Lorenzo Figini 86ff5ecb06
improve inside and move it to utils.f90
This slightly improves the performance of inside.
For a ~100 points contour the instructions cost is reduced by ~5%.
2024-02-09 11:16:18 +01:00

903 lines
36 KiB
Raw Blame History

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module beams
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, one
implicit none
subroutine read_beam0(params, err, unit)
! Reads the wave launcher parameters for the simple case
! where w(z) and 1/R(z) are fixed.
! The file should be formatted as follows:
! 1 f
! 2 x₀ y₀ z₀
! 3 w₀₁ w₀₂ d₀₁ d₀₂ φ
! where:
! - f is the frequency (GHz)
! - x₀, y₀, z₀ are the launcher position (cm)
! - w₀₁,w₀₂ are the beam waists in the two principal directions (cm)
! - d₀₁,d₀₂ are the distances of the beam waists from the launch
! point (cm)
! - φ is the rotation angle from the horizontal direction to the
! first principal direction (deg)
! Note: this case implies simple astigmatism, i.e. the
! amplitude and phase ellipses in the transverse plane
! are aligned.
use const_and_precisions, only : pi, vc=>ccgs_
use gray_params, only : antenna_parameters
use utils, only : get_free_unit
use logger, only : log_error
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
type(antenna_parameters), intent(inout) :: params
integer, intent(out) :: err
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
! local variables
integer :: u
real(wp_) :: k0, w0(2), d0(2), z_R(2), phi
u = get_free_unit(unit)
open(unit=u, file=params%filenm, status='old', action='read', iostat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
call log_error('opening beams file ('//trim(params%filenm)//') failed!', &
mod='beams', proc="read_beam0")
end if
read(u, *) params%fghz ! Wave frequency (GHz)
read(u, *) params%pos ! Launcher position (Cartesian coordinates)
read(u, *) w0, & ! Beam waists (in the ξ,η axes)
d0, & ! Waists (along ξ,η axes) distance from launcher
phi ! rotation angle from horizontal direction to
! ξ axis in the transverse plane
! Wavevector k₀
k0 = 2.0e9_wp_* pi * params%fghz / vc
! Rayleigh ranges in the ξ, η directions:
! z_R = ½k₀w₀²
z_R = k0/2 * w0**2
! Beam widths in the ξ, η directions at z=0:
! w² = w₀² (1 + z₀²/z_R²)
params%w = w0 * sqrt(1 + (d0/z_R)**2)
! Curvature in the ξ, η directions at z=0:
! K = 1/R = (z-z₀)/[(z-z₀)² + z_R²]
params%ri = -d0 / (d0**2 + z_R**2)
! Ellipse axes angle
params%phi = phi
end subroutine read_beam0
subroutine read_beam1(params, err, unit)
! Reads the wave launcher parameters for the case
! where w(z, α) and 1/R(z, α) depend on the launcher angle α.
! Format notes:
! 1. The first two lines contain the frequency in GHz
! and the number of rows.
! 2. The rest of file is a table with the following columns:
! θ, α, β, x₀, y₀, z₀, w₁, w₂, k₁, k₂, φ_w, φ_R
! 3 The meaning of the columns is
! - θ is the mechanical steering angle (unused)
! - α, β are the poloidal and toroidal launch angles (deg)
! - x₀, y₀, z₀ are the launcher position (mm)
! - w₁,w₂ are the beam widths in the two principal directions (mm)
! - k₁,k₂ are the wavefront curvatures in the two principal
! directions (mm⁻¹)
! - φ_w, φ_R are the rotation angles of the amplitude and phase
! ellipses in the transverse plane at the launch point (deg)
use gray_params, only : antenna_parameters
use splines, only : spline_simple
use utils, only : get_free_unit,locate
use logger, only : log_error
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
type(antenna_parameters), intent(inout) :: params
integer, intent(out) :: err
integer, optional, intent(in) :: unit
! local variables
integer :: u, nisteer, i, k, ii
real(wp_) :: steer, dal
real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
alphastv, betastv, x00v, y00v, &
z00v, waist1v, waist2v, rci1v, rci2v, phi1v, phi2v
