
4609 lines
157 KiB

module dierckx
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
implicit none
subroutine bispev(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,x,mx,y,my,z,wrk,lwrk, &
! subroutine bispev evaluates on a grid (x(i),y(j)),i=1,...,mx; j=1,...
! ,my a bivariate spline s(x,y) of degrees kx and ky, given in the
! b-spline representation.
! calling sequence:
! call bispev(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,x,mx,y,my,z,wrk,lwrk,
! * iwrk,kwrk,ier)
! input parameters:
! tx : real array, length nx, which contains the position of the
! knots in the x-direction.
! nx : integer, giving the total number of knots in the x-direction
! ty : real array, length ny, which contains the position of the
! knots in the y-direction.
! ny : integer, giving the total number of knots in the y-direction
! c : real array, length (nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1), which contains the
! b-spline coefficients.
! kx,ky : integer values, giving the degrees of the spline.
! x : real array of dimension (mx).
! before entry x(i) must be set to the x co-ordinate of the
! i-th grid point along the x-axis.
! tx(kx+1)<=x(i-1)<=x(i)<=tx(nx-kx), i=2,...,mx.
! mx : on entry mx must specify the number of grid points along
! the x-axis. mx >=1.
! y : real array of dimension (my).
! before entry y(j) must be set to the y co-ordinate of the
! j-th grid point along the y-axis.
! ty(ky+1)<=y(j-1)<=y(j)<=ty(ny-ky), j=2,...,my.
! my : on entry my must specify the number of grid points along
! the y-axis. my >=1.
! wrk : real array of dimension lwrk. used as workspace.
! lwrk : integer, specifying the dimension of wrk.
! lwrk >= mx*(kx+1)+my*(ky+1)
! iwrk : integer array of dimension kwrk. used as workspace.
! kwrk : integer, specifying the dimension of iwrk. kwrk >= mx+my.
! output parameters:
! z : real array of dimension (mx*my).
! on succesful exit z(my*(i-1)+j) contains the value of s(x,y)
! at the point (x(i),y(j)),i=1,...,mx;j=1,...,my.
! ier : integer error flag
! ier=0 : normal return
! ier=10: invalid input data (see restrictions)
! restrictions:
! mx >=1, my >=1, lwrk>=mx*(kx+1)+my*(ky+1), kwrk>=mx+my
! tx(kx+1) <= x(i-1) <= x(i) <= tx(nx-kx), i=2,...,mx
! ty(ky+1) <= y(j-1) <= y(j) <= ty(ny-ky), j=2,...,my
! other subroutines required:
! fpbisp,fpbspl
! references :
! de boor c : on calculating with b-splines, j. approximation theory
! 6 (1972) 50-62.
! cox m.g. : the numerical evaluation of b-splines, j. inst. maths
! applics 10 (1972) 134-149.
! dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on
! numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993.
! author :
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u.leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! latest update : march 1987
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, kx, ky, mx, my, lwrk, kwrk
integer, intent(out) :: ier
integer, intent(inout) :: iwrk(kwrk)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: tx(nx),ty(ny),c((nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1))
real(wp_), intent(out) :: z(mx*my)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: x(mx), y(my), wrk(lwrk)
! local variables
integer :: i, iw, lwest
! ..
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
ier = 10
lwest = (kx+1)*mx+(ky+1)*my
if(lwrk<lwest .or. kwrk<(mx+my) .or. mx<1 .or. my<1) return
do i=2,mx
if(x(i)<x(i-1)) return
end do
do i=2,my
if(y(i)<y(i-1)) return
end do
ier = 0
iw = mx*(kx+1)+1
call fpbisp(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,x,mx,y,my,z,wrk(1),wrk(iw), &
end subroutine bispev
subroutine surfit(iopt,m,x,y,z,w,xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s,nxest,nyest, &
! given the set of data points (x(i),y(i),z(i)) and the set of positive
! numbers w(i),i=1,...,m, subroutine surfit determines a smooth bivar-
! iate spline approximation s(x,y) of degrees kx and ky on the rect-
! angle xb <= x <= xe, yb <= y <= ye.
! if iopt = -1 surfit calculates the weighted least-squares spline
! according to a given set of knots.
! if iopt >= 0 the total numbers nx and ny of these knots and their
! position tx(j),j=1,...,nx and ty(j),j=1,...,ny are chosen automatic-
! ally by the routine. the smoothness of s(x,y) is then achieved by
! minimalizing the discontinuity jumps in the derivatives of s(x,y)
! across the boundaries of the subpanels (tx(i),tx(i+1))*(ty(j),ty(j+1).
! the amounth of smoothness is determined by the condition that f(p) =
! sum ((w(i)*(z(i)-s(x(i),y(i))))**2) be <= s, with s a given non-neg-
! ative constant, called the smoothing factor.
! the fit is given in the b-spline representation (b-spline coefficients
! c((ny-ky-1)*(i-1)+j),i=1,...,nx-kx-1;j=1,...,ny-ky-1) and can be eval-
! uated by means of subroutine bispev.
! calling sequence:
! call surfit(iopt,m,x,y,z,w,xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s,nxest,nyest,
! * nmax,eps,nx,tx,ny,ty,c,fp,wrk1,lwrk1,wrk2,lwrk2,iwrk,kwrk,ier)
! parameters:
! iopt : integer flag. on entry iopt must specify whether a weighted
! least-squares spline (iopt=-1) or a smoothing spline (iopt=0
! or 1) must be determined.
! if iopt=0 the routine will start with an initial set of knots
! tx(i)=xb,tx(i+kx+1)=xe,i=1,...,kx+1;ty(i)=yb,ty(i+ky+1)=ye,i=
! 1,...,ky+1. if iopt=1 the routine will continue with the set
! of knots found at the last call of the routine.
! attention: a call with iopt=1 must always be immediately pre-
! ceded by another call with iopt=1 or iopt=0.
! unchanged on exit.
! m : integer. on entry m must specify the number of data points.
! m >= (kx+1)*(ky+1). unchanged on exit.
! x : real array of dimension at least (m).
! y : real array of dimension at least (m).
! z : real array of dimension at least (m).
! before entry, x(i),y(i),z(i) must be set to the co-ordinates
! of the i-th data point, for i=1,...,m. the order of the data
! points is immaterial. unchanged on exit.
! w : real array of dimension at least (m). before entry, w(i) must
! be set to the i-th value in the set of weights. the w(i) must
! be strictly positive. unchanged on exit.
! xb,xe : real values. on entry xb,xe,yb and ye must specify the bound-
! yb,ye aries of the rectangular approximation domain.
! xb<=x(i)<=xe,yb<=y(i)<=ye,i=1,...,m. unchanged on exit.
! kx,ky : integer values. on entry kx and ky must specify the degrees
! of the spline. 1<=kx,ky<=5. it is recommended to use bicubic
! (kx=ky=3) splines. unchanged on exit.
! s : real. on entry (in case iopt>=0) s must specify the smoothing
! factor. s >=0. unchanged on exit.
! for advice on the choice of s see further comments
! nxest : integer. unchanged on exit.
! nyest : integer. unchanged on exit.
! on entry, nxest and nyest must specify an upper bound for the
! number of knots required in the x- and y-directions respect.
! these numbers will also determine the storage space needed by
! the routine. nxest >= 2*(kx+1), nyest >= 2*(ky+1).
! in most practical situation nxest = kx+1+sqrt(m/2), nyest =
! ky+1+sqrt(m/2) will be sufficient. see also further comments.
! nmax : integer. on entry nmax must specify the actual dimension of
! the arrays tx and ty. nmax >= nxest, nmax >=nyest.
! unchanged on exit.
! eps : real.
! on entry, eps must specify a threshold for determining the
! effective rank of an over-determined linear system of equat-
! ions. 0 < eps < 1. if the number of decimal digits in the
! computer representation of a real number is q, then 10**(-q)
! is a suitable value for eps in most practical applications.
! unchanged on exit.
! nx : integer.
! unless ier=10 (in case iopt >=0), nx will contain the total
! number of knots with respect to the x-variable, of the spline
! approximation returned. if the computation mode iopt=1 is
! used, the value of nx should be left unchanged between sub-
! sequent calls.
! in case iopt=-1, the value of nx should be specified on entry
! tx : real array of dimension nmax.
! on succesful exit, this array will contain the knots of the
! spline with respect to the x-variable, i.e. the position of
! the interior knots tx(kx+2),...,tx(nx-kx-1) as well as the
! position of the additional knots tx(1)=...=tx(kx+1)=xb and
! tx(nx-kx)=...=tx(nx)=xe needed for the b-spline representat.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used, the values of tx(1),
! ...,tx(nx) should be left unchanged between subsequent calls.
! if the computation mode iopt=-1 is used, the values tx(kx+2),
! ...tx(nx-kx-1) must be supplied by the user, before entry.
! see also the restrictions (ier=10).
! ny : integer.
! unless ier=10 (in case iopt >=0), ny will contain the total
! number of knots with respect to the y-variable, of the spline
! approximation returned. if the computation mode iopt=1 is
! used, the value of ny should be left unchanged between sub-
! sequent calls.
! in case iopt=-1, the value of ny should be specified on entry
! ty : real array of dimension nmax.
! on succesful exit, this array will contain the knots of the
! spline with respect to the y-variable, i.e. the position of
! the interior knots ty(ky+2),...,ty(ny-ky-1) as well as the
! position of the additional knots ty(1)=...=ty(ky+1)=yb and
! ty(ny-ky)=...=ty(ny)=ye needed for the b-spline representat.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used, the values of ty(1),
! ...,ty(ny) should be left unchanged between subsequent calls.
! if the computation mode iopt=-1 is used, the values ty(ky+2),
! ...ty(ny-ky-1) must be supplied by the user, before entry.
! see also the restrictions (ier=10).
! c : real array of dimension at least (nxest-kx-1)*(nyest-ky-1).
! on succesful exit, c contains the coefficients of the spline
! approximation s(x,y)
! fp : real. unless ier=10, fp contains the weighted sum of
! squared residuals of the spline approximation returned.
! wrk1 : real array of dimension (lwrk1). used as workspace.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used the value of wrk1(1)
! should be left unchanged between subsequent calls.
! on exit wrk1(2),wrk1(3),...,wrk1(1+(nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1)) will
! contain the values d(i)/max(d(i)),i=1,...,(nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1)
! with d(i) the i-th diagonal element of the reduced triangular
! matrix for calculating the b-spline coefficients. it includes
! those elements whose square is less than eps,which are treat-
! ed as 0 in the case of presumed rank deficiency (ier<-2).
! lwrk1 : integer. on entry lwrk1 must specify the actual dimension of
! the array wrk1 as declared in the calling (sub)program.
! lwrk1 must not be too small. let
! u = nxest-kx-1, v = nyest-ky-1, km = max(kx,ky)+1,
! ne = max(nxest,nyest), bx = kx*v+ky+1, by = ky*u+kx+1,
! if(bx<=by) b1 = bx, b2 = b1+v-ky
! if(bx>by) b1 = by, b2 = b1+u-kx then
! lwrk1 >= u*v*(2+b1+b2)+2*(u+v+km*(m+ne)+ne-kx-ky)+b2+1
! wrk2 : real array of dimension (lwrk2). used as workspace, but
! only in the case a rank deficient system is encountered.
! lwrk2 : integer. on entry lwrk2 must specify the actual dimension of
! the array wrk2 as declared in the calling (sub)program.
! lwrk2 > 0 . a save upper boundfor lwrk2 = u*v*(b2+1)+b2
! where u,v and b2 are as above. if there are enough data
! points, scattered uniformly over the approximation domain
! and if the smoothing factor s is not too small, there is a
! good chance that this extra workspace is not needed. a lot
! of memory might therefore be saved by setting lwrk2=1.
! (see also ier > 10)
! iwrk : integer array of dimension (kwrk). used as workspace.
! kwrk : integer. on entry kwrk must specify the actual dimension of
! the array iwrk as declared in the calling (sub)program.
! kwrk >= m+(nxest-2*kx-1)*(nyest-2*ky-1).
! ier : integer. unless the routine detects an error, ier contains a
! non-positive value on exit, i.e.
! ier=0 : normal return. the spline returned has a residual sum of
! squares fp such that abs(fp-s)/s <= tol with tol a relat-
! ive tolerance set to 0.001 by the program.
! ier=-1 : normal return. the spline returned is an interpolating
! spline (fp=0).
! ier=-2 : normal return. the spline returned is the weighted least-
! squares polynomial of degrees kx and ky. in this extreme
! case fp gives the upper bound for the smoothing factor s.
! ier<-2 : warning. the coefficients of the spline returned have been
! computed as the minimal norm least-squares solution of a
! (numerically) rank deficient system. (-ier) gives the rank.
! especially if the rank deficiency which can be computed as
! (nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1)+ier, is large the results may be inac-
! curate. they could also seriously depend on the value of
! eps.
! ier=1 : error. the required storage space exceeds the available
! storage space, as specified by the parameters nxest and
! nyest.
! probably causes : nxest or nyest too small. if these param-
! eters are already large, it may also indicate that s is
! too small
! the approximation returned is the weighted least-squares
! spline according to the current set of knots.
! the parameter fp gives the corresponding weighted sum of
! squared residuals (fp>s).
! ier=2 : error. a theoretically impossible result was found during
! the iteration proces for finding a smoothing spline with
! fp = s. probably causes : s too small or badly chosen eps.
! there is an approximation returned but the corresponding
! weighted sum of squared residuals does not satisfy the
! condition abs(fp-s)/s < tol.
! ier=3 : error. the maximal number of iterations maxit (set to 20
! by the program) allowed for finding a smoothing spline
! with fp=s has been reached. probably causes : s too small
! there is an approximation returned but the corresponding
! weighted sum of squared residuals does not satisfy the
! condition abs(fp-s)/s < tol.
! ier=4 : error. no more knots can be added because the number of
! b-spline coefficients (nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1) already exceeds
! the number of data points m.
! probably causes : either s or m too small.
! the approximation returned is the weighted least-squares
! spline according to the current set of knots.
! the parameter fp gives the corresponding weighted sum of
! squared residuals (fp>s).
! ier=5 : error. no more knots can be added because the additional
! knot would (quasi) coincide with an old one.
! probably causes : s too small or too large a weight to an
! inaccurate data point.
! the approximation returned is the weighted least-squares
! spline according to the current set of knots.
! the parameter fp gives the corresponding weighted sum of
! squared residuals (fp>s).
! ier=10 : error. on entry, the input data are controlled on validity
! the following restrictions must be satisfied.
! -1<=iopt<=1, 1<=kx,ky<=5, m>=(kx+1)*(ky+1), nxest>=2*kx+2,
! nyest>=2*ky+2, 0<eps<1, nmax>=nxest, nmax>=nyest,
! xb<=x(i)<=xe, yb<=y(i)<=ye, w(i)>0, i=1,...,m
! lwrk1 >= u*v*(2+b1+b2)+2*(u+v+km*(m+ne)+ne-kx-ky)+b2+1
! kwrk >= m+(nxest-2*kx-1)*(nyest-2*ky-1)
! if iopt=-1: 2*kx+2<=nx<=nxest
! xb<tx(kx+2)<tx(kx+3)<...<tx(nx-kx-1)<xe
! 2*ky+2<=ny<=nyest
! yb<ty(ky+2)<ty(ky+3)<...<ty(ny-ky-1)<ye
! if iopt>=0: s>=0
! if one of these conditions is found to be violated,control
! is immediately repassed to the calling program. in that
! case there is no approximation returned.
! ier>10 : error. lwrk2 is too small, i.e. there is not enough work-
! space for computing the minimal least-squares solution of
! a rank deficient system of linear equations. ier gives the
! requested value for lwrk2. there is no approximation re-
! turned but, having saved the information contained in nx,
! ny,tx,ty,wrk1, and having adjusted the value of lwrk2 and
! the dimension of the array wrk2 accordingly, the user can
! continue at the point the program was left, by calling
! surfit with iopt=1.
! further comments:
! by means of the parameter s, the user can control the tradeoff
! between closeness of fit and smoothness of fit of the approximation.
! if s is too large, the spline will be too smooth and signal will be
! lost ; if s is too small the spline will pick up too much noise. in
! the extreme cases the program will return an interpolating spline if
! s=0 and the weighted least-squares polynomial (degrees kx,ky)if s is
! very large. between these extremes, a properly chosen s will result
! in a good compromise between closeness of fit and smoothness of fit.
! to decide whether an approximation, corresponding to a certain s is
! satisfactory the user is highly recommended to inspect the fits
! graphically.
! recommended values for s depend on the weights w(i). if these are
! taken as 1/d(i) with d(i) an estimate of the standard deviation of
! z(i), a good s-value should be found in the range (m-sqrt(2*m),m+
! sqrt(2*m)). if nothing is known about the statistical error in z(i)
! each w(i) can be set equal to one and s determined by trial and
! error, taking account of the comments above. the best is then to
! start with a very large value of s ( to determine the least-squares
! polynomial and the corresponding upper bound fp0 for s) and then to
! progressively decrease the value of s ( say by a factor 10 in the
! beginning, i.e. s=fp0/10, fp0/100,...and more carefully as the
! approximation shows more detail) to obtain closer fits.
! to choose s very small is strongly discouraged. this considerably
! increases computation time and memory requirements. it may also
! cause rank-deficiency (ier<-2) and endager numerical stability.
! to economize the search for a good s-value the program provides with
! different modes of computation. at the first call of the routine, or
! whenever he wants to restart with the initial set of knots the user
! must set iopt=0.
! if iopt=1 the program will continue with the set of knots found at
! the last call of the routine. this will save a lot of computation
! time if surfit is called repeatedly for different values of s.
! the number of knots of the spline returned and their location will
! depend on the value of s and on the complexity of the shape of the
! function underlying the data. if the computation mode iopt=1
! is used, the knots returned may also depend on the s-values at
! previous calls (if these were smaller). therefore, if after a number
! of trials with different s-values and iopt=1, the user can finally
! accept a fit as satisfactory, it may be worthwhile for him to call
! surfit once more with the selected value for s but now with iopt=0.
! indeed, surfit may then return an approximation of the same quality
! of fit but with fewer knots and therefore better if data reduction
! is also an important objective for the user.
! the number of knots may also depend on the upper bounds nxest and
! nyest. indeed, if at a certain stage in surfit the number of knots
! in one direction (say nx) has reached the value of its upper bound
! (nxest), then from that moment on all subsequent knots are added
! in the other (y) direction. this may indicate that the value of
! nxest is too small. on the other hand, it gives the user the option
! of limiting the number of knots the routine locates in any direction
! for example, by setting nxest=2*kx+2 (the lowest allowable value for
! nxest), the user can indicate that he wants an approximation which
! is a simple polynomial of degree kx in the variable x.
! other subroutines required:
! fpback,fpbspl,fpsurf,fpdisc,fpgivs,fprank,fprati,fprota,fporde
! references:
! dierckx p. : an algorithm for surface fitting with spline functions
! ima j. numer. anal. 1 (1981) 267-283.
! dierckx p. : an algorithm for surface fitting with spline functions
! report tw50, dept. computer science,k.u.leuven, 1980.
! dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on
! numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993.
! author:
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u. leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! creation date : may 1979
! latest update : march 1987
! ..
implicit none
! ..scalar arguments..
real(wp_) xb,xe,yb,ye,s,eps,fp
integer iopt,m,kx,ky,nxest,nyest,nmax,nx,ny,lwrk1,lwrk2,kwrk,ier
! ..array arguments..
real(wp_) x(m),y(m),z(m),w(m),tx(nmax),ty(nmax), &
integer iwrk(kwrk)
! ..local scalars..
real(wp_) tol
integer i,ib1,ib3,jb1,ki,kmax,km1,km2,kn,kwest,kx1,ky1,la,lbx, &
lby,lco,lf,lff,lfp,lh,lq,lsx,lsy,lwest,maxit,ncest,nest,nek, &
! ..function references..
integer max0
! ..subroutine references..
