Michele Guerini Rocco daf3d500af
use linear interpolation for monotonic data
The ρ_p/ρ_t mapping is 1:1, so the interpolation must always preserve
monotonicity, of which cubic splines generally make no guarantee.

Note: Linear interpolation does not provide even C¹ continuity, but
these data is not directly used in the numerical integration, so it
should be fine. Ideally this should be replaced with cubic splines
computed with the Fritsch–Carlson algorithm.
2023-09-14 11:26:56 +02:00

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! This module provides a high-level interface for creating and evaluating
! several kind of splines:
! `spline_simple` is a simple interpolating cubic spline,
! `spline_1d` and `spline_2d` are wrapper around the DIERCKX cubic splines,
! `linear_1d` is a linear interpolation.
module splines
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
implicit none
! A 1D interpolating cubic spline
type spline_simple
integer :: ndata ! Number of data points
real(wp_), allocatable :: data(:) ! Data points (ndata)
real(wp_), allocatable :: coeffs(:,:) ! Spline coefficients (ndata, 4)
procedure :: init => spline_simple_init
procedure :: deinit => spline_simple_deinit
procedure :: eval => spline_simple_eval
procedure :: raw_eval => spline_simple_raw_eval
procedure :: deriv => spline_simple_deriv
end type
! A 1D smoothing/interpolating cubic spline
type spline_1d
integer :: nknots ! Number of spline knots
real(wp_), allocatable :: knots(:) ! Knots positions
real(wp_), allocatable :: coeffs(:) ! B-spline coefficients
procedure :: init => spline_1d_init
procedure :: deinit => spline_1d_deinit
procedure :: eval => spline_1d_eval
procedure :: deriv => spline_1d_deriv
end type
! A 2D smoothing/interpolating cubic spline s(x, y)
type spline_2d
integer :: nknots_x ! Number of x knots
integer :: nknots_y ! Number of y knots
real(wp_), allocatable :: knots_x(:) ! Knots x positions
real(wp_), allocatable :: knots_y(:) ! Knots y positions
real(wp_), allocatable :: coeffs(:) ! B-spline coefficients
! B-spline coefficients of the partial derivatives
type(pointer), allocatable :: partial(:,:)
procedure :: init => spline_2d_init
procedure :: deinit => spline_2d_deinit
procedure :: eval => spline_2d_eval
procedure :: init_deriv => spline_2d_init_deriv
procedure :: deriv => spline_2d_deriv
end type
! Wrapper to store pointers in an array
type pointer
real(wp_), pointer :: ptr(:) => null()
end type
! A simple 1D linear interpolation
type linear_1d
integer :: ndata ! Number of data points
real(wp_), allocatable :: xdata(:) ! X data (ndata)
real(wp_), allocatable :: ydata(:) ! Y data (ndata)
procedure :: init => linear_1d_init
procedure :: deinit => linear_1d_deinit
procedure :: eval => linear_1d_eval
procedure :: raw_eval => linear_1d_raw_eval
end type
public spline_simple, spline_1d, spline_2d, linear_1d
subroutine spline_simple_init(self, x, y, n)
! Initialises the spline
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_simple), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(wp_), dimension(n), intent(in) :: x, y
call self%deinit
self%ndata = n
allocate(self%coeffs(n, 4))
self%data = x
call spline_simple_coeffs(x, y, n, self%coeffs)
