module equilibrium use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none real(wp_), save :: btaxis,rmaxis,zmaxis,sgnbphi real(wp_), save :: btrcen ! used only for jcd_astra def. real(wp_), save :: rcen ! computed as fpol(a)/btrcen real(wp_), save :: rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm real(wp_), save :: zbinf,zbsup ! real(wp_), save :: rup,zup,rlw,zlw integer, parameter :: kspl=3,ksplp=kspl+1 ! === 2d spline psi(r,z), normalization and derivatives ========== integer, save :: nsr, nsz real(wp_), save :: psia, psiant, psinop, psnbnd real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: tr,tz real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: cceq, cceq01, cceq10, & cceq20, cceq02, cceq11 ! === 1d spline fpol(psi) ======================================== ! integer, save :: npsiest integer, save :: nsf real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: tfp, cfp real(wp_), save :: fpolas ! === 1d spline rhot(rhop), rhop(rhot), q(psi) =================== ! computed on psinr,rhopnr [,rhotnr] arrays integer, save :: nq,nrho real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: psinr,rhopr,rhotr real(wp_), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: cq,crhop,crhot real(wp_), save :: phitedge,aminor real(wp_), save :: q0,qa,alq contains subroutine read_eqdsk(params, data, unit) ! Reads the MHD equilibrium `data` from a G-EQDSK file (params%filenm). ! If given, the file is opened in the `unit` number. ! For a description of the G-EQDSK, see the GRAY user manual. use const_and_precisions, only : one use gray_params, only : equilibrium_parameters, equilibrium_data use utils, only : get_free_unit use logger, only : log_error implicit none ! subroutine arguments type(equilibrium_parameters), intent(in) :: params type(equilibrium_data), intent(out) :: data integer, optional, intent(in) :: unit ! local variables integer :: u, idum, i, j, nr, nz, nbnd, nlim character(len=48) :: string real(wp_) :: dr, dz, dps, rleft, zmid, zleft, psiedge, psiaxis real(wp_) :: xdum ! dummy variable, used to discard data integer :: err u = get_free_unit(unit) ! Open the G-EQDSK file open(file=params%filenm, status='old', action='read', unit=u, iostat=err) if (err /= 0) then call log_error('opening eqdsk file ('//trim(params%filenm)//') failed!', & mod='equilibrium', proc='read_eqdsk') call exit(1) end if ! get size of main arrays and allocate them if (params%idesc == 1) then read (u,'(a48,3i4)') string,idum,nr,nz else read (u,*) nr, nz end if if (allocated(data%rv)) deallocate(data%rv) if (allocated(data%zv)) deallocate(data%zv) if (allocated(data%psin)) deallocate(data%psin) if (allocated(data%psinr)) deallocate(data%psinr) if (allocated(data%fpol)) deallocate(data%fpol) if (allocated(data%qpsi)) deallocate(data%qpsi) allocate(data%rv(nr), data%zv(nz), & data%psin(nr, nz), & data%psinr(nr), & data%fpol(nr), & data%qpsi(nr)) ! Store 0D data and main arrays if (params%ifreefmt==1) then read (u, *) dr, dz, data%rvac, rleft, zmid read (u, *) data%rax, data%zax, psiaxis, psiedge, xdum read (u, *) xdum, xdum, xdum, xdum, xdum read (u, *) xdum, xdum, xdum, xdum, xdum read (u, *) (data%fpol(i), i=1,nr) read (u, *) (xdum,i=1, nr) read (u, *) (xdum,i=1, nr) read (u, *) (xdum,i=1, nr) read (u, *) ((data%psin(i,j), i=1,nr), j=1,nz) read (u, *) (data%qpsi(i), i=1,nr) else read (u, '(5e16.9)') dr,dz,data%rvac,rleft,zmid read (u, '(5e16.9)') data%rax,data%zax,psiaxis,psiedge,xdum read (u, '(5e16.9)') xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum read (u, '(5e16.9)') xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum,xdum read (u, '(5e16.9)') (data%fpol(i),i=1,nr) read (u, '(5e16.9)') (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u, '(5e16.9)') (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u, '(5e16.9)') (xdum,i=1,nr) read (u, '(5e16.9)') ((data%psin(i,j),i=1,nr),j=1,nz) read (u, '(5e16.9)') (data%qpsi(i),i=1,nr) end if ! Get size of boundary and limiter arrays and allocate them read (u,*) nbnd, nlim if (allocated(data%rbnd)) deallocate(data%rbnd) if (allocated(data%zbnd)) deallocate(data%zbnd) if (allocated(data%rlim)) deallocate(data%rlim) if (allocated(data%zlim)) deallocate(data%zlim) ! Load plasma boundary data if(nbnd > 0) then allocate(data%rbnd(nbnd), data%zbnd(nbnd)) if (params%ifreefmt == 1) then read(u, *) (data%rbnd(i), data%zbnd(i), i=1,nbnd) else read(u, '(5e16.9)') (data%rbnd(i), data%zbnd(i), i=1,nbnd) end if end if ! Load limiter data if(nlim > 0) then allocate(data%rlim(nlim), data%zlim(nlim)) if (params%ifreefmt == 1) then read(u, *) (data%rlim(i), data%zlim(i), i=1,nlim) else read(u, '(5e16.9)') (data%rlim(i), data%zlim(i), i=1,nlim) end if end if ! End of G-EQDSK file close(u) ! Build rv,zv,psinr arrays zleft = zmid-0.5_wp_*dz dr = dr/(nr-1) dz = dz/(nz-1) dps = one/(nr-1) do i=1,nr data%psinr(i) = (i-1)*dps data%rv(i) = rleft + (i-1)*dr end do do i=1,nz data%zv(i) = zleft + (i-1)*dz end do ! Normalize psin data%psia = psiedge - psiaxis if(params%ipsinorm == 0) data%psin = (data%psin - psiaxis)/data%psia end subroutine read_eqdsk subroutine read_equil_an(filenm, ipass, data, unit) ! Reads the MHD equilibrium `data` in the analytical format ! from params%filenm. ! If given, the file is opened in the `unit` number. ! ! TODO: add format description use gray_params, only : equilibrium_data use utils, only : get_free_unit use logger, only : log_error implicit none ! subroutine arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: filenm integer, intent(in) :: ipass type(equilibrium_data), intent(out) :: data integer, optional, intent(in) :: unit ! local variables integer :: i, u, nlim integer :: err real(wp_) :: rr0m, zr0m, rpam, b0, q0, qa, alq u = get_free_unit(unit) open(file=filenm, status='old', action='read', unit=u, iostat=err) if (err /= 0) then call log_error('opening equilibrium file ('//trim(filenm)//') failed!', & mod='equilibrium', proc='read_equil_an') call exit(1) end if read(u, *) rr0m, zr0m, rpam read(u, *) b0 read(u, *) q0, qa, alq if(allocated(data%rv)) deallocate(data%rv) if(allocated(data%zv)) deallocate(data%zv) if(allocated(data%fpol)) deallocate(data%fpol) if(allocated(data%qpsi)) deallocate(data%qpsi) allocate(data%rv(2), data%zv(1), data%fpol(1), data%qpsi(3)) data%rv = [rr0m, rpam] data%zv = [zr0m] data%fpol = [b0*rr0m] data%qpsi = [q0, qa, alq] if(ipass >= 2) then ! get size of boundary and limiter arrays and allocate them read (u,*) nlim if (allocated(data%rlim)) deallocate(data%rlim) if (allocated(data%zlim)) deallocate(data%zlim) ! store boundary and limiter data if(nlim > 0) then allocate(data%rlim(nlim), data%zlim(nlim)) read(u,*) (data%rlim(i), data%zlim(i), i = 1, nlim) end if end if close(u) end subroutine read_equil_an subroutine change_cocos(data, cocosin, cocosout, error) ! Convert the MHD equilibrium data from one coordinate convention ! (COCOS) to another. These are specified by `cocosin` and ! `cocosout`, respectively. ! ! For more information, see: use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one, pi use gray_params, only : equilibrium_data implicit none ! subroutine arguments type(equilibrium_data), intent(inout) :: data integer, intent(in) :: cocosin, cocosout integer, intent(out), optional :: error ! local variables real(wp_) :: isign, bsign integer :: exp2pi, exp2piout logical :: phiccw, psiincr, qpos, phiccwout, psiincrout, qposout call decode_cocos(cocosin, exp2pi, phiccw, psiincr, qpos) call decode_cocos(cocosout, exp2piout, phiccwout, psiincrout, qposout) ! Check sign consistency isign = sign(one, data%psia) if (.not.psiincr) isign = -isign bsign = sign(one, data%fpol(size(data%fpol))) if (qpos .neqv. isign * bsign * data%qpsi(size(data%qpsi)) > zero) then ! Warning: sign inconsistency found among q, Ipla and Bref data%qpsi = -data%qpsi if (present(error)) error = 1 else if (present(error)) error = 0 end if ! Convert cocosin to cocosout ! Opposite direction of toroidal angle phi in cocosin and cocosout if (phiccw .neqv. phiccwout) data%fpol = -data%fpol ! q has opposite sign for given sign of Bphi*Ip if (qpos .neqv. qposout) data%qpsi = -data%qpsi ! psi and Ip signs don't change accordingly if ((phiccw .eqv. phiccwout) .neqv. (psiincr .eqv. psiincrout)) & data%psia = -data%psia ! Convert Wb to Wb/rad or viceversa data%psia = data%psia * (2.0_wp_*pi)**(exp2piout - exp2pi) end subroutine change_cocos subroutine decode_cocos(cocos, exp2pi, phiccw, psiincr, qpos) implicit none ! subroutine arguments integer, intent(in) :: cocos integer, intent(out) :: exp2pi logical, intent(out) :: phiccw, psiincr, qpos ! local variables integer :: cmod10, cmod4 cmod10 = mod(cocos, 10) cmod4 = mod(cmod10, 4) ! cocos>10 ψ in Wb, cocos<10 ψ in Wb/rad exp2pi = (cocos - cmod10)/10 ! cocos mod 10 = 1,3,5,7: toroidal angle φ increasing CCW phiccw = (mod(cmod10, 2)== 1) ! cocos mod 10 = 1,2,5,6: ψ increasing with positive Ip psiincr = (cmod4==1 .or. cmod4==2) ! cocos mod 10 = 1,2,7,8: q positive for positive Bφ*Ip qpos = (cmod10<3 .or. cmod10>6) end subroutine decode_cocos subroutine eq_scal(params, data) ! Rescale the magnetic field (B) and the plasma current (I) ! and/or force their signs. ! ! Notes: ! 