module graycore use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none contains subroutine gray_main(rv,zv,psin,psia,psinr,fpol,qpsi,rvac,rax,zax,rbnd,zbnd, & eqp,psrad,terad,derad,zfc,prfp, rlim,zlim, & p0,fghz,alpha0,beta0,xv0,w1,w2,ri1,ri2,phiw,phir,iox0, & psipol0,chipol0, dpdv,jcd,pabs,icd, outp,rtrp,hcdp,ierr, rhout) use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one, degree use coreprofiles, only : set_prfan, set_prfspl, temp, fzeff, unset_prfspl use dispersion, only : expinit use gray_params, only : eqparam_type, prfparam_type, outparam_type, & rtrparam_type, hcdparam_type, antctrl_type, set_codepar, print_params, & iequil, iprof, iwarm, ipec, istpr0, igrad, headw, headl use beams, only : read_beam0, read_beam1, launchangles2n, xgygcoeff use beamdata, only : pweight, rayi2jk use equilibrium, only : set_equian, set_eqspl, setqphi_num, set_rhospl, & zbinf, zbsup, unset_eqspl, unset_rhospl, unset_q use errcodes, only : check_err, print_errn, print_errhcd use magsurf_data, only : flux_average, dealloc_surfvec use beamdata, only : init_btr, dealloc_beam, nray, nstep, dst use pec, only : pec_init, spec, postproc_profiles, dealloc_pec, & rhop_tab, rhot_tab use limiter, only : set_lim, unset_lim use utils, only : vmaxmin implicit none ! arguments type(eqparam_type), intent(in) :: eqp type(prfparam_type), intent(in) :: prfp type(outparam_type), intent(in) :: outp type(rtrparam_type), intent(in) :: rtrp type(hcdparam_type), intent(in) :: hcdp real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: psrad, terad, derad, zfc real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rv, zv, psinr, fpol, qpsi real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rbnd, zbnd, rlim, zlim real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: psin real(wp_), intent(in) :: psia, rvac, rax, zax integer, intent(in) :: iox0 real(wp_), intent(in) :: p0, fghz, psipol0, chipol0 real(wp_), intent(in) :: alpha0,beta0, w1,w2, ri1,ri2, phiw,phir real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv0 real(wp_), intent(out) :: pabs,icd real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: dpdv,jcd real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: rhout integer, intent(out) :: ierr ! local variables real(wp_), parameter :: taucr = 12._wp_ real(wp_) :: sox,ak0,bres,xgcn,xg,yg,zzm,alpha,didp,anpl,anpr,anprim,anprre real(wp_) :: chipol,psipol,btot,psinv,dens,tekev,dersdst,derdnm,st,st0 real(wp_) :: tau,pow,dids,ddr,ddi,taumn,taumx real(wp_) :: rhotpav,drhotpav,rhotjava,drhotjava,dpdvp,jphip real(wp_) :: rhotp,drhotp,rhotj,drhotj,dpdvmx,jphimx,ratjamx,ratjbmx real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xv,anv0,anv,bv,derxg real(wp_), dimension(:,:), pointer :: yw=>null(),ypw=>null(),gri=>null() real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: xc=>null(),du1=>null(),ggri=>null() integer :: i,jk,iox,nharm,nhf,nnd,iokhawa,istop,ierrn,ierrhcd,index_rt=1 logical :: ins_pl, somein, allout real(wp_), dimension(:,:), pointer :: psjki=>null(),ppabs=>null(),ccci=>null() real(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: tau0=>null(),alphaabs0=>null(),dids0=>null(), & ccci0=>null() real(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: p0jk=>null() complex(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: ext=>null(), eyt=>null() integer, dimension(:), pointer :: iiv=>null() real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: jphi,pins,currins ! parameters log in file headers character(len=headw), dimension(headl) :: strheader type(antctrl_type) :: antp real(wp_) :: rwall ! ======= set environment BEGIN ====== call set_codepar(eqp,prfp,outp,rtrp,hcdp) call set_lim(rlim,zlim) if(iequil<2) then call set_equian(rv(1),zv(1),rv(2), fpol(1)/rv(1), qpsi(1),qpsi(2),qpsi(3)) else call set_eqspl(rv,zv,psin, psia, psinr,fpol, qpsi, eqp%ssplps,eqp%ssplf, & rvac, rax,zax, rbnd,zbnd, eqp%ixp) ! qpsi used for rho_pol/rho_tor mapping (initializes fq,frhotor,frhopol) end if ! compute flux surface averaged quantities call flux_average ! requires frhotor for dadrhot,dvdrhot if(iprof==0) then call set_prfan(terad,derad,zfc) else call set_prfspl(psrad, terad, derad, zfc, prfp%sspld, prfp%psnbnd) end if call xgygcoeff(fghz,ak0,bres,xgcn) call launchangles2n(alpha0,beta0,xv0,anv0) call init_btr(rtrp,yw,ypw,xc,du1,gri,ggri,psjki,ppabs,ccci, & tau0,alphaabs0,dids0,ccci0,p0jk,ext,eyt,iiv) if(iwarm > 1) call expinit ! ======= set environment END ====== ! ======= pre-proc prints BEGIN ====== antp%alpha=alpha0 antp%beta=beta0 antp%power=p0 antp%psi=psipol0 antp%chi=chipol0 antp%iox=iox0 !!!!! missing values antp%ibeam=0 antp%filenm='' rwall=0._wp_ call print_params(rtrp,hcdp,antp,eqp,rwall,prfp,outp,strheader) call print_headers(strheader) ! print psi surface for q=1.5 and q=2 on file and psi,rhot,rhop on stdout call print_surfq((/1.5_wp_,2.0_wp_/)) ! print print*,' ' print'(a,2f8.3)','alpha0, beta0 = ',alpha0,beta0 print'(a,4f8.3)','x00, y00, z00 = ',xv0 ! print Btot=Bres ! print ne, Te, q, Jphi versus psi, rhop, rhot call print_bres(bres) call print_prof call print_maps(bres,xgcn,0.01_wp_*sqrt(xv0(1)**2+xv0(2)**2), & sin(beta0*degree)) ! ======= pre-proc prints END ====== ! ======= main loop BEGIN ====== iox=iox0 sox=-1.0_wp_ if(iox==2) sox=1.0_wp_ call vectinit(psjki,ppabs,ccci,tau0,alphaabs0,dids0,ccci0,iiv) call ic_gb(xv0,anv0,ak0,w1,w2,ri1,ri2,phiw,phir,yw,ypw,xc,du1,gri,ggri) psipol=psipol0 chipol=chipol0 call set_pol(yw,bres,sox,psipol,chipol,ext,eyt) call pweight(p0,p0jk) st0 = zero if(nray>1) call print_projxyzt(st0,yw,0) ! iproj=0 ==> nfilp=8 somein = .false. ! becomes true if at least part of the beam enters the plasma ! beam/ray propagation do i=1,nstep ! advance one step with "frozen" grad(S_I) st=i*dst+st0 do jk=1,nray call rkstep(sox,bres,xgcn,yw(:,jk),ypw(:,jk),gri(:,jk),ggri(:,:,jk)) end do ! update position and grad if(igrad == 1) call gradi_upd(yw,ak0,xc,du1,gri,ggri) allout = .true. ! becomes false if at least part of the beam is inside the plsama ierr = 0 istop = 0 do jk=1,nray ! compute derivatives with updated gradient and local plasma values xv = yw(1:3,jk) anv = yw(4:6,jk) call