module coreprofiles use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,one implicit none integer, save :: npp, nsfd real(wp_), save :: psdbnd, psnpp, denpp, ddenpp, d2denpp real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: tfn, cfn, psrad real(wp_), dimension(:, :), allocatable, save :: ct, cz real(wp_), save :: dens0, aln1, aln2, te0, dte0, alt1, alt2, zeffan contains subroutine density(psin,dens,ddens) use gray_params, only : iprof use dierckx, only : splev,splder implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin real(wp_), intent(out) :: dens,ddens ! local variables integer :: ier,nu real(wp_) :: profd,dprofd,dpsib,tt,fp,dfp,fh,dfh real(wp_), dimension(1) :: xxs,ffs real(wp_), dimension(npp+4) :: wrkfd ! ! computation of density [10^19 m^-3] and derivative wrt psi ! dens=zero ddens=zero if((psin >= psdbnd).or.(psin < zero)) return ! if(iprof == 0) then if(psin > one) return profd=(one-psin**aln1)**aln2 dens=dens0*profd dprofd=-aln1*aln2*psin**(aln1-one) & *(one-psin**aln1)**(aln2-one) ddens=dens0*dprofd else if(psin > psnpp) then ! smooth interpolation for psnpp < psi < psdbnd ! dens = fp * fh ! fp: parabola matched at psi=psnpp with given profile density ! fh=(1-t)^3(1+3t+6t^2) is a smoothing function: ! fh(0)=1, fh(1)=0 and zero first and second deriv at t=0,1 ! dpsib=psin-psnpp fp=denpp+dpsib*ddenpp+0.5_wp_*dpsib**2*d2denpp dfp=ddenpp+dpsib*d2denpp tt=dpsib/(psdbnd-psnpp) fh=(one-tt)**3*(one+3.0_wp_*tt+6.0_wp_*tt**2) dfh=-30.0_wp_*(one-tt)**2*tt**2/(psdbnd-psnpp) dens=fp*fh ddens=dfp*fh+fp*dfh else xxs(1)=psin ier=0 call splev(tfn,nsfd,cfn,3,xxs,ffs,1,ier) dens=ffs(1) nu=1 ier=0 call splder(tfn,nsfd,cfn,3,nu,xxs,ffs,1,wrkfd,ier) ddens=ffs(1) if(abs(dens) < 1.0e-10_wp_) dens=zero end if if(dens < zero) print*,'psin = ',psin,': DENSITY NEGATIVE ne=',dens ! if(dens < zero) then ! dens=zero ! ddens=zero ! end if end if end subroutine density function temp(psin) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,one use gray_params, only : iprof use utils, only : locate use simplespline, only :spli implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin real(wp_) :: temp ! local variables integer :: k real(wp_) :: proft,dps temp=zero if((psin >= one).or.(psin < zero)) return if(iprof == 0) then proft=(1.0_wp_-psin**alt1)**alt2 temp=(te0-dte0)*proft+dte0 else call locate(psrad,npp,psin,k) k=max(1,min(k,npp-1)) dps=psin-psrad(k) temp=spli(ct,npp,k,dps) endif end function temp function fzeff(psin) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,one use gray_params, only : iprof use utils, only : locate use simplespline, only :spli implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin real(wp_) :: fzeff ! local variables integer :: k real(wp_) :: dps fzeff=one if((psin >= one).or.(psin < zero)) return if(iprof == 0) then fzeff=zeffan else call locate(psrad,npp,psin,k) k=max(1,min(k,npp-1)) dps=psin-psrad(k) fzeff=spli(cz,npp,k,dps) endif end function fzeff subroutine read_profiles(filenm, data, unit) ! Reads the radial plasma profiles from `file` and store them ! into `data`. If given, the file is opened in the `unit` number. ! Format notes: ! 1. The file is formatted as a table with the following columns: ! radial coordinate, temperature, density, effective charge. ! 2. The first line is a header specifying the number of rows. use utils, only : get_free_unit use gray_params, only : profiles_data implicit none ! subroutine arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: filenm type(profiles_data), intent(out) :: data integer, optional, intent(in) :: unit ! local variables integer :: u, i, nrows ! Free the arrays when already allocated if(allocated(data%psrad)) deallocate(data%psrad) if(allocated(data%terad)) deallocate(data%terad) if(allocated(data%derad)) deallocate(data%derad) if(allocated(data%zfc)) deallocate(data%zfc) u = get_free_unit(unit) ! Read