module dispersion ! use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,one,im,czero,cunit,pi,sqrt_pi implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: npts=500 real(wp_), parameter :: tmax=5.0_wp_,dtex=2.0_wp_*tmax/dble(npts) ! variables real(wp_), dimension(npts+1), save :: ttv,extv ! contains ! ! subroutine colddisp(xg,yg,npl,nprf,sox) ! solution cold dispersion relation ! implicit none ! arguments ! xg = omegap^2/omega^2 ! yg = omegac/omega ! npl = N parallel to B ! nprf = N perpendicular to B (cold) ! sox = mode (-1 => O mode, +1 => X mode) real(wp_) :: xg,yg,npl,nprf,sox ! local variables real(wp_) :: yg2,npl2,dnl,del,dxg ! npl2=npl*npl dnl=one-npl2 dxg=one-xg yg2=yg*yg del=sqrt(dnl*dnl+4.0_wp_*npl2*dxg/yg2) nprf=sqrt(dxg-npl2-xg*yg2*(one+npl2+sox*del)/(dxg-yg2)/2.0_wp_) ! end subroutine colddisp ! ! ! subroutine harmnumber(yg,mu,npl,nhmin,nhmax,iwr) ! computation of minimum and maximum harmonic ! implicit none ! local constants ! expcr = maximum value for mu*(gamma-1) above which the distribution function ! is considered to be 0 ! eps = small number to have a correct rounding when ygnc/yg is an integer real(wp_), parameter :: expcr=16.0_wp_,eps=1.e-8_wp_ ! arguments ! yg = omegac/omega ! npl = parallel N ! mu = mc^2/Te ! nh = number of the armonic (min/max) ! iwr = weakly (iwr=1) or fully relativistic approximation integer :: nhmin,nhmax,iwr real(wp_) :: yg,npl,mu ! local variables integer :: nh,nhc real(wp_) :: ygc,ygn,npl2,gg,dnl,rdu2,argexp,uu2 ! nhmin=0 nhmax=0 npl2=npl**2 dnl=one-npl2 ! if(iwr.eq.1) then ygc=max(one-0.5_wp_*npl2,zero) else ygc=sqrt(max(dnl,zero)) end if nhc=int(ygc/yg) if (nhc*ygimx ',yg,errnpr,i ! if(sqrt(dble(npr2)) & abs(npr2).le.tiny(one)) then write(*,"(' X =',f7.4,' Y =',f7.4,' Nperp =',f7.4,'!')") xg,yg,sqrt(abs(npr2)) npr2=czero end if ! if(dble(npr2) then ! npr2=zero ! print*,' Y =',yg,' npr2 < 0' ! err=99 ! end if ! ! write(11,99) yg,dble(npr2),dimag(npr2),nprf**2,dble(i) ! npr=sqrt(npr2) nprr=dble(npr) npri=dimag(npr) ! ex=czero ey=czero ez=czero ! if (abs(npl).gt.1.0e-6_wp_) then den=e12*e23-(e13+npr*npl)*(e22-npr2-npl2) ey=-(e12*(e13+npr*npl)+(e11-npl2)*e23)/den ez=(e12*e12+(e22-npr2-npl2)*(e11-npl2))/den ez2=abs(ez)**2 ey2=abs(ey)**2 enx2=one/(one+ey2+ez2) ex=dcmplx(sqrt(enx2),zero) ez2=ez2*enx2 ey2=ey2*enx2 ez=ez*ex ey=ey*ex else if( then ez=cunit ez2=abs(ez)**2 else ex2=one/(one+abs(-e11/e12)**2) ex=sqrt(ex2) ey=-ex*e11/e12 ey2=abs(ey)**2 ez2=zero end if end if ! end subroutine warmdisp ! ! ! subroutine diel_tens_fr(xg,yg,mu,npl,e330,cr,ci,epsl,lrm,fast) ! Fully relativistic case computation of dielectric tensor elements ! up to third order in Larmor radius for hermitian part ! use math, only : fact implicit none ! arguments integer :: lrm,fast real(wp_) :: xg,yg,mu,npl,cr,ci complex(wp_) :: e330 complex(wp_), dimension(3,3,lrm) :: epsl ! local variables integer :: i,j,l,is,k,lm real(wp_) :: npl2,dnl,w,asl,bsl,cmxw,fal real(wp_), dimension(-lrm:lrm,0:2,0:lrm) :: rr real(wp_), dimension(lrm,0:2,lrm) :: ri complex(wp_) :: ca11,ca12,ca22,ca13,ca23,ca33,cq0p,cq0m,cq1p,cq1m,cq2p ! npl2=npl**2 dnl=one-npl2 ! cmxw=one+15.0_wp_/(8.0_wp_*mu)+105.0_wp_/(128.0_wp_*mu**2) cr=-mu*mu/(sqrt_pi*cmxw) ci=sqrt(2.0_wp_*pi*mu)*mu**2/cmxw ! do l=1,lrm do j=1,3 do i=1,3 epsl(i,j,l)=czero end do end do end do ! select case(fast) case(2:3) call hermitian(rr,yg,mu,npl,cr,fast,lrm) case(4:) call hermitian_2(rr,yg,mu,npl,cr,fast,lrm) case default write(*,*) "unexpected value for flag 'fast' in dispersion:", fast end select ! call antihermitian(ri,yg,mu,npl,ci,lrm) ! do l=1,lrm lm=l-1 fal=-0.25_wp_**l*fact(2*l)/(fact(l)**2*yg**(2*lm)) ca11=czero ca12=czero ca13=czero ca22=czero ca23=czero ca33=czero do is=0,l k=l-is w=(-one)**k ! asl=w/(fact(is+l)*fact(l-is)) bsl=asl*(is*is+dble(2*k*lm*(l+is))/(2.0_wp_*l-one)) ! if( then cq0p=rr(is,0,l)+rr(-is,0,l)+im*ri(is,0,l) cq0m=rr(is,0,l)-rr(-is,0,l)+im*ri(is,0,l) cq1p=rr(is,1,l)+rr(-is,1,l)+im*ri(is,1,l) cq1m=rr(is,1,l)-rr(-is,1,l)+im*ri(is,1,l) cq2p=rr(is,2,l)+rr(-is,2,l)+im*ri(is,2,l) else