!######################################################################## MODULE green_func_p !######################################################################## ! ! The module contains few subroutines which are requested to calculate ! the current drive value by adjoint approach ! !######################################################################## USE const_and_precisions, only : wp_ !------- IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(Len=1), PRIVATE :: adj_appr(6) ! adjoint approach switcher !------- REAL(wp_), PRIVATE :: r2,q2,gp1 !------- REAL(wp_), PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: delta = 1e-4 ! border for recalculation !------- for N.M. subroutines (variational principle) ------- REAL(wp_), PRIVATE :: sfd(1:4) INTEGER, PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: nre = 2 ! order of rel. correct. REAL(wp_), PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: vp_mee(0:4,0:4,0:2) = & RESHAPE((/0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.184875, 0.484304, 1.06069, 2.26175, & 0.0, 0.484304, 1.41421, 3.38514, 7.77817, & 0.0, 1.06069, 3.38514, 8.73232, 21.4005, & 0.0, 2.26175, 7.77817, 21.4005, 55.5079, & ! & 0.0, -1.33059,-2.57431, -5.07771, -10.3884, & -0.846284,-1.46337, -1.4941, -0.799288, 2.57505, & -1.1601, -1.4941, 2.25114, 14.159, 50.0534, & -1.69257, -0.799288, 14.159, 61.4168, 204.389, & -2.61022, 2.57505, 50.0534, 204.389, 683.756, & ! & 0.0, 2.62498, 0.985392,-5.57449, -27.683, & 0.0, 3.45785, 5.10096, 9.34463, 22.9831, & -0.652555, 5.10096, 20.5135, 75.8022, 268.944, & -2.11571, 9.34463, 75.8022, 330.42, 1248.69, & -5.38358, 22.9831, 268.944, 1248.69, 4876.48/),& (/5,5,3/)) REAL(wp_), PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: vp_mei(0:4,0:4,0:2) = & RESHAPE((/0.0, 0.886227, 1.0, 1.32934, 2.0, & 0.886227,1.0, 1.32934, 2.0, 3.32335, & 1.0, 1.32934, 2.0, 3.32335, 6.0, & 1.32934, 2.0, 3.32335, 6.0, 11.6317, & 2.0, 3.32335, 6.0, 11.6317, 24.0, & ! & 0.0, 0.332335, 1.0, 2.49251, 6.0, & 1.66168, 1.0, 2.49251, 6.0, 14.5397, & 3.0, 2.49251, 6.0, 14.5397, 36.0, & 5.81586, 6.0, 14.5397, 36.0, 91.5999, & 12.0, 14.5397, 36.0, 91.5999, 240.0, & ! & 0.0, -0.103855, 0.0, 1.09047, 6.0, & 0.726983,0.0, 1.09047, 6.0, 24.5357, & 3.0, 1.09047, 6.0, 24.5357, 90.0, & 9.81427, 6.0, 24.5357, 90.0, 314.875, & 30.0, 24.5357, 90.0, 314.875, 1080.0 /), & (/5,5,3/)) REAL(wp_), PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: vp_oee(0:4,0:4,0:2) = & RESHAPE((/0.0, 0.56419, 0.707107, 1.0073, 1.59099, & 0.56419, 0.707107, 1.0073, 1.59099, 2.73981, & 0.707107,1.0073, 1.59099, 2.73981, 5.08233, & 1.0073, 1.59099, 2.73981, 5.08233, 10.0627, & 1.59099, 2.73981, 5.08233, 10.0627, 21.1138, & ! & 0.0, 1.16832, 1.90035, 3.5758, 7.41357, & 2.17562, 1.90035, 3.5758, 7.41357, 16.4891, & 3.49134, 3.5758, 7.41357, 16.4891, 38.7611, & 6.31562, 7.41357, 16.4891, 38.7611, 95.4472, & 12.4959, 16.4891, 38.7611, 95.4472, 244.803, & ! & 0.0, 2.65931, 4.64177, 9.6032, 22.6941, & 4.8652, 4.64177, 9.6032, 22.6941, 59.1437, & 9.51418, 9.6032, 22.6941, 59.1437, 165.282, & 21.061, 22.6941, 59.1437, 165.282, 485.785, & 50.8982, 59.1437, 165.282, 485.785, 1483.22/), & (/5,5,3/)) REAL(wp_), PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: vp_g(0:4,0:2) = & RESHAPE((/1.32934, 2.0, 3.32335, 6.0, 11.6317, & 2.49251, 0.0, 2.90793, 12.0, 39.2571, & 1.09047, 6.0, 11.45, 30.0, 98.9606/), & (/5,3/)) !######################################################################## CONTAINS !####################################################################### SUBROUTINE Setup_SpitzFunc !======================================================================= IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= adj_appr(1) = 'l' ! collisionless limit ! adj_appr(1) = 'c' ! collisional (classical) limit, w/o trap. part. adj_appr(2) = 'm' ! momentum conservation ! adj_appr(2) = 'h' ! high-speed limit !