- rename errocodes → gray_errors - restructure the errors into a `error_spec` type - make the list of errors easily extensible - rewrite the `print_errn`, `print_errhcd` (now `print_err_raytracing`, `print_err_ecrh_cd`) subroutine to handle arbitrary errors - add functions to easily manipulate errors (`raise_error`, `has_error`, `is_critical`) - remove print statements from quadpack - log all errors to stderr using the logger module
4537 lines
167 KiB
4537 lines
167 KiB
module quadpack
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
implicit none
subroutine dqags(f,a,b,epsabs,epsrel,result,abserr,neval,ier, &
!***begin prologue dqags
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a1a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, general-purpose,
! (end-point) singularities, extrapolation,
! globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & prog. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
! computation of a definite integral
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! a - real(8)
! lower limit of integration
! b - real(8)
! upper limit of integration
! epsabs - real(8)
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - real(8)
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs<=0
! and epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! ier>0 abnormal termination of the routine
! the estimates for integral and error are
! less reliable. it is assumed that the
! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more sub-
! divisions by increasing the value of limit
! (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account. however, if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties. if
! the position of a local difficulty can be
! determined (e.g. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval) one
! will probably gain from splitting up the
! interval at this point and calling the
! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! should be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec-
! ted, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour
! occurs at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table. it is presumed that
! the requested tolerance cannot be
! achieved, and that the returned result is
! the best which can be obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.
! = 6 the input is invalid, because
! (epsabs<=0 and
! epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_)
! or limit<1 or lenw<limit*4.
! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
! zero.except when limit or lenw is invalid,
! iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and
! work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1)
! is set to a and work(limit+1) to b.
! dimensioning parameters
! limit - integer
! dimensioning parameter for iwork
! limit determines the maximum number of subintervals
! in the partition of the given integration interval
! (a,b), limit>=1.
! if limit<1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
! lenw - integer
! dimensioning parameter for work
! lenw must be at least limit*4.
! if lenw<limit*4, the routine will end
! with ier = 6.
! last - integer
! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
! produced in the subdivision process, detemines the
! number of significant elements actually in the work
! arrays.
! work arrays
! iwork - integer
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
! elements of which contain pointers
! to the error estimates over the subintervals
! such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),... ,
! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
! sequence, with k = last if last<=(limit/2+2),
! and k = limit+1-last otherwise
! work - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least lenw
! on return
! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
! end-points of the subintervals in the
! partition of (a,b),
! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
! the right end-points,
! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain
! the integral approximations over the subintervals,
! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last)
! contain the error estimates.
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqagse,xerror
!***end prologue dqags
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b,epsabs,epsrel
integer, intent(in) :: lenw,limit
real(wp_), intent(out) :: abserr,result
integer, intent(out) :: ier,last,neval
real(wp_), dimension(lenw), intent(inout) :: work
integer, dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: iwork
real(wp_), external :: f
integer :: lvl,l1,l2,l3
! check validity of limit and lenw.
!***first executable statement dqags
ier = 6
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
abserr = 0.0e+00_wp_
if(limit>=1.and.lenw>=limit*4) then
! prepare call for dqagse.
l1 = limit+1
l2 = limit+l1
l3 = limit+l2
call dqagse(f,a,b,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval, &
! call error handler if necessary.
lvl = 0
end if
if(ier==6) lvl = 1
end subroutine dqags
subroutine dqagse(f,a,b,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval, &
!***begin prologue dqagse
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a1a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, general-purpose,
! (end point) singularities, extrapolation,
! globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
! computation of a definite integral
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! a - real(8)
! lower limit of integration
! b - real(8)
! upper limit of integration
! epsabs - real(8)
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - real(8)
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs<=0
! and epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! limit - integer
! gives an upperbound on the number of subintervals
! in the partition of (a,b)
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! ier>0 abnormal termination of the routine
! the estimates for integral and error are
! less reliable. it is assumed that the
! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more sub-
! divisions by increasing the value of limit
! (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account). however, if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties. if
! the position of a local difficulty can be
! determined (e.g. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval) one
! will probably gain from splitting up the
! interval at this point and calling the
! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! should be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec-
! ted, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour
! occurs at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table.
! it is presumed that the requested
! tolerance cannot be achieved, and that the
! returned result is the best which can be
! obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.
! = 6 the input is invalid, because
! epsabs<=0 and
! epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_).
! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
! iord(1) and elist(1) are set to zero.
! alist(1) and blist(1) are set to a and b
! respectively.
! alist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the left end points
! of the subintervals in the partition of the
! given integration range (a,b)
! blist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the right end points
! of the subintervals in the partition of the given
! integration range (a,b)
! rlist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the integral
! approximations on the subintervals
! elist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the moduli of the
! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
! iord - integer
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
! elements of which are pointers to the
! error estimates over the subintervals,
! such that elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k))
! form a decreasing sequence, with k = last
! if last<=(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
! otherwise
! last - integer
! number of subintervals actually produced in the
! subdivision process
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqelg,dqk21,dqpsrt
!***end prologue dqagse
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny, &
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b,epsabs,epsrel
integer, intent(in) :: limit
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr
integer, intent(out) :: neval,ier,last
real(wp_), dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: alist,blist,elist,rlist
integer, dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: iord
real(wp_), external :: f
real(wp_) :: abseps,area,area1,area12,area2,a1,a2,b1,b2,correc,abs, &
defabs,defab1,defab2,dmax1,dres,erlarg,erlast,errbnd,errmax, &
real(wp_) :: res3la(3),rlist2(52)
integer :: id,ierro,iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,jupbnd,k,ksgn, &
logical :: extrap,noext
! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
! limexp in subroutine dqelg (rlist2 should be of dimension
! (limexp+2) at least).
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
! (alist(i),blist(i))
! rlist2 - array of dimension at least limexp+2 containing
! the part of the epsilon table which is still
! needed for further computations
! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest error
! estimate
! errmax - elist(maxerr)
! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
! (before that subdivision has taken place)
! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
! abs(result))
! *****1 - variable for the left interval
! *****2 - variable for the right interval
! last - index for subdivision
! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
! numrl2 - number of elements currently in rlist2. if an
! appropriate approximation to the compounded
! integral has been obtained it is put in
! rlist2(numrl2) after numrl2 has been increased
! by one.
! small - length of the smallest interval considered up
! to now, multiplied by 1.5
! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
! than the smallest interval considered up to now
! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine is
! attempting to perform extrapolation i.e. before
! subdividing the smallest interval we try to
! decrease the value of erlarg.
! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation
! is no longer allowed (true value)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqagse
! test on validity of parameters
! ------------------------------
ier = 0
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
abserr = 0.0e+00_wp_
alist(1) = a
blist(1) = b
rlist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
elist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
if(epsabs<=0.0e+00_wp_.and.epsrel<dmax1(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach,0.5e-28_wp_)) then
ier = 6
end if
! first approximation to the integral
! -----------------------------------
ierro = 0
call dqk21(f,a,b,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
! test on accuracy.
dres = abs(result)
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dres)
last = 1
rlist(1) = result
elist(1) = abserr
iord(1) = 1
if(abserr<=1.0e+02_wp_*epmach*defabs.and.abserr>errbnd) ier = 2
if(limit==1) ier = 1
if(ier/=0.or.(abserr<=errbnd.and.abserr/=resabs).or. &
abserr==0.0e+00_wp_) go to 140
! initialization
! --------------
rlist2(1) = result
errmax = abserr
maxerr = 1
area = result
errsum = abserr
abserr = oflow
nrmax = 1
nres = 0
numrl2 = 2
ktmin = 0
extrap = .false.
noext = .false.
iroff1 = 0
iroff2 = 0
iroff3 = 0
ksgn = -1
if(dres>=(0.1e+01_wp_-0.5e+02_wp_*epmach)*defabs) ksgn = 1
! main do-loop
! ------------
do last = 2,limit
! bisect the subinterval with the nrmax-th largest error
! estimate.
a1 = alist(maxerr)
b1 = 0.5e+00_wp_*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
a2 = b1
b2 = blist(maxerr)
erlast = errmax
call dqk21(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
call dqk21(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
! improve previous approximations to integral
! and error and test for accuracy.
area12 = area1+area2
erro12 = error1+error2
errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
if(defab1/=error1.and.defab2/=error2) then
if(abs(rlist(maxerr)-area12)<=0.1e-04_wp_*abs(area12) &
.and.erro12>=0.99e+00_wp_*errmax) then
if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
end if
if(last>10.and.erro12>errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
end if
rlist(maxerr) = area1
rlist(last) = area2
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*abs(area))
! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
if(iroff1+iroff2>=10.or.iroff3>=20) ier = 2
if(iroff2>=5) ierro = 3
! set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals
! equals limit.
if(last==limit) ier = 1
! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
! at a point of the integration range.
if(dmax1(abs(a1),abs(b2))<=(0.1e+01_wp_+0.1e+03_wp_*epmach)* &
(abs(a2)+0.1e+04_wp_*uflow)) ier = 4
! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
if(error2<=error1) then
alist(last) = a2
blist(maxerr) = b1
blist(last) = b2
elist(maxerr) = error1
elist(last) = error2
alist(maxerr) = a2
alist(last) = a1
blist(last) = b1
rlist(maxerr) = area2
rlist(last) = area1
elist(maxerr) = error2
elist(last) = error1
end if
! call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(errsum<=errbnd) go to 115
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(ier/=0) exit
if(last==2) then
small = abs(b-a)*0.375e+00_wp_
erlarg = errsum
ertest = errbnd
rlist2(2) = area
end if
if(noext) cycle
erlarg = erlarg-erlast
if(abs(b1-a1)>small) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
if(.not.extrap) then
! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
! smallest interval.
if(abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) cycle
extrap = .true.
nrmax = 2
end if
if(ierro/=3.and.erlarg>ertest) then
! the smallest interval has the largest error.
! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
! larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
id = nrmax
jupbnd = last
if(last>(2+limit/2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
do k = id,jupbnd
maxerr = iord(nrmax)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) go to 90
nrmax = nrmax+1
end do
! perform extrapolation.
end if
numrl2 = numrl2+1
rlist2(numrl2) = area
call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
ktmin = ktmin+1
if(ktmin>5.and.abserr<0.1e-02_wp_*errsum) ier = 5
if(abseps<abserr) then
ktmin = 0
abserr = abseps
result = reseps
correc = erlarg
ertest = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*abs(reseps))
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(abserr<=ertest) exit
! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
end if
if(numrl2==1) noext = .true.
if(ier==5) exit
maxerr = iord(1)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
nrmax = 1
extrap = .false.
small = small*0.5e+00_wp_
erlarg = errsum
90 continue
end do
! set final result and error estimate.
! ------------------------------------
if(abserr==oflow) go to 115
if(ier+ierro==0) go to 110
if(ierro==3) abserr = abserr+correc
if(ier==0) ier = 3
if(result/=0.0e+00_wp_.and.area/=0.0e+00_wp_) go to 105
if(abserr>errsum) go to 115
if(area==0.0e+00_wp_) go to 130
go to 110
105 continue
if(abserr/abs(result)>errsum/abs(area)) go to 115
! test on divergence.
110 continue
if(ksgn==(-1).and.dmax1(abs(result),abs(area))<= &
defabs*0.1e-01_wp_) go to 130
if(0.1e-01_wp_>(result/area).or.(result/area)>0.1e+03_wp_ &
.or.errsum>abs(area)) ier = 6
go to 130
! compute global integral sum.
115 continue
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
do k = 1,last
result = result+rlist(k)
end do
abserr = errsum
130 continue
if(ier>2) ier = ier-1
140 continue
neval = 42*last-21
end subroutine dqagse
subroutine dqelg(n,epstab,result,abserr,res3la,nres)
!***begin prologue dqelg
!***refer to dqagie,dqagoe,dqagpe,dqagse
!***routines called (none)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***keywords epsilon algorithm, convergence acceleration,
! extrapolation
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine determines the limit of a given sequence of
! approximations, by means of the epsilon algorithm of
! p.wynn. an estimate of the absolute error is also given.
! the condensed epsilon table is computed. only those
! elements needed for the computation of the next diagonal
! are preserved.
