# Description: # send pictures of Richard Stallman computing across the world # # Commands # hubot stallbomb ... - spam the chat with Richard Stallman # # Author: # Michele Guerini Rocco (rnhmjoj) # cheerio = require 'cheerio' url = 'https://stallman.org/photos/rms-working/mid/' module.exports = (robot) -> robot.respond /stallbomb( (\d+))?/i, (res) -> n = parseInt res.match[2] || 10 robot.http(url).get() (err, _, body) -> if err then return res.send 'error: stallman is not amused' $ = cheerio.load body links = (url+$(i).attr 'href' for i in $('a') when $(i).attr('href')[0..2] is 'mid') res.send res.random links for _ in [1..n]