This change modifies the analytical equilibrium in order to simplify the computation of the poloidal flux normalization and the derivatives. In the power law parametrisation of the safety factor, ρ_t is replaced with ρ_p and, similarly, the normalised poloidal radius is now identified with ρ_p, instead of ρ_t. With the same parameters (q₀,q₁,α...), this choice slightly changes the plasma current distribution, but enables us to obtain a closed form for ψ_a = ψ(r=a) and the relation ρ_t(ρ_p). In fact, both expressions are now obtained by integrating the q(ρ_p), instead of 1/q(ρ_t), which has no elementary antiderivative. As the normalisation is now computed exactly, the values of the normalised flux ψ_n = ψ/ψ_a and the gradient ∇ψ (entering the raytracing equations in X and ∇X, respectively) are computed to the same precision. Previously, ψ_n was computed to a lower precision due to the use of a simple trapezoid integration of 1/q(ρ_p) for ψ_a, while ∇ψ was computed up to machine precision using an exact formula. This error effectively caused a very slight decoupling between X=ω_p²/ω² and ∇X that introduced a systematic error in the numerical solution of the raytracing equations. The error manifests itself as a bias with a weak dependency on X in the values taken by the dispersion function Λ(r̅, n̅) on the phase-space points generated by the integrator. More specifically, lim h→0 Λ(r̅_i, n̅_i) = -kX(r̅_i) where h is the integrator step size; r̅_i is the position at the i-th step; k ≈ -3.258⋅10⁻⁵ and depends only on the number of points used to perform the trapedoid integral for ψ_a (as ~ 1/n²). After this change Λ behaves consistently with being a conserved quantity (zero) up to the cumulative integration error of the 4° order Runge-Kutta method. In fact we now have that: Λ(r̅_i, n̅_i) ∝ - h⁴ ‖∂⁴X(r̅_i)/∂r̅⁴‖ It must be said that within this model the relation ρ_p(ρ_t) can't be computed analytically (inverting ρ_t(ρ_p) produces a trascendental equation of the form b = x + c x^α). However, this relation is not necessary for raytracing and is easily solved, up to machine precision, using minpack. In addition, this change also makes the model consistetly use the cocos=3 and fully implements the ability to force the signs of I_p, B_φ (via equilibrium.sgni,sgnb) and rescaling the field (via equilibrium.factb).
9 lines
386 B
9 lines
386 B
2.96 0.0 1.25 ! R₀,z₀,a, where ρ_p(R, z) = √[(R - R₀)² + (z - z₀)²]/a (m)
6 ! B₀, where B_φ(R) = B₀ R₀/R (T)
3.5 10 2 ! q₀,q₁,α, where q(ρ_p) = q₀ + (q₁-q₀)ρ_p^α
0 ! number of points in the limiter contourn, (R,z) pairs
! Notes:
! 1. use B₀>0 for clockwise B_φ
! 2. use q₀,q₁<0 for clockwise I_p,B_φ