! epsilon algorithm
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! n - integer
! epstab(n) contains the new element in the
! first column of the epsilon table.
! epstab - real(8)
! vector of dimension 52 containing the elements
! of the two lower diagonals of the triangular
! epsilon table. the elements are numbered
! starting at the right-hand corner of the
! triangle.
! result - real(8)
! resulting approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the absolute error computed from
! result and the 3 previous results
! res3la - real(8)
! vector of dimension 3 containing the last 3
! results
! nres - integer
! number of calls to the routine
! (should be zero at first call)
!***end prologue dqelg
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, oflow=>comp_huge
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(out) :: abserr,result
real(wp_), dimension(52), intent(inout) :: epstab
real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(inout) :: res3la
integer, intent(inout) :: n,nres
real(wp_) :: abs,delta1,delta2,delta3,dmax1,epsinf,error, &
integer i,ib,ib2,ie,indx,k1,k2,k3,limexp,newelm,num
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! e0 - the 4 elements on which the computation of a new
! e1 element in the epsilon table is based
! e2
! e3 e0
! e3 e1 new
! e2
! newelm - number of elements to be computed in the new
! diagonal
! error - error = abs(e1-e0)+abs(e2-e1)+abs(new-e2)
! result - the element in the new diagonal with least value
! of error
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
! limexp is the maximum number of elements the epsilon
! table can contain. if this number is reached, the upper
! diagonal of the epsilon table is deleted.
!***first executable statement dqelg
nres = nres+1
abserr = oflow
result = epstab(n)
if(n<3) go to 100
limexp = 50
epstab(n+2) = epstab(n)
newelm = (n-1)/2
epstab(n) = oflow
num = n
k1 = n
do i = 1,newelm
k2 = k1-1
k3 = k1-2
res = epstab(k1+2)
e0 = epstab(k3)
e1 = epstab(k2)
e2 = res
e1abs = abs(e1)
delta2 = e2-e1
err2 = abs(delta2)
tol2 = dmax1(abs(e2),e1abs)*epmach
delta3 = e1-e0
err3 = abs(delta3)
tol3 = dmax1(e1abs,abs(e0))*epmach
if(err2<=tol2.and.err3<=tol3) then
! if e0, e1 and e2 are equal to within machine
! accuracy, convergence is assumed.
! result = e2
! abserr = abs(e1-e0)+abs(e2-e1)
result = res
abserr = err2+err3
! ***jump out of do-loop
go to 100
end if
e3 = epstab(k1)
epstab(k1) = e1
delta1 = e1-e3
err1 = abs(delta1)
tol1 = dmax1(e1abs,abs(e3))*epmach
! if two elements are very close to each other, omit
! a part of the table by adjusting the value of n
if(err1<=tol1.or.err2<=tol2.or.err3<=tol3) go to 20
ss = 0.1e+01_wp_/delta1+0.1e+01_wp_/delta2-0.1e+01_wp_/delta3
epsinf = abs(ss*e1)
! test to detect irregular behaviour in the table, and
! eventually omit a part of the table adjusting the value
! of n.
if(epsinf>0.1e-03_wp_) go to 30
! ***jump out of do-loop
20 continue
n = i+i-1
! compute a new element and eventually adjust
! the value of result.
30 continue
res = e1+0.1e+01_wp_/ss
epstab(k1) = res
k1 = k1-2
error = err2+abs(res-e2)+err3
if(error<=abserr) then
abserr = error
result = res
end if
end do
! shift the table.
if(n==limexp) n = 2*(limexp/2)-1
ib = 1
if((num/2)*2==num) ib = 2
ie = newelm+1
do i=1,ie
ib2 = ib+2
epstab(ib) = epstab(ib2)
ib = ib2
end do
if(num/=n) then
indx = num-n+1
do i = 1,n
epstab(i)= epstab(indx)
indx = indx+1
end do
end if
if(nres<4) then
res3la(nres) = result
abserr = oflow
! compute error estimate
abserr = abs(result-res3la(3))+abs(result-res3la(2)) &
res3la(1) = res3la(2)
res3la(2) = res3la(3)
res3la(3) = result
end if
100 continue
abserr = dmax1(abserr,0.5e+01_wp_*epmach*abs(result))
end subroutine dqelg
subroutine dqk21(f,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
!***begin prologue dqk21
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a1a2
!***keywords 21-point gauss-kronrod rules
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose to compute i = integral of f over (a,b), with error
! estimate
! j = integral of abs(f) over (a,b)
! integration rules
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! a - real(8)
! lower limit of integration
! b - real(8)
! upper limit of integration
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral i
! result is computed by applying the 21-point
! kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal addition
! of abscissae to the 10-point gauss rule (resg).
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should not exceed abs(i-result)
! resabs - real(8)
! approximation to the integral j
! resasc - real(8)
! approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
! over (a,b)
!***references (none)
!***routines called (none)
!***end prologue dqk21
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr,resabs,resasc
real(wp_), external :: f
real(wp_) :: absc,centr,abs,dhlgth,dmax1,dmin1,fc,fsum, &
real(wp_), dimension(10) :: fv1,fv2
integer :: j,jtw,jtwm1
! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1).
! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their
! corresponding weights are given.
! xgk - abscissae of the 21-point kronrod rule
! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 10-point
! gauss rule
! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
! added to the 10-point gauss rule
! wgk - weights of the 21-point kronrod rule
! wg - weights of the 10-point gauss rule
! gauss quadrature weights and kronron quadrature abscissae and weights
! as evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton,
! bell labs, nov. 1981.
real(wp_), dimension(5), parameter :: &
wg = (/ 0.066671344308688137593568809893332_wp_, &
0.149451349150580593145776339657697_wp_, &
0.219086362515982043995534934228163_wp_, &
0.269266719309996355091226921569469_wp_, &
0.295524224714752870173892994651338_wp_ /)
real(wp_), dimension(11), parameter :: &
xgk = (/ 0.995657163025808080735527280689003_wp_, &
0.973906528517171720077964012084452_wp_, &
0.930157491355708226001207180059508_wp_, &
0.865063366688984510732096688423493_wp_, &
0.780817726586416897063717578345042_wp_, &
0.679409568299024406234327365114874_wp_, &
0.562757134668604683339000099272694_wp_, &
0.433395394129247190799265943165784_wp_, &
0.294392862701460198131126603103866_wp_, &
0.148874338981631210884826001129720_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_ /), &
wgk = (/ 0.011694638867371874278064396062192_wp_, &
0.032558162307964727478818972459390_wp_, &
0.054755896574351996031381300244580_wp_, &
0.075039674810919952767043140916190_wp_, &
0.093125454583697605535065465083366_wp_, &
0.109387158802297641899210590325805_wp_, &
0.123491976262065851077958109831074_wp_, &
0.134709217311473325928054001771707_wp_, &
0.142775938577060080797094273138717_wp_, &
0.147739104901338491374841515972068_wp_, &
0.149445554002916905664936468389821_wp_ /)
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! centr - mid point of the interval
! hlgth - half-length of the interval
! absc - abscissa
! fval* - function value
! resg - result of the 10-point gauss formula
! resk - result of the 21-point kronrod formula
! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f over (a,b),
! i.e. to i/(b-a)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqk21
centr = 0.5e+00_wp_*(a+b)
hlgth = 0.5e+00_wp_*(b-a)
dhlgth = abs(hlgth)
! compute the 21-point kronrod approximation to
! the integral, and estimate the absolute error.
resg = 0.0e+00_wp_
fc = f(centr)
resk = wgk(11)*fc
resabs = abs(resk)
do j=1,5
jtw = 2*j
absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
fval1 = f(centr-absc)
fval2 = f(centr+absc)
fv1(jtw) = fval1
fv2(jtw) = fval2
fsum = fval1+fval2
resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2))
end do
do j = 1,5
jtwm1 = 2*j-1
absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
fval1 = f(centr-absc)
fval2 = f(centr+absc)
fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
fsum = fval1+fval2
resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2))
end do
reskh = resk*0.5e+00_wp_
resasc = wgk(11)*abs(fc-reskh)
do j=1,10
resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*(abs(fv1(j)-reskh)+abs(fv2(j)-reskh))
end do
result = resk*hlgth
resabs = resabs*dhlgth
resasc = resasc*dhlgth
abserr = abs((resk-resg)*hlgth)
if(resasc/=0.0e+00_wp_.and.abserr/=0.0e+00_wp_) &
abserr = resasc*dmin1(0.1e+01_wp_,(0.2e+03_wp_*abserr/resasc)**1.5e+00_wp_)
if(resabs>uflow/(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach)) abserr = dmax1 &
end subroutine dqk21
subroutine dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,ermax,elist,iord,nrmax)
!***begin prologue dqpsrt
!***refer to dqage,dqagie,dqagpe,dqawse
!***routines called (none)
!***revision date 810101 (yymmdd)
!***keywords sequential sorting
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose this routine maintains the descending ordering in the
! list of the local error estimated resulting from the
! interval subdivision process. at each call two error
! estimates are inserted using the sequential search
! method, top-down for the largest error estimate and
! bottom-up for the smallest error estimate.
! ordering routine
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters (meaning at output)
! limit - integer
! maximum number of error estimates the list
! can contain
! last - integer
! number of error estimates currently in the list
! maxerr - integer
! maxerr points to the nrmax-th largest error
! estimate currently in the list
! ermax - real(8)
! nrmax-th largest error estimate
! ermax = elist(maxerr)
! elist - real(8)
! vector of dimension last containing
! the error estimates
! iord - integer
! vector of dimension last, the first k elements
! of which contain pointers to the error
! estimates, such that
! elist(iord(1)),..., elist(iord(k))
! form a decreasing sequence, with
! k = last if last<=(limit/2+2), and
! k = limit+1-last otherwise
! nrmax - integer
! maxerr = iord(nrmax)
!***end prologue dqpsrt
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: last,limit
real(wp_), intent(out) :: ermax
integer, intent(inout) :: maxerr,nrmax
real(wp_), dimension(last), intent(inout) :: elist
integer, dimension(last), intent(inout) :: iord
real(wp_) :: errmax,errmin
integer :: i,ibeg,ido,isucc,j,jbnd,jupbn,k
! check whether the list contains more than
! two error estimates.
!***first executable statement dqpsrt
if(last<=2) then
iord(1) = 1
iord(2) = 2
go to 90
end if
! this part of the routine is only executed if, due to a
! difficult integrand, subdivision increased the error
! estimate. in the normal case the insert procedure should
! start after the nrmax-th largest error estimate.
errmax = elist(maxerr)
if(nrmax/=1) then
ido = nrmax-1
do i = 1,ido
isucc = iord(nrmax-1)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(errmax<=elist(isucc)) exit
iord(nrmax) = isucc
nrmax = nrmax-1
end do
end if
! compute the number of elements in the list to be maintained
! in descending order. this number depends on the number of
! subdivisions still allowed.
jupbn = last
if(last>(limit/2+2)) jupbn = limit+3-last
errmin = elist(last)
! insert errmax by traversing the list top-down,
! starting comparison from the element elist(iord(nrmax+1)).
jbnd = jupbn-1
ibeg = nrmax+1
do i=ibeg,jbnd
isucc = iord(i)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(errmax>=elist(isucc)) then
! insert errmin by traversing the list bottom-up.
iord(i-1) = maxerr
k = jbnd
do j=i,jbnd
isucc = iord(k)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(errmin<elist(isucc)) then
iord(k+1) = last
go to 90
end if
iord(k+1) = isucc
k = k-1
end do
iord(i) = last
go to 90
end if
iord(i-1) = isucc
end do
iord(jbnd) = maxerr
iord(jupbn) = last
! set maxerr and ermax.
90 continue
maxerr = iord(nrmax)
ermax = elist(maxerr)
end subroutine dqpsrt
subroutine dqagi(f,bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,result,abserr,neval, &
!***begin prologue dqagi
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a3a1,h2a4a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, infinite intervals,
! general-purpose, transformation, extrapolation,
! globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. -k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! integral i = integral of f over (bound,+infinity)
! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,bound)
! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,+infinity)
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
! integration over infinite intervals
! standard fortran subroutine
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! bound - real(8)
! finite bound of integration range
! (has no meaning if interval is doubly-infinite)
! inf - integer
! indicating the kind of integration range involved
! inf = 1 corresponds to (bound,+infinity),
! inf = -1 to (-infinity,bound),
! inf = 2 to (-infinity,+infinity).