! fpsurf
! ..
! we set up the parameters tol and maxit.
maxit = 20
tol = 0.1e-02
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid,control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
ier = 10
if(eps<=0. .or. eps>=1.) return
if(kx<=0 .or. kx>5) return
kx1 = kx+1
if(ky<=0 .or. ky>5) return
ky1 = ky+1
kmax = max0(kx,ky)
km1 = kmax+1
km2 = km1+1
if(iopt<(-1) .or. iopt>1) return
if(m<(kx1*ky1)) return
nminx = 2*kx1
if(nxest<nminx .or. nxest>nmax) return
nminy = 2*ky1
if(nyest<nminy .or. nyest>nmax) return
nest = max0(nxest,nyest)
nxk = nxest-kx1
nyk = nyest-ky1
ncest = nxk*nyk
nmx = nxest-nminx+1
nmy = nyest-nminy+1
nrint = nmx+nmy
nreg = nmx*nmy
ib1 = kx*nyk+ky1
jb1 = ky*nxk+kx1
ib3 = kx1*nyk+1
if(ib1>jb1) then
ib1 = jb1
ib3 = ky1*nxk+1
end if
lwest = ncest*(2+ib1+ib3)+2*(nrint+nest*km2+m*km1)+ib3
kwest = m+nreg
if(lwrk1<lwest .or. kwrk<kwest) return
if(xb>=xe .or. yb>=ye) return
do i=1,m
if(w(i)<=0.) return
if(x(i)<xb .or. x(i)>xe) return
if(y(i)<yb .or. y(i)>ye) return
end do
if(iopt<0) then
if(nx<nminx .or. nx>nxest) return
nxk = nx-kx1
tx(kx1) = xb
tx(nxk+1) = xe
do i=kx1,nxk
if(tx(i+1)<=tx(i)) return
end do
if(ny<nminy .or. ny>nyest) return
nyk = ny-ky1
ty(ky1) = yb
ty(nyk+1) = ye
do i=ky1,nyk
if(ty(i+1)<=ty(i)) return
end do
if(s<0.) return
end if
ier = 0
! we partition the working space and determine the spline approximation
kn = 1
ki = kn+m
lq = 2
la = lq+ncest*ib3
lf = la+ncest*ib1
lff = lf+ncest
lfp = lff+ncest
lco = lfp+nrint
lh = lco+nrint
lbx = lh+ib3
nek = nest*km2
lby = lbx+nek
lsx = lby+nek
lsy = lsx+m*km1
call fpsurf(iopt,m,x,y,z,w,xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s,nxest,nyest, &
eps,tol,maxit,nest,km1,km2,ib1,ib3,ncest,nrint,nreg,nx,tx, &
ny,ty,c,fp,wrk1(1),wrk1(lfp),wrk1(lco),wrk1(lf),wrk1(lff), &
wrk1(la),wrk1(lq),wrk1(lbx),wrk1(lby),wrk1(lsx),wrk1(lsy), &
end subroutine surfit
subroutine fpsurf(iopt,m,x,y,z,w,xb,xe,yb,ye,kxx,kyy,s,nxest, &
nyest,eta,tol,maxit,nmax,km1,km2,ib1,ib3,nc,intest,nrest, &
nx0,tx,ny0,ty,c,fp,fp0,fpint,coord,f,ff,a,q,bx,by,spx,spy,h, &
! ..
implicit none
! ..scalar arguments..
real(wp_) xb,xe,yb,ye,s,eta,tol,fp,fp0
integer iopt,m,kxx,kyy,nxest,nyest,maxit,nmax,km1,km2,ib1,ib3, &
! ..array arguments..
real(wp_) x(m),y(m),z(m),w(m),tx(nmax),ty(nmax),c(nc),fpint(intest), &
coord(intest),f(nc),ff(nc),a(nc,ib1),q(nc,ib3),bx(nmax,km2), &
integer idx(nrest),nummer(m)
! ..local scalars..
real(wp_) acc,arg,cs,dmax,fac1,fac2,fpmax,fpms,f1,f2,f3,hxi,p,pinv, &
piv,p1,p2,p3,sigma,sn,sq,store,wi,x0,x1,y0,y1,zi,eps, &
integer i,iband,iband1,iband3,iband4,ibb,ichang,ich1,ich3,ii, &
in,irot,iter,i1,i2,i3,j,jrot,jxy,j1,kx,kx1,kx2,ky,ky1,ky2,l, &
la,lf,lh,lwest,lx,ly,l1,l2,n,ncof,nk1x,nk1y,nminx,nminy,nreg, &
! ..local arrays..
real(wp_) hx(6),hy(6)
! ..function references..
! real(8) abs,sqrt
! integer min0
! ..subroutine references..
! fpback,fpbspl,fpgivs,fpdisc,fporde,fprank,fprota
! ..
! set constants
one = 0.1e+01
con1 = 0.1e0
con9 = 0.9e0
con4 = 0.4e-01
ten = 0.1e+02
! part 1: determination of the number of knots and their position. c
! **************************************************************** c
! given a set of knots we compute the least-squares spline sinf(x,y), c
! and the corresponding weighted sum of squared residuals fp=f(p=inf). c
! if iopt=-1 sinf(x,y) is the requested approximation. c
! if iopt=0 or iopt=1 we check whether we can accept the knots: c
! if fp <=s we will continue with the current set of knots. c
! if fp > s we will increase the number of knots and compute the c
! corresponding least-squares spline until finally fp<=s. c
! the initial choice of knots depends on the value of s and iopt. c
! if iopt=0 we first compute the least-squares polynomial of degree c
! kx in x and ky in y; nx=nminx=2*kx+2 and ny=nminy=2*ky+2. c
! fp0=f(0) denotes the corresponding weighted sum of squared c
! residuals c
! if iopt=1 we start with the knots found at the last call of the c
! routine, except for the case that s>=fp0; then we can compute c
! the least-squares polynomial directly. c
! eventually the independent variables x and y (and the corresponding c
! parameters) will be switched if this can reduce the bandwidth of the c
! system to be solved. c
! ichang denotes whether(1) or not(-1) the directions have been inter-
! changed.
ichang = -1
x0 = xb
x1 = xe
y0 = yb
y1 = ye
kx = kxx
ky = kyy
kx1 = kx+1
ky1 = ky+1
nxe = nxest
nye = nyest
eps = sqrt(eta)
if(iopt<0) go to 20
! calculation of acc, the absolute tolerance for the root of f(p)=s.
acc = tol*s
if(iopt==0) go to 10
if(fp0>s) go to 20
! initialization for the least-squares polynomial.
10 continue
nminx = 2*kx1
nminy = 2*ky1
nx = nminx
ny = nminy
ier = -2
go to 30
20 continue
nx = nx0
ny = ny0
! main loop for the different sets of knots. m is a save upper bound
! for the number of trials.
30 continue
do iter=1,m
! find the position of the additional knots which are needed for the
! b-spline representation of s(x,y).
l = nx
do i=1,kx1
tx(i) = x0
tx(l) = x1
l = l-1
end do
l = ny
do i=1,ky1
ty(i) = y0
ty(l) = y1
l = l-1
end do
! find nrint, the total number of knot intervals and nreg, the number
! of panels in which the approximation domain is subdivided by the
! intersection of knots.
nxx = nx-2*kx1+1
nyy = ny-2*ky1+1
nrint = nxx+nyy
nreg = nxx*nyy
! find the bandwidth of the observation matrix a.
! if necessary, interchange the variables x and y, in order to obtain
! a minimal bandwidth.
iband1 = kx*(ny-ky1)+ky
l = ky*(nx-kx1)+kx
if(iband1>l) then
iband1 = l
ichang = -ichang
do i=1,m
store = x(i)
x(i) = y(i)
y(i) = store
end do
store = x0
x0 = y0
y0 = store
store = x1
x1 = y1
y1 = store
n = min0(nx,ny)
do i=1,n
store = tx(i)
tx(i) = ty(i)
ty(i) = store
end do
n1 = n+1
if(nx<ny) then
do i=n1,ny
tx(i) = ty(i)
end do
else if (nx>ny) then
do i=n1,nx
ty(i) = tx(i)
end do
end if
l = nx
nx = ny
ny = l
l = nxe
nxe = nye
nye = l
l = nxx
nxx = nyy
nyy = l
l = kx
kx = ky
ky = l
kx1 = kx+1
ky1 = ky+1
end if
iband = iband1+1
! arrange the data points according to the panel they belong to.
call fporde(x,y,m,kx,ky,tx,nx,ty,ny,nummer,idx,nreg)
! find ncof, the number of b-spline coefficients.
nk1x = nx-kx1
nk1y = ny-ky1
ncof = nk1x*nk1y
! initialize the observation matrix a.
do i=1,ncof
f(i) = 0.
do j=1,iband
a(i,j) = 0.
end do
end do
! initialize the sum of squared residuals.
fp = 0.
! fetch the data points in the new order. main loop for the
! different panels.
do num=1,nreg
! fix certain constants for the current panel; jrot records the column
! number of the first non-zero element in a row of the observation
! matrix according to a data point of the panel.
num1 = num-1
lx = num1/nyy
l1 = lx+kx1
ly = num1-lx*nyy
l2 = ly+ky1
jrot = lx*nk1y+ly
! test whether there are still data points in the panel.
in = idx(num)
if(in==0) exit
! fetch a new data point.
wi = w(in)
zi = z(in)*wi
! evaluate for the x-direction, the (kx+1) non-zero b-splines at x(in).
call fpbspl(tx,nx,kx,x(in),l1,hx)
! evaluate for the y-direction, the (ky+1) non-zero b-splines at y(in).
call fpbspl(ty,ny,ky,y(in),l2,hy)
! store the value of these b-splines in spx and spy respectively.
do i=1,kx1
spx(in,i) = hx(i)
end do
do i=1,ky1
spy(in,i) = hy(i)
end do
! initialize the new row of observation matrix.
do i=1,iband
h(i) = 0.
end do
! calculate the non-zero elements of the new row by making the cross
! products of the non-zero b-splines in x- and y-direction.
i1 = 0
do i=1,kx1
hxi = hx(i)
j1 = i1
do j=1,ky1
j1 = j1+1
h(j1) = hxi*hy(j)*wi
end do
i1 = i1+nk1y
end do
! rotate the row into triangle by givens transformations .
irot = jrot
do i=1,iband
irot = irot+1
piv = h(i)
if(piv==0.) cycle
! calculate the parameters of the givens transformation.
call fpgivs(piv,a(irot,1),cs,sn)
! apply that transformation to the right hand side.
call fprota(cs,sn,zi,f(irot))
if(i==iband) exit
! apply that transformation to the left hand side.
i2 = 1
i3 = i+1
do j=i3,iband
i2 = i2+1
call fprota(cs,sn,h(j),a(irot,i2))
end do
end do
! add the contribution of the row to the sum of squares of residual
! right hand sides.
fp = fp+zi**2
! find the number of the next data point in the panel.
in = nummer(in)
end do
end do
! find dmax, the maximum value for the diagonal elements in the reduced
! triangle.
dmax = 0.
do i=1,ncof
if(a(i,1)<=dmax) cycle
dmax = a(i,1)
end do
! check whether the observation matrix is rank deficient.
sigma = eps*dmax
do i=1,ncof
if(a(i,1)<=sigma) go to 280
end do
! backward substitution in case of full rank.
call fpback(a,f,ncof,iband,c,nc)
rank = ncof
do i=1,ncof
q(i,1) = a(i,1)/dmax
end do
go to 300
! in case of rank deficiency, find the minimum norm solution.
! check whether there is sufficient working space
280 continue
lwest = ncof*iband+ncof+iband
if(lwrk<lwest) go to 780
do i=1,ncof
ff(i) = f(i)
do j=1,iband
q(i,j) = a(i,j)
end do
end do
lf =1
lh = lf+ncof
la = lh+iband
call fprank(q,ff,ncof,iband,nc,sigma,c,sq,rank,wrk(la), &
do i=1,ncof
q(i,1) = q(i,1)/dmax
end do
! add to the sum of squared residuals, the contribution of reducing
! the rank.
fp = fp+sq
300 continue
if(ier==(-2)) fp0 = fp
! test whether the least-squares spline is an acceptable solution.
if(iopt<0) go to 820
fpms = fp-s
if(abs(fpms)<=acc) then
if(fp>0.0_wp_) then
go to 820
go to 815
end if
end if
! test whether we can accept the choice of knots.
if(fpms<0.) exit
! test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots.
if(ncof>m) go to 790
ier = 0
! search where to add a new knot.
! find for each interval the sum of squared residuals fpint for the
! data points having the coordinate belonging to that knot interval.
! calculate also coord which is the same sum, weighted by the position
! of the data points considered.
do i=1,nrint
fpint(i) = 0.
coord(i) = 0.
end do
do num=1,nreg
num1 = num-1
lx = num1/nyy
l1 = lx+1
ly = num1-lx*nyy
l2 = ly+1+nxx
jrot = lx*nk1y+ly
in = idx(num)
if(in==0) exit
store = 0.
i1 = jrot
do i=1,kx1
hxi = spx(in,i)
j1 = i1
do j=1,ky1
j1 = j1+1
store = store+hxi*spy(in,j)*c(j1)
end do
i1 = i1+nk1y
end do
store = (w(in)*(z(in)-store))**2
fpint(l1) = fpint(l1)+store
coord(l1) = coord(l1)+store*x(in)
fpint(l2) = fpint(l2)+store
coord(l2) = coord(l2)+store*y(in)
in = nummer(in)
end do
end do
! find the interval for which fpint is maximal on the condition that
! there still can be added a knot.
l = 0
fpmax = 0.
l1 = 1
l2 = nrint
if(nx==nxe) l1 = nxx+1
if(ny==nye) l2 = nxx
if(l1>l2) go to 810
do i=l1,l2
if(fpmax>=fpint(i)) cycle
l = i
fpmax = fpint(i)
end do
! test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots.
if(l==0) go to 785
! calculate the position of the new knot.
arg = coord(l)/fpint(l)
! test in what direction the new knot is going to be added.
if(l<=nxx) then
! addition in the x-direction.
jxy = l+kx1
fpint(l) = 0.
fac1 = tx(jxy)-arg
fac2 = arg-tx(jxy-1)
if(fac1>(ten*fac2) .or. fac2>(ten*fac1)) cycle
j = nx
do i=jxy,nx
tx(j+1) = tx(j)
j = j-1
end do
tx(jxy) = arg
nx = nx+1
! addition in the y-direction.
jxy = l+ky1-nxx
fpint(l) = 0.
fac1 = ty(jxy)-arg
fac2 = arg-ty(jxy-1)
if(fac1>(ten*fac2) .or. fac2>(ten*fac1)) cycle
j = ny
do i=jxy,ny
ty(j+1) = ty(j)
j = j-1
end do
ty(jxy) = arg
ny = ny+1
end if
end do
! restart the computations with the new set of knots.
end do
! test whether the least-squares polynomial is a solution of our
! approximation problem.
if(ier==(-2)) go to 830
! part 2: determination of the smoothing spline sp(x,y) c
! ***************************************************** c
! we have determined the number of knots and their position. we now c
! compute the b-spline coefficients of the smoothing spline sp(x,y). c
! the observation matrix a is extended by the rows of a matrix, c
! expressing that sp(x,y) must be a polynomial of degree kx in x and c
! ky in y. the corresponding weights of these additional rows are set c
! to 1./p. iteratively we than have to determine the value of p c
! such that f(p)=sum((w(i)*(z(i)-sp(x(i),y(i))))**2) be = s. c
! we already know that the least-squares polynomial corresponds to c
! p=0 and that the least-squares spline corresponds to p=infinity. c
! the iteration process which is proposed here makes use of rational c
! interpolation. since f(p) is a convex and strictly decreasing c
! function of p, it can be approximated by a rational function r(p)= c
! (u*p+v)/(p+w). three values of p(p1,p2,p3) with corresponding values c
! of f(p) (f1=f(p1)-s,f2=f(p2)-s,f3=f(p3)-s) are used to calculate the c
! new value of p such that r(p)=s. convergence is guaranteed by taking c
! f1 > 0 and f3 < 0. c
kx2 = kx1+1
! test whether there are interior knots in the x-direction.
! and
! evaluate the discotinuity jumps of the kx-th order derivative of
! the b-splines at the knots tx(l),l=kx+2,...,nx-kx-1.
if(nk1x/=kx1) call fpdisc(tx,nx,kx2,bx,nmax)
ky2 = ky1 + 1
! test whether there are interior knots in the y-direction.
! and
! evaluate the discontinuity jumps of the ky-th order derivative of
! the b-splines at the knots ty(l),l=ky+2,...,ny-ky-1.
if(nk1y/=ky1) call fpdisc(ty,ny,ky2,by,nmax)
! initial value for p.
p1 = 0.
f1 = fp0-s
p3 = -one
f3 = fpms
p = 0.
do i=1,ncof
p = p+a(i,1)
end do
rn = ncof
p = rn/p
! find the bandwidth of the extended observation matrix.
iband3 = kx1*nk1y
iband4 = iband3 +1
ich1 = 0
ich3 = 0
! iteration process to find the root of f(p)=s.
do 770 iter=1,maxit
pinv = one/p
! store the triangularized observation matrix into q.
do i=1,ncof
ff(i) = f(i)
do j=1,iband
q(i,j) = a(i,j)
end do
ibb = iband+1
do j=ibb,iband4
q(i,j) = 0.
end do
end do
if(nk1y/=ky1) then
! extend the observation matrix with the rows of a matrix, expressing
! that for x=cst. sp(x,y) must be a polynomial in y of degree ky.
do i=ky2,nk1y
ii = i-ky1
do j=1,nk1x
! initialize the new row.
do l=1,iband
h(l) = 0.
end do
! fill in the non-zero elements of the row. jrot records the column
! number of the first non-zero element in the row.
do l=1,ky2
h(l) = by(ii,l)*pinv
end do
zi = 0.
jrot = (j-1)*nk1y+ii
! rotate the new row into triangle by givens transformations without
! square roots.
do irot=jrot,ncof
piv = h(1)
i2 = min0(iband1,ncof-irot)
if(piv/=0.) then
! calculate the parameters of the givens transformation.
call fpgivs(piv,q(irot,1),cs,sn)
! apply that givens transformation to the right hand side.
call fprota(cs,sn,zi,ff(irot))
if(i2==0) exit
! apply that givens transformation to the left hand side.
do l=1,i2
l1 = l+1
call fprota(cs,sn,h(l1),q(irot,l1))
end do
if(i2<=0) exit
end if
do l=1,i2
h(l) = h(l+1)
end do
h(i2+1) = 0.
end do
end do
end do
end if
if(nk1x/=kx1) then
! extend the observation matrix with the rows of a matrix expressing
! that for y=cst. sp(x,y) must be a polynomial in x of degree kx.
do i=kx2,nk1x
ii = i-kx1
do j=1,nk1y
! initialize the new row
do l=1,iband4
h(l) = 0.
end do
! fill in the non-zero elements of the row. jrot records the column
! number of the first non-zero element in the row.
j1 = 1
do l=1,kx2
h(j1) = bx(ii,l)*pinv
j1 = j1+nk1y
end do
zi = 0.
jrot = (i-kx2)*nk1y+j
! rotate the new row into triangle by givens transformations .
do irot=jrot,ncof
piv = h(1)
i2 = min0(iband3,ncof-irot)
if(piv/=0.) then
! calculate the parameters of the givens transformation.
call fpgivs(piv,q(irot,1),cs,sn)
! apply that givens transformation to the right hand side.
call fprota(cs,sn,zi,ff(irot))
if(i2==0) exit
! apply that givens transformation to the left hand side.
do l=1,i2
l1 = l+1
call fprota(cs,sn,h(l1),q(irot,l1))
end do
if(i2<=0) exit
end if
do l=1,i2
h(l) = h(l+1)
end do
h(i2+1) = 0.
end do
end do
end do
end if
! find dmax, the maximum value for the diagonal elements in the
! reduced triangle.
dmax = 0.
do i=1,ncof
if(q(i,1)<=dmax) cycle
dmax = q(i,1)
end do
! check whether the matrix is rank deficient.
sigma = eps*dmax
do i=1,ncof
if(q(i,1)<=sigma) go to 670
end do
! backward substitution in case of full rank.
call fpback(q,ff,ncof,iband4,c,nc)
rank = ncof
go to 675
! in case of rank deficiency, find the minimum norm solution.