cq0p=rr(is,0,l) cq0m=rr(is,0,l) cq1p=rr(is,1,l) cq1m=rr(is,1,l) cq2p=rr(is,2,l) end if ! ca11=ca11+is**2*asl*cq0p ca12=ca12+is*l*asl*cq0m ca22=ca22+bsl*cq0p ca13=ca13+is*asl*cq1m/yg ca23=ca23+l*asl*cq1p/yg ca33=ca33+asl*cq2p/yg**2 end do epsl(1,1,l) = - xg*ca11*fal epsl(1,2,l) = + im*xg*ca12*fal epsl(2,2,l) = - xg*ca22*fal epsl(1,3,l) = - xg*ca13*fal epsl(2,3,l) = - im*xg*ca23*fal epsl(3,3,l) = - xg*ca33*fal end do ! cq2p=rr(0,2,0) e330=one+xg*cq2p ! epsl(1,1,1) = one + epsl(1,1,1) epsl(2,2,1) = one + epsl(2,2,1) ! do l=1,lrm epsl(2,1,l) = - epsl(1,2,l) epsl(3,1,l) = epsl(1,3,l) epsl(3,2,l) = - epsl(2,3,l) end do ! end subroutine diel_tens_fr ! ! ! subroutine hermitian(rr,yg,mu,npl,cr,fast,lrm) use eierf, only : calcei3 implicit none ! arguments integer :: lrm,fast real(wp_) :: yg,mu,npl,cr real(wp_), dimension(-lrm:lrm,0:2,0:lrm) :: rr ! local variables integer :: i,k,n,n1,nn,m,llm real(wp_) :: mu2,mu4,mu6,npl2,npl4,bth,bth2,bth4,bth6,t,rxt,upl2, & upl,gx,exdx,x,gr,s,zm,zm2,zm3,fe0m,ffe,sy1,sy2,sy3 ! do n=-lrm,lrm do k=0,2 do m=0,lrm rr(n,k,m)=zero end do end do end do ! llm=min(3,lrm) ! bth2=2.0_wp_/mu bth=sqrt(bth2) mu2=mu*mu mu4=mu2*mu2 mu6=mu4*mu2 ! do i = 1, npts+1 t = ttv(i) rxt=sqrt(one+t*t/(2.0_wp_*mu)) x = t*rxt upl2=bth2*x**2 upl=bth*x gx=one+t*t/mu exdx=cr*extv(i)*gx/rxt*dtex ! n1=1 if( n1=-llm ! do n=n1,llm nn=abs(n) gr=npl*upl+n*yg zm=-mu*(gx-gr) s=mu*(gx+gr) zm2=zm*zm zm3=zm2*zm call calcei3(zm,fe0m) ! do m=nn,llm if(n.eq.0.and.m.eq.0) then rr(0,2,0) = rr(0,2,0) - exdx*fe0m*upl2 else if (m.eq.1) then ffe=(one+s*(one-zm*fe0m))/mu2 else if (m.eq.2) then ffe=(6.0_wp_-2.0_wp_*zm+4.0_wp_*s+s*s*(one+zm-zm2*fe0m))/mu4 else ffe=(18.0_wp_*s*(s+4.0_wp_-zm)+6.0_wp_* & (20.0_wp_-8.0_wp_*zm+zm2)+s**3*(2.0_wp_+zm+zm2-zm3*fe0m))/mu6 end if ! rr(n,0,m) = rr(n,0,m) + exdx*ffe rr(n,1,m) = rr(n,1,m) + exdx*ffe*upl rr(n,2,m) = rr(n,2,m) + exdx*ffe*upl2 ! end if ! end do end do end do ! if( return ! sy1=one+yg sy2=one+yg*2.0_wp_ sy3=one+yg*3.0_wp_ ! bth4=bth2*bth2 bth6=bth4*bth2 ! npl2=npl*npl npl4=npl2*npl2 ! rr(0,2,0) = -(one+bth2*(-1.25_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2) & +bth4*(1.71875_wp_-6.0_wp_*npl2+3.75_wp_*npl2*npl2) & +bth6*3.0_wp_*(-65.0_wp_+456.0_wp_*npl2-660.0_wp_*npl4 & +280.0_wp_*npl2*npl4)/64.0_wp_+bth6*bth2*15.0_wp_ & *(252.853e3_wp_-2850.816e3_wp_*npl2+6942.720e3_wp_*npl4 & -6422.528e3_wp_*npl4*npl2+2064.384e3_wp_*npl4*npl4) & /524.288e3_wp_) rr(0,1,1) = -npl*bth2*(one+bth2*(-2.25_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2) & +bth4*9.375e-2_wp_*(6.1e1_wp_-9.6e1_wp_*npl2+4.e1_wp_*npl4 & +bth2*(-184.5_wp_+4.92e2_wp_*npl2-4.5e2_wp_*npl4 & +1.4e2_wp_*npl2*npl4))) rr(0,2,1) = -bth2*(one+bth2*(-0.5_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)+0.375_wp_*bth4 & *(3.0_wp_-15.0_wp_*npl2+10.0_wp_*npl4)+3.0_wp_*bth6 & *(-61.0_wp_+471.0_wp_*npl2-680*npl4+280.0_wp_*npl2*npl4) & /64.0_wp_) rr(-1,0,1) = -2.0_wp_/sy1*(one+bth2/sy1*(-1.25_wp_+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy1) & +bth4/sy1*(-0.46875_wp_+(2.1875_wp_+0.625_wp_*npl2)/sy1 & -2.625_wp_*npl2/sy1**2+0.75_wp_*npl4/sy1**3)+bth6/sy1 & *(0.234375_wp_+(1.640625_wp_+0.234375_wp_*npl2)/sy1 & +(-4.921875_wp_-4.921875_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2 & +2.25_wp_*npl2*(5.25_wp_+npl2)/sy1**3 - 8.4375_wp_*npl4/sy1**4 & +1.875_wp_*npl2*npl4/sy1**5)+bth6*bth2/sy1*(0.019826889038*sy1 & -0.06591796875_wp_+(-0.7177734375_wp_ - 0.1171875_wp_*npl2)/sy1 & +(-5.537109375_wp_ - 2.4609375_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2 & +(13.53515625_wp_ + 29.53125_wp_*npl2 + 2.8125_wp_*npl4)/sy1**3 & +(-54.140625_wp_*npl2 - 32.6953125_wp_*npl4)/sy1**4 & +(69.609375_wp_*npl4 + 9.84375_wp_*npl2*npl4)/sy1**5 & -36.09375_wp_*npl2*npl4/sy1**6 + 6.5625_wp_*npl4**2/sy1**7)) rr(-1,1,1) = -npl*bth2/sy1**2*(one+bth2*(1.25_wp_-3.5_wp_/sy1 & +1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)+bth4*9.375e-2_wp_*((5.0_wp_-7.e1_wp_/sy1 & +(126.0_wp_+48.0_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2-144.0_wp_*npl2/sy1**3 & +4.e1_wp_*npl4/sy1**4)+bth2*(-2.5_wp_-3.5e1_wp_/sy1+(3.15e2_wp_ & +6.e1_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2+(-4.62e2_wp_-5.58e2_wp_*npl2)/sy1**3 & +(9.9e2_wp_*npl2+2.1e2_wp_*npl4)/sy1**4-6.6e2_wp_*npl4/sy1**5+ & 1.4e2_wp_*npl4*npl2/sy1**6))) rr(-1,2,1) = -bth2/sy1*(one+bth2*(1.25_wp_-1.75_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2) & +bth4*3.0_wp_/32.0_wp_*(5.0_wp_-35.0_wp_/sy1 & +(42.0_wp_+48.0_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2-108.0_wp_*npl2/sy1**3 & +40.0_wp_*npl4/sy1**4+0.5_wp_*bth2*(-5.0_wp_-35.0_wp_/sy1 & +(21.e1_wp_+12.e1_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2-(231.0_wp_+837.0_wp_*npl2) & /sy1**3+12.0_wp_*npl2*(99.0_wp_+35.0_wp_*npl2)/sy1**4 & -1100.0_wp_*npl4/sy1**5 + 280.0_wp_*npl2*npl4/sy1**6))) ! if( then ! rr(0,0,2) = -4.0_wp_*bth2*(one+bth2*(-0.5_wp_+0.5_wp_*npl2)+bth4 & *(1.125_wp_-1.875_wp_*npl2+0.75_wp_*npl4)+bth6*3.0_wp_ & *(-61.0_wp_+157.0_wp_*npl2-136.0_wp_*npl4+40.0_wp_*npl2*npl4) & /64.0_wp_) rr(0,1,2) = -2.0_wp_*npl*bth4*(one+bth2*(-1.5_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)+bth4 & *(39.0_wp_-69.0_wp_*npl2+30.0_wp_*npl4)/8.0_wp_) rr(0,2,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4*(one+bth2*(0.75_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)+bth4* & (13.0_wp_-48.0_wp_*npl2 +40.0_wp_*npl4)*3.0_wp_/32.0_wp_) rr(-1,0,2) = -4.0_wp_*bth2/sy1*(one+bth2* & (1.25_wp_-1.75_wp_/sy1+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)+bth4* & (0.46875_wp_-3.28125_wp_/sy1+(3.9375_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2 & -3.375_wp_*npl2/sy1**3+0.75_wp_*npl4/sy1**4) & +bth4*bth2*3.0_wp_/64.0_wp_*(-5.0_wp_-35.0_wp_/sy1 & +(210.0_wp_+40.0_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2-3.0_wp_* & (77.0_wp_+93.0_wp_*npl2)/sy1**3+(396.0*npl2+84.0_wp_*npl4) & /sy1**4-220.0_wp_*npl4/sy1**5+40.0_wp_*npl4*npl2/sy1**6)) rr(-1,1,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4*npl/sy1**2*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-4.5_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)+bth4 & *(20.0_wp_-93.0_wp_/sy1+(99.0_wp_+42.0_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2 & -88.0_wp_*npl2/sy1**3+20.0_wp_*npl4/sy1**4)*3.0_wp_/16.0_wp_) rr(-1,2,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4/sy1*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)+bth4 & *(40.0_wp_*npl4/sy1**4-132.0_wp_*npl2/sy1**3 & +(66.0_wp_+84.0_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2-93.0_wp_/sy1+40.0_wp_) & *3.0_wp_/32.0_wp_) rr(-2,0,2) = -4.0_wp_*bth2/sy2*(one+bth2 & *(1.25_wp_-1.75_wp_/sy2+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)+bth4 & *(0.46875_wp_-3.28125_wp_/sy2+(3.9375_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2) & /sy2**2-3.375_wp_*npl2/sy2**3+0.75_wp_*npl4/sy2**4)+bth4*bth2 & *3.0_wp_/64.0_wp_*(-5.0_wp_-35.0_wp_/sy2 & +(210.0_wp_+40.0_wp_*npl2)/sy2**2-3.0_wp_ & *(77.0_wp_+93.0_wp_*npl2)/sy2**3 & +(396.0*npl2+84.0_wp_*npl4)/sy2**4-220.0_wp_*npl4/sy2**5 & +40.0_wp_*npl4*npl2/sy2**6)) rr(-2,1,2) =-2.0_wp_*bth4*npl/sy2**2*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-4.5_wp_/sy2+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)+bth4 & *(20.0_wp_-93.0_wp_/sy2+(99.0_wp_+42.0_wp_*npl2)/sy2**2 & -88.0_wp_*npl2/sy2**3+20.0_wp_*npl4/sy2**4)*3.0_wp_/16.0_wp_) rr(-2,2,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4/sy2*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy2+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)+bth4 & *(40.0_wp_*npl4/sy2**4-132.0_wp_*npl2/sy2**3 & +(66.0_wp_+84.0_wp_*npl2)/sy2**2-93.0_wp_/sy2+40.0_wp_) & *3.0_wp_/32.0_wp_) ! if( then ! rr(0,0,3) = -12.0_wp_*bth4*(one+bth2*(0.75_wp_+0.5_wp_*npl2)+bth4 & *(1.21875_wp_-1.5_wp_*npl2+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2)) rr(0,1,3) = -6.0_wp_*npl*bth6*(1+bth2*(-0.25_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)) rr(0,2,3) = -6.0_wp_*bth6*(one+bth2*(2.5_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)) rr(-1,0,3) = -12.0_wp_*bth4/sy1*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy1+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)+bth4 & *(3.75_wp_-8.71875_wp_/sy1+(6.1875_wp_+2.625_wp_*npl2) & /sy1**2-4.125_wp_*npl2/sy1**3+0.75*npl2*npl2/sy1**4)) rr(-1,1,3) = -6.0_wp_*npl*bth6/sy1**2* & (one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-5.5_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)) rr(-1,2,3) = -6.0_wp_*bth6/sy1* & (one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-2.75_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)) ! rr(-2,0,3) = -12.0_wp_*bth4/sy2 & *(one+bth2*(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy2+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2) & +bth4*(3.75_wp_-8.71875_wp_/sy2+(6.1875_wp_+2.625_wp_*npl2) & /sy2**2-4.125_wp_*npl2/sy2**3+0.75*npl2*npl2/sy2**4)) rr(-2,1,3) = -6.0_wp_*npl*bth6/sy2**2 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-5.5_wp_/sy2+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)) rr(-2,2,3) = -6.0_wp_*bth6/sy2 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-2.75_wp_/sy2+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)) ! rr(-3,0,3) = -12.0_wp_*bth4/sy3 & *(one+bth2*(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy3+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy3**2) & +bth4*(3.75_wp_-8.71875_wp_/sy3+(6.1875_wp_+2.625_wp_*npl2) & /sy3**2-4.125_wp_*npl2/sy3**3+0.75*npl2*npl2/sy3**4)) rr(-3,1,3) = -6.0_wp_*npl*bth6/sy3**2 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-5.5_wp_/sy3+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy3**2)) rr(-3,2,3) = -6.0_wp_*bth6/sy3 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-2.75_wp_/sy3+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy3**2)) ! end if end if ! end subroutine hermitian ! ! ! subroutine hermitian_2(rr,yg,mu,npl,cr,fast,lrm) use quadpack, only : dqagsmv !dqagimv implicit none ! local constants integer,parameter :: lw=5000,liw=lw/4,npar=7 real(wp_), parameter :: epsa=zero,epsr=1.0e-4_wp_ ! arguments integer :: lrm,fast real(wp_) :: yg,mu,npl,cr real(wp_), dimension(-lrm:lrm,0:2,0:lrm) :: rr ! local variables integer :: n,m,ih,k,n1,nn,llm,neval,ier,last,ihmin integer, dimension(liw) :: iw real(wp_) :: mu2,mu4,mu6,npl2,bth,bth2,bth4,bth6 real(wp_) :: sy1,sy2,sy3,resfh,epp real(wp_), dimension(lw) :: w real(wp_), dimension(npar) :: apar ! do n=-lrm,lrm do k=0,2 do m=0,lrm rr(n,k,m)=zero end do end do end do ! llm=min(3,lrm) ! bth2=2.0_wp_/mu bth=sqrt(bth2) mu2=mu*mu mu4=mu2*mu2 mu6=mu4*mu2 ! n1=1 if( n1=-llm ! apar(1) = yg apar(2) = mu apar(3) = npl apar(4) = cr ! do n=n1,llm nn=abs(n) apar(5) = real(n,wp_) do m=nn,llm apar(6) = real(m,wp_) ihmin=0 if(n.eq.0.and.m.eq.0) ihmin=2 do ih=ihmin,2 apar(7) = real(ih,wp_) ! call dqagimv(fhermit,bound,2,apar,npar,epsa,epsr,resfh, call dqagsmv(fhermit,-tmax,tmax,apar,npar,epsa,epsr,resfh, & epp,neval,ier,liw,lw,last,iw,w) rr(n,ih,m) = resfh end do end do end do if( return ! sy1=one+yg sy2=one+yg*2.0_wp_ sy3=one+yg*3.0_wp_ ! bth4=bth2*bth2 bth6=bth4*bth2 ! npl2=npl*npl ! rr(0,2,0) = -(one+bth2*(-1.25_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2) & +bth4*(1.71875_wp_-6.0_wp_*npl2+3.75_wp_*npl2*npl2)) rr(0,1,1) = -npl*bth2*(one+bth2*(-2.25_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)) rr(0,2,1) = -bth2*(one+bth2*(-0.5_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)) rr(-1,0,1) = -2.0_wp_/sy1*(one+bth2/sy1*(-1.25_wp_+0.5_wp_*npl2 & /sy1)+bth4/sy1*(-0.46875_wp_+(2.1875_wp_+0.625_wp_*npl2) & /sy1-2.625_wp_*npl2/sy1**2+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2/sy1**3)) rr(-1,1,1) = -npl*bth2/sy1**2*(one+bth2*(1.25_wp_-3.5_wp_/sy1 & +1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)) rr(-1,2,1) = -bth2/sy1*(one+bth2*(1.25_wp_-1.75_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_ & *npl2/sy1**2)) ! if( then ! rr(0,0,2) = -4.0_wp_*bth2*(one+bth2*(-0.5_wp_+0.5_wp_*npl2) & +bth4*(1.125_wp_-1.875_wp_*npl2+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2)) rr(0,1,2) = -2.0_wp_*npl*bth4*(one+bth2*(-1.5_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)) rr(0,2,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4*(one+bth2*(0.75_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)) rr(-1,0,2) = -4.0_wp_*bth2/sy1*(one+bth2 & *(1.25_wp_-1.75_wp_/sy1+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)+bth4 & *(0.46875_wp_-3.28125_wp_/sy1+(3.9375_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2) & /sy1**2-3.375_wp_*npl2/sy1**3+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2/sy1**4)) rr(-1,1,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4*npl/sy1**2*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-4.5_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)) rr(-1,2,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4/sy1*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)) rr(-2,0,2) = -4.0_wp_*bth2/sy2*(one+bth2 & *(1.25_wp_-1.75_wp_/sy2+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)+bth4 & *(0.46875_wp_-3.28125_wp_/sy2+(3.9375_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2) & /sy2**2-3.375_wp_*npl2/sy2**3+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2/sy2**4)) rr(-2,1,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4*npl/sy2**2*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-4.5_wp_/sy2+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)) rr(-2,2,2) = -2.0_wp_*bth4/sy2*(one+bth2 & *(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy2+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)) ! if( then ! rr(0,0,3) = -12.0_wp_*bth4*(1+bth2*(0.75_wp_+0.5_wp_*npl2)+bth4 & *(1.21875_wp_-1.5_wp_*npl2+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2)) rr(0,1,3) = -6.0_wp_*npl*bth6*(1+bth2*(-0.25_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)) rr(0,2,3) = -6.0_wp_*bth6*(1+bth2*(2.5_wp_+1.5_wp_*npl2)) rr(-1,0,3) = -12.0_wp_*bth4/sy1 & *(one+bth2*(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy1+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2) & +bth4*(3.75_wp_-8.71875_wp_/sy1 & +(6.1875_wp_+2.625_wp_*npl2)/sy1**2 & -4.125_wp_*npl2/sy1**3+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2/sy1**4)) rr(-1,1,3) = -6.0_wp_*npl*bth6/sy1**2 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-5.5_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)) rr(-1,2,3) = -6.0_wp_*bth6/sy1 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-2.75_wp_/sy1+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy1**2)) ! rr(-2,0,3) = -12.0_wp_*bth4/sy2 & *(one+bth2*(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy2+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2) & +bth4*(3.75_wp_-8.71875_wp_/sy2 & +(6.1875_wp_+2.625_wp_*npl2)/sy2**2 & -4.125_wp_*npl2/sy2**3+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2/sy2**4)) rr(-2,1,3) = -6.0_wp_*npl*bth6/sy2**2 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-5.5_wp_/sy2+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)) rr(-2,2,3) = -6.0_wp_*bth6/sy2 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-2.75_wp_/sy2+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy2**2)) ! rr(-3,0,3) = -12.0_wp_*bth4/sy3 & *(one+bth2*(3.0_wp_-2.25_wp_/sy3+0.5_wp_*npl2/sy3**2) & +bth4*(3.75_wp_-8.71875_wp_/sy3 & +(6.1875_wp_+2.625_wp_*npl2)/sy3**2 & -4.125_wp_*npl2/sy3**3+0.75_wp_*npl2*npl2/sy3**4)) rr(-3,1,3) = -6.0_wp_*npl*bth6/sy3**2 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-5.5_wp_/sy3+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy3**2)) rr(-3,2,3) = -6.0_wp_*bth6/sy3 & *(one+bth2*(5.25_wp_-2.75_wp_/sy3+1.5_wp_*npl2/sy3**2)) ! end if end if ! end subroutine hermitian_2 ! ! ! function fhermit(t,apar,npar) use eierf, only : calcei3 implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: npar real(wp_), intent(in) :: t real(wp_), dimension(npar), intent(in) :: apar ! local variables integer :: n,m,ih real(wp_) :: yg,mu,npl,cr,mu2,mu4,mu6,bth,bth2,rxt,x,upl2, & upl,gx,exdxdt,gr,zm,s,zm2,zm3,fe0m,ffe,uplh ! external functions/subroutines real(wp_) :: fhermit ! yg = apar(1) mu = apar(2) npl = apar(3) cr = apar(4) n = int(apar(5)) m = int(apar(6)) ih = int(apar(7)) ! bth2=2.0_wp_/mu bth=sqrt(bth2) mu2=mu*mu