Similarly to eb648039
this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
246 lines
9.4 KiB
246 lines
9.4 KiB
module multipass
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
use polarization, only : pol_limit, field_to_ellipse
use reflections, only : wall_refl
use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil
implicit none
subroutine plasma_in(i, equil, x, N, Bres, sox, cpl, &
psi, chi, iop, ext, eyt, perfect)
! Computes the ray polarisation and power couplings when it enteres the plasma
use const_and_precisions, only : cm
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil ! MHD equilibrium
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(3), N(3) ! position, refactive index
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Bres ! resonant B field
integer, intent(in) :: sox ! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
real(wp_), intent(out) :: cpl(2) ! power coupling vector (O, X)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: psi, chi ! polarisation ellipse angles
integer, intent(inout) :: iop(:) ! inside/outside plasma flag
complex(wp_), intent(inout) :: ext(:), eyt(:) ! ray polarisation vector (e_x, e_y)
logical, intent(in) :: perfect ! whether to assume perfect coupling
! local variables
real(wp_) :: R, z, cosphi, sinphi, B_phi, B_R, B_z
real(wp_) :: B(3)
real(wp_) :: c
complex(wp_) :: e_mode(2), e_ray(2)
! Update the inside/outside flag
iop(i) = iop(i) + 1
! Compute B in cartesian coordinates
R = norm2(x(1:2)) * cm
z = x(3) * cm
cosphi = x(1)/R * cm
sinphi = x(2)/R * cm
call equil%b_field(R, z, B_R, B_z, B_phi)
B(1) = B_R*cosphi - B_phi*sinphi
B(2) = B_R*sinphi + B_phi*cosphi
B(3) = B_z
! Get the polarisation vector of the given mode
call pol_limit(N, B, Bres, sox, e_mode(1), e_mode(2))
if(i == 1) then
! For the central ray, compute the polarization ellipse
call field_to_ellipse(e_mode(1), e_mode(2), psi, chi)
psi = 0
chi = 0
end if
if (perfect) then
! Ignore the given vector and use the expected one
! Note: this will give 100% coupling to the current mode
ext(i) = e_mode(1)
eyt(i) = e_mode(2)
end if
! Compute the power coupling with the current mode
e_ray = [ext(i), eyt(i)]
c = abs(dot_product(e_mode, e_ray))**2
! Store both O and X couplings, in this order
c = merge(c, 1-c, sox == -1)
cpl = [c, 1-c]
end subroutine plasma_in
subroutine plasma_out(i, equil, xv, anv, bres, sox, iop, ext, eyt)
! Ray exits plasma
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil ! MHD equilibrium
real(wp_), intent(in) :: xv(3), anv(3)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres
integer, intent(in) :: sox
integer, intent(inout) :: iop(:) ! in/out plasma flag
complex(wp_), intent(out) :: ext(:), eyt(:)
! local variables
real(wp_) :: rm, csphi, snphi, bphi, br, bz
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: bv, xmv
iop(i)=iop(i)+1 ! in->out
xmv=xv*0.01_wp_ ! convert from cm to m
call equil%b_field(rm,xmv(3),br,bz,bphi)
call pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext(i),eyt(i)) ! polarization at plasma exit
end subroutine plasma_out
subroutine wall_out(i, equil, wall, ins, xv, anv, dst, bres, &
sox, psipol1, chipol1, iow, iop, ext, eyt)
! Ray exits vessel
use types, only : contour
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil ! MHD equilibrium
type(contour), intent(in) :: wall ! wall contour
logical, intent(in) :: ins ! inside plasma? (ins=1 plasma/wall overlap)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: xv(3), anv(3)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: dst ! step size
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres
integer, intent(in) :: sox
real(wp_), intent(out) :: psipol1, chipol1
integer, intent(inout) :: iow(:) ! in/out vessel and plasma flags
integer, intent(inout) :: iop(:) ! in/out vessel and plasma flags
complex(wp_), intent(inout) :: ext(:), eyt(:)
! local variables
integer :: irfl
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xvrfl,anvrfl,walln
complex(wp_) :: ext1,eyt1