1. signi and signb are ignored on input if equal to 0. ! They are used to assign the direction of Bphi and Ipla BEFORE scaling. ! 2. cocos=3 assumed: CCW direction is >0 ! 3. Bphi and Ipla scaled by the same factor factb to keep q unchanged ! 4. factb<0 reverses the directions of Bphi and Ipla use const_and_precisions, only : one use gray_params, only : equilibrium_parameters, equilibrium_data implicit none ! subroutine arguments type(equilibrium_parameters), intent(inout) :: params type(equilibrium_data), intent(inout) :: data ! local variables real(wp_) :: last_fpol last_fpol = data%fpol(size(data%fpol)) if (params%sgni /=0) & data%psia = sign(data%psia, real(-params%sgni, wp_)) if (params%sgnb /=0 .and. params%sgnb * last_fpol < 0) & data%fpol = -data%fpol data%psia = data%psia * params%factb data%fpol = data%fpol * params%factb params%sgni = int(sign(one, -data%psia)) params%sgnb = int(sign(one, last_fpol)) end subroutine eq_scal subroutine set_equil_spline(params, data) ! Computes splines for the MHD equilibrium data and stores them ! in their respective global variables, see the top of this file. use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one use gray_params, only : equilibrium_parameters, equilibrium_data use dierckx, only : regrid, coeff_parder, curfit, splev use gray_params, only : iequil use reflections, only : inside use utils, only : vmaxmin, vmaxmini use logger, only : log_info implicit none ! subroutine arguments type(equilibrium_parameters), intent(in) :: params type(equilibrium_data), intent(in) :: data ! local constants integer, parameter :: iopt=0 ! local variables integer :: liwrk,lwrk,lw10,lw01,lw20,lw02,lw11,lwrkf integer :: nr,nz,nrest,nzest,npsest,nrz,npsi,nbnd,ibinf,ibsup real(wp_) :: sspln,fp,rax0,zax0,psinoptmp,psinxptmp real(wp_) :: rbmin,rbmax,rbinf,rbsup,r1,z1 real(wp_), dimension(size(data%psinr)) :: rhotn real(wp_), dimension(1) :: fpoli real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: rv1d,zv1d,fvpsi,wf,wrk integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iwrk integer :: ier,ixploc,info,i,j,ij character(256) :: msg ! for log messages formatting ! compute array sizes and prepare working space arrays nr=size(data%rv) nz=size(data%zv) nrz=nr*nz nrest=nr+ksplp nzest=nz+ksplp lwrk=4+nrest*nz+(nrest+nzest)*(2*kspl+5)+(nr+nz)*ksplp+max(nz,nrest) liwrk=nz+nr+nrest+nzest+kspl npsi=size(data%psinr) npsest=npsi+ksplp lwrkf=npsi*ksplp+npsest*(7+3*kspl) allocate(wrk(max(lwrk,lwrkf)),iwrk(max(liwrk,npsest))) ! spline fitting/interpolation of data%psin(i,j) and derivatives ! allocate knots and spline coefficients arrays if (allocated(tr)) deallocate(tr) if (allocated(tz)) deallocate(tz) if (allocated(cceq)) deallocate(cceq) allocate(tr(nrest),tz(nzest),cceq(nrz)) ! length in m !!! rmnm=data%rv(1) rmxm=data%rv(nr) zmnm=data%zv(1) zmxm=data%zv(nz) if (iequil>2) then ! data valid only inside boundary (data%psin=0 outside), e.g. source==ESCO ! presence of boundary anticipated here to filter invalid data nbnd = min(size(data%rbnd), size(data%zbnd)) ! determine number of valid grid points nrz=0 do j=1,nz do i=1,nr if ( then if(.not.inside(data%rbnd,data%zbnd,nbnd,data%rv(i),data%zv(j))) cycle else if(data%psin(i,j).le.0.0d0) cycle end if nrz=nrz+1 end do end do ! store valid data allocate(rv1d(nrz),zv1d(nrz),fvpsi(nrz),wf(nrz)) ij=0 do j=1,nz do i=1,nr if ( then if(.not.inside(data%rbnd,data%zbnd,nbnd,data%rv(i),data%zv(j))) cycle else if(data%psin(i,j).le.0.0d0) cycle end if ij=ij+1 rv1d(ij)=data%rv(i) zv1d(ij)=data%zv(j) fvpsi(ij)=data%psin(i,j) wf(ij)=1.0d0 end do end do ! fit as a scattered set of points ! use reduced number of knots to limit memory comsumption ? nsr=nr/4+4 nsz=nz/4+4 sspln=params%ssplps call scatterspl(rv1d,zv1d,fvpsi,wf,nrz,kspl,sspln, & rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm,tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,ier) ! if ier=-1 data are fitted using params%ssplps=0 if(ier.eq.