670 continue
lwest = ncof*iband4+ncof+iband4
if(lwrk<lwest) go to 780
lf = 1
lh = lf+ncof
la = lh+iband4
call fprank(q,ff,ncof,iband4,nc,sigma,c,sq,rank,wrk(la), &
675 continue
do i=1,ncof
q(i,1) = q(i,1)/dmax
end do
! compute f(p).
fp = 0.
do num = 1,nreg
num1 = num-1
lx = num1/nyy
ly = num1-lx*nyy
jrot = lx*nk1y+ly
in = idx(num)
if(in==0) exit
store = 0.
i1 = jrot
do i=1,kx1
hxi = spx(in,i)
j1 = i1
do j=1,ky1
j1 = j1+1
store = store+hxi*spy(in,j)*c(j1)
end do
i1 = i1+nk1y
end do
fp = fp+(w(in)*(z(in)-store))**2
in = nummer(in)
end do
end do
! test whether the approximation sp(x,y) is an acceptable solution.
fpms = fp-s
if(abs(fpms)<=acc) go to 820
! test whether the maximum allowable number of iterations has been
! reached.
if(iter==maxit) go to 795
! carry out one more step of the iteration process.
p2 = p
f2 = fpms
if(ich3/=0) go to 740
if((f2-f3)>acc) go to 730
! our initial choice of p is too large.
p3 = p2
f3 = f2
p = p*con4
if(p<=p1) p = p1*con9 + p2*con1
go to 770
730 if(f2<0.) ich3 = 1
740 if(ich1/=0) go to 760
if((f1-f2)>acc) go to 750
! our initial choice of p is too small
p1 = p2
f1 = f2
p = p/con4
if(p3<0.) go to 770
if(p>=p3) p = p2*con1 + p3*con9
go to 770
750 if(f2>0.) ich1 = 1
! test whether the iteration process proceeds as theoretically
! expected.
760 if(f2>=f1 .or. f2<=f3) go to 800
! find the new value of p.
p = fprati(p1,f1,p2,f2,p3,f3)
770 continue
! error codes and messages.
780 ier = lwest
go to 830
785 ier = 5
go to 830
790 ier = 4
go to 830
795 ier = 3
go to 830
800 ier = 2
go to 830
810 ier = 1
go to 830
815 ier = -1
fp = 0.
820 if(ncof/=rank) ier = -rank
! test whether x and y are in the original order.
830 if(ichang<0) go to 930
! if not, interchange x and y once more.
l1 = 1
do i=1,nk1x
l2 = i
do j=1,nk1y
f(l2) = c(l1)
l1 = l1+1
l2 = l2+nk1x
end do
end do
do i=1,ncof
c(i) = f(i)
end do
do i=1,m
store = x(i)
x(i) = y(i)
y(i) = store
end do
n = min0(nx,ny)
do i=1,n
store = tx(i)
tx(i) = ty(i)
ty(i) = store
end do
n1 = n+1
if(nx<ny) then
do i=n1,ny
tx(i) = ty(i)
end do
else if(nx>ny) then
do i=n1,nx
ty(i) = tx(i)
end do
end if
l = nx
nx = ny
ny = l
930 continue
if(iopt>=0) then
nx0 = nx
ny0 = ny
end if
end subroutine fpsurf
subroutine fpback(a,z,n,k,c,nest)
! subroutine fpback calculates the solution of the system of
! equations a*c = z with a a n x n upper triangular matrix
! of bandwidth k.
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n, k, nest
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a(nest,k), z(n)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: c(n)
! local variables
real(wp_) :: store
integer :: i, i1, j, k1, l, m
! ..
k1 = k-1
c(n) = z(n)/a(n,1)
i = n-1
if(i==0) return
do j=2,n
store = z(i)
i1 = k1
if(j<=k1) i1 = j-1
m = i
do l=1,i1
m = m+1
store = store-c(m)*a(i,l+1)
end do
c(i) = store/a(i,1)
i = i-1
end do
end subroutine fpback
subroutine fpbisp(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,x,mx,y,my,z,wx,wy,lx,ly)
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, kx, ky, mx, my
integer, intent(out) :: lx(mx), ly(my)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: tx(nx), ty(ny), c((nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1)), &
x(mx), y(my)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: z(mx*my)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: wx(mx,kx+1), wy(my,ky+1)
! local variables
integer :: kx1, ky1, l, l1, l2, m, nkx1, nky1, i, j, i1, j1
real(wp_) :: arg, sp, tb, te, h(6)
! ..subroutine references..
! fpbspl
! ..
kx1 = kx+1
nkx1 = nx-kx1
tb = tx(kx1)
te = tx(nkx1+1)
l = kx1
l1 = l+1
do i=1,mx
arg = x(i)
if(arg<tb) arg = tb
if(arg>te) arg = te
if(arg<tx(l1) .or. l==nkx1) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
end do
call fpbspl(tx,nx,kx,arg,l,h)
lx(i) = l-kx1
do j=1,kx1
wx(i,j) = h(j)
end do
end do
ky1 = ky+1
nky1 = ny-ky1
tb = ty(ky1)
te = ty(nky1+1)
l = ky1
l1 = l+1
do i=1,my
arg = y(i)
if(arg<tb) arg = tb
if(arg>te) arg = te
if(arg<ty(l1) .or. l==nky1) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
end do
call fpbspl(ty,ny,ky,arg,l,h)
ly(i) = l-ky1
do j=1,ky1
wy(i,j) = h(j)
end do
end do
m = 0
do i=1,mx
l = lx(i)*nky1
do i1=1,kx1
h(i1) = wx(i,i1)
end do
do j=1,my
l1 = l+ly(j)
sp = 0.0_wp_
do i1=1,kx1
l2 = l1
do j1=1,ky1
l2 = l2+1
sp = sp+c(l2)*h(i1)*wy(j,j1)
end do
l1 = l1+nky1
end do
m = m+1
z(m) = sp
end do
end do
end subroutine fpbisp
subroutine fpbspl(t,n,k,x,l,h)
! subroutine fpbspl evaluates the (k+1) non-zero b-splines of
! degree k at t(l) <= x < t(l+1) using the stable recurrence
! relation of de boor and cox.
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n, k, l
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x, t(n)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: h(6)
! local variables
integer :: i, j, li, lj
real(wp_) :: f, hh(5)
! parameters
real(wp_), parameter :: one = 0.1e1_wp_
! ..
h(1) = one
do j=1,k
do i=1,j
hh(i) = h(i)
end do
h(1) = 0.0_wp_
do i=1,j
li = l+i
lj = li-j
f = hh(i)/(t(li)-t(lj))
h(i) = h(i)+f*(t(li)-x)
h(i+1) = f*(x-t(lj))
end do
end do
end subroutine fpbspl
subroutine fpchec(x,m,t,n,k,ier)
! subroutine fpchec verifies the number and the position of the knots
! t(j),j=1,2,...,n of a spline of degree k, in relation to the number
! and the position of the data points x(i),i=1,2,...,m. if all of the
! following conditions are fulfilled, the error parameter ier is set
! to zero. if one of the conditions is violated ier is set to ten.
! 1) k+1 <= n-k-1 <= m
! 2) t(1) <= t(2) <= ... <= t(k+1)
! t(n-k) <= t(n-k+1) <= ... <= t(n)
! 3) t(k+1) < t(k+2) < ... < t(n-k)
! 4) t(k+1) <= x(i) <= t(n-k)
! 5) the conditions specified by schoenberg and whitney must hold
! for at least one subset of data points, i.e. there must be a
! subset of data points y(j) such that
! t(j) < y(j) < t(j+k+1), j=1,2,...,n-k-1
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: m, n, k
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(m), t(n)
integer, intent(out) :: ier
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k1, k2, l, nk1, nk2, nk3
real(wp_) :: tj, tl
! ..
k1 = k+1
k2 = k1+1
nk1 = n-k1
nk2 = nk1+1
ier = 10
! check condition no 1
if(nk1<k1 .or. nk1>m) return
! check condition no 2
j = n
do i=1,k
if(t(i)>t(i+1) .or. t(j)<t(j-1)) return
j = j-1
end do
! check condition no 3
do i=k2,nk2
if(t(i)<=t(i-1)) return
end do
! check condition no 4
if(x(1)<t(k1) .or. x(m)>t(nk2)) return
! check condition no 5
if(x(1)>=t(k2) .or. x(m)<=t(nk1)) return
i = 1
l = k2
nk3 = nk1-1
do j=2,nk3
tj = t(j)
l = l+1
tl = t(l)
i = i+1
if(i>=m) return
if(x(i)>tj) exit
end do
if(x(i)>=tl) return
end do
ier = 0
end subroutine fpchec
subroutine fpdisc(t,n,k2,b,nest)
! subroutine fpdisc calculates the discontinuity jumps of the kth
! derivative of the b-splines of degree k at the knots t(k+2)..t(n-k-1)
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n, k2, nest
real(wp_), intent(in) :: t(n)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: b(nest,k2)
! local variables
real(wp_) :: an, fac, prod
integer :: i, ik, j, jk, k, k1, l, lj, lk, lmk, lp, nk1, nrint
real(wp_), dimension(12) :: h
! ..
k1 = k2-1
k = k1-1
nk1 = n-k1
nrint = nk1-k
an = nrint
fac = an/(t(nk1+1)-t(k1))
do l=k2,nk1
lmk = l-k1
do j=1,k1
ik = j+k1
lj = l+j
lk = lj-k2
h(j) = t(l)-t(lk)
h(ik) = t(l)-t(lj)
end do
lp = lmk
do j=1,k2
jk = j
prod = h(j)
do i=1,k
jk = jk+1
prod = prod*h(jk)*fac
end do
lk = lp+k1
b(lmk,j) = (t(lk)-t(lp))/prod
lp = lp+1
end do
end do
end subroutine fpdisc
subroutine fprank(a,f,n,m,na,tol,c,sq,rank,aa,ff,h)
! subroutine fprank finds the minimum norm solution of a least-
! squares problem in case of rank deficiency.
! input parameters:
! a : array, which contains the non-zero elements of the observation
! matrix after triangularization by givens transformations.
! f : array, which contains the transformed right hand side.
! n : integer,wich contains the dimension of a.
! m : integer, which denotes the bandwidth of a.
! tol : real value, giving a threshold to determine the rank of a.
! output parameters:
! c : array, which contains the minimum norm solution.
! sq : real value, giving the contribution of reducing the rank
! to the sum of squared residuals.
! rank : integer, which contains the rank of matrix a.
implicit none
! ..scalar arguments..
integer n,m,na,rank
real(wp_) tol,sq
! ..array arguments..
real(wp_) a(na,m),f(n),c(n),aa(n,m),ff(n),h(m)
! ..local scalars..
integer i,ii,ij,i1,i2,j,jj,j1,j2,j3,k,kk,m1,nl
real(wp_) cs,fac,piv,sn,yi
real(wp_) store,stor1,stor2,stor3
! ..function references..
integer min0
! ..subroutine references..
! fpgivs,fprota
! ..
m1 = m-1
! the rank deficiency nl is considered to be the number of sufficient
! small diagonal elements of a.
nl = 0
sq = 0.
do i=1,n
if(a(i,1)>tol) cycle
! if a sufficient small diagonal element is found, we put it to
! zero. the remainder of the row corresponding to that zero diagonal
! element is then rotated into triangle by givens rotations .
! the rank deficiency is increased by one.
nl = nl+1
if(i==n) cycle
yi = f(i)
do j=1,m1
h(j) = a(i,j+1)
end do
h(m) = 0.
i1 = i+1
do ii=i1,n
i2 = min0(n-ii,m1)
piv = h(1)
if(piv/=0.) then
call fpgivs(piv,a(ii,1),cs,sn)
call fprota(cs,sn,yi,f(ii))
if(i2==0) exit
do j=1,i2
j1 = j+1
call fprota(cs,sn,h(j1),a(ii,j1))
h(j) = h(j1)
end do
if(i2==0) exit
do j=1,i2
h(j) = h(j+1)
end do
end if
h(i2+1) = 0.
end do
! add to the sum of squared residuals the contribution of deleting
! the row with small diagonal element.
sq = sq+yi**2
end do
! rank denotes the rank of a.
rank = n-nl
! let b denote the (rank*n) upper trapezoidal matrix which can be
! obtained from the (n*n) upper triangular matrix a by deleting
! the rows and interchanging the columns corresponding to a zero
! diagonal element. if this matrix is factorized using givens
! transformations as b = (r) (u) where
! r is a (rank*rank) upper triangular matrix,
! u is a (rank*n) orthonormal matrix
! then the minimal least-squares solution c is given by c = b' v,
! where v is the solution of the system (r) (r)' v = g and
! g denotes the vector obtained from the old right hand side f, by
! removing the elements corresponding to a zero diagonal element of a.
! initialization.
do i=1,rank
do j=1,m
aa(i,j) = 0.
end do
end do
! form in aa the upper triangular matrix obtained from a by
! removing rows and columns with zero diagonal elements. form in ff
! the new right hand side by removing the elements of the old right
! hand side corresponding to a deleted row.
ii = 0
do i=1,n
if(a(i,1)<=tol) cycle
ii = ii+1
ff(ii) = f(i)
aa(ii,1) = a(i,1)
jj = ii
kk = 1
j = i
j1 = min0(j-1,m1)
do k=1,j1
j = j-1
if(a(j,1)<=tol) cycle
kk = kk+1
jj = jj-1
aa(jj,kk) = a(j,k+1)
end do
end do
! form successively in h the columns of a with a zero diagonal element.
ii = 0
do i=1,n
ii = ii+1
if(a(i,1)>tol) cycle
ii = ii-1
if(ii==0) cycle
jj = 1
j = i
j1 = min0(j-1,m1)
do k=1,j1
j = j-1
if(a(j,1)<=tol) cycle
h(jj) = a(j,k+1)
jj = jj+1
end do
do kk=jj,m
h(kk) = 0.
end do
! rotate this column into aa by givens transformations.
jj = ii
do i1=1,ii
j1 = min0(jj-1,m1)
piv = h(1)
if(piv==0.) then
if(j1==0) exit
do j2=1,j1
j3 = j2+1
h(j2) = h(j3)
end do
call fpgivs(piv,aa(jj,1),cs,sn)
if(j1==0) exit
kk = jj
do j2=1,j1
j3 = j2+1
kk = kk-1
call fprota(cs,sn,h(j3),aa(kk,j3))
h(j2) = h(j3)
end do
end if
jj = jj-1
h(j3) = 0.
end do
end do
! solve the system (aa) (f1) = ff
ff(rank) = ff(rank)/aa(rank,1)
i = rank-1
do j=2,rank
store = ff(i)
i1 = min0(j-1,m1)
k = i
do ii=1,i1
k = k+1
stor1 = ff(k)
stor2 = aa(i,ii+1)
store = store-stor1*stor2
end do
stor1 = aa(i,1)
ff(i) = store/stor1
i = i-1
end do
! solve the system (aa)' (f2) = f1
ff(1) = ff(1)/aa(1,1)
do j=2,rank
store = ff(j)
i1 = min0(j-1,m1)
k = j
do ii=1,i1
k = k-1
stor1 = ff(k)
stor2 = aa(k,ii+1)
store = store-stor1*stor2
end do
stor1 = aa(j,1)
ff(j) = store/stor1
end do
! premultiply f2 by the transpoze of a.
k = 0
do i=1,n
store = 0.
if(a(i,1)>tol) k = k+1
j1 = min0(i,m)
kk = k
ij = i+1
do j=1,j1
ij = ij-1
if(a(ij,1)<=tol) cycle
stor1 = a(ij,j)
stor2 = ff(kk)
store = store+stor1*stor2
kk = kk-1
end do
c(i) = store
end do
! add to the sum of squared residuals the contribution of putting
! to zero the small diagonal elements of matrix (a).
stor3 = 0.
do i=1,n
if(a(i,1)>tol) cycle
store = f(i)
i1 = min0(n-i,m1)
do j=1,i1
ij = i+j
stor1 = c(ij)
stor2 = a(i,j+1)
store = store-stor1*stor2
end do
fac = a(i,1)*c(i)
stor1 = a(i,1)
stor2 = c(i)
stor1 = stor1*stor2
stor3 = stor3+stor1*(stor1-store-store)
end do
fac = stor3
sq = sq+fac
end subroutine fprank
subroutine fporde(x,y,m,kx,ky,tx,nx,ty,ny,nummer,idx,nreg)
! subroutine fporde sorts the data points (x(i),y(i)),i=1,2,...,m
! according to the panel tx(l)<=x<tx(l+1),ty(k)<=y<ty(k+1), they belong
! to. for each panel a stack is constructed containing the numbers
! of data points lying inside; index(j),j=1,2,...,nreg points to the
! first data point in the jth panel while nummer(i),i=1,2,...,m gives
! the number of the next data point in the panel.
! ..
implicit none
! ..scalar arguments..
integer m,kx,ky,nx,ny,nreg
! ..array arguments..
real(wp_) x(m),y(m),tx(nx),ty(ny)
integer nummer(m),idx(nreg)
! ..local scalars..
real(wp_) xi,yi
integer i,im,k,kx1,ky1,k1,l,l1,nk1x,nk1y,num,nyy
! ..
kx1 = kx+1
ky1 = ky+1
nk1x = nx-kx1
nk1y = ny-ky1
nyy = nk1y-ky
do i=1,nreg
idx(i) = 0
end do
do im=1,m
xi = x(im)
yi = y(im)
l = kx1
l1 = l+1
if(xi<tx(l1) .or. l==nk1x) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
end do
k = ky1
k1 = k+1
if(yi<ty(k1) .or. k==nk1y) exit
k = k1
k1 = k+1
end do
num = (l-kx1)*nyy+k-ky
nummer(im) = idx(num)
idx(num) = im
end do
end subroutine fporde
subroutine fpgivs(piv,ww,cs,sn)
! subroutine fpgivs calculates the parameters of a givens
! transformation .
