2015-08-28 00:16:56 +02:00
name: hashrename
2015-11-22 03:27:20 +01:00
2015-08-28 00:16:56 +02:00
synopsis: Rename every file in a directory with his SHA1 hash. Perfect to clean messy folders.
license: MIT
license-file: LICENSE
author: rnhmjoj
maintainer: micheleguerinirocco@me.com
copyright: Copyright (c) Michele Guerini Rocco
category: Utility
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable hashrename
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base >=4.8 && <4.9, directory, filepath, cryptohash, bytestring
2015-11-22 03:27:20 +01:00
default-language: Haskell2010