-1) then sspln=0.0_wp_ nsr=nr/4+4 nsz=nz/4+4 call scatterspl(rv1d,zv1d,fvpsi,wf,nrz,kspl,sspln, & rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm,tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,ier) end if deallocate(rv1d,zv1d,wf,fvpsi) ! reset nrz to the total number of grid points for next allocations nrz=nr*nz else ! iequil==2: data are valid on the full R,z grid ! reshape 2D psi array to 1D (transposed) array and compute spline coeffs allocate(fvpsi(nrz)) fvpsi=reshape(transpose(data%psin),(/nrz/)) sspln=params%ssplps call regrid(iopt,nr,data%rv,nz,data%zv,fvpsi,rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm, & kspl,kspl,sspln,nrest,nzest,nsr,tr,nsz,tz,cceq,fp, & wrk(1:lwrk),lwrk,iwrk(1:liwrk),liwrk,ier) ! if ier=-1 data are re-fitted using params%ssplps=0 if(ier==-1) then sspln=0.0_wp_ call regrid(iopt,nr,data%rv,nz,data%zv,fvpsi,rmnm,rmxm,zmnm,zmxm, & kspl,kspl,sspln,nrest,nzest,nsr,tr,nsz,tz,cceq,fp, & wrk(1:lwrk),lwrk,iwrk(1:liwrk),liwrk,ier) end if deallocate(fvpsi) end if ! compute spline coefficients for psi partial derivatives lw10 = nr*(ksplp-1) + nz*ksplp + nrz lw01 = nr*ksplp + nz*(ksplp-1) + nrz lw20 = nr*(ksplp-2) + nz*ksplp + nrz lw02 = nr*ksplp + nz*(ksplp-2) + nrz lw11 = nr*(ksplp-1) + nz*(ksplp-1) + nrz if (allocated(cceq10)) deallocate(cceq10) if (allocated(cceq01)) deallocate(cceq01) if (allocated(cceq20)) deallocate(cceq20) if (allocated(cceq02)) deallocate(cceq02) if (allocated(cceq11)) deallocate(cceq11) allocate(cceq10(lw10),cceq01(lw01),cceq20(lw20),cceq02(lw02),cceq11(lw11)) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,1,0,cceq10,lw10,ier) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,0,1,cceq01,lw01,ier) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,2,0,cceq20,lw20,ier) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,0,2,cceq02,lw02,ier) call coeff_parder(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,1,1,cceq11,lw11,ier) ! Spline interpolation of data%fpol(i) ! Allocate knots and spline coefficients arrays if (allocated(tfp)) deallocate(tfp) if (allocated(cfp)) deallocate(cfp) allocate(tfp(npsest),cfp(npsest)) allocate(wf(npsi)) wf(1:npsi-1)=one wf(npsi)=1.0e2_wp_ call curfit(iopt,npsi,data%psinr,data%fpol,wf,zero,one,kspl,params%ssplf,npsest,nsf, & tfp,cfp,fp,wrk(1:lwrkf),lwrkf,iwrk(1:npsest),ier) call splev(tfp,nsf,cfp,kspl,data%psinr(npsi:npsi),fpoli,1,ier) ! Set vacuum value used outside 0<=data%psin<=1 range fpolas=fpoli(1) sgnbphi=sign(one,fpolas) ! Free temporary arrays deallocate(wrk,iwrk,wf) ! Re-normalize psi after spline computation ! Start with un-corrected psi psia=data%psia psinop=0.0_wp_ psiant=1.0_wp_ ! Use provided boundary to set an initial guess ! for the search of O/X points nbnd=min(size(data%rbnd), size(data%zbnd)) if (nbnd>0) then call vmaxmini(data%zbnd,nbnd,zbinf,zbsup,ibinf,ibsup) rbinf=data%rbnd(ibinf) rbsup=data%rbnd(ibsup) call vmaxmin(data%rbnd,nbnd,rbmin,rbmax) else zbinf=data%zv(2) zbsup=data%zv(nz-1) rbinf=data%rv((nr+1)/2) rbsup=rbinf rbmin=data%rv(2) rbmax=data%rv(nr-1) end if ! Search for exact location of the magnetic axis rax0=data%rax zax0=data%zax call points_ox(rax0,zax0,rmaxis,zmaxis,psinoptmp,info) write (msg, '("O-point found:", 3(x,a,"=",g0.3))') & 'r', rmaxis, 'z', zmaxis, 'ψ', psinoptmp call log_info(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='set_equil_spline') ! search for X-point if params%ixp /= 0 ixploc = params%ixp if(ixploc/=0) then if(ixploc<0) then call points_ox(rbinf,zbinf,r1,z1,psinxptmp,info) if(psinxptmp/=-1.0_wp_) then write (msg, '("X-point found:", 3(x,a,"=",g0.3))') & 'r', r1, 'z', z1, 'ψ', psinxptmp call log_info(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='set_equil_spline') zbinf=z1 psinop=psinoptmp psiant=psinxptmp-psinop call points_tgo(rmaxis,0.5_wp_*(zmaxis+zbsup),r1,z1,one,info) zbsup=z1 else ixploc=0 end if else call points_ox(rbsup,zbsup,r1,z1,psinxptmp,info) if( then write (msg, '("X-point found:", 3(x,a,"=",g0.3))') & 'r', r1, 'z', z1, 'ψ', psinxptmp call log_info(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='set_equil_spline') zbsup=z1 psinop=psinoptmp psiant=psinxptmp-psinop call points_tgo(rmaxis,0.5_wp_*(zmaxis+zbinf),r1,z1,one,info) zbinf=z1 else ixploc=0 end if end if end if if (ixploc==0) then psinop=psinoptmp psiant=one-psinop ! Find upper horizontal tangent point call points_tgo(rmaxis,0.5_wp_*(zmaxis+zbsup),r1,z1,one,info) zbsup=z1 rbsup=r1 ! Find lower horizontal tangent point call points_tgo(rmaxis,0.5_wp_*(zmaxis+zbinf),r1,z1,one,info) zbinf=z1 rbinf=r1 write (msg, '("X-point not found in", 2(x,a,"∈[",g0.3,",",g0.3,"]"))') & 'r', rbinf, rbsup, 'z', zbinf, zbsup call log_info(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='set_equil_spline') end if ! Save Bt value on axis (required in flux_average and used in Jcd