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: piv
real(wp_), intent(out) :: cs, sn
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: ww
! local variables
real(wp_) :: dd, store
! parameters
real(wp_), parameter :: one = 0.1e+01_wp_
! ..
store = abs(piv)
if(store>=ww) dd = store*sqrt(one+(ww/piv)**2)
if(store<ww) dd = ww*sqrt(one+(piv/ww)**2)
cs = ww/dd
sn = piv/dd
ww = dd
end subroutine fpgivs
subroutine fpgrre(ifsx,ifsy,ifbx,ifby,x,mx,y,my,z,mz,kx,ky,tx,nx, &
ty,ny,p,c,nc,fp,fpx,fpy,mm,mynx,kx1,kx2,ky1,ky2,spx,spy,right,q, &
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: kx, kx1, kx2, ky, ky1, ky2, mm, mx, my, mz, &
mynx, nx, ny, nc
integer, intent(inout) :: ifsx, ifsy, ifbx, ifby, nrx(mx), nry(my)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: p, x(mx), y(my), z(mz), tx(nx), ty(ny)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fp, c(nc), q(mynx), ax(nx,kx2), ay(ny,ky2), fpx(nx), fpy(ny)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: spx(mx,kx1), spy(my,ky1), bx(nx,kx2), by(ny,ky2)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: right(mm)
! local variables
real(wp_) :: arg, cs, fac, pinv, piv, sn, term
integer :: i, ibandx, ibandy, ic, iq, irot, it, iz,i1, i2, i3, &
j, k, k1, k2, l, l1, l2, ncof, nk1x, nk1y, nrold, nroldx, nroldy, &
number, numx, numx1, numy, numy1, n1
real(wp_), dimension(7) :: h
! parameters
real(wp_), parameter :: one = 1.0_wp_, half = 0.5_wp_
! ..subroutine references..
! fpback,fpbspl,fpgivs,fpdisc,fprota
! ..
! the b-spline coefficients of the smoothing spline are calculated as
! the least-squares solution of the over-determined linear system of
! equations (ay) c (ax)' = q where
! | (spx) | | (spy) |
! (ax) = | ---------- | (ay) = | ---------- |
! | (1/p) (bx) | | (1/p) (by) |
! | z ' 0 |
! q = | ------ |
! | 0 ' 0 |
! with c : the (ny-ky-1) x (nx-kx-1) matrix which contains the
! b-spline coefficients.
! z : the my x mx matrix which contains the function values.
! spx,spy: the mx x (nx-kx-1) and my x (ny-ky-1) observation
! matrices according to the least-squares problems in
! the x- and y-direction.
! bx,by : the (nx-2*kx-1) x (nx-kx-1) and (ny-2*ky-1) x (ny-ky-1)
! matrices which contain the discontinuity jumps of the
! derivatives of the b-splines in the x- and y-direction.
nk1x = nx-kx1
nk1y = ny-ky1
if(p>0.0_wp_) pinv = one/p
! it depends on the value of the flags ifsx,ifsy,ifbx and ifby and on
! the value of p whether the matrices (spx),(spy),(bx) and (by) still
! must be determined.
if(ifsx==0) then
! calculate the non-zero elements of the matrix (spx) which is the
! observation matrix according to the least-squares spline approximat-
! ion problem in the x-direction.
l = kx1
l1 = kx2
number = 0
do it=1,mx
arg = x(it)
if(arg<tx(l1) .or. l==nk1x) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
number = number+1
end do
call fpbspl(tx,nx,kx,arg,l,h)
do i=1,kx1
spx(it,i) = h(i)
end do
nrx(it) = number
end do
ifsx = 1
end if
if(ifsy==0) then
! calculate the non-zero elements of the matrix (spy) which is the
! observation matrix according to the least-squares spline approximat-
! ion problem in the y-direction.
l = ky1
l1 = ky2
number = 0
do it=1,my
arg = y(it)
if(arg<ty(l1) .or. l==nk1y) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
number = number+1
end do
call fpbspl(ty,ny,ky,arg,l,h)
do i=1,ky1
spy(it,i) = h(i)
end do
nry(it) = number
end do
ifsy = 1
end if
if(p>0.0_wp_) then
! calculate the non-zero elements of the matrix (bx).
if(ifbx==0 .and. nx/=2*kx1) then
call fpdisc(tx,nx,kx2,bx,nx)
ifbx = 1
end if
! calculate the non-zero elements of the matrix (by).
if(ifby==0 .and. ny/=2*ky1) then
call fpdisc(ty,ny,ky2,by,ny)
ifby = 1
end if
end if
! reduce the matrix (ax) to upper triangular form (rx) using givens
! rotations. apply the same transformations to the rows of matrix q
! to obtain the my x (nx-kx-1) matrix g.
! store matrix (rx) into (ax) and g into q.
l = my*nk1x
! initialization.
do i=1,l
q(i) = 0.0_wp_
end do
do i=1,nk1x
do j=1,kx2
ax(i,j) = 0.0_wp_
end do
end do
l = 0
nrold = 0
! ibandx denotes the bandwidth of the matrices (ax) and (rx).
ibandx = kx1
do it=1,mx
number = nrx(it)
if(nrold/=number) then
if(p<=0.0_wp_) then
nrold = nrold+1
end if
ibandx = kx2
! fetch a new row of matrix (bx).
n1 = nrold+1
do j=1,kx2
h(j) = bx(n1,j)*pinv
end do
! find the appropriate column of q.
do j=1,my
right(j) = 0.0_wp_
end do
irot = nrold
! fetch a new row of matrix (spx).
h(ibandx) = 0.0_wp_
do j=1,kx1
h(j) = spx(it,j)
end do
! find the appropriate column of q.
do j=1,my
l = l+1
right(j) = z(l)
end do
irot = number
end if
! rotate the new row of matrix (ax) into triangle.
do i=1,ibandx
irot = irot+1
piv = h(i)
if(piv==0.0_wp_) cycle
! calculate the parameters of the givens transformation.
call fpgivs(piv,ax(irot,1),cs,sn)
! apply that transformation to the rows of matrix q.
iq = (irot-1)*my
do j=1,my
iq = iq+1
call fprota(cs,sn,right(j),q(iq))
end do
! apply that transformation to the columns of (ax).
if(i==ibandx) exit
i2 = 1
i3 = i+1
do j=i3,ibandx
i2 = i2+1
call fprota(cs,sn,h(j),ax(irot,i2))
end do
end do
if(nrold==number) exit
nrold = nrold+1
end do
end do
! reduce the matrix (ay) to upper triangular form (ry) using givens
! rotations. apply the same transformations to the columns of matrix g
! to obtain the (ny-ky-1) x (nx-kx-1) matrix h.
! store matrix (ry) into (ay) and h into c.
ncof = nk1x*nk1y
! initialization.
do i=1,ncof
c(i) = 0.0_wp_
end do
do i=1,nk1y
do j=1,ky2
ay(i,j) = 0.0_wp_
end do
end do
nrold = 0
! ibandy denotes the bandwidth of the matrices (ay) and (ry).
ibandy = ky1
do it=1,my
number = nry(it)
if(nrold/=number) then
if(p<=0.0_wp_) then
nrold = nrold+1
end if
ibandy = ky2
! fetch a new row of matrix (by).
n1 = nrold+1
do j=1,ky2
h(j) = by(n1,j)*pinv
end do
! find the appropiate row of g.
do j=1,nk1x
right(j) = 0.0_wp_
end do
irot = nrold
! fetch a new row of matrix (spy)
h(ibandy) = 0.0_wp_
do j=1,ky1
h(j) = spy(it,j)
end do
! find the appropiate row of g.
l = it
do j=1,nk1x
right(j) = q(l)
l = l+my
end do
irot = number
end if
! rotate the new row of matrix (ay) into triangle.
do i=1,ibandy
irot = irot+1
piv = h(i)
if(piv==0.0_wp_) cycle
! calculate the parameters of the givens transformation.
call fpgivs(piv,ay(irot,1),cs,sn)
! apply that transformation to the colums of matrix g.
ic = irot
do j=1,nk1x
call fprota(cs,sn,right(j),c(ic))
ic = ic+nk1y
end do
! apply that transformation to the columns of matrix (ay).
if(i==ibandy) exit
i2 = 1
i3 = i+1
do j=i3,ibandy
i2 = i2+1
call fprota(cs,sn,h(j),ay(irot,i2))
end do
end do
if(nrold==number) exit
nrold = nrold+1
end do
end do
! backward substitution to obtain the b-spline coefficients as the
! solution of the linear system (ry) c (rx)' = h.
! first step: solve the system (ry) (c1) = h.
k = 1
do i=1,nk1x
call fpback(ay,c(k),nk1y,ibandy,c(k),ny)
k = k+nk1y
end do
! second step: solve the system c (rx)' = (c1).
k = 0
do j=1,nk1y
k = k+1
l = k
do i=1,nk1x
right(i) = c(l)
l = l+nk1y
end do
call fpback(ax,right,nk1x,ibandx,right,nx)
l = k
do i=1,nk1x
c(l) = right(i)
l = l+nk1y
end do
end do
! calculate the quantities
! res(i,j) = (z(i,j) - s(x(i),y(j)))**2 , i=1,2,..,mx;j=1,2,..,my
! fp = sumi=1,mx(sumj=1,my(res(i,j)))
! fpx(r) = sum''i(sumj=1,my(res(i,j))) , r=1,2,...,nx-2*kx-1
! tx(r+kx) <= x(i) <= tx(r+kx+1)
! fpy(r) = sumi=1,mx(sum''j(res(i,j))) , r=1,2,...,ny-2*ky-1
! ty(r+ky) <= y(j) <= ty(r+ky+1)
fp = 0.0_wp_
do i=1,nx
fpx(i) = 0.0_wp_
end do
do i=1,ny
fpy(i) = 0.0_wp_
end do
nk1y = ny-ky1
iz = 0
nroldx = 0
! main loop for the different grid points.
do i1=1,mx
numx = nrx(i1)
numx1 = numx+1
nroldy = 0
do i2=1,my
numy = nry(i2)
numy1 = numy+1
iz = iz+1
! evaluate s(x,y) at the current grid point by making the sum of the
! cross products of the non-zero b-splines at (x,y), multiplied with
! the appropiate b-spline coefficients.
term = 0.0_wp_
k1 = numx*nk1y+numy
do l1=1,kx1
k2 = k1
fac = spx(i1,l1)
do l2=1,ky1
k2 = k2+1
term = term+fac*spy(i2,l2)*c(k2)
end do
k1 = k1+nk1y
end do
! calculate the squared residual at the current grid point.
term = (z(iz)-term)**2
! adjust the different parameters.
fp = fp+term
fpx(numx1) = fpx(numx1)+term
fpy(numy1) = fpy(numy1)+term
fac = term*half
if(numy/=nroldy) then
fpy(numy1) = fpy(numy1)-fac
fpy(numy) = fpy(numy)+fac
end if
nroldy = numy
if(numx/=nroldx) then
fpx(numx1) = fpx(numx1)-fac
fpx(numx) = fpx(numx)+fac
end if
end do
nroldx = numx
end do
end subroutine fpgrre
subroutine fpknot(x,m,t,n,fpint,nrdata,nrint,nest,istart)
! subroutine fpknot locates an additional knot for a spline of degree
! k and adjusts the corresponding parameters,i.e.
! t : the position of the knots.
! n : the number of knots.
! nrint : the number of knotintervals.
! fpint : the sum of squares of residual right hand sides
! for each knot interval.
! nrdata: the number of data points inside each knot interval.
! istart indicates that the smallest data point at which the new knot
! may be added is x(istart+1)
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: m, nest, istart
integer, intent(inout) :: n, nrint, nrdata(nest)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(m)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: t(nest), fpint(nest)
! local variables
real(wp_) :: an, am, fpmax
integer :: ihalf, j, jbegin, jj, jk, jpoint, k, maxbeg, maxpt, next, nrx, number
! ..
k = (n-nrint-1)/2
! search for knot interval t(number+k) <= x <= t(number+k+1) where
! fpint(number) is maximal on the condition that nrdata(number)
! not equals zero.
fpmax = 0.0_wp_
jbegin = istart
do j=1,nrint
jpoint = nrdata(j)
if(fpmax<fpint(j) .and. jpoint/=0) then
fpmax = fpint(j)
number = j
maxpt = jpoint
maxbeg = jbegin
end if
jbegin = jbegin+jpoint+1
end do
! let coincide the new knot t(number+k+1) with a data point x(nrx)
! inside the old knot interval t(number+k) <= x <= t(number+k+1).
ihalf = maxpt/2+1
nrx = maxbeg+ihalf
next = number+1
if(next<=nrint) then
! adjust the different parameters.
do j=next,nrint
jj = next+nrint-j
fpint(jj+1) = fpint(jj)
nrdata(jj+1) = nrdata(jj)
jk = jj+k
t(jk+1) = t(jk)
end do
end if
nrdata(number) = ihalf-1
nrdata(next) = maxpt-ihalf
am = maxpt
an = nrdata(number)
fpint(number) = fpmax*an/am
an = nrdata(next)
fpint(next) = fpmax*an/am
jk = next+k
t(jk) = x(nrx)
n = n+1
nrint = nrint+1
end subroutine fpknot
subroutine fpregr(iopt,x,mx,y,my,z,mz,xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s, &
nxest,nyest,tol,maxit,nc,nx,tx,ny,ty,c,fp,fp0,fpold,reducx, &
reducy,fpintx,fpinty,lastdi,nplusx,nplusy,nrx,nry,nrdatx,nrdaty, &
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: kx,ky,mx,my,mz,nxest,nyest,maxit,nc,lwrk,iopt
integer, intent(inout) :: nx,ny,lastdi,nplusx,nplusy, &
integer, intent(out) :: ier
real(wp_), intent(in) :: xb,xe,yb,ye,s,tol,x(mx),y(my),z(mz)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fp,c(nc)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: fp0,fpold,reducx,reducy,tx(nxest), &
! local variables
real(wp_) :: acc,fpms,f1,f2,f3,p,p1,p2,p3,rn
integer :: i,ich1,ich3,ifbx,ifby,ifsx,ifsy,iter,j,kx1,kx2,ky1,ky2,k3, &
l,lax,lay,lbx,lby,lq,lri,lsx,lsy,mk1,mm,mpm,mynx,nmaxx,nmaxy,nminx,nminy, &
! parameters
real(wp_), parameter :: one=1.0_wp_,half=0.5_wp_,con1=0.1_wp_,con9=0.9_wp_,con4=0.4e-01_wp_
! ..subroutine references..
! fpgrre,fpknot
! ..
! we partition the working space.
kx1 = kx+1
ky1 = ky+1
kx2 = kx1+1
ky2 = ky1+1
lsx = 1
lsy = lsx+mx*kx1
lri = lsy+my*ky1
mm = max(nxest,my)
lq = lri+mm
mynx = nxest*my
lax = lq+mynx
nxk = nxest*kx2
lbx = lax+nxk
lay = lbx+nxk
lby = lay+nyest*ky2
! part 1: determination of the number of knots and their position. c
! **************************************************************** c
! given a set of knots we compute the least-squares spline sinf(x,y), c
! and the corresponding sum of squared residuals fp=f(p=inf). c
! if iopt=-1 sinf(x,y) is the requested approximation. c
! if iopt=0 or iopt=1 we check whether we can accept the knots: c
! if fp <=s we will continue with the current set of knots. c
! if fp > s we will increase the number of knots and compute the c
! corresponding least-squares spline until finally fp<=s. c
! the initial choice of knots depends on the value of s and iopt. c
! if s=0 we have spline interpolation; in that case the number of c
! knots equals nmaxx = mx+kx+1 and nmaxy = my+ky+1. c
! if s>0 and c
! *iopt=0 we first compute the least-squares polynomial of degree c
! kx in x and ky in y; nx=nminx=2*kx+2 and ny=nymin=2*ky+2. c
! *iopt=1 we start with the knots found at the last call of the c
! routine, except for the case that s > fp0; then we can compute c
! the least-squares polynomial directly. c
! determine the number of knots for polynomial approximation.
nminx = 2*kx1
nminy = 2*ky1
if(iopt>=0) then
! acc denotes the absolute tolerance for the root of f(p)=s.
acc = tol*s
! find nmaxx and nmaxy which denote the number of knots in x- and y-
! direction in case of spline interpolation.
nmaxx = mx+kx1
nmaxy = my+ky1
! find nxe and nye which denote the maximum number of knots
! allowed in each direction
nxe = min(nmaxx,nxest)
nye = min(nmaxy,nyest)
if(s<=0.0_wp_) then
! if s = 0, s(x,y) is an interpolating spline.
nx = nmaxx
ny = nmaxy
! test whether the required storage space exceeds the available one.
if(ny>nyest .or. nx>nxest) then
ier = 1
end if
! find the position of the interior knots in case of interpolation.
! the knots in the x-direction.
mk1 = mx-kx1
if(mk1/=0) then
k3 = kx/2
i = kx1+1
j = k3+2
if(k3*2/=kx) then
do l=1,mk1
tx(i) = x(j)
i = i+1
j = j+1
end do
do l=1,mk1
tx(i) = (x(j)+x(j-1))*half
i = i+1
j = j+1
end do
end if
end if
! the knots in the y-direction.
mk1 = my-ky1
if(mk1/=0) then
k3 = ky/2
i = ky1+1
j = k3+2
if(k3*2/=ky) then
do l=1,mk1
ty(i) = y(j)
i = i+1
j = j+1
end do
do l=1,mk1
ty(i) = (y(j)+y(j-1))*half
i = i+1
j = j+1
end do
end if
end if
! if s > 0 our initial choice of knots depends on the value of iopt.
if(iopt/=0 .and. fp0>s) then
! if iopt=1 and fp0 > s we start computing the least- squares spline
! according to the set of knots found at the last call of the routine.
! we determine the number of grid coordinates x(i) inside each knot
! interval (tx(l),tx(l+1)).
l = kx2
j = 1
nrdatx(1) = 0
mpm = mx-1
do i=2,mpm
nrdatx(j) = nrdatx(j)+1
if(x(i)<tx(l)) cycle
nrdatx(j) = nrdatx(j)-1
l = l+1
j = j+1
nrdatx(j) = 0
end do
! we determine the number of grid coordinates y(i) inside each knot
! interval (ty(l),ty(l+1)).
l = ky2
j = 1
nrdaty(1) = 0
mpm = my-1
do i=2,mpm
nrdaty(j) = nrdaty(j)+1
if(y(i)<ty(l)) cycle
nrdaty(j) = nrdaty(j)-1
l = l+1
j = j+1
nrdaty(j) = 0
end do
! if iopt=0 or iopt=1 and s>=fp0, we start computing the least-squares
! polynomial of degree kx in x and ky in y (which is a spline without
! interior knots).
nx = nminx
ny = nminy
nrdatx(1) = mx-2
nrdaty(1) = my-2
lastdi = 0
nplusx = 0
nplusy = 0
fp0 = 0.0_wp_
fpold = 0.0_wp_
reducx = 0.0_wp_
reducy = 0.0_wp_
end if
end if
end if
mpm = mx+my
ifsx = 0
ifsy = 0
ifbx = 0
ifby = 0
p = -one
! main loop for the different sets of knots.mpm=mx+my is a save upper
! bound for the number of trials.
do iter=1,mpm
if(nx==nminx .and. ny==nminy) ier = -2
! find nrintx (nrinty) which is the number of knot intervals in the
! x-direction (y-direction).
nrintx = nx-nminx+1
nrinty = ny-nminy+1
! find ncof, the number of b-spline coefficients for the current set
! of knots.
