Michele Guerini Rocco fadf1ac7c7
src/gray_project.f90: preserve sign of J_φ in statistics
This makes the following changes to summary.7.txt:

1. Preserve the sign of J_φ_peak J_φ_max, i.e. if the J_φ is negative,
   those will be negative. Previously they would always be unsigned.

2. If the sign of J_φ is alternating significantly, specifically if
    (∫|J_φ|dA - |∫J_φ⋅dA|) / ∫|J_φ|dA > 10%
   then sign of ρ_avg_J, Δρ_avg_J, ρ_max_J, Δρ_max_J will be negative.
   Previously they were always positive.

3. If there is no current J_φ=0 (power dPdV=0), then
   ρ_avg_J=1, rho_max_J=1 (ρ_avg_P=1, rho_max_P=1).
   Previosuly they would be set to zero.
   This helps producing continuous results as a beam is gradually
   focused into the plasma.
2025-03-20 11:31:28 +01:00

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! This module provides the ray_projector object that is used to
! compute the final ECCD power and current density radial profiles
module gray_project
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
implicit none
type ray_projector
! Projects the volumetric rays data onto a radial grid to
! obtain the ECCD power and current density profiles
real(wp_), public, allocatable :: rho_p(:) ! radial bin edges (ρ_p)
real(wp_), public, allocatable :: rho_t(:) ! radial bin edges (ρ_t)
real(wp_), private, allocatable :: psi_mid(:) ! radial bin midpoints (ψ_n)
real(wp_), private, allocatable :: dA(:), dV(:) ! area, volume elements
real(wp_), private, allocatable :: ratio_J_cd_phi(:) ! J_cd_jintrac / J_φ
procedure :: init ! Initialises the grids etc.
procedure :: project ! Projects rays to radial profile
procedure :: statistics ! Compute statistics of a profile
end type
public ray_projector
subroutine init(self, params, equil)
! Initialises the radial grid and other quantities needed to
! compute the radial profiles (dP/dV, J_φ, J_cd)
use const_and_precisions, only : one
use gray_params, only : output_parameters, RHO_POL
use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil
! subroutine arguments
class(ray_projector), intent(inout) :: self
type(output_parameters), intent(in) :: params
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil
! local variables
integer :: i
real(wp_) :: drho, rho, rho_mid
real(wp_) :: V0, V1, A0, A1
associate (n => params%nrho)
allocate(self%rho_p(n), self%rho_t(n), self%psi_mid(n))
allocate(self%dV(n), self%dA(n), self%ratio_J_cd_phi(n))
V0 = 0
A0 = 0
do i = 1, n
if(allocated(params%grid)) then
! Read points from the input grid
rho = params%grid(i)
if (i < n) drho = params%grid(i + 1) - rho
! Build a uniform grid
drho = one/(n - 1)
rho = (i - 1)*drho
end if
! Switch between uniform grid in ρ_p or ρ_t
if (params%ipec == RHO_POL) then
self%rho_p(i) = rho
self%rho_t(i) = equil%pol2tor(rho)
rho_mid = rho + drho/2
self%rho_t(i) = rho
self%rho_p(i) = equil%tor2pol(rho)
rho_mid = equil%tor2pol(rho + drho/2)
end if
! ψ_n at the midpoint of the bin
! Note: each bin is associated with a volume element ΔV₁=V₁-V₀,
! with V₁,₀ computed at the bin midpoint. For consistency the ΔP
! is also computed at the midpoint: ΔP₁ = P_in(ψ₁) - P_in(ψ₀),
! where ψ₁,₀ are shifted by Δρ/2 w.r.t ρ₁.
self%psi_mid(i) = rho_mid**2
! Compute ΔV, ΔA for each bin
call equil%flux_average(rho_mid, area=A1, volume=V1)
self%dA(i) = abs(A1 - A0)
self%dV(i) = abs(V1 - V0)
V0 = V1
A0 = A1
! Compute conversion factors between J_φ and J_cd
call equil%flux_average(self%rho_p(i), ratio_jintrac_tor=self%ratio_J_cd_phi(i))
end do
end associate
end subroutine init
subroutine project(self, psi_n, P_abs, I_cd, last_step, &
dPdV, J_phi, J_cd, P_in, I_in)
! Projects the volumetric rays data ψ_n, P_abs, I_cd onto a radial grid
! to obtain the density profiles dP/dV, J_φ, J_cd and the cumulatives
! P_in and I_in
use const_and_precisions, only : zero
use utils, only : locate_unord, linear_interp
! subroutine arguments
class(ray_projector), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n(:, :) ! normalised flux (ray,step)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: P_abs(:, :) ! absorbed power (ray,step)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: I_cd(:, :) ! driven current (ray,step)
integer, intent(in) :: last_step(:) ! last step absorption took place
real(wp_), intent(out) :: dPdV(:), J_phi(:) ! power, toroidal current density
real(wp_), intent(out) :: J_cd(:) ! current drive density, JINTRAC def.