! epsabs - real(8)
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - real(8)
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs<=0
! and epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! - ier>0 abnormal termination of the routine. the
! estimates for result and error are less
! reliable. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more
! subdivisions by increasing the value of
! limit (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account). however, if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties. if
! the position of a local difficulty can be
! determined (e.g. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval) one
! will probably gain from splitting up the
! interval at this point and calling the
! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! should be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
! detected, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
! at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table.
! it is assumed that the requested tolerance
! cannot be achieved, and that the returned
! result is the best which can be obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.
! = 6 the input is invalid, because
! (epsabs<=0 and
! epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_))
! or limit<1 or leniw<limit*4.
! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
! zero. exept when limit or leniw is
! invalid, iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and
! work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1)
! is set to a and work(limit+1) to b.
! dimensioning parameters
! limit - integer
! dimensioning parameter for iwork
! limit determines the maximum number of subintervals
! in the partition of the given integration interval
! (a,b), limit>=1.
! if limit<1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
! lenw - integer
! dimensioning parameter for work
! lenw must be at least limit*4.
! if lenw<limit*4, the routine will end
! with ier = 6.
! last - integer
! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
! produced in the subdivision process, which
! determines the number of significant elements
! actually in the work arrays.
! work arrays
! iwork - integer
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! k elements of which contain pointers
! to the error estimates over the subintervals,
! such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),... ,
! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
! sequence, with k = last if last<=(limit/2+2), and
! k = limit+1-last otherwise
! work - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least lenw
! on return
! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
! end points of the subintervals in the
! partition of (a,b),
! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
! the right end points,
! work(limit*2+1), ...,work(limit*2+last) contain the
! integral approximations over the subintervals,
! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3)
! contain the error estimates.
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqagie,xerror
!***end prologue dqagi
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: lenw,limit,inf
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bound,epsabs,epsrel
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr
integer, intent(out) :: last,neval,ier
real(wp_), dimension(lenw), intent(inout) :: work
integer, dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: iwork
real(wp_), external :: f
integer :: l1,l2,l3
! check validity of limit and lenw.
!***first executable statement dqagi
ier = 6
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
abserr = 0.0e+00_wp_
if(limit>=1.and.lenw>=limit*4) then
! prepare call for dqagie.
l1 = limit+1
l2 = limit+l1
l3 = limit+l2
call dqagie(f,bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr, &
end if
end subroutine dqagi
subroutine dqagie(f,bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr, &
!***begin prologue dqagie
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a3a1,h2a4a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, infinite intervals,
! general-purpose, transformation, extrapolation,
! globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math & progr. div - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math & progr. div - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! integral i = integral of f over (bound,+infinity)
! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,bound)
! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,+infinity),
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i))
! integration over infinite intervals
! standard fortran subroutine
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! bound - real(8)
! finite bound of integration range
! (has no meaning if interval is doubly-infinite)
! inf - real(8)
! indicating the kind of integration range involved
! inf = 1 corresponds to (bound,+infinity),
! inf = -1 to (-infinity,bound),
! inf = 2 to (-infinity,+infinity).
! epsabs - real(8)
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - real(8)
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs<=0
! and epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! limit - integer
! gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
! in the partition of (a,b), limit>=1
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! - ier>0 abnormal termination of the routine. the
! estimates for result and error are less
! reliable. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more
! subdivisions by increasing the value of
! limit (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account). however,if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties.
! if the position of a local difficulty can
! be determined (e.g. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval) one
! will probably gain from splitting up the
! interval at this point and calling the
! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! should be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
! detected, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
! at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table.
! it is assumed that the requested tolerance
! cannot be achieved, and that the returned
! result is the best which can be obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.
! = 6 the input is invalid, because
! (epsabs<=0 and
! epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
! elist(1) and iord(1) are set to zero.
! alist(1) and blist(1) are set to 0
! and 1 respectively.
! alist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the left
! end points of the subintervals in the partition
! of the transformed integration range (0,1).
! blist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the right
! end points of the subintervals in the partition
! of the transformed integration range (0,1).
! rlist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the integral
! approximations on the subintervals
! elist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the moduli of the
! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
! iord - integer
! vector of dimension limit, the first k
! elements of which are pointers to the
! error estimates over the subintervals,
! such that elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k))
! form a decreasing sequence, with k = last
! if last<=(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
! otherwise
! last - integer
! number of subintervals actually produced
! in the subdivision process
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqelg,dqk15i,dqpsrt
!***end prologue dqagie
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny, &
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: limit,inf
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bound,epsabs,epsrel
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr
integer, intent(out) :: ier,neval,last
real(wp_), dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: alist,blist,elist,rlist
integer, dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: iord
real(wp_), external :: f
real(wp_) :: abseps,area,area1,area12,area2,a1,a2,boun,b1,b2,correc, &
abs,defabs,defab1,defab2,dmax1,dres,erlarg,erlast,errbnd,errmax, &
real(wp_) :: res3la(3),rlist2(52)
integer :: id,ierro,iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,jupbnd,k,ksgn, &
logical :: extrap,noext
! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
! limexp in subroutine dqelg.
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
! (alist(i),blist(i))
! rlist2 - array of dimension at least (limexp+2),
! containing the part of the epsilon table
! wich is still needed for further computations
! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest error
! estimate
! errmax - elist(maxerr)
! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
! (before that subdivision has taken place)
! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
! abs(result))
! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
! last - index for subdivision
! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
! numrl2 - number of elements currently in rlist2. if an
! appropriate approximation to the compounded
! integral has been obtained, it is put in
! rlist2(numrl2) after numrl2 has been increased
! by one.
! small - length of the smallest interval considered up
! to now, multiplied by 1.5
! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
! than the smallest interval considered up to now
! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine
! is attempting to perform extrapolation. i.e.
! before subdividing the smallest interval we
! try to decrease the value of erlarg.
! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation
! is no longer allowed (true-value)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqagie
! test on validity of parameters
! -----------------------------
ier = 0
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
abserr = 0.0e+00_wp_
alist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
blist(1) = 0.1e+01_wp_
rlist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
elist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
iord(1) = 0
if(epsabs<=0.0e+00_wp_.and.epsrel<dmax1(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach,0.5e-28_wp_)) then
ier = 6
end if
! first approximation to the integral
! -----------------------------------
! determine the interval to be mapped onto (0,1).
! if inf = 2 the integral is computed as i = i1+i2, where
! i1 = integral of f over (-infinity,0),
! i2 = integral of f over (0,+infinity).
boun = bound
if(inf==2) boun = 0.0e+00_wp_
call dqk15i(f,boun,inf,0.0e+00_wp_,0.1e+01_wp_,result,abserr, &
! test on accuracy
last = 1
rlist(1) = result
elist(1) = abserr
iord(1) = 1
dres = abs(result)
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dres)
if(abserr<=1.0e+02_wp_*epmach*defabs.and.abserr>errbnd) ier = 2
if(limit==1) ier = 1
if(ier/=0.or.(abserr<=errbnd.and.abserr/=resabs).or. &
abserr==0.0e+00_wp_) go to 130
! initialization
! --------------
rlist2(1) = result
errmax = abserr
maxerr = 1
area = result
errsum = abserr
abserr = oflow
nrmax = 1
nres = 0
ktmin = 0
numrl2 = 2
extrap = .false.
noext = .false.
ierro = 0
iroff1 = 0
iroff2 = 0
iroff3 = 0
ksgn = -1
if(dres>=(0.1e+01_wp_-0.5e+02_wp_*epmach)*defabs) ksgn = 1
! main do-loop
! ------------
do last = 2,limit
! bisect the subinterval with nrmax-th largest error estimate.
a1 = alist(maxerr)
b1 = 0.5e+00_wp_*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
a2 = b1
b2 = blist(maxerr)
erlast = errmax
call dqk15i(f,boun,inf,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
call dqk15i(f,boun,inf,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
! improve previous approximations to integral
! and error and test for accuracy.
area12 = area1+area2
erro12 = error1+error2
errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
if(defab1/=error1.and.defab2/=error2) then
if(abs(rlist(maxerr)-area12)<=0.1e-04_wp_*abs(area12) &
.and.erro12>=0.99e+00_wp_*errmax) then
if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
end if
if(last>10.and.erro12>errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
end if
rlist(maxerr) = area1
rlist(last) = area2
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*abs(area))
! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
if(iroff1+iroff2>=10.or.iroff3>=20) ier = 2
if(iroff2>=5) ierro = 3
! set error flag in the case that the number of
! subintervals equals limit.
if(last==limit) ier = 1
! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
! at some points of the integration range.
if(dmax1(abs(a1),abs(b2))<=(0.1e+01_wp_+0.1e+03_wp_*epmach)* &
(abs(a2)+0.1e+04_wp_*uflow)) ier = 4
! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
if(error2<=error1) then
alist(last) = a2
blist(maxerr) = b1
blist(last) = b2
elist(maxerr) = error1
elist(last) = error2
alist(maxerr) = a2
alist(last) = a1
blist(last) = b1
rlist(maxerr) = area2
rlist(last) = area1
elist(maxerr) = error2
elist(last) = error1
end if
! call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
if(errsum<=errbnd) go to 115
if(ier/=0) exit
if(last==2) then
small = 0.375e+00_wp_
erlarg = errsum
ertest = errbnd
rlist2(2) = area
end if
if(noext) cycle
erlarg = erlarg-erlast
if(abs(b1-a1)>small) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
if(.not.extrap) then
! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
! smallest interval.
if(abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) cycle
extrap = .true.
nrmax = 2
end if
if(ierro/=3.and.erlarg>ertest) then
! the smallest interval has the largest error.
! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
! larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
id = nrmax
jupbnd = last
if(last>(2+limit/2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
do k = id,jupbnd
maxerr = iord(nrmax)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
if(abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) go to 90
nrmax = nrmax+1
end do
end if
! perform extrapolation.
numrl2 = numrl2+1
rlist2(numrl2) = area
call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
ktmin = ktmin+1
if(ktmin>5.and.abserr<0.1e-02_wp_*errsum) ier = 5
if(abseps<abserr) then
ktmin = 0
abserr = abseps
result = reseps
correc = erlarg
ertest = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*abs(reseps))
if(abserr<=ertest) exit
end if
! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
if(numrl2==1) noext = .true.
if(ier==5) exit
maxerr = iord(1)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
nrmax = 1
extrap = .false.
small = small*0.5e+00_wp_
erlarg = errsum
90 continue
end do
! set final result and error estimate.
! ------------------------------------
if(abserr==oflow) go to 115
if((ier+ierro)==0) go to 110
if(ierro==3) abserr = abserr+correc
if(ier==0) ier = 3
if(result/=0.0e+00_wp_.and.area/=0.0e+00_wp_)go to 105
if(abserr>errsum)go to 115
if(area==0.0e+00_wp_) go to 130
go to 110
105 continue
if(abserr/abs(result)>errsum/abs(area)) go to 115
! test on divergence
110 continue
if(ksgn==(-1).and.dmax1(abs(result),abs(area))<= &
defabs*0.1e-01_wp_) go to 130
if(0.1e-01_wp_>(result/area).or.(result/area)>0.1e+03_wp_ &
.or.errsum>abs(area)) ier = 6
go to 130
! compute global integral sum.
115 continue
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
do k = 1,last
result = result+rlist(k)
end do
abserr = errsum
130 continue
neval = 30*last-15
if(inf==2) neval = 2*neval
if(ier>2) ier=ier-1
end subroutine dqagie
subroutine dqk15i(f,boun,inf,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
!***begin prologue dqk15i
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a3a2,h2a4a2
!***keywords 15-point transformed gauss-kronrod rules
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the original (infinite integration range is mapped
! onto the interval (0,1) and (a,b) is a part of (0,1).
! it is the purpose to compute
! i = integral of transformed integrand over (a,b),
! j = integral of abs(transformed integrand) over (a,b).
