module interp_eqprof use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none ! equidata ! === 1D array Fpol(psi), q(psi), rhotor(psi) ==================== !INTEGER, SAVE :: npsieq !REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rhopnr ! === 1D array plasma boundary Rbnd_i, Zbnd_i ==================== INTEGER, SAVE :: nbbbs REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rbbbs,zbbbs REAL(wp_), SAVE :: btaxis,rmaxis,zmaxis REAL(wp_), SAVE :: rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm,dr,dz REAL(wp_), SAVE :: zbmin,zbmax REAL(wp_), SAVE :: phitedge REAL(wp_), SAVE :: rup,zup,rlw,zlw REAL(wp_), SAVE :: rcen,btrcen ! rcen used to compute btrcen from fpol, btrcen used only for Jcd_ASTRA def. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: kspl=3,ksplp=kspl+1 ! === 2D spline psi(R,z), normalization and derivatives ========== INTEGER, SAVE :: nsr, nsz REAL(wp_), SAVE :: psia, psiant, psinop REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: tr,tz REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: cceq, cceq01, cceq10, & cceq20, cceq02, cceq11 ! === 1D spline Fpol(psi) ======================================== ! INTEGER, SAVE :: npsiest INTEGER, SAVE :: nsf REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: tfp, cfp REAL(wp_), SAVE :: fpolas ! === 1D spline rhot(rhop), rhop(rhot), q(psi) =================== ! computed on psinr,rhopnr [,rhotnr] arrays INTEGER, SAVE :: nq REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rhopq,psiq,q REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: crhot,cq contains subroutine read_eqdsk(filenm,rv,zv,psin,psia,psinr,fpol,q,rvac,rax,zax, & rbnd,zbnd,rlim,zlim,ipsinorm,idesc,ifreefmt,unit) use const_and_precisions, only : one use utils, only : get_free_unit implicit none ! arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: filenm real(wp_), intent(out) :: psia,rvac,rax,zax real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: rv,zv,psinr,fpol,q real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: rbnd,zbnd,rlim,zlim real(wp_), dimension(:,:), allocatable, intent(out) :: psin integer, optional, intent(in) :: ipsinorm,idesc,ifreefmt,unit ! local variables integer, parameter :: indef=0,iddef=1,iffdef=0 integer :: in,id,iffmt,u,idum,i,j,nr,nz,nbnd,nlim character(len=48) :: string real(wp_) :: dr,dz,dps,rleft,zmid,zleft,xdum,psiedge,psiaxis ! set default values if optional arguments are absent in=indef; id=iddef; iffmt=iffdef if(present(ipsinorm)) in=ipsinorm if(present(idesc)) id=idesc if(present(ifreefmt)) iffmt=ifreefmt if (present(unit)) then u=unit else u=get_free_unit() end if ! open G EQDSK file (see open(file=trim(filenm),status='old',unit=u) ! get size of main arrays and allocate them if (id==1) then read (u,'(a48,3i4)') string,idum,nr,nz else read (u,*) nr,nz end if if (allocated(rv)) deallocate(rv) if (allocated(zv)) deallocate(zv) if (allocated(psin)) deallocate(psin) if (allocated(psinr)) deallocate(psinr) if (allocated(fpol)) deallocate(fpol) if (allocated(q)) deallocate(q) allocate(rv(nr),zv(nz),psin(nr,nz),psinr(nr),fpol(nr),q(nr)) ! store 0D data and main arrays if (iffmt==1) then read (u,*) dr,dz,rvac,rleft,zmid read (u,*) rax,zax,psiaxis,psiedge,xdum read (u,*) xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum read (u,*) xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum read (u,*) (fpol(i),i=1,nr) read (u,*) (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u,*) (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u,*) (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u,*) ((psin(i,j),i=1,nr),j=1,nz) read (u,*) (q(i),i=1,nr) else read (u,'(5e16.9)') dr,dz,rvac,rleft,zmid read (u,'(5e16.9)') rax,zax,psiaxis,psiedge,xdum read (u,'(5e16.9)') xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum read (u,'(5e16.9)') xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum read (u,'(5e16.9)') (fpol(i),i=1,nr) read (u,'(5e16.9)') (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u,'(5e16.9)') (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u,'(5e16.9)') (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u,'(5e16.9)') ((psin(i,j),i=1,nr),j=1,nz) read (u,'(5e16.9)') (q(i),i=1,nr) end if ! get size of boundary and limiter arrays and allocate them read (u,*) nbnd,nlim if (allocated(rbnd)) deallocate(rbnd) if (allocated(zbnd)) deallocate(zbnd) if (allocated(rlim)) deallocate(rlim) if (allocated(zlim)) deallocate(zlim) ! store boundary and limiter data if(nbnd>0) then allocate(rbnd(nbnd),zbnd(nbnd)) if (iffmt==1) then read(u,*) (rbnd(i),zbnd(i),i=1,nbnd) else read(u,'(5e16.9)') (rbnd(i),zbnd(i),i=1,nbnd) end if end if if(nlim>0) then allocate(rlim(nlim),zlim(nlim)) if (iffmt==1) then read(u,*) (rlim(i),zlim(i),i=1,nlim) else read(u,'(5e16.9)') (rlim(i),zlim(i),i=1,nlim) end if end if ! reading of G EQDSK file completed close(u) ! build rv,zv,psinr arrays and normalize psin zleft=zmid-0.5_wp_*dz dr=dr/(nr-1) dz=dz/(nz-1) dps=one/(nr-1) do i=1,nr psinr(i)=(i-1)*dps rv(i)=rleft+(i-1)*dr end do do i=1,nz zv(i)=zleft+(i-1)*dz end do psia=psiedge-psiaxis if(in==0) psin=(psin-psiaxis)/psia end subroutine read_eqdsk subroutine change_cocos(psia,fpol,q,cocosin,cocosout,ierr) use const_and_precisions, only : zero,one,pi implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(inout) :: psia real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: fpol,q integer, intent(in) :: cocosin, cocosout ! real(wp_), intent(out) :: isign,bsign integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr ! local variables real(wp_) :: isign,bsign integer :: exp2pi,exp2piout logical :: phiccw,psiincr,qpos,phiccwout,psiincrout,qposout call decode_cocos(cocosin,exp2pi,phiccw,psiincr,qpos) call decode_cocos(cocosout,exp2piout,phiccwout,psiincrout,qposout) ! check sign consistency isign=sign(one,psia) if (.not.psiincr) isign=-isign bsign=sign(one,fpol(size(fpol))) if (qpos.neqv.isign*bsign*q(size(q))>zero) then ! warning: sign inconsistency found among q, Ipla and Bref q=-q if(present(ierr)) ierr=1 else if(present(ierr)) ierr=0 end if ! convert cocosin to cocosout if (phiccw.neqv.phiccwout) then ! opposite direction of toroidal angle phi in cocosin and cocosout ! bsign=-bsign ! isign=-isign fpol=-fpol end if ! q has opposite sign for given sign of Bphi*Ip if (qpos .neqv. qposout) q=-q ! psi and Ip signs don't change accordingly if ((phiccw.eqv.phiccwout) .neqv. (psiincr.eqv.psiincrout)) psia=-psia ! convert Wb to Wb/rad or viceversa psia=psia*(2.0_wp_*pi)**(exp2piout-exp2pi) end subroutine change_cocos subroutine decode_cocos(cocos,exp2pi,phiccw,psiincr,qpos) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: cocos integer, intent(out) :: exp2pi logical, intent(out) :: phiccw,psiincr,qpos integer :: cmod10,cmod4 cmod10=mod(cocos,10) cmod4=mod(cmod10,4) ! cocos>10 psi in Wb, cocos<10 psi in Wb/rad exp2pi=(cocos-cmod10)/10 ! cocos mod 10 = 1,3,5,7: toroidal angle phi increasing CCW phiccw=(mod(cmod10,2)==1) ! cocos mod 10 = 1,2,5,6: psi increasing with positive Ip psiincr=(cmod4==1 .or. cmod4==2) ! cocos mod 10 = 1,2,7,8: q positive for positive Bphi*Ip qpos=(cmod10<3 .or. cmod10>6) end subroutine decode_cocos subroutine eq_scal(psia,fpol,isign,bsign,factb) use const_and_precisions, only : one implicit none real(wp_), intent(inout) :: psia integer, intent(inout) :: isign,bsign real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: fpol real(wp_), intent(in) :: factb ! isign and bsign ignored on input if equal to 0 ! used to assign the direction of Bphi and Ipla BEFORE scaling ! cocos=3 assumed: CCW direction is >0 ! Bphi and Ipla scaled by the same factor factb to keep q unchanged ! factb<0 reverses the directions of Bphi and Ipla if(isign/=0) psia=sign(psia,real(-isign,wp_)) if(bsign/=0 .and. bsign*fpol(size(fpol))<0) fpol=-fpol psia=psia*factb fpol=fpol*factb isign=int(sign(one,-psia)) bsign=int(sign(one,fpol(size(fpol)))) end