Store the polarisation ellipse angles χ, ψ only for the central ray. Otherwise they'll be zeroed out since `plasma_in` does not compute the polarisation of the other rays.
24 lines
1.5 KiB
24 lines
1.5 KiB
# Run date/time: 2025/02/21 08:27:33.798
# GRAY Git revision: e86d293-dirty
# EQL input: jetto.eqdsk_out
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 3 1 1 1.00
# EQL icocos ipsinorm idesc ifreefmt: 0 F T F
# EQL ssplps ssplf ixp: 0.500E-2 0.100E-1 0
# PRF input: SPR45_profiles.txt
# PRF iprof iscal factne factte: 1 2 1.000 1.000
# PRF irho psnbnd sspld: 2 1.07 0.500E-2
# PRF Te0 ne0 Zeff0: 0 0 0
# ANT input: SPR45_J.txt
# ANT ibeam iox psi chi: 0 1 0.000 0.000
# ANT alpha beta power fghz: -55.0 -30.0 1.00 100.
# ANT x0 y0 z0: 550. 0.00 -740.
# ANT wx wy Rcix Rciy psiw psir: 6.0000 6.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
# RFL rwall: 0.10000E+01
# COD igrad idst ipass ipol: 0 1 1 F
# COD nrayr nrayth nstep rwmax dst: 1 1 12000 1.000 0.2000
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 5 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 501 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
2.50812083E-003 3.20111325E-002 4.27647227E-004 2.54165648E-004 6.38349229E-001 6.58457945E-001 6.59456671E-001 6.73409269E-001 1.46211952E-001 1.49629566E-001 1.09099335E+000 1.00356463E+000 2.40000000E+003 -6.14888339E+001 -3.72201529E+001 1 4.38969669E-004 2.50433649E-004 1.42071481E-001 1.52875168E-001 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000