Michele Guerini Rocco eb64803913
replace coreprofiles module with an object
This change replaces the `coreprofiles` module with a new `gray_plasma`
module providing the same functionality without using global variables.

  - `read_profiles`, `read_profiles_an` are replaced by a single `load_plasma`
    routines that handles both profiles kind (numerical, analytical).

  - `scale_profiles` is merged into `load_plasma`, which besides reading
    the profiles from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
    on the `gray_parameters` settings.

  - `set_profiles_spline`, `set_profiles_an`, `unset_profiles_spline`
     are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.

  - `density`, `ftemp`, `fzeff` are replaced by the `abstract_plasma`
    type which provides the `dens`, `temp` and `zeff` methods for
    either `numeric_plasma` or `analytic_plasma` subtypes.
2024-08-30 10:36:51 +02:00

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! This module handles the loading, interpolation and evaluation of the
! plasma profiles (density, temperature, effective charge)
! The type `abstract_plasma` provides an abstract interface for
! accessing the profiles data; these implementations are available:
! - `numeric_plasma`, numerical data interpolated using splines
! - `analytic_plasma`, simple analytic model
module gray_plasma
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, zero
use splines, only : spline_simple, spline_1d
implicit none
! Generic plasma interface
type, abstract :: abstract_plasma
procedure(density_sub), deferred :: density
procedure(temp_fun), deferred :: temp
procedure(zeff_fun), deferred :: zeff
end type
! Analytical plasma description
type, extends(abstract_plasma) :: analytic_plasma
real(wp_) :: dens0 ! Density scaling factor
real(wp_) :: n1, n2 ! Density exponents
real(wp_) :: te0, te1 ! Temperature at ψ=0, ψ=1
real(wp_) :: t1, t2 ! Temperature exponents
real(wp_) :: z ! Effective charge
procedure :: density => analytic_density
procedure :: temp => analytic_temp
procedure :: zeff => analytic_zeff
end type
! Parameters of the C² polynomial tail of the density spline
type density_tail
real(wp_) :: start ! ψ₀, start of the tail
real(wp_) :: end ! ψ₁, end of the end
real(wp_) :: value ! s(ψ₀), value at the start
real(wp_) :: deriv1 ! s'(ψ₀), first derivative at the start
real(wp_) :: deriv2 ! s"(ψ₀), second derivative at the start
end type
! Numerical plasma description
type, extends(abstract_plasma) :: numeric_plasma
type(spline_1d) :: dens_spline
type(spline_simple) :: temp_spline
type(spline_simple) :: zeff_spline
type(density_tail) :: tail
procedure :: init => init_splines
procedure :: density => numeric_density
procedure :: temp => numeric_temp
procedure :: zeff => numeric_zeff
end type
abstract interface
subroutine density_sub(self, psin, dens, ddens)
! Computes the density its first derivative as a function of
! normalised poloidal flux.
! Note: density has units of 10¹⁹ m⁻³.
import :: abstract_plasma, wp_
class(abstract_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin ! normalised poloidal flux
real(wp_), intent(out) :: dens, ddens ! density and first derivative
end subroutine density_sub
function temp_fun(self, psin) result(temp)
! Computes the temperature as a function of the
! normalised poloidal flux.
! Note: temperature has units of keV.
import :: abstract_plasma, wp_
class(abstract_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_) :: temp
end function temp_fun
function zeff_fun(self, psin) result(zeff)
! Computes the effective charge Z_eff as a
! function of the normalised poloidal flux.