type(spline_simple) :: beta, waist1, waist2, &
rci1, rci2, phi1, phi2, &
x0, y0, z0
u = get_free_unit(unit)
open(unit=u, file=params%filenm, status='old', action='read', iostat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
call log_error('opening beams file ('//trim(params%filenm)//') failed!', &
mod='beams', proc="read_beam1")
end if
read(u,*) params%fghz
read(u,*) nisteer
allocate(alphastv(nisteer), betastv(nisteer), waist1v(nisteer), &
waist2v(nisteer), rci1v(nisteer), rci2v(nisteer), &
phi1v(nisteer), phi2v(nisteer), x00v(nisteer), &
y00v(nisteer), z00v(nisteer))
do i=1,nisteer
read(u, *) steer, alphastv(i), betastv(i), &
x00v(i), y00v(i), z00v(i), &
waist1v(i), waist2v(i), &
rci1v(i), rci2v(i), &
phi1v(i), phi2v(i)
end do
! initial beam data measured in mm -> transformed to cm
x00v = 0.1_wp_ * x00v
y00v = 0.1_wp_ * y00v
z00v = 0.1_wp_ * z00v
waist1v = 0.1_wp_ * waist1v
waist2v = 0.1_wp_ * waist2v
rci1v = 10 * rci1v
rci2v = 10 * rci2v
call beta%init(alphastv, betastv, nisteer)
call waist1%init(alphastv, waist1v, nisteer)
call waist2%init(alphastv, waist2v, nisteer)
call rci1%init(alphastv, rci1v, nisteer)
call rci2%init(alphastv, rci2v, nisteer)
call phi1%init(alphastv, phi1v, nisteer)
call phi2%init(alphastv, phi2v, nisteer)
call x0%init(alphastv, x00v, nisteer)
call y0%init(alphastv, y00v, nisteer)
call z0%init(alphastv, z00v, nisteer)
if((params%alpha > alphastv(1)) .and. (params%alpha < alphastv(nisteer))) then
call locate(alphastv, nisteer, params%alpha , k)
dal = params%alpha - alphastv(k)
params%beta = beta%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%pos(1) = x0%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%pos(2) = y0%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%pos(3) = z0%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%w(1) = waist1%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%w(2) = waist2%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%ri(1) = rci1%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%ri(2) = rci2%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%phi(1) = phi1%raw_eval(k, dal)
params%phi(2) = phi2%raw_eval(k, dal)
! params%alpha outside table range
if(params%alpha >= alphastv(nisteer)) ii=nisteer
if(params%alpha <= alphastv(1)) ii=1
params%alpha = alphastv(ii)
params%beta = betastv(ii)
params%pos(1) = x00v(ii)
params%pos(2) = y00v(ii)
params%pos(3) = z00v(ii)
params%w(1) = waist1v(ii)
params%w(2) = waist2v(ii)
params%ri(1) = rci1v(ii)
params%ri(2) = rci2v(ii)
params%phi(1) = phi1v(ii)
params%phi(2) = phi2v(ii)
end if
deallocate(alphastv, betastv, waist1v, waist2v, &
rci1v, rci2v, phi1v, phi2v, &
x00v, y00v, z00v)
call beta%deinit
call waist1%deinit
call waist2%deinit
call rci1%deinit
call rci2%deinit
call phi1%deinit
call phi2%deinit
call x0%deinit
call y0%deinit
call z0%deinit
end subroutine read_beam1
subroutine read_beam2(params, beamid, err, unit)
! Reads the wave launcher parameters for the general case
! where w(z, α, β) and 1/R(z, α, β) depend on the launcher angles α, β.
! Format notes:
! 1. The first line contains the number N of beams defined in the file
! 2. The following N lines contain the following data for each of the
! N beams:
! ID,iox,f,na,nb
! 3. The meaning of the data is
! - ID is a label to identify the beam
! - iox=1,2 is a flag to select O-mode (1) or X-mode (2) polarization
! - f is the wave frequency (GHz)
! - n*m is the number of rows of the corresponding table below with
! the beam parameters.
! * If the beam steering is fixed: na=nb=1
! * For a steering around a single axis:
! na>1 and nb=1, or na=1 and nb>1.
! * For a steering with two independent axes:
! n>1 and m>1.
! The row number l of the following table is mapped to two indexes
! i,j (1≤i≤na, 1≤j≤nb) via l=i+na*(j-1), i.e., the index i "runs
! faster".
