module interp_eqprof use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none ! equidata ! === 2D array psi(R,z) ========================================== INTEGER, SAVE :: nr,nz REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rv,zv REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: psin ! === 1D array Fpol(psi), q(psi), rhotor(psi) ==================== !INTEGER, SAVE :: npsieq REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: psinr,rhopnr,fpol,qpsi ! === 1D array plasma boundary Rbnd_i, Zbnd_i ==================== INTEGER, SAVE :: nbbbs REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rbbbs,zbbbs ! === 1D array limiter Rlim_i, Zlim_i ==> move in wall/reflections INTEGER, SAVE :: nlim REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rlim,zlim REAL(wp_), SAVE :: btaxis,rmaxis,zmaxis REAL(wp_), SAVE :: rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm,dr,dz REAL(wp_), SAVE :: zbmin,zbmax REAL(wp_), SAVE :: phitedge REAL(wp_), SAVE :: rup,zup,rlw,zlw REAL(wp_), SAVE :: rcen,btrcen ! rcen unused, btrcen used only for Jcd_ASTRA def. ! === 2D spline psi(R,z), normalization and derivatives ========== INTEGER, SAVE :: nrest, nzest, lw10, lw01, lw20, lw02, lw11 INTEGER :: nsr,nsz REAL(wp_), SAVE :: psia, psiant, psinop REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: tr,tz REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: cceq, cceq01, cceq10, & cceq20, cceq02, cceq11 ! === 1D spline Fpol(psi) ======================================== ! INTEGER, SAVE :: npsiest INTEGER, SAVE :: nsf REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: tfp,cfp REAL(wp_), SAVE :: fpolas ! === 1D spline rhot(rhop), rhop(rhot), q(psi) =================== ! computed on psinr,rhopnr [,rhotnr] arrays REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: crhot,cq ! !!! 2D B(R,z) array. Computed in bfield_res, ! !!! used by cniteq to plot resonant field contour lines. REAL(wp_), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: btotal contains subroutine alloc_equilvec(ier) implicit none integer, intent(out) :: ier if( then ier = -1 return end if nrest=nr+4 nzest=nz+4 lw10=nr*3+nz*4+nr*nz lw01=nr*4+nz*3+nr*nz lw20=nr*2+nz*4+nr*nz lw02=nr*4+nz*2+nr*nz lw11=nr*3+nz*3+nr*nz call dealloc_equilvec allocate(rv(nr),zv(nz),tr(nrest),tz(nzest),tfp(nrest),cfp(nrest), & btotal(nr,nz),cceq(nr*nz),cceq01(lw01),cceq10(lw10),cceq02(lw02), & cceq20(lw20),cceq11(lw11),psin(nr,nz),psinr(nr),rhopnr(nr),fpol(nr), & qpsi(nr), stat=ier) if (ier/=0) call dealloc_equilvec end subroutine alloc_equilvec subroutine dealloc_equilvec implicit none if(allocated(rv)) deallocate(rv) if(allocated(zv)) deallocate(zv) if(allocated(tr)) deallocate(tr) if(allocated(tz)) deallocate(tz) if(allocated(tfp)) deallocate(tfp) if(allocated(cfp)) deallocate(cfp) if(allocated(btotal)) deallocate(btotal) if(allocated(cceq)) deallocate(cceq) if(allocated(cceq01)) deallocate(cceq01) if(allocated(cceq10)) deallocate(cceq10) if(allocated(cceq02)) deallocate(cceq02) if(allocated(cceq20)) deallocate(cceq20) if(allocated(cceq11)) deallocate(cceq11) if(allocated(psin)) deallocate(psin) if(allocated(psinr)) deallocate(psinr) if(allocated(fpol)) deallocate(fpol) if(allocated(rhopnr)) deallocate(rhopnr) if(allocated(qpsi)) deallocate(qpsi) end subroutine dealloc_equilvec subroutine alloc_bnd(ier) implicit none integer, intent(out) :: ier if( then ier = -1 return end if call dealloc_bnd