real(wp_), intent(out) :: P_in(:), I_in(:) ! power, current within ρ
! local variables
integer :: i, ray, bin
integer :: cross(maxval(last_step)+1), ncross
real(wp_) :: I_entry, I_exit, P_entry, P_exit
! We start by computing the cumulatives first, and obtain the densities
! as finite differences later. This should avoid precision losses.
P_in = 0
I_in = 0
! For each bin in the radial grid
bins: do concurrent (bin = 1 : size(self%rho_t))
! For each ray
rays: do ray = 1, size(psi_n, dim=1)
! Skip rays with no absorption
if (last_step(ray) == 1) cycle
! Find where the ray crosses the flux surface of the current bin
call locate_unord(psi_n(ray, :), self%psi_mid(bin), cross, last_step(ray), ncross)
if (psi_n(ray, 1) < 0) then
! Skip unphysical crossing from -1 (ψ undefined)
cross = cross(2:ncross)
ncross = ncross - 1
else if (psi_n(ray, 1) < self%psi_mid(bin)) then
! Add a crossing when starting within ψ (reflections!)
cross = [1, cross(1:ncross)]
end if
! For each crossing
crossings: do i = 1, ncross, 2
! Interpolate P_abs(ψ) and I_cd(ψ) at the entry
P_entry = interp(psi_n(ray,:), P_abs(ray,:), cross(i), self%psi_mid(bin))
I_entry = interp(psi_n(ray,:), I_cd(ray,:), cross(i), self%psi_mid(bin))
if (i+1 <= ncross) then
! Interpolate P_abs(ψ) and I_cd(ψ) at the exit
P_exit = interp(psi_n(ray,:), P_abs(ray,:), cross(i+1), self%psi_mid(bin))
I_exit = interp(psi_n(ray,:), I_cd(ray,:), cross(i+1), self%psi_mid(bin))
! The ray never left, use last_step as exit point
P_exit = P_abs(ray, last_step(ray))
I_exit = I_cd(ray, last_step(ray))
end if
! Accumulate the deposition from this crossing
P_in(bin) = P_in(bin) + (P_exit - P_entry)
I_in(bin) = I_in(bin) + (I_exit - I_entry)
end do crossings
end do rays
end do bins
! Compute densities
dPdV(1) = P_in(1) / self%dV(1)
J_phi(1) = I_in(1) / self%dA(1)
do concurrent (bin = 2 : size(self%rho_t))
dPdV(bin) = max(P_in(bin) - P_in(bin-1), zero) / self%dV(bin)
J_phi(bin) = (I_in(bin) - I_in(bin-1)) / self%dA(bin)
end do
J_cd = J_phi * self%ratio_J_cd_phi
pure real(wp_) function interp(x, y, i, x1)
! Interpolate linearly y(x) at x=x(i)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(:), y(:), x1
integer, intent(in) :: i
interp = linear_interp(x(i), y(i), x(i+1), y(i+1), x1)
end function interp
end subroutine project
subroutine statistics(self, equil, dPdV, J_phi, rho_avg_P, drho_avg_P, &
rho_avg_J, drho_avg_J, dPdV_peak, J_phi_peak, &
rho_max_P, drho_max_P, rho_max_J, drho_max_J, &
dPdV_max, J_phi_max, ratio_Ja_max, ratio_Jb_max)
! Given the radial profiles dP/dV and J_φ computes the following statics:
use const_and_precisions, only : pi
use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil
class(ray_projector), intent(in) :: self
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil
real(wp_), intent(in) :: dPdV(:), J_phi(:) ! dP/dV(ρ), J_φ(ρ) profiles
real(wp_), intent(out) :: rho_avg_P, drho_avg_P, dPdV_peak ! ⟨ρ_t⟩, Δρ_t, max dP/dV using dP/dV⋅dV as a PDF
real(wp_), intent(out) :: rho_avg_J, drho_avg_J, J_phi_peak ! ⟨ρ_t⟩, Δρ_t, max |J_φ| using |J_φ|⋅dA as a PDF
real(wp_), intent(out) :: rho_max_P, drho_max_P, dPdV_max ! argmax, full-width at max/e and max of dPdV