! Index i is assumed to be associated to a steering mainly in the
! poloidal direction and the poloidal launch angle α(i,j) must be
! monotonous along its first dimension.
! Index j is assumed to be associated to a steering mainly in the
! toroidal direction and the toroidal launch angle β(i,j) must be
! monotonous along its second dimension.
! 4. The rest of file is a sequence of N tables with the following
! columns:
! α, β, x₀, y₀, z₀, w₁, w₂, k₁, k₂, φ_w, φ_R
! 5. The meaning of the columns is
! - α, β are the poloidal and toroidal launch angles (deg)
! - x₀, y₀, z₀ are the launcher position (mm)
! - w₁,w₂ are the beam widths in the two principal directions (mm)
! - k₁,k₂ are the wavefront curvatures in the two principal
! directions (mm⁻¹)
! - φ_w, φ_R are the rotation angles of the amplitude and phase
! ellipses in the transverse plane at the launch point (deg)
use gray_params, only : antenna_parameters
use utils, only : get_free_unit, intlin, locate, inside
use dierckx, only : curfit, splev, surfit, bispev
use logger, only : log_error
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
type(antenna_parameters), intent(inout) :: params
integer, intent(in) :: beamid
integer, intent(out), optional :: err
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
! local variables
character(len=20) :: beamname
integer :: u
integer :: i, ier, nisteer, fdeg, jumprow, nbeam, nalpha, nbeta
integer :: iopt, incheck, nxcoord, nycoord, nxest, nyest, lwrk, kwrk
integer :: nxwaist1, nywaist1, nxwaist2, nywaist2, nxrci1, nyrci1, nxrci2
integer :: nyrci2, nxphi1, nyphi1, nxphi2, nyphi2, nxx0, nyx0, nxy0, nyy0
integer :: nxz0, nyz0, kx, ky, ii, npolyg, nmax, lwrk2, in
integer :: nxycoord
integer, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: iwrk
real(wp_) :: alphast,betast, waist1, waist2, rci1, rci2, phi1, phi2
real(wp_) :: fp, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, eps, xcoord0, ycoord0
real(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: x00v, y00v, z00v, alphastv, &
betastv, waist1v, waist2v, rci1v, rci2v, phi1v, phi2v, xcoord, &
ycoord, wrk, txwaist1, tywaist1, txwaist2, tywaist2, &
txrci1, tyrci1, txrci2, tyrci2, txphi1, typhi1, txphi2, typhi2, &
txx0, tyx0, txy0, tyy0, txz0, tyz0, txycoord, cycoord, cwaist1, &
cwaist2, crci1, crci2, cphi1,cphi2, cx0, cy0, cz0, w, wrk2, &
xpolyg, ypolyg, xpolygA, ypolygA, xpolygB, ypolygB, xpolygC, &
ypolygC, xpolygD, ypolygD, xoutA, youtA, xoutB, youtB, xoutC, youtC
real(wp_), DIMENSION(4) :: xvert, yvert
real(wp_), dimension(1) :: fi
integer, parameter :: kspl=1
real(wp_), parameter :: sspl=0.01_wp_
u = get_free_unit(unit)
open(unit=u, file=params%filenm, status='old', action='read', iostat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
call log_error('opening beams file ('//trim(params%filenm)//') failed!', &
mod='beams', proc="read_beam1")
end if
! # of beams
read(u,*) nbeam
! unused beams' data
! c====================================================================================
do i=1,beamid-1
read(u,*) beamname, params%iox, params%fghz, nalpha, nbeta
jumprow = jumprow+nalpha*nbeta
end do
! c====================================================================================
! beam of interest
read(u,*) beamname, params%iox, params%fghz, nalpha, nbeta
! c====================================================================================
! unused beams' data grids
do i=1,(nbeam - beamid)
read(u,*) beamname
end do
do i=1,jumprow
read(u,*) alphast,betast,params%pos(1),params%pos(2),params%pos(3),waist1,waist2,rci1,rci2,phi1,phi2
end do
! c====================================================================================
