Function catand returned an incorrect value for its real part. To be possibly replaced with the intrinsic function atan.
101 lines
2.6 KiB
101 lines
2.6 KiB
module math
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, zero, one
implicit none
function catand(z)
!***begin prologue catan
!***purpose compute the complex arc tangent.
!***library slatec (fnlib)
!***category c4a
!***type complex (catan-c)
!***keywords arc tangent, elementary functions, fnlib, trigonometric
!***author fullerton, w., (lanl)
! catan(z) calculates the complex trigonometric arc tangent of z.
! the result is in units of radians, and the real part is in the first
! or fourth quadrant.
!***references (none)
!***routines called (none)
!***revision history (yymmdd)
! 770801 date written
! 890531 changed all specific intrinsics to generic. (wrb)
! 890531 revision date from version 3.2
! 891214 prologue converted to version 4.0 format. (bab)
! 900315 calls to xerror changed to calls to xermsg. (thj)
! 900326 removed duplicate information from description section.
! (wrb)
!***end prologue catan
use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps, pi2=>pihalf, czero, cunit
implicit none
complex(wp_) :: catand
complex(wp_), intent(in) :: z
complex(wp_) :: z2
real(wp_) :: r,x,y,r2,xans,yans,twoi
integer :: i
logical, save :: first=.true.
integer, save :: nterms
real(wp_), save :: rmin, rmax, sqeps
!***first executable statement catan
if (first) then
! nterms = log(eps)/log(rbnd) where rbnd = 0.1
nterms = int(-0.4343_wp_*log(0.5_wp_*comp_eps) + 1.0_wp_)
sqeps = sqrt(comp_eps)
rmin = sqrt (1.5_wp_*comp_eps)
rmax = 2.0_wp_/comp_eps
first = .false.
r = abs(z)
if (r<=0.1_wp_) then
catand = z
if (r<rmin) return
catand = czero
z2 = z*z
do i=1,nterms
twoi = 2*(nterms-i) + 1
catand = 1.0_wp_/twoi - z2*catand
end do
catand = z*catand
else if (r<=rmax) then
x = real(z)
y = aimag(z)
r2 = r*r
if (r2==one.and.x==zero) print*,'catand, z is +i or -i'
if (abs(r2-one)<=sqeps) then
if (abs(cunit+z*z) < sqeps) &
print*,'catand, answer lt half precision, z**2 close to -1'
end if
xans = 0.5_wp_*atan2(2.0_wp_*x, one-r2)
yans = 0.25_wp_*log((r2+2.0_wp_*y+one)/(r2-2.0_wp_*y+one))
catand = cmplx(xans, yans, wp_)
catand = cmplx(pi2, zero, wp_)
if (real(z)<zero) catand = cmplx(-pi2, zero, wp_)
end if
end function catand
function fact(k)
! Factorial function k!
! Note: the result is real
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: k
real(wp_) :: fact
fact = gamma(real(1 + k, kind=wp_))
end function fact
end module math