import :: abstract_plasma, wp_
class(abstract_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_) :: zeff
end function zeff_fun
end interface
! Parameters of the analytical profiles model
type analytic_model
real(wp_) :: dens0 ! Density scaling factor
real(wp_) :: n1, n2 ! Density exponents
real(wp_) :: te0, te1 ! Temperature at ψ=0, ψ=1
real(wp_) :: t1, t2 ! Temperature exponents
real(wp_) :: zeff ! Effective charge
end type
public abstract_plasma ! The abstract plasma object
public analytic_plasma, numeric_plasma ! Implementations
public load_plasma ! To load plasma from file
subroutine analytic_density(self, psin, dens, ddens)
! subroutine arguments
class(analytic_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin ! normalised poloidal flux
real(wp_), intent(out) :: dens, ddens ! density and first derivative
if (psin > 1) then
! Outside: the density and every derivative is identically zero
dens = 0
ddens = 0
! Inside: the density is given by n(ψ) = dens0⋅(1 - ψ^n1)^n2
dens = self%dens0 * (1 - psin**self%n1)**self%n2
ddens = -self%dens0 * self%n1*self%n2 * psin**(self%n1 - 1) &
* (1 - psin**self%n1)**(self%n2 - 1)
end if
end subroutine analytic_density
function analytic_temp(self, psin) result(temp)
! function arguments
class(analytic_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_) :: temp
! local variables
real(wp_) :: proft
if (psin >= 1 .or. psin < 0) then
! Outside: temperature is undefined, return 0
temp = 0
! Inside: the temperature is given by
! T(ψ) = (te0 - te1)⋅(1 - ψ^t1)^t2 + te1
proft = (1 - psin**self%t1)**self%t2
temp = (self%te0 - self%te1)*proft + self%te1
end if
end function analytic_temp
function analytic_zeff(self, psin) result(zeff)
! function arguments
class(analytic_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_) :: zeff
if (psin >= 1 .or. psin < 0) then
! Outside: Zeff is undefined, return 0
zeff = 0
! Inside: just a constant
zeff = self%z
end if
end function analytic_zeff
subroutine numeric_density(self, psin, dens, ddens)
use logger, only : log_error
! subroutine arguments
class(numeric_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_), intent(out) :: dens, ddens
! local variables
character(256) :: msg ! for log messages formatting
! Initialise both to zero
dens = 0
ddens = 0
! Bail out when ψ is not available
if (psin < 0) return
! Past the tail end both density and its
! derivatives are identically zero
if (psin >= self%tail%end) return
if (psin < self%tail%start) then
! Use the interpolating spline when in range
! Evaluate the spline
dens = self%dens_spline%eval(psin)
ddens = self%dens_spline%deriv(psin)
! Evaluate the spline 1st derivative
if (abs(dens) < 1.0e-10_wp_) dens = zero
! Use a C² polynomial extension outside (ψ > ψ₀)
! The tail consists of the product p(ψ)⋅h(t), where:
! - p(ψ) is the 2nd order Taylor polynomial of the spline,
! centered at ψ₀. See set_profiles_spline for details.
! - h(t) is a "smoothing" polynomial in the variable
! t = (ψ - ψ₀)/(ψ₁ - ψ₀), defined as:
! h(t) = (1 - t)³⋅(1 + 3t + 6t²)
! with the following properties:
! h(0) = 1 h'(0)=0 h"(0)=0
! h(1) = 0 h'(1)=0 h"(1)=0
real(wp_) :: dpsi, t, p, dp, h, dh
dpsi = psin - self%tail%start ! Δψ = (ψ - ψ₀)
! Taylor polynomial p(ψ) and its derivative
p = self%tail%value + dpsi*self%tail%deriv1 + dpsi**2*self%tail%deriv2/2
dp = self%tail%deriv1 + dpsi*self%tail%deriv2
! Smoothing polynomial h(t) and its derivative
t = dpsi/(self%tail%end - self%tail%start)
h = (1 - t)**3 * (1 + 3*t + 6*t**2)
dh = -30*(1 - t)**2 * t**2 / (self%tail%end - self%tail%start)
dens = p*h
ddens = dp*h + p*dh
end block
end if
if (dens < 0) then
write (msg, '("negative density:", 2(x,a,"=",g0.3))') &
'ne', dens, 'ψ', psin
call log_error(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='density')