--- adj_appr(3) = 'l' ! DO NOT CHANGE! adj_appr(4) = 'r' ! DO NOT CHANGE! adj_appr(5) = 'v' ! DO NOT CHANGE! adj_appr(6) = 'i' ! DO NOT CHANGE! !======================================================================= !..... !======================================================================= RETURN END SUBROUTINE Setup_SpitzFunc SUBROUTINE GenSpitzFunc(Zeff,fc,u,q,gam, K,dKdu) !======================================================================= ! Author: N.B.Marushchenko ! June 2005: as start point the subroutine of Ugo Gasparino (198?) ! SpitzFunc() is taken and modified. ! 1. adapted to the Fortran-95 ! 2. derivative of Spitzer function is added ! 3. separation for 2 brunches is done: ! 1st is referenced as 'with conservation of the moment', ! 2nd - as 'high speed limit'. ! The last one is taken from the Lin-Liu formulation ! (Phys.Plasmas 10 (2003) 4064) with K = F*fc. ! The asymptotical high speed limit (Taguchi-Fisch model) ! is also included as the reference case. ! Feb. 2008: non-relativ. version is replaced by the relativistic one; ! the method is the the same, but the trial-function is ! based on the relativistic formulation. ! The relativistic corrections for the collisional operator ! up to the second order, i.e. (1/mu)**2, are applied. ! Sep. 2008: generalized Spitzer function for arbitrary collisionality ! is implemented. The model is based on the concept of ! the "effective trapped particles fraction". ! The different.-integral kinetic equation for the generalized ! Spitzer function is produced with help of subroutines ! ArbColl_TrappFract_Array and ArbColl_SpitzFunc_Array, ! where the subroutines of H. Maassberg are called). !======================================================================== ! Spitzer function with & w/o trapped particle effects is given by: ! ! K(x) = x/gamma*(d1*x+d2*x^2+d4*x^3+d4*x^4), ! ! where x = v/v_th and gamma=1 for non-relativistic version (Ugo), ! or x = p/p_th for relativistic version (N.M., February 2008). ! Note, that somewhere the function F(x) instead of K(x) is applied, ! ! F(x) = K(x)/fc. ! ! Numerical inversion of the 5x5 symmetric matrix obtained from the ! generalized Spitzer problem (see paper of Taguchi for the equation ! and paper of Hirshman for the variational approach bringing to the ! matrix to be inverted). ! ! The numerical method used is an improved elimination scheme ! (Banachiewiczs-Cholesky-Crout method). ! This method is particularly simple for symmetric matrix. ! As a reference see "Mathematical Handbook" by Korn & Korn, p.635-636. ! ! Refs.: 1. S.P. Hirshman, Phys. Fluids 23 (1980) 1238 ! 2. M. Rome' et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Fus. 40 (1998) 511 ! 3. N.B. Marushchenko et al., Fusion Sci. Technol. 55 (2009) 180 !======================================================================== ! INPUTS: ! u - p/sqrt(2mT) ! q - p/mc; ! gam - relativistic factor; ! Zeff - effective charge; ! fc - fraction of circulating particles. ! ! OUTPUTS: ! K - Spitzer's function ! dKdu = dK/du, i.e. its derivative over normalized momentum !======================================================================= use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp_), INTENT(in) :: Zeff,fc,u,q,gam REAL(wp_), INTENT(out) :: K,dKdu REAL(wp_) :: gam1,gam2,gam3 !======================================================================= K = 0 dKdu = 0 IF (u < comp_eps) RETURN !--- SELECT CASE(adj_appr(2)) CASE('m') !--------------- momentum conservation ------------------! gam1 = gam ! IF (adj_appr(4) == 'n') gam1 = 1 ! gam2 = gam1*gam1 ! gam3 = gam1*gam2 ! K = u/gam1*u*(sfd(1)+u*(sfd(2)+u*(sfd(3)+u*sfd(4)))) ! dKdu = u/gam3* (sfd(1)*(1+ gam2)+u*(sfd(2)*(1+2*gam2)+ & ! u*(sfd(3)*(1+3*gam2)+u* sfd(4)*(1+4*gam2)))) ! !--------------------- end momentum conservation -------------------! CASE('h') !