end subroutine spline_simple_init
subroutine spline_simple_deinit(self)
! Deinitialises a simple_spline
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_simple), intent(inout) :: self
if (allocated(self%data)) deallocate(self%data)
if (allocated(self%coeffs)) deallocate(self%coeffs)
self%ndata = 0
end subroutine spline_simple_deinit
function spline_simple_eval(self, x) result(y)
! Evaluates the spline at x
use utils, only : locate
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_simple), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x
real(wp_) :: y
! local variables
integer :: i
real(wp_) :: dx
call locate(self%data, self%ndata, x, i)
i = min(max(1, i), self%ndata - 1)
dx = x - self%data(i)
y = self%raw_eval(i, dx)
end function spline_simple_eval
function spline_simple_raw_eval(self, i, dx) result(y)
! Evaluates the i-th polynomial of the spline at dx
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_simple), intent(in) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
real(wp_), intent(in) :: dx
real(wp_) :: y
y = self%coeffs(i,1) + dx*(self%coeffs(i,2) &
+ dx*(self%coeffs(i,3) + dx*self%coeffs(i,4)))
end function spline_simple_raw_eval
function spline_simple_deriv(self, x) result(y)
! Computes the derivative of the spline at x
use utils, only : locate
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_simple), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x
real(wp_) :: y
! local variables
integer :: i
real(wp_) :: dx
call locate(self%data, self%ndata, x, i)
i = min(max(1, i), self%ndata - 1)
dx = x - self%data(i)
y = self%coeffs(i,2) + dx*(2*self%coeffs(i,3) + 3*dx*self%coeffs(i,4))
end function spline_simple_deriv
subroutine spline_simple_coeffs(x, y, n, c)
! Computes the cubic coefficients of all n polynomials
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(n), y(n)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: c(n*4)
! local variables
integer :: jmp, i, ii, j, j1, j2, j3, k
real(wp_) :: xb, xc, ya, yb, h, a, r, dya, dyb, dy2
jmp = 1
if (n <= 1) return
! initialisation
xc = x(1)
yb = y(1)
h = 0
a = 0
r = 0
dyb = 0
dy2 = c(2)
! form the system of linear equations
! and eliminate subsequentially
j = 1
do i = 1, n
j2 = n + i
j3 = j2 + n
a = h*(2 - a)
dya = dyb + h*r
if (i >= n) then
! set derivative dy2 at last point
dyb = dy2
h = 0
dyb = dya
goto 13
j = j+jmp
xb = xc
xc = x(j)
h = xc-xb
! ii=0 - increasing abscissae
! ii=1 - decreasing abscissae
ii = 0
if (h == 0) return
if (h < 0) ii = 1
ya = yb
yb = y(j)
dyb = (yb - ya)/h
if (i <= 1) then
j1 = ii
goto 13
end if
end if
if (j1-ii /= 0) return
a = 1 / (2*h + a)
13 continue
r = a*(dyb - dya)
c(j3) = r
a = h*a
c(j2) = a
c(i) = dyb
end do
! back substitution of the system of linear equations
! and computation of the other coefficients
a = 1
j1 = j3+n+ii-ii*n
i = n
do k = 1, n
xb = x(j)
h = xc - xb
xc = xb
a = a+h
yb = r
r = c(j3)-r*c(j2)
ya = 2*r
c(j3) = ya + r
c(j2) = c(i) - h*(ya+yb)
c(j1) = (yb - r)/a
c(i) = y(j)
a = 0
j = j-jmp
i = i-1
j2 = j2-1
j3 = j3-1
j1 = j3+n+ii
end do
end subroutine spline_simple_coeffs
subroutine spline_1d_init(self, x, y, n, range, weights, tension, err)
! Initialises a spline_1d.