! integration rule
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! fuction subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
! boun - real(8)
! finite bound of original integration
! range (set to zero if inf = +2)
! inf - integer
! if inf = -1, the original interval is
! (-infinity,bound),
! if inf = +1, the original interval is
! (bound,+infinity),
! if inf = +2, the original interval is
! (-infinity,+infinity) and
! the integral is computed as the sum of two
! integrals, one over (-infinity,0) and one over
! (0,+infinity).
! a - real(8)
! lower limit for integration over subrange
! of (0,1)
! b - real(8)
! upper limit for integration over subrange
! of (0,1)
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral i
! result is computed by applying the 15-point
! kronrod rule(resk) obtained by optimal addition
! of abscissae to the 7-point gauss rule(resg).
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! resabs - real(8)
! approximation to the integral j
! resasc - real(8)
! approximation to the integral of
! abs((transformed integrand)-i/(b-a)) over (a,b)
!***references (none)
!***routines called (none)
!***end prologue dqk15i
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b,boun
integer, intent(in) :: inf
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr,resabs,resasc
real(wp_), external :: f
real(wp_) :: absc,absc1,absc2,centr,abs,dinf,dmax1,dmin1,fc,fsum, &
real(wp_), dimension(7) :: fv1,fv2
integer :: j
! the abscissae and weights are supplied for the interval
! (-1,1). because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and
! their corresponding weights are given.
! xgk - abscissae of the 15-point kronrod rule
! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 7-point
! gauss rule
! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
! added to the 7-point gauss rule
! wgk - weights of the 15-point kronrod rule
! wg - weights of the 7-point gauss rule, corresponding
! to the abscissae xgk(2), xgk(4), ...
! wg(1), wg(3), ... are set to zero.
real(wp_), dimension(8), parameter :: &
wg = (/ 0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_, &
0.129484966168869693270611432679082_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_, &
0.279705391489276667901467771423780_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_, &
0.381830050505118944950369775488975_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_, &
0.417959183673469387755102040816327_wp_ /), &
xgk = (/ 0.991455371120812639206854697526329_wp_, &
0.949107912342758524526189684047851_wp_, &
0.864864423359769072789712788640926_wp_, &
0.741531185599394439863864773280788_wp_, &
0.586087235467691130294144838258730_wp_, &
0.405845151377397166906606412076961_wp_, &
0.207784955007898467600689403773245_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_ /), &
wgk = (/ 0.022935322010529224963732008058970_wp_, &
0.063092092629978553290700663189204_wp_, &
0.104790010322250183839876322541518_wp_, &
0.140653259715525918745189590510238_wp_, &
0.169004726639267902826583426598550_wp_, &
0.190350578064785409913256402421014_wp_, &
0.204432940075298892414161999234649_wp_, &
0.209482141084727828012999174891714_wp_ /)
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! centr - mid point of the interval
! hlgth - half-length of the interval
! absc* - abscissa
! tabsc* - transformed abscissa
! fval* - function value
! resg - result of the 7-point gauss formula
! resk - result of the 15-point kronrod formula
! reskh - approximation to the mean value of the transformed
! integrand over (a,b), i.e. to i/(b-a)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqk15i
dinf = min0(1,inf)
centr = 0.5e+00_wp_*(a+b)
hlgth = 0.5e+00_wp_*(b-a)
tabsc1 = boun+dinf*(0.1e+01_wp_-centr)/centr
fval1 = f(tabsc1)
if(inf==2) fval1 = fval1+f(-tabsc1)
fc = (fval1/centr)/centr
! compute the 15-point kronrod approximation to
! the integral, and estimate the error.
resg = wg(8)*fc
resk = wgk(8)*fc
resabs = abs(resk)
do j=1,7
absc = hlgth*xgk(j)
absc1 = centr-absc
absc2 = centr+absc
tabsc1 = boun+dinf*(0.1e+01_wp_-absc1)/absc1
tabsc2 = boun+dinf*(0.1e+01_wp_-absc2)/absc2
fval1 = f(tabsc1)
fval2 = f(tabsc2)
if(inf==2) fval1 = fval1+f(-tabsc1)
if(inf==2) fval2 = fval2+f(-tabsc2)
fval1 = (fval1/absc1)/absc1
fval2 = (fval2/absc2)/absc2
fv1(j) = fval1
fv2(j) = fval2
fsum = fval1+fval2
resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
resk = resk+wgk(j)*fsum
resabs = resabs+wgk(j)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2))
end do
reskh = resk*0.5e+00_wp_
resasc = wgk(8)*abs(fc-reskh)
do j=1,7
resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*(abs(fv1(j)-reskh)+abs(fv2(j)-reskh))
end do
result = resk*hlgth
resasc = resasc*hlgth
resabs = resabs*hlgth
abserr = abs((resk-resg)*hlgth)
if(resasc/=0.0e+00_wp_.and.abserr/=0._wp_) abserr = resasc* &
if(resabs>uflow/(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach)) abserr = dmax1 &
end subroutine dqk15i
subroutine dqagp(f,a,b,npts2,points,epsabs,epsrel,result,abserr, &
!***begin prologue dqagp
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a2a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, general-purpose,
! singularities at user specified points,
! extrapolation, globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! break points of the integration interval, where local
! difficulties of the integrand may occur (e.g.
! singularities, discontinuities), are provided by the user.
! computation of a definite integral
! standard fortran subroutine
! double precision version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - double precision
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! a - double precision
! lower limit of integration
! b - double precision
! upper limit of integration
! npts2 - integer
! number equal to two more than the number of
! user-supplied break points within the integration
! range, npts.ge.2.
! if npts2.lt.2, the routine will end with ier = 6.
! points - double precision
! vector of dimension npts2, the first (npts2-2)
! elements of which are the user provided break
! points. if these points do not constitute an
! ascending sequence there will be an automatic
! sorting.
! epsabs - double precision
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - double precision
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs.le.0
! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! on return
! result - double precision
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - double precision
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine.
! the estimates for integral and error are
! less reliable. it is assumed that the
! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more
! subdivisions by increasing the value of
! limit (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account). however, if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties. if
! the position of a local difficulty can be
! determined (i.e. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval), it
! should be supplied to the routine as an
! element of the vector points. if necessary
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! must be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
! detected, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
! at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table.
! it is presumed that the requested
! tolerance cannot be achieved, and that
! the returned result is the best which
! can be obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.gt.0.
! = 6 the input is invalid because
! npts2.lt.2 or
! break points are specified outside
! the integration range or
! (epsabs.le.0 and
! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
! zero. exept when leniw or lenw or npts2 is
! invalid, iwork(1), iwork(limit+1),
! work(limit*2+1) and work(limit*3+1)
! are set to zero.
! work(1) is set to a and work(limit+1)
! to b (where limit = (leniw-npts2)/2).
! dimensioning parameters
! leniw - integer
! dimensioning parameter for iwork
! leniw determines limit = (leniw-npts2)/2,
! which is the maximum number of subintervals in the
! partition of the given integration interval (a,b),
! leniw.ge.(3*npts2-2).
! if leniw.lt.(3*npts2-2), the routine will end with
! ier = 6.
! lenw - integer
! dimensioning parameter for work
! lenw must be at least leniw*2-npts2.
! if lenw.lt.leniw*2-npts2, the routine will end
! with ier = 6.
! last - integer
! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
! produced in the subdivision process, which
! determines the number of significant elements
! actually in the work arrays.
! work arrays
! iwork - integer
! vector of dimension at least leniw. on return,
! the first k elements of which contain
! pointers to the error estimates over the
! subintervals, such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),...,
! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
! sequence, with k = last if last.le.(limit/2+2), and
! k = limit+1-last otherwise
! iwork(limit+1), ...,iwork(limit+last) contain the
! subdivision levels of the subintervals, i.e.
! if (aa,bb) is a subinterval of (p1,p2)
! where p1 as well as p2 is a user-provided
! break point or integration limit, then (aa,bb) has
! level l if abs(bb-aa) = abs(p2-p1)*2**(-l),
! iwork(limit*2+1), ..., iwork(limit*2+npts2) have
! no significance for the user,
! note that limit = (leniw-npts2)/2.
! work - double precision
! vector of dimension at least lenw
! on return
! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
! end points of the subintervals in the
! partition of (a,b),
! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
! the right end points,
! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain
! the integral approximations over the subintervals,
! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last)
! contain the corresponding error estimates,
! work(limit*4+1), ..., work(limit*4+npts2)
! contain the integration limits and the
! break points sorted in an ascending sequence.
! note that limit = (leniw-npts2)/2.
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqagpe,xerror
!***end prologue dqagp
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b,epsabs,epsrel
integer, intent(in) :: npts2,lenw,leniw
real(wp_), intent(in), dimension(npts2) ::points
real(wp_), intent(out) :: abserr,result
integer, intent(out) :: neval,ier,last
integer :: limit,lvl,l1,l2,l3,l4
real(wp_), dimension(lenw) :: work
integer, dimension(leniw) :: iwork
real(wp_), external :: f
! check validity of limit and lenw.
!***first executable statement dqagp
ier = 6
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0_wp_
abserr = 0.0_wp_
if(leniw.ge.(3*npts2-2).and.lenw.ge.(leniw*2-npts2).and.npts2.ge.2) then
! prepare call for dqagpe.
limit = (leniw-npts2)/2
l1 = limit+1
l2 = limit+l1
l3 = limit+l2
l4 = limit+l3
call dqagpe(f,a,b,npts2,points,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr, &
neval,ier,work(1),work(l1),work(l2),work(l3),work(l4), &
! call error handler if necessary.
lvl = 0
end if
if(ier.eq.6) lvl = 1
end subroutine dqagp
subroutine dqagpe(f,a,b,npts2,points,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result, &
!***begin prologue dqagpe
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a2a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, general-purpose,
! singularities at user specified points,
! extrapolation, globally adaptive.
!***author piessens,robert ,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b), hopefully
! satisfying following claim for accuracy abs(i-result).le.
! max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)). break points of the integration
! interval, where local difficulties of the integrand may
! occur(e.g. singularities,discontinuities),provided by user.
! computation of a definite integral
! standard fortran subroutine
! double precision version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - double precision
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! a - double precision
! lower limit of integration
! b - double precision
! upper limit of integration
! npts2 - integer
! number equal to two more than the number of
! user-supplied break points within the integration
! range, npts2.ge.2.
! if npts2.lt.2, the routine will end with ier = 6.
! points - double precision
! vector of dimension npts2, the first (npts2-2)
! elements of which are the user provided break
! points. if these points do not constitute an
! ascending sequence there will be an automatic
! sorting.
! epsabs - double precision
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - double precision
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs.le.0
! and epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! limit - integer
! gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
! in the partition of (a,b), limit.ge.npts2
! if limit.lt.npts2, the routine will end with
! ier = 6.
! on return
! result - double precision
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - double precision
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! ier.gt.0 abnormal termination of the routine.
! the estimates for integral and error are
! less reliable. it is assumed that the
! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more
! subdivisions by increasing the value of
! limit (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account). however, if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties. if
! the position of a local difficulty can be
! determined (i.e. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval), it
! should be supplied to the routine as an
! element of the vector points. if necessary
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! must be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
! detected, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
! at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table. it is presumed that
! the requested tolerance cannot be
! achieved, and that the returned result is
! the best which can be obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.gt.0.
! = 6 the input is invalid because
! npts2.lt.2 or
! break points are specified outside
! the integration range or
! (epsabs.le.0 and
! epsrel.lt.max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5d-28))
! or limit.lt.npts2.
! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
! and elist(1) are set to zero. alist(1) and
! blist(1) are set to a and b respectively.
! alist - double precision
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the left end points
! of the subintervals in the partition of the given
! integration range (a,b)
! blist - double precision
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the right end points
! of the subintervals in the partition of the given
! integration range (a,b)
! rlist - double precision
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the integral
! approximations on the subintervals
! elist - double precision
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the moduli of the
! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
! pts - double precision
! vector of dimension at least npts2, containing the
! integration limits and the break points of the
! interval in ascending sequence.