! # of elements in beam data grid
nisteer = nalpha*nbeta
allocate(alphastv(nisteer),betastv(nisteer),waist1v(nisteer), &
waist2v(nisteer),rci1v(nisteer),rci2v(nisteer),phi1v(nisteer), &
phi2v(nisteer),x00v(nisteer),y00v(nisteer),z00v(nisteer), &
! c====================================================================================
! beam data grid reading
do i=1,nisteer
read(u,*) alphast,betast,params%pos(1),params%pos(2),params%pos(3),waist1,waist2,rci1,rci2,phi1,phi2
! initial beam data (params%pos(1), params%pos(2), params%pos(3)) are measured in mm -> transformed to cm
end do
! c====================================================================================
! fdeg = 0 alpha, beta free variables
! 1 alpha free variable
! 2 beta free variable
! 3 no free variables
fdeg = 2*(1/nalpha) + 1/nbeta
! no free variables
if(fdeg.eq.3) then
deallocate(alphastv,betastv,waist1v,waist2v,rci1v,rci2v,phi1v, &
end if
if(fdeg.eq.2) then
! beta = independent variable
! alpha = dependent variable
xcoord = betastv
ycoord = alphastv
xcoord0 = params%beta
ycoord0 = params%alpha
! c====================================================================================
! c====================================================================================
! alpha = independent variable
! beta = dependent/independent (fdeg = 1/0)
xcoord = alphastv
ycoord = betastv
xcoord0 = params%alpha
ycoord0 = params%beta
nxcoord = nalpha
nycoord = nbeta
end if
iopt = 0
incheck = 0
if( then
nxest = kx + nxcoord + 1
lwrk = (nxcoord*(kx+1)+nxest*(7+3*kx))
kwrk = nxest
allocate(cycoord(nxest), txycoord(nxest), cwaist1(nxest), &
txwaist1(nxest), cwaist2(nxest), txwaist2(nxest), &
crci1(nxest), txrci1(nxest), crci2(nxest), txrci2(nxest), &
cphi1(nxest), txphi1(nxest), cphi2(nxest), txphi2(nxest), &
cx0(nxest), txx0(nxest), cy0(nxest), txy0(nxest), &
cz0(nxest), txz0(nxest), w(nxcoord), wrk(lwrk), iwrk(kwrk))
w = 1.d0
! 2D interpolation
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,ycoord,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxycoord, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,waist1v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxwaist1, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,waist2v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxwaist2, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,rci1v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxrci1, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,rci2v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxrci2, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,phi1v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxphi1, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,phi2v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxphi2, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,x00v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxx0, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,y00v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxy0, &
call curfit(iopt,nxcoord,xcoord,z00v,w, &
xcoord(1),xcoord(nxcoord),kx,sspl,nxest,nxz0, &
! check if xcoord0 is out of table range
! incheck = 1 inside / 0 outside
if( incheck=1
! c====================================================================================
! c====================================================================================
npolyg = 2*(nxcoord+nycoord-2)
minx = minval(xcoord)
maxx = maxval(xcoord)
miny = minval(ycoord)
maxy = maxval(ycoord)
nxest = 2*(kx + 1)
nyest = 2*(ky + 1)
nmax = max(nxest,nyest)+max(kx,ky)
eps = 10.**(-8)
lwrk = (nmax-2)**2*(7*nmax-2)+18*nmax+8*nisteer-19
lwrk2 = (nmax-2)**2*(4*nmax-1)+4*nmax-2
kwrk = nisteer+(nmax-3)*(nmax-3)
