI n ⇒ a → Vec a n
replicate ∷ ∀ a n. SingI n ⇒ a → Vec n a
replicate = replicate' (sing ∷ Sℕ n)
-- | 'replicate' variant with an explicit length argument.
replicate' ∷ Sℕ n → a → Vec a n
replicate' ∷ Sℕ n → a → Vec n a
replicate' SZ _ = Nil
replicate' (SS n) a = a :- replicate' n a
-- | 'and' returns the conjunction of a container of bools.
and ∷ Vec 𝔹 (S n) → 𝔹
and ∷ Vec (S n) 𝔹 → 𝔹
and = foldr₁ (∧)
-- | 'or' returns the disjunction of a container of bools.
or ∷ Vec 𝔹 (S n) → 𝔹
or ∷ Vec (S n) 𝔹 → 𝔹
or = foldr₁ (∨)
-- | Determines whether any element of the structure satisfies the predicate.
any ∷ (a → 𝔹) → Vec a n → 𝔹
any ∷ (a → 𝔹) → Vec n a → 𝔹
any _ Nil = F
any p (x :- xs) = or (map p (x :- xs))
-- | Determines whether all elements of the structure satisfy the predicate.
all ∷ (a → 𝔹) → Vec a n → 𝔹
all ∷ (a → 𝔹) → Vec n a → 𝔹
all _ Nil = T
all p (x :- xs) = and (map p (x :- xs))
-- | The least element of a vector.
minimum ∷ Ord a ⇒ Vec a (S n) → a
minimum ∷ Ord a ⇒ Vec (S n) a → a
minimum = foldr₁ min
-- | The largest element of a vector.
maximum ∷ Ord a ⇒ Vec a (S n) → a
maximum ∷ Ord a ⇒ Vec (S n) a → a
maximum = foldr₁ max
-- | The 'sum' function computes the sum of the numbers of a vector.
sum ∷ Num a ⇒ Vec a n → a
sum ∷ Num a ⇒ Vec n a → a
sum = foldr (+) 0
-- | The 'product' function computes the product of the numbers of a vector.
product ∷ Num a ⇒ Vec a n → a
product ∷ Num a ⇒ Vec n a → a
product = foldr (×) 1
@ -299,23 +300,23 @@ product = foldr (×) 1
-- Extracting subvectors
-- | 'take' returns the first @n@ element of the vector
take ∷ ∀ a n m. SingI n ⇒ Vec a m → Vec a n
take ∷ ∀ a n m. SingI n ⇒ Vec m a → Vec n a
take = take' (sing ∷ Sℕ n)
-- | Variant of 'take' with an explicit argument.
take' ∷ Sℕ n → Vec a m → Vec a n
take' ∷ Sℕ n → Vec m a → Vec n a
take' SZ _ = Nil
take' (SS n) (x :- xs) = x :- take' n xs
-- | 'drop' returns every element of the vector but the first @n@
drop ∷ ∀ a n m. SingI n ⇒ Vec a m → Vec a (m :- n)
drop ∷ ∀ a n m. SingI n ⇒ Vec m a → Vec (m :- n) a
drop = drop' (sing ∷ Sℕ n)
-- | Variant of 'drop' with an explicit argument.
drop' ∷ Sℕ n → Vec a m → Vec a (m :- n)
drop' ∷ Sℕ n → Vec m a → Vec (m :- n) a
drop' SZ x = x
drop' (SS n) (x :- xs) = drop' n xs
@ -324,18 +325,28 @@ drop' (SS n) (x :- xs) = drop' n xs
-- Searching by equality
-- | Does the element occur in the structure?
elem ∷ Eq a ⇒ Vec a n → a → 𝔹
elem ∷ Eq a ⇒ Vec n a → a → 𝔹
elem Nil _ = F
elem (x :- xs) y = (x ≡ y) ∨ (elem xs y)
-- | Infix version of 'elem'
(∈) ∷ Eq a ⇒ a → Vec n a → 𝔹
(∈) = flip elem
-- | 'notElem' is the negation of 'elem'.
notElem ∷ Eq a ⇒ Vec a n → a → 𝔹
notElem ∷ Eq a ⇒ Vec n a → a → 𝔹
notElem xs = (¬) ∘ elem xs
-- | Infix version of 'notElem'
(∉) ∷ Eq a ⇒ a → Vec n a → 𝔹
(∉) = flip notElem
-- | 'lookup' key assocs looks up a key in an association vector.
lookup ∷ Eq a ⇒ a → Vec (a, b) n → Maybe b
lookup ∷ Eq a ⇒ a → Vec n (a, b) → Maybe b
lookup t Nil = Nothing
lookup t ((k,v) :- x) =
if t ≡ k
@ -352,7 +363,7 @@ lookup t ((k,v) :- x) =
-- 'zip' is right-lazy:
-- > zip Nil ⊥ ≡ Nil
zip ∷ Vec a n → Vec b m → Vec (a, b) (Min n m)
zip ∷ Vec n a → Vec m b → Vec (Min n m) (a, b)
zip = zipWith (,)
@ -364,7 +375,7 @@ zip = zipWith (,)
-- 'zipWith' is right-lazy:
-- > zipWith f Nil ⊥ ≡ Nil
zipWith ∷ (a → b → c) → Vec a n → Vec b m → Vec c (Min n m)
zipWith ∷ (a → b → c) → Vec n a → Vec m b → Vec (Min n m) c
zipWith _ Nil _ = Nil
zipWith _ _ Nil = Nil
zipWith (⊗) (x :- xs) (y :- ys) = x ⊗ y :- zipWith (⊗) xs ys
@ -372,7 +383,7 @@ zipWith (⊗) (x :- xs) (y :- ys) = x ⊗ y :- zipWith (⊗) xs ys
-- | 'unzip' transforms a vectors of pairs into a vector of first components
-- and a vector of second components.
unzip ∷ Vec (a, b) n → (Vec a n, Vec b n)
unzip ∷ Vec n (a, b) → (Vec n a, Vec n b)
unzip Nil = (Nil, Nil)
unzip ((x, y) :- xys) = (x :- xs, y :- ys)
where (xs, ys) = unzip xys
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