ywppla_upd(xv,anv,gri(:,jk),ggri(:,:,jk),sox,bres,xgcn,ypw(:,jk), & psinv,dens,btot,bv,xg,yg,derxg,anpl,anpr,ddr,ddi,dersdst,derdnm,ierrn) ! update global error code and print message if (ierrn/=0) then ierr = ior(ierr,ierrn) call print_errn(ierrn,i,anpl) end if zzm = xv(3)*0.01_wp_ ins_pl = (psinv>=zero .and. psinv=zbinf .and. zzm<=zbsup) ! test if the beam is completely out of the plsama allout = allout .and. .not.ins_pl ! test if at least part of the beam has entered the plsama somein = somein .or. ins_pl ! compute ECRH&CD if(ierrn==0 .and. iwarm>0 .and. ins_pl .and. tau0(jk)<=taucr) then tekev=temp(psinv) call alpha_effj(psinv,xg,yg,dens,tekev,ak0,bres,derdnm,anpl,anpr, & sox,anprre,anprim,alpha,didp,nharm,nhf,iokhawa,ierrhcd) if (ierrhcd/=0) then ierr = ior(ierr,ierrhcd) call print_errhcd(ierrhcd,i,anprre,anprim,alpha) end if else tekev=zero alpha=zero didp=zero anprim=zero anprre=anpr nharm=0 nhf=0 iokhawa=0 end if if(nharm>0) iiv(jk)=i psjki(jk,i) = psinv ! computation of optical depth tau, dP/ds, P(s), dI/ds, I(s) tau=tau0(jk)+0.5_wp_*(alphaabs0(jk)+alpha)*dersdst*dst pow=p0jk(jk)*exp(-tau) !*exp(-tau1v(jk)) ppabs(jk,i)=p0jk(jk)-pow dids=didp*pow*alpha ccci(jk,i)=ccci0(jk)+0.5_wp_*(dids0(jk)+dids)*dersdst*dst tau0(jk)=tau alphaabs0(jk)=alpha dids0(jk)=dids ccci0(jk)=ccci(jk,i) call print_output(i,jk,st,p0jk(jk)/p0,xv,psinv,btot,bv,ak0,anpl,anpr, & anv,anprim,dens,tekev,alpha,tau,dids,nharm,nhf,iokhawa,index_rt,ddr,ddi,xg,yg,derxg) end do ! print ray positions for j=nrayr in local reference system if (mod(i,istpr0) == 0) then if(nray > 1) call print_projxyzt(st,yw,0) end if ! check for any error code and stop if necessary call check_err(ierr,istop) ! test whether further trajectory integration is unnecessary call vmaxmin(tau0,nray,taumn,taumx) if ((taumn > taucr) .or. (somein .and. allout)) istop = 1 if(istop == 1) exit end do ! compute total absorbed power and driven current if (i>nstep) i=nstep pabs = sum(ppabs(:,i)) icd = sum(ccci(:,i)) ! ======= main loop END ====== ! ======= post-proc BEGIN ====== ! print final results on screen write(*,*) write(*,'(a,f9.4)') 'final step (s, ct, Sr) = ',st write(*,'(a,2e12.5)') 'taumn, taumx = ', taumn,taumx write(*,'(a,f9.4)') 'Pabs_tot (MW) = ',pabs write(*,'(a,f9.4)') 'I_tot (kA) = ',icd*1.0e3_wp_ ! print all ray positions in local reference system if(nray > 1) call print_projxyzt(st,yw,1) ! compute power and current density profiles for all rays call pec_init(ipec,rhout) nnd=size(rhop_tab) allocate(jphi(nnd),pins(nnd),currins(nnd)) call spec(psjki,ppabs,ccci,iiv,pabs,icd,dpdv,jphi,jcd,pins,currins) ! print power and current density profiles call print_pec(rhop_tab,rhot_tab,jphi,jcd,dpdv,currins,pins,index_rt) ! compute profiles width call postproc_profiles(pabs,icd,rhot_tab,dpdv,jphi, & rhotpav,drhotpav,rhotjava,drhotjava,dpdvp,jphip, & rhotp,drhotp,rhotj,drhotj,dpdvmx,jphimx,ratjamx,ratjbmx) ! print 0D results call print_finals(pabs,icd,dpdvp,jphip,rhotpav,rhotjava,drhotpav, & drhotjava,dpdvmx,jphimx,rhotp,rhotj,drhotp,drhotj,ratjamx,ratjbmx, & st,psipol,chipol,index_rt) ! ======= post-proc END ====== ! ======= free memory BEGIN ====== call unset_eqspl call unset_q call unset_rhospl call unset_prfspl call unset_lim call dealloc_surfvec call dealloc_beam(yw,ypw,xc,du1,gri,ggri,psjki,ppabs,ccci, & tau0,alphaabs0,dids0,ccci0,p0jk,ext,eyt,iiv) call dealloc_pec deallocate(jphi,pins,currins) ! ======= free memory END ====== end subroutine gray_main subroutine vectinit(psjki,ppabs,ccci,tau0,alphaabs0,dids0,ccci0,iiv) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, zero implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: psjki,ppabs,ccci real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: tau0,alphaabs0,dids0,ccci0 integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: iiv !! common/external functions/variables ! integer :: jclosest ! real(wp_), dimension(3) :: anwcl,xwcl ! ! common/refln/anwcl,xwcl,jclosest ! ! jclosest=nrayr+1 ! anwcl(1:3)=0.0_wp_ ! xwcl(1:3)=0.0_wp_ psjki = zero ppabs = zero ccci = zero tau0 = zero alphaabs0 = zero dids0 = zero ccci0 = zero iiv = 1 end subroutine vectinit subroutine ic_gb(xv0c,anv0c,ak0,wcsi,weta,rcicsi,rcieta,phiw,phir, & ywrk0,ypwrk0,xc0,du10,gri,ggri) ! beam tracing initial conditions igrad=1 ! !!!!!! check ray tracing initial conditions igrad=0 !!!!!! use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,izero,zero,one,pi,half,two,degree,ui=>im use math, only : catand use gray_params, only : idst use beamdata, only : nray,nrayr,nrayth,rwmax implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv0c,anv0c real(wp_), intent(in) :: ak0 real(wp_), intent(in) :: wcsi,weta,rcicsi,rcieta,phiw,phir real(wp_), dimension(6,nray), intent(out) :: ywrk0,ypwrk0 real(wp_), dimension(3,nray), intent(out) :: gri real(wp_), dimension(3,3,nray), intent(out) :: ggri real(wp_), dimension(3,nrayth,nrayr), intent(out) :: xc0,du10 ! local variables integer :: j,k,jk real(wp_) :: csth,snth,csps,snps,phiwrad,phirrad,csphiw,snphiw,alfak real(wp_) :: wwcsi,wweta,sk,sw,dk,dw,rci1,ww1,rci2,ww2,wwxx,wwyy,wwxy real(wp_) :: rcixx,rciyy,rcixy,dwwxx,dwwyy,dwwxy,d2wwxx,d2wwyy,d2wwxy real(wp_) :: drcixx,drciyy,drcixy,dr,da,ddfu,dcsiw,detaw,dx0t,dy0t real(wp_) :: x0t,y0t,z0t,dx0,dy0,dz0,x0,y0,z0,gxt,gyt,gzt,gr2 real(wp_) :: gxxt,gyyt,gzzt,gxyt,gxzt,gyzt,dgr2xt,dgr2yt,dgr2zt real(wp_) :: dgr2x,dgr2y,dgr2z,pppx,pppy,denpp,ppx,ppy real(wp_) :: anzt,anxt,anyt,anx,any,anz,an20,an0 real(wp_) :: du1tx,du1ty,du1tz,denom,ddr,ddi real(wp_), dimension(nrayr) :: uj real(wp_), dimension(nrayth) :: sna,csa complex(wp_) :: sss,ddd,phic,qi1,qi2,tc,ts,qqxx,qqxy,qqyy,dqi1,dqi2 complex(wp_) :: dqqxx,dqqyy,dqqxy,d2qi1,d2qi2,d2qqxx,d2qqyy,d2qqxy csth=anv0c(3) snth=sqrt(one-csth**2) if(snth > zero) then csps=anv0c(2)/snth snps=anv0c(1)/snth else csps=one snps=zero end if ! Gaussian beam: exp[-ik0 zt] exp[-i k0/2 S(xt,yt,zt)] ! xt,yt,zt, cartesian coordinate system with zt along the beamline and xt in the z = 0 plane ! S(xt,yt,zt) = S_real +i S_imag = Qxx(zt) xt^2 + Qyy(zt) yt^2 + 2 Qxy(zt) xt yt ! (csiw, etaw) and (csiR, etaR) intensity and phase ellipse, rotated by angle phiw and phiR ! S(xt,yt,zt) = csiR^2 / Rccsi +etaR^2 /Rceta - i (csiw^2 Wcsi +etaw^2 Weta) ! Rccsi,eta