! Takes:
! x: x data points
! y: y data points
! n: number of data points
! range: interpolation range as [x_min, x_max]
! weights: factors weighting the data points (default: all 1)
! tension: parameter controlling the amount of smoothing (default: 0)
! Returns:
! err: error code of `curfit`
use dierckx, only : curfit
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_1d), intent(inout) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(n)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: y(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(wp_), intent(in) :: range(2)
real(wp_), intent(in), optional :: weights(n)
real(wp_), intent(in), optional :: tension
integer, intent(out), optional :: err
! local variables
integer :: nknots_est ! over-estimate of the number of knots
real(wp_) :: residuals ! sum of the residuals
integer :: work_int(n + 4) ! integer working space
real(wp_) :: work_real(4*n + 16*(n + 4)) ! real working space
! default values
integer :: err_def
real(wp_) :: weights_def(n), tension_def
weights_def = 1
tension_def = 0
if (present(weights)) weights_def = weights
if (present(tension)) tension_def = tension
! clear memory, if necessary
call self%deinit
! allocate the spline arrays
nknots_est = n + 4
allocate(self%knots(nknots_est), self%coeffs(nknots_est))
call curfit(0, n, x, y, weights_def, range(1), range(2), 3, tension_def, &
nknots_est, self%nknots, self%knots, self%coeffs, residuals, &
work_real, size(work_real), work_int, err_def)
if (present(err)) err = err_def
end subroutine spline_1d_init
subroutine spline_1d_deinit(self)
! Deinitialises a spline_1d
implicit none
class(spline_1d), intent(inout) :: self
if (allocated(self%knots)) deallocate(self%knots)
if (allocated(self%coeffs)) deallocate(self%coeffs)
self%nknots = 0
end subroutine spline_1d_deinit
function spline_1d_eval(self, x) result(y)
! Evaluates the spline at x
use dierckx, only : splev
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_1d), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x
real(wp_) :: y
! local variables
integer :: err
real(wp_) :: yv(1) ! because splev returns a vector
call splev(self%knots, self%nknots, self%coeffs, 3, [x], yv, 1, err)
y = yv(1)
end function spline_1d_eval
function spline_1d_deriv(self, x, order) result(y)
! Evaluates the spline n-th order derivative at x
use dierckx, only : splder
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_1d), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in), optional :: order
real(wp_) :: y
! local variables
integer :: err, n
real(wp_) :: yv(1) ! because splev returns a vector
real(wp_) :: work(self%nknots) ! working space array
n = 1
if (present(order)) n = order
call splder(self%knots, self%nknots, self%coeffs, &
3, n, [x], yv, 1, work, err)
y = yv(1)
end function spline_1d_deriv
subroutine spline_2d_init(self, x, y, z, nx, ny, range, tension, err)
! Initialises a spline_2d.
! Takes:
! x, y: data points on a regular grid
! z: data points of z(x, y)
! n: number of data points
! range: interpolation range as [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max]
! weights: factors weighting the data points (default: all 1)
! tension: parameter controlling the amount of smoothing (default: 0)
! Returns:
! err: error code of `curfit`
use dierckx, only : regrid
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_2d), intent(inout) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(nx)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: y(ny)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: z(nx * ny)
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
real(wp_), intent(in) :: range(4)
real(wp_), intent(in), optional :: tension
integer, intent(out), optional :: err
! local variables
integer :: nknots_x_est ! over-estimate of the number of knots
integer :: nknots_y_est !
real(wp_) :: residuals ! sum of the residuals
! working space arrays
integer :: work_int(2*(ny + nx) + 11)
real(wp_) :: work_real(15*(nx + ny) + ny*(nx + 4) + 92 + max(ny, nx + 4))
! default values
integer :: err_def
real(wp_) :: tension_def
tension_def = 0
if (present(tension)) tension_def = tension
! clear memory, if necessary
call self%deinit
! allocate the spline arrays
nknots_x_est = nx + 4
nknots_y_est = ny + 4
allocate(self%knots_x(nknots_x_est), self%knots_y(nknots_y_est))
allocate(self%coeffs(nx * ny))
call regrid(0, nx, x, ny, y, z, range(1), range(2), range(3), range(4), &
3, 3, tension_def, nknots_x_est, nknots_y_est, &
self%nknots_x, self%knots_x, self%nknots_y, self%knots_y, &
self%coeffs, residuals, work_real, size(work_real), &
work_int, size(work_int), err_def)
if (present(err)) err = err_def
end subroutine spline_2d_init
subroutine spline_2d_deinit(self)
! Deinitialises a spline_2d
implicit none
class(spline_2d), intent(inout) :: self
if (allocated(self%knots_x)) deallocate(self%knots_x)
if (allocated(self%knots_y)) deallocate(self%knots_y)
if (allocated(self%coeffs)) deallocate(self%coeffs)
! Note: partial derivatives coeff. are pointers
if (allocated(self%partial)) then
deallocate(self%partial(1, 0)%ptr)
deallocate(self%partial(0, 1)%ptr)
deallocate(self%partial(1, 1)%ptr)
deallocate(self%partial(2, 0)%ptr)
deallocate(self%partial(0, 2)%ptr)
end if
self%nknots_x = 0
self%nknots_y = 0
end subroutine spline_2d_deinit
function spline_2d_eval(self, x, y) result(z)
! Evaluates the spline at (x, y)
use dierckx, only : fpbisp
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_2d), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x, y
real(wp_) :: z
! local variables
real(wp_) :: zv(1) ! because fpbisp returns a vector
integer :: work_int(8) ! integer working space
real(wp_) :: work_real(8) ! real working space
! Note: see for
! this apparently nonsensical invocation
call fpbisp(self%knots_x, self%nknots_x, &
self%knots_y, self%nknots_y, &
self%coeffs, 3, 3, [x], 1, [y], 1, &
zv, work_real(1), work_real(5), &
work_int(1), work_int(2))
z = zv(1)
end function spline_2d_eval
subroutine spline_2d_init_deriv(self, p, q, n, m)
! Computes the spline coefficients of n-th partial derivative
! w.r.t x and m-th partial derivative w.r.t y on a grid of
! p×q points.