allocate(cwaist1(nxest*nyest), txwaist1(nmax), tywaist1(nmax), &
cwaist2(nxest*nyest), txwaist2(nmax), tywaist2(nmax), &
crci1(nxest*nyest), txrci1(nmax), tyrci1(nmax), &
crci2(nxest*nyest), txrci2(nmax), tyrci2(nmax), &
cphi1(nxest*nyest), txphi1(nmax), typhi1(nmax), &
cphi2(nxest*nyest), txphi2(nmax), typhi2(nmax), &
cx0(nxest*nyest), txx0(nmax), tyx0(nmax), &
cy0(nxest*nyest), txy0(nmax), tyy0(nmax), &
cz0(nxest*nyest), txz0(nmax), tyz0(nmax), &
wrk(lwrk), wrk2(lwrk2), iwrk(kwrk), &
xpolyg(npolyg), ypolyg(npolyg), w(nisteer))
w = 1.d0
! 3D interpolation
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,waist1v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,waist2v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,rci1v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,rci2v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,phi1v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,phi2v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,x00v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,y00v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
call surfit(iopt,nisteer,xcoord,ycoord,z00v,w, &
minx,maxx,miny,maxy,kx,ky,sspl,nxest,nyest,nmax,eps, &
! data range polygon
xpolyg(1:nxcoord) = xcoord(1:nxcoord)
ypolyg(1:nxcoord) = ycoord(1:nxcoord)
! c====================================================================================
do i=1,nycoord-2
xpolyg(nxcoord+i) = xcoord((i+1)*nxcoord)
xpolyg(2*nxcoord+nycoord-2+i) = xcoord((nycoord-i-1)*nxcoord+1)
ypolyg(nxcoord+i) = ycoord((i+1)*nxcoord)
ypolyg(2*nxcoord+nycoord-2+i) = ycoord((nycoord-i-1)*nxcoord+1)
end do
! c====================================================================================
do i=1,nxcoord
xpolyg(nxcoord+nycoord-2+i) = xcoord(nxcoord*nycoord-i+1)
ypolyg(nxcoord+nycoord-2+i) = ycoord(nxcoord*nycoord-i+1)
end do
! c====================================================================================
! check if (xcoord0, ycoord0) is out of table range
! incheck = 1 inside / 0 outside
if(inside(xpolyg, ypolyg, xcoord0, ycoord0)) incheck = 1
end if
if( then
! c====================================================================================
if(incheck.eq.1) then
call splev(txycoord,nxycoord,cycoord,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txwaist1,nxwaist1,cwaist1,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txwaist2,nxwaist2,cwaist2,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txrci1,nxrci1,crci1,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txrci2,nxrci2,crci2,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txphi1,nxphi1,cphi1,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txphi2,nxphi2,cphi2,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txx0,nxx0,cx0,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txy0,nxy0,cy0,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
call splev(txz0,nxz0,cz0,kx,(/xcoord0/),fi,1,ier)
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( ii=nisteer
if(xcoord0.le.xcoord(1)) ii=1
end if
! c====================================================================================
! c====================================================================================
if(incheck.eq.0) then
allocate(xpolygA(nxcoord), ypolygA(nxcoord), xpolygC(nxcoord), &
ypolygC(nxcoord), xpolygB(nycoord), ypolygB(nycoord), &
xpolygD(nycoord), ypolygD(nycoord), &
xoutA(nxcoord+3), youtA(nxcoord+3), xoutB(nycoord+3), &
youtB(nycoord+3), xoutC(nxcoord+3), youtC(nxcoord+3))
! coordinates of vertices v1,v2,v3,v4
xvert(1) = xpolyg(1)
xvert(2) = xpolyg(nxcoord)
xvert(3) = xpolyg(nxcoord+nycoord-1)
xvert(4) = xpolyg(2*nxcoord+nycoord-2)
yvert(1) = ypolyg(1)