curvature radius at the launching point ! Wcsi,eta =2/(k0 wcsi,eta^2) with wcsi,eta^2 beam size at the launching point phiwrad = phiw*degree phirrad = phir*degree csphiw = cos(phiwrad) snphiw = sin(phiwrad) ! csphir = cos(phirrad) ! snphir = sin(phirrad) wwcsi = two/(ak0*wcsi**2) wweta = two/(ak0*weta**2) if(phir/=phiw) then sk = rcicsi + rcieta sw = wwcsi + wweta dk = rcicsi - rcieta dw = wwcsi - wweta ts = -(dk*sin(2*phirrad) - ui*dw*sin(2*phiwrad)) tc = (dk*cos(2*phirrad) - ui*dw*cos(2*phiwrad)) phic = half*catand(ts/tc) ddd = dk*cos(2*(phirrad+phic)) - ui*dw*cos(2*(phiwrad+phic)) sss = sk - ui*sw qi1 = half*(sss + ddd) qi2 = half*(sss - ddd) rci1 = dble(qi1) rci2 = dble(qi2) ww1 = -dimag(qi1) ww2 = -dimag(qi2) else rci1 = rcicsi rci2 = rcieta ww1 = wwcsi ww2 = wweta phic = -phiwrad qi1 = rci1 - ui*ww1 qi2 = rci2 - ui*ww2 end if ! w01=sqrt(2.0_wp_/(ak0*ww1)) ! d01=-rci1/(rci1**2+ww1**2) ! w02=sqrt(2.0_wp_/(ak0*ww2)) ! d02=-rci2/(rci2**2+ww2**2) qqxx = qi1*cos(phic)**2 + qi2*sin(phic)**2 qqyy = qi1*sin(phic)**2 + qi2*cos(phic)**2 qqxy = -(qi1 - qi2)*sin(phic)*cos(phic) wwxx = -dimag(qqxx) wwyy = -dimag(qqyy) wwxy = -dimag(qqxy) rcixx = dble(qqxx) rciyy = dble(qqyy) rcixy = dble(qqxy) dqi1 = -qi1**2 dqi2 = -qi2**2 d2qi1 = 2*qi1**3 d2qi2 = 2*qi2**3 dqqxx = dqi1*cos(phic)**2 + dqi2*sin(phic)**2 dqqyy = dqi1*sin(phic)**2 + dqi2*cos(phic)**2 dqqxy = -(dqi1 - dqi2)*sin(phic)*cos(phic) d2qqxx = d2qi1*cos(phic)**2 + d2qi2*sin(phic)**2 d2qqyy = d2qi1*sin(phic)**2 + d2qi2*cos(phic)**2 d2qqxy = -(d2qi1 - d2qi2)*sin(phic)*cos(phic) dwwxx = -dimag(dqqxx) dwwyy = -dimag(dqqyy) dwwxy = -dimag(dqqxy) d2wwxx = -dimag(d2qqxx) d2wwyy = -dimag(d2qqyy) d2wwxy = -dimag(d2qqxy) drcixx = dble(dqqxx) drciyy = dble(dqqyy) drcixy = dble(dqqxy) if(nrayr > 1) then dr = rwmax/dble(nrayr-1) else dr = one end if ddfu = two*dr**2/ak0 ! twodr2 = 2*dr**2 = 2*rwmax/dble(nrayr-1) do j = 1, nrayr uj(j) = dble(j-1) end do da=2*pi/dble(nrayth) do k=1,nrayth alfak = (k-1)*da sna(k) = sin(alfak) csa(k) = cos(alfak) end do ! central ray jk=1 gri(:,1) = zero ggri(:,:,1) = zero ywrk0(1:3,1) = xv0c ywrk0(4:6,1) = anv0c ypwrk0(1:3,1) = anv0c ypwrk0(4:6,1) = zero do k=1,nrayth dcsiw = dr*csa(k)*wcsi detaw = dr*sna(k)*weta dx0t = dcsiw*csphiw - detaw*snphiw dy0t = dcsiw*snphiw + detaw*csphiw du1tx = (dx0t*wwxx + dy0t*wwxy)/ddfu du1ty = (dx0t*wwxy + dy0t*wwyy)/ddfu xc0(:,k,1) = xv0c du10(1,k,1) = du1tx*csps + snps*du1ty*csth du10(2,k,1) = -du1tx*snps + csps*du1ty*csth du10(3,k,1) = -du1ty*snth end do ddr = zero ddi = zero ! loop on rays jk>1 j=2 k=0 do jk=2,nray k=k+1 if(k > nrayth) then j=j+1 k=1 end if ! csiw=u*dcsiw ! etaw=u*detaw ! csir=x0t*csphir+y0t*snphir ! etar=-x0t*snphir+y0t*csphir dcsiw = dr*csa(k)*wcsi detaw = dr*sna(k)*weta dx0t = dcsiw*csphiw - detaw*snphiw dy0t = dcsiw*snphiw + detaw*csphiw x0t = uj(j)*dx0t y0t = uj(j)*dy0t z0t = -(half*(rcixx*x0t**2 + rciyy*y0t**2) + rcixy*x0t*y0t) dx0 = x0t*csps + snps*(y0t*csth + z0t*snth) dy0 = -x0t*snps + csps*(y0t*csth + z0t*snth) dz0 = z0t*csth - y0t*snth x0 = xv0c(1) + dx0 y0 = xv0c(2) + dy0 z0 = xv0c(3) + dz0 gxt = x0t*wwxx + y0t*wwxy gyt = x0t*wwxy + y0t*wwyy gzt = half*(x0t**2*dwwxx + y0t**2*dwwyy ) + x0t*y0t*dwwxy gr2 = gxt*gxt + gyt*gyt + gzt*gzt gxxt = wwxx gyyt = wwyy gzzt = half*(x0t**2*d2wwxx + y0t**2*d2wwyy) + x0t*y0t*d2wwxy gxyt = wwxy gxzt = x0t*dwwxx + y0t*dwwxy gyzt = x0t*dwwxy + y0t*dwwyy dgr2xt = 2*(gxt*gxxt + gyt*gxyt + gzt*gxzt) dgr2yt = 2*(gxt*gxyt + gyt*gyyt + gzt*gyzt) dgr2zt = 2*(gxt*gxzt + gyt*gyzt + gzt*gzzt) dgr2x = dgr2xt*csps + snps*(dgr2yt*csth + dgr2zt*snth) dgr2y = -dgr2xt*snps + csps*(dgr2yt*csth + dgr2zt*snth) dgr2z = dgr2zt*csth - dgr2yt*snth gri(1,jk) = gxt*csps + snps*(gyt*csth + gzt*snth) gri(2,jk) = -gxt*snps + csps*(gyt*csth + gzt*snth) gri(3,jk) = gzt*csth - gyt*snth ggri(1,1,jk) = gxxt*csps**2 & + snps**2 *(gyyt*csth**2 + gzzt*snth**2 + 2*snth*csth*gyzt) & +2*snps*csps*(gxyt*csth + gxzt*snth) ggri(2,1,jk) = csps*snps & *(-gxxt+csth**2*gyyt + snth**2*gzzt + 2*csth*snth*gyzt) & +(csps**2 - snps**2)*(snth*gxzt + csth*gxyt) ggri(3,1,jk) = csth*snth*snps*(gzzt - gyyt) + (csth**2 - snth**2) & *snps*gyzt + csps*(csth*gxzt - snth*gxyt) ggri(1,2,jk) = ggri(2,1,jk) ggri(2,2,jk) = gxxt*snps**2 & + csps**2 *(gyyt*csth**2 + gzzt*snth**2 + 2*snth*csth*gyzt) & -2*snps*csps*(gxyt*csth + gxzt*snth) ggri(3,2,jk) = csth*snth*csps*(gzzt - gyyt) + (csth**2-snth**2) & *csps*gyzt + snps*(snth*gxyt - csth*gxzt) ggri(1,3,jk) = ggri(3,1,jk) ggri(2,3,jk) = ggri(3,2,jk) ggri(3,3,jk) = gzzt*csth**2 + gyyt*snth**2 - 2*csth*snth*gyzt du1tx = (dx0t*wwxx + dy0t*wwxy)/ddfu du1ty = (dx0t*wwxy + dy0t*wwyy)/ddfu du1tz = half*uj(j)*(dx0t**2*dwwxx + dy0t**2*dwwyy + 2*dx0t*dy0t*dwwxy)/ddfu du10(1,k,j) = du1tx*csps + snps*(du1ty*csth + du1tz*snth) du10(2,k,j) = -du1tx*snps + csps*(du1ty*csth + du1tz*snth) du10(3,k,j) = du1tz*csth - du1ty*snth pppx = x0t*rcixx + y0t*rcixy pppy = x0t*rcixy + y0t*rciyy denpp = pppx*gxt + pppy*gyt if (denpp/=zero) then ppx = -pppx*gzt/denpp ppy = -pppy*gzt/denpp else ppx = zero ppy = zero end if anzt = sqrt((one + gr2)/(one + ppx**2 + ppy**2)) anxt = ppx*anzt anyt = ppy*anzt anx = anxt*csps + snps*(anyt*csth + anzt*snth) any =-anxt*snps + csps*(anyt*csth + anzt*snth) anz = anzt*csth - anyt*snth an20 = one + gr2 an0 = sqrt(an20) xc0(1,k,j) = x0 xc0(2,k,j) = y0 xc0(3,k,j) = z0 ywrk0(1,jk) = x0 ywrk0(2,jk) = y0 ywrk0(3,jk) = z0 ywrk0(4,jk) = anx ywrk0(5,jk) = any ywrk0(6,jk) = anz select case(idst) case(1) ! integration variable: c*t denom = one case(2) ! integration variable: Sr denom = an20 case default ! idst=0 ! integration variable: s denom = an0 end select ypwrk0(1,jk) = anx/denom ypwrk0(2,jk) = any/denom ypwrk0(3,jk) = anz/denom ypwrk0(4,jk) = dgr2x/(2*denom) ypwrk0(5,jk) = dgr2y/(2*denom) ypwrk0(6,jk) = dgr2z/(2*denom) ddr = anx**2 + any**2 + anz**2 - an20 ddi = 2*(anxt*gxt + anyt*gyt + anzt*gzt) call print_output(0,jk,zero,one,xc0(:,k,j),-one,zero,(/zero,zero,zero/), & ak0,zero,zero,(/zero,zero,zero/),zero,zero,zero,zero,zero,zero, & 0,0,0,1,ddr,ddi,zero,zero,(/zero,zero,zero/)) ! st=0, index_rt=1, B=0, N=0, psin=-1, Xg=0, Yg=0, gradXg=0 end do end subroutine ic_gb subroutine rkstep(sox,bres,xgcn,y,yp,dgr,ddgr) ! Runge-Kutta integrator