end if
end subroutine numeric_density
function numeric_temp(self, psin) result(temp)
! function arguments
class(numeric_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_) :: temp
temp = 0
! Outside: temperature is undefined, return 0
if (psin >= 1 .or. psin < 0) return
! Inside: use the interpolated numerical data
temp = self%temp_spline%eval(psin)
end function numeric_temp
function numeric_zeff(self, psin) result(zeff)
! function arguments
class(numeric_plasma), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_) :: zeff
zeff = 1
! Outside: Zeff is undefined, return 1
if (psin >= 1 .or. psin < 0) return
! Inside: use the interpolated numerical data
zeff = self%zeff_spline%eval(psin)
end function numeric_zeff
subroutine load_plasma(params, plasma, err)
use gray_params, only : gray_parameters
use gray_params, only : PROF_ANALYTIC, PROF_NUMERIC
use gray_params, only : RHO_TOR, RHO_POL, RHO_PSI
use logger, only : log_error, log_debug
use equilibrium, only : frhopol
! subroutine arguments
type(gray_parameters), intent(inout) :: params
class(abstract_plasma), allocatable, intent(out) :: plasma
integer, intent(out) :: err
! local variables
integer :: u ! unit number
real(wp_) :: at, an, fact ! rescaling exponents and factor
type(numeric_plasma) :: np
type(analytic_plasma) :: ap
open(file=params%profiles%filenm, status='old', &
action='read', newunit=u, iostat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
call log_error( &
'opening profiles file ('//trim(params%profiles%filenm)//') failed!', &
mod='coreprofiles', proc='load_plasma')
err = 1
end if
! Set appropriate rescaling factors
select case(params%profiles%iscal)
call log_debug('rescaling preserving ν*', mod='coreprofiles', proc='load_plasma')
at = 2/3.0_wp_
an = 4/3.0_wp_
fact = params%equilibrium%factb
call log_debug('rescaling preserving n_G', mod='coreprofiles', proc='load_plasma')
at = 1
an = 1
fact = params%equilibrium%factb
case (SCALE_OFF)
at = 1
an = 1
fact = 1
end select
select case(params%profiles%iprof)
! The analytical file format is:
! 1 dens0 n1 n2
! 2 te0 te1 t1 t2
! 3 zeff
call log_debug('loading analytical file', mod='coreprofiles', proc='load_plasma')
! Read model parameters
read (u, *) ap%dens0, ap%n1, ap%n2
read (u, *) ap%te0, ap%te1, ap%t1, ap%t2
read (u, *) ap%z
! Apply rescaling factors
ap%dens0 = ap%dens0 * fact**an * params%profiles%factne
ap%te0 = ap%te0 * fact**at * params%profiles%factte
ap%te1 = ap%te1 * fact**at * params%profiles%factte
allocate(plasma, source=ap)
! The numerical file format is:
! 1 nrows
! 2 ψ_n T_e n_e Z_eff
! 3 ...
call log_debug('loading numerical file', mod='coreprofiles', proc='load_plasma')
integer :: i, nrows
real(wp_), allocatable, dimension(:) :: psi, temp, dens, zeff
! Read header and allocate arrays
read(u, *) nrows
allocate(psi(nrows), temp(nrows), dens(nrows), zeff(nrows))
! Read the table rows
do i=1, nrows
read(u, *) psi(i), temp(i), dens(i), zeff(i)
end do
! ??
psi(1) = max(psi(1), zero)
! Apply rescaling factors
dens = dens * fact**an * params%profiles%factne
temp = temp * fact**at * params%profiles%factte
! Convert psi to ψ_n (normalised poloidal flux)
select case (params%profiles%irho)
case (RHO_TOR) ! psi is ρ_t = √Φ_n (toroidal flux)
psi = [(frhopol(psi(i))**2, i=1,nrows)]
case (RHO_POL) ! psi is ρ_p = √ψ_n (poloidal flux)
psi = psi**2
case (RHO_PSI) ! psi is already ψ_n
end select
! Interpolate
call np%init(params, psi, temp, dens, zeff, err)
end block
allocate(plasma, source=np)
end select
end subroutine load_plasma
subroutine init_splines(self, params, psi, temp, dens, zeff, err)
! Computes splines for the plasma profiles data and stores them
! in their respective global variables, see the top of this file.
! `err` is 1 if I/O errors occured, 2 if other initialisation failed.