number of rows and allocate the arrays open(file=trim(filenm), status='old', action='read', unit=u) read(u, *) nrows allocate(data%psrad(nrows), data%terad(nrows), & data%derad(nrows), data%zfc(nrows)) ! Read the table rows do i=1,nrows read(u, *) data%psrad(i), data%terad(i), data%derad(i), data%zfc(i) end do close(u) ! ?? data%psrad(1) = max(data%psrad(1), zero) end subroutine read_profiles subroutine read_profiles_an(filenm,te,ne,zeff,unit) use utils, only : get_free_unit implicit none ! arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: filenm real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: te,ne,zeff integer, optional, intent(in) :: unit ! local variables integer :: u u = get_free_unit(unit) if(allocated(te)) deallocate(te) if(allocated(ne)) deallocate(ne) if(allocated(zeff)) deallocate(zeff) allocate(te(4),ne(3),zeff(1)) open(file=trim(filenm),status='old',action='read',unit=u) read(u,*) ne(1:3) ! dens0,aln1,aln2 read(u,*) te(1:4) ! te0,dte0,alt1,alt2 read(u,*) zeff(1) ! zeffan close(u) end subroutine read_profiles_an subroutine scale_profiles(params, factb, data) ! Rescales the temperature and density profiles by `params%factte` ! and `params%factne`, respectively, according to the model ! specified by `params%iscal`. ! See the GRAY user manual for the explanation. use gray_params, only : profiles_parameters, profiles_data implicit none ! subroutine arguments type(profiles_parameters), intent(in) :: params real(wp_), intent(in) :: factb type(profiles_data), intent(inout) :: data ! local variables real(wp_) :: aat, aan, ffact integer :: last_te, last_ne if (params%iscal==0) then aat = 2.0_wp_/3.0_wp_ aan = 4.0_wp_/3.0_wp_ else aat = one aan = one end if if(params%iscal==2) then ffact = one else ffact = factb end if if(params%iprof==0) then last_te = 2 last_ne = 1 else last_te = size(data%terad) last_ne = size(data%derad) end if data%terad(1:last_te) = data%terad(1:last_te) * ffact**aat * params%factte data%derad(1:last_ne) = data%derad(1:last_ne) * ffact**aan * params%factne end subroutine scale_profiles subroutine set_prfspl(params, data) ! Computes splines for the plasma profiles data and stores them ! in their respective global variables, see the top of this file. use simplespline, only : difcs use dierckx, only : curfit, splev, splder use gray_params, only : profiles_parameters, profiles_data implicit none ! subroutine arguments type(profiles_parameters), intent(in) :: params type(profiles_data), intent(inout) :: data ! local variables integer, parameter :: iopt=0, kspl=3 integer :: n, npest, lwrkf, ier real(wp_) :: xb, xe, fp, xnv, xxp,xxm,delta2,ssplne_loc real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: wf, wrkf integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iwrkf real(wp_), dimension(1) :: dedge,ddedge,d2dedge n=size(data%psrad) npest=n+4 lwrkf=n*4+npest*16 allocate(wrkf(lwrkf),iwrkf(npest),wf(n)) ssplne_loc=params%sspld ! if necessary, reallocate spline arrays if(.not.allocated(psrad)) then allocate(psrad(n),ct(n,4),cz(n,4)) else if(size(psrad) psnpp) psdbnd=min(psdbnd,xnv) else xxm=xnv-sqrt(delta2) xxp=xnv+sqrt(delta2) if(xxm > psnpp) then psdbnd=min(psdbnd,xxm) else if (xxp > psnpp) then psdbnd=min(psdbnd,xxp) end if write(*,'(a,f5.3)') 'density psdbnd=', psdbnd end if deallocate(iwrkf,wrkf,wf) end subroutine set_prfspl subroutine unset_prfspl implicit none if(allocated(psrad)) deallocate(psrad) if(allocated(ct)) deallocate(ct) if(allocated(cz)) deallocate(cz) if(allocated(tfn)) deallocate(tfn) if(allocated(cfn)) deallocate(cfn) end subroutine unset_prfspl subroutine set_prfan(te,ne,zeff) implicit none REAL(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: te,ne,zeff te0=te(1) dte0=te(2) alt1=te(3) alt2=te(4) dens0=ne(1) aln1=ne(2) aln2=ne(3) zeffan=zeff(1) psdbnd=1.0_wp_ end subroutine set_prfan end module coreprofiles