! nk1x = nx-kx1
! nk1y = ny-ky1
! ncof = nk1x*nk1y
! find the position of the additional knots which are needed for the
! b-spline representation of s(x,y).
i = nx
do j=1,kx1
tx(j) = xb
tx(i) = xe
i = i-1
end do
i = ny
do j=1,ky1
ty(j) = yb
ty(i) = ye
i = i-1
end do
! find the least-squares spline sinf(x,y) and calculate for each knot
! interval tx(j+kx)<=x<=tx(j+kx+1) (ty(j+ky)<=y<=ty(j+ky+1)) the sum
! of squared residuals fpintx(j),j=1,2,...,nx-2*kx-1 (fpinty(j),j=1,2,
! ...,ny-2*ky-1) for the data points having their absciss (ordinate)-
! value belonging to that interval.
! fp gives the total sum of squared residuals.
call fpgrre(ifsx,ifsy,ifbx,ifby,x,mx,y,my,z,mz,kx,ky,tx,nx,ty, &
ny,p,c,nc,fp,fpintx,fpinty,mm,mynx,kx1,kx2,ky1,ky2,wrk(lsx), &
wrk(lsy),wrk(lri),wrk(lq),wrk(lax),wrk(lay),wrk(lbx),wrk(lby), &
if(ier==(-2)) fp0 = fp
! test whether the least-squares spline is an acceptable solution.
if(iopt<0) return
fpms = fp-s
if(abs(fpms) < acc) return
! if f(p=inf) < s, we accept the choice of knots.
if(fpms<0.0_wp_) exit
! if nx=nmaxx and ny=nmaxy, sinf(x,y) is an interpolating spline.
if(nx==nmaxx .and. ny==nmaxy) then
ier = -1
fp = 0.0_wp_
end if
! increase the number of knots.
! if nx=nxe and ny=nye we cannot further increase the number of knots
! because of the storage capacity limitation.
if(nx==nxe .and. ny==nye) then
ier = 1
end if
ier = 0
! adjust the parameter reducx or reducy according to the direction
! in which the last added knots were located.
if(lastdi<0) then
reducx = fpold-fp
else if(lastdi>0) then
reducy = fpold-fp
end if
! store the sum of squared residuals for the current set of knots.
fpold = fp
! find nplx, the number of knots we should add in the x-direction.
nplx = 1
if(nx/=nminx) then
npl1 = nplusx*2
rn = nplusx
if(reducx>acc) npl1 = int(rn*fpms/reducx)
nplx = min(nplusx*2,max(npl1,nplusx/2,1))
end if
! find nply, the number of knots we should add in the y-direction.
nply = 1
if(ny/=nminy) then
npl1 = nplusy*2
rn = nplusy
if(reducy>acc) npl1 = int(rn*fpms/reducy)
nply = min0(nplusy*2,max0(npl1,nplusy/2,1))
end if
if (ny==nye .or. (nx/=nxe .and. ny/=nye .and.&
(nplx<nply .or. (nplx==nply .and. lastdi>=0)))) then
! addition in the x-direction.
lastdi = -1
nplusx = nplx
ifsx = 0
do l=1,nplusx
! add a new knot in the x-direction
call fpknot(x,mx,tx,nx,fpintx,nrdatx,nrintx,nxest,1)
! test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots in the
! x-direction.
if (nx==nxe) exit
end do
! addition in the y-direction.
lastdi = 1
nplusy = nply
ifsy = 0
do l=1,nplusy
! add a new knot in the y-direction.
call fpknot(y,my,ty,ny,fpinty,nrdaty,nrinty,nyest,1)
! test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots in the
! y-direction.
if (ny==nye) exit
end do
end if
! restart the computations with the new set of knots.
end do
! test whether the least-squares polynomial is a solution of our
! approximation problem.
if(ier==(-2)) return
! part 2: determination of the smoothing spline sp(x,y) c
! ***************************************************** c
! we have determined the number of knots and their position. we now c
! compute the b-spline coefficients of the smoothing spline sp(x,y). c
! this smoothing spline varies with the parameter p in such a way thatc
! f(p) = sumi=1,mx(sumj=1,my((z(i,j)-sp(x(i),y(j)))**2) c
! is a continuous, strictly decreasing function of p. moreover the c
! least-squares polynomial corresponds to p=0 and the least-squares c
! spline to p=infinity. iteratively we then have to determine the c
! positive value of p such that f(p)=s. the process which is proposed c
! here makes use of rational interpolation. f(p) is approximated by a c
! rational function r(p)=(u*p+v)/(p+w); three values of p (p1,p2,p3) c
! with corresponding values of f(p) (f1=f(p1)-s,f2=f(p2)-s,f3=f(p3)-s)c
! are used to calculate the new value of p such that r(p)=s. c
! convergence is guaranteed by taking f1 > 0 and f3 < 0. c
! initial value for p.
p1 = 0.0_wp_
f1 = fp0-s
p3 = -one
f3 = fpms
p = one
ich1 = 0
ich3 = 0
! iteration process to find the root of f(p)=s.
do iter = 1,maxit
! find the smoothing spline sp(x,y) and the corresponding sum of
! squared residuals fp.
call fpgrre(ifsx,ifsy,ifbx,ifby,x,mx,y,my,z,mz,kx,ky,tx,nx,ty, &
ny,p,c,nc,fp,fpintx,fpinty,mm,mynx,kx1,kx2,ky1,ky2,wrk(lsx), &
wrk(lsy),wrk(lri),wrk(lq),wrk(lax),wrk(lay),wrk(lbx),wrk(lby), &
! test whether the approximation sp(x,y) is an acceptable solution.
fpms = fp-s
if(abs(fpms)<acc) return
! test whether the maximum allowable number of iterations has been
! reached.
if(iter==maxit) then
ier = 3
end if
! carry out one more step of the iteration process.
p2 = p
f2 = fpms
if(ich3==0) then
if((f2-f3)<=acc) then
! our initial choice of p is too large.
p3 = p2
f3 = f2
p = p*con4
if(p<=p1) p = p1*con9 + p2*con1
end if
if(f2<0.0_wp_) ich3 = 1
end if
if(ich1==0) then
if((f1-f2)<=acc) then
! our initial choice of p is too small
p1 = p2
f1 = f2
p = p/con4
if(p3>=0.0_wp_ .and. p>=p3) p = p2*con1 + p3*con9
end if
! test whether the iteration process proceeds as theoretically
! expected.
if(f2>0.0_wp_) ich1 = 1
end if
if(f2>=f1 .or. f2<=f3) then
ier = 2
end if
! find the new value of p.
p = fprati(p1,f1,p2,f2,p3,f3)
end do
end subroutine fpregr
subroutine fprota(cs,sn,a,b)
! subroutine fprota applies a givens rotation to a and b.
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: cs, sn
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: a, b
! local variables
real(wp_) :: stor1,stor2
! ..
stor1 = a
stor2 = b
b = cs*stor2+sn*stor1
a = cs*stor1-sn*stor2
end subroutine fprota
function fprati(p1,f1,p2,f2,p3,f3)
! given three points (p1,f1),(p2,f2) and (p3,f3), function fprati
! gives the value of p such that the rational interpolating function
! of the form r(p) = (u*p+v)/(p+w) equals zero at p.
! ..
implicit none
real(wp_) :: fprati
! arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: p2, f2
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: p1, f1, p3, f3
! local variables
real(wp_) :: h1, h2, h3, p
! ..
if(p3<=0.0_wp_) then
! value of p in case p3 = infinity.
p = (p1*(f1-f3)*f2-p2*(f2-f3)*f1)/((f1-f2)*f3)
! value of p in case p3 ^= infinity.
h1 = f1*(f2-f3)
h2 = f2*(f3-f1)
h3 = f3*(f1-f2)
p = -(p1*p2*h3+p2*p3*h1+p3*p1*h2)/(p1*h1+p2*h2+p3*h3)
! adjust the value of p1,f1,p3 and f3 such that f1 > 0 and f3 < 0.
end if
if(f2>=0.0_wp_) then
p1 = p2
f1 = f2
p3 = p2
f3 = f2
end if
fprati = p
end function fprati
subroutine regrid(iopt,mx,x,my,y,z,xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s, &
! given the set of values z(i,j) on the rectangular grid (x(i),y(j)),
! i=1,...,mx;j=1,...,my, subroutine regrid determines a smooth bivar-
! iate spline approximation s(x,y) of degrees kx and ky on the rect-
! angle xb <= x <= xe, yb <= y <= ye.
! if iopt = -1 regrid calculates the least-squares spline according
! to a given set of knots.
! if iopt >= 0 the total numbers nx and ny of these knots and their
! position tx(j),j=1,...,nx and ty(j),j=1,...,ny are chosen automatic-
! ally by the routine. the smoothness of s(x,y) is then achieved by
! minimalizing the discontinuity jumps in the derivatives of s(x,y)
! across the boundaries of the subpanels (tx(i),tx(i+1))*(ty(j),ty(j+1).
! the amounth of smoothness is determined by the condition that f(p) =
! sum ((z(i,j)-s(x(i),y(j))))**2) be <= s, with s a given non-negative
! constant, called the smoothing factor.
! the fit is given in the b-spline representation (b-spline coefficients
! c((ny-ky-1)*(i-1)+j),i=1,...,nx-kx-1;j=1,...,ny-ky-1) and can be eval-
! uated by means of subroutine bispev.
! calling sequence:
! call regrid(iopt,mx,x,my,y,z,xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s,nxest,nyest,
! * nx,tx,ny,ty,c,fp,wrk,lwrk,iwrk,kwrk,ier)
! parameters:
! iopt : integer flag. on entry iopt must specify whether a least-
! squares spline (iopt=-1) or a smoothing spline (iopt=0 or 1)
! must be determined.
! if iopt=0 the routine will start with an initial set of knots
! tx(i)=xb,tx(i+kx+1)=xe,i=1,...,kx+1;ty(i)=yb,ty(i+ky+1)=ye,i=
! 1,...,ky+1. if iopt=1 the routine will continue with the set
! of knots found at the last call of the routine.
! attention: a call with iopt=1 must always be immediately pre-
! ceded by another call with iopt=1 or iopt=0 and
! s/=0.
! unchanged on exit.
! mx : integer. on entry mx must specify the number of grid points
! along the x-axis. mx > kx . unchanged on exit.
! x : real array of dimension at least (mx). before entry, x(i)
! must be set to the x-co-ordinate of the i-th grid point
! along the x-axis, for i=1,2,...,mx. these values must be
! supplied in strictly ascending order. unchanged on exit.
! my : integer. on entry my must specify the number of grid points
! along the y-axis. my > ky . unchanged on exit.
! y : real array of dimension at least (my). before entry, y(j)
! must be set to the y-co-ordinate of the j-th grid point
! along the y-axis, for j=1,2,...,my. these values must be
! supplied in strictly ascending order. unchanged on exit.
! z : real array of dimension at least (mx*my).
! before entry, z(my*(i-1)+j) must be set to the data value at
! the grid point (x(i),y(j)) for i=1,...,mx and j=1,...,my.
! unchanged on exit.
! xb,xe : real values. on entry xb,xe,yb and ye must specify the bound-
! yb,ye aries of the rectangular approximation domain.
! xb<=x(i)<=xe,i=1,...,mx; yb<=y(j)<=ye,j=1,...,my.
! unchanged on exit.
! kx,ky : integer values. on entry kx and ky must specify the degrees
! of the spline. 1<=kx,ky<=5. it is recommended to use bicubic
! (kx=ky=3) splines. unchanged on exit.
! s : real. on entry (in case iopt>=0) s must specify the smoothing
! factor. s >=0. unchanged on exit.
! for advice on the choice of s see further comments
! nxest : integer. unchanged on exit.
! nyest : integer. unchanged on exit.
! on entry, nxest and nyest must specify an upper bound for the
! number of knots required in the x- and y-directions respect.
! these numbers will also determine the storage space needed by
! the routine. nxest >= 2*(kx+1), nyest >= 2*(ky+1).
! in most practical situation nxest = mx/2, nyest=my/2, will
! be sufficient. always large enough are nxest=mx+kx+1, nyest=
! my+ky+1, the number of knots needed for interpolation (s=0).
! see also further comments.
! nx : integer.
! unless ier=10 (in case iopt >=0), nx will contain the total
! number of knots with respect to the x-variable, of the spline
! approximation returned. if the computation mode iopt=1 is
! used, the value of nx should be left unchanged between sub-
! sequent calls.
! in case iopt=-1, the value of nx should be specified on entry
! tx : real array of dimension nmax.
! on succesful exit, this array will contain the knots of the
! spline with respect to the x-variable, i.e. the position of
! the interior knots tx(kx+2),...,tx(nx-kx-1) as well as the
! position of the additional knots tx(1)=...=tx(kx+1)=xb and
! tx(nx-kx)=...=tx(nx)=xe needed for the b-spline representat.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used, the values of tx(1),
! ...,tx(nx) should be left unchanged between subsequent calls.
! if the computation mode iopt=-1 is used, the values tx(kx+2),
! ...tx(nx-kx-1) must be supplied by the user, before entry.
! see also the restrictions (ier=10).
! ny : integer.
! unless ier=10 (in case iopt >=0), ny will contain the total
! number of knots with respect to the y-variable, of the spline
! approximation returned. if the computation mode iopt=1 is
! used, the value of ny should be left unchanged between sub-
! sequent calls.
! in case iopt=-1, the value of ny should be specified on entry
! ty : real array of dimension nmax.
! on succesful exit, this array will contain the knots of the
! spline with respect to the y-variable, i.e. the position of
! the interior knots ty(ky+2),...,ty(ny-ky-1) as well as the
! position of the additional knots ty(1)=...=ty(ky+1)=yb and
! ty(ny-ky)=...=ty(ny)=ye needed for the b-spline representat.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used, the values of ty(1),
! ...,ty(ny) should be left unchanged between subsequent calls.
! if the computation mode iopt=-1 is used, the values ty(ky+2),
! ...ty(ny-ky-1) must be supplied by the user, before entry.
! see also the restrictions (ier=10).
! c : real array of dimension at least (nxest-kx-1)*(nyest-ky-1).
! on succesful exit, c contains the coefficients of the spline
! approximation s(x,y)
! fp : real. unless ier=10, fp contains the sum of squared
! residuals of the spline approximation returned.
! wrk : real array of dimension (lwrk). used as workspace.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used the values of wrk(1),
! ...,wrk(4) should be left unchanged between subsequent calls.
! lwrk : integer. on entry lwrk must specify the actual dimension of
! the array wrk as declared in the calling (sub)program.
! lwrk must not be too small.
! lwrk >= 4+nxest*(my+2*kx+5)+nyest*(2*ky+5)+mx*(kx+1)+
! my*(ky+1) +u
! where u is the larger of my and nxest.
! iwrk : integer array of dimension (kwrk). used as workspace.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used the values of iwrk(1),
! ...,iwrk(3) should be left unchanged between subsequent calls
! kwrk : integer. on entry kwrk must specify the actual dimension of
! the array iwrk as declared in the calling (sub)program.
! kwrk >= 3+mx+my+nxest+nyest.
! ier : integer. unless the routine detects an error, ier contains a
! non-positive value on exit, i.e.
! ier=0 : normal return. the spline returned has a residual sum of
! squares fp such that abs(fp-s)/s <= tol with tol a relat-
! ive tolerance set to 0.001 by the program.
! ier=-1 : normal return. the spline returned is an interpolating
! spline (fp=0).
! ier=-2 : normal return. the spline returned is the least-squares
! polynomial of degrees kx and ky. in this extreme case fp
! gives the upper bound for the smoothing factor s.
! ier=1 : error. the required storage space exceeds the available
! storage space, as specified by the parameters nxest and
! nyest.
! probably causes : nxest or nyest too small. if these param-
! eters are already large, it may also indicate that s is
! too small
! the approximation returned is the least-squares spline
! according to the current set of knots. the parameter fp
! gives the corresponding sum of squared residuals (fp>s).
! ier=2 : error. a theoretically impossible result was found during
! the iteration proces for finding a smoothing spline with
! fp = s. probably causes : s too small.
! there is an approximation returned but the corresponding
! sum of squared residuals does not satisfy the condition
! abs(fp-s)/s < tol.
! ier=3 : error. the maximal number of iterations maxit (set to 20
! by the program) allowed for finding a smoothing spline
! with fp=s has been reached. probably causes : s too small
! there is an approximation returned but the corresponding
! sum of squared residuals does not satisfy the condition
! abs(fp-s)/s < tol.
! ier=10 : error. on entry, the input data are controlled on validity
! the following restrictions must be satisfied.
! -1<=iopt<=1, 1<=kx,ky<=5, mx>kx, my>ky, nxest>=2*kx+2,
! nyest>=2*ky+2, kwrk>=3+mx+my+nxest+nyest,
! lwrk >= 4+nxest*(my+2*kx+5)+nyest*(2*ky+5)+mx*(kx+1)+
! my*(ky+1) +max(my,nxest),
! xb<=x(i-1)<x(i)<=xe,i=2,..,mx,yb<=y(j-1)<y(j)<=ye,j=2,..,my
! if iopt=-1: 2*kx+2<=nx<=min(nxest,mx+kx+1)
! xb<tx(kx+2)<tx(kx+3)<...<tx(nx-kx-1)<xe
! 2*ky+2<=ny<=min(nyest,my+ky+1)
! yb<ty(ky+2)<ty(ky+3)<...<ty(ny-ky-1)<ye
! the schoenberg-whitney conditions, i.e. there must
! be subset of grid co-ordinates xx(p) and yy(q) such
! that tx(p) < xx(p) < tx(p+kx+1) ,p=1,...,nx-kx-1
! ty(q) < yy(q) < ty(q+ky+1) ,q=1,...,ny-ky-1
! if iopt>=0: s>=0
! if s=0 : nxest>=mx+kx+1, nyest>=my+ky+1
! if one of these conditions is found to be violated,control
! is immediately repassed to the calling program. in that
! case there is no approximation returned.
! further comments:
! regrid does not allow individual weighting of the data-values.
! so, if these were determined to widely different accuracies, then
! perhaps the general data set routine surfit should rather be used
! in spite of efficiency.
! by means of the parameter s, the user can control the tradeoff
! between closeness of fit and smoothness of fit of the approximation.
! if s is too large, the spline will be too smooth and signal will be
! lost ; if s is too small the spline will pick up too much noise. in
! the extreme cases the program will return an interpolating spline if
! s=0 and the least-squares polynomial (degrees kx,ky) if s is
! very large. between these extremes, a properly chosen s will result
! in a good compromise between closeness of fit and smoothness of fit.
! to decide whether an approximation, corresponding to a certain s is
! satisfactory the user is highly recommended to inspect the fits
! graphically.
! recommended values for s depend on the accuracy of the data values.
! if the user has an idea of the statistical errors on the data, he
! can also find a proper estimate for s. for, by assuming that, if he
! specifies the right s, regrid will return a spline s(x,y) which
! exactly reproduces the function underlying the data he can evaluate
! the sum((z(i,j)-s(x(i),y(j)))**2) to find a good estimate for this s
! for example, if he knows that the statistical errors on his z(i,j)-
! values is not greater than 0.1, he may expect that a good s should
! have a value not larger than mx*my*(0.1)**2.
! if nothing is known about the statistical error in z(i,j), s must
! be determined by trial and error, taking account of the comments
! above. the best is then to start with a very large value of s (to
! determine the least-squares polynomial and the corresponding upper
! bound fp0 for s) and then to progressively decrease the value of s
! ( say by a factor 10 in the beginning, i.e. s=fp0/10,fp0/100,...
! and more carefully as the approximation shows more detail) to
! obtain closer fits.
! to economize the search for a good s-value the program provides with
! different modes of computation. at the first call of the routine, or
! whenever he wants to restart with the initial set of knots the user
! must set iopt=0.
! if iopt=1 the program will continue with the set of knots found at
! the last call of the routine. this will save a lot of computation
! time if regrid is called repeatedly for different values of s.