def) ! and vacuum value B0 at ref. radius data%rvac (used in Jcd_astra def) call equinum_fpol(0.0_wp_,btaxis) btaxis = btaxis/rmaxis btrcen = fpolas/data%rvac rcen = data%rvac write (msg, '(2(a,g0.3))') 'Bt_center=', btrcen, ' Bt_axis=', btaxis call log_info(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='set_equil_spline') ! Compute rho_pol/rho_tor mapping based on input q profile call setqphi_num(data%psinr,abs(data%qpsi),abs(psia),rhotn) call set_rhospl(sqrt(data%psinr),rhotn) end subroutine set_equil_spline subroutine scatterspl(x,y,z,w,n,kspl,sspl,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, & tx,nknt_x,ty,nknt_y,coeff,ierr) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, comp_eps use dierckx, only : surfit implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: n real(wp_), dimension(n), intent(in) :: x, y, z real(wp_), dimension(n), intent(in) :: w integer, intent(in) :: kspl real(wp_), intent(in) :: sspl real(wp_), intent(in) :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax real(wp_), dimension(nknt_x), intent(inout) :: tx real(wp_), dimension(nknt_y), intent(inout) :: ty integer, intent(inout) :: nknt_x, nknt_y real(wp_), dimension(nknt_x*nknt_y), intent(out) :: coeff integer, intent(out) :: ierr ! local variables integer :: iopt real(wp_) :: resid integer :: u,v,km,ne,b1,b2,lwrk1,lwrk2,kwrk,nxest,nyest real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: wrk1, wrk2 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iwrk nxest=nknt_x nyest=nknt_y ne = max(nxest,nyest) km = kspl+1 u = nxest-km v = nyest-km b1 = kspl*min(u,v)+kspl+1 b2 = (kspl+1)*min(u,v)+1 lwrk1 = u*v*(2+b1+b2)+2*(u+v+km*(n+ne)+ne-2*kspl)+b2+1 lwrk2 = u*v*(b2+1)+b2 kwrk = n+(nknt_x-2*kspl-1)*(nknt_y-2*kspl-1) allocate(wrk1(lwrk1),wrk2(lwrk2),iwrk(kwrk)) iopt=0 call surfit(iopt,n,x,y,z,w,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,kspl,kspl, & sspl,nxest,nyest,ne,comp_eps,nknt_x,tx,nknt_y,ty, & coeff,resid,wrk1,lwrk1,wrk2,lwrk2,iwrk,kwrk,ierr) deallocate(wrk1,wrk2,iwrk) end subroutine scatterspl subroutine setqphi_num(psinq,q,psia,rhotn) use const_and_precisions, only : pi use simplespline, only : difcs implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: psinq,q real(wp_), intent(in) :: psia real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), optional :: rhotn ! local variables real(wp_), dimension(size(q)) :: phit real(wp_) :: dx integer, parameter :: iopt=0 integer :: k,ier nq=size(q) if(allocated(psinr)) deallocate(psinr) if(allocated(cq)) deallocate(cq) allocate(psinr(nq),cq(nq,4)) psinr=psinq call difcs(psinr,q,nq,iopt,cq,ier) ! Toroidal flux phi = 2*pi*Integral q dpsi phit(1)=0.0_wp_ do k=1,nq-1 dx=psinr(k+1)-psinr(k) phit(k+1)=phit(k) + dx*(cq(k,1) + dx*(cq(k,2)/2.0_wp_ + & dx*(cq(k,3)/3.0_wp_ + dx* cq(k,4)/4.0_wp_) ) ) end do phitedge=phit(nq) if(present(rhotn)) rhotn(1:nq)=sqrt(phit/phitedge) phitedge=2*pi*psia*phitedge end subroutine setqphi_num subroutine set_equil_an(data, n) ! Computes the analytical equilibrium data and stores them ! in their respective global variables, see the top of this file. use const_and_precisions, only : pi, zero, one use gray_params, only : equilibrium_data implicit none ! subroutine arguments type(equilibrium_data), intent(in) :: data integer, optional, intent(in) :: n ! local variables integer, parameter :: nqdef=101 integer :: i real(wp_) :: dr, fq0, fq1, qq, res, rn real(wp_) :: rax, zax, a, bax, qax, q1, qexp real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: rhotn,rhopn rax = data%rv(1) zax = data%zv(1) a = data%rv(2) bax = data%fpol(1) / rax qax = data%qpsi(1) q1 = data%qpsi(2) qexp = data%qpsi(3) btaxis=bax rmaxis=rax zmaxis=zax btrcen=bax rcen=rax aminor=a zbinf=zmaxis-a zbsup=zmaxis+a q0=qax qa=q1 alq=qexp sgnbphi=sign(one,bax) rmxm=rmaxis+aminor rmnm=rmaxis-aminor zmxm=zbsup zmnm=zbinf if (present(n)) then nq=n else nq=nqdef end if if (allocated(psinr)) deallocate(psinr) allocate(psinr(nq),rhotn(nq),rhopn(nq)) dr=one/(nq-1) rhotn(1)=zero psinr(1)=zero res=zero fq0=zero do i=2,nq rn=(i-1)*dr qq=q0+(q1-q0)*rn**qexp fq1=rn/qq res=res+0.5_wp_*(fq1+fq0)*dr fq0=fq1 rhotn(i)=rn psinr(i)=res end do phitedge=btaxis*aminor**2 ! temporary psia=res*phitedge phitedge=pi*phitedge ! final psinr=psinr/res rhopn=sqrt(psinr) call set_rhospl(rhopn,rhotn) end subroutine set_equil_an subroutine set_rhospl(rhop,rhot) use simplespline, only : difcs implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rhop, rhot ! local