use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ ! use gray_params, only : igrad use beamdata, only : h,hh,h6 implicit none real(wp_), intent(in) :: sox,bres,xgcn real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(inout) :: y real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(in) :: yp real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: dgr real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: ddgr real(wp_), dimension(6) :: yy,fk1,fk2,fk3,fk4 real(wp_) :: gr2 real(wp_), dimension(3) :: dgr2 ! if(igrad.eq.1) then gr2 = dgr(1)**2 + dgr(2)**2 + dgr(3)**2 dgr2 = 2*(dgr(1)*ddgr(:,1) + dgr(2)*ddgr(:,2) + dgr(3)*ddgr(:,3)) ! end if fk1 = yp yy = y + fk1*hh call rhs(sox,bres,xgcn,yy,gr2,dgr2,dgr,ddgr,fk2) yy = y + fk2*hh call rhs(sox,bres,xgcn,yy,gr2,dgr2,dgr,ddgr,fk3) yy = y + fk3*h call rhs(sox,bres,xgcn,yy,gr2,dgr2,dgr,ddgr,fk4) y = y + h6*(fk1 + 2*fk2 + 2*fk3 + fk4) end subroutine rkstep subroutine rhs(sox,bres,xgcn,y,gr2,dgr2,dgr,ddgr,dery) ! Compute right-hand side terms of the ray equations (dery) ! used in R-K integrator use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(in) :: y real(wp_), intent(in) :: sox,bres,xgcn,gr2 real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: dgr2,dgr real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: ddgr real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(out) :: dery ! local variables real(wp_) :: psinv,dens,btot,xg,yg,anpl,anpr,ajphi real(wp_) :: ddr,ddi,dersdst,derdnm real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xv,anv,bv,derxg,deryg real(wp_), dimension(3,3) :: derbv xv = y(1:3) call plas_deriv(xv,bres,xgcn,psinv,dens,btot,bv,derbv,xg,yg,derxg,deryg, & ajphi) anv = y(4:6) call disp_deriv(anv,sox,xg,yg,derxg,deryg,bv,derbv,gr2,dgr2,dgr,ddgr, & dery,anpl,anpr,ddr,ddi,dersdst,derdnm) end subroutine rhs subroutine ywppla_upd(xv,anv,dgr,ddgr,sox,bres,xgcn,dery,psinv,dens,btot, & bv,xg,yg,derxg,anpl,anpr,ddr,ddi,dersdst,derdnm,ierr) ! Compute right-hand side terms of the ray equations (dery) ! used after full R-K step and grad(S_I) update use errcodes, only : pnpl implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv,anv real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: dgr real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: ddgr real(wp_), intent(in) :: sox,bres,xgcn real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(out) :: dery real(wp_), intent(out) :: psinv,dens,btot,xg,yg,anpl,anpr real(wp_), intent(out) :: ddr,ddi,dersdst,derdnm real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(out) :: bv integer, intent(out) :: ierr real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(out) :: derxg ! local variables real(wp_) :: gr2,ajphi real(wp_), dimension(3) :: dgr2,deryg real(wp_), dimension(3,3) :: derbv real(wp_), parameter :: anplth1 = 0.99_wp_, anplth2 = 1.05_wp_ gr2 = dgr(1)**2 + dgr(2)**2 + dgr(3)**2 dgr2 = 2*(dgr(1)*ddgr(:,1) + dgr(2)*ddgr(:,2) + dgr(3)*ddgr(:,3)) call plas_deriv(xv,bres,xgcn,psinv,dens,btot,bv,derbv,xg,yg,derxg,deryg,ajphi) call disp_deriv(anv,sox,xg,yg,derxg,deryg,bv,derbv,gr2,dgr2,dgr,ddgr, & dery,anpl,anpr,ddr,ddi,dersdst,derdnm) ierr=0 if( abs(anpl) > anplth1) then if(abs(anpl) > anplth2) then ierr=ibset(ierr,pnpl+1) else ierr=ibset(ierr,pnpl) end if end if end subroutine ywppla_upd subroutine gradi_upd(ywrk,ak0,xc,du1,gri,ggri) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,half use beamdata, only : nray,nrayr,nrayth,twodr2 implicit none real(wp_), intent(in) :: ak0 real(wp_), dimension(6,nray), intent(in) :: ywrk real(wp_), dimension(3,nrayth,nrayr), intent(inout) :: xc,du1 real(wp_), dimension(3,nray), intent(out) :: gri real(wp_), dimension(3,3,nray), intent(out) :: ggri ! local variables real(wp_), dimension(3,nrayth,nrayr) :: xco,du1o integer :: jk,j,jm,jp,k,km,kp real(wp_) :: ux,uxx,uxy,uxz,uy,uyy,uyz,uz,uzz real(wp_) :: dfuu,dffiu,gx,gxx,gxy,gxz,gy,gyy,gyz,gz,gzz real(wp_), dimension(3) :: dxv1,dxv2,dxv3,dgu real(wp_), dimension(3,3) :: dgg,dff ! update position and du1 vectors xco = xc du1o = du1 jk = 1 do j=1,nrayr do k=1,nrayth if(j>1) jk=jk+1 xc(1:3,k,j)=ywrk(1:3,jk) end do end do ! compute grad u1 for central ray j = 1 jp = 2 do k=1,nrayth if(k == 1) then km = nrayth else km = k-1 end if if(k == nrayth) then kp = 1 else kp = k+1 end if dxv1 = xc(:,k ,jp) - xc(:,k ,j) dxv2 = xc(:,kp,jp) - xc(:,km,jp) dxv3 = xc(:,k ,j) - xco(:,k ,j) call solg0(dxv1,dxv2,dxv3,dgu) du1(:,k,j) = dgu end do gri(:,1) = zero ! compute grad u1 and grad(S_I) for all the other rays dfuu=twodr2/ak0 ! twodr2 = 2*dr**2 = 2*(rwmax/(nrayr-1))**2 jm=1 j=2 k=0 dffiu = dfuu do jk=2,nray k=k+1 if(k > nrayth) then jm = j j = j+1 k = 1 dffiu = dfuu*jm end if kp = k+1 km = k-1 if (k == 1) then km=nrayth else if (k == nrayth) then kp=1 end if dxv1 = xc(:,k ,j) - xc(:,k ,jm) dxv2 = xc(:,kp,j) - xc(:,km,j) dxv3 = xc(:,k ,j) - xco(:,k ,j) call solg0(dxv1,dxv2,dxv3,dgu) du1(:,k,j) = dgu gri(:,jk) = dgu(:)*dffiu end do ! compute derivatives of grad u and grad(S_I) for rays jk>1 ggri(:,:,1) = zero jm=1 j=2 k=0 dffiu = dfuu do jk=2,nray k=k+1 if(k > nrayth) then jm=j j=j+1 k=1 dffiu = dfuu*jm end if kp=k+1 km=k-1 if (k == 1) then km=nrayth else if (k == nrayth) then kp=1 end if dxv1 = xc(:,k ,j) - xc(:,k ,jm) dxv2 = xc(:,kp,j) - xc(:,km,j) dxv3 = xc(:,k ,j) - xco(:,k ,j) dff(:,1) = du1(:,k ,j) - du1(:,k ,jm) dff(:,2) = du1(:,kp,j) - du1(:,km,j) dff(:,3) = du1(:,k ,j) - du1o(:,k ,j) call solg3(dxv1,dxv2,dxv3,dff,dgg) ! derivatives of u ux = du1(1,k,j) uy = du1(2,k,j) uz = du1(3,k,j) uxx = dgg(1,1) uyy = dgg(2,2) uzz = dgg(3,3) uxy = (dgg(1,2) + dgg(2,1))*half uxz = (dgg(1,3) + dgg(3,1))*half uyz = (dgg(2,3) + dgg(3,2))*half ! derivatives of S_I and Grad(S_I) gx = ux*dffiu gy = uy*dffiu gz = uz*dffiu gxx = dfuu*ux*ux + dffiu*uxx gyy = dfuu*uy*uy + dffiu*uyy gzz = dfuu*uz*uz + dffiu*uzz gxy = dfuu*ux*uy + dffiu*uxy gxz = dfuu*ux*uz + dffiu*uxz gyz = dfuu*uy*uz + dffiu*uyz ggri(1,1,jk)=gxx ggri(2,1,jk)=gxy ggri(3,1,jk)=gxz ggri(1,2,jk)=gxy ggri(2,2,jk)=gyy ggri(3,2,jk)=gyz ggri(1,3,jk)=gxz ggri(2,3,jk)=gyz ggri(3,3,jk)=gzz end do end subroutine gradi_upd subroutine solg0(dxv1,dxv2,dxv3,dgg) ! solution of the linear system of 3 eqs : dgg . dxv = dff ! input vectors : dxv1, dxv2, dxv3, dff ! output vector : dgg ! dff=(1,0,0) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: dxv1,dxv2,dxv3 real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(out) :: dgg ! local variables real(wp_) :: denom,aa1,aa2,aa3 aa1 = (dxv2(2)*dxv3(3) - dxv3(2)*dxv2(3)) aa2 = (dxv1(2)*dxv3(3) - dxv3(2)*dxv1(3)) aa3 = (dxv1(2)*dxv2(3) - dxv2(2)*dxv1(3)) denom = dxv1(1)*aa1 - dxv2(1)*aa2 + dxv3(1)*aa3 dgg(1) = aa1/denom dgg(2) = -(dxv2(1)*dxv3(3) - dxv3(1)*dxv2(3))/denom dgg(3) = (dxv2(1)*dxv3(2) - dxv3(1)*dxv2(2))/denom end subroutine solg0 subroutine solg3(dxv1,dxv2,dxv3,dff,dgg) ! rhs "matrix" dff, result in dgg use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: dxv1,dxv2,dxv3 real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: dff real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: dgg ! local variables real(wp_) denom,a11,a21,a31,a12,a22,a32,a13,a23,a33 a11 = (dxv2(2)*dxv3(3) - dxv3(2)*dxv2(3)) a21 = (dxv1(2)*dxv3(3) - dxv3(2)*dxv1(3)) a31 = (dxv1(2)*dxv2(3) - dxv2(2)*dxv1(3)) a12 = (dxv2(1)*dxv3(3) - dxv3(1)*dxv2(3)) a22 = (dxv1(1)*dxv3(3) - dxv3(1)*dxv1(3)) a32 = (dxv1(1)*dxv2(3) - dxv2(1)*dxv1(3)) a13 = (dxv2(1)*dxv3(2) - dxv3(1)*dxv2(2)) a23 = (dxv1(1)*dxv3(2) - dxv3(1)*dxv1(2)) a33 = (dxv1(1)*dxv2(2) - dxv2(1)*dxv1(2)) denom = dxv1(1)*a11 - dxv2(1)*a21 + dxv3(1)*a31 dgg(:,1) = ( dff(:,1)*a11 - dff(:,2)*a21 + dff(:,3)*a31)/denom dgg(:,2) = (-dff(:,1)*a12 + dff(:,2)*a22 - dff(:,3)*a32)/denom dgg(:,3) = ( dff(:,1)*a13 - dff(:,2)*a23 + dff(:,3)*a33)/denom end subroutine solg3 subroutine plas_deriv(xv,bres,xgcn,psinv,dens,btot,bv,derbv, & xg,yg,derxg,deryg,ajphi) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,pi,ccj=>mu0inv use gray_params, only : iequil use equilibrium, only : psia,equinum_fpol,equinum_psi,equian,sgnbphi use coreprofiles, only : density implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv real(wp_), intent(in) :: xgcn,bres real(wp_), intent(out) :: psinv,dens,btot,xg,yg real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(out) :: bv,derxg,deryg real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: derbv ! local variables integer :: jv real(wp_) :: xx,yy,zz real(wp_) :: b2tot,csphi,drrdx,drrdy,dphidx,dphidy,rr,rr2,rrm,snphi,zzm real(wp_), dimension(3) :: dbtot,bvc real(wp_), dimension(3,3) :: dbvcdc,dbvdc,dbv real(wp_) :: brr,bphi,bzz,ajphi,dxgdpsi real(wp_) :: dpsidr,dpsidz,ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz,fpolv,dfpv,ddenspsin xg = zero yg = 99._wp_ psinv = -1._wp_ dens = zero btot = zero ajphi = zero derxg = zero deryg = zero bv = zero derbv = zero if(iequil==0) return dbtot = zero dbv = zero dbvcdc = zero dbvcdc = zero dbvdc = zero xx = xv(1) yy = xv(2) zz = xv(3) ! cylindrical coordinates rr2 = xx**2 + yy**2 rr = sqrt(rr2) csphi = xx/rr snphi = yy/rr bv(1) = -snphi*sgnbphi bv(2) = csphi*sgnbphi ! convert from cm to meters zzm = 1.0e-2_wp_*zz rrm = 1.0e-2_wp_*rr if(iequil==1) then call equian(rrm,zzm,psinv,fpolv,dfpv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz) else call equinum_psi(rrm,zzm,psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz,ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz) call equinum_fpol(psinv,fpolv,dfpv) end if ! compute yg and derivative if(psinv < zero) then bphi = fpolv/rrm btot = abs(bphi) yg = btot/bres return end if ! compute xg and derivative call density(psinv,dens,ddenspsin) xg = xgcn*dens dxgdpsi = xgcn*ddenspsin/psia ! B = f(psi)/R e_phi+ grad psi x e_phi/R bphi = fpolv/rrm brr =-dpsidz/rrm bzz = dpsidr/rrm ! bvc(i) = B_i in cylindrical coordinates bvc(1) = brr bvc(2) = bphi bvc(3) = bzz ! bv(i) = B_i in cartesian coordinates bv(1)=bvc(1)*csphi - bvc(2)*snphi bv(2)=bvc(1)*snphi + bvc(2)*csphi bv(3)=bvc(3) ! dbvcdc(iv,jv) = d Bcil(iv) / dxvcil(jv) dbvcdc(1,1) = -ddpsidrz/rrm - brr/rrm dbvcdc(2,1) = dfpv*dpsidr/rrm - bphi/rrm dbvcdc(3,1) = ddpsidrr/rrm - bzz/rrm dbvcdc(1,3) = -ddpsidzz/rrm dbvcdc(2,3) = dfpv*dpsidz/rrm dbvcdc(3,3) = ddpsidrz/rrm ! dbvdc(iv,jv) = d Bcart(iv) / dxvcil(jv) dbvdc(1,1) = dbvcdc(1,1)*csphi - dbvcdc(2,1)*snphi dbvdc(2,1) = dbvcdc(1,1)*snphi + dbvcdc(2,1)*csphi dbvdc(3,1) = dbvcdc(3,1) dbvdc(1,2) = -bv(2) dbvdc(2,2) = bv(1) dbvdc(3,2) = dbvcdc(3,2) dbvdc(1,3) = dbvcdc(1,3)*csphi - dbvcdc(2,3)*snphi dbvdc(2,3) = dbvcdc(1,3)*snphi + dbvcdc(2,3)*csphi dbvdc(3,3) = dbvcdc(3,3) drrdx = csphi drrdy = snphi dphidx = -snphi/rrm dphidy = csphi/rrm ! dbv(iv,jv) = d Bcart(iv) / dxvcart(jv) dbv(:,1) = drrdx*dbvdc(:,1) + dphidx*dbvdc(:,2) dbv(:,2) = drrdy*dbvdc(:,1) + dphidy*dbvdc(:,2) dbv(:,3) = dbvdc(:,3) ! B magnitude and derivatives b2tot = bv(1)**2 + bv(2)**2 + bv(3)**2 btot = sqrt(b2tot) dbtot = (bv(1)*dbv(1,:) + bv(2)*dbv(2,:) + bv(3)*dbv(3,:))/btot yg = btot/Bres ! convert spatial derivatives from dummy/m -> dummy/cm ! to be used in rhs ! bv(i) = B_i / B ; derbv(i,j) = d (B_i / B) /d x,y,z deryg = 1.0e-2_wp_*dbtot/Bres bv = bv/btot do jv=1,3 derbv(:,jv) = 1.0e-2_wp_*(dbv(:,jv) - bv(:)*dbtot(jv))/btot end do derxg(1) = 1.0e-2_wp_*drrdx*dpsidr*dxgdpsi derxg(2) = 1.0e-2_wp_*drrdy*dpsidr*dxgdpsi derxg(3) = 1.0e-2_wp_*dpsidz *dxgdpsi ! current density computation in Ampere/m^2, ccj==1/mu_0 ajphi = ccj*(dbvcdc(1,3) - dbvcdc(3,1)) ! ajr=ccj*(dbvcdc(3,2)/rrm-dbvcdc(2,3)) ! ajz=ccj*(bvc(2)/rrm+dbvcdc(2,1)-dbvcdc(1,2)) end subroutine plas_deriv subroutine disp_deriv(anv,sox,xg,yg,derxg,deryg,bv,derbv,gr2,dgr2,dgr,ddgr, & dery,anpl,anpr,ddr,ddi,dersdst,derdnm) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,one,half,two use gray_params, only : idst,igrad implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: xg,yg,gr2,sox real(wp_), intent(out) :: anpl,anpr,ddr,ddi,derdnm,dersdst real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: anv,bv,derxg,deryg real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: dgr2,dgr real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: ddgr,derbv real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(out) :: dery ! local variables integer :: iv real(wp_) :: yg2,anpl2,anpr2,del,dnl,duh,dan2sdnpl,an2,an2s real(wp_) :: dan2sdxg,dan2sdyg,ddelnpl2,ddelnpl2x,ddelnpl2y,denom,derdel real(wp_) :: derdom,dfdiadnpl,dfdiadxg,dfdiadyg,fdia,bdotgr !,vgm real(wp_), dimension(3) :: derdxv,danpldxv,derdnv,dbgr !,vgv an2 = anv(1)*anv(1) + anv(2)*anv(2) + anv(3)*anv(3) anpl = anv(1)*bv(1) + anv(2)*bv(2) + anv(3)*bv(3) anpl2 = anpl**2 dnl = one - anpl2 anpr2 = max(an2-anpl2,zero) anpr = sqrt(anpr2) yg2 = yg**2 an2s = one dan2sdxg = zero dan2sdyg = zero dan2sdnpl = zero del = zero fdia = zero dfdiadnpl = zero dfdiadxg = zero dfdiadyg = zero duh = one - xg - yg2 if(xg > zero) then del = sqrt(dnl**2 + 4.0_wp_*anpl2*(one - xg)/yg2) an2s = one - xg - half*xg*yg2*(one + anpl2 + sox*del)/duh dan2sdxg = - half*yg2*(one - yg2)*(one + anpl2 + sox*del)/duh**2 & + sox*xg*anpl2/(del*duh) - one dan2sdyg = - xg*yg*(one - xg)*(one + anpl2 + sox*del)/duh**2 & + two*sox*xg*(one - xg)*anpl2/(yg*del*duh) dan2sdnpl = - xg*yg2*anpl/duh & - sox*xg*anpl*(two*(one - xg) - yg2*dnl)/(del*duh) if(igrad > 0) then ddelnpl2 = two*(two*(one - xg)*(one + 3.0_wp_*anpl2**2) & - yg2*dnl**3)/yg2/del**3 fdia = - xg*yg2*(one + half*sox*ddelnpl2)/duh derdel = two*(one - xg)*anpl2*(one + 3.0_wp_*anpl2**2) & - dnl**2*(one + 3.0_wp_*anpl2)*yg2 derdel = 4.0_wp_*derdel/(yg*del)**5 ddelnpl2y = two*(one - xg)*derdel ddelnpl2x = yg*derdel dfdiadnpl = 24.0_wp_*sox*xg*(one - xg)*anpl*(one - anpl2**2) & /(yg2*del**5) dfdiadxg = - yg2*(one - yg2)/duh**2 - sox*yg2*((one - yg2) & *ddelnpl2 + xg*duh*ddelnpl2x)/(two*duh**2) dfdiadyg = - two*yg*xg*(one - xg)/duh**2 & - sox*xg*yg*(two*(one - xg)*ddelnpl2 & + yg*duh*ddelnpl2y)/(two*duh**2) end if end if bdotgr = bv(1)*dgr(1) + bv(2)*dgr(2) + bv(3)*dgr(3) do iv=1,3 dbgr(iv) = dgr(1)*derbv(1,iv) + bv(1)*ddgr(1,iv) & + dgr(2)*derbv(2,iv) + bv(2)*ddgr(2,iv) & + dgr(3)*derbv(3,iv) + bv(3)*ddgr(3,iv) danpldxv(iv) = anv(1)*derbv(1,iv) + anv(2)*derbv(2,iv) + anv(3)*derbv(3,iv) end do derdxv = -(derxg*dan2sdxg + deryg*dan2sdyg + danpldxv*dan2sdnpl + & igrad*dgr2) & + fdia*bdotgr*dbgr + half*bdotgr**2 & *(derxg*dfdiadxg + deryg*dfdiadyg + danpldxv*dfdiadnpl) derdnv = two*anv + (half*bdotgr**2*dfdiadnpl - dan2sdnpl)*bv derdnm = sqrt(derdnv(1)**2 + derdnv(2)**2 + derdnv(3)**2) derdom = -two*an2 + two*xg*dan2sdxg + yg*dan2sdyg + anpl*dan2sdnpl & + two*igrad*gr2 - bdotgr**2*(fdia + xg*dfdiadxg & + half*yg*dfdiadyg & + half*anpl*dfdiadnpl) if (idst == 0) then ! integration variable: s denom = derdnm else if (idst == 1) then ! integration variable: c*t denom = -derdom else ! integration variable: Sr denom = anv(1)*derdnv(1) + anv(2)*derdnv(2) + anv(3)*derdnv(3) end if ! coefficient for integration in s ! ds/dst, where st is the integration variable dersdst = derdnm/denom ! rhs vector dery(1:3) = derdnv(:)/denom dery(4:6) = -derdxv(:)/denom ! vgv : ~ group velocity ! vgm=0 ! do iv=1,3 ! vgv(iv)=-derdnv(iv)/derdom ! vgm=vgm+vgv(iv)**2 ! end do ! vgm=sqrt(vgm) ! ddr : dispersion relation (real part) ! ddi : dispersion relation (imaginary part) ddr = an2 - an2s - igrad*(gr2 - half*bdotgr**2*fdia) ddi = derdnv(1)*dgr(1) + derdnv(2)*dgr(2) + derdnv(3)*dgr(3) end subroutine disp_deriv subroutine alpha_effj(psinv,xg,yg,dens,tekev,ak0,bres,derdnm,anpl,anpr, & sox,anprre,anprim,alpha,didp,nhmin,nhmax,iokhawa,ierr) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,pi,mc2=>mc2_ use gray_params, only : iwarm,ilarm,ieccd,imx use coreprofiles, only : fzeff use equilibrium, only : sgnbphi use dispersion, only : harmnumber, warmdisp use eccd, only : setcdcoeff,eccdeff,fjch0,fjch,fjncl use errcodes, only : palph use magsurf_data, only : fluxval implicit none ! arguments real(wp_),intent(in) ::psinv,ak0,bres real(wp_),intent(in) :: xg,yg,tekev,dens,anpl,anpr,derdnm,sox real(wp_),intent(out) :: anprre,anprim,alpha,didp integer, intent(out) :: nhmin,nhmax,iokhawa integer, intent(out) :: ierr ! local constants real(wp_), parameter :: taucr=12.0_wp_,xxcr=16.0_wp_,eps=1.e-8_wp_ ! local variables real(wp_) :: rbavi,rrii,rhop integer :: lrm,ithn,ierrcd real(wp_) :: amu,ratiovgr,rbn,rbx real(wp_) :: zeff,cst2,bmxi,bmni,fci real(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: eccdpar=>null() real(wp_) :: effjcd,effjcdav,akim,btot complex(wp_) :: ex,ey,ez alpha=zero anprim=zero anprre=zero didp=zero nhmin=0 nhmax=0 iokhawa=0 ierr=0 if(tekev>zero) then ! absorption computation amu=mc2/tekev call harmnumber(yg,amu,anpl,nhmin,nhmax,iwarm) if( then lrm=max(ilarm,nhmax) call warmdisp(xg,yg,amu,anpl,anpr,sox,lrm,ierr,anprre,anprim, & iwarm,imx,ex,ey,ez) akim=ak0*anprim ratiovgr=2.0_wp_*anpr/derdnm!*vgm alpha=2.0_wp_*akim*ratiovgr if(alpha: effjcdav [A m/W ] if(ieccd>0) then ! current drive computation zeff=fzeff(psinv) ithn=1 if(lrm>nhmin) ithn=2 rhop=sqrt(psinv) call fluxval(rhop,rri=rrii,rbav=rbavi,bmn=bmni,bmx=bmxi,fc=fci) btot=yg*bres rbn=btot/bmni rbx=btot/bmxi select case(ieccd) case(1) ! cohen model call setcdcoeff(zeff,rbn,rbx,cst2,eccdpar) call eccdeff(yg,anpl,anprre,dens,amu,ex,ey,ez,nhmin,nhmax, & ithn,cst2,fjch,eccdpar,effjcd,iokhawa,ierrcd) case(2) ! no trapping call setcdcoeff(zeff,cst2,eccdpar) call eccdeff(yg,anpl,anprre,dens,amu,ex,ey,ez,nhmin,nhmax, & ithn,cst2,fjch0,eccdpar,effjcd,iokhawa,ierrcd) case default ! neoclassical model call setcdcoeff(zeff,rbx,fci,amu,rhop,cst2,eccdpar) call eccdeff(yg,anpl,anprre,dens,amu,ex,ey,ez,nhmin,nhmax, & ithn,cst2,fjncl,eccdpar,effjcd,iokhawa,ierrcd) end select ierr=ierr+ierrcd if(associated(eccdpar)) deallocate(eccdpar) effjcdav=rbavi*effjcd didp=sgnbphi*effjcdav/(2.0_wp_*pi*rrii) end if end if end if end subroutine alpha_effj subroutine set_pol(ywrk0,bres,sox,psipol0,chipol0,ext0,eyt0) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,degree,zero,one,half,im use beamdata, only : nray,nrayth use equilibrium, only : bfield use gray_params, only : ipol use polarization, only : pol_limit, polellipse, stokes_ce, stokes_ell implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(6,nray), intent(in) :: ywrk0 real(wp_), intent(in) :: sox,bres real(wp_), intent(inout) :: psipol0, chipol0 complex(wp_), dimension(nray), intent(out) :: ext0, eyt0 ! local variables integer :: j,k,jk real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xmv, anv, bv real(wp_) :: rm, csphi, snphi, bphi, br, bz, qq, uu, vv, deltapol j=1 k=0 do jk=1,nray k=k+1 if(jk == 2 .or. k > nrayth) then j=j+1 k=1 end if if(ipol == 0) then