! the number of knots of the spline returned and their location will
! depend on the value of s and on the complexity of the shape of the
! function underlying the data. if the computation mode iopt=1
! is used, the knots returned may also depend on the s-values at
! previous calls (if these were smaller). therefore, if after a number
! of trials with different s-values and iopt=1, the user can finally
! accept a fit as satisfactory, it may be worthwhile for him to call
! regrid once more with the selected value for s but now with iopt=0.
! indeed, regrid may then return an approximation of the same quality
! of fit but with fewer knots and therefore better if data reduction
! is also an important objective for the user.
! the number of knots may also depend on the upper bounds nxest and
! nyest. indeed, if at a certain stage in regrid the number of knots
! in one direction (say nx) has reached the value of its upper bound
! (nxest), then from that moment on all subsequent knots are added
! in the other (y) direction. this may indicate that the value of
! nxest is too small. on the other hand, it gives the user the option
! of limiting the number of knots the routine locates in any direction
! for example, by setting nxest=2*kx+2 (the lowest allowable value for
! nxest), the user can indicate that he wants an approximation which
! is a simple polynomial of degree kx in the variable x.
! other subroutines required:
! fpback,fpbspl,fpregr,fpdisc,fpgivs,fpgrre,fprati,fprota,fpchec,
! fpknot
! references:
! dierckx p. : a fast algorithm for smoothing data on a rectangular
! grid while using spline functions, siam j.numer.anal.
! 19 (1982) 1286-1304.
! dierckx p. : a fast algorithm for smoothing data on a rectangular
! grid while using spline functions, report tw53, dept.
! computer science,k.u.leuven, 1980.
! dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on
! numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993.
! author:
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u. leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! creation date : may 1979
! latest update : march 1989
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: iopt, mx, my, kx, ky, nxest, nyest, lwrk, kwrk
integer, intent(out) :: ier
integer, intent(inout) :: nx, ny, iwrk(kwrk)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: xb, xe, yb, ye, x(mx), y(my), z(mx*my), s
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fp, c((nxest-kx-1)*(nyest-ky-1))
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: tx(nxest), ty(nyest), wrk(lwrk)
! local variables
integer :: i, j, jwrk, kndx, kndy, knrx, knry, kwest, kx1, kx2, &
ky1, ky2, lfpx, lfpy, lwest, lww, nc, nminx, nminy, mz
! parameters
integer, parameter :: maxit = 20
real(wp_), parameter :: tol = 0.1e-02_wp_
! ..subroutine references..
! fpregr,fpchec
! ..
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid, control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
ier = 10
if(kx<=0 .or. kx>5) return
kx1 = kx+1
kx2 = kx1+1
if(ky<=0 .or. ky>5) return
ky1 = ky+1
ky2 = ky1+1
if(iopt<(-1) .or. iopt>1) return
nminx = 2*kx1
if(mx<kx1 .or. nxest<nminx) return
nminy = 2*ky1
if(my<ky1 .or. nyest<nminy) return
mz = mx*my
nc = (nxest-kx1)*(nyest-ky1)
lwest = 4+nxest*(my+2*kx2+1)+nyest*(2*ky2+1)+mx*kx1+ &
kwest = 3+mx+my+nxest+nyest
if(lwrk<lwest .or. kwrk<kwest) return
if(xb>x(1) .or. xe<x(mx)) return
do i=2,mx
if(x(i-1)>=x(i)) return
end do
if(yb>y(1) .or. ye<y(my)) return
do i=2,my
if(y(i-1)>=y(i)) return
end do
if(iopt<0) then
if(nx<nminx .or. nx>nxest) return
j = nx
do i=1,kx1
tx(i) = xb
tx(j) = xe
j = j-1
end do
call fpchec(x,mx,tx,nx,kx,ier)
if(ier/=0) return
if(ny<nminy .or. ny>nyest) return
j = ny
do i=1,ky1
ty(i) = yb
ty(j) = ye
j = j-1
end do
call fpchec(y,my,ty,ny,ky,ier)
if(ier/=0) return
if(s<0.0_wp_) return
if(s==0.0_wp_ .and. (nxest<(mx+kx1) .or. nyest<(my+ky1)) ) &
ier = 0
end if
! we partition the working space and determine the spline approximation
lfpx = 5
lfpy = lfpx+nxest
lww = lfpy+nyest
jwrk = lwrk-4-nxest-nyest
knrx = 4
knry = knrx+mx
kndx = knry+my
kndy = kndx+nxest
call fpregr(iopt,x,mx,y,my,z,mz,xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s,nxest,nyest, &
tol,maxit,nc,nx,tx,ny,ty,c,fp,wrk(1),wrk(2),wrk(3),wrk(4), &
wrk(lfpx),wrk(lfpy),iwrk(1),iwrk(2),iwrk(3),iwrk(knrx), &
end subroutine regrid
subroutine parder(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,nux,nuy,x,mx,y,my,z, &
! subroutine parder evaluates on a grid (x(i),y(j)),i=1,...,mx; j=1,...
! ,my the partial derivative ( order nux,nuy) of a bivariate spline
! s(x,y) of degrees kx and ky, given in the b-spline representation.
! calling sequence:
! call parder(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,nux,nuy,x,mx,y,my,z,wrk,lwrk,
! * iwrk,kwrk,ier)
! input parameters:
! tx : real array, length nx, which contains the position of the
! knots in the x-direction.
! nx : integer, giving the total number of knots in the x-direction
! ty : real array, length ny, which contains the position of the
! knots in the y-direction.
! ny : integer, giving the total number of knots in the y-direction
! c : real array, length (nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1), which contains the
! b-spline coefficients.
! kx,ky : integer values, giving the degrees of the spline.
! nux : integer values, specifying the order of the partial
! nuy derivative. 0<=nux<kx, 0<=nuy<ky.
! x : real array of dimension (mx).
! before entry x(i) must be set to the x co-ordinate of the
! i-th grid point along the x-axis.
! tx(kx+1)<=x(i-1)<=x(i)<=tx(nx-kx), i=2,...,mx.
! mx : on entry mx must specify the number of grid points along
! the x-axis. mx >=1.
! y : real array of dimension (my).
! before entry y(j) must be set to the y co-ordinate of the
! j-th grid point along the y-axis.
! ty(ky+1)<=y(j-1)<=y(j)<=ty(ny-ky), j=2,...,my.
! my : on entry my must specify the number of grid points along
! the y-axis. my >=1.
! wrk : real array of dimension lwrk. used as workspace.
! lwrk : integer, specifying the dimension of wrk.
! lwrk >= mx*(kx+1-nux)+my*(ky+1-nuy)+(nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1)
! iwrk : integer array of dimension kwrk. used as workspace.
! kwrk : integer, specifying the dimension of iwrk. kwrk >= mx+my.
! output parameters:
! z : real array of dimension (mx*my).
! on succesful exit z(my*(i-1)+j) contains the value of the
! specified partial derivative of s(x,y) at the point
! (x(i),y(j)),i=1,...,mx;j=1,...,my.
! ier : integer error flag
! ier=0 : normal return
! ier=10: invalid input data (see restrictions)
! restrictions:
! mx >=1, my >=1, 0 <= nux < kx, 0 <= nuy < ky, kwrk>=mx+my
! lwrk>=mx*(kx+1-nux)+my*(ky+1-nuy)+(nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1),
! tx(kx+1) <= x(i-1) <= x(i) <= tx(nx-kx), i=2,...,mx
! ty(ky+1) <= y(j-1) <= y(j) <= ty(ny-ky), j=2,...,my
! other subroutines required:
! fpbisp,fpbspl
! references :
! de boor c : on calculating with b-splines, j. approximation theory
! 6 (1972) 50-62.
! dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on
! numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993.
! author :
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u.leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! latest update : march 1989
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, kx, ky, nux, nuy, mx, my, lwrk, kwrk
integer, intent(out) :: ier
integer, intent(inout) :: iwrk(kwrk)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: tx(nx), ty(ny), c((nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1)), &
x(mx), y(my)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: z(mx*my)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: wrk(lwrk)
! local variables
integer :: i, iwx, iwy, j, kkx, kky, kx1, ky1, lx, ly, lwest, &
l1, l2, m, m0, m1, nc, nkx1, nky1, nxx, nyy
real(wp_) :: ak, fac
! ..
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
ier = 10
kx1 = kx+1
ky1 = ky+1
nkx1 = nx-kx1
nky1 = ny-ky1
nc = nkx1*nky1
if(nux<0 .or. nux>=kx) return
if(nuy<0 .or. nuy>=ky) return
lwest = nc +(kx1-nux)*mx+(ky1-nuy)*my
if(lwrk<lwest) return
if(kwrk<(mx+my)) return
if(mx<1) return
do i=2,mx
if(x(i)<x(i-1)) return
end do
if(my<1) return
do i=2,my
if(y(i)<y(i-1)) return
end do
ier = 0
nxx = nkx1
nyy = nky1
kkx = kx
kky = ky
! the partial derivative of order (nux,nuy) of a bivariate spline of
! degrees kx,ky is a bivariate spline of degrees kx-nux,ky-nuy.
! we calculate the b-spline coefficients of this spline
do i=1,nc
wrk(i) = c(i)
end do
if(nux/=0) then
lx = 1
do j=1,nux
ak = kkx
nxx = nxx-1
l1 = lx
m0 = 1
do i=1,nxx
l1 = l1+1
l2 = l1+kkx
fac = tx(l2)-tx(l1)
if(fac>0.0_wp_) then
do m=1,nyy
m1 = m0+nyy
wrk(m0) = (wrk(m1)-wrk(m0))*ak/fac
m0 = m0+1
end do
end if
end do
lx = lx+1
kkx = kkx-1
end do
end if
if(nuy/=0) then
ly = 1
do j=1,nuy
ak = kky
nyy = nyy-1
l1 = ly
do i=1,nyy
l1 = l1+1
l2 = l1+kky
fac = ty(l2)-ty(l1)
if(fac>0.0_wp_) then
m0 = i
do m=1,nxx
m1 = m0+1
wrk(m0) = (wrk(m1)-wrk(m0))*ak/fac
m0 = m0+nky1
end do
end if
end do
ly = ly+1
kky = kky-1
end do
m0 = nyy
m1 = nky1
do m=2,nxx
do i=1,nyy
m0 = m0+1
m1 = m1+1
wrk(m0) = wrk(m1)
end do
m1 = m1+nuy
end do
end if
! we partition the working space and evaluate the partial derivative
iwx = 1+nxx*nyy
iwy = iwx+mx*(kx1-nux)
call fpbisp(tx(nux+1),nx-2*nux,ty(nuy+1),ny-2*nuy,wrk,kkx,kky, &
end subroutine parder
subroutine coeff_parder(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,nux,nuy, &
! subroutine parder evaluates on a grid (x(i),y(j)),i=1,...,mx; j=1,...
! ,my the partial derivative ( order nux,nuy) of a bivariate spline
! s(x,y) of degrees kx and ky, given in the b-spline representation.
! calling sequence:
! call parder(tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,nux,nuy,x,mx,y,my,z,wrk,lwrk,
! * iwrk,kwrk,ier)
! input parameters:
! tx : real array, length nx, which contains the position of the
! knots in the x-direction.
! nx : integer, giving the total number of knots in the x-direction
! ty : real array, length ny, which contains the position of the
! knots in the y-direction.
! ny : integer, giving the total number of knots in the y-direction
! c : real array, length (nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1), which contains the
! b-spline coefficients.
! kx,ky : integer values, giving the degrees of the spline.
! nux : integer values, specifying the order of the partial
! nuy derivative. 0<=nux<kx, 0<=nuy<ky.
! wrk : real array of dimension lwrk. used as workspace.
! lwrk : integer, specifying the dimension of wrk.
! lwrk >= mx*(kx+1-nux)+my*(ky+1-nuy)+(nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1)
! output parameters:
! ier : integer error flag
! ier=0 : normal return
! ier=10: invalid input data (see restrictions)
! restrictions:
! mx >=1, my >=1, 0 <= nux < kx, 0 <= nuy < ky
! lwrk>=mx*(kx+1-nux)+my*(ky+1-nuy)+(nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1),
! other subroutines required:
! fpbisp,fpbspl
! references :
! de boor c : on calculating with b-splines, j. approximation theory
! 6 (1972) 50-62.
! dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on
! numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993.
! author :
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u.leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! latest update : march 1989
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, kx, ky, nux, nuy, lwrk
integer, intent(out) :: ier
real(wp_), intent(in) :: tx(nx), ty(ny), c((nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1))
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: wrk(lwrk)
! local variables
integer :: mx, my, i, j, kkx, kky, kx1, ky1, lx, ly, lwest, &
l1, l2, m, m0, m1, nc, nkx1, nky1, nxx, nyy
real(wp_) :: ak, fac
! ..
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
ier = 10
kx1 = kx+1
ky1 = ky+1
nkx1 = nx-kx1
nky1 = ny-ky1
nc = nkx1*nky1
if(nux<0 .or. nux>=kx) return
if(nuy<0 .or. nuy>=ky) return
lwest = nc +(kx1-nux)*mx+(ky1-nuy)*my
if(lwrk<lwest) return
ier = 0
nxx = nkx1
nyy = nky1
kkx = kx
kky = ky
! the partial derivative of order (nux,nuy) of a bivariate spline of
! degrees kx,ky is a bivariate spline of degrees kx-nux,ky-nuy.
! we calculate the b-spline coefficients of this spline
do i=1,nc
wrk(i) = c(i)
end do
if(nux/=0) then
lx = 1
do j=1,nux
ak = kkx
nxx = nxx-1
l1 = lx
m0 = 1
do i=1,nxx
l1 = l1+1
l2 = l1+kkx
fac = tx(l2)-tx(l1)
if(fac>0.0_wp_) then
do m=1,nyy
m1 = m0+nyy
wrk(m0) = (wrk(m1)-wrk(m0))*ak/fac
m0 = m0+1
end do
end if
end do
lx = lx+1
kkx = kkx-1
end do
end if
if(nuy/=0) then
ly = 1
do j=1,nuy
ak = kky
nyy = nyy-1
l1 = ly
do i=1,nyy
l1 = l1+1
l2 = l1+kky
fac = ty(l2)-ty(l1)
if(fac>0.0_wp_) then
m0 = i
do m=1,nxx
m1 = m0+1
wrk(m0) = (wrk(m1)-wrk(m0))*ak/fac
m0 = m0+nky1
end do
end if
end do
ly = ly+1
kky = kky-1
end do
m0 = nyy
m1 = nky1
do m=2,nxx
do i=1,nyy
m0 = m0+1
m1 = m1+1
wrk(m0) = wrk(m1)
end do
m1 = m1+nuy
end do
end if
end subroutine coeff_parder
subroutine curfit(iopt,m,x,y,w,xb,xe,k,s,nest,n,t,c,fp, &
! given the set of data points (x(i),y(i)) and the set of positive
! numbers w(i),i=1,2,...,m,subroutine curfit determines a smooth spline
! approximation of degree k on the interval xb <= x <= xe.
! if iopt=-1 curfit calculates the weighted least-squares spline
! according to a given set of knots.
! if iopt>=0 the number of knots of the spline s(x) and the position
! t(j),j=1,2,...,n is chosen automatically by the routine. the smooth-
! ness of s(x) is then achieved by minimalizing the discontinuity
! jumps of the k-th derivative of s(x) at the knots t(j),j=k+2,k+3,...,
! n-k-1. the amount of smoothness is determined by the condition that
! f(p)=sum((w(i)*(y(i)-s(x(i))))**2) be <= s, with s a given non-
! negative constant, called the smoothing factor.
! the fit s(x) is given in the b-spline representation (b-spline coef-
! ficients c(j),j=1,2,...,n-k-1) and can be evaluated by means of
! subroutine splev.
! calling sequence:
! call curfit(iopt,m,x,y,w,xb,xe,k,s,nest,n,t,c,fp,wrk,
! * lwrk,iwrk,ier)
! parameters:
! iopt : integer flag. on entry iopt must specify whether a weighted
! least-squares spline (iopt=-1) or a smoothing spline (iopt=
! 0 or 1) must be determined. if iopt=0 the routine will start
! with an initial set of knots t(i)=xb, t(i+k+1)=xe, i=1,2,...
! k+1. if iopt=1 the routine will continue with the knots
! found at the last call of the routine.
! attention: a call with iopt=1 must always be immediately
! preceded by another call with iopt=1 or iopt=0.
! unchanged on exit.
! m : integer. on entry m must specify the number of data points.
! m > k. unchanged on exit.
! x : real array of dimension at least (m). before entry, x(i)
! must be set to the i-th value of the independent variable x,
! for i=1,2,...,m. these values must be supplied in strictly
! ascending order. unchanged on exit.
! y : real array of dimension at least (m). before entry, y(i)
! must be set to the i-th value of the dependent variable y,
! for i=1,2,...,m. unchanged on exit.
! w : real array of dimension at least (m). before entry, w(i)
! must be set to the i-th value in the set of weights. the
! w(i) must be strictly positive. unchanged on exit.
! see also further comments.
! xb,xe : real values. on entry xb and xe must specify the boundaries
! of the approximation interval. xb<=x(1), xe>=x(m).
! unchanged on exit.
! k : integer. on entry k must specify the degree of the spline.
! 1<=k<=5. it is recommended to use cubic splines (k=3).
! the user is strongly dissuaded from choosing k even,together
! with a small s-value. unchanged on exit.
! s : real.on entry (in case iopt>=0) s must specify the smoothing
! factor. s >=0. unchanged on exit.
! for advice on the choice of s see further comments.
! nest : integer. on entry nest must contain an over-estimate of the
! total number of knots of the spline returned, to indicate
! the storage space available to the routine. nest >=2*k+2.
! in most practical situation nest=m/2 will be sufficient.
! always large enough is nest=m+k+1, the number of knots
! needed for interpolation (s=0). unchanged on exit.
! n : integer.
! unless ier =10 (in case iopt >=0), n will contain the
! total number of knots of the spline approximation returned.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used this value of n
! should be left unchanged between subsequent calls.
! in case iopt=-1, the value of n must be specified on entry.
! t : real array of dimension at least (nest).
! on succesful exit, this array will contain the knots of the
! spline,i.e. the position of the interior knots t(k+2),t(k+3)
! ...,t(n-k-1) as well as the position of the additional knots
! t(1)=t(2)=...=t(k+1)=xb and t(n-k)=...=t(n)=xe needed for
! the b-spline representation.
! if the computation mode iopt=1 is used, the values of t(1),
! t(2),...,t(n) should be left unchanged between subsequent
! calls. if the computation mode iopt=-1 is used, the values
! t(k+2),...,t(n-k-1) must be supplied by the user, before
! entry. see also the restrictions (ier=10).
! c : real array of dimension at least (nest).
! on succesful exit, this array will contain the coefficients
! c(1),c(2),..,c(n-k-1) in the b-spline representation of s(x)
! fp : real. unless ier=10, fp contains the weighted sum of
! squared residuals of the spline approximation returned.
! wrk : real array of dimension at least (m*(k+1)+nest*(7+3*k)).
! used as working space. if the computation mode iopt=1 is
! used, the values wrk(1),...,wrk(n) should be left unchanged
! between subsequent calls.
! lwrk : integer. on entry,lwrk must specify the actual dimension of
! the array wrk as declared in the calling (sub)program.lwrk
! must not be too small (see wrk). unchanged on exit.
! iwrk : integer array of dimension at least (nest).
