Michele Guerini Rocco a4d44933e2
stop re-exporting gray parameters as globals
This is a first step in removing all the global variables from gray.
2024-10-07 16:19:32 +02:00

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module pec
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
implicit none
real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: rhop_tab,rhot_tab
real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: rtabpsi1
real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: dvol,darea
real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: ratjav,ratjbv,ratjplv
subroutine pec_init(params, rt_in)
use gray_params, only : output_parameters, RHO_POL
use equilibrium, only : frhotor, frhopol
use magsurf_data, only : fluxval
! subroutine arguments
type(output_parameters), intent(in) :: params
real(wp_), intent(in), optional :: rt_in(params%nrho)
! local variables
integer :: it
real(wp_) :: drt, rt, rt1, rhop1
real(wp_) :: ratjai, ratjbi, ratjpli
real(wp_) :: voli0, voli1, areai0, areai1
associate(n => params%nrho)
! rt_in present: read input grid
! else: build equidistant grid dimension n
! ipec=0 ρ_t grid
! ipec=1 ρ_p grid
call dealloc_pec
allocate(rhop_tab(n), rhot_tab(n), rtabpsi1(0:n))
allocate(dvol(n), darea(n), ratjav(n), ratjbv(n), ratjplv(n))
voli0 = 0
areai0 = 0
rtabpsi1(0) = 0
do it = 1, n
if(present(rt_in)) then
! read radial grid from input
rt = rt_in(it)
if (it < n) then
drt = rt_in(it+1)-rt
end if
! build equidistant radial grid
drt = 1/dble(n - 1)
rt = (it - 1)*drt
end if
! radial coordinate of i-(i+1) interval mid point
if (it < n) then
rt1 = rt + drt/2
rt1 = 1
end if
if (params%ipec == RHO_POL) then
rhop_tab(it) = rt
rhot_tab(it) = frhotor(rt)
rhop1 = rt1
rhot_tab(it) = rt
rhop_tab(it) = frhopol(rt)
rhop1 = frhopol(rt1)
end if
! psi grid at mid points, size n+1, for use in pec_tab
rtabpsi1(it) = rhop1**2
call fluxval(rhop1,area=areai1,vol=voli1)
dvol(it) = abs(voli1 - voli0)
darea(it) = abs(areai1 - areai0)
voli0 = voli1
areai0 = areai1
call fluxval(rhop_tab(it),ratja=ratjai,ratjb=ratjbi,ratjpl=ratjpli)
ratjav(it) = ratjai
ratjbv(it) = ratjbi
ratjplv(it) = ratjpli
end do
end associate
end subroutine pec_init
subroutine spec(psjki, ppabs, ccci, iiv, pabs, &
currt, dpdv, ajphiv, ajcd, pins, currins)
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: psjki, ppabs, ccci
integer, intent(in) :: iiv(:)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: pabs, currt
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: dpdv, ajphiv, ajcd, pins, currins
! local variables
integer :: i, ii, jk
real(wp_) :: spds, sccs, facpds, facjs
real(wp_), dimension(size(psjki, dim=2)) :: xxi, ypt, yamp
real(wp_), dimension(size(dpdv)) :: wdpdv, wajphiv
! calculation of dP and dI over radial grid
dpdv = 0
ajphiv = 0
do jk = 1, size(iiv)
ii = iiv(jk)
if (ii < size(psjki, dim=2)) then
if (psjki(jk,ii+1) /= 0) ii = ii + 1 !!! CHECK
end if
xxi = 0
ypt = 0
yamp = 0
do i = 1, ii
if(xxi(i) <= 1) then
ypt(i) = ppabs(jk,i)
yamp(i) = ccci(jk,i)
end if
end do
