! This module contains the gray ouput tables and routines to operate on them module gray_tables use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use types, only : queue, table, wrap implicit none private public init_tables ! Initialising main tables public find_flux_surfaces, store_flux_surface ! Filling the main tables public store_ray_data, store_ec_profiles ! public store_beam_shape ! public kinetic_profiles, ec_resonance, inputs_maps ! Extra tables contains pure function is_active(params, id) ! Helper to check whether a table is active use gray_params, only : gray_parameters ! function arguments type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params integer, intent(in) :: id logical :: is_active associate (ids => params%misc%active_tables) is_active = any(ids == id) if (size(ids) == 1) then ! special case, all enabled is_active = is_active .or. (ids(1) == -1) end if end associate end function subroutine init_tables(params, tbls) ! Initialises the gray_main output tables use gray_params, only : gray_parameters, gray_tables, ptr=>table_ptr ! subroutine arguments type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params type(gray_tables), target, intent(out) :: tbls call tbls%flux_averages%init( & title='flux-averages', id=56, active=is_active(params, 56), & labels=[character(64) :: 'ρ_p', 'ρ_t', 'B_avg', & 'B_max', 'B_min', 'area', 'vol', 'I_pl', & 'J_φ_avg', 'fc', 'ratio_Ja', 'ratio_Jb', 'q']) call tbls%flux_surfaces%init( & title='flux-surfaces', id=71, active=is_active(params, 71), & labels=[character(64) :: 'i', 'ψ_n', 'R', 'z']) call tbls%ec_profiles%init( & title='ec-profiles', id=48, active=is_active(params, 48), & labels=[character(64) :: 'ρ_p', 'ρ_t', 'J_φ', & 'J_cdb', 'dPdV', 'I_cd_inside', & 'P_inside', 'index_rt']) call tbls%summary%init( & title='summary', id=7, active=is_active(params, 7), & labels=[character(64) :: 'I_cd', 'P_abs', 'J_φ_peak', & 'dPdV_peak', 'ρ_max_J', 'ρ_avg_J', 'ρ_max_P', & 'ρ_avg_P', 'Δρ_avg_J', 'Δρ_avg_P', & 'ratio_Ja_max', 'ratio_Jb_max', 's_max', & 'ψ', 'χ', 'index_rt', 'J_φ_max', 'dPdV_max', & 'Δρ_J', 'Δρ_P', 'P0', 'cpl1', 'cpl2']) call tbls%central_ray%init( & title='central-ray', id=4, active=is_active(params, 4), & labels=[character(64) :: 's', 'R', 'z', 'φ', & 'ψ_n', 'ρ_t', 'n_e', 'T_e', 'B', 'b_x', & 'b_y', 'b_z', 'N_⊥', 'N_∥', 'N_x', 'N_y', & 'N_z', 'k_im', 'α', 'τ', 'P_t', 'dI/ds', & 'n_harm_min', 'n_harm_max', 'i_okhawa', & 'index_rt', 'Λ_r', 'X', 'Y', & '∇X_x', '∇X_y', '∇X_z']) call tbls%outer_rays%init( & title='outer-rays', id=33, active=is_active(params, 33), & labels=[character(64) :: 'i', 'k', 's', 'x', 'y', & 'R', 'z', 'ψ_n', 'τ', 'N_∥', 'α', 'index_rt']) call tbls%dispersion%init( & title='dispersion', id=17, active=is_active(params, 17), & labels=[character(64) :: 's', 'Λ_r', 'Λ_i']) call tbls%beam_shape%init( & title='beam-shape', id=8, active=is_active(params, 8), & labels=['s', 'j', 'k', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'r']) call tbls%beam_final%init( & title='beam-shape-final', id=9, active=is_active(params, 9), & labels=['s', 'j', 'k', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'r']) call tbls%beam_size%init( & title='beam-size', id=12, active=is_active(params, 12), & labels=[character(64) :: 's', 'r_min', 'r_max']) ! List of pointers to the tables for iterating over tbls%iter = [ & ptr(tbls%flux_averages), ptr(tbls%flux_surfaces), & ptr(tbls%summary), ptr(tbls%ec_profiles), & ptr(tbls%central_ray), ptr(tbls%outer_rays), ptr(tbls%dispersion), & ptr(tbls%beam_shape), ptr(tbls%beam_final), ptr(tbls%beam_size), & ptr(tbls%kinetic_profiles), ptr(tbls%ec_resonance), ptr(tbls%inputs_maps)] end