module multipass use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, zero, half, one, degree, czero use beamdata, only : dst, nray use gray_params, only : ipass use polarization, only : pol_limit, stokes_ce, polellipse use reflections, only : wall_refl use equilibrium, only : bfield implicit none integer, save :: nbeam_max ! max n of beams active at a time integer, save :: nbeam_tot ! total n of beams contains ! ------------------------------ subroutine plasma_in(i,xv,anv,bres,sox,cpl,psipol1,chipol1,iop,ext,eyt) ! ray enters plasma implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv,anv real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres,sox real(wp_), dimension(2), intent(out) :: cpl ! coupling (O/X) real(wp_), intent(out) :: psipol1,chipol1 integer, dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: iop ! in/out plasma flag complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: ext,eyt ! local variables real(wp_) :: rm,csphi,snphi,bphi,br,bz real(wp_) :: qq1,uu1,vv1,qq,uu,vv,powcpl real(wp_), dimension(3) :: bv,xmv complex(wp_) :: ext1,eyt1 ! iop(i)=iop(i)+1 ! out->in xmv=xv*0.01_wp_ ! convert from cm to m rm=sqrt(xmv(1)**2+xmv(2)**2) csphi=xmv(1)/rm snphi=xmv(2)/rm call bfield(rm,xmv(3),bphi,br,bz) bv(1)=br*csphi-bphi*snphi bv(2)=br*snphi+bphi*csphi bv(3)=bz call pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext1,eyt1) call stokes_ce(ext1,eyt1,qq1,uu1,vv1) ! stokes parameter at plasma entrance call stokes_ce(ext(i),eyt(i),qq,uu,vv) ! stokes parameter at plasma exit/wall reflection powcpl = half*(one + vv*vv1+uu*uu1+qq*qq1) ! coupling for incoming mode if(sox.eq.-one) then ! incoming mode = O cpl=(/powcpl,one-powcpl/) else ! incoming mode = X cpl=(/one-powcpl,powcpl/) end if if(i.eq.1) then ! polarization angles at plasma entrace for central ray call polellipse(qq1,uu1,vv1,psipol1,chipol1) psipol1=psipol1/degree ! convert from rad to degree chipol1=chipol1/degree else psipol1 = zero chipol1 = zero end if end subroutine plasma_in ! ------------------------------ subroutine plasma_out(i,xv,anv,bres,sox,iop,ext,eyt) ! ray exits plasma implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv,anv real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres,sox integer, dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: iop ! in/out plasma flag complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: ext,eyt ! local variables real(wp_) :: rm,csphi,snphi,bphi,br,bz real(wp_), dimension(3) :: bv,xmv ! iop(i)=iop(i)+1 ! in->out xmv=xv*0.01_wp_ ! convert from cm to m rm=sqrt(xmv(1)**2+xmv(2)**2) csphi=xmv(1)/rm snphi=xmv(2)/rm call bfield(rm,xmv(3),bphi,br,bz) bv(1)=br*csphi-bphi*snphi bv(2)=br*snphi+bphi*csphi bv(3)=bz call pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext(i),eyt(i)) ! polarization at plasma exit end subroutine plasma_out ! ------------------------------ ! subroutine wall_in(i) ! ray enters vessel ! implicit none ! integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index ! ! iow(i)=iow(i)+1 ! end subroutine wall_in ! ------------------------------ subroutine wall_out(i,ins,xv,anv,bres,sox,psipol1,chipol1,iow,iop,ext,eyt) ! ray exits vessel implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index logical, intent(in) :: ins ! inside plasma? (ins=1 plasma/wall overlap) real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(inout) :: xv,anv real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres,sox real(wp_), intent(out) :: psipol1,chipol1 integer, dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: iow,iop ! in/out vessel and plasma flags complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: ext,eyt ! local variables integer :: irfl real(wp_) :: qq1,uu1,vv1 real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xvrfl,anvrfl,walln complex(wp_) :: ext1,eyt1 ! iow(i)=iow(i)+1 ! out->in if(ins) call plasma_out(i,xv,anv,bres,sox,iop,ext,eyt) ! plasma-wall overlapping call wall_refl(xv-dst*anv,anv,ext(i),eyt(i),xvrfl,anvrfl,ext1,eyt1,walln,irfl) ! ray reflects at wall ext(i) = ext1 ! save parameters at wall reflection eyt(i) = eyt1 xv = xvrfl anv = anvrfl if(i.eq.1) then ! polarization angles at wall reflection for central ray call stokes_ce(ext1,eyt1,qq1,uu1,vv1) call polellipse(qq1,uu1,vv1,psipol1,chipol1) psipol1=psipol1/degree ! convert from rad to degree chipol1=chipol1/degree else psipol1 = zero chipol1 = zero end if end subroutine wall_out ! ------------------------------ subroutine initbeam(i,iroff,iboff,iwait,stv,jphi_beam,pins_beam,currins_beam, & dpdv_beam,jcd_beam) ! initialization at beam propagation start implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: i ! beam index logical, dimension(:,:), intent(in), pointer :: iroff ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive) logical, intent(out) :: iboff logical, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iwait real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: jphi_beam,pins_beam, & currins_beam,dpdv_beam,jcd_beam,stv iboff = .false. ! beam status (F = active, T = inactive) iwait = iroff(:,i) ! copy ray status for current beam from global ray status if(all(iwait)) then ! no rays active => stop beam iboff = .true. write(*,*) write(*,'("Beam ",i5," inactive")'),i else if(.not.all(.not.iwait)) then ! only some rays active write(*,*) write(*,'("WARNING: not all rays in beam ",i5," are active")'),i end if stv = zero ! starting step jphi_beam = zero ! 1D beam profiles pins_beam = zero currins_beam = zero dpdv_beam = zero jcd_beam = zero end subroutine initbeam ! ------------------------------ subroutine initmultipass(i,iox,iroff,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0,stnext,p0ray, & taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,psipv,chipv) ! initialization before pass loop implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: i, iox ! ipol, mode active on 1st pass logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: iroff ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive) real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: p0ray,tau1,etau1,cpl1,lgcpl1, & psipv,chipv real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: yw0,ypw0,stnext,taus,cpls real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), pointer :: yynext,yypnext ! iroff = .false. ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive) if(i.eq.0) call turnoffray(0,1,3-iox,iroff) ! ipol = 0 => stop other mode (iox=1/2 -> stop ib=2/1 at first pass) yynext = zero ! starting beam coordinates (1) yypnext = zero ! starting beam coordinates (2) yw0 = zero ! temporary beam coordinates (1) ypw0 = zero ! temporary beam coordinates (2) stnext = zero ! starting beam step p0ray = zero ! starting beam power taus = zero ! beam tau from previous passes tau1 = zero etau1 = one cpls = one ! beam coupling from previous passes cpl1 = one lgcpl1 = zero psipv = zero ! psi polarization angle at vacuum-plasma boundary chipv = zero ! chi polarization angle at vacuum-plasma boundary end subroutine initmultipass ! ------------------------------ subroutine turnoffray(jk,ip,ib,iroff) ! turn off ray propagation implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: jk, ip, ib ! ray (0=all rays), pass, beam indexes logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: iroff ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive) ! local variables integer :: ipx, i1, i2 ! if(jk==0) then ! stop all rays do ipx=ip,ipass ! from pass ip to last pass i1 = 2**ipx-2+2**(ipx-ip)*(ib-1)+1 ! first derived beam at pass ipx i2 = 2**ipx-2+2**(ipx-ip)*ib ! last derived beam at pass ipx (i1=i2 for ipx=ip) iroff(:,i1:i2) = .true. end do else ! only stop ray jk do ipx=ip,ipass i1 = 2**ipx-2+2**(ipx-ip)*(ib-1)+1 i2 = 2**ipx-2+2**(ipx-ip)*ib iroff(jk,i1:i2) = .true. end do end if end subroutine turnoffray ! ------------------------------ subroutine alloc_multipass(dim,iwait,iroff,iop,iow,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0,stnext, & stv,p0ray,taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,jphi_beam, & pins_beam,currins_beam,dpdv_beam,jcd_beam,psipv,chipv) implicit none integer :: dim logical, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iwait logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: iroff integer, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iop,iow real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: jphi_beam,pins_beam,currins_beam, & dpdv_beam,jcd_beam,stv,tau1,etau1,cpl1,lgcpl1,p0ray,psipv,chipv real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: taus,cpls,stnext,yw0,ypw0 real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), pointer :: yynext,yypnext call dealloc_multipass(iwait,iroff,iop,iow,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0,stnext,stv, & p0ray,taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,jphi_beam,pins_beam,currins_beam, & dpdv_beam,jcd_beam,psipv,chipv) nbeam_max = 2**ipass ! max n of beams active at a time nbeam_tot = 2**(ipass+1)-2 ! total n of beams allocate(iwait(nray),iroff(nray,nbeam_tot),iop(nray),iow(nray), & yynext(6,nray,nbeam_max-2),yypnext(6,nray,nbeam_max-2), & yw0(6,nray),ypw0(6,nray),stnext(nray,nbeam_tot),stv(nray), & p0ray(nray),taus(nray,nbeam_tot),tau1(nray),etau1(nray), & cpls(nray,nbeam_tot),cpl1(nray),lgcpl1(nray),jphi_beam(dim), & pins_beam(dim),currins_beam(dim),dpdv_beam(dim),jcd_beam(dim), & psipv(nbeam_tot),chipv(nbeam_tot)) end subroutine alloc_multipass ! ------------------------------ subroutine dealloc_multipass(iwait,iroff,iop,iow,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0,stnext, & stv,p0ray,taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,jphi_beam, & pins_beam,currins_beam,dpdv_beam,jcd_beam,psipv,chipv) implicit none logical, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iwait logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: iroff integer, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iop,iow real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: stv,p0ray,tau1,etau1,cpl1,lgcpl1, & jphi_beam,pins_beam,currins_beam,dpdv_beam,jcd_beam,psipv,chipv real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: yw0,ypw0,stnext,taus,cpls real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), pointer :: yynext,yypnext if (associated(iwait)) deallocate(iwait) if (associated(iroff)) deallocate(iroff) if (associated(iop)) deallocate(iop) if (associated(iow)) deallocate(iow) if (associated(yynext)) deallocate(yynext) if (associated(yypnext)) deallocate(yypnext) if (associated(yw0)) deallocate(yw0) if (associated(ypw0)) deallocate(ypw0) if (associated(stnext)) deallocate(stnext) if (associated(stv)) deallocate(stv) if (associated(p0ray)) deallocate(p0ray) if (associated(taus)) deallocate(taus) if (associated(tau1)) deallocate(tau1) if (associated(etau1)) deallocate(etau1) if (associated(cpls)) deallocate(cpls) if (associated(cpl1)) deallocate(cpl1) if (associated(lgcpl1)) deallocate(lgcpl1) if (associated(jphi_beam)) deallocate(jphi_beam) if (associated(pins_beam)) deallocate(pins_beam) if (associated(currins_beam)) deallocate(currins_beam) if (associated(dpdv_beam)) deallocate(dpdv_beam) if (associated(jcd_beam)) deallocate(jcd_beam) if (associated(psipv)) deallocate(psipv) if (associated(chipv)) deallocate(chipv) end subroutine dealloc_multipass end module multipass