! level - integer
! vector of dimension at least limit, containing the
! subdivision levels of the subinterval, i.e. if
! (aa,bb) is a subinterval of (p1,p2) where p1 as
! well as p2 is a user-provided break point or
! integration limit, then (aa,bb) has level l if
! abs(bb-aa) = abs(p2-p1)*2**(-l).
! ndin - integer
! vector of dimension at least npts2, after first
! integration over the intervals (pts(i)),pts(i+1),
! i = 0,1, ..., npts2-2, the error estimates over
! some of the intervals may have been increased
! artificially, in order to put their subdivision
! forward. if this happens for the subinterval
! numbered k, ndin(k) is put to 1, otherwise
! ndin(k) = 0.
! iord - integer
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
! elements of which are pointers to the
! error estimates over the subintervals,
! such that elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k))
! form a decreasing sequence, with k = last
! if last.le.(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
! otherwise
! last - integer
! number of subintervals actually produced in the
! subdivisions process
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqelg,dqk21,dqpsrt
!***end prologue dqagpe
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny, &
implicit none
real(wp_) :: a,abseps,abserr,alist,area,area1,area12,area2,a1, &
a2,b,blist,b1,b2,correc,dabs,defabs,defab1,defab2,dmax1,dmin1, &
dres,elist,epsabs,epsrel,erlarg,erlast,errbnd, &
errmax,error1,erro12,error2,errsum,ertest,points,pts, &
integer :: i,id,ier,ierro,ind1,ind2,iord,ip1,iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,j, &
jlow,jupbnd,k,ksgn,ktmin,last,levcur,level,levmax,limit,maxerr, &
logical :: extrap,noext
dimension alist(limit),blist(limit),elist(limit),iord(limit), &
level(limit),ndin(npts2),points(npts2),pts(npts2),res3la(3), &
real(wp_), external :: f
! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
! limexp in subroutine epsalg (rlist2 should be of dimension
! (limexp+2) at least).
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
! (alist(i),blist(i))
! rlist2 - array of dimension at least limexp+2
! containing the part of the epsilon table which
! is still needed for further computations
! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest error
! estimate
! errmax - elist(maxerr)
! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
! (before that subdivision has taken place)
! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
! abs(result))
! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
! last - index for subdivision
! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
! numrl2 - number of elements in rlist2. if an appropriate
! approximation to the compounded integral has
! been obtained, it is put in rlist2(numrl2) after
! numrl2 has been increased by one.
! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
! than the smallest interval considered up to now
! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine
! is attempting to perform extrapolation. i.e.
! before subdividing the smallest interval we
! try to decrease the value of erlarg.
! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation is
! no longer allowed (true-value)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqagpe
! test on validity of parameters
! -----------------------------
ier = 0
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0_wp_
abserr = 0.0_wp_
alist(1) = a
blist(1) = b
rlist(1) = 0.0_wp_
elist(1) = 0.0_wp_
iord(1) = 0
level(1) = 0
npts = npts2-2
if(npts2.lt.2.or.limit.le.npts.or.(epsabs.le.0.0_wp_.and. &
epsrel.lt.dmax1(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach,0.5e-28_wp_))) ier = 6
if(ier.eq.6) return
! if any break points are provided, sort them into an
! ascending sequence.
sign = 1.0_wp_
if(a.gt.b) sign = -1.0_wp_
pts(1) = dmin1(a,b)
do i = 1,npts
pts(i+1) = points(i)
end do
pts(npts+2) = dmax1(a,b)
nint = npts+1
a1 = pts(1)
if(npts.ne.0) then
nintp1 = nint+1
do i = 1,nint
ip1 = i+1
do j = ip1,nintp1
if(pts(i).gt.pts(j)) then
temp = pts(i)
pts(i) = pts(j)
pts(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
if(pts(1).ne.dmin1(a,b).or.pts(nintp1).ne.dmax1(a,b)) ier = 6
if(ier.eq.6) return
end if
! compute first integral and error approximations.
! ------------------------------------------------
resabs = 0.0_wp_
do i = 1,nint
b1 = pts(i+1)
call dqk21(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,defabs,resa)
abserr = abserr+error1
result = result+area1
ndin(i) = 0
if(error1.eq.resa.and.error1.ne.0.0_wp_) ndin(i) = 1
resabs = resabs+defabs
level(i) = 0
elist(i) = error1
alist(i) = a1
blist(i) = b1
rlist(i) = area1
iord(i) = i
a1 = b1
end do
errsum = 0.0_wp_
do i = 1,nint
if(ndin(i).eq.1) elist(i) = abserr
errsum = errsum+elist(i)
end do
! test on accuracy.
last = nint
neval = 21*nint
dres = dabs(result)
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dres)
if(abserr.le.0.1d+03*epmach*resabs.and.abserr.gt.errbnd) ier = 2
if(nint.ne.1) then
do i = 1,npts
jlow = i+1
ind1 = iord(i)
do j = jlow,nint
ind2 = iord(j)
if(elist(ind1).le.elist(ind2)) then
ind1 = ind2
k = j
end if
end do
if(ind1.ne.iord(i)) then
iord(k) = iord(i)
iord(i) = ind1
end if
end do
if(limit.lt.npts2) ier = 1
end if
if(ier.eq.0.and.abserr.gt.errbnd) then
! initialization
! --------------
rlist2(1) = result
maxerr = iord(1)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
area = result
nrmax = 1
nres = 0
numrl2 = 1
ktmin = 0
extrap = .false.
noext = .false.
erlarg = errsum
ertest = errbnd
levmax = 1
iroff1 = 0
iroff2 = 0
iroff3 = 0
ierro = 0
abserr = oflow
ksgn = -1
if(dres.ge.(0.1d+01-0.5d+02*epmach)*resabs) ksgn = 1
! main do-loop
! ------------
do last = npts2,limit
! bisect the subinterval with the nrmax-th largest error
! estimate.
levcur = level(maxerr)+1
a1 = alist(maxerr)
b1 = 0.5d+00*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
a2 = b1
b2 = blist(maxerr)
erlast = errmax
call dqk21(f,a1,b1,area1,error1,resa,defab1)
call dqk21(f,a2,b2,area2,error2,resa,defab2)
! improve previous approximations to integral
! and error and test for accuracy.
neval = neval+42
area12 = area1+area2
erro12 = error1+error2
errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
if(defab1.ne.error1.and.defab2.ne.error2) then
if(dabs(rlist(maxerr)-area12).le.0.1d-04*dabs(area12) &
.and.erro12.ge.0.99d+00*errmax) then
if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
end if
if(last.gt.10.and.erro12.gt.errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
end if
level(maxerr) = levcur
level(last) = levcur
rlist(maxerr) = area1
rlist(last) = area2
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dabs(area))
! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
if(iroff1+iroff2.ge.10.or.iroff3.ge.20) ier = 2
if(iroff2.ge.5) ierro = 3
! set error flag in the case that the number of
! subintervals equals limit.
if(last.eq.limit) ier = 1
! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
! at a point of the integration range
if(dmax1(dabs(a1),dabs(b2)).le.(0.1d+01+0.1d+03*epmach)* &
(dabs(a2)+0.1d+04*uflow)) ier = 4
! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
if(error2.le.error1) then
alist(last) = a2
blist(maxerr) = b1
blist(last) = b2
elist(maxerr) = error1
elist(last) = error2
alist(maxerr) = a2
alist(last) = a1
blist(last) = b1
rlist(maxerr) = area2
rlist(last) = area1
elist(maxerr) = error2
elist(last) = error1
end if
! call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(errsum.le.errbnd) go to 190
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(ier.ne.0) exit
if(noext) cycle
erlarg = erlarg-erlast
if(levcur+1.le.levmax) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
if(.not.extrap) then
! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
! smallest interval.
if(level(maxerr)+1.le.levmax) cycle
extrap = .true.
nrmax = 2
end if
if(ierro.ne.3.and.erlarg.gt.ertest) then
! the smallest interval has the largest error.
! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over
! the larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
id = nrmax
jupbnd = last
if(last.gt.(2+limit/2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
do k = id,jupbnd
maxerr = iord(nrmax)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(level(maxerr)+1.le.levmax) go to 160
nrmax = nrmax+1
end do
end if
! perform extrapolation.
numrl2 = numrl2+1
rlist2(numrl2) = area
if(numrl2.gt.2) then
call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
ktmin = ktmin+1
if(ktmin.gt.5.and.abserr.lt.0.1d-02*errsum) ier = 5
if(abseps.lt.abserr) then
ktmin = 0
abserr = abseps
result = reseps
correc = erlarg
ertest = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dabs(reseps))
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(abserr.lt.ertest) exit
end if
! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
if(numrl2.eq.1) noext = .true.
if(ier.ge.5) exit
end if
maxerr = iord(1)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
nrmax = 1
extrap = .false.
levmax = levmax+1
erlarg = errsum
160 continue
end do
! set the final result.
! ---------------------
if(abserr.eq.oflow) go to 190
if((ier+ierro).ne.0) then
if(ierro.eq.3) abserr = abserr+correc
if(ier.eq.0) ier = 3
if(result.ne.0.0d+00.and.area.ne.0.0d+00) then
if(abserr/dabs(result).gt.errsum/dabs(area))go to 190
if(abserr.gt.errsum)go to 190
if(area.eq.0.0d+00) go to 210
end if
! test on divergence.
end if
if(ksgn.ne.(-1).or.dmax1(dabs(result),dabs(area)).gt.resabs*0.1d-01) then
if(0.1d-01.gt.(result/area).or.(result/area).gt.0.1d+03.or. &
errsum.gt.dabs(area)) ier = 6
end if
go to 210
! compute global integral sum.
190 result = 0.0d+00
do k = 1,last
result = result+rlist(k)
end do
abserr = errsum
end if
210 if(ier.gt.2) ier = ier-1
result = result*sign
end subroutine dqagpe
! Integration routine dqags.f from quadpack and dependencies: BEGIN
! Modified version for functions f(x,yi) with more than one variable
subroutine dqagsmv(f,a,b,apar,np,epsabs,epsrel,result,abserr,neval,ier, &
!***begin prologue dqagsmv
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a1a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, general-purpose,
! (end-point) singularities, extrapolation,
! globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & prog. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
! computation of a definite integral
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x,apar,np). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! a - real(8)
! lower limit of integration
! b - real(8)
! upper limit of integration
! apar - array of parameters of the integrand function f
! np - number of parameters. size of apar
! epsabs - real(8)
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - real(8)
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs<=0
! and epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! ier>0 abnormal termination of the routine
! the estimates for integral and error are
! less reliable. it is assumed that the
! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more sub-
! divisions by increasing the value of limit
! (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account. however, if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties. if
! the position of a local difficulty can be
! determined (e.g. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval) one
! will probably gain from splitting up the
! interval at this point and calling the
! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! should be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec-
! ted, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour
! occurs at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table. it is presumed that
! the requested tolerance cannot be
! achieved, and that the returned result is
! the best which can be obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.
! = 6 the input is invalid, because
! (epsabs<=0 and
! epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_)
! or limit<1 or lenw<limit*4.
! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
! zero.except when limit or lenw is invalid,
! iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and
! work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1)
! is set to a and work(limit+1) to b.
! dimensioning parameters
! limit - integer
! dimensioning parameter for iwork
! limit determines the maximum number of subintervals
! in the partition of the given integration interval
! (a,b), limit>=1.
! if limit<1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
! lenw - integer
! dimensioning parameter for work
! lenw must be at least limit*4.
! if lenw<limit*4, the routine will end
! with ier = 6.
! last - integer
! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
! produced in the subdivision process, detemines the
! number of significant elements actually in the work
! arrays.
! work arrays
! iwork - integer
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
! elements of which contain pointers
! to the error estimates over the subintervals
! such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),... ,
! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
! sequence, with k = last if last<=(limit/2+2),
! and k = limit+1-last otherwise
! work - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least lenw
! on return
! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
! end-points of the subintervals in the
! partition of (a,b),
! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
! the right end-points,
! work(limit*2+1), ..., work(limit*2+last) contain
! the integral approximations over the subintervals,
! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3+last)
! contain the error estimates.