subroutine eq_scal subroutine set_eqspl(rv,zv,psin,psinr,fpol,sspl,ssfp) use const_and_precisions, only : zero,one use dierckx, only : regrid,coeff_parder,curfit,splev implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rv,zv,psinr,fpol real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: psin real(wp_), intent(inout) :: sspl,ssfp ! local constants integer, parameter :: iopt=0 integer :: liwrk,lwrk,lw10,lw01,lw20,lw02,lw11,lwrkf integer :: nr,nz,nrest,nzest,npsest,nrz,npsi real(wp_) :: fp real(wp_), dimension(1) :: fpoli real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: fvpsi,wf,wrk integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iwrk ! local variables integer :: ier ! ! compute array sizes and prepare working space arrays nr=size(rv) nz=size(zv) nrz=nr*nz nrest=nr+ksplp nzest=nz+ksplp lwrk=4+nrest*nz+(nrest+nzest)*(2*kspl+5)+(nr+nz)*ksplp+max(nz,nrest) liwrk=nz+nr+nrest+nzest+kspl ! npsi=size(psinr) npsest=npsi+ksplp lwrkf=npsi*ksplp+npsest*(7+3*kspl) ! allocate(wrk(max(lwrk,lwrkf)),iwrk(max(liwrk,npsest))) ! ! spline fitting/interpolation of psin(i,j) and derivatives ! ! length in m !!! ! rmnm=rv(1) rmxm=rv(nr) zmnm=zv(1) zmxm=zv(nz) ! allocate knots and spline coefficients arrays if (allocated(tr)) deallocate(tr) if (allocated(tz)) deallocate(tz) allocate(tr(nrest),tz(nzest),cceq(nrz)) ! allocate work arrays ! reshape 2D psi array to 1D (transposed) array and compute spline coeffs allocate(fvpsi(nrz)) fvpsi=reshape(transpose(psin),(/nrz/)) call regrid(iopt,nr,rv,nz,zv,fvpsi,rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm, & kspl,kspl,sspl,nrest,nzest,nsr,tr,nsz,tz,cceq,fp, & wrk(1:lwrk),lwrk,iwrk(1:liwrk),liwrk,ier) ! if ier=-1 data are re-fitted using sspl=0 if(ier==-1) then sspl=0.0_wp_ call regrid(iopt,nr,rv,nz,zv,fvpsi,rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm, & kspl,kspl,sspl,nrest,nzest,nsr,tr,nsz,tz,cceq,fp, & wrk(1:lwrk),lwrk,iwrk(1:liwrk),liwrk,ier) end if deallocate(fvpsi) ! compute spline coefficients for psi partial derivatives lw10 = nr*(ksplp-1) + nz*ksplp + nrz lw01 = nr*ksplp + nz*(ksplp-1) + nrz lw20 = nr*(ksplp-2) + nz*ksplp + nrz lw02 = nr*ksplp + nz*(ksplp-2) + nrz lw11 = nr*(ksplp-1) + nz*(ksplp-1) + nrz if (allocated(cceq10)) deallocate(cceq10) if (allocated(cceq01)) deallocate(cceq01) if (allocated(cceq20)) deallocate(cceq20) if (allocated(cceq02)) deallocate(cceq02) if (allocated(cceq11)) deallocate(cceq11) allocate(cceq10(lw10),cceq01(lw01),cceq20(lw20),cceq02(lw02),cceq11(lw11)) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,1,0,cceq10,lw10,ier) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,0,1,cceq01,lw01,ier) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,2,0,cceq20,lw20,ier) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,0,2,cceq02,lw02,ier) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,1,1,cceq11,lw11,ier) ! ! spline interpolation of fpol(i) ! ! allocate knots and spline coefficients arrays if (allocated(tfp)) deallocate(tfp) if (allocated(cfp)) deallocate(cfp) allocate(tfp(npsest),cfp(npsest)) allocate(wf(npsi)) wf(1:npsi-1)=one wf(npsi)=1.0e2_wp_ call curfit(iopt,npsi,psinr,fpol,wf,zero,one,kspl,ssfp,npsest,nsf, & tfp,cfp,fp,wrk(1:lwrkf),lwrkf,iwrk(1:npsest),ier) call splev(tfp,nsf,cfp,kspl,psinr(npsi:npsi),fpoli,1,ier) fpolas=fpoli(1) btrcen=fpolas/rcen ! free temporary arrays deallocate(wrk,iwrk,wf) end subroutine set_eqspl subroutine unset_eqspl implicit none if(allocated(tr)) deallocate(tr) if(allocated(tz)) deallocate(tz) if(allocated(tfp)) deallocate(tfp) if(allocated(cfp)) deallocate(cfp) if(allocated(cceq)) deallocate(cceq) if(allocated(cceq01)) deallocate(cceq01) if(allocated(cceq10)) deallocate(cceq10) if(allocated(cceq02)) deallocate(cceq02) if(allocated(cceq20)) deallocate(cceq20) if(allocated(cceq11)) deallocate(cceq11) end subroutine unset_eqspl subroutine dealloc_bnd implicit none