Michele Guerini Rocco f2f41ec023
src/logger.f90: init
This change adds a minimal logging system. The log messages carry a
timestamp in μs, the identifier of the emitter (fortran module +
procedure) and a log level. For simplicity the format is hardcoded.
2022-05-11 01:15:04 +02:00

189 lines
5.2 KiB

! This module provides a minimal logging framework
! There are 4 logging levels, controlled via `set_log_level`, of increasing
! verbosity. If the logging level is lower than the level of a message,
! it will be discarded, otherwise it will be written to the standard error.
! Messages are emitted using `log_message(msg, level, mod, proc)` or one
! of the specialised subroutine (`log_error`, `log_warning`, etc.).
! The format of the log is: [time] [module:procedure] [level] <message>
module logger
! Log levels
enum, bind(C)
enumerator :: log_level = -1
enumerator :: ERROR = 0 ! errors, critical
enumerator :: WARNING = 1 ! warnings, non-critical
enumerator :: INFO = 2 ! user informational messages
enumerator :: DEBUG = 3 ! debugging messages
end enum
! ANSI escape sequences for colors
type ansi_colors
character(8) :: red = achar(27) // '[1;31m'
character(8) :: green = achar(27) // '[0;32m'
character(8) :: yellow = achar(27) // '[1;33m'
character(8) :: white = achar(27) // '[1;39m'
character(8) :: blue = achar(27) // '[0;34m'
character(8) :: reset = achar(27) // '[0m'
end type
integer(kind(log_level)), save :: current_level = WARNING
type(ansi_colors), parameter :: colors = ansi_colors()
public log_message, set_log_level
public log_error, log_warning, log_info, log_debug
public log_level, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG
subroutine log_message(msg, level, mod, proc)
! Logs a message to the standard error where:
! msg: message to log
! level: log level of the message
! mod: module emitting the message
! proc: procedure emitting the message
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
implicit none
! subroutine argument
character(*), intent(in) :: msg
integer(kind(log_level)), intent(in) :: level
character(*), intent(in) :: mod
character(*), intent(in), optional :: proc
! local variables
character(512) :: id, kind, time
real :: now
if (level > current_level) return
! execution time in μs (eg. [0571258])
call cpu_time(now)
write (time, '("[",i0.7,"]")') int(now * 1e6)
time = trim(colors%blue) // trim(time) // trim(colors%reset)
! id of the emitter (eg. [program:main])
id = mod
if (present(proc)) id = trim(id) // ':' // trim(proc)
! kind of message (eg. [warning])
kind = trim(level_color(level)) // &
trim(level_name(level)) // &
write (error_unit, '(a, 2(x,"[",a,"]"), x,a)') &
trim(time), trim(id), trim(kind), trim(msg)
end subroutine log_message
! Specialised log_message variants
subroutine log_error(msg, mod, proc)
! Logs an error
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) :: msg
character(*), intent(in) :: mod
character(*), intent(in), optional :: proc
call log_message(msg, ERROR, mod, proc)
end subroutine log_error
subroutine log_warning(msg, mod, proc)
! Logs a warning
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) :: msg
character(*), intent(in) :: mod
character(*), intent(in), optional :: proc
call log_message(msg, WARNING, mod, proc)
end subroutine log_warning
subroutine log_info(msg, mod, proc)
! Logs an informational message
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) :: msg
character(*), intent(in) :: mod
character(*), intent(in), optional :: proc
call log_message(msg, INFO, mod, proc)
end subroutine log_info
subroutine log_debug(msg, mod, proc)
! Logs a debugging message
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) :: msg
character(*), intent(in) :: mod
character(*), intent(in), optional :: proc
call log_message(msg, DEBUG, mod, proc)
end subroutine log_debug
subroutine set_log_level(level)
! Set the current logging level
! Only messages with a lower level than the current
! one will be actually logged.
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer(kind(log_level)), intent(in) :: level
character(25) :: msg
current_level = level
msg = 'changed level to ' // trim(level_name(level))
call log_debug(msg, mod='logger', proc='set_log_level')
end subroutine set_log_level
pure function level_color(level) result(escape)
! The color associated to a log level
implicit none
! function arguments
integer(kind(log_level)), intent(in) :: level
character(8) :: escape
select case (level)
case (ERROR)
escape = colors%red
case (WARNING)
escape = colors%yellow
case (INFO)
escape = colors%green
case (DEBUG)
escape = colors%white
end select
end function level_color
pure function level_name(level) result(name)
! The human readable name of a log level
implicit none
! function arguments
integer(kind(log_level)), intent(in) :: level
character(7) :: name
select case (level)
case (ERROR)
name = "error"
case (WARNING)
name = "warning"
case (INFO)
name = "info"
case (DEBUG)
name = "debug"
end select
end function level_name
end module logger