variables integer, parameter :: iopt=0 integer :: ier nrho=size(rhop) if(allocated(rhopr)) deallocate(rhopr) if(allocated(rhotr)) deallocate(rhotr) if(allocated(crhop)) deallocate(crhop) if(allocated(crhot)) deallocate(crhot) allocate(rhopr(nrho),rhotr(nrho),crhop(nrho,4),crhot(nrho,4)) rhopr=rhop rhotr=rhot call difcs(rhotr,rhopr,nrho,iopt,crhop,ier) call difcs(rhopr,rhotr,nrho,iopt,crhot,ier) end subroutine set_rhospl subroutine equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz) use dierckx, only : fpbisp implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: lwrk=8,liwrk=2 ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz ! local variables integer, dimension(liwrk) :: iwrk real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,zzs,ffspl real(wp_), dimension(lwrk) :: wrk ! here lengths are measured in meters if (rpsim.le.rmxm .and. .and. & zpsim.le.zmxm .and. then if (present(psinv)) then rrs(1)=rpsim zzs(1)=zpsim call fpbisp(tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,3,3,rrs,1,zzs,1,ffspl, & wrk(1),wrk(5),iwrk(1),iwrk(2)) psinv=(ffspl(1)-psinop)/psiant end if if (present(dpsidr)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,1,0,dpsidr,cceq10) end if if (present(dpsidz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,0,1,dpsidz,cceq01) end if if (present(ddpsidrr)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,2,0,ddpsidrr,cceq20) end if if (present(ddpsidzz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,0,2,ddpsidzz,cceq02) end if if (present(ddpsidrz)) then call sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,1,1,ddpsidrz,cceq11) end if else if(present(psinv)) psinv=-1.0_wp_ if(present(dpsidr)) dpsidr=0.0_wp_ if(present(dpsidz)) dpsidz=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz=0.0_wp_ if(present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz=0.0_wp_ end if end subroutine equinum_psi subroutine sub_derpsi(rpsim,zpsim,nur,nuz,derpsi,cc) use dierckx, only : fpbisp implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim integer, intent(in) :: nur,nuz real(wp_), intent(out) :: derpsi real(wp_), dimension(:) :: cc ! local variables integer, dimension(1) :: iwrkr,iwrkz real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,zzs,ffspl real(wp_), dimension(1,ksplp) :: wrkr real(wp_), dimension(1,ksplp) :: wrkz rrs(1)=rpsim zzs(1)=zpsim call fpbisp(tr(nur+1),nsr-2*nur,tz(nuz+1),nsz-2*nuz,cc,kspl-nur,kspl-nuz, & rrs,1,zzs,1,ffspl,wrkr,wrkz,iwrkr,iwrkz) derpsi=ffspl(1)*psia end subroutine sub_derpsi subroutine equinum_fpol(psinv,fpolv,dfpv) use dierckx, only : splev,splder implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: psinv real(wp_), intent(out) :: fpolv real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: dfpv ! local variables integer :: ier real(wp_), dimension(1) :: rrs,ffspl real(wp_), dimension(nsf) :: wrkfd ! if( then rrs(1)=psinv call splev(tfp,nsf,cfp,3,rrs,ffspl,1,ier) fpolv=ffspl(1) if(present(dfpv)) then call splder(tfp,nsf,cfp,3,1,rrs,ffspl,1,wrkfd,ier) dfpv=ffspl(1)/psia end if else fpolv=fpolas if (present(dfpv)) dfpv=0._wp_ end if end subroutine equinum_fpol subroutine equian(rrm,zzm,psinv,fpolv,dfpv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rrm,zzm real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: psinv,fpolv,dfpv,dpsidr,dpsidz, & ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz ! local variables real(wp_) :: cst,dpsidrp,d2psidrp,dqq,qq,rn,rpm,snt,rhop,rhot,btaxqq ! simple model for equilibrium: large aspect ratio ! outside plasma: analytical continuation, not solution Maxwell eqs rpm=sqrt((rrm-rmaxis)**2+(zzm-zmaxis)**2) !!! rpm==rho_tor[m], rn=rho_tor_norm rn=rpm/aminor snt=0.0_wp_ cst=1.0_wp_ if (rpm > 0.0_wp_) then snt=(zzm-zmaxis)/rpm cst=(rrm-rmaxis)/rpm end if if (present(psinv)) then rhot=rn if(rn <= 1.0_wp_) then rhop=frhopol(rhot) psinv=rhop**2 else psinv=1.0_wp_+btaxis/(2.0_wp_*psia*qa)*(rpm**2-aminor**2) rhop=sqrt(psinv) end if end if if(rn <= 1.0_wp_) then qq=q0+(qa-q0)*rn**alq btaxqq=btaxis/qq dpsidrp=btaxqq*rpm dqq=alq*(qa-q0)*rn**(alq-1.0_wp_) d2psidrp=btaxqq*(1.0_wp_-rn*dqq/qq) else btaxqq=btaxis/qa dpsidrp=btaxqq*rpm d2psidrp=btaxqq end if if(present(fpolv)) fpolv=btaxis*rmaxis if(present(dfpv)) dfpv=0.0_wp_ if(present(dpsidr)) dpsidr=dpsidrp*cst if(present(dpsidz)) dpsidz=dpsidrp*snt if(present(ddpsidrr)) ddpsidrr=btaxqq*snt**2+cst**2*d2psidrp if(present(ddpsidrz)) ddpsidrz=cst*snt*(d2psidrp-btaxqq) if(present(ddpsidzz)) ddpsidzz=btaxqq*cst**2+snt**2*d2psidrp