subroutine init_tables function kinetic_profiles(params, equil, plasma) result(tbl) ! Generates the plasma kinetic profiles use gray_params, only : gray_parameters, EQ_VACUUM use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil use gray_plasma, only : abstract_plasma use magsurf_data, only : npsi, vajphiav ! function arguments type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil class(abstract_plasma), intent(in) :: plasma type(table) :: tbl ! local variables integer :: i, ntail real(wp_) :: rho_t, J_phi, dens, ddens real(wp_) :: psi_n, rho_p, drho_p call tbl%init(title='kinetic-profiles', id=55, active=is_active(params, 25), & labels=[character(64) :: 'ψ_n', 'ρ_t', 'n_e', 'T_e', 'q', 'J_φ']) if (.not. tbl%active) return if (params%equilibrium%iequil == EQ_VACUUM) return ! Δρ_p for the uniform ρ_p grid ! Note: we don't use ψ_n because J_phi has been ! sampled uniformly in ρ_p (see flux_average) drho_p = 1.0_wp_ / (npsi - 1) ! extra points to reach ψ=ψ_bnd ntail = ceiling((sqrt(params%profiles%psnbnd) - 1) / drho_p) do i = 0, npsi + ntail rho_p = i * drho_p rho_t = equil%pol2tor(rho_p) psi_n = rho_p**2 if (psi_n < 1) then J_phi = vajphiav(i+1) * 1.e-6_wp_ else J_phi = 0 end if call plasma%density(psi_n, dens, ddens) call tbl%append([psi_n, rho_t, dens, plasma%temp(psi_n), & equil%safety(psi_n), J_phi]) end do end function kinetic_profiles function ec_resonance(params, equil, B_res) result(tbl) ! Generates the EC resonance surface table use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps use gray_params, only : gray_parameters, EQ_VACUUM use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil use magsurf_data, only : npsi use types, only : item use cniteq, only : cniteq_f ! function arguments type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil real(wp_), intent(in) :: B_res type(table) :: tbl call tbl%init(title='ec-resonance', id=70, active=is_active(params, 70), & labels=[character(64) :: 'n', 'B', 'R', 'z']) if (.not. tbl%active) return if (params%equilibrium%iequil == EQ_VACUUM) return block ! local variables integer :: j, k, n integer :: n_conts, n_points(10), n_tot real(wp_) :: dr, dz, B_min, B_max real(wp_) :: B, B_R, B_z, B_phi, B_tot(npsi, npsi) real(wp_), dimension(2002) :: R_cont, z_cont real(wp_), dimension(npsi) :: R, z ! Build a regular (R, z) grid dr = (equil%r_range(2) - equil%r_range(1) - comp_eps)/(npsi - 1) dz = (equil%z_range(2) - equil%z_range(1))/(npsi - 1) do j=1,npsi R(j) = comp_eps + equil%r_range(1) + dr*(j - 1) z(j) = equil%z_range(1) + dz*(j - 1) end do ! B_tot on psi grid B_max = -1.0e30_wp_ B_min = +1.0e30_wp_ do k = 1, npsi do j = 1, npsi call equil%b_field(R(j), z(k), B_R, B_z, B_phi) B_tot(j,k) = sqrt(B_R**2 + B_z**2 + B_phi**2) if(B_tot(j,k) >= B_max) B_max = B_tot(j,k) if(B_tot(j,k) <= B_min) B_min = B_tot(j,k) end do end do ! compute Btot=Bres/n with n=1,5 do n = 1, 5 B = B_res/n if (B >= B_min .and. B <= B_max) then n_conts = size(n_points) n_tot = size(R_cont) call cniteq_f(R, z, B_tot, size(R), size(z), B, & n_conts, n_points, n_tot, R_cont, z_cont) do j = 1, n_tot call tbl%append([wrap(n), wrap(B), wrap(R_cont(j)), wrap(z_cont(j))]) end do end if end do end block end function ec_resonance function inputs_maps(params, equil, plasma, B_res, X_norm) result(tbl) ! Generates 2D maps of several input quantities use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps, cm, degree