! used as working space. if the computation mode iopt=1 is
! used,the values iwrk(1),...,iwrk(n) should be left unchanged
! between subsequent calls.
! ier : integer. unless the routine detects an error, ier contains a
! non-positive value on exit, i.e.
! ier=0 : normal return. the spline returned has a residual sum of
! squares fp such that abs(fp-s)/s <= tol with tol a relat-
! ive tolerance set to 0.001 by the program.
! ier=-1 : normal return. the spline returned is an interpolating
! spline (fp=0).
! ier=-2 : normal return. the spline returned is the weighted least-
! squares polynomial of degree k. in this extreme case fp
! gives the upper bound fp0 for the smoothing factor s.
! ier=1 : error. the required storage space exceeds the available
! storage space, as specified by the parameter nest.
! probably causes : nest too small. if nest is already
! large (say nest > m/2), it may also indicate that s is
! too small
! the approximation returned is the weighted least-squares
! spline according to the knots t(1),t(2),...,t(n). (n=nest)
! the parameter fp gives the corresponding weighted sum of
! squared residuals (fp>s).
! ier=2 : error. a theoretically impossible result was found during
! the iteration proces for finding a smoothing spline with
! fp = s. probably causes : s too small.
! there is an approximation returned but the corresponding
! weighted sum of squared residuals does not satisfy the
! condition abs(fp-s)/s < tol.
! ier=3 : error. the maximal number of iterations maxit (set to 20
! by the program) allowed for finding a smoothing spline
! with fp=s has been reached. probably causes : s too small
! there is an approximation returned but the corresponding
! weighted sum of squared residuals does not satisfy the
! condition abs(fp-s)/s < tol.
! ier=10 : error. on entry, the input data are controlled on validity
! the following restrictions must be satisfied.
! -1<=iopt<=1, 1<=k<=5, m>k, nest>2*k+2, w(i)>0,i=1,2,...,m
! xb<=x(1)<x(2)<...<x(m)<=xe, lwrk>=(k+1)*m+nest*(7+3*k)
! if iopt=-1: 2*k+2<=n<=min(nest,m+k+1)
! xb<t(k+2)<t(k+3)<...<t(n-k-1)<xe
! the schoenberg-whitney conditions, i.e. there
! must be a subset of data points xx(j) such that
! t(j) < xx(j) < t(j+k+1), j=1,2,...,n-k-1
! if iopt>=0: s>=0
! if s=0 : nest >= m+k+1
! if one of these conditions is found to be violated,control
! is immediately repassed to the calling program. in that
! case there is no approximation returned.
! further comments:
! by means of the parameter s, the user can control the tradeoff
! between closeness of fit and smoothness of fit of the approximation.
! if s is too large, the spline will be too smooth and signal will be
! lost ; if s is too small the spline will pick up too much noise. in
! the extreme cases the program will return an interpolating spline if
! s=0 and the weighted least-squares polynomial of degree k if s is
! very large. between these extremes, a properly chosen s will result
! in a good compromise between closeness of fit and smoothness of fit.
! to decide whether an approximation, corresponding to a certain s is
! satisfactory the user is highly recommended to inspect the fits
! graphically.
! recommended values for s depend on the weights w(i). if these are
! taken as 1/d(i) with d(i) an estimate of the standard deviation of
! y(i), a good s-value should be found in the range (m-sqrt(2*m),m+
! sqrt(2*m)). if nothing is known about the statistical error in y(i)
! each w(i) can be set equal to one and s determined by trial and
! error, taking account of the comments above. the best is then to
! start with a very large value of s ( to determine the least-squares
! polynomial and the corresponding upper bound fp0 for s) and then to
! progressively decrease the value of s ( say by a factor 10 in the
! beginning, i.e. s=fp0/10, fp0/100,...and more carefully as the
! approximation shows more detail) to obtain closer fits.
! to economize the search for a good s-value the program provides with
! different modes of computation. at the first call of the routine, or
! whenever he wants to restart with the initial set of knots the user
! must set iopt=0.
! if iopt=1 the program will continue with the set of knots found at
! the last call of the routine. this will save a lot of computation
! time if curfit is called repeatedly for different values of s.
! the number of knots of the spline returned and their location will
! depend on the value of s and on the complexity of the shape of the
! function underlying the data. but, if the computation mode iopt=1
! is used, the knots returned may also depend on the s-values at
! previous calls (if these were smaller). therefore, if after a number
! of trials with different s-values and iopt=1, the user can finally
! accept a fit as satisfactory, it may be worthwhile for him to call
! curfit once more with the selected value for s but now with iopt=0.
! indeed, curfit may then return an approximation of the same quality
! of fit but with fewer knots and therefore better if data reduction
! is also an important objective for the user.
! other subroutines required:
! fpback,fpbspl,fpchec,fpcurf,fpdisc,fpgivs,fpknot,fprati,fprota
! references:
! dierckx p. : an algorithm for smoothing, differentiation and integ-
! ration of experimental data using spline functions,
! j.comp.appl.maths 1 (1975) 165-184.
! dierckx p. : a fast algorithm for smoothing data on a rectangular
! grid while using spline functions, siam j.numer.anal.
! 19 (1982) 1286-1304.
! dierckx p. : an improved algorithm for curve fitting with spline
! functions, report tw54, dept. computer science,k.u.
! leuven, 1981.
! dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on
! numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993.
! author:
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u. leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! creation date : may 1979
! latest update : march 1987
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: iopt, m, k, nest, lwrk
integer, intent(out) :: ier
integer, intent(inout) :: n, iwrk(nest)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: xb, xe, s, x(m), y(m), w(m)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fp, c(nest)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: t(nest), wrk(lwrk)
! local variables
integer :: i, ia, ib, ifp, ig, iq, iz, j, k1, k2, lwest, nmin
! parameters
integer, parameter :: maxit = 20
real(wp_), parameter :: tol = 0.1e-02_wp_
! ..
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid, control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
ier = 10
if(k<=0 .or. k>5) return
k1 = k+1
k2 = k1+1
if(iopt<(-1) .or. iopt>1) return
nmin = 2*k1
if(m<k1 .or. nest<nmin) return
lwest = m*k1+nest*(7+3*k)
if(lwrk<lwest) return
if(xb>x(1) .or. xe<x(m) .or. w(1)<=0.0_wp_) return
do i=2,m
if(x(i-1)>=x(i) .or. w(i)<=0.0_wp_) return
end do
if(iopt<0) then
if(n<nmin .or. n>nest) return
j = n
do i=1,k1
t(i) = xb
t(j) = xe
j = j-1
end do
call fpchec(x,m,t,n,k,ier)
if(ier/=0) return
if(s<0.0_wp_) return
if(s==0.0_wp_ .and. nest<(m+k1)) return
ier = 0
end if
! we partition the working space and determine the spline approximation.
ifp = 1
iz = ifp+nest
ia = iz+nest
ib = ia+nest*k1
ig = ib+nest*k2
iq = ig+nest*k2
call fpcurf(iopt,x,y,w,m,xb,xe,k,s,nest,tol,maxit,k1,k2,n,t,c,fp, &
end subroutine curfit
subroutine fpcurf(iopt,x,y,w,m,xb,xe,k,s,nest,tol,maxit,k1,k2, &
! ..
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: iopt, m, k, nest, maxit, k1, k2
integer, intent(out) :: ier
integer, intent(inout) :: n, nrdata(nest)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: xb, xe, s, tol, x(m), y(m), w(m)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: fp, c(nest)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: t(nest), fpint(nest), z(nest), &
a(nest,k1), b(nest,k2), g(nest,k2), q(m,k1)
! local variables
real(wp_) :: acc, cs, fpart, fpms, fpold, fp0, f1, f2, f3, p, pinv, &
piv, p1, p2, p3, rn, sn, store, term, wi, xi, yi, h(7)
integer :: i, ich1, ich3, it, iter, i1, i2, i3, j, k3, l, l0, mk1, new, &
nk1, nmax, nmin, nplus, npl1, nrint, n8
logical :: rstart
! parameters
real(wp_), parameter :: one=1.0_wp_,con1=0.1_wp_,con9=0.9_wp_,con4=0.4e-01_wp_,half=0.5_wp_
! ..function references
! real(8) abs
! integer max0,min0
! ..subroutine references..
! fpback,fpbspl,fpgivs,fpdisc,fpknot,fprota
! ..
! part 1: determination of the number of knots and their position c
! ************************************************************** c
! given a set of knots we compute the least-squares spline sinf(x), c
! and the corresponding sum of squared residuals fp=f(p=inf). c
! if iopt=-1 sinf(x) is the requested approximation. c
! if iopt=0 or iopt=1 we check whether we can accept the knots: c
! if fp <=s we will continue with the current set of knots. c
! if fp > s we will increase the number of knots and compute the c
! corresponding least-squares spline until finally fp<=s. c
! the initial choice of knots depends on the value of s and iopt. c
! if s=0 we have spline interpolation; in that case the number of c
! knots equals nmax = m+k+1. c
! if s > 0 and c
! iopt=0 we first compute the least-squares polynomial of c
! degree k; n = nmin = 2*k+2 c
! iopt=1 we start with the set of knots found at the last c
! call of the routine, except for the case that s > fp0; then c
! we compute directly the least-squares polynomial of degree k. c
! determine nmin, the number of knots for polynomial approximation.
nmin = 2*k1
if(iopt>=0) then
! calculation of acc, the absolute tolerance for the root of f(p)=s.
acc = tol*s
! determine nmax, the number of knots for spline interpolation.
nmax = m+k1
if(s<=0.0_wp_) then
! if s=0, s(x) is an interpolating spline.
! test whether the required storage space exceeds the available one.
n = nmax
if(nmax>nest) then
ier = 1
end if
! find the position of the interior knots in case of interpolation.
mk1 = m-k1
if(mk1/=0) then
k3 = k/2
i = k2
j = k3+2
if(k3*2/=k) then
do l=1,mk1
t(i) = x(j)
i = i+1
j = j+1
end do
do l=1,mk1
t(i) = (x(j)+x(j-1))*half
i = i+1
j = j+1
end do
end if
end if
! if s>0 our initial choice of knots depends on the value of iopt.
! if iopt=0 or iopt=1 and s>=fp0, we start computing the least-squares
! polynomial of degree k which is a spline without interior knots.
! if iopt=1 and fp0>s we start computing the least squares spline
! according to the set of knots found at the last call of the routine.
if (iopt==0 .or. n==nmin) then
n = nmin
fpold = 0.0_wp_
nplus = 0
nrdata(1) = m-2
fp0 = fpint(n)
if (s>=fp0) then
n = nmin
fpold = 0.0_wp_
nplus = 0
nrdata(1) = m-2
fpold = fpint(n-1)
nplus = nrdata(n)
end if
end if
end if
end if
! main loop for the different sets of knots. m is a save upper bound
! for the number of trials.
do iter = 1,m
if(n==nmin) ier = -2
! find nrint, tne number of knot intervals.
nrint = n-nmin+1
! find the position of the additional knots which are needed for
! the b-spline representation of s(x).
nk1 = n-k1
i = n
do j=1,k1
t(j) = xb
t(i) = xe
i = i-1
end do
! compute the b-spline coefficients of the least-squares spline
! sinf(x). the observation matrix a is built up row by row and
! reduced to upper triangular form by givens transformations.
! at the same time fp=f(p=inf) is computed.
fp = 0.0_wp_
! initialize the observation matrix a.
do i=1,nk1
z(i) = 0.0_wp_
do j=1,k1
a(i,j) = 0.0_wp_
end do
end do
l = k1
do it=1,m
! fetch the current data point x(it),y(it).
xi = x(it)
wi = w(it)
yi = y(it)*wi
! search for knot interval t(l) <= xi < t(l+1).
if(xi<t(l+1) .or. l==nk1) exit
l = l+1
end do
! evaluate the (k+1) non-zero b-splines at xi and store them in q.
call fpbspl(t,n,k,xi,l,h)
do i=1,k1
q(it,i) = h(i)
h(i) = h(i)*wi
end do
! rotate the new row of the observation matrix into triangle.
j = l-k1
do i=1,k1
j = j+1
piv = h(i)
if(piv==0.0_wp_) cycle
! calculate the parameters of the givens transformation.
call fpgivs(piv,a(j,1),cs,sn)
! transformations to right hand side.
call fprota(cs,sn,yi,z(j))
if(i==k1) exit
i2 = 1
i3 = i+1
do i1 = i3,k1
i2 = i2+1
! transformations to left hand side.
call fprota(cs,sn,h(i1),a(j,i2))
end do
end do
! add contribution of this row to the sum of squares of residual
! right hand sides.
fp = fp+yi**2
end do
if(ier==(-2)) fp0 = fp
fpint(n) = fp0
fpint(n-1) = fpold
nrdata(n) = nplus
! backward substitution to obtain the b-spline coefficients.
call fpback(a,z,nk1,k1,c,nest)
! test whether the approximation sinf(x) is an acceptable solution.
if(iopt<0) return
fpms = fp-s
if(abs(fpms)<acc) return
! if f(p=inf) < s accept the choice of knots.
if(fpms<0.0_wp_) exit
! if n = nmax, sinf(x) is an interpolating spline.
if(n==nmax) then
ier = -1
end if
! increase the number of knots.
! if n=nest we cannot increase the number of knots because of
! the storage capacity limitation.
if(n==nest) then
ier = 1
end if
! determine the number of knots nplus we are going to add.
if(ier/=0) then
nplus = 1
ier = 0
npl1 = nplus*2
rn = nplus
if(fpold-fp>acc) npl1 = int(rn*fpms/(fpold-fp))
nplus = min0(nplus*2,max0(npl1,nplus/2,1))
end if
fpold = fp
! compute the sum((w(i)*(y(i)-s(x(i))))**2) for each knot interval
! t(j+k) <= x(i) <= t(j+k+1) and store it in fpint(j),j=1,2,...nrint.
fpart = 0.0_wp_
i = 1
l = k2
new = 0
do it=1,m
if(x(it)>=t(l) .and. l<=nk1) then
new = 1
l = l+1
end if
term = 0.0_wp_
l0 = l-k2
do j=1,k1
l0 = l0+1
term = term+c(l0)*q(it,j)
end do
term = (w(it)*(term-y(it)))**2
fpart = fpart+term
if(new==0) cycle
store = term*half
fpint(i) = fpart-store
i = i+1
fpart = store
new = 0
end do
fpint(nrint) = fpart
do l=1,nplus
! add a new knot.
call fpknot(x,m,t,n,fpint,nrdata,nrint,nest,1)
! if n=nmax we locate the knots as for interpolation.
if(n==nmax) then
end if
! test whether we cannot further increase the number of knots.
if(n==nest) exit
end do
if(rstart) exit
! restart the computations with the new set of knots.
end do
if(rstart) then
! find the position of the interior knots in case of interpolation.
mk1 = m-k1
if (mk1/=0) then
k3 = k/2
i = k2
j = k3+2
if(k3*2/=k) then
do l=1,mk1
t(i) = x(j)
i = i+1
j = j+1
end do
do l=1,mk1
t(i) = (x(j)+x(j-1))*half
i = i+1
j = j+1
end do
end if
end if
end if
end do
! test whether the least-squares kth degree polynomial is a solution
! of our approximation problem.
if(ier==(-2)) return
! part 2: determination of the smoothing spline sp(x). c
! *************************************************** c
! we have determined the number of knots and their position. c
! we now compute the b-spline coefficients of the smoothing spline c
! sp(x). the observation matrix a is extended by the rows of matrix c
! b expressing that the kth derivative discontinuities of sp(x) at c
! the interior knots t(k+2),...t(n-k-1) must be zero. the corres- c
! ponding weights of these additional rows are set to 1/p. c
! iteratively we then have to determine the value of p such that c
! f(p)=sum((w(i)*(y(i)-sp(x(i))))**2) be = s. we already know that c
! the least-squares kth degree polynomial corresponds to p=0, and c
! that the least-squares spline corresponds to p=infinity. the c
! iteration process which is proposed here, makes use of rational c
! interpolation. since f(p) is a convex and strictly decreasing c
! function of p, it can be approximated by a rational function c
! r(p) = (u*p+v)/(p+w). three values of p(p1,p2,p3) with correspond- c
! ing values of f(p) (f1=f(p1)-s,f2=f(p2)-s,f3=f(p3)-s) are used c
! to calculate the new value of p such that r(p)=s. convergence is c
! guaranteed by taking f1>0 and f3<0. c
! evaluate the discontinuity jump of the kth derivative of the
! b-splines at the knots t(l),l=k+2,...n-k-1 and store in b.
call fpdisc(t,n,k2,b,nest)
! initial value for p.
p1 = 0.0_wp_
f1 = fp0-s
p3 = -one
f3 = fpms
p = 0.0_wp_
do i=1,nk1
p = p+a(i,1)
end do
rn = nk1
p = rn/p
ich1 = 0
ich3 = 0
n8 = n-nmin
! iteration process to find the root of f(p) = s.
do iter=1,maxit
! the rows of matrix b with weight 1/p are rotated into the
! triangularised observation matrix a which is stored in g.
pinv = one/p
do i=1,nk1
c(i) = z(i)
g(i,k2) = 0.0_wp_
do j=1,k1
g(i,j) = a(i,j)
end do
end do
do it=1,n8
! the row of matrix b is rotated into triangle by givens transformation
do i=1,k2
h(i) = b(it,i)*pinv
end do
yi = 0.0_wp_
do j=it,nk1
piv = h(1)
! calculate the parameters of the givens transformation.
call fpgivs(piv,g(j,1),cs,sn)
! transformations to right hand side.
call fprota(cs,sn,yi,c(j))
if(j==nk1) exit
i2 = k1
if(j>n8) i2 = nk1-j
do i=1,i2
! transformations to left hand side.
i1 = i+1
call fprota(cs,sn,h(i1),g(j,i1))
h(i) = h(i1)
end do
h(i2+1) = 0.0_wp_
end do
end do
! backward substitution to obtain the b-spline coefficients.
call fpback(g,c,nk1,k2,c,nest)
! computation of f(p).
fp = 0.0_wp_
l = k2
do it=1,m
if(x(it)>=t(l) .and. l<=nk1) l = l+1
l0 = l-k2
term = 0.0_wp_
do j=1,k1
l0 = l0+1
term = term+c(l0)*q(it,j)
end do
fp = fp+(w(it)*(term-y(it)))**2
end do
! test whether the approximation sp(x) is an acceptable solution.
fpms = fp-s
if(abs(fpms)<acc) return
! test whether the maximal number of iterations is reached.
if(iter==maxit) then
ier = 3
end if
! carry out one more step of the iteration process.
p2 = p
f2 = fpms
if(ich3==0) then
if((f2-f3)<=acc) then
! our initial choice of p is too large.
p3 = p2
f3 = f2
p = p*con4
if(p<=p1) p=p1*con9 + p2*con1
end if
if(f2<0.0_wp_) ich3=1
end if
if(ich1==0) then
if((f1-f2)<=acc) then
! our initial choice of p is too small
p1 = p2
f1 = f2
p = p/con4
if(p3>=0.0_wp_ .and. p>=p3) p = p2*con1 + p3*con9
end if
if(f2>0.0_wp_) ich1=1
end if
! test whether the iteration process proceeds as theoretically
! expected.
if(f2>=f1 .or. f2<=f3) then
ier = 2
end if
! find the new value for p.
p = fprati(p1,f1,p2,f2,p3,f3)
end do
end subroutine fpcurf
subroutine splder(t,n,c,k,nu,x,y,m,wrk,ier)
! subroutine splder evaluates in a number of points x(i),i=1,2,...,m
! the derivative of order nu of a spline s(x) of degree k,given in
! its b-spline representation.