yvert(2) = ypolyg(nxcoord)
yvert(3) = ypolyg(nxcoord+nycoord-1)
yvert(4) = ypolyg(2*nxcoord+nycoord-2)
! coordinates of side A,B,C,D
xpolygA = xpolyg(1:nxcoord)
ypolygA = ypolyg(1:nxcoord)
xpolygB = xpolyg(nxcoord:nxcoord+nycoord-1)
ypolygB = ypolyg(nxcoord:nxcoord+nycoord-1)
xpolygC = xpolyg(nxcoord+nycoord-1:2*nxcoord+nycoord-2)
ypolygC = ypolyg(nxcoord+nycoord-1:2*nxcoord+nycoord-2)
xpolygD(1:nycoord-1) = xpolyg(2*nxcoord+nycoord-2:npolyg)
xpolygD(nycoord) = xpolyg(1)
ypolygD(1:nycoord-1) = ypolyg(2*nxcoord+nycoord-2:npolyg)
ypolygD(nycoord) = ypolyg(1)
! contour of outside regions A (1,2), B(3,4), C(5,6)
xoutA = huge(one)
xoutA(1:nxcoord) = xpolygA
xoutA(nxcoord+3) = xvert(1)
youtA = -huge(one)
youtA(1:nxcoord) = ypolygA
youtA(nxcoord+1) = yvert(2)
xoutB = huge(one)
xoutB(1:nycoord) = xpolygB
xoutB(nycoord+1) = xvert(3)
youtB = huge(one)
youtB(1:nycoord) = ypolygB
youtB(nycoord+3) = yvert(2)
xoutC = -huge(one)
xoutC(1:nxcoord) = xpolygC
xoutC(nxcoord+3) = xvert(3)
youtC = huge(one)
youtC(1:nxcoord) = ypolygC
youtC(nxcoord+1) = yvert(4)
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! search for position of xcoord0, ycoord0 with respect to (alpha,beta) data grid
! (6) | (5) | (4)
! _ _ _v4__________________v3 _ _ _ _ _
! \ C \
! \ \ (1)->(8) outside regions
! (7) D \ \ B (3) v1->v4 grid vertices
! \ \ A-D grid sides
! _ _ _ _ _ _\_________________\_ _ _ _
! v1 A v2
! (8) | (1) | (2)
if(inside(xoutA, youtA, xcoord0, ycoord0)) then
in = 1
if(xcoord0.GT.xvert(2)) then
in = 2
end if
else if(inside(xoutB, youtB, xcoord0, ycoord0)) then
in = 3
if(ycoord0.GT.yvert(3)) then
in = 4
end if
else if(inside(xoutC, youtC, xcoord0, ycoord0)) then
in = 5
if(xcoord0.LT.xvert(4)) then
in = 6
end if
in = 7
if(ycoord0.LT.yvert(1)) then
in = 8
end if
end if
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! (xcoord0,ycoord0) is set to its nearest point on (alpha, beta) grid border
! depending on the region
! 1: xcoord0 unchanged, ycoord0 moved on side A
! 3: xcoord0 moved on side B, ycoord0 unchanged
! 5: xcoord0 unchanged, ycoord0 moved on side C
! 7: xcoord0 moved on side D, ycoord0 unchanged
! 2,4,6,8: (xcoord0,ycoord0) set to nearest vertex coordinates
! in 1,3,5,7 incheck is set back to 1 to evaluate params%pos(1),params%pos(2),params%pos(3),waist,rci,phi in
! new (xcoord0,ycoord0)
! in 2,4,6,8 incheck remains 0 and params%pos(1),params%pos(2),params%pos(3),waist,rci,phi values at the
! (xcoord0,ycoord0) vertex are used
params%alpha = xcoord0
params%beta = ycoord0
CASE (1)
! params%beta outside table range
! locate position of xcoord0 with respect to x coordinates of side A
call locate(xpolygA,nxcoord,xcoord0,ii)
! find corresponding y value on side A for xcoord position
call intlin(xpolygA(ii),ypolygA(ii),xpolygA(ii+1),ypolygA(ii+1),xcoord0,ycoord0)
incheck = 1
CASE (2)
! params%alpha and params%beta outside table range
! xcoord0, ycoord0 set
xcoord0 = xvert(2)
ycoord0 = yvert(2)
ii = nxcoord !indice per assegnare valori waist, rci, phi
CASE (3)
! params%alpha outside table range
call locate(ypolygB,nycoord,ycoord0,ii)
call intlin(ypolygB(ii),xpolygB(ii),ypolygB(ii+1),xpolygB(ii+1),ycoord0,xcoord0)
incheck = 1
CASE (4)
! params%alpha and params%beta outside table range
xcoord0 = xvert(3)
ycoord0 = yvert(3)
ii = nxcoord+nycoord-1
CASE (5)
! params%beta outside table range
call locate(xpolygC,nxcoord,xcoord0,ii)
call intlin(xpolygC(ii+1),ypolygC(ii+1),xpolygC(ii),ypolygC(ii),xcoord0,ycoord0)
incheck = 1
CASE (6)
! params%alpha and params%beta outside table range
xcoord0 = xvert(4)
ycoord0 = yvert(4)
ii = 2*nxcoord+nycoord-2
CASE (7)
! params%alpha outside table range
call locate(ypolygD,nycoord,ycoord0,ii)