mu4=mu2*mu2 mu6=mu4*mu2 ! rxt=sqrt(one+t*t/(2.0_wp_*mu)) x = t*rxt upl2=bth2*x**2 upl=bth*x gx=one+t*t/mu exdxdt=cr*exp(-t*t)*gx/rxt gr=npl*upl+n*yg zm=-mu*(gx-gr) s=mu*(gx+gr) zm2=zm*zm zm3=zm2*zm call calcei3(zm,fe0m) ffe=zero uplh=upl**ih if(n.eq.0.and.m.eq.0) ffe=exdxdt*fe0m*upl2 if(m.eq.1) ffe=(one+s*(one-zm*fe0m))*uplh/mu2 if(m.eq.2) ffe=(6.0_wp_-2.0_wp_*zm+4.0_wp_*s+s*s*(one+zm-zm2*fe0m))*uplh/mu4 if(m.eq.3) ffe=(18.0_wp_*s*(s+4.0_wp_-zm)+6.0_wp_*(20.0_wp_-8.0_wp_*zm+zm2) & +s**3*(2.0_wp_+zm+zm2-zm3*fe0m))*uplh/mu6 fhermit= exdxdt*ffe ! end function fhermit ! ! ! subroutine antihermitian(ri,yg,mu,npl,ci,lrm) use math, only : fact implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: lmx=20,nmx=lmx+2 ! arguments integer :: lrm real(wp_) :: yg,mu,npl,ci real(wp_) :: ri(lrm,0:2,lrm) ! local variables integer :: n,k,m,mm real(wp_) :: cmu,npl2,dnl,ygn,rdu2,rdu,du,ub,aa,up,um,gp,gm,xp,xm, & eep,eem,ee,cm,cim,fi0p0,fi1p0,fi2p0,fi0m0,fi1m0,fi2m0, & fi0p1,fi1p1,fi2p1,fi0m1,fi1m1,fi2m1,fi0m,fi1m,fi2m real(wp_), dimension(nmx) :: fsbi ! do n=1,lrm do k=0,2 do m=1,lrm ri(n,k,m)=zero end do end do end do ! npl2=npl*npl dnl=one-npl2 cmu=npl*mu ! do n=1,lrm ygn=n*yg rdu2=ygn**2-dnl if( then rdu=sqrt(rdu2) du=rdu/dnl ub=npl*ygn/dnl aa=mu*npl*du if (abs(aa).gt.5.0_wp_) then up=ub+du um=ub-du gp=npl*up+ygn gm=npl*um+ygn xp=up+one/cmu xm=um+one/cmu eem=exp(-mu*(gm-one)) eep=exp(-mu*(gp-one)) fi0p0=-one/cmu fi1p0=-xp/cmu fi2p0=-(one/cmu**2+xp*xp)/cmu fi0m0=-one/cmu fi1m0=-xm/cmu fi2m0=-(one/cmu**2+xm*xm)/cmu do m=1,lrm fi0p1=-2.0_wp_*m*(fi1p0-ub*fi0p0)/cmu fi0m1=-2.0_wp_*m*(fi1m0-ub*fi0m0)/cmu fi1p1=-((one+2.0_wp_*m)*fi2p0-2.0_wp_*(m+one)*ub*fi1p0 & +up*um*fi0p0)/cmu fi1m1=-((one+2.0_wp_*m)*fi2m0-2.0_wp_*(m+one)*ub*fi1m0 & +up*um*fi0m0)/cmu fi2p1=(2.0_wp_*(one+m)*fi1p1-2.0_wp_*m* & (ub*fi2p0-up*um*fi1p0))/cmu fi2m1=(2.0_wp_*(one+m)*fi1m1-2.0_wp_*m* & (ub*fi2m0-up*um*fi1m0))/cmu if( then ri(n,0,m)=0.5_wp_*ci*dnl**m*(fi0p1*eep-fi0m1*eem) ri(n,1,m)=0.5_wp_*ci*dnl**m*(fi1p1*eep-fi1m1*eem) ri(n,2,m)=0.5_wp_*ci*dnl**m*(fi2p1*eep-fi2m1*eem) end if fi0p0=fi0p1 fi1p0=fi1p1 fi2p0=fi2p1 fi0m0=fi0m1 fi1m0=fi1m1 fi2m0=fi2m1 end do else ee=exp(-mu*(ygn-one+npl*ub)) call ssbi(aa,n,lrm,fsbi) do m=n,lrm cm=sqrt_pi*fact(m)*du**(2*m+1) cim=0.5_wp_*ci*dnl**m mm=m-n+1 fi0m=cm*fsbi(mm) fi1m=-0.5_wp_*aa*cm*fsbi(mm+1) fi2m=0.5_wp_*cm*(fsbi(mm+1)+0.5_wp_*aa*aa*fsbi(mm+2)) ri(n,0,m)=cim*ee*fi0m ri(n,1,m)=cim*ee*(du*fi1m+ub*fi0m) ri(n,2,m)=cim*ee*(du*du*fi2m+2.0_wp_*du*ub*fi1m+ub*ub*fi0m) end do end if end if end do ! end subroutine antihermitian ! ! ! subroutine ssbi(zz,n,l,fsbi) use math, only : gamm implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: lmx=20,nmx=lmx+2 real(wp_), parameter :: eps=1.0e-10_wp_ ! arguments integer :: n,l real(wp_) :: zz real(wp_), dimension(nmx) :: fsbi ! local variables integer :: k,m,mm real(wp_) :: c0,c1,sbi ! do m=n,l+2 c0=one/gamm(dble(m)+1.5_wp_) sbi=c0 do k=1,50 c1=c0*0.25_wp_*zz**2/(dble(m+k)+0.5_wp_)/dble(k) sbi=sbi+c1 if(c1/ exit c0=c1 end do mm=m-n+1 fsbi(mm)=sbi end do ! end subroutine ssbi ! ! ! subroutine expinit implicit none ! local variables integer :: i ! do i = 1, npts+1 ttv(i) = -tmax+dble(i-1)*dtex extv(i)=exp(-ttv(i)*ttv(i)) end do ! end subroutine expinit ! ! ! subroutine diel_tens_wr(xg,yg,mu,npl,e330,epsl,lrm) ! Weakly relativistic dielectric tensor computation of dielectric ! tensor elements (Krivenki and Orefice, JPP 30,125 - 1983) ! use math, only : fact implicit none ! arguments integer :: lrm real(wp_) :: xg,yg,npl,mu complex(wp_) :: e330,epsl(3,3,lrm) ! local variables integer :: l,lm,is,k real(wp_) :: npl2,fcl,w,asl,bsl complex(wp_) :: ca11,ca12,ca13,ca22,ca23,ca33,cq0p,cq0m,cq1p,cq1m,cq2p complex(wp_), dimension(0:lrm,0:2) :: cefp,cefm ! npl2=npl*npl ! call fsup(cefp,cefm,lrm,yg,npl,mu) ! do l=1,lrm lm=l-1 fcl=0.5_wp_**l*((one/yg)**2/mu)**lm*fact(2*l)/fact(l) ca11=czero ca12=czero ca13=czero ca22=czero ca23=czero ca33=czero do is=0,l k=l-is w=(-one)**k ! asl=w/(fact(is+l)*fact(l-is)) bsl=asl*(is*is+dble(2*k*lm*(l+is))/(2.0_wp_*l-one)) ! cq0p=mu*cefp(is,0) cq0m=mu*cefm(is,0) cq1p=mu*npl*(cefp(is,0)-cefp(is,1)) cq1m=mu*npl*(cefm(is,0)-cefm(is,1)) cq2p=cefp(is,1)+mu*npl2*(cefp(is,2)+cefp(is,0)-2.0_wp_*cefp(is,1)) ! ca11=ca11+is**2*asl*cq0p ca12=ca12+is*l*asl*cq0m ca22=ca22+bsl*cq0p ca13=ca13+is*asl*cq1m/yg ca23=ca23+l*asl*cq1p/yg ca33=ca33+asl*cq2p/yg**2 end do epsl(1,1,l) = -xg*ca11*fcl epsl(1,2,l) = +im*xg*ca12*fcl epsl(2,2,l) = -xg*ca22*fcl epsl(1,3,l) = -xg*ca13*fcl epsl(2,3,l) = -im*xg*ca23*fcl epsl(3,3,l) = -xg*ca33*fcl end do ! cq2p=cefp(0,1)+mu*npl2*(cefp(0,2)+cefp(0,0)-2.0_wp_*cefp(0,1)) e330=one-xg*mu*cq2p ! epsl(1,1,1) = one + epsl(1,1,1) epsl(2,2,1) = one + epsl(2,2,1) ! do l=1,lrm epsl(2,1,l) = - epsl(1,2,l) epsl(3,1,l) = epsl(1,3,l) epsl(3,2,l) = - epsl(2,3,l) end do ! end subroutine diel_tens_wr ! ! ! subroutine fsup(cefp,cefm,lrm,yg,npl,mu) implicit none ! local constants real(wp_), parameter :: apsicr=0.7_wp_ ! arguments integer :: lrm real(wp_) :: yg,npl,mu complex(wp_), dimension(0:lrm,0:2) :: cefp,cefm ! local variables integer :: is,l,iq,ir,iflag real(wp_) :: psi,apsi,alpha,phi2,phim,xp,yp,xm,ym,x0,y0, & zrp,zip,zrm,zim,zr0,zi0 complex(wp_) :: czp,czm,cf12,cf32,cphi,cz0,cdz0,cf0,cf1,cf2 ! psi=sqrt(0.5_wp_*mu)*npl apsi=abs(psi) ! do is=0,lrm alpha=npl*npl/2.0_wp_+is*yg-one phi2=mu*alpha phim=sqrt(abs(phi2)) if ( then xp=psi-phim yp=zero xm=-psi-phim ym=zero x0=-phim y0=zero else xp=psi yp=phim xm=-psi ym=phim x0=zero y0=phim end if call zetac (xp,yp,zrp,zip,iflag) call zetac (xm,ym,zrm,zim,iflag) ! czp=dcmplx(zrp,zip) czm=dcmplx(zrm,zim) cf12=czero if ( then if ( cf12=-(czp+czm)/(2.0_wp_*phim) else cf12=-im*(czp+czm)/(2.0_wp_*phim) end if ! if( then cf32=-(czp-czm)/(2.0_wp_*psi) else cphi=phim if( cphi=-im*phim call zetac (x0,y0,zr0,zi0,iflag) cz0=dcmplx(zr0,zi0) cdz0=2.0_wp_*(one-cphi*cz0) cf32=cdz0 end if ! cf0=cf12 cf1=cf32 cefp(is,0)=cf32 cefm(is,0)=cf32 do l=1,is+2 iq=l-1 if( then cf2=(one+phi2*cf0-(iq+0.5_wp_)*cf1)/psi**2 else cf2=(one+phi2*cf1)/dble(iq+1.5_wp_) end if ir=l-is if( then cefp(is,ir)=cf2 cefm(is,ir)=cf2 end if cf0=cf1 cf1=cf2 end do ! if( then ! alpha=npl*npl/2.0_wp_-is*yg-one phi2=mu*alpha phim=sqrt(abs(phi2)) if ( then xp=psi-phim yp=zero xm=-psi-phim ym=zero x0=-phim y0=zero else xp=psi yp=phim xm=-psi ym=phim x0=zero y0=phim end if call zetac (xp,yp,zrp,zip,iflag) call zetac (xm,ym,zrm,zim,iflag) ! czp=dcmplx(zrp,zip) czm=dcmplx(zrm,zim) ! cf12=czero if ( then if ( cf12=-(czp+czm)/(2.0_wp_*phim) else cf12=-im*(czp+czm)/(2.0_wp_*phim) end if if( then cf32=-(czp-czm)/(2.0_wp_*psi) else cphi=phim if( cphi=-im*phim call zetac (x0,y0,zr0,zi0,iflag) cz0=dcmplx(zr0,zi0) cdz0=2.0_wp_*(one-cphi*cz0) cf32=cdz0 end if ! cf0=cf12 cf1=cf32 do l=1,is+2 iq=l-1 if( then cf2=(one+phi2*cf0-(iq+0.5_wp_)*cf1)/psi**2 else cf2=(one+phi2*cf1)/dble(iq+1.5_wp_) end if ir=l-is if( then cefp(is,ir)=cefp(is,ir)+cf2 cefm(is,ir)=cefm(is,ir)-cf2 end if cf0=cf1 cf1=cf2 end do ! end if ! end do ! end subroutine fsup ! ! PLASMA DISPERSION FUNCTION Z of complex argument ! Z(z) = i sqrt(pi) w(z) ! Function w(z) from: ! algorithm 680, collected algorithms from acm. ! this work published in transactions on mathematical software, ! vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 47. ! subroutine zetac (xi, yi, zr, zi, iflag) ! ! given a complex number z = (xi,yi), this subroutine computes ! the value of the faddeeva-function w(z) = exp(-z**2)*erfc(-i*z), ! where erfc is the complex complementary error-function and i ! means sqrt(-1). ! the accuracy of the algorithm for z in the 1st and 2nd quadrant ! is 14 significant digits; in the 3rd and 4th it is 13 significant ! digits outside a circular region with radius 0.126 around a zero ! of the function. ! all real variables in the program are real(8). ! ! ! the code contains a few compiler-dependent parameters : ! rmaxreal = the maximum value of rmaxreal equals the root of ! rmax = the largest number which can still be ! implemented on the computer in real(8) ! floating-point arithmetic ! rmaxexp = ln(rmax) - ln(2) ! rmaxgoni = the largest