! calling sequence:
! call splder(t,n,c,k,nu,x,y,m,wrk,ier)
! input parameters:
! t : array,length n, which contains the position of the knots.
! n : integer, giving the total number of knots of s(x).
! c : array,length n, which contains the b-spline coefficients.
! k : integer, giving the degree of s(x).
! nu : integer, specifying the order of the derivative. 0<=nu<=k
! x : array,length m, which contains the points where the deriv-
! ative of s(x) must be evaluated.
! m : integer, giving the number of points where the derivative
! of s(x) must be evaluated
! wrk : real array of dimension n. used as working space.
! output parameters:
! y : array,length m, giving the value of the derivative of s(x)
! at the different points.
! ier : error flag
! ier = 0 : normal return
! ier =10 : invalid input data (see restrictions)
! restrictions:
! 0 <= nu <= k
! m >= 1
! t(k+1) <= x(i) <= x(i+1) <= t(n-k) , i=1,2,...,m-1.
! other subroutines required: fpbspl
! references :
! de boor c : on calculating with b-splines, j. approximation theory
! 6 (1972) 50-62.
! cox m.g. : the numerical evaluation of b-splines, j. inst. maths
! applics 10 (1972) 134-149.
! dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on
! numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993.
! author :
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u.leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! latest update : march 1987
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n, k, nu, m
integer, intent(out) :: ier
real(wp_), intent(in) :: t(n), c(n), x(m)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: y(m), wrk(n)
! local variables
integer :: i, j, kk, k1, k2, l, ll, l1, l2, nk1, nk2
real(wp_) :: ak, arg, fac, sp, tb, te, h(6)
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
ier = 10
if(nu<0 .or. nu>k) return
if(m<1) return
do i=2,m
if(x(i)<x(i-1)) return
end do
ier = 0
! fetch tb and te, the boundaries of the approximation interval.
k1 = k+1
nk1 = n-k1
tb = t(k1)
te = t(nk1+1)
! the derivative of order nu of a spline of degree k is a spline of
! degree k-nu,the b-spline coefficients wrk(i) of which can be found
! using the recurrence scheme of de boor.
l = 1
kk = k
! nn = n
do i=1,nk1
wrk(i) = c(i)
end do
if(nu/=0) then
nk2 = nk1
do j=1,nu
ak = kk
nk2 = nk2-1
l1 = l
do i=1,nk2
l1 = l1+1
l2 = l1+kk
fac = t(l2)-t(l1)
if(fac>0.0_wp_) wrk(i) = ak*(wrk(i+1)-wrk(i))/fac
end do
l = l+1
kk = kk-1
end do
if(kk==0) then
! if nu=k the derivative is a piecewise constant function
j = 1
do i=1,m
arg = x(i)
if(arg<t(l+1) .or. l==nk1) exit
l = l+1
j = j+1
end do
y(i) = wrk(j)
end do
end if
end if
l = k1
l1 = l+1
k2 = k1-nu
! main loop for the different points.
do i=1,m
! fetch a new x-value arg.
arg = x(i)
if(arg<tb) arg = tb
if(arg>te) arg = te
! search for knot interval t(l) <= arg < t(l+1)
if(arg<t(l1) .or. l==nk1) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
end do
! evaluate the non-zero b-splines of degree k-nu at arg.
call fpbspl(t,n,kk,arg,l,h)
! find the value of the derivative at x=arg.
sp = 0.0_wp_
ll = l-k1
do j=1,k2
ll = ll+1
sp = sp+wrk(ll)*h(j)
end do
y(i) = sp
end do
end subroutine splder
subroutine splev(t,n,c,k,x,y,m,ier)
! subroutine splev evaluates in a number of points x(i),i=1,2,...,m
! a spline s(x) of degree k, given in its b-spline representation.
! calling sequence:
! call splev(t,n,c,k,x,y,m,ier)
! input parameters:
! t : array,length n, which contains the position of the knots.
! n : integer, giving the total number of knots of s(x).
! c : array,length n, which contains the b-spline coefficients.
! k : integer, giving the degree of s(x).
! x : array,length m, which contains the points where s(x) must
! be evaluated.
! m : integer, giving the number of points where s(x) must be
! evaluated.
! output parameter:
! y : array,length m, giving the value of s(x) at the different
! points.
! ier : error flag
! ier = 0 : normal return
! ier =10 : invalid input data (see restrictions)
! restrictions:
! m >= 1
! t(k+1) <= x(i) <= x(i+1) <= t(n-k) , i=1,2,...,m-1.
! other subroutines required: fpbspl.
! references :
! de boor c : on calculating with b-splines, j. approximation theory
! 6 (1972) 50-62.
! cox m.g. : the numerical evaluation of b-splines, j. inst. maths
! applics 10 (1972) 134-149.
! dierckx p. : curve and surface fitting with splines, monographs on
! numerical analysis, oxford university press, 1993.
! author :
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u.leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! latest update : march 1987
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n, k, m
integer, intent(out) :: ier
real(wp_), intent(in) :: t(n), c(n), x(m)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: y(m)
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k1, l, ll, l1, nk1
real(wp_) :: arg, sp, tb, te, h(6)
! ..
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
ier = 10
if(m<1) return
do i=2,m
if(x(i)<x(i-1)) return
end do
ier = 0
! fetch tb and te, the boundaries of the approximation interval.
k1 = k+1
nk1 = n-k1
tb = t(k1)
te = t(nk1+1)
l = k1
l1 = l+1
! main loop for the different points.
do i=1,m
! fetch a new x-value arg.
arg = x(i)
if(arg<tb) arg = tb
if(arg>te) arg = te
! search for knot interval t(l) <= arg < t(l+1)
if(arg<t(l1) .or. l==nk1) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
end do
! evaluate the non-zero b-splines at arg.
call fpbspl(t,n,k,arg,l,h)
! find the value of s(x) at x=arg.
sp = 0.0_wp_
ll = l-k1
do j=1,k1
ll = ll+1
sp = sp+c(ll)*h(j)
end do
y(i) = sp
end do
end subroutine splev
subroutine sproota(val,t,n,c,zero,mest,m,ier)
! subroutine sproot finds the zeros of a cubic spline s(x),which is
! given in its normalized b-spline representation.
! calling sequence:
! call sproot(t,n,c,zero,mest,m,ier)
! input parameters:
! t : real array,length n, containing the knots of s(x).
! n : integer, containing the number of knots. n>=8
! c : real array,length n, containing the b-spline coefficients.
! mest : integer, specifying the dimension of array zero.
! output parameters:
! zero : real array,lenth mest, containing the zeros of s(x).
! m : integer,giving the number of zeros.
! ier : error flag:
! ier = 0: normal return.
! ier = 1: the number of zeros exceeds mest.
! ier =10: invalid input data (see restrictions).
! other subroutines required: fpcuro
! restrictions:
! 1) n>= 8.
! 2) t(4) < t(5) < ... < t(n-4) < t(n-3).
! t(1) <= t(2) <= t(3) <= t(4)
! t(n-3) <= t(n-2) <= t(n-1) <= t(n)
! author :
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u.leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! latest update : march 1987
! ..
implicit none
! ..scalar arguments..
integer, intent(in) :: n,mest
integer, intent(out) :: m,ier
real(wp_), intent(in) :: val
! ..array arguments..
real(wp_), intent(in) :: t(n),c(n)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: zero(mest)
! ..local scalars..
integer :: i,j,j1,l,n4
real(wp_) :: ah,a0,a1,a2,a3,bh,b0,b1,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,d4,d5,h1,h2, &
logical :: z0,z1,z2,z3,z4,nz0,nz1,nz2,nz3,nz4
! ..local array..
real(wp_) :: y(3)
! ..
! set some constants
real(wp_), parameter :: two = 0.2e+01_wp_, three = 0.3e+01_wp_
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid, control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
n4 = n-4
ier = 10
if(n<8) return
j = n
do i=1,3
if(t(i)>t(i+1)) return
if(t(j)<t(j-1)) return
j = j-1
end do
do i=4,n4
if(t(i)>=t(i+1)) return
end do
! the problem considered reduces to finding the zeros of the cubic
! polynomials pl(x) which define the cubic spline in each knot
! interval t(l)<=x<=t(l+1). a zero of pl(x) is also a zero of s(x) on
! the condition that it belongs to the knot interval.
! the cubic polynomial pl(x) is determined by computing s(t(l)),
! s'(t(l)),s(t(l+1)) and s'(t(l+1)). in fact we only have to compute
! s(t(l+1)) and s'(t(l+1)); because of the continuity conditions of
! splines and their derivatives, the value of s(t(l)) and s'(t(l))
! is already known from the foregoing knot interval.
ier = 0
! evaluate some constants for the first knot interval
h1 = t(4)-t(3)
h2 = t(5)-t(4)
t1 = t(4)-t(2)
t2 = t(5)-t(3)
t3 = t(6)-t(4)
t4 = t(5)-t(2)
t5 = t(6)-t(3)
! calculate a0 = s(t(4)) and ah = s'(t(4)).
c1 = c(1)
c2 = c(2)
c3 = c(3)
c4 = (c2-c1)/t4
c5 = (c3-c2)/t5
d4 = (h2*c1+t1*c2)/t4
d5 = (t3*c2+h1*c3)/t5
a0 = (h2*d4+h1*d5)/t2 - val
ah = three*(h2*c4+h1*c5)/t2
z1 = .true.
if(ah<0.0_wp_) z1 = .false.
nz1 = .not.z1
m = 0
! main loop for the different knot intervals.
do l=4,n4
! evaluate some constants for the knot interval t(l) <= x <= t(l+1).
h1 = h2
h2 = t(l+2)-t(l+1)
t1 = t2
t2 = t3
t3 = t(l+3)-t(l+1)
t4 = t5
t5 = t(l+3)-t(l)
! find a0 = s(t(l)), ah = s'(t(l)), b0 = s(t(l+1)) and bh = s'(t(l+1)).
c1 = c2
c2 = c3
c3 = c(l)
c4 = c5
c5 = (c3-c2)/t5
d4 = (h2*c1+t1*c2)/t4
d5 = (h1*c3+t3*c2)/t5
b0 = (h2*d4+h1*d5)/t2 - val
bh = three*(h2*c4+h1*c5)/t2
! calculate the coefficients a0,a1,a2 and a3 of the cubic polynomial
! pl(x) = ql(y) = a0+a1*y+a2*y**2+a3*y**3 ; y = (x-t(l))/(t(l+1)-t(l)).
a1 = ah*h1
b1 = bh*h1
a2 = three*(b0-a0)-b1-two*a1
a3 = two*(a0-b0)+b1+a1
! test whether or not pl(x) could have a zero in the range
! t(l) <= x <= t(l+1).
z3 = .true.
if(b1<0.0_wp_) z3 = .false.
nz3 = .not.z3
if(a0*b0>0.0_wp_) then
z0 = .true.
if(a0<0.0_wp_) z0 = .false.
nz0 = .not.z0
z2 = .true.
if(a2<0.0_wp_) z2 = .false.
nz2 = .not.z2
z4 = .true.
if(3.0_wp_*a3+a2<0.0_wp_) z4 = .false.
nz4 = .not.z4
z0 = .true.
nz0 = .not.z0
z2 = .true.
nz2 = .not.z2
z4 = .true.
nz4 = .not.z4
end if
if(( z0.and.(nz1.and.( z3.or. z2.and.nz4).or.nz2.and. z3.and. z4) &
.or.nz0.and.( z1.and.(nz3.or.nz2.and. z4).or. z2.and.nz3.and.nz4) &
) .or. (a0*b0<=0.0_wp_) ) then
! find the zeros of ql(y).
call fpcuro(a3,a2,a1,a0,y,j)
! find which zeros of pl(x) are zeros of s(x).
do i=1,j
if(y(i)<0.0_wp_ .or. y(i)>1.0_wp_) cycle
! test whether the number of zeros of s(x) exceeds mest.
if(m>=mest) then
ier = 1
end if
m = m+1
zero(m) = t(l)+h1*y(i)
end do
end if
a0 = b0
ah = bh
z1 = z3
nz1 = nz3
end do
! the zeros of s(x) are arranged in increasing order.
do i=2,m
j = i
j1 = j-1
if(j1==0) exit
if(zero(j)>=zero(j1)) exit
zz = zero(j)
zero(j) = zero(j1)
zero(j1) = zz
j = j1
end do
end do
j = m
m = 1
do i=2,j
if(zero(i)==zero(m)) cycle
m = m+1
zero(m) = zero(i)
end do
end subroutine sproota
subroutine profil(iopt,tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,u,nu,cu,ier)
! if iopt=0 subroutine profil calculates the b-spline coefficients of
! the univariate spline f(y) = s(u,y) with s(x,y) a bivariate spline of
! degrees kx and ky, given in the b-spline representation.
! if iopt = 1 it calculates the b-spline coefficients of the univariate
! spline g(x) = s(x,u)
! calling sequence:
! call profil(iopt,tx,nx,ty,ny,c,kx,ky,u,nu,cu,ier)
! input parameters:
! iopt : integer flag, specifying whether the profile f(y) (iopt=0)
! or the profile g(x) (iopt=1) must be determined.
! tx : real array, length nx, which contains the position of the
! knots in the x-direction.
! nx : integer, giving the total number of knots in the x-direction
! ty : real array, length ny, which contains the position of the
! knots in the y-direction.
! ny : integer, giving the total number of knots in the y-direction
! c : real array, length (nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1), which contains the
! b-spline coefficients.
! kx,ky : integer values, giving the degrees of the spline.
! u : real value, specifying the requested profile.
! tx(kx+1)<=u<=tx(nx-kx), if iopt=0.
! ty(ky+1)<=u<=ty(ny-ky), if iopt=1.
! nu : on entry nu must specify the dimension of the array cu.
! nu >= ny if iopt=0, nu >= nx if iopt=1.
! output parameters:
! cu : real array of dimension (nu).
! on succesful exit this array contains the b-spline
! ier : integer error flag
! ier=0 : normal return
! ier=10: invalid input data (see restrictions)
! restrictions:
! if iopt=0 : tx(kx+1) <= u <= tx(nx-kx), nu >=ny.
! if iopt=1 : ty(ky+1) <= u <= ty(ny-ky), nu >=nx.
! other subroutines required:
! fpbspl
! author :
! p.dierckx
! dept. computer science, k.u.leuven
! celestijnenlaan 200a, b-3001 heverlee, belgium.
! e-mail :
! latest update : march 1987
implicit none
! ..scalar arguments..
integer,intent(in) :: iopt,nx,ny,kx,ky,nu
integer,intent(out) :: ier
real(wp_), intent(in) :: u
! ..array arguments..
real(wp_),intent(in) :: tx(nx),ty(ny),c((nx-kx-1)*(ny-ky-1))
real(wp_),intent(out) :: cu(nu)
! ..local scalars..
integer :: i,j,kx1,ky1,l,l1,m,m0,nkx1,nky1
real(wp_) :: summ
! ..local array
real(wp_) :: h(6)
! ..
! before starting computations a data check is made. if the input data
! are invalid control is immediately repassed to the calling program.
kx1 = kx+1
ky1 = ky+1
nkx1 = nx-kx1
nky1 = ny-ky1
ier = 10
if(iopt==0) then
if(nu<ny) return
if(u<tx(kx1) .or. u>tx(nkx1+1)) return
! the b-splinecoefficients of f(y) = s(u,y).
ier = 0
l = kx1
l1 = l+1
if(u<tx(l1) .or. l==nkx1) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
end do
call fpbspl(tx,nx,kx,u,l,h)
m0 = (l-kx1)*nky1+1
do i=1,nky1
m = m0
summ = 0.0_wp_
do j=1,kx1
summ = summ+h(j)*c(m)
m = m+nky1
end do
cu(i) = summ
m0 = m0+1
end do
if(nu<nx) return
if(u<ty(ky1) .or. u>ty(nky1+1)) return
! the b-splinecoefficients of g(x) = s(x,u).
ier = 0
l = ky1
l1 = l+1
if(u<ty(l1) .or. l==nky1) exit
l = l1
l1 = l+1
end do
call fpbspl(ty,ny,ky,u,l,h)
m0 = l-ky
do i=1,nkx1
m = m0
summ = 0.0_wp_
do j=1,ky1
summ = summ+h(j)*c(m)
m = m+1
end do
cu(i) = summ
m0 = m0+nky1
end do
end if
end subroutine profil
subroutine fpcuro(a,b,c,d,x,n)
! subroutine fpcuro finds the real zeros of a cubic polynomial
! p(x) = a*x**3+b*x**2+c*x+d.
! calling sequence:
! call fpcuro(a,b,c,d,x,n)
! input parameters:
! a,b,c,d: real values, containing the coefficients of p(x).
! output parameters:
! x : real array,length 3, which contains the real zeros of p(x)
! n : integer, giving the number of real zeros of p(x).
! ..
implicit none
! ..scalar arguments..
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b,c,d
integer, intent(out) :: n
! ..array argument..
real(wp_), intent(out) :: x(3)
! ..local scalars..
integer :: i
real(wp_) :: a1,b1,c1,df,disc,d1,f,pi3,p3,q,r,step,u,u1,u2,y
! ..function references..
! real(8) abs,max,atan,atan2,cos,sign,sqrt
! set constants
real(wp_), parameter :: two =0.2e+01_wp_,three=0.3e+01_wp_,four=0.4e+01_wp_
real(wp_), parameter :: ovfl=0.1e+05_wp_,half =0.5e+00_wp_,tent=0.1e+00_wp_
real(wp_), parameter :: e3 = tent/0.3_wp_
pi3 = atan(0.1e+01_wp_)/0.75_wp_
a1 = abs(a)
b1 = abs(b)
c1 = abs(c)
d1 = abs(d)
! test whether p(x) is a third degree polynomial.
if(max(b1,c1,d1)>=a1*ovfl) then
! test whether p(x) is a second degree polynomial.
if(max(c1,d1)>=b1*ovfl) then
! test whether p(x) is a first degree polynomial.
if(d1>=c1*ovfl) then
! p(x) is a constant function.
n = 0
end if
! p(x) is a first degree polynomial.
n = 1
x(1) = -d/c
! p(x) is a second degree polynomial.
disc = c*c-four*b*d
n = 0
if(disc<0.0_wp_) return
n = 2
u = sqrt(disc)
b1 = b+b
x(1) = (-c+u)/b1
x(2) = (-c-u)/b1
end if
! p(x) is a third degree polynomial.
b1 = b/a*e3
c1 = c/a
d1 = d/a
q = c1*e3-b1*b1
r = b1*b1*b1+(d1-b1*c1)*half
disc = q*q*q+r*r
if(disc<=0.0_wp_) then
u = sqrt(abs(q))
if(r<0.0_wp_) u = -u
p3 = atan2(sqrt(-disc),abs(r))*e3
u2 = u+u
n = 3
x(1) = -u2*cos(p3)-b1
x(2) = u2*cos(pi3-p3)-b1
x(3) = u2*cos(pi3+p3)-b1
u = sqrt(disc)
u1 = -r+u
u2 = -r-u
n = 1
x(1) = sign(abs(u1)**e3,u1)+sign(abs(u2)**e3,u2)-b1
end if
end if
! apply a newton iteration to improve the accuracy of the roots.
do i=1,n
y = x(i)
f = ((a*y+b)*y+c)*y+d
df = (three*a*y+two*b)*y+c
step = 0.0_wp_
if(abs(f)<abs(df)*tent) step = f/df
x(i) = y-step
end do
end subroutine fpcuro
end module dierckx