use gray_params, only : gray_parameters
use logger, only : log_debug, log_info, log_warning, log_error
! subroutine arguments
class(numeric_plasma), intent(out) :: self
type(gray_parameters), intent(inout) :: params
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: psi, temp, dens, zeff
integer, intent(out) :: err
! local variables
integer :: n
! for log messages formatting
character(256) :: msg
n = size(psi)
! Spline interpolation of temperature and effective charge
call self%temp_spline%init(psi, temp, n)
call self%zeff_spline%init(psi, zeff, n)
! Spline interpolation of density (smooth spline)
call self%dens_spline%init(psi, dens, n, range=[zero, psi(n)], &
tension=params%profiles%sspld, err=err)
! Tension is very small, re-fit with an interpolating spline
if (err == -1) then
call log_warning('re-fitting with density curve with zero tension', &
mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
call self%dens_spline%init(psi, dens, n, range=[zero, psi(n)], tension=zero)
else if (err > 0) then
write (msg, '(a, g0)') 'density fit failed with error ', err
call log_error(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
err = 2
err = 0
end if
! Computation of the polynomial tail parameters
! Note: The density is the only quantity that needs to be evaluated
! at the edge. The spline thus has to be extended to transition
! smoothly from the last profile point to 0 outside the plasma.
real(wp_) :: s0, s1, s2 ! spline, 1st, 2nd derivative
real(wp_) :: delta4 ! discriminant Δ/4 of q(x)
real(wp_) :: x0, x1 ! vertex of q(x), solution
! Compute the coefficients of a 2nd order Taylor polinomial to
! extend the spline beyond the last point:
! p(ψ) = s(ψ₀) + (ψ - ψ₀)s'(ψ₀) + ½(ψ - ψ₀)²s"(ψ₀)
! where s(ψ) is the spline and ψ₀ the last point.
s0 = self%dens_spline%eval(psi(n))
s1 = self%dens_spline%deriv(psi(n), order=1)
s2 = self%dens_spline%deriv(psi(n), order=2)
! Determine where to end the tail (to ensure the density remains
! positive) from the zeros of the Taylor polynomial p(ψ)
! Define x=(ψ - ψ₀), then p(ψ)=0 is rewritten as
! q(x) = x² + 2s'/s" x + 2s/s" = 0
! The discriminant is Δ/4 = (s'/s")² - 2(s/s") and
! the solutions are x = x₀ ± √(Δ/4), with x₀ = -s'/s".
x0 = -s1 / s2 ! vertex of parabola y=q(x)
delta4 = (s1 / s2)**2 - 2*s0/s2 ! Δ/4 of q(x)
if (delta4 > 0) then
! Pick the smallest positive zero (implying >ψ₀)
x1 = x0 + sign(sqrt(delta4), sqrt(delta4) - x0)
! There are no zeros, use the parabola vertex
x1 = x0
call log_debug('spline extension has no zeros', &
mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
end if
! Store the tail parameters
self%tail%start = psi(n)
self%tail%end = self%tail%start + x1
self%tail%value = s0
self%tail%deriv1 = s1
self%tail%deriv2 = s2
end block
! Make sure the wave launcher does not fall inside the tail
! Note: if it does, the initial wave conditions become
! invalid as they are given assuming a vacuum (N=1)
use equilibrium, only : pol_flux
use const_and_precisions, only : cm
real(wp_) :: R, Z, psi
! Convert from cartesian to cylindrical coordinates
associate (launch_pos => params%antenna%pos)
R = hypot(launch_pos(1), launch_pos(2)) * cm ! R = √(x²+y²)
z = launch_pos(3) * cm
end associate
! Get the poloidal flux at the launcher
! Note: this returns -1 when the data is not available
call pol_flux(R, z, psi)
if (psi > self%tail%start .and. psi < self%tail%end) then
! Fall back to the midpoint of ψ₀ and the launcher ψ
call log_warning('downscaled tail to not reach the wave launcher', &
mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
write (msg, '(a, g0.3, a, g0.3, " → ", g0.3)') &
'launcher: ψ=', psi, ' boundary: ψ=', self%tail%end, (self%tail%start + psi)/2
call log_debug(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
self%tail%end = (self%tail%start + psi)/2
end if
if (psi > 0 .and. psi < self%tail%start) then
! This must be a user error, stop here
write (msg, '(a, a, g0.3, a, g0.3)') &
'wave launcher is inside the plasma! ', &
'launcher: ψ=', psi, ' boundary: ψ=', self%tail%end
call log_error(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
err = 2
end if
end block
! Set the density boundary ψ
! Note: this is used to detect entrance in the plasma
params%profiles%psnbnd = self%tail%end
write (msg, '(a,g0.4)') 'density boundary: ψ=', self%tail%end
call log_info(msg, mod='coreprofiles', proc='init_splines')
end subroutine init_splines
end module gray_plasma