src/gray_core.f90: fast absorption computation
This implements an explicit formula for the absorption coefficient in the low temperature limit, available with iwarm=4.
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@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
! This modules implements a simplified formula for the plasma absorption
! coefficient close to the harmonics valid for low temperature (< 10keV)
! and low harmonic numbers (<6).
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 (
module absorption
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
implicit none
public :: alpha_fast
pure function line_shape(Y, Npl2, theta) result(phi)
! The line shape function of the first harmonic,
! with exception of the X mode in the tenuous plasma regime:
! φ(ζ) = Im(-1/Z(ζ))
! From the same considerations as in `line_shape_harmonics`, we have:
! φ(ζ) = 1/√π exp(ζ²)/[1 + erfi(ζ)²]
! Note: Since we already have an implementation of Z(ζ) we
! use that and write Φ(ζ) = Im(Z)/[Re(Z)² + Im(Z)²].
use const_and_precisions, only: zero
use dispersion, only: zetac
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA Y variable: Y=ω_c/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Y
! squared parallel refractive index: N∥²=N²cos²θ
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2
! adimensional temperature: Θ = kT/mc²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: theta
! line shape Φ(ζ)
real(wp_) :: phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: a, b, z
integer :: err
z = (1 - Y)/sqrt(2 * theta * Npl2) ! ζ
call zetac(z, zero, a, b, err) ! a=Re(Z(ζ)), b=Im(Z(ζ))
phi = b/(a**2 + b**2) ! Im(-1/Z)
end function line_shape
pure function line_shape_harmonics(Y, Npl2, theta, n) result(phi)
! The line shape function of all modes at higher harmonics (n>1)
! and the X mode at the first harmonic:
! φ(ζ) = Im(Z(ζ))
! where Z(ζ) = 1/√π ∫dz exp(-z²)/(z-ζ);
! ζ = (ω - nω_c)/(√2 k∥ v_t)
! = (1 - nY)/(√(2Θ)⋅N∥).
! Since the plasma is weakly dissipative, the wavenumber has a small
! positive imaginary part, so Im(ζ)<0. By the Sokhotski–Plemelj
! theorem we have that:
! lim_Im(ζ)→0 Z(ζ) = 1/√π P ∫dz exp(-z²)/(z-ζ) + i√π exp(-ζ²)
! = -√π exp(-ζ²) erfi(ζ) + i√π exp(-ζ²)
! where erfi(ζ) = -i⋅erf(iζ). So, Φ(ζ) = √π exp(-ζ²).
use const_and_precisions, only : sqrt_pi
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA Y variable: Y=ω_c/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Y
! squared parallel refractive index: N∥²=N²cos²θ
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2
! adimensional temperature: Θ = kT/mc²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: theta
! harmonic number
integer, intent(in) :: n
! line shape Φ(ζ)
real(wp_) :: phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: z2
z2 = (1 - n*Y)**2/(2 * theta * Npl2)
phi = sqrt_pi * exp(-z2)
end function line_shape_harmonics
pure function warm_index(d, Npl2, Npr2, sox) result(M2)
! The real part of the warm plasma refractive index
! in the finite density regime near the first harmonic:
! M² = (1 - δ + ½ N⊥²/N² ∓ ½ √Δ) ⋅ N²/N⊥²
! where Δ = N⊥⁴/N⁴ + 4n²(1-δ)²N∥²/N²;
! δ = X/Y².
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 - table VII
implicit none
! function arguments
! parameter δ=(ω_pe/ω_ce)²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: d
! squared refractive index: N∥², N⊥² (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2, Npr2
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! warm refactive indexL M²
real(wp_) :: M2
! local variables
real(wp_) :: N2, delta
! total refractive index N²
N2 = Npl2 + Npr2
delta = (Npr2/N2)**2 + 4*(1-d)**2 * (Npl2/N2)
M2 = (1 - d + Npr2/N2/2 + sox*sqrt(delta)/2) * N2/Npr2
end function warm_index
pure function warm_index_harmonics(d, Npl2, Npr2, sox, n) result(M2)
! The real part of the warm plasma refractive index
! in the finite density regime near the harmonics (n>2)
! M² = 1 - δ⋅f
! where f = (1 - δ) / [(1 - δ) - (N⊥²/N² ∓ ρ) / (2n²)];
! ρ² = N⊥⁴/N⁴ + 4n²⋅(1 - δ)²⋅ N∥²/N²;
! δ = X/(nY)².