---------------- high-speed-limit ----------------------! IF (adj_appr(4) == 'n') THEN !- non-relativ. asymptotic form -! K = u**4 *fc/(Zeff+1+4*fc) !- (Taguchi-Fisch model) -! dKdu = 4*u**3 *fc/(Zeff+1+4*fc) ! ELSEIF (adj_appr(4) == 'r') THEN !- relativistic, Lin-Liu form. -! CALL SpitzFunc_HighSpeedLimit(Zeff,fc,u,q,gam, K,dKdu) ! ENDIF ! CASE default !----------------------------------------------------! PRINT*,'GenSpitzFunc: WARNING! Spitzer function is not defined.' RETURN END SELECT !======================================================================= RETURN END SUBROUTINE GenSpitzFunc !####################################################################### !####################################################################### !####################################################################### SUBROUTINE SpitzFuncCoeff(mu,Zeff,fc) !======================================================================= ! Calculates the matrix coefficients required for the subroutine ! "GenSpitzFunc", where the Spitzer function is defined through the ! variational principle. ! ! Weakly relativistic (upgraded) version (10.09.2008). ! Apart of the non-relativistic matrix coefficients, taken from the ! old subroutine of Ugo Gasparino, the relativistic correction written ! as series in 1/mu^n (mu=mc2/T) powers is added. Two orders are taken ! into account, i.e. n=0,1,2. ! ! In this version, the coefficients "oee", i.e. Omega_ij, are formulated ! for arbitrary collisionality. ! ! INPUT VARIABLES: ! rho = sqrt(SS) with SS - flux-surface label (norm. magn. flux) ! ne - density, 1/m^3 ! mu - mc2/Te ! Zeff - effective charge ! fc - fraction of circulating particles ! ! OUTPUT VARIABLES (defined as a global ones): ! sfd(1),...,sfd(4) - coefficients of the polynomial expansion of the ! "Spitzer"-function (the same as in the Hirshman paper) !======================================================================= use const_and_precisions, only : mc2_ IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp_), INTENT(in) :: mu,Zeff,fc INTEGER :: n,i,j REAL(wp_) :: rtc,rtc1,y,tn(1:nre) REAL(wp_) :: m(0:4,0:4),g(0:4) REAL(wp_) :: gam11,gam21,gam31,gam41,gam01, & gam22,gam32,gam42,gam02, & gam33,gam43,gam03, & gam44,gam04,gam00 REAL(wp_) :: alp12,alp13,alp14,alp10, & alp23,alp24,alp20, & alp34,alp30,alp40 REAL(wp_) :: bet0,bet1,bet2,bet3,bet4,d0 LOGICAL :: renew,rel,newmu,newZ,newfc REAL(wp_), SAVE :: sfdx(1:4) = 0 REAL(wp_), SAVE :: mu_old =-1, Zeff_old =-1, fc_old =-1 !======================================================================= rel = mu < mc2_ newmu = abs(mu -mu_old ) > delta*mu newZ = abs(Zeff-Zeff_old) > delta*Zeff newfc = abs(fc -fc_old ) > delta*fc SELECT CASE(adj_appr(1)) CASE ('l','c') renew = (newmu .and. rel) .OR. newZ .OR. newfc END SELECT !--- IF (.not.renew) THEN sfd(:) = sfdx(:) RETURN ENDIF !======================================================================= tn(:) = 0 IF (adj_appr(4) == 'r') THEN IF (nre > 0) THEN !mu = min(mu,1.e3*mc2_) tn(1) = 1/mu DO n=2,min(2,nre) tn(n) = tn(n-1)/mu ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF !--- SELECT CASE(adj_appr(1)) CASE ('l','c') !---- both classical & collisionless limits ----! rtc = (1-fc)/fc; rtc1 = rtc+1 ! !--- ! DO i=0,4 ! g(i) = vp_g(i,0) ! DO n=1,min(2,nre) ! g(i) = g(i) + tn(n)*vp_g(i,n) ! ENDDO ! !--- ! DO j=0,4 ! IF (i == 0 .or. j == 0 .or. j >= i) THEN ! y = vp_mee(i,j,0) + rtc *vp_oee(i,j,0) + & ! Zeff*rtc1*vp_mei(i,j,0) ! DO n=1,min(2,nre) ! y = y + (vp_mee(i,j,n) + rtc *vp_oee(i,j,n) + & ! Zeff*rtc1*vp_mei(i,j,n))*tn(n) ! ENDDO ! m(i,j) = y ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! DO i=2,4 ! DO j=1,i-1 ! m(i,j) = m(j,i) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! m(0,0) = 0 ! CASE default !------------------------------------------------! PRINT*,'Green_Func: WARNING! Adjoint approach is not defined.' RETURN END SELECT !