end subroutine equian function frhopol(rhot) use utils, only : locate use simplespline, only : spli implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rhot real(wp_) :: frhopol ! local variables integer :: i real(wp_) :: dr call locate(rhotr,nrho,rhot,i) i=min(max(1,i),nrho-1) dr=rhot-rhotr(i) frhopol=spli(crhop,nrho,i,dr) end function frhopol function frhopolv(rhot) use utils, only : locate use simplespline, only : spli implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rhot real(wp_), dimension(size(rhot)) :: frhopolv ! local variables integer :: i,i0,j real(wp_) :: dr i0=1 do j=1,size(rhot) call locate(rhotr(i0:),nrho-i0+1,rhot(j),i) i=min(max(1,i),nrho-i0)+i0-1 dr=rhot(j)-rhotr(i) frhopolv(j)=spli(crhop,nrho,i,dr) i0=i end do end function frhopolv function frhotor(rhop) use utils, only : locate use simplespline, only : spli implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rhop real(wp_) :: frhotor ! local variables integer :: i real(wp_) :: dr call locate(rhopr,nrho,rhop,i) i=min(max(1,i),nrho-1) dr=rhop-rhopr(i) frhotor=spli(crhot,nrho,i,dr) end function frhotor function fq(psin) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use gray_params, only : iequil use simplespline, only :spli use utils, only : locate implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: psin real(wp_) :: fq ! local variables integer :: i real(wp_) :: dps,rn if (iequil<2) then rn=frhotor(sqrt(psin)) fq=q0+(qa-q0)*rn**alq else call locate(psinr,nq,psin,i) i=min(max(1,i),nq-1) dps=psin-psinr(i) fq=spli(cq,nq,i,dps) end if end function fq subroutine bfield(rpsim,zpsim,bphi,br,bz) use gray_params, only : iequil implicit none ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rpsim,zpsim real(wp_), intent(out), optional :: bphi,br,bz ! local variables real(wp_) :: psin,fpol if (iequil < 2) then call equian(rpsim,zpsim,fpolv=bphi,dpsidr=bz,dpsidz=br) if (present(bphi)) bphi=bphi/rpsim else call equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,psinv=bphi,dpsidr=bz,dpsidz=br) if (present(bphi)) then psin=bphi call equinum_fpol(psin,fpol) bphi=fpol/rpsim end if end if if (present(br)) br=-br/rpsim if (present(bz)) bz= bz/rpsim end subroutine bfield subroutine tor_curr(rpsim,zpsim,ajphi) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,ccj=>mu0inv use gray_params, only : iequil implicit none ! arguments real(wp_) :: rpsim,zpsim,ajphi ! local variables real(wp_) :: bzz,dbvcdc13,dbvcdc31 real(wp_) :: dpsidr,ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz if(iequil < 2) then call equian(rpsim,zpsim,dpsidr=dpsidr, & ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz) else call equinum_psi(rpsim,zpsim,dpsidr=dpsidr, & ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz) end if bzz= dpsidr/rpsim dbvcdc13=-ddpsidzz/rpsim dbvcdc31= ddpsidrr/rpsim-bzz/rpsim ajphi=ccj*(dbvcdc13-dbvcdc31) end subroutine tor_curr subroutine psi_raxis(psin,r1,r2) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use gray_params, only : iequil use dierckx, only : profil, sproota use logger, only : log_error implicit none ! subroutine arguments real(wp_) :: psin,r1,r2 ! local constants integer, parameter :: mest=4 ! local variables integer :: iopt,ier,m real(wp_) :: zc,val real(wp_), dimension(mest) :: zeroc real(wp_), dimension(nsr) :: czc character(64) :: msg if (iequil < 2) then val=frhotor(sqrt(psin)) r1=rmaxis-val*aminor r2=rmaxis+val*aminor else iopt=1 zc=zmaxis call profil(iopt,tr,nsr,tz,nsz,cceq,kspl,kspl,zc,nsr,czc,ier) if (ier > 0) then write (msg, '("profil failed with error ",g0)') ier call log_error(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='psi_raxis') end if val=psin*psiant+psinop call sproota(val,tr,nsr,czc,zeroc,mest,m,ier) r1=zeroc(1) r2=zeroc(2) end if end subroutine psi_raxis subroutine tor_curr_psi(psin,ajphi) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ implicit none ! arguments real(wp_) :: psin,ajphi ! local variables real(wp_) :: r1,r2 call psi_raxis(psin,r1,r2) call tor_curr(r2,zmaxis,ajphi) end subroutine tor_curr_psi subroutine points_ox(rz,zz,rf,zf,psinvf,info) use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps use minpack, only : hybrj1 use logger, only : log_error, log_debug implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: n=2,ldfjac=n,lwa=(n*(n+13))/2 ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rz,zz real(wp_), intent(out) :: rf,zf,psinvf integer, intent(out) :: info ! local variables real(wp_) :: tol