! Note: for simplicity, only up to second-order is supported.
use dierckx, only : coeff_parder
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_2d), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: p, q ! grid dimensions
integer, intent(in) :: n, m ! derivative order
! local variables
integer :: coeff_size
integer :: err
! coeff. array (actually, the working space) size
coeff_size = p*(4 - n) + q*(4 - m) + p*q
! allocate slots for storing the derivatives (first call only)
if (.not. allocated(self%partial)) allocate(self%partial(0:2, 0:2))
! allocate the coefficients array
allocate(self%partial(n, m)%ptr(coeff_size))
! compute the coefficients
call coeff_parder(self%knots_x, self%nknots_x, &
self%knots_y, self%nknots_y, &
self%coeffs, 3, 3, n, m, &
self%partial(n, m)%ptr, coeff_size, err)
end subroutine spline_2d_init_deriv
function spline_2d_deriv(self, x, y, n, m) result(z)
! Evaluates the spline n-th partial derivative w.r.t x
! and m-th partial derivative w.r.t y at (x, y)
! Note: the coefficients of the derivative must have been
! initialised with init_deriv before calling this method.
use dierckx, only : fpbisp
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(spline_2d), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x, y
integer, intent(in) :: n, m
real(wp_) :: z
! local variables
real(wp_), dimension(1) :: zv ! because splev returns a vector
integer, dimension(1) :: work_int_x, work_int_y ! integer working space
real(wp_), dimension(1,4) :: work_real_x, work_real_y ! real working space
call fpbisp(self%knots_x(1 + n), self%nknots_x - 2*n, &
self%knots_y(1 + m), self%nknots_y - 2*m, &
self%partial(n, m)%ptr, &
3 - n, 3 - m, [x], 1, [y], 1, zv, &
work_real_x, work_real_y, work_int_x, work_int_y)
z = zv(1)
end function spline_2d_deriv
subroutine linear_1d_init(self, x, y, n)
! Initialises the spline
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(linear_1d), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(wp_), dimension(n), intent(in) :: x, y
call self%deinit
self%ndata = n
self%xdata = x
self%ydata = y
end subroutine linear_1d_init
subroutine linear_1d_deinit(self)
! Deinitialises a linear_1d
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(linear_1d), intent(inout) :: self
if (allocated(self%xdata)) deallocate(self%xdata)
if (allocated(self%ydata)) deallocate(self%ydata)
self%ndata = 0
end subroutine linear_1d_deinit
function linear_1d_eval(self, x) result(y)
! Evaluates the linear interpolated data at x
use utils, only : locate
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(linear_1d), intent(in) :: self
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x
real(wp_) :: y
! local variables
integer :: i
call locate(self%xdata, self%ndata, x, i)
i = min(max(1, i), self%ndata - 1)
y = self%raw_eval(i, x)
end function linear_1d_eval
function linear_1d_raw_eval(self, i, x) result(y)
! Performs the linear interpolation in the i-th interval
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
class(linear_1d), intent(in) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: i
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x
real(wp_) :: y
! local variables
real(wp_) :: dx, dy
dx = self%xdata(i+1) - self%xdata(i)
dy = self%ydata(i+1) - self%ydata(i)
y = self%ydata(i) + dy/dx * (x - self%xdata(i))
end function linear_1d_raw_eval
end module splines