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqagsemv,xerror
!***end prologue dqagsmv
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b,epsabs,epsrel
integer, intent(in) :: lenw,limit,np
real(wp_), dimension(np), intent(in) :: apar
real(wp_), intent(out) :: abserr,result
integer, intent(out) :: ier,last,neval
real(wp_), dimension(lenw), intent(inout) :: work
integer, dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: iwork
real(wp_), external :: f
integer :: lvl,l1,l2,l3
! check validity of limit and lenw.
!***first executable statement dqags
ier = 6
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
abserr = 0.0e+00_wp_
if(limit>=1.and.lenw>=limit*4) then
! prepare call for dqagse.
l1 = limit+1
l2 = limit+l1
l3 = limit+l2
call dqagsemv(f,a,b,apar,np,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval, &
! call error handler if necessary.
lvl = 0
end if
if(ier==6) lvl = 1
end subroutine dqagsmv
subroutine dqagsemv(f,a,b,apar,np,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr,neval, &
!***begin prologue dqagsemv
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a1a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, general-purpose,
! (end point) singularities, extrapolation,
! globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! definite integral i = integral of f over (a,b),
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
! computation of a definite integral
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x,apar,np). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! a - real(8)
! lower limit of integration
! b - real(8)
! upper limit of integration
! apar - array of parameters of the integrand function f
! np - number of parameters. size of apar
! epsabs - real(8)
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - real(8)
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs<=0
! and epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! limit - integer
! gives an upperbound on the number of subintervals
! in the partition of (a,b)
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! ier>0 abnormal termination of the routine
! the estimates for integral and error are
! less reliable. it is assumed that the
! requested accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more sub-
! divisions by increasing the value of limit
! (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account). however, if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties. if
! the position of a local difficulty can be
! determined (e.g. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval) one
! will probably gain from splitting up the
! interval at this point and calling the
! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! should be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is detec-
! ted, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour
! occurs at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table.
! it is presumed that the requested
! tolerance cannot be achieved, and that the
! returned result is the best which can be
! obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.
! = 6 the input is invalid, because
! epsabs<=0 and
! epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_).
! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
! iord(1) and elist(1) are set to zero.
! alist(1) and blist(1) are set to a and b
! respectively.
! alist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the left end points
! of the subintervals in the partition of the
! given integration range (a,b)
! blist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the right end points
! of the subintervals in the partition of the given
! integration range (a,b)
! rlist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the integral
! approximations on the subintervals
! elist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the moduli of the
! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
! iord - integer
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first k
! elements of which are pointers to the
! error estimates over the subintervals,
! such that elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k))
! form a decreasing sequence, with k = last
! if last<=(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
! otherwise
! last - integer
! number of subintervals actually produced in the
! subdivision process
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqelg,dqk21mv,dqpsrt
!***end prologue dqagsemv
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny, &
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b,epsabs,epsrel
integer, intent(in) :: limit,np
real(wp_), dimension(np), intent(in) :: apar
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr
integer, intent(out) :: neval,ier,last
real(wp_), dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: alist,blist,elist,rlist
integer, dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: iord
real(wp_), external :: f
real(wp_) :: abseps,area,area1,area12,area2,a1,a2,b1,b2,correc,abs, &
defabs,defab1,defab2,dmax1,dres,erlarg,erlast,errbnd,errmax, &
real(wp_) :: res3la(3),rlist2(52)
integer :: id,ierro,iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,jupbnd,k,ksgn, &
logical :: extrap,noext
! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
! limexp in subroutine dqelg (rlist2 should be of dimension
! (limexp+2) at least).
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
! (alist(i),blist(i))
! rlist2 - array of dimension at least limexp+2 containing
! the part of the epsilon table which is still
! needed for further computations
! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest error
! estimate
! errmax - elist(maxerr)
! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
! (before that subdivision has taken place)
! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
! abs(result))
! *****1 - variable for the left interval
! *****2 - variable for the right interval
! last - index for subdivision
! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
! numrl2 - number of elements currently in rlist2. if an
! appropriate approximation to the compounded
! integral has been obtained it is put in
! rlist2(numrl2) after numrl2 has been increased
! by one.
! small - length of the smallest interval considered up
! to now, multiplied by 1.5
! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
! than the smallest interval considered up to now
! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine is
! attempting to perform extrapolation i.e. before
! subdividing the smallest interval we try to
! decrease the value of erlarg.
! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation
! is no longer allowed (true value)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqagsemv
! test on validity of parameters
! ------------------------------
ier = 0
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
abserr = 0.0e+00_wp_
alist(1) = a
blist(1) = b
rlist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
elist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
if(epsabs<=0.0e+00_wp_.and.epsrel<dmax1(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach,0.5e-28_wp_)) then
ier = 6
end if
! first approximation to the integral
! -----------------------------------
ierro = 0
call dqk21mv(f,a,b,apar,np,result,abserr,defabs,resabs)
! test on accuracy.
dres = abs(result)
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dres)
last = 1
rlist(1) = result
elist(1) = abserr
iord(1) = 1
if(abserr<=1.0e+02_wp_*epmach*defabs.and.abserr>errbnd) ier = 2
if(limit==1) ier = 1
if(ier/=0.or.(abserr<=errbnd.and.abserr/=resabs).or. &
abserr==0.0e+00_wp_) go to 140
! initialization
! --------------
rlist2(1) = result
errmax = abserr
maxerr = 1
area = result
errsum = abserr
abserr = oflow
nrmax = 1
nres = 0
numrl2 = 2
ktmin = 0
extrap = .false.
noext = .false.
iroff1 = 0
iroff2 = 0
iroff3 = 0
ksgn = -1
if(dres>=(0.1e+01_wp_-0.5e+02_wp_*epmach)*defabs) ksgn = 1
! main do-loop
! ------------
do last = 2,limit
! bisect the subinterval with the nrmax-th largest error
! estimate.
a1 = alist(maxerr)
b1 = 0.5e+00_wp_*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
a2 = b1
b2 = blist(maxerr)
erlast = errmax
call dqk21mv(f,a1,b1,apar,np,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
call dqk21mv(f,a2,b2,apar,np,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
! improve previous approximations to integral
! and error and test for accuracy.
area12 = area1+area2
erro12 = error1+error2
errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
if(defab1/=error1.and.defab2/=error2) then
if(abs(rlist(maxerr)-area12)<=0.1e-04_wp_*abs(area12) &
.and.erro12>=0.99e+00_wp_*errmax) then
if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
end if
if(last>10.and.erro12>errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
end if
rlist(maxerr) = area1
rlist(last) = area2
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*abs(area))
! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
if(iroff1+iroff2>=10.or.iroff3>=20) ier = 2
if(iroff2>=5) ierro = 3
! set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals
! equals limit.
if(last==limit) ier = 1
! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
! at a point of the integration range.
if(dmax1(abs(a1),abs(b2))<=(0.1e+01_wp_+0.1e+03_wp_*epmach)* &
(abs(a2)+0.1e+04_wp_*uflow)) ier = 4
! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
if(error2<=error1) then
alist(last) = a2
blist(maxerr) = b1
blist(last) = b2
elist(maxerr) = error1
elist(last) = error2
alist(maxerr) = a2
alist(last) = a1
blist(last) = b1
rlist(maxerr) = area2
rlist(last) = area1
elist(maxerr) = error2
elist(last) = error1
end if
! call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(errsum<=errbnd) go to 115
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(ier/=0) exit
if(last==2) then
small = abs(b-a)*0.375e+00_wp_
erlarg = errsum
ertest = errbnd
rlist2(2) = area
end if
if(noext) cycle
erlarg = erlarg-erlast
if(abs(b1-a1)>small) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
if(.not.extrap) then
! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
! smallest interval.
if(abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) cycle
extrap = .true.
nrmax = 2
end if
if(ierro/=3.and.erlarg>ertest) then
! the smallest interval has the largest error.
! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
! larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
id = nrmax
jupbnd = last
if(last>(2+limit/2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
do k = id,jupbnd
maxerr = iord(nrmax)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) go to 90
nrmax = nrmax+1
end do
! perform extrapolation.
end if
numrl2 = numrl2+1
rlist2(numrl2) = area
call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
ktmin = ktmin+1
if(ktmin>5.and.abserr<0.1e-02_wp_*errsum) ier = 5
if(abseps<abserr) then
ktmin = 0
abserr = abseps
result = reseps
correc = erlarg
ertest = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*abs(reseps))
! ***jump out of do-loop
if(abserr<=ertest) exit
! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
end if
if(numrl2==1) noext = .true.
if(ier==5) exit
maxerr = iord(1)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
nrmax = 1
extrap = .false.
small = small*0.5e+00_wp_
erlarg = errsum
90 continue
end do
! set final result and error estimate.
! ------------------------------------
if(abserr==oflow) go to 115
if(ier+ierro==0) go to 110
if(ierro==3) abserr = abserr+correc
if(ier==0) ier = 3
if(result/=0.0e+00_wp_.and.area/=0.0e+00_wp_) go to 105
if(abserr>errsum) go to 115
if(area==0.0e+00_wp_) go to 130
go to 110
105 continue
if(abserr/abs(result)>errsum/abs(area)) go to 115
! test on divergence.
110 continue
if(ksgn==(-1).and.dmax1(abs(result),abs(area))<= &
defabs*0.1e-01_wp_) go to 130
if(0.1e-01_wp_>(result/area).or.(result/area)>0.1e+03_wp_ &
.or.errsum>abs(area)) ier = 6
go to 130
! compute global integral sum.
115 continue
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
do k = 1,last
result = result+rlist(k)
end do
abserr = errsum
130 continue
if(ier>2) ier = ier-1
140 continue
neval = 42*last-21
end subroutine dqagsemv
subroutine dqk21mv(f,a,b,apar,np,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
!***begin prologue dqk21mv
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a1a2
!***keywords 21-point gauss-kronrod rules
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose to compute i = integral of f over (a,b), with error
! estimate
! j = integral of abs(f) over (a,b)
! integration rules
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x,apar,np). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! a - real(8)
! lower limit of integration
! b - real(8)
! upper limit of integration
! apar - array of parameters of the integrand function f
! np - number of parameters. size of apar
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral i
! result is computed by applying the 21-point
! kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal addition
! of abscissae to the 10-point gauss rule (resg).
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should not exceed abs(i-result)
! resabs - real(8)
! approximation to the integral j
! resasc - real(8)
! approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a))
! over (a,b)
!***references (none)
!***routines called (none)
!***end prologue dqk21mv
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b
integer, intent(in) :: np
real(wp_), dimension(np), intent(in) :: apar
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr,resabs,resasc
real(wp_), external :: f
real(wp_) :: absc,centr,abs,dhlgth,dmax1,dmin1,fc,fsum, &
real(wp_), dimension(10) :: fv1,fv2
integer :: j,jtw,jtwm1
! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1).
! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their
! corresponding weights are given.
