import math import random import turtle #Parameters X = 100 Y = 100 T = 20 L = 5 / 6 * T N = 213 axes = () def settings(): """Turtle settings""" turtle.title("de Buffon's needle") turtle.setworldcoordinates(-(X + 2), -(Y), X + 2, Y) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.speed(0) def go(x, y): """Move cursor to the point (x, y) without drawing a line.""" turtle.pu() turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pd() def parquet(t): """Draw parquet's axes.""" global X, axes go(-X, -Y) for x in range(-X, X + 1, t): axes += x, turtle.goto(x, Y) go(x, -Y) turtle.rt(90) go(x + t, -Y) def needle(l): """ Throw a needle. If it crosses the axes it colors red and returns 1, otherwise it returns 0. """ go(random.uniform(-X, X), random.uniform(-Y, Y)) x1 = turtle.xcor(), 360)) turtle.fd(l) x2 = turtle.xcor() for x in axes: if (x1 < x < x2) or (x2 < x < x1): turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.bk(l) turtle.pencolor("black") return 1 else: return 0 settings() parquet(T) p = 0 for i in range(N): p += needle(L) try: π = (2 * L) / (T * p / N) except ZeroDivisionError: π = 0 print(π) print("Deviation:", abs(100 - (π / math.pi * 100)), "%") turtle.mainloop()