iow(i) = iow(i) + 1 ! out->in
if(ins) call plasma_out(i, equil, xv, anv, bres, sox, iop, ext, eyt) ! plasma-wall overlapping
call wall_refl(wall, xv-dst*anv, anv, ext(i), eyt(i), &
xvrfl, anvrfl, ext1, eyt1, walln, irfl) ! ray reflects at wall
ext(i) = ext1 ! save parameters at wall reflection
eyt(i) = eyt1
xv = xvrfl
anv = anvrfl
if(i == 1) then
call field_to_ellipse(ext1, eyt1, psipol1, chipol1)
psipol1 = 0
chipol1 = 0
end if
end subroutine wall_out
subroutine initbeam(i, iroff, iboff, iwait, stv, jphi_beam, pins_beam, &
currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam)
! Initialization at beam propagation start
use logger, only : log_info, log_warning
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! beam index
logical, intent(in) :: iroff(:,:) ! global ray status (F=active, T=inactive)
logical, intent(out) :: iboff
logical, intent(out) :: iwait(:)
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: jphi_beam, pins_beam, currins_beam
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: dpdv_beam, jcd_beam, stv
character(256) :: msg ! buffer for formatting log messages
iboff = .false. ! beam status (F = active, T = inactive)
iwait = iroff(:,i) ! copy ray status for current beam from global ray status
if(all(iwait)) then ! no rays active => stop beam
iboff = .true.
else if (any(iwait)) then
! only some rays active
write (msg,'(" beam ",g0,": only some rays are active!")') i
call log_warning(msg, mod='multipass', proc='initbeam')
end if
stv = 0 ! starting step
jphi_beam = 0 ! 1D beam profiles
pins_beam = 0
currins_beam = 0
dpdv_beam = 0
jcd_beam = 0
end subroutine initbeam
subroutine initmultipass(params, iroff, yynext, yypnext, yw0, ypw0, stnext, &
p0ray, taus, tau1, etau1, cpls, cpl1, lgcpl1, psipv, chipv)
! Initialization before pass loop
use gray_params, only : gray_parameters
! subroutine arguments
type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params
logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: iroff ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive)
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: p0ray, tau1, etau1, cpl1
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: lgcpl1, psipv, chipv
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: yw0, ypw0, stnext, taus, cpls
real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: yynext, yypnext
iroff = .false. ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive)
if(.not. params%raytracing%ipol) then
! stop other mode (iox=1/2 -> stop ib=2/1 at first pass)
call turnoffray(0, 1, params%raytracing%ipass, 3-params%antenna%iox, iroff)
end if
yynext = 0 ! starting beam coordinates (1)
yypnext = 0 ! starting beam coordinates (2)
yw0 = 0 ! temporary beam coordinates (1)
ypw0 = 0 ! temporary beam coordinates (2)
stnext = 0 ! starting beam step
p0ray = 0 ! starting beam power
taus = 0 ! beam tau from previous passes
tau1 = 0
etau1 = 1
cpls = 1 ! beam coupling from previous passes
cpl1 = 1
lgcpl1 = 0
psipv = 0 ! psi polarization angle at vacuum-plasma boundary
chipv = 0 ! chi polarization angle at vacuum-plasma boundary
end subroutine initmultipass
subroutine turnoffray(jk, ip, npass, ib, iroff)
! Turn off ray propagation
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: jk, ip, ib ! ray (0=all rays), pass, beam indexes
integer, intent(in) :: npass ! total number of passes
logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: iroff ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive)
! local variables
integer :: ipx, i1, i2
if(jk==0) then ! stop all rays
do ipx=ip,npass ! from pass ip to last pass
i1 = 2**ipx-2+2**(ipx-ip)*(ib-1)+1 ! first derived beam at pass ipx
i2 = 2**ipx-2+2**(ipx-ip)*ib ! last derived beam at pass ipx (i1=i2 for ipx=ip)
iroff(:,i1:i2) = .true.
end do
else ! only stop ray jk
do ipx=ip,npass
i1 = 2**ipx-2+2**(ipx-ip)*(ib-1)+1
i2 = 2**ipx-2+2**(ipx-ip)*ib
iroff(jk,i1:i2) = .true.
end do
end if
end subroutine turnoffray
end module multipass