! xgk - abscissae of the 21-point kronrod rule
! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 10-point
! gauss rule
! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
! added to the 10-point gauss rule
! wgk - weights of the 21-point kronrod rule
! wg - weights of the 10-point gauss rule
! gauss quadrature weights and kronron quadrature abscissae and weights
! as evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by l. w. fullerton,
! bell labs, nov. 1981.
real(wp_), dimension(5), parameter :: &
wg = (/ 0.066671344308688137593568809893332_wp_, &
0.149451349150580593145776339657697_wp_, &
0.219086362515982043995534934228163_wp_, &
0.269266719309996355091226921569469_wp_, &
0.295524224714752870173892994651338_wp_ /)
real(wp_), dimension(11), parameter :: &
xgk = (/ 0.995657163025808080735527280689003_wp_, &
0.973906528517171720077964012084452_wp_, &
0.930157491355708226001207180059508_wp_, &
0.865063366688984510732096688423493_wp_, &
0.780817726586416897063717578345042_wp_, &
0.679409568299024406234327365114874_wp_, &
0.562757134668604683339000099272694_wp_, &
0.433395394129247190799265943165784_wp_, &
0.294392862701460198131126603103866_wp_, &
0.148874338981631210884826001129720_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_ /), &
wgk = (/ 0.011694638867371874278064396062192_wp_, &
0.032558162307964727478818972459390_wp_, &
0.054755896574351996031381300244580_wp_, &
0.075039674810919952767043140916190_wp_, &
0.093125454583697605535065465083366_wp_, &
0.109387158802297641899210590325805_wp_, &
0.123491976262065851077958109831074_wp_, &
0.134709217311473325928054001771707_wp_, &
0.142775938577060080797094273138717_wp_, &
0.147739104901338491374841515972068_wp_, &
0.149445554002916905664936468389821_wp_ /)
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! centr - mid point of the interval
! hlgth - half-length of the interval
! absc - abscissa
! fval* - function value
! resg - result of the 10-point gauss formula
! resk - result of the 21-point kronrod formula
! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f over (a,b),
! i.e. to i/(b-a)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqk21mv
centr = 0.5e+00_wp_*(a+b)
hlgth = 0.5e+00_wp_*(b-a)
dhlgth = abs(hlgth)
! compute the 21-point kronrod approximation to
! the integral, and estimate the absolute error.
resg = 0.0e+00_wp_
fc = f(centr,apar,np)
resk = wgk(11)*fc
resabs = abs(resk)
do j=1,5
jtw = 2*j
absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw)
fval1 = f(centr-absc,apar,np)
fval2 = f(centr+absc,apar,np)
fv1(jtw) = fval1
fv2(jtw) = fval2
fsum = fval1+fval2
resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum
resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2))
end do
do j = 1,5
jtwm1 = 2*j-1
absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1)
fval1 = f(centr-absc,apar,np)
fval2 = f(centr+absc,apar,np)
fv1(jtwm1) = fval1
fv2(jtwm1) = fval2
fsum = fval1+fval2
resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum
resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2))
end do
reskh = resk*0.5e+00_wp_
resasc = wgk(11)*abs(fc-reskh)
do j=1,10
resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*(abs(fv1(j)-reskh)+abs(fv2(j)-reskh))
end do
result = resk*hlgth
resabs = resabs*dhlgth
resasc = resasc*dhlgth
abserr = abs((resk-resg)*hlgth)
if(resasc/=0.0e+00_wp_.and.abserr/=0.0e+00_wp_) &
abserr = resasc*dmin1(0.1e+01_wp_,(0.2e+03_wp_*abserr/resasc)**1.5e+00_wp_)
if(resabs>uflow/(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach)) abserr = dmax1 &
end subroutine dqk21mv
subroutine dqagimv(f,bound,inf,apar,np,epsabs,epsrel,result,abserr,neval, &
!***begin prologue dqagimv
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a3a1,h2a4a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, infinite intervals,
! general-purpose, transformation, extrapolation,
! globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. -k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! integral i = integral of f over (bound,+infinity)
! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,bound)
! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,+infinity)
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)).
! integration over infinite intervals
! standard fortran subroutine
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x,apar,np). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! bound - real(8)
! finite bound of integration range
! (has no meaning if interval is doubly-infinite)
! inf - integer
! indicating the kind of integration range involved
! inf = 1 corresponds to (bound,+infinity),
! inf = -1 to (-infinity,bound),
! inf = 2 to (-infinity,+infinity).
! apar - array of parameters of the integrand function f
! np - number of parameters. size of apar
! epsabs - real(8)
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - real(8)
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs<=0
! and epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! - ier>0 abnormal termination of the routine. the
! estimates for result and error are less
! reliable. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more
! subdivisions by increasing the value of
! limit (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account). however, if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties. if
! the position of a local difficulty can be
! determined (e.g. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval) one
! will probably gain from splitting up the
! interval at this point and calling the
! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! should be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
! detected, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
! at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table.
! it is assumed that the requested tolerance
! cannot be achieved, and that the returned
! result is the best which can be obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.
! = 6 the input is invalid, because
! (epsabs<=0 and
! epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_))
! or limit<1 or leniw<limit*4.
! result, abserr, neval, last are set to
! zero. exept when limit or leniw is
! invalid, iwork(1), work(limit*2+1) and
! work(limit*3+1) are set to zero, work(1)
! is set to a and work(limit+1) to b.
! dimensioning parameters
! limit - integer
! dimensioning parameter for iwork
! limit determines the maximum number of subintervals
! in the partition of the given integration interval
! (a,b), limit>=1.
! if limit<1, the routine will end with ier = 6.
! lenw - integer
! dimensioning parameter for work
! lenw must be at least limit*4.
! if lenw<limit*4, the routine will end
! with ier = 6.
! last - integer
! on return, last equals the number of subintervals
! produced in the subdivision process, which
! determines the number of significant elements
! actually in the work arrays.
! work arrays
! iwork - integer
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! k elements of which contain pointers
! to the error estimates over the subintervals,
! such that work(limit*3+iwork(1)),... ,
! work(limit*3+iwork(k)) form a decreasing
! sequence, with k = last if last<=(limit/2+2), and
! k = limit+1-last otherwise
! work - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least lenw
! on return
! work(1), ..., work(last) contain the left
! end points of the subintervals in the
! partition of (a,b),
! work(limit+1), ..., work(limit+last) contain
! the right end points,
! work(limit*2+1), ...,work(limit*2+last) contain the
! integral approximations over the subintervals,
! work(limit*3+1), ..., work(limit*3)
! contain the error estimates.
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqagiemv,xerror
!***end prologue dqagimv
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: lenw,limit,inf,np
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bound,epsabs,epsrel
real(wp_), dimension(np), intent(in) :: apar
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr
integer, intent(out) :: last,neval,ier
real(wp_), dimension(lenw), intent(inout) :: work
integer, dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: iwork
real(wp_), external :: f
integer :: l1,l2,l3
! check validity of limit and lenw.
!***first executable statement dqagi
ier = 6
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
abserr = 0.0e+00_wp_
if(limit>=1.and.lenw>=limit*4) then
! prepare call for dqagie.
l1 = limit+1
l2 = limit+l1
l3 = limit+l2
call dqagiemv(f,bound,inf,apar,np,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr, &
end if
end subroutine dqagimv
subroutine dqagiemv(f,bound,inf,apar,np,epsabs,epsrel,limit,result,abserr, &
!***begin prologue dqagiemv
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a3a1,h2a4a1
!***keywords automatic integrator, infinite intervals,
! general-purpose, transformation, extrapolation,
! globally adaptive
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math & progr. div - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math & progr. div - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the routine calculates an approximation result to a given
! integral i = integral of f over (bound,+infinity)
! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,bound)
! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,+infinity),
! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i))
! integration over infinite intervals
! standard fortran subroutine
! f - real(8)
! function subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x,apar,np). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program.
! bound - real(8)
! finite bound of integration range
! (has no meaning if interval is doubly-infinite)
! inf - real(8)
! indicating the kind of integration range involved
! inf = 1 corresponds to (bound,+infinity),
! inf = -1 to (-infinity,bound),
! inf = 2 to (-infinity,+infinity).
! apar - array of parameters of the integrand function f
! np - number of parameters. size of apar
! epsabs - real(8)
! absolute accuracy requested
! epsrel - real(8)
! relative accuracy requested
! if epsabs<=0
! and epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! the routine will end with ier = 6.
! limit - integer
! gives an upper bound on the number of subintervals
! in the partition of (a,b), limit>=1
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! neval - integer
! number of integrand evaluations
! ier - integer
! ier = 0 normal and reliable termination of the
! routine. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has been achieved.
! - ier>0 abnormal termination of the routine. the
! estimates for result and error are less
! reliable. it is assumed that the requested
! accuracy has not been achieved.
! error messages
! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed
! has been achieved. one can allow more
! subdivisions by increasing the value of
! limit (and taking the according dimension
! adjustments into account). however,if
! this yields no improvement it is advised
! to analyze the integrand in order to
! determine the integration difficulties.
! if the position of a local difficulty can
! be determined (e.g. singularity,
! discontinuity within the interval) one
! will probably gain from splitting up the
! interval at this point and calling the
! integrator on the subranges. if possible,
! an appropriate special-purpose integrator
! should be used, which is designed for
! handling the type of difficulty involved.
! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is
! detected, which prevents the requested
! tolerance from being achieved.
! the error may be under-estimated.
! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs
! at some points of the integration
! interval.
! = 4 the algorithm does not converge.
! roundoff error is detected in the
! extrapolation table.
! it is assumed that the requested tolerance
! cannot be achieved, and that the returned
! result is the best which can be obtained.
! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or
! slowly convergent. it must be noted that
! divergence can occur with any other value
! of ier.
! = 6 the input is invalid, because
! (epsabs<=0 and
! epsrel<max(50*rel.mach.acc.,0.5e-28_wp_),
! result, abserr, neval, last, rlist(1),
! elist(1) and iord(1) are set to zero.
! alist(1) and blist(1) are set to 0
! and 1 respectively.
! alist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the left
! end points of the subintervals in the partition
! of the transformed integration range (0,1).
! blist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the right
! end points of the subintervals in the partition
! of the transformed integration range (0,1).
! rlist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the integral
! approximations on the subintervals
! elist - real(8)
! vector of dimension at least limit, the first
! last elements of which are the moduli of the
! absolute error estimates on the subintervals
! iord - integer
! vector of dimension limit, the first k
! elements of which are pointers to the
! error estimates over the subintervals,
! such that elist(iord(1)), ..., elist(iord(k))
! form a decreasing sequence, with k = last
! if last<=(limit/2+2), and k = limit+1-last
! otherwise
! last - integer
! number of subintervals actually produced
! in the subdivision process
!***references (none)
!***routines called dqelg,dqk15imv,dqpsrt
!***end prologue dqagiemv
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny, &
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: limit,inf,np
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bound,epsabs,epsrel
real(wp_), dimension(np), intent(in) :: apar
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr
integer, intent(out) :: ier,neval,last
real(wp_), dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: alist,blist,elist,rlist
integer, dimension(limit), intent(inout) :: iord
real(wp_), external :: f
real(wp_) :: abseps,area,area1,area12,area2,a1,a2,boun,b1,b2,correc, &
abs,defabs,defab1,defab2,dmax1,dres,erlarg,erlast,errbnd,errmax, &
real(wp_) :: res3la(3),rlist2(52)
integer :: id,ierro,iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,jupbnd,k,ksgn, &
logical :: extrap,noext
! the dimension of rlist2 is determined by the value of
! limexp in subroutine dqelg.
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! alist - list of left end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! blist - list of right end points of all subintervals
! considered up to now
! rlist(i) - approximation to the integral over
! (alist(i),blist(i))
! rlist2 - array of dimension at least (limexp+2),
! containing the part of the epsilon table
! wich is still needed for further computations
! elist(i) - error estimate applying to rlist(i)
! maxerr - pointer to the interval with largest error
! estimate
! errmax - elist(maxerr)
! erlast - error on the interval currently subdivided
! (before that subdivision has taken place)
! area - sum of the integrals over the subintervals
! errsum - sum of the errors over the subintervals
! errbnd - requested accuracy max(epsabs,epsrel*
! abs(result))
! *****1 - variable for the left subinterval
! *****2 - variable for the right subinterval
! last - index for subdivision
! nres - number of calls to the extrapolation routine
! numrl2 - number of elements currently in rlist2. if an
! appropriate approximation to the compounded
! integral has been obtained, it is put in
! rlist2(numrl2) after numrl2 has been increased
! by one.
! small - length of the smallest interval considered up
! to now, multiplied by 1.5
! erlarg - sum of the errors over the intervals larger
! than the smallest interval considered up to now
! extrap - logical variable denoting that the routine
! is attempting to perform extrapolation. i.e.
! before subdividing the smallest interval we
! try to decrease the value of erlarg.
! noext - logical variable denoting that extrapolation
! is no longer allowed (true-value)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
! oflow is the largest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqagie
! test on validity of parameters
! -----------------------------
ier = 0
neval = 0
last = 0
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
abserr = 0.0e+00_wp_
alist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
blist(1) = 0.1e+01_wp_
rlist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
elist(1) = 0.0e+00_wp_
iord(1) = 0
if(epsabs<=0.0e+00_wp_.and.epsrel<dmax1(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach,0.5e-28_wp_)) then
ier = 6
end if
! first approximation to the integral
! -----------------------------------
! determine the interval to be mapped onto (0,1).