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 - table VIII
implicit none
! function arguments
! parameter δ=(ω_p/nω_c)²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: d
! squared refractive index: N∥², N⊥² (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2, Npr2
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! harmonic number
integer, intent(in) :: n
! warm refactive index
real(wp_) :: M2
! local variables
real(wp_) :: N2, f, r2
! total refractive index N²
N2 = Npl2 + Npr2
r2 = (Npr2/N2)**2 + 4*n**2 * (1 - d)**2 * Npl2/N2
f = (1 - d) / ((1 - d) - (Npr2/N2 + sox * sqrt(r2)) / (2*n**2))
M2 = 1 - d*f
end function warm_index_harmonics
pure function polarisation(X, Y, N2, Npl2, Npr2, sox) result(R)
! The polarisation function R(θ,O/X) in the finite density regime
! for the first harmonic:
! R(N∥, N⊥, O/X) = [(1 - δ)⋅(1 - δ/2 - M∥²) - M⊥²]²
! ⋅ 1/√(a² + b²) ⋅ M∥ ⋅ 1/d
! where δ = X/Y²
! a² = [(1 - δ - M⊥²)² + (1 - d)⋅M∥²]² ⋅ M⊥²
! b² = (2 - 2δ - M⊥²)² ⋅ (1 - d - M⊥²)² ⋅ M∥²
! M is the real part of the warm refractive index
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 - formula (3.1.68)
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
! squared refractive index: N², N∥², N⊥² (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: N2, Npl2, Npr2
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! polarisation function
real(wp_) :: R
! local variables
real(wp_) :: a2, b2, d
real(wp_) :: M2, Mpl2, Mpr2
d = X/Y**2 ! δ=(ω_pe/ω_ce)²
M2 = warm_index(d, Npl2, Npr2, sox)
Mpl2 = M2 * Npl2/N2 ! M∥² = M²cos²θ
Mpr2 = M2 * Npr2/N2 ! M⊥² = M²sin²θ
a2 = ((1 - d - Mpr2)**2 + (1 - d)*Mpl2)**2 * Mpr2
b2 = (2 - 2*d - Mpr2)**2 * (1 - d - Mpr2)**2 * Mpl2
R = ((1 - d)*(1 - d/2 - Mpl2) - Mpr2)**2 / sqrt(a2 + b2) &
* sqrt(Mpl2) / d
end function polarisation
pure function polarisation_harmonics(X, Y, N2, Npl2, Npr2, sox, n) result(mu)
! The polarisation function μ(n,θ,O/X) times 2(1+cos²θ)
! in the finite-density plasma regime for harmonics (n>1):
! μ⋅2(1+cos²θ) = M^(2n-3) (n-1)² (1 - (1+1/n)⋅f) / √(a²+b²)
! where f as in `warm_index_harmonics`;
! a = (N⊥/N) (1 + c/e² M∥²);
! b = (N∥/N) (1 + c/e);
! c = (1-δ) n²[1 - (1-1/n²)⋅f]²;
! e = 1-δ-M⊥²
! M∥ = M/N N∥ = M cosθ;
! M⊥ = M/N N⊥ = M sinθ;
! M is the real part of the warm refractive index.
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 - formula (3.1.77)
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
! squared refractive index: N², N∥², N⊥² (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: N2, Npl2, Npr2
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! harmonic number
integer, intent(in) :: n
! polarisation function
real(wp_) :: mu
! local variables
real(wp_) :: d, f, a2, b2, c, e
real(wp_) :: M2, Mpl2, Mpr2
! δ=(ω_pe/nω_ce)²
d = X/(n*Y)**2
M2 = warm_index_harmonics(d, Npl2, Npr2, sox, n)
Mpl2 = M2 * Npl2/N2 ! M∥ = Mcosθ
Mpr2 = M2 * Npr2/N2 ! M⊥ = Msinθ
f = (1 - M2)/d
c = (1 - d) * n**2 * (1 - (1 - 1/n**2) * f)**2
e = 1 - d - Mpr2
a2 = Npr2/N2 * (1 + c/e**2 * Mpl2)**2 ! a²
b2 = Npl2/N2 * (1 + c/e)**2 ! b²
mu = M2**(n-3.0_wp_/2) * (n-1)**2 &
* (1 - (1 + 1/n) * f)**2 &
/ sqrt(a2 + b2)
end function polarisation_harmonics
function alpha_fast(X, Y, theta, k0, Npl, Npr, sox, &
nhmin, nhmax) result(alpha)
! The absorption coefficient around ω=nω_c in the low
! temperature (< 10keV), low harmonic number limit (< 6),
! and oblique propagation:
! α(n,ω,θ,O/X) = α(n,θ)⋅μ(n,θ,O/X)⋅Φ(n,ω)
! where α(n,θ) is the nth-harmonic absorption coeff.;
! μ(n,θ,O/X) is the polarisation part;
! Φ(n,ω) is the line shape function.
! Finally, for the X1 mode:
! Notes:
! 1. The approximation is decent for
! δ = (ω_pe/nω_ce)² / (2 √Θ N∥) << 1 (tenuous plasma)
! >> 1 (finite density);
! 2. In the implementation the angular dependencies
! have been replaced by cosθ=N∥/N, sinθ=N⊥/N;
! 3. The special cases for n=1 have been recast
! from the original form (