Add memes overview and escape special characters

This commit is contained in:
rnhmjoj 2015-09-28 04:08:20 +02:00
parent 8a1d6e49ed
commit 6c3e6730e7

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# Commands:
# hubot meme <template>,<upper title>,<lower title> - genera un meme
# hubot memes [-v] - mostra i templates disponibili
# Configuration:
# None
@ -10,16 +11,47 @@
# Author:
# Enrico Fasoli (fazo96)
async = require 'async'
module.exports = (robot) ->
escape = (str) -> (str.replace /-/g, '--').replace /\ /g, '-'
escape = (str) ->
str.replace( /-/g, '--')
.replace(/\ /g, '-')
.replace( /_/g, '__')
.replace(/\?/g, '~q')
.replace( /%/g, '~p')
send_example = (url, res, callback) ->
cb = if callback? then (-> callback()) else (-> return)
robot.http(url).get() (err, r, body) ->
template = JSON.parse body
template.example + '.jpg',
'alias: ' + template.aliases.join(', '),
if robot.adapterName is 'tg' then cb else ''
cb() if robot.adapterName isnt 'tg'
memegen = ''
usage = 'non si usa così: prova a chiedermi "asjon help meme" per
sapere sapere come funziona il comando'
robot.respond /meme (.+)/i, (res) ->
text = res.match[1]
return res.send usage if text.split(',').length != 3
meme = (escape i.trim() for i in text.split ',').join '/'
url = '' + meme + '.jpg'
res.send url
args = res.match[1]
return res.send usage if args.split(',').length != 3
meme = (escape i.trim() for i in args.split ',').join '/'
res.send memegen + meme + '.jpg'
robot.respond /memes( -v)?/i, (res) ->
if not res.match[1]?
res.send 'guarda qui:'
robot.http(memegen + 'templates/').get() (err, r, body) ->
templates = (url for _, url of JSON.parse body)
async.eachSeries templates, (url, done) ->
send_example url, res, -> done()