real(wp_), dimension(n) :: xvec,fvec real(wp_), dimension(lwa) :: wa real(wp_), dimension(ldfjac,n) :: fjac character(256) :: msg xvec(1)=rz xvec(2)=zz tol = sqrt(comp_eps) call hybrj1(fcnox,n,xvec,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,tol,info,wa,lwa) if(info /= 1) then write (msg, '("O,X coordinates:",2(x,", ",g0.3))') xvec call log_debug(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='points_ox') write (msg, '("hybrj1 failed with error ",g0)') info call log_error(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='points_ox') end if rf=xvec(1) zf=xvec(2) call equinum_psi(rf,zf,psinvf) end subroutine points_ox subroutine fcnox(n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) use logger, only : log_error implicit none ! subroutine arguments integer, intent(in) :: n,iflag,ldfjac real(wp_), dimension(n), intent(in) :: x real(wp_), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: fvec real(wp_), dimension(ldfjac,n), intent(inout) :: fjac ! local variables real(wp_) :: dpsidr,dpsidz,ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz,ddpsidrz character(64) :: msg select case(iflag) case(1) call equinum_psi(x(1),x(2),dpsidr=dpsidr,dpsidz=dpsidz) fvec(1) = dpsidr/psia fvec(2) = dpsidz/psia case(2) call equinum_psi(x(1),x(2),ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr,ddpsidzz=ddpsidzz, & ddpsidrz=ddpsidrz) fjac(1,1) = ddpsidrr/psia fjac(1,2) = ddpsidrz/psia fjac(2,1) = ddpsidrz/psia fjac(2,2) = ddpsidzz/psia case default write (msg, '("invalid iflag: ",g0)') call log_error(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='fcnox') end select end subroutine fcnox subroutine points_tgo(rz,zz,rf,zf,psin0,info) use const_and_precisions, only : comp_eps use minpack, only : hybrj1mv use logger, only : log_error, log_debug implicit none ! local constants integer, parameter :: n=2,ldfjac=n,lwa=(n*(n+13))/2 ! arguments real(wp_), intent(in) :: rz,zz,psin0 real(wp_), intent(out) :: rf,zf integer, intent(out) :: info character(256) :: msg ! local variables real(wp_) :: tol real(wp_), dimension(n) :: xvec,fvec,f0 real(wp_), dimension(lwa) :: wa real(wp_), dimension(ldfjac,n) :: fjac xvec(1)=rz xvec(2)=zz f0(1)=psin0 f0(2)=0.0_wp_ tol = sqrt(comp_eps) call hybrj1mv(fcntgo,n,xvec,f0,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,tol,info,wa,lwa) if(info /= 1) then write (msg, '("R,z coordinates:",5(x,g0.3))') xvec, rz, zz, psin0 call log_debug(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='points_tgo') write (msg, '("hybrj1mv failed with error ",g0)') info call log_error(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='points_tgo') end if rf=xvec(1) zf=xvec(2) end subroutine fcntgo(n,x,f0,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) use const_and_precisions, only : wp_ use logger, only : log_error implicit none ! subroutine arguments integer, intent(in) :: n,ldfjac,iflag real(wp_), dimension(n), intent(in) :: x,f0 real(wp_), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: fvec real(wp_), dimension(ldfjac,n), intent(inout) :: fjac ! local variables real(wp_) :: psinv,dpsidr,dpsidz,ddpsidrr,ddpsidrz character(64) :: msg select case(iflag) case(1) call equinum_psi(x(1),x(2),psinv,dpsidr) fvec(1) = psinv-f0(1) fvec(2) = dpsidr/psia-f0(2) case(2) call equinum_psi(x(1),x(2),dpsidr=dpsidr,dpsidz=dpsidz, & ddpsidrr=ddpsidrr,ddpsidrz=ddpsidrz) fjac(1,1) = dpsidr/psia fjac(1,2) = dpsidz/psia fjac(2,1) = ddpsidrr/psia fjac(2,2) = ddpsidrz/psia case default write (msg, '("invalid iflag: ",g0)') call log_error(msg, mod='equilibrium', proc='fcntgo') end select end subroutine fcntgo subroutine unset_equil_spline implicit none if (allocated(tr)) deallocate(tr) if (allocated(tz)) deallocate(tz) if (allocated(tfp)) deallocate(tfp) if (allocated(cfp)) deallocate(cfp) if (allocated(cceq)) deallocate(cceq) if (allocated(cceq01)) deallocate(cceq01) if (allocated(cceq10)) deallocate(cceq10) if (allocated(cceq02)) deallocate(cceq02) if (allocated(cceq20)) deallocate(cceq20) if (allocated(cceq11)) deallocate(cceq11) nsr = 0 nsz = 0 nsf = 0 end subroutine unset_equil_spline subroutine unset_q implicit none if (allocated(psinr)) deallocate(psinr) if (allocated(cq)) deallocate(cq) nq = 0 end subroutine unset_q subroutine unset_rho_spline implicit none if(allocated(rhopr)) deallocate(rhopr) if(allocated(rhotr)) deallocate(rhotr) if(allocated(crhop)) deallocate(crhop) if(allocated(crhot)) deallocate(crhot) nrho=0 end subroutine unset_rho_spline end module equilibrium