153 lines
4.7 KiB
153 lines
4.7 KiB
subroutine gray_jetto1beam(ijetto, mr, mz, r, z, psin, psia, rax, zax, &
nbnd, rbnd, zbnd, nrho, psrad, fpol, te, dne, zeff, qpsi, ibeam, &
p0mw, alphain, betain, dpdv, jcd, pabs, icd, err)
use const_and_precisions, only: wp_
use units, only: set_active_units, close_units
use gray_params, only: gray_parameters, gray_data, gray_results
use gray_core, only: gray_main
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: ijetto, mr, mz, nbnd, nrho, ibeam
real(wp_), dimension(mr), intent(in) :: r
real(wp_), dimension(mz), intent(in) :: z
real(wp_), dimension(mr,mz), intent(in) :: psin
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psia, rax, zax, p0mw, alphain, betain
real(wp_), dimension(nbnd), intent(in) :: rbnd, zbnd
real(wp_), dimension(nrho), intent(in) :: psrad, fpol, te, dne, zeff, qpsi
real(wp_), dimension(nrho), intent(out) :: dpdv, jcd
real(wp_), intent(out) :: pabs, icd
integer, intent(out) :: err
! local variables
type(gray_parameters) :: params
type(gray_data) :: data
type(gray_results) :: res
logical, save :: firstcall = .true.
! Initialisation tasks for the first call only
first_call: if (firstcall) then
firstcall = .false.
! Activate some debug units
set_units: block
use units
call set_active_units([ &
ucenr, usumm, uprj0, uprj0+1, &
uwbm, udisp, ubres, ucnt, &
uoutr, umaps, uprfin, uflx, &
end block set_units
! Read parameters from external file
init_params: block
use gray_params, only : read_gray_params, set_globals
call read_gray_params('gray.data', params, err)
if (err /= 0) return
! Override some parameters
params%misc%rwall = r(1)
params%antenna%filenm = 'graybeam.data'
params%equilibrium%filenm = 'JETTO'
params%equilibrium%iequil = ijetto + 1
params%profiles%filenm = 'JETTO'
params%profiles%iprof = 1
params%output%ipec = 1
params%output%nrho = nrho
! Set the global variables of `gray_params`
call set_globals(params)
end block init_params
! Set a simple limiter
simple_limiter: block
use reflections, only : range2rect
use limiter, only : limiter_set_globals=>set_globals
real(wp_) :: r0m
r0m = norm2(params%antenna%pos(1:2)) * 0.01_wp_
call range2rect(params%misc%rwall, max(r0m, r(mr)), z(1), z(mz), &
data%equilibrium%rlim, data%equilibrium%zlim)
! Set the global variables of `limiter`
call limiter_set_globals(data%equilibrium)
end block simple_limiter
end if first_call
! Set MHD equilibrium data
init_equilibrium: block
use equilibrium, only : set_equil_spline
! Copy argument arrays
data%equilibrium%rv = r
data%equilibrium%zv = z
data%equilibrium%rax = rax
data%equilibrium%rvac = rax
data%equilibrium%zax = zax
data%equilibrium%psinr = psrad
data%equilibrium%fpol = fpol
data%equilibrium%rbnd = rbnd
data%equilibrium%zbnd = zbnd
data%equilibrium%psia = psia
data%equilibrium%psin = psin
data%equilibrium%qpsi = qpsi
! Compute splines
call set_equil_spline(params%equilibrium, data%equilibrium, err)
if (err /= 0) return
end block init_equilibrium
! Set plasma kinetic profiles
init_profiles: block
use coreprofiles, only : set_profiles_spline
! Copy argument arrays
data%profiles%derad = dne
data%profiles%terad = te
data%profiles%zfc = zeff
! Compute splines
call set_profiles_spline(params%profiles, data%profiles, err)
if (err /= 0) return
end block init_profiles
! Set wave launcher parameters
init_antenna: block
use beams, only: read_beam2
! Copy argument variables
params%antenna%alpha = alphain
params%antenna%beta = betain
params%antenna%power = p0mw
! Read beam description file
call read_beam2(params%antenna, beamid=ibeam, err=err)
if (err /= 0) return
end block init_antenna
! Call main subroutine for the ibeam-th beam
call gray_main(params, data, res, err, rhout=sqrt(psrad))
! Free memory
free_memory: block
use equilibrium, only : unset_equil_spline
use coreprofiles, only : unset_profiles_spline
! Unset global variables of the `equilibrium` module
call unset_equil_spline
! Unset global variables of the `coreprofiles` module
call unset_profiles_spline
end block free_memory
! Copy over the results
pabs = res%pabs
icd = res%icd
dpdv = res%dpdv
jcd = res%jcd
call close_units
end subroutine gray_jetto1beam