======================================================================= gam11 = m(1,1) gam21 = m(2,1) gam31 = m(3,1) gam41 = m(4,1) gam01 = m(0,1) ! alp12 = m(1,2)/m(1,1) alp13 = m(1,3)/m(1,1) alp14 = m(1,4)/m(1,1) alp10 = m(1,0)/m(1,1) ! gam22 = m(2,2)-gam21*alp12 gam32 = m(3,2)-gam31*alp12 gam42 = m(4,2)-gam41*alp12 gam02 = m(0,2)-gam01*alp12 ! alp23 = gam32/gam22 alp24 = gam42/gam22 alp20 = gam02/gam22 ! gam33 = m(3,3)-gam31*alp13-gam32*alp23 gam43 = m(4,3)-gam41*alp13-gam42*alp23 gam03 = m(0,3)-gam01*alp13-gam02*alp23 ! alp34 = gam43/gam33 alp30 = gam03/gam33 ! gam44 = m(4,4)-gam41*alp14-gam42*alp24-gam43*alp34 gam04 = m(0,4)-gam01*alp14-gam02*alp24-gam03*alp34 ! alp40 = gam04/gam44 ! gam00 = m(0,0)-gam01*alp10-gam02*alp20-gam03*alp30-gam04*alp40 ! bet1 = g(1)/m(1,1) bet2 = (g(2)-gam21*bet1)/gam22 bet3 = (g(3)-gam31*bet1-gam32*bet2)/gam33 bet4 = (g(4)-gam41*bet1-gam42*bet2-gam43*bet3)/gam44 bet0 = (g(0)-gam01*bet1-gam02*bet2-gam03*bet3-gam04*bet4)/gam00 ! d0 = bet0 sfd(4) = bet4-alp40*d0 sfd(3) = bet3-alp30*d0-alp34*sfd(4) sfd(2) = bet2-alp20*d0-alp24*sfd(4)-alp23*sfd(3) sfd(1) = bet1-alp10*d0-alp14*sfd(4)-alp13*sfd(3)-alp12*sfd(2) !======================================================================= fc_old = fc mu_old = mu Zeff_old = Zeff !--- sfdx(1:4) = sfd(1:4) !======================================================================= RETURN END SUBROUTINE SpitzFuncCoeff !####################################################################### !####################################################################### !####################################################################### SUBROUTINE SpitzFunc_HighSpeedLimit(Zeff,fc,u,q,gam, K,dKdu) !======================================================================= ! Calculates the "Spitzer function" in high velocity limit, relativistic ! formulation: Lin-Liu et al., Phys.Pl. (2003),v10, 4064, Eq.(33). ! ! Inputs: ! Zeff - effective charge ! fc - fraction of circulating electrons ! u - p/(m*vte) ! q - p/mc ! gam - relativ. factor ! ! Outputs: ! K - Spitzer function ! dKdu - its derivative !======================================================================= use const_and_precisions, only : zero,one use numint, only : quanc8 IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp_), INTENT(in) :: Zeff,fc,u,q,gam REAL(wp_), INTENT(out) :: K,dKdu INTEGER :: nfun REAL(8) :: gam2,err,flag,Integr REAL(8), PARAMETER :: a = 0d0, b = 1d0, rtol = 1d-4, atol = 1d-12 !======================================================================= r2 = (1+Zeff)/fc ! global parameter needed for integrand, HSL_f(t) !------------------ IF (u < 1e-2) THEN K = u**4/(r2+4) dKdu = 4*u**3/(r2+4) RETURN ENDIF !======================================================================= q2 = q*q ! for the integrand, HSL_f gp1 = gam+1 ! .. !--- CALL quanc8(HSL_f,zero,one,atol,rtol,Integr,err,nfun,flag) !======================================================================= gam2 = gam*gam !--- K = u**4 * Integr dKdu = (u/gam)**3 * (1-r2*gam2*Integr) !======================================================================= RETURN END SUBROUTINE SpitzFunc_HighSpeedLimit !####################################################################### !####################################################################### !####################################################################### FUNCTION HSL_f(t) RESULT(f) !======================================================================= ! Integrand for the high-speed limit approach (Lin-Liu's formulation) !======================================================================= IMPLICIT NONE REAL(8), INTENT(in) :: t REAL(8) :: f,g g = sqrt(1+t*t*q2) f = t**(3+r2)/g**3 * (gp1/(g+1))**r2 END FUNCTION HSL_f !####################################################################### END MODULE green_func_p !#######################################################################