possible argument of a real(8) ! goniometric function (cos, sin, ...) ! the reason why these parameters are needed as they are defined will ! be explained in the code by means of comments ! ! ! parameter list ! xi = real part of z ! yi = imaginary part of z ! u = real part of w(z) ! v = imaginary part of w(z) ! iflag = an error flag indicating whether overflow will ! occur or not; type integer; ! the values of this variable have the following ! meaning : ! iflag=0 : no error condition ! iflag=1 : overflow will occur, the routine ! becomes inactive ! xi, yi are the input-parameters ! u, v, iflag are the output-parameters ! ! furthermore the parameter factor equals 2/sqrt(pi) ! ! the routine is not underflow-protected but any variable can be ! put to 0 upon underflow; ! ! reference - gpm poppe, cmj wijers; more efficient computation of ! the complex error-function, acm trans. math. software. ! implicit none real(wp_), intent(in) :: xi, yi real(wp_), intent(out) :: zr, zi integer, intent(out) :: iflag real(wp_) :: xabs,yabs,x,y,qrho,xabsq,xquad,yquad,xsum,ysum,xaux,daux, & u,u1,u2,v,v1,v2,h,h2,qlambda,c,rx,ry,sx,sy,tx,ty,w1 integer :: i,j,n,nu,kapn,np1 real(wp_), parameter :: factor = 1.12837916709551257388_wp_, & rpi = 2.0_wp_/factor, & rmaxreal = 0.5e+154_wp_, & rmaxexp = 708.503061461606_wp_, & rmaxgoni = 3.53711887601422e+15_wp_ iflag=0 xabs = abs(xi) yabs = abs(yi) x = xabs/6.3_wp_ y = yabs/4.4_wp_ ! ! the following if-statement protects ! qrho = (x**2 + y**2) against overflow ! if ((xabs>rmaxreal).or.(yabs>rmaxreal)) then iflag=1 return end if qrho = x**2 + y**2 xabsq = xabs**2 xquad = xabsq - yabs**2 yquad = 2*xabs*yabs if (qrho<0.085264_wp_) then ! ! if (qrho<0.085264_wp_) then the faddeeva-function is evaluated ! using a power-series (abramowitz/stegun, equation (7.1.5), p.297) ! n is the minimum number of terms needed to obtain the required ! accuracy ! qrho = (1-0.85_wp_*y)*sqrt(qrho) n = idnint(6 + 72*qrho) j = 2*n+1 xsum = 1.0_wp_/j ysum = 0.0_wp_ do i=n, 1, -1 j = j - 2 xaux = (xsum*xquad - ysum*yquad)/i ysum = (xsum*yquad + ysum*xquad)/i xsum = xaux + 1.0_wp_/j end do u1 = -factor*(xsum*yabs + ysum*xabs) + 1.0_wp_ v1 = factor*(xsum*xabs - ysum*yabs) daux = exp(-xquad) u2 = daux*cos(yquad) v2 = -daux*sin(yquad) u = u1*u2 - v1*v2 v = u1*v2 + v1*u2 else ! ! if (qrho>1.o) then w(z) is evaluated using the laplace ! continued fraction ! nu is the minimum number of terms needed to obtain the required ! accuracy ! ! if ((qrho>0.085264_wp_).and.(qrho<1.0)) then w(z) is evaluated ! by a truncated taylor expansion, where the laplace continued fraction ! is used to calculate the derivatives of w(z) ! kapn is the minimum number of terms in the taylor expansion needed ! to obtain the required accuracy ! nu is the minimum number of terms of the continued fraction needed ! to calculate the derivatives with the required accuracy ! if (qrho>1.0_wp_) then h = 0.0_wp_ kapn = 0 qrho = sqrt(qrho) nu = idint(3 + (1442/(26*qrho+77))) else qrho = (1-y)*sqrt(1-qrho) h = 1.88_wp_*qrho h2 = 2*h kapn = idnint(7 + 34*qrho) nu = idnint(16 + 26*qrho) endif if (h>0.0_wp_) qlambda = h2**kapn rx = 0.0_wp_ ry = 0.0_wp_ sx = 0.0_wp_ sy = 0.0_wp_ do n=nu, 0, -1 np1 = n + 1 tx = yabs + h + np1*rx ty = xabs - np1*ry c = 0.5_wp_/(tx**2 + ty**2) rx = c*tx ry = c*ty if ((h>0.0_wp_).and.(n<=kapn)) then tx = qlambda + sx sx = rx*tx - ry*sy sy = ry*tx + rx*sy qlambda = qlambda/h2 endif end do if (h==0.0_wp_) then u = factor*rx v = factor*ry else u = factor*sx v = factor*sy end if if (yabs==0.0_wp_) u = exp(-xabs**2) end if ! ! evaluation of w(z) in the other quadrants ! if (yi<0.0_wp_) then if (qrho<0.085264_wp_) then u2 = 2*u2 v2 = 2*v2 else xquad = -xquad ! ! the following if-statement protects 2*exp(-z**2) ! against overflow ! if ((yquad>rmaxgoni).or. (xquad>rmaxexp)) then iflag=1 return end if w1 = 2.0_wp_*exp(xquad) u2 = w1*cos(yquad) v2 = -w1*sin(yquad) end if u = u2 - u v = v2 - v if (xi>0.0_wp_) v = -v else if (xi<0.0_wp_) v = -v end if zr = -v*rpi zi = u*rpi end subroutine zetac ! end module dispersion