if(allocated(rbbbs)) deallocate(rbbbs) if(allocated(zbbbs)) deallocate(zbbbs) end subroutine dealloc_bnd subroutine equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz) use dierckx, only : fpbisp implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: lwrk=8,liwrk=2 ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz ! local variables integer, dimension(liwrk) :: iwrk real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,zzs,ffspl real(wp_), dimension(lwrk) :: wrk ! ! here lengths are measured in meters ! if (rpsim.le.rmxm .and. .and. & zpsim.le.zmxm .and. then if (present(psinv)) then rrs(1)=rpsim zzs(1)=zpsim call fpbisp(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,3,3,rrs,1,zzs,1,ffspl, & wrk(1),wrk(5),iwrk(1),iwrk(2)) psinv=(ffspl(1)-psinop)/psiant end if if (present(dpsidr)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,1,0,dpsidr,cceq10) end if if (present(dpsidz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,0,1,dpsidz,cceq01) end if if (present(ddpsidrr)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,2,0,ddpsidrr,cceq20) end if if (present(ddpsidzz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,0,2,ddpsidzz,cceq02) end if if (present(ddpsidrz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,1,1,ddpsidrz,cceq11) end if else if(present(psinv)) psinv=-1.0_wp_ if(present(dpsidr)) dpsidr=0.0_wp_ if(present(dpsidz)) dpsidz=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz=0.0_wp_ end if end subroutine equinum_psi subroutine sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,nur,nuz,derpsi,cc) use dierckx, only : fpbisp implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim integer, intent(in) :: nur,nuz real(wp_), intent(out) :: derpsi real(wp_), dimension(:) :: cc ! local variables integer, dimension(1) :: iwrkr,iwrkz real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,zzs,ffspl real(wp_), dimension(1,ksplp) :: wrkr real(wp_), dimension(1,ksplp) :: wrkz rrs(1)=rpsim zzs(1)=zpsim call fpbisp(tr(nur+1),nsr-2*nur,tz(nuz+1),nsz-2*nuz,cc,kspl-nur,kspl-nuz, & rrs,1,zzs,1,ffspl,wrkr,wrkz,iwrkr,iwrkz) derpsi=ffspl(1)*psia end subroutine sub_derpsi subroutine equinum_fpol(psinv,fpolv,dfpv) use dierckx, only : splev,splder implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: psinv real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpolv real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpv ! local variables integer :: ier real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,ffspl real(wp_), dimension(nsf) :: wrkfd ! if( then rrs(1)=psinv call splev(tfp,nsf,cfp,3,rrs,ffspl,1,ier) fpolv=ffspl(1) if(present(dfpv)) then call splder(tfp,nsf,cfp,3,1,rrs,ffspl,1,wrkfd,ier) dfpv=ffspl(1)/psia end if else fpolv=fpolas if (present(dfpv)) dfpv=0._wp_ end if end subroutine equinum_fpol ! subroutine btor(rpsim,zpsim,bphi) ! implicit none !! arguments ! real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim ! real(wp_), intent(out) :: bphi !! local variables ! real(wp_) :: psinv,fpolv ! ! call equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,psinv) ! call equinum_fpol(psinv,fpolv) ! bphi=fpolv/rpsim ! end subroutine btor ! subroutine bpol(rpsim,zpsim,brr,bzz) ! implicit none !! arguments ! real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim ! real(wp_), intent(out) :: brr,bzz !! local variables ! real(wp_) :: dpsidr,dpsidz ! ! call equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,dpsidr=dpsidr,dpsidz=dpsidz) ! brr=-dpsidz/rpsim ! bzz= dpsidr/rpsim ! end subroutine bpol subroutine bfield(rpsim,zpsim,bphi,br,bz) implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: bphi,br,bz ! local variables real(wp_) :: psin,fpol call equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,psinv=bphi,dpsidr=bz,dpsidz=br) if (present(bphi)) then psin=bphi call equinum_fpol(psin,fpol) bphi=fpol/rpsim end if if (present(br)) br=-br/rpsim if (present(bz)) bz= bz/rpsim end subroutine bfield end module interp_eqprof