add zips
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@ -184,27 +184,27 @@ transpose (xs :- xss) = gcastWith proof (zipWith (:-) xs (transpose xss))
-- by sequentially applying the operation from the left to the right.
foldl ∷ (a → b → a) → a → Vec b n → a
foldl _ x Nil = x
foldl f x (y :- ys) = foldl f (f x y) ys
foldl (⊗) x (y :- ys) = foldl (⊗) (x ⊗ y) ys
-- | Same as "fold" but reduces the vector in the opposite
-- direction: from the right to the left.
foldr ∷ (a → b → b) → b → Vec a n → b
foldr f x Nil = x
foldr f x (y:-ys) = f y (foldr f x ys)
foldr _ x Nil = x
foldr (⊗) x (y:-ys) = y ⊗ (foldr (⊗) x ys)
-- | Variant of 'foldl' which requires no starting value but
-- applies only on nonempty 'Vec'
foldl₁ ∷ (a → a → a) → Vec a (S n) → a
foldl₁ f (x :- Nil) = x
foldl₁ f (x :- y :- ys) = foldl₁ f (f x y :- ys)
foldl₁ _ (x :- Nil) = x
foldl₁ (⊗) (x :- y :- ys) = foldl₁ (⊗) (x ⊗ y :- ys)
-- | As for 'foldl', a variant of 'foldr' with no starting point
foldr₁ ∷ (a → a → a) → Vec a (S n) → a
foldr₁ f (x :- Nil) = x
foldr₁ f (x :- y :- ys) = f x (foldr₁ f (y :- ys))
foldr₁ (⊗) (x :- Nil) = x
foldr₁ (⊗) (x :- y :- ys) = x ⊗ (foldr₁ (⊗) (y :- ys))
-- * Special folds
@ -282,3 +282,37 @@ drop ∷ Sℕ n → Vec a m → Vec a (m :- n)
drop SZ x = x
drop (SS n) (x :- xs) = drop n xs
-- * Zipping and unzipping vectors
-- | 'zip' takes two vectors and returns a vector of corresponding pairs.
-- If one input vectors is short, excess elements of the longer vector are
-- discarded.
-- 'zip' is right-lazy:
-- > zip Nil ⊥ = Nil
zip ∷ Vec a n → Vec b m → Vec (a, b) (Min n m)
zip = zipWith (,)
-- | 'zipWith' generalises 'zip' by zipping with the function given
-- as the first argument, instead of a tupling function.
-- For example, @'zipWith' (+)@ is applied to two vectors to produce the
-- vector of corresponding sums.
-- 'zipWith' is right-lazy:
-- > zipWith f Nil ⊥ = Nil
zipWith ∷ (a → b → c) → Vec a n → Vec b m → Vec c (Min n m)
zipWith _ Nil _ = Nil
zipWith _ _ Nil = Nil
zipWith (⊗) (x :- xs) (y :- ys) = x ⊗ y :- zipWith (⊗) xs ys
-- | 'unzip' transforms a list of pairs into a list of first components
-- and a list of second components.
unzip ∷ Vec (a, b) n → (Vec a n, Vec b n)
unzip Nil = (Nil, Nil)
unzip ((x, y) :- xys) = (x :- xs, y :- ys)
where (xs, ys) = unzip xys
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