call pec_tab(xxi, ypt, yamp, ii, rtabpsi1, wdpdv, wajphiv)
dpdv = dpdv + wdpdv
ajphiv = ajphiv + wajphiv
end do
! here dpdv is still dP (not divided yet by dV)
! here ajphiv is still dI (not divided yet by dA)
spds = 0
sccs = 0
do i = 1, size(dpdv)
spds = spds + dpdv(i)
sccs = sccs + ajphiv(i)
pins(i) = spds
currins(i) = sccs
end do
facpds = 1
facjs = 1
if(spds > 0) facpds = pabs / spds
if(sccs /= 0) facjs = currt / sccs
dpdv = facpds * (dpdv / dvol)
ajphiv = facjs * (ajphiv / darea)
ajcd = ajphiv * ratjbv
pins = facpds * pins
currins = facjs * currins
! now dpdv is dP/dV [MW/m^3]
! now ajphiv is J_phi=dI/dA [MA/m^2]
end subroutine spec
subroutine pec_tab(xxi, ypt, yamp, ii, xtab1, wdpdv, wajphiv)
! Power and current projected on ψ grid - mid points
use utils, only : locatex, intlin
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xxi, ypt, yamp
integer, intent(in) :: ii
real(wp_), dimension(0:), intent(in) :: xtab1
real(wp_), dimension(ubound(xtab1, 1)), intent(out) :: wdpdv, wajphiv
! local variables
integer :: isev(21)
real(wp_) :: ppa1, ppa2, cci1, cci2, dppa, didst, rt1
integer :: i, is, ise0, idecr, iise0, iise, iis, iis1
integer :: ind1, ind2, iind, ind, indi, itb1
isev = 0
ise0 = 0
idecr = -1
is = 1
wdpdv = 0
wajphiv = 0
do i=1,ii
if(ise0 == 0) then
if(xxi(i) < 1) then
ise0 = i
isev(is) = max(i - 1, 1)
is = is + 1
end if
if (idecr == -1) then
if(xxi(i) > xxi(i-1)) then
isev(is) = i - 1
is = is + 1
idecr = 1
end if
if(xxi(i) > 1) exit
if(xxi(i) < xxi(i-1)) then
isev(is) = i - 1
is = is + 1
idecr = -1
end if
end if
end if
end do
isev(is) = i-1
ppa1 = 0
cci1 = 0
do iis = 1, is-1
iis1 = iis + 1
iise0 = isev(iis)
iise = isev(iis1)
if (mod(iis,2) /= 0) then
idecr = -1
ind1 = size(wdpdv)
ind2 = 2
iind = -1
idecr = 1
ind1 = 1
ind2 = size(wdpdv)
iind = 1
end if
do ind = ind1, ind2, iind
indi = ind
if (idecr == -1) indi = ind - 1
rt1 = xtab1(indi)
call locatex(xxi,iise,iise0,iise,rt1,itb1)
if (itb1 >= iise0 .and. itb1 <= iise) then
if(itb1 == iise) then
call intlin(xxi(itb1), ypt(itb1),xxi(itb1+1), ypt(itb1+1),rt1,ppa2)
call intlin(xxi(itb1),yamp(itb1),xxi(itb1+1),yamp(itb1+1),rt1,cci2)
end if
dppa = ppa2 - ppa1
didst = cci2 - cci1
wdpdv(ind) = wdpdv(ind) + dppa
wajphiv(ind) = wajphiv(ind) + didst
ppa1 = ppa2
cci1 = cci2
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine pec_tab
subroutine postproc_profiles(pabs,currt,rhot_tab,dpdv,ajphiv, &
rhotpav,drhotpav,rhotjava,drhotjava,dpdvp, ajphip, &
rhotp, drhotp, rhotjfi, drhotjfi, dpdvmx,ajmxfi, ratjamx, ratjbmx)
! Radial average values over power and current density profile
use const_and_precisions, only : pi, comp_eps
use equilibrium, only : frhopol
use magsurf_data, only : fluxval
real(wp_), intent(in) :: pabs,currt
real(wp_), intent(in) :: rhot_tab(:)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: dpdv(:), ajphiv(:)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: rhotpav, drhotpav, dpdvp
real(wp_), intent(out) :: rhotjava, drhotjava, ajphip
real(wp_), intent(out) :: rhotp, drhotp, dpdvmx
real(wp_), intent(out) :: rhotjfi, drhotjfi, ajmxfi