! if inf = 2 the integral is computed as i = i1+i2, where
! i1 = integral of f over (-infinity,0),
! i2 = integral of f over (0,+infinity).
boun = bound
if(inf==2) boun = 0.0e+00_wp_
call dqk15imv(f,boun,inf,0.0e+00_wp_,0.1e+01_wp_,apar,np,result,abserr, &
! test on accuracy
last = 1
rlist(1) = result
elist(1) = abserr
iord(1) = 1
dres = abs(result)
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*dres)
if(abserr<=1.0e+02_wp_*epmach*defabs.and.abserr>errbnd) ier = 2
if(limit==1) ier = 1
if(ier/=0.or.(abserr<=errbnd.and.abserr/=resabs).or. &
abserr==0.0e+00_wp_) go to 130
! initialization
! --------------
rlist2(1) = result
errmax = abserr
maxerr = 1
area = result
errsum = abserr
abserr = oflow
nrmax = 1
nres = 0
ktmin = 0
numrl2 = 2
extrap = .false.
noext = .false.
ierro = 0
iroff1 = 0
iroff2 = 0
iroff3 = 0
ksgn = -1
if(dres>=(0.1e+01_wp_-0.5e+02_wp_*epmach)*defabs) ksgn = 1
! main do-loop
! ------------
do last = 2,limit
! bisect the subinterval with nrmax-th largest error estimate.
a1 = alist(maxerr)
b1 = 0.5e+00_wp_*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr))
a2 = b1
b2 = blist(maxerr)
erlast = errmax
call dqk15imv(f,boun,inf,a1,b1,apar,np,area1,error1,resabs,defab1)
call dqk15imv(f,boun,inf,a2,b2,apar,np,area2,error2,resabs,defab2)
! improve previous approximations to integral
! and error and test for accuracy.
area12 = area1+area2
erro12 = error1+error2
errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax
area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr)
if(defab1/=error1.and.defab2/=error2) then
if(abs(rlist(maxerr)-area12)<=0.1e-04_wp_*abs(area12) &
.and.erro12>=0.99e+00_wp_*errmax) then
if(extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1
if(.not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1
end if
if(last>10.and.erro12>errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1
end if
rlist(maxerr) = area1
rlist(last) = area2
errbnd = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*abs(area))
! test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag.
if(iroff1+iroff2>=10.or.iroff3>=20) ier = 2
if(iroff2>=5) ierro = 3
! set error flag in the case that the number of
! subintervals equals limit.
if(last==limit) ier = 1
! set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
! at some points of the integration range.
if(dmax1(abs(a1),abs(b2))<=(0.1e+01_wp_+0.1e+03_wp_*epmach)* &
(abs(a2)+0.1e+04_wp_*uflow)) ier = 4
! append the newly-created intervals to the list.
if(error2<=error1) then
alist(last) = a2
blist(maxerr) = b1
blist(last) = b2
elist(maxerr) = error1
elist(last) = error2
alist(maxerr) = a2
alist(last) = a1
blist(last) = b1
rlist(maxerr) = area2
rlist(last) = area1
elist(maxerr) = error2
elist(last) = error1
end if
! call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
! in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
! with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next).
call dqpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax)
if(errsum<=errbnd) go to 115
if(ier/=0) exit
if(last==2) then
small = 0.375e+00_wp_
erlarg = errsum
ertest = errbnd
rlist2(2) = area
end if
if(noext) cycle
erlarg = erlarg-erlast
if(abs(b1-a1)>small) erlarg = erlarg+erro12
if(.not.extrap) then
! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
! smallest interval.
if(abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) cycle
extrap = .true.
nrmax = 2
end if
if(ierro/=3.and.erlarg>ertest) then
! the smallest interval has the largest error.
! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
! larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation.
id = nrmax
jupbnd = last
if(last>(2+limit/2)) jupbnd = limit+3-last
do k = id,jupbnd
maxerr = iord(nrmax)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
if(abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) go to 90
nrmax = nrmax+1
end do
end if
! perform extrapolation.
numrl2 = numrl2+1
rlist2(numrl2) = area
call dqelg(numrl2,rlist2,reseps,abseps,res3la,nres)
ktmin = ktmin+1
if(ktmin>5.and.abserr<0.1e-02_wp_*errsum) ier = 5
if(abseps<abserr) then
ktmin = 0
abserr = abseps
result = reseps
correc = erlarg
ertest = dmax1(epsabs,epsrel*abs(reseps))
if(abserr<=ertest) exit
end if
! prepare bisection of the smallest interval.
if(numrl2==1) noext = .true.
if(ier==5) exit
maxerr = iord(1)
errmax = elist(maxerr)
nrmax = 1
extrap = .false.
small = small*0.5e+00_wp_
erlarg = errsum
90 continue
end do
! set final result and error estimate.
! ------------------------------------
if(abserr==oflow) go to 115
if((ier+ierro)==0) go to 110
if(ierro==3) abserr = abserr+correc
if(ier==0) ier = 3
if(result/=0.0e+00_wp_.and.area/=0.0e+00_wp_)go to 105
if(abserr>errsum)go to 115
if(area==0.0e+00_wp_) go to 130
go to 110
105 continue
if(abserr/abs(result)>errsum/abs(area)) go to 115
! test on divergence
110 continue
if(ksgn==(-1).and.dmax1(abs(result),abs(area))<= &
defabs*0.1e-01_wp_) go to 130
if(0.1e-01_wp_>(result/area).or.(result/area)>0.1e+03_wp_ &
.or.errsum>abs(area)) ier = 6
go to 130
! compute global integral sum.
115 continue
result = 0.0e+00_wp_
do k = 1,last
result = result+rlist(k)
end do
abserr = errsum
130 continue
neval = 30*last-15
if(inf==2) neval = 2*neval
if(ier>2) ier=ier-1
end subroutine dqagiemv
subroutine dqk15imv(f,boun,inf,a,b,apar,np,result,abserr,resabs,resasc)
!***begin prologue dqk15imv
!***date written 800101 (yymmdd)
!***revision date 830518 (yymmdd)
!***category no. h2a3a2,h2a4a2
!***keywords 15-point transformed gauss-kronrod rules
!***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
! de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven
!***purpose the original (infinite integration range is mapped
! onto the interval (0,1) and (a,b) is a part of (0,1).
! it is the purpose to compute
! i = integral of transformed integrand over (a,b),
! j = integral of abs(transformed integrand) over (a,b).
! integration rule
! standard fortran subroutine
! real(8) version
! parameters
! on entry
! f - real(8)
! fuction subprogram defining the integrand
! function f(x,apar,np). the actual name for f needs to be
! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program.
! boun - real(8)
! finite bound of original integration
! range (set to zero if inf = +2)
! inf - integer
! if inf = -1, the original interval is
! (-infinity,bound),
! if inf = +1, the original interval is
! (bound,+infinity),
! if inf = +2, the original interval is
! (-infinity,+infinity) and
! the integral is computed as the sum of two
! integrals, one over (-infinity,0) and one over
! (0,+infinity).
! a - real(8)
! lower limit for integration over subrange
! of (0,1)
! b - real(8)
! upper limit for integration over subrange
! of (0,1)
! apar - array of parameters of the integrand function f
! np - number of parameters. size of apar
! on return
! result - real(8)
! approximation to the integral i
! result is computed by applying the 15-point
! kronrod rule(resk) obtained by optimal addition
! of abscissae to the 7-point gauss rule(resg).
! abserr - real(8)
! estimate of the modulus of the absolute error,
! which should equal or exceed abs(i-result)
! resabs - real(8)
! approximation to the integral j
! resasc - real(8)
! approximation to the integral of
! abs((transformed integrand)-i/(b-a)) over (a,b)
!***references (none)
!***routines called (none)
!***end prologue dqk15imv
use const_and_precisions, only : epmach=>comp_eps, uflow=>comp_tiny
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: a,b,boun
integer, intent(in) :: inf,np
real(wp_), dimension(np), intent(in) :: apar
real(wp_), intent(out) :: result,abserr,resabs,resasc
real(wp_), external :: f
real(wp_) :: absc,absc1,absc2,centr,abs,dinf,dmax1,dmin1,fc,fsum, &
real(wp_), dimension(7) :: fv1,fv2
integer :: j
! the abscissae and weights are supplied for the interval
! (-1,1). because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and
! their corresponding weights are given.
! xgk - abscissae of the 15-point kronrod rule
! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 7-point
! gauss rule
! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally
! added to the 7-point gauss rule
! wgk - weights of the 15-point kronrod rule
! wg - weights of the 7-point gauss rule, corresponding
! to the abscissae xgk(2), xgk(4), ...
! wg(1), wg(3), ... are set to zero.
real(wp_), dimension(8), parameter :: &
wg = (/ 0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_, &
0.129484966168869693270611432679082_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_, &
0.279705391489276667901467771423780_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_, &
0.381830050505118944950369775488975_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_, &
0.417959183673469387755102040816327_wp_ /), &
xgk = (/ 0.991455371120812639206854697526329_wp_, &
0.949107912342758524526189684047851_wp_, &
0.864864423359769072789712788640926_wp_, &
0.741531185599394439863864773280788_wp_, &
0.586087235467691130294144838258730_wp_, &
0.405845151377397166906606412076961_wp_, &
0.207784955007898467600689403773245_wp_, &
0.000000000000000000000000000000000_wp_ /), &
wgk = (/ 0.022935322010529224963732008058970_wp_, &
0.063092092629978553290700663189204_wp_, &
0.104790010322250183839876322541518_wp_, &
0.140653259715525918745189590510238_wp_, &
0.169004726639267902826583426598550_wp_, &
0.190350578064785409913256402421014_wp_, &
0.204432940075298892414161999234649_wp_, &
0.209482141084727828012999174891714_wp_ /)
! list of major variables
! -----------------------
! centr - mid point of the interval
! hlgth - half-length of the interval
! absc* - abscissa
! tabsc* - transformed abscissa
! fval* - function value
! resg - result of the 7-point gauss formula
! resk - result of the 15-point kronrod formula
! reskh - approximation to the mean value of the transformed
! integrand over (a,b), i.e. to i/(b-a)
! machine dependent constants
! ---------------------------
! epmach is the largest relative spacing.
! uflow is the smallest positive magnitude.
!***first executable statement dqk15imv
dinf = min0(1,inf)
centr = 0.5e+00_wp_*(a+b)
hlgth = 0.5e+00_wp_*(b-a)
tabsc1 = boun+dinf*(0.1e+01_wp_-centr)/centr
fval1 = f(tabsc1,apar,np)
if(inf==2) fval1 = fval1+f(-tabsc1,apar,np)
fc = (fval1/centr)/centr
! compute the 15-point kronrod approximation to
! the integral, and estimate the error.
resg = wg(8)*fc
resk = wgk(8)*fc
resabs = abs(resk)
do j=1,7
absc = hlgth*xgk(j)
absc1 = centr-absc
absc2 = centr+absc
tabsc1 = boun+dinf*(0.1e+01_wp_-absc1)/absc1
tabsc2 = boun+dinf*(0.1e+01_wp_-absc2)/absc2
fval1 = f(tabsc1,apar,np)
fval2 = f(tabsc2,apar,np)
if(inf==2) fval1 = fval1+f(-tabsc1,apar,np)
if(inf==2) fval2 = fval2+f(-tabsc2,apar,np)
fval1 = (fval1/absc1)/absc1
fval2 = (fval2/absc2)/absc2
fv1(j) = fval1
fv2(j) = fval2
fsum = fval1+fval2
resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum
resk = resk+wgk(j)*fsum
resabs = resabs+wgk(j)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2))
end do
reskh = resk*0.5e+00_wp_
resasc = wgk(8)*abs(fc-reskh)
do j=1,7
resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*(abs(fv1(j)-reskh)+abs(fv2(j)-reskh))
end do
result = resk*hlgth
resasc = resasc*hlgth
resabs = resabs*hlgth
abserr = abs((resk-resg)*hlgth)
if(resasc/=0.0e+00_wp_.and.abserr/=0._wp_) abserr = resasc* &
if(resabs>uflow/(0.5e+02_wp_*epmach)) abserr = dmax1 &
end subroutine dqk15imv
end module quadpack