xmv=ywrk0(1:3,jk)*0.01_wp_ ! convert from cm to m anv=ywrk0(4:6,jk) rm=sqrt(xmv(1)**2+xmv(2)**2) csphi=xmv(1)/rm snphi=xmv(2)/rm call bfield(rm,xmv(3),bphi,br,bz) ! bv(i) = B_i in cartesian coordinates bv(1)=br*csphi-bphi*snphi bv(2)=br*snphi+bphi*csphi bv(3)=bz call pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext0(jk),eyt0(jk)) if (jk == 1) then call stokes_ce(ext0(jk),eyt0(jk),qq,uu,vv) call polellipse(qq,uu,vv,psipol0,chipol0) psipol0=psipol0/degree ! convert from rad to degree chipol0=chipol0/degree end if else call stokes_ell(chipol0*degree,psipol0*degree,qq,uu,vv) if(qq**2 < one) then deltapol=asin(vv/sqrt(one - qq**2)) ext0(jk)= sqrt(half*(one + qq)) eyt0(jk)= sqrt(half*(one - qq))*exp(-im*deltapol) else ext0(jk)= one eyt0(jk)= zero end if endif end do end subroutine set_pol ! logical function inside_plasma(rrm,zzm) ! use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, zero, one ! use gray_params, only : iequil ! use equilibrium, only : equian,equinum_psi,zbinf,zbsup ! use coreprofiles, only : psdbnd ! implicit none ! ! arguments ! real(wp_), intent(in) :: rrm,zzm ! ! local variables ! real(wp_) :: psinv ! ! if(iequil.eq.1) then ! call equian(rrm,zzm,psinv) ! else ! call equinum_psi(rrm,zzm,psinv) ! end if ! ! inside_plasma = (psinv >= zero .and. psinv < psdbnd) .and. & ! (psinv >= one .or. (zzm >= zbinf .and. zzm <= zbsup)) ! end function inside_plasma ! ! ! ! subroutine vacuum_rt(xv0,anv0,xvend,dstvac,ivac) ! use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ ! use beamdata, only : dst ! use limiter, only : rlim,zlim,nlim ! implicit none ! ! arguments ! real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv0,anv0 ! real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(out) :: xvend ! real(wp_), intent(out) :: dstvac ! integer, intent(out) :: ivac ! ! local variables ! integer :: i ! real(wp_) :: st,rrm,zzm,smax ! real(wp_), dimension(3) :: walln ! logical :: plfound ! ! ! ivac=1 plasma hit before wall reflection ! ! ivac=2 wall hit before plasma ! ! ivac=-1 vessel (and thus plasma) never crossed ! ! call inters_linewall(xv0/1.0e2_wp_,anv0,rlim(1:nlim),zlim(1:nlim), & ! nlim,smax,walln) ! smax=smax*1.0e2_wp_ ! rrm=1.0e-2_wp_*sqrt(xv0(1)**2+xv0(2)**2) ! zzm=1.0e-2_wp_*xv0(3) ! if (.not.inside(rlim,zlim,nlim,rrm,zzm)) then ! ! first wall interface is outside-inside ! if (dot_product(walln,walln) h .or. & ah > 0.0_wp_ .and. a(jm) <= h) then ix=ix+1 lx(ix)=-j end if if (ah <= 0.0_wp_ .and. a(j-1) > h .or. & ah > 0.0_wp_ .and. a(j-1) <= h) then ix=ix+1 lx(ix)=j end if end do end do do jm=nr,mxr,nrqmax j = jm + nrqmax ah=a(j)-h if (ah <= 0.0_wp_ .and. a(j-1) > h .or. & ah > 0.0_wp_ .and. a(j-1) <= h) then ix=ix+1 lx(ix)=j end if if (ah <= 0.0_wp_ .and. a(jm) > h .or. & ah > 0.0_wp_ .and. a(jm) <= h) then ix=ix+1 lx(ix)=-j end if end do do jm=1,mxr,nrqmax j = jm + nrqmax if (a(j) <= h .and. a(jm) > h .or. & a(j) > h .and. a(jm) <= h) then ix=ix+1 lx(ix) =-j end if end do do j=2,nr if (a(j) <= h .and. a(j-1) > h .or. & a(j) > h .and. a(j-1) <= h) then ix=ix+1 lx(ix)=j end if end do if(ix<=0) return bb: do in=ix jx=lx(in) jfor=0 lda=1 ldb=2 do if(jx<0) then jabs=-jx jnb = jabs - nrqmax else jabs=jx jnb=jabs-1 end if adn=a(jabs)-a(jnb) if(adn/=0) px=(a(jabs)-h)/adn kx = (jabs - 1) / nrqmax ikx = jabs - nrqmax * kx - 1 if(jx<0) then x = drgrd * ikx y = dzgrd * (kx - px) else x = drgrd * (ikx - px) y = dzgrd * kx end if icount = icount + 1 rcon(icount) = x + rqgrid(1) zcon(icount) = y + zqgrid(1) mpl= icount itm = 1 ja(1,1) = jabs + nrqmax j=1 if(jx<=0) then ja(1,1) = -jabs-1 j=2 end if ja(2,1) = -ja(1,1) ja(3,1) = -jx + 1 - nrqmax ja(3,2) = -jx ja(j,2) = jabs - nrqmax k= 3-j ja(k,2) = 1-jabs if (kx<=0 .or. ikx<=0) then lda=1 ldb=lda else if (ikx + 1 - nr >= 0 .and. jx <= 0) then lda=2 ldb=lda else if(jfor/=0) then lda=2 do i=1,3 if(jfor==ja(i,2)) then lda=1 exit end if end do ldb=lda end if flag1=.false. aa: do k=1,3 do l=lda,ldb do i=1,ix if(lx(i)==ja(k,l)) then itm=itm+1 inext= i if(jfor/=0) exit aa if(itm .gt. 3) then flag1=.true. exit aa end if end if end do end do end do aa if(.not.flag1) then lx(in)=0 if(itm .eq. 1) exit end if jfor=jx jx=lx(inext) in = inext end do do if(lx(ix)/=0) then if(mpl>=4) then ncon = ncon + 1 npts(ncon) = icount - iclast iclast = icount end if exit end if ix= ix-1 if(ix<=0) exit bb end do end do bb if(mpl >= 4) then ncon = ncon + 1 npts(ncon) = icount - iclast iclast = icount end if end subroutine cniteq subroutine print_headers(strheader) use units, only : uprj0,uwbm,udisp,ucenr,uoutr,upec,usumm implicit none ! arguments character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: strheader ! local variables integer :: i,l l=size(strheader) do i=1,l write(uprj0,'(1x,a)') strheader(i) write(uprj0+1,'(1x,a)') strheader(i) write(uwbm,'(1x,a)') strheader(i) write(udisp,'(1x,a)') strheader(i) write(ucenr,'(1x,a)') strheader(i) write(uoutr,'(1x,a)') strheader(i) write(upec,'(1x,a)') strheader(i) write(usumm,'(1x,a)') strheader(i) end do write(uprj0,'(1x,a)') '#sst j k xt yt zt rt' write(uprj0+1,'(1x,a)') '#sst j k xt yt zt rt' write(uwbm,'(1x,a)') '#sst w1 w2' write(udisp,'(1x,a)') '#sst Dr_Nr Di_Nr' write(ucenr,'(1x,a)') '#sst R z phi psin rhot ne Te Btot Bx By Bx Nperp Npl '// & 'Nx Ny Nz ki alpha tau Pt dIds nhmin nhmax iohkw index_rt ddr Xg Yg dXgdx dXgdy dXgdz' write(uoutr,'(1x,a)') '#i k sst x y R z psin tau Npl alpha index_rt' write(upec,'(1x,a)') '#rhop rhot Jphi Jcdb dPdV Icdins Pins index_rt' write(usumm,'(1x,a)') '#Icd Pa Jphip dPdVp rhotj rhotjava rhotp rhotpav ' // & 'drhotjava drhotpav ratjamx ratjbmx stmx psipol chipol index_rt ' // & 'Jphimx dPdVmx drhotj drhotp' end subroutine print_headers subroutine print_prof use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use equilibrium, only : psinr,nq,fq,frhotor,tor_curr_psi use coreprofiles, only : density, temp use units, only : uprfin implicit none ! local constants real(wp_), parameter :: eps=1.e-4_wp_ ! local variables integer :: i real(wp_) :: psin,rhot,ajphi,dens,ddens write(uprfin,*) ' #psi rhot ne Te q Jphi' do i=1,nq psin=psinr(i) rhot=frhotor(sqrt(psin)) call density(psin,dens,ddens) call tor_curr_psi(max(eps,psin),ajphi) write(uprfin,"(12(1x,e12.5))") psin,rhot,dens,temp(psin),fq(psin),ajphi*1.e-6_wp_ end do end subroutine print_prof subroutine print_bres(bres) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use equilibrium, only : rmnm, rmxm, zmnm, zmxm, bfield, nq use units, only : ubres implicit none ! arguments real(wp_) :: bres ! local constants integer, parameter :: icmx=2002 ! local variables integer :: j,k,n,nconts,nctot integer, dimension(10) :: ncpts real(wp_) :: dr,dz,btmx,btmn,zzk,rrj,bbphi,bbr,bbz,bbb real(wp_), dimension(icmx) :: rrcb,zzcb real(wp_) :: rv(nq), zv(nq) real(wp_), dimension(nq,nq) :: btotal dr = (rmxm-rmnm)/(nq-1) dz = (zmxm-zmnm)/(nq-1) do j=1,nq rv(j) = rmnm + dr*(j-1) zv(j) = zmnm + dz*(j-1) end do ! Btotal on psi grid btmx=-1.0e30_wp_ btmn=1.0e30_wp_ do k=1,nq zzk=zv(k) do j=1,nq rrj=rv(j) call bfield(rrj,zzk,bbphi,bbr,bbz) btotal(j,k)=sqrt(bbr**2+bbz**2+bbphi**2) if(btotal(j,k).ge.btmx) btmx=btotal(j,k) if(btotal(j,k).le.btmn) btmn=btotal(j,k) enddo enddo ! compute Btot=Bres/n with n=1,5 write(ubres,*)'#i Btot R z' do n=1,5 bbb=bres/dble(n) if ( then nconts=size(ncpts) nctot=size(rrcb) call cniteq(rv,zv,btotal,nq,nq,bbb,nconts,ncpts,nctot,rrcb,zzcb) do j=1,nctot write(ubres,'(i6,12(1x,e12.5))') j,bbb,rrcb(j),zzcb(j) end do end if write(ubres,*) end do end subroutine print_bres subroutine print_maps(bres,xgcn,r0,anpl0) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use gray_params, only : iequil use equilibrium, only : rmnm, rmxm, zmnm, zmxm, equian, equinum_psi, & equinum_fpol, nq use coreprofiles, only : density, temp use units, only : umaps implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres,xgcn,r0,anpl0 ! local variables integer :: j,k real(wp_) :: dr,dz,zk,rj,bphi,br,bz,btot,psin,ne,dne,te,xg,yg,anpl real(wp_), dimension(nq) :: r, z dr = (rmxm-rmnm)/(nq-1) dz = (zmxm-zmnm)/(nq-1) do j=1,nq r(j) = rmnm + dr*(j-1) z(j) = zmnm + dz*(j-1) end do write(umaps,*)'#R z psin Br Bphi Bz Btot ne Te X Y Npl' do j=1,nq rj=r(j) anpl=anpl0*r0/rj do k=1,nq zk=z(k) if (iequil < 2) then call equian(rj,zk,psinv=psin,fpolv=bphi,dpsidr=bz,dpsidz=br) else call equinum_psi(rj,zk,psinv=psin,dpsidr=bz,dpsidz=br) call equinum_fpol(psin,fpolv=bphi) end if br = -br/rj bphi = bphi/rj bz = bz/rj btot = sqrt(br**2+bphi**2+bz**2) yg = btot/bres te = temp(psin) call density(psin,ne,dne) xg = xgcn*ne write(umaps,'(12(x,e12.5))') rj,zk,psin,br,bphi,bz,btot,ne,te,xg,yg,anpl enddo write(umaps,*) enddo end subroutine print_maps subroutine print_surfq(qval) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, one use equilibrium, only : psinr,nq,fq,frhotor,rmaxis,zmaxis, & zbsup,zbinf use magsurf_data, only : contours_psi,npoints,print_contour use utils, only : locate, intlin implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: qval ! local variables integer :: i1,i real(wp_) :: rup,zup,rlw,zlw,rhot,psival real(wp_), dimension(npoints) :: rcn,zcn real(wp_), dimension(nq) :: qpsi ! build q profile on psin grid do i=1,nq qpsi(i) = fq(psinr(i)) end do ! locate psi surface for q=qval print* do i=1,size(qval) call locate(abs(qpsi),nq,qval(i),i1) !!!! check for non monotonous q profile if (i1>0.and.i1=rtimx .and. jkv(1)==nrayr) rtimx = rti if(rti<=rtimn .and. jkv(1)==nrayr) rtimn = rti end do write(uprj,*) write(uwbm,'(3(1x,e16.8e3))') st,rtimn,rtimx end subroutine print_projxyzt subroutine print_output(i,jk,st,qj,xv,psinv,btot,bv,ak0,anpl,anpr,anv, & anprim,dens,tekev,alpha,tau,dids,nhm,nhf,iokhawa,index_rt,ddr,ddi,xg,yg,derxg) use const_and_precisions, only : degree,zero,one use equilibrium, only : frhotor use gray_params, only : istpl0 use beamdata, only : nray,nrayth,jkray1 use units, only : ucenr,uoutr,udisp implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: i,jk,nhm,nhf,iokhawa,index_rt real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv,bv,anv real(wp_), intent(in) :: st,qj,psinv,btot,ak0,anpl,anpr,anprim real(wp_), intent(in) :: dens,tekev,alpha,tau,dids,ddr,ddi real(wp_), intent(in) :: xg,yg real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: derxg ! local variables real(wp_) :: stm,xxm,yym,zzm,rrm,phideg,rhot,akim,pt,didsn integer :: k stm=st*1.0e-2_wp_ xxm=xv(1)*1.0e-2_wp_ yym=xv(2)*1.0e-2_wp_ zzm=xv(3)*1.0e-2_wp_ rrm=sqrt(xxm**2 + yym**2) ! print central ray trajectory. dIds in A/m/W, ki in m^-1 if(jk.eq.1) then phideg=atan2(yym,xxm)/degree if(psinv>=zero .and. psinv<=one) then rhot=frhotor(sqrt(psinv)) else rhot=1.0_wp_ end if akim=anprim*ak0*1.0e2_wp_ pt=exp(-tau) didsn=dids*1.0e2_wp_/qj write(ucenr,'(22(1x,e16.8e3),4i5,6(1x,e16.8e3))') stm,rrm,zzm,phideg, & psinv,rhot,dens,tekev,btot,bv,anpr,anpl,anv,akim,alpha,tau,pt,didsn, & nhm,nhf,iokhawa,index_rt,ddr,xg,yg,derxg end if ! print conservation of dispersion relation if(jk==nray) write(udisp,'(30(1x,e16.8e3))') st,ddr,ddi ! print outer trajectories if(mod(i,istpl0)==0) then k = jk - jkray1 + 1 if(k>0 .and. k<=nrayth) then write(uoutr,'(2i5,9(1x,e16.8e3),i5)') i,k,stm,xxm,yym,rrm,zzm, & psinv,tau,anpl,alpha,index_rt end if end if end subroutine print_output subroutine print_pec(rhop_tab,rhot_tab,jphi,jcd,dpdv,currins,pins,index_rt) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use units, only : upec implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rhop_tab,rhot_tab,jphi,jcd,dpdv, & currins,pins integer, intent(in) :: index_rt ! local variables integer :: i do i=1,size(rhop_tab) write(upec,'(7(1x,e16.8e3),i5)') rhop_tab(i),rhot_tab(i), & jphi(i),jcd(i),dpdv(i),currins(i),pins(i),index_rt end do end subroutine print_pec subroutine print_finals(pabs,icd,dpdvp,jphip,rhotpav,rhotjava,drhotpav, & drhotjava,dpdvmx,jphimx,rhotp,rhotj,drhotp,drhotj,ratjamx,ratjbmx, & stmx,psipol,chipol,index_rt) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use units, only : usumm implicit none real(wp_), intent(in) :: pabs,icd,dpdvp,jphip,rhotpav,rhotjava,drhotpav, & drhotjava,dpdvmx,jphimx,rhotp,rhotj,drhotp,drhotj,ratjamx,ratjbmx, & stmx,psipol,chipol integer, intent(in) :: index_rt write(usumm,'(15(1x,e12.5),i5,4(1x,e12.5))') icd,pabs,jphip,dpdvp, & rhotj,rhotjava,rhotp,rhotpav,drhotjava,drhotpav,ratjamx,ratjbmx, & stmx,psipol,chipol,index_rt,jphimx,dpdvmx,drhotj,drhotp end subroutine print_finals end module graycore