use gray_params, only : gray_parameters, EQ_VACUUM use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil use gray_plasma, only : abstract_plasma use magsurf_data, only : npsi ! function arguments type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil class(abstract_plasma), intent(in) :: plasma real(wp_), intent(in) :: B_res ! resonant magnetic field, e/m_eω real(wp_), intent(in) :: X_norm ! X normalisation, e²/ε₀m_eω² type(table) :: tbl ! local variables integer :: j, k real(wp_) :: R0, Npl0 real(wp_) :: dR, dz, B_R, B_phi, B_z, B real(wp_) :: psi_n, ne, dne, Te, X, Y, Npl real(wp_), dimension(npsi) :: R, z call tbl%init(title='inputs-maps', id=72, active=is_active(params, 72), & labels=[character(64) :: 'R', 'z', 'ψ_n', 'B_R', 'B_z', 'B', & 'n_e', 'T_e', 'X', 'Y', 'N_∥']) if (.not. tbl%active) return if (params%equilibrium%iequil == EQ_VACUUM) return R0 = norm2(params%antenna%pos(1:2)) * cm ! initial value of R Npl0 = sin(params%antenna%beta*degree) ! initial value of N∥ ! Build a regular (R, z) grid dR = (equil%r_range(2) - equil%r_range(1) - comp_eps)/(npsi - 1) dz = (equil%z_range(2) - equil%z_range(1))/(npsi - 1) do concurrent (j = 1:npsi) R(j) = comp_eps + equil%r_range(1) + dR*(j - 1) z(j) = equil%z_range(1) + dz*(j - 1) end do do j = 1, npsi Npl = Npl0 * R0/r(j) do k = 1, npsi call equil%pol_flux(r(j), z(k), psi_n) call equil%b_field(r(j), z(k), B_R, B_z, B_phi) call plasma%density(psi_n, ne, dne) B = sqrt(B_R**2 + B_phi**2 + B_z**2) X = X_norm*ne Y = B/B_res Te = plasma%temp(psi_n) call tbl%append([R(j), z(k), psi_n, B_R, B_phi, & B_z, B, ne, Te, X, Y, Npl]) end do end do end function inputs_maps subroutine find_flux_surfaces(qvals, params, equil, tbl) ! Finds the ψ for a set of values of q and stores the ! associated surfaces to the flux surface table use gray_params, only : gray_parameters use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil use magsurf_data, only : npoints use logger, only : log_info use minpack, only : hybrj1 use types, only : table ! subroutine arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: qvals(:) type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil type(table), intent(inout) :: tbl ! local variables integer :: i real(wp_) :: rho_t, rho_p, psi_n character(256) :: msg ! for log messages formatting call log_info('constant ψ surfaces for:', & mod='gray_tables', proc='find_flux_surfaces') do i = 1, size(qvals) ! Find value of ψ_n for the current q block real(wp_) :: sol(1), fvec(1), fjac(1,1), wa(7) integer :: info ! Note: since we are mostly interested in q=3/2,2 we start ! searching near the boundary in case q is not monotonic. sol = [0.8_wp_] ! first guess ! Solve q(ψ_n) = qvals(i) for ψ_n call hybrj1(equation, n=1, x=sol, fvec=fvec, fjac=fjac, & ldfjac=1, tol=1e-3_wp_, info=info, wa=wa, lwa=7) ! Solution psi_n = sol(1) ! Handle spurious or no solutions if (info /= 1 .or. psi_n < 0 .or. psi_n > 1) cycle end block ! Compute and print the ψ_n(R,z) = ψ_n₀ contour block real(wp_), dimension(npoints) :: R_cont, z_cont real(wp_) :: R_hi, R_lo, z_hi, z_lo ! Guesses for the high,low horizontal-tangent points R_hi = equil%axis(1) z_hi = (equil%z_boundary(2) + equil%axis(2))/2 R_lo = equil%axis(1) z_lo = (equil%z_boundary(1) + equil%axis(2))/2 call equil%flux_contour(psi_n, params%misc%rwall, & R_cont, z_cont, R_hi, z_hi, R_lo, z_lo) call store_flux_surface(tbl, psi_n, R_cont, z_cont) end block ! Log the values found for ψ_n, ρ_p, ρ_t rho_p = sqrt(psi_n) rho_t = equil%pol2tor(rho_p) write (msg, '(4(x,a,"=",g0.3))') & 'q', qvals(i), 'ψ_n', psi_n, 'ρ_p', rho_p, 'ρ_t', rho_t call log_info(msg, mod='gray_tables', proc='find_flux_surfaces') end do contains pure subroutine equation(n, x, f, df, ldf, flag) ! The equation to solve: f(x) = q(x) - q₀ = 0 use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps ! subroutine arguments integer, intent(in) :: n, ldf, flag real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(n) real(wp_), intent(inout) :: f(n), df(ldf,n) ! optimal step size real(wp_), parameter :: e = comp_eps**(1/3.0_wp_) if (flag == 1) then ! return f(x) f(1) = equil%safety(x(1)) - qvals(i) else ! return f'(x), computed numerically df(1,1) = (equil%safety(x(1) + e) - equil%safety(x(1) - e)) / (2*e) end if end subroutine end subroutine find_flux_surfaces subroutine store_flux_surface(tbl, psi_n, R, z) ! Helper to add a contour to the flux surfaces table use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, comp_tiny use types, only : table, wrap ! subroutine arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n real(wp_), intent(in) :: R(:) real(wp_), intent(in) :: z(:) type(table), intent(inout) :: tbl ! local variables integer :: i if (.not. tbl%active) return if (psi_n < comp_tiny) return do i = 1, size(R) call tbl%append([wrap(i), wrap(psi_n), wrap(R(i)), wrap(z(i))]) end do end subroutine store_flux_surface subroutine store_ray_data(params, equil, tables, & i, jk, s, P0, pos, psi_n, B, b_n, k0, & N_pl, N_pr, N, N_pr_im, n_e, T_e, & alpha, tau, dIds, nhm, nhf, iokhawa, & index_rt, lambda_r, lambda_i, X, Y, grad_X) ! Stores some ray variables and local quantities use const_and_precisions, only : degree, cm use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil use gray_params, only : gray_parameters, gray_tables use beamdata, only : unfold_index ! subroutine arguments ! tables where to store the data type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil type(gray_tables), intent(inout) :: tables integer, intent(in) :: i, jk ! step, ray index real(wp_), intent(in) :: s ! arclength real(wp_), intent(in) :: P0 ! initial power real(wp_), intent(in) :: pos(3) ! position vector real(wp_), intent(in) :: B, b_n(3) ! magnetic field and unit vector real(wp_), intent(in) :: N(3) ! refractive index vector, N real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi_n ! normalised poloidal flux, ψ_n real(wp_), intent(in) :: N_pl, N_pr ! N_∥, N_⊥ real(wp_), intent(in) :: N_pr_im ! Im(N_⊥) from warm dispersion real(wp_), intent(in) :: k0 ! vacuum wavenumber (k₀=ω/c) real(wp_), intent(in) :: n_e, T_e ! electron density and temperature real(wp_), intent(in) :: alpha, tau ! absorption coeff., optical depth real(wp_), intent(in) :: dIds ! ECCD current density integer, intent(in) :: nhm, nhf ! EC harmonic numbers integer, intent(in) :: iokhawa ! integer, intent(in) :: index_rt ! real(wp_), intent(in) :: lambda_r, lambda_i ! quasioptical dispersion relation real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y ! X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω real(wp_), intent(in) :: grad_X(3) ! gradient of X ! local variables real(wp_) :: s_m, pos_m(3), R_m, phi_deg ! coordinates in SI units real(wp_) :: rho_t, k_im, Pt, dIds_n integer :: jkv(2) s_m = s * cm pos_m = pos * cm R_m = hypot(pos_m(1), pos_m(2)) ! Store central ray data if (jk == 1 .and. tables%central_ray%active) then phi_deg = atan2(pos_m(2), pos_m(1)) / degree if(psi_n >= 0 .and. psi_n <= 1) then rho_t = equil%pol2tor(sqrt(psi_n)) else rho_t = 1.0_wp_ end if k_im = N_pr_im * k0 / cm Pt = P0 * exp(-tau) dIds_n = (1/P0 * dIds) / cm call tables%central_ray%append([ & wrap(s_m), wrap(R_m), wrap(pos_m(3)), wrap(phi_deg), wrap(psi_n), & wrap(rho_t), wrap(n_e), wrap(T_e), wrap(B), wrap(b_n(1)), & wrap(b_n(2)), wrap(b_n(3)), wrap(N_pr), wrap(N_pl), wrap(N(1)), & wrap(N(2)), wrap(N(3)), wrap(k_im), wrap(alpha), wrap(tau), wrap(Pt), & wrap(dIds_n), wrap(nhm), wrap(nhf), wrap(iokhawa), wrap(index_rt), & wrap(lambda_r), wrap(X), wrap(Y), wrap(grad_X(1)), wrap(grad_X(2)), & wrap(grad_X(3))]) end if ! Store outer rays data if (mod(i, params%output%istpl) == 0) then jkv = unfold_index(params%raytracing, jk) ! (j,k) if(jkv(1) == params%raytracing%nrayr .and. tables%outer_rays%active) then call tables%outer_rays%append([ & wrap(i), wrap(jkv(2)), wrap(s_m), wrap(pos_m(1)), wrap(pos_m(2)), & wrap(R_m), wrap(pos_m(3)), wrap(psi_n), wrap(tau), wrap(N_pl), & wrap(alpha), wrap(index_rt)]) end if end if ! Store dispersion relation data if (jk == params%raytracing%nray .and. tables%dispersion%active) then call tables%dispersion%append([s, lambda_r, lambda_i]) end if end subroutine store_ray_data subroutine store_ec_profiles(tbl, rho_p, rho_t, J_phi, J_cd, & dPdV, I_ins, P_ins, index_rt) ! Helper to add data to the ECRH&CD profiles table use types, only : table, wrap ! subroutine arguments type(table), intent(inout) :: tbl real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rho_p, rho_t, J_phi, J_cd, & dPdV, I_ins, P_ins integer, intent(in) :: index_rt integer :: i if (.not. tbl%active) return do i = 1, size(rho_p) call tbl%append([wrap(rho_p(i)), wrap(rho_t(i)), wrap(J_phi(i)), & wrap(J_cd(i)), wrap(dPdV(i)), wrap(I_ins(i)), & wrap(P_ins(i)), wrap(index_rt)]) end do end subroutine store_ec_profiles subroutine store_beam_shape(params, tables, s, y, full) ! Computes the beam shape tables use const_and_precisions, only : comp_huge use types, only : table, wrap use gray_params, only : raytracing_parameters, gray_tables use beamdata, only : unfold_index, tokamak2beam ! subroutine arguments type(raytracing_parameters), intent(in) :: params type(gray_tables), target, intent(inout) :: tables real(wp_), intent(in) :: s(:) ! arclength real(wp_), intent(in) :: y(:, :) ! (x̅, N̅) vector ! whether to show all rays or only the outer ring logical, intent(in), optional :: full ! local variables logical :: full_ integer :: jk, jk0, jkv(2) real(wp_) :: n(3), M(3,3), dx(3), dx_loc(3) real(wp_) :: r, r_min, r_max type(table), pointer :: beam_shape if (.not. (tables%beam_shape%active .or. tables%beam_size%active)) return full_ = .false. if (present(full)) full_ = full if (full_) then beam_shape => tables%beam_final else beam_shape => tables%beam_shape end if ! Convert to the local beam basis n = y(4:6, 1) / norm2(y(4:6, 1)) M = tokamak2beam(n) ! start from the central ray or the last ring jk0 = 1 + merge(0, params%nray - params%nrayth, full_) r_min = comp_huge r_max = 0 do jk = jk0, params%nray dx = y(1:3, jk) - y(1:3, 1) ! distance from the central ray dx_loc = matmul(M, dx) ! local ray position r = norm2(dx_loc(1:2)) ! cross-section radius jkv = unfold_index(params, jk) ! (j, k) if (full_ .or. jk /= 1) & call beam_shape%append([ & wrap(s(jk)), wrap(jkv(1)), wrap(jkv(2)), & wrap(dx_loc(1)), wrap(dx_loc(2)), wrap(dx_loc(3)), wrap(r)]) ! Compute min/max radius if (r>=r_max .and. jkv(1)==params%nrayr) r_max = r if (r<=r_min .and. jkv(1)==params%nrayr) r_min = r end do call tables%beam_size%append([s(1), r_min, r_max]) end subroutine store_beam_shape end module gray_tables