real(wp_), intent(out) :: rho_max_J, drho_max_J, J_phi_max ! argmax, full-width at max/e and max of |J_φ|
real(wp_), intent(out) :: ratio_Ja_max, ratio_Jb_max ! max of J_cd_astra/J_φ, J_cd_jintrac/J_φ
! local variables
real(wp_) :: P_tot, I_tot
real(wp_) :: dVdrho_t, dAdrho_t
integer :: i_max
! ⟨ρ_t⟩, Δρ_t using dP/dV⋅dV as a PDF
! Note: the factor √8 is to match the full-width at max/e of a Gaussian
P_tot = sum(dPdV*self%dV)
if (P_tot > 0) then
rho_avg_P = sum(self%rho_t * dPdV*self%dV)/P_tot
drho_avg_P = sqrt(8 * sum((self%rho_t - rho_avg_P)**2 * dPdV*self%dV)/P_tot)
rho_avg_P = 1
drho_avg_P = 0
end if
! ⟨ρ_t⟩, Δρ_t using |J_φ|⋅dA as a PDF
I_tot = sum(abs(J_phi)*self%dA)
if (I_tot > 0) then
rho_avg_J = sum(self%rho_t * abs(J_phi)*self%dA)/I_tot
drho_avg_J = sqrt(8* sum((self%rho_t - rho_avg_J)**2 * abs(J_phi)*self%dA)/I_tot)
rho_avg_J = 1
drho_avg_J = 0
end if
if (P_tot > 0) then
! Compute max of dP/dV as if it were a Gaussian
call equil%flux_average(equil%tor2pol(rho_avg_P), dVdrho_t=dVdrho_t)
dPdV_peak = P_tot * 2/(sqrt(pi) * drho_avg_P * dVdrho_t)
! Compute numerically argmax, max and full-width at max/e of dP/dV
call profwidth(self%rho_t, dPdV, i_max, drho_max_P)
rho_max_P = self%rho_t(i_max)
dPdV_max = dPdV(i_max)
dPdV_peak = 0
rho_max_P = 1
dPdV_max = 0
drho_max_P = 0
end if
if (I_tot > 0) then
! Compute max of J_φ as if it were a Gaussian
call equil%flux_average(equil%tor2pol(rho_avg_J), dAdrho_t=dAdrho_t, &
ratio_astra_tor=ratio_Ja_max, ratio_jintrac_tor=ratio_Jb_max)
J_phi_peak = sum(J_phi*self%dA) * 2/(sqrt(pi)*drho_avg_J*dAdrho_t)
! Compute numerically argmax, max and full-width at max/e of J_φ
call profwidth(self%rho_t, abs(J_phi), i_max, drho_max_J)
rho_max_J = self%rho_t(i_max)
J_phi_max = J_phi(i_max)
J_phi_peak = 0
rho_max_J = 1
J_phi_max = 0
drho_max_J = 0
ratio_Ja_max = 0
ratio_Jb_max = 0
end if
! Signal that J_φ has alternating sign
if ((I_tot - abs(sum(J_phi*self%dA)))/ I_tot > 0.1) then
rho_avg_J = -rho_avg_J
drho_avg_J = -drho_avg_J
rho_max_J = -rho_max_J
drho_max_J = -drho_max_J
end if
end subroutine statistics
subroutine profwidth(x, y, i_max, width)
! Computes the argmax and full-width at max/e of the curve y(x)
use const_and_precisions, only : emn1
use utils, only : locate_unord, linear_interp
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(:), y(:)
integer, intent(out) :: i_max
real(wp_), intent(out) :: width
! local variables
integer :: i, left, right
integer :: nsols, sols(size(y))
real(wp_) :: x_left, x_right
! Find maximum
i_max = maxloc(y, dim=1)
! Find width
width = 0
! Find solutions to y(x) = y_max⋅e⁻¹
call locate_unord(y, y(i_max)*emn1, sols, size(y), nsols)
if (nsols < 2) return
! Find the two closest solutions to the maximum
left = sols(1)
right = sols(nsols)
do i = 1, nsols
if (sols(i) > left .and. sols(i) < i_max) left = sols(i)
if (sols(i) < right .and. sols(i) > i_max) right = sols(i)
end do
! Interpolate linearly x(y) for better accuracy
x_left = linear_interp(y(left), x(left), y(left+1), x(left+1), y(i_max)*emn1)
x_right = linear_interp(y(right), x(right), y(right+1), x(right+1), y(i_max)*emn1)
width = x_right - x_left
end subroutine profwidth
end module gray_project