program main_std use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,one use graycore, only : gray_main use gray_params, only : read_params, antctrl_type,eqparam_type, & prfparam_type,outparam_type,rtrparam_type,hcdparam_type use beams, only : read_beam0, read_beam1, read_beam2 use equilibrium, only : read_equil_an,read_eqdsk,change_cocos,eq_scal, & set_rhospl,setqphi_num,frhopolv use coreprofiles, only : read_profiles_an,read_profiles,tene_scal use reflections, only : range2rect implicit none type(antctrl_type) :: antp type(eqparam_type) :: eqp type(prfparam_type) :: prfp type(outparam_type) :: outp type(rtrparam_type) :: rtrp type(hcdparam_type) :: hcdp real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: psrad, terad, derad, zfc real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: rv, zv, psinr, fpol, qpsi real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: rbnd, zbnd, rlim, zlim real(wp_), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: psin real(wp_) :: psia, rvac, rax, zax integer :: iox0 real(wp_) :: p0mw, fghz, psipol0, chipol0 real(wp_) :: alpha0, beta0, x0, y0, z0, w1, w2, ri1, ri2, phiw, phir real(wp_) :: pec,icd integer :: ierr real(wp_), dimension(:), allocatable :: xrad, rhot, dpdv, jcd real(wp_) :: rwallm, rmxm, r0m, z0m, dzmx ! ======= read parameters BEGIN ======= call read_params('',rtrp,hcdp,antp,eqp,rwallm,prfp,outp) ! ======= read parameters END ======= ! ======= read input data BEGIN ======= !------------ equilibrium ------------ if(eqp%iequil<2) then call read_equil_an(eqp%filenm, rtrp%ipass, rv, zv, fpol, qpsi, rlim, zlim) ! psia sign set to give the correct sign to Iphi (COCOS=3: psia<0 for Iphi>0) psia = sign(one,qpsi(2)*fpol(1)) else call read_eqdsk(eqp%filenm, rv,zv,psin, psia, psinr,fpol,qpsi, rvac, & rax,zax, rbnd,zbnd, rlim,zlim, eqp%ipsinorm,eqp%idesc,eqp%ifreefmt) call change_cocos(psia, fpol, qpsi, eqp%icocos, 3) end if ! re-scale B/I and/or force signs. If sgn=0 on input, set to fpol/-psia signs on output call eq_scal(psia, fpol, eqp%sgni, eqp%sgnb, eqp%factb) ! ??? analytical only? change for numerical! ! qpsi(1) = sign(qpsi(1),qpsi(1)*qpsi(2)*psia*fpol(1)) ! qpsi(2) = sign(qpsi(2),psia*fpol(1)) !------------- profiles ------------- if(prfp%iprof==0) then call read_profiles_an(prfp%filenm, terad, derad, zfc) else call read_profiles(prfp%filenm, xrad, terad, derad, zfc) allocate(psrad(size(xrad))) if(prfp%irho==0) then ! xrad==rhot allocate(rhot(size(psinr))) call setqphi_num(psinr,qpsi,psia,rhot) call set_rhospl(sqrt(psinr),rhot) deallocate(rhot) psrad=frhopolv(xrad)**2 else if(prfp%irho == 1) then ! xrad==rhop psrad=xrad**2 else psrad=xrad end if deallocate(xrad) end if ! re-scale input data call tene_scal(terad,derad,prfp%factte,prfp%factne,eqp%factb,prfp%iscal, & prfp%iprof) !------------- antenna -------------- ! interpolate beam table if antctrl%ibeam>0 select case (antp%ibeam) case (2) ! to be completed: now 1st beamd always selected, iox read from table call read_beam2(antp%filenm,1,antp%alpha,antp%beta,fghz,antp%iox,x0,y0,z0, & w1,w2,ri1,ri2,phiw,phir) case (1) call read_beam1(antp%filenm,antp%alpha,antp%beta,fghz,x0,y0,z0, & w1,w2,ri1,ri2,phiw,phir) case default call read_beam0(antp%filenm,fghz,x0,y0,z0,w1,w2,ri1,ri2,phiw,phir) end select alpha0=antp%alpha beta0=antp%beta p0mw=antp%power psipol0=antp%psi chipol0=antp%chi iox0=antp%iox !--------------- wall --------------- ! set simple limiter if not read from EQDSK ! need to clean up... r0m=sqrt(x0**2+y0**2)*0.01_wp_ dzmx=abs(rtrp%ipass)*rtrp%dst*rtrp%nstep*0.01_wp_ z0m=z0*0.01_wp_ if (.not.allocated(rlim).or.rtrp%ipass<0) then if (allocated(rlim)) deallocate(rlim) if (allocated(zlim)) deallocate(zlim) allocate(rlim(5)) allocate(zlim(5)) if (rtrp%ipass<0) rtrp%ipass = -rtrp%ipass if(eqp%iequil<2) then rmxm=(rv(1)+rv(2))*0.01_wp_ else rmxm=rv(size(rv)) end if call range2rect(rwallm,max(r0m,rmxm),z0m-dzmx,z0m+dzmx,rlim,zlim) end if ! ======= read input data END ======= ! ========================= MAIN SUBROUTINE CALL ========================= allocate(dpdv(outp%nrho),jcd(outp%nrho)) call gray_main(rv,zv,psin,psia,psinr,fpol,qpsi,rvac,rax,zax,rbnd,zbnd,eqp, & psrad,terad,derad,zfc,prfp, rlim,zlim, & p0mw,fghz,alpha0,beta0,(/x0,y0,z0/),w1,w2,ri1,ri2,phiw,phir,iox0, & psipol0,chipol0, dpdv,jcd,pec,icd, outp,rtrp,hcdp,ierr) ! ======================================================================== ! ======= control prints BEGIN ======= if(ierr/=0) print*,' IERR = ', ierr print*,' ' print*,'Pabs (MW), Icd (kA) = ', pec,icd*1.0e3_wp_ ! ======= control prints END ======= ! ======= free memory BEGIN ======= if(allocated(psrad)) deallocate(psrad) if(allocated(terad)) deallocate(terad, derad, zfc) if(allocated(rv)) deallocate(rv, zv, fpol, qpsi) if(allocated(psin)) deallocate(psin, psinr) if(allocated(rbnd)) deallocate(rbnd,zbnd) if(allocated(rlim)) deallocate(rlim,zlim) if(allocated(dpdv)) deallocate(dpdv, jcd) ! ======= free memory END ====== end program main_std