call intlin(ypolygD(ii),xpolygD(ii),ypolygD(ii+1),xpolygD(ii+1),ycoord0,xcoord0)
incheck = 1
CASE (8)
! params%alpha and params%beta outside table range
xcoord0 = xvert(1)
ycoord0 = yvert(1)
ii = 1
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
deallocate(xpolygA, ypolygA, xpolygC, ypolygC, xpolygB, ypolygB, &
xpolygD, ypolygD, xoutA, youtA, xoutB, youtB, xoutC, youtC)
end if
! c====================================================================================
! c====================================================================================
if(incheck.eq.1) then
lwrk = 2*(kx+ky+2)
kwrk = 4
call bispev(txwaist1,nxwaist1,tywaist1,nywaist1,cwaist1, &
call bispev(txwaist2,nxwaist2,tywaist2,nywaist2,cwaist2, &
call bispev(txrci1,nxrci1,tyrci1,nyrci1,crci1, &
call bispev(txrci2,nxrci2,tyrci2,nyrci2,crci2, &
call bispev(txphi1,nxphi1,typhi1,nyphi1,cphi1, &
call bispev(txphi2,nxphi2,typhi2,nyphi2,cphi2, &
call bispev(txx0,nxx0,tyx0,nyx0,cx0, &
call bispev(txy0,nxy0,tyy0,nyy0,cy0, &
call bispev(txz0,nxz0,tyz0,nyz0,cz0, &
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! c----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
end if
! c====================================================================================
end if
if( then
deallocate(cycoord, txycoord, cwaist1, txwaist1, cwaist2, &
txwaist2, crci1, txrci1, crci2, txrci2, cphi1, txphi1, &
cphi2, txphi2, cx0, txx0, cy0, txy0, cz0, txz0, w)
deallocate(cwaist1, txwaist1, tywaist1, cwaist2, txwaist2, tywaist2, &
crci1, txrci1, tyrci1, crci2, txrci2, tyrci2, &
cphi1, txphi1, typhi1, cphi2, txphi2, typhi2, &
cx0, txx0, tyx0, cy0, txy0, tyy0, cz0, txz0, tyz0, &
wrk2, xpolyg, ypolyg, w)
end if
! set correct values for alpha, beta
if(fdeg.eq.2) then
params%alpha = ycoord0
params%beta = xcoord0
params%alpha = xcoord0
params%beta = ycoord0
end if
deallocate(alphastv,betastv,waist1v,waist2v,rci1v,rci2v,phi1v, &
end subroutine read_beam2
subroutine launchangles2n(params, N)
! Given the wave launcher `params` computes the initial
! wavevector N̅ = ck̅/ω.
! Notes:
! 1. the result is in Cartesian coordinates;
! 2. the beam is assumed to start in a vacuum, so N = 1.
use const_and_precisions, only : degree
use gray_params, only : antenna_parameters
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
type(antenna_parameters), intent(in) :: params
real(wp_), intent(out) :: N(3)
! local variables
real(wp_) :: r, Nr, Nphi, a, b
R = hypot(params%pos(1), params%pos(2))
a = params%alpha * degree
b = params%beta * degree
! N̅ in cylindrical coordinates using the poloidal
! and toroidal launch angles.
Nr = -cos(a)*cos(b)
Nphi = sin(b)
! Convert to Cartesian coordinates
! Notes:
! 1. The unit vectors in Cartesian coordinates are:
! R^ = x^ cosφ + y^ sinφ
! φ^ = x^ sinφ - y^ sinφ
! 2. tanφ = y/x ⇒ { cosφ = x/√(x²+y²) = x/R
! { sinφ = y/√(x²+y²) = x/R
N(1) = (Nr*params%pos(1) - Nphi*params%pos(2)) / R
N(2) = (Nr*params%pos(2) + Nphi*params%pos(1)) / R
N(3) = -cos(b)*sin(a)
end subroutine launchangles2n
subroutine xgygcoeff(fghz, k0, Bres, xgcn)
! Given the EC wave frequency computes:
! 1. vacuum wavevector `k0` (k₀ = ω/c),
! 2. resonant magnetic field `Bres` (qB/m = ω),
! 3. adimensional `xgcn` parameter (X = ω_p²/ω² = nq²/ε₀mω²).
use const_and_precisions, only : qe=>ecgs_, me=>mecgs_, &
vc=>ccgs_, pi, wce1_
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: fghz
real(wp_), intent(out) :: k0, Bres, xgcn
! local variables
real(wp_) :: omega
omega = 2.0e9_wp_*pi*fghz ! [rad/s]
k0 = omega/vc ! [rad/cm]
! yg = Btot/Bres
Bres = omega/wce1_ ! [T]
! xg = xgcn*dens19
xgcn = 4.0e13_wp_ * pi * qe**2/(me * omega**2) ! [10^-19 m^3]
end subroutine xgygcoeff
end module beams