--- title: PROFILES.TXT section: 5 --- # NAME profiles.txt --- Kinetic plasma profiles data for **gray**(1) # FORMAT The plasma profiles can be specified in two ways: either as the free parameters of a simple analytical model, or as numerical data in a tabular format. ## analytical profiles The format for the analytical profiles is as follows: n₀ a b ! comment T₀ T₁ c d Z_eff The first line contains the parameters for the electron density as a function of the normalised poloidal flux *n(ψ)*, which in units of 10¹⁹ m⁻³ is given as: n(ψ) = n₀(1 - ψ^a)^b Similarly, the second line contains the parameters for the electron temperature *T(ψ)*, which is defined in units of keV as: T(ψ) = (T₀ - T₁)(1 - ψ^c)^d + T₁ The last lines contains the (constant) value of the effective charge. ## numerical profiles The format for the numerical consists of a table with the following columns: *radial coordinate*, *temperature*, *density*, *effective charge*. The first line is a header specifying the number of table rows and subsequent lines contains the whitespace-separated records, one row per line: nrows ! comment ρ₁ T₁ n₁ Z₁ ρ₂ T₂ n₂ Z₂ ... # EXAMPLES 1. A valid analytical profiles.txt file 10 0.3 3 ! n₀, a, b 14 0 2 8 ! T₀, T₁, c, d 1.0 ! Z_eff 2. A valid numerical profiles.txt file 100 ! ρ_t T_e n_e Z_eff 0.005025 17.9399 24.1717 1.64001 0.095477 17.4336 23.7527 1.56178 0.175879 16.9632 23.2699 1.65915 0.246231 13.7457 22.9230 1.72905 0.306533 10.4874 22.6312 1.76446 0.457286 6.59895 21.7133 1.74971 0.577889 4.74975 19.5653 1.60959 # SEE ALSO **gray**(1)