real(wp_), intent(out) :: ratjamx, ratjbmx
real(wp_) :: sccsa, ratjplmx, rhopjava, rhoppav
real(wp_) :: rhotjav, rhot2pav, rhot2java, dvdrhotav, dadrhotava
rhotpav = 0
rhot2pav = 0
rhotjav = 0
rhotjava = 0
rhot2java = 0
if (pabs > 0) then
rhotpav = sum(rhot_tab *dpdv*dvol)/pabs
rhot2pav = sum(rhot_tab**2*dpdv*dvol)/pabs
end if
if (abs(currt) > 0) then
rhotjav = sum(rhot_tab*ajphiv*darea)/currt
end if
sccsa = sum(abs(ajphiv)*darea)
if (sccsa > 0) then
rhotjava = sum(rhot_tab *abs(ajphiv)*darea)/sccsa
rhot2java = sum(rhot_tab**2*abs(ajphiv)*darea)/sccsa
end if
! factor sqrt(8) = 2sqrt(2) to match full width of gaussian profile
drhotpav = sqrt(8._wp_*(max(rhot2pav -rhotpav**2,comp_eps)))
drhotjava = sqrt(8._wp_*(max(rhot2java-rhotjava**2,comp_eps)))
rhoppav = frhopol(rhotpav)
rhopjava = frhopol(rhotjava)
if (pabs > 0) then
call fluxval(rhoppav,dvdrhot=dvdrhotav)
dpdvp = pabs*2.0_wp_/(sqrt(pi)*drhotpav*dvdrhotav)
call profwidth(rhot_tab,dpdv,rhotp,dpdvmx,drhotp)
dpdvp = 0
rhotp = 0
dpdvmx = 0
drhotp = 0
end if
if (sccsa > 0) then
call fluxval(rhopjava,dadrhot=dadrhotava,ratja=ratjamx,ratjb=ratjbmx, &
ajphip = currt*2.0_wp_/(sqrt(pi)*drhotjava*dadrhotava)
call profwidth(rhot_tab,ajphiv,rhotjfi,ajmxfi,drhotjfi)
ajphip = 0
rhotjfi = 0
ajmxfi = 0
drhotjfi = 0
ratjamx = 0
ratjbmx = 0
end if
end subroutine postproc_profiles
subroutine profwidth(xx,yy,xpk,ypk,dxxe)
use const_and_precisions, only : emn1
use utils, only : locatex, locate, intlin, vmaxmini
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: xx(:), yy(:)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: xpk, ypk, dxxe
! local variables
integer :: imn,imx,ipk,ie
real(wp_) :: xmn,xmx,ymn,ymx,xpkp,xpkm,yye,rte1,rte2
real(wp_) :: ypkp,ypkm
call vmaxmini(yy,size(yy),ymn,ymx,imn,imx)
ypk = 0
xmx = xx(imx)
xmn = xx(imn)
if (abs(ymx) > abs(ymn)) then
ipk = imx
ypkp = ymx
xpkp = xmx
if(abs(ymn/ymx) < 1.0e-2_wp_) ymn = 0.0_wp_
ypkm = ymn
xpkm = xmn
ipk = imn
ypkp = ymn
xpkp = xmn
if(abs(ymx/ymn) < 1.0e-2_wp_) ymx = 0.0_wp_
ypkm = ymx
xpkm = xmx
end if
if(xpkp > 0) then
xpk = xpkp
ypk = ypkp
yye = ypk*emn1
call locatex(yy,size(yy),1,ipk,yye,ie)
if(ie > 0 .and. ie < size(yy)) then
call intlin(yy(ie),xx(ie),yy(ie+1),xx(ie+1),yye,rte1)
rte1 = 0
end if
call locatex(yy,size(yy),ipk,size(yy),yye,ie)
if(ie > 0 .and. ie < size(yy)) then
call intlin(yy(ie),xx(ie),yy(ie+1),xx(ie+1),yye,rte2)
rte2 = 0
end if
call locate(yy,size(yy),yye,ie)
if(ie > 0 .and. ie < size(yy)) then
call intlin(yy(ie),xx(ie),yy(ie+1),xx(ie+1),yye,rte2)
rte2 = 0
end if
end if
dxxe = rte2 - rte1
if(ymx /= 0 .and. ymn /= 0) dxxe = -dxxe
end subroutine profwidth
subroutine dealloc_pec
if (allocated(rhop_tab)) deallocate(rhop_tab)
if (allocated(rhot_tab)) deallocate(rhot_tab)
if (allocated(rtabpsi1)) deallocate(rtabpsi1)
if (allocated(dvol)) deallocate(dvol)
if (allocated(darea)) deallocate(darea)
if (allocated(ratjav)) deallocate(ratjav)
if (allocated(ratjbv)) deallocate(ratjbv)
if (allocated(ratjplv)) deallocate(ratjplv)
end subroutine dealloc_pec
end module pec