allocate(rlim(nlim),zlim(nlim),rbbbs(nbbbs),zbbbs(nbbbs), & stat=ier) if (ier/=0) call dealloc_bnd end subroutine alloc_bnd subroutine dealloc_bnd implicit none if(allocated(rlim)) deallocate(rlim) if(allocated(zlim)) deallocate(zlim) if(allocated(rbbbs)) deallocate(rbbbs) if(allocated(zbbbs)) deallocate(zbbbs) end subroutine dealloc_bnd subroutine alloc_lim(ier) implicit none integer, intent(out) :: ier if( then ier = -1 return end if call dealloc_lim allocate(rlim(nlim),zlim(nlim), & stat=ier) if (ier/=0) call dealloc_lim end subroutine alloc_lim subroutine dealloc_lim implicit none if(allocated(rlim)) deallocate(rlim) if(allocated(zlim)) deallocate(zlim) end subroutine dealloc_lim subroutine equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz) use dierckx, only : fpbisp implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: lwrk=8,liwrk=2 ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz ! local variables integer, dimension(liwrk) :: iwrk real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,zzs,ffspl real(wp_), dimension(lwrk) :: wrk ! ! here lengths are measured in meters ! if (rpsim.le.rmxm .and. .and. & zpsim.le.zmxm .and. then if (present(psinv)) then rrs(1)=rpsim zzs(1)=zpsim call fpbisp(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,3,3,rrs,1,zzs,1,ffspl, & wrk(1),wrk(5),iwrk(1),iwrk(2)) psinv=(ffspl(1)-psinop)/psiant end if if (present(dpsidr)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,1,0,dpsidr,cceq10,lw10) end if if (present(dpsidz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,0,1,dpsidz,cceq01,lw01) end if if (present(ddpsidrr)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,2,0,ddpsidrr,cceq20,lw20) end if if (present(ddpsidzz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,0,2,ddpsidzz,cceq02,lw02) end if if (present(ddpsidrz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,1,1,ddpsidrz,cceq11,lw11) end if else if(present(psinv)) psinv=-1.0_wp_ if(present(dpsidr)) dpsidr=0.0_wp_ if(present(dpsidz)) dpsidz=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz=0.0_wp_ end if end subroutine equinum_psi subroutine sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,nur,nuz,derpsi,cc,lw) use dierckx, only : fpbisp implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: liwrk=2,nrs=1,nzs=1 ! arguments integer :: nur,nuz,lw real(wp_) :: rpsim,zpsim,derpsi real(wp_), dimension(lw) :: cc ! local variables integer :: iwr,iwz integer, dimension(liwrk) :: iwrk real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,zzs,ffspl rrs(1)=rpsim zzs(1)=zpsim iwr=1+(nr-nur-4)*(nz-nuz-4) iwz=iwr+4-nur call fpbisp(tr(nur+1),nsr-2*nur,tz(nuz+1),nsz-2*nuz,cc,3-nur,3-nuz, & rrs,nrs,zzs,nzs,ffspl,cc(iwr),cc(iwz),iwrk(1),iwrk(2)) derpsi=ffspl(1)*psia end subroutine sub_derpsi subroutine equinum_fpol(psinv,fpolv,dfpv) use dierckx, only : splev,splder implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: psinv real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpolv real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpv ! local variables integer :: ier real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,ffspl real(wp_), dimension(nsf) :: wrkfd ! if( then rrs(1)=psinv call splev(tfp,nsf,cfp,3,rrs,ffspl,1,ier) fpolv=ffspl(1) if(present(dfpv)) then call splder(tfp,nsf,cfp,3,1,rrs,ffspl,1,wrkfd,ier) dfpv=ffspl(1)/psia end if else fpolv=fpolas if (present(dfpv)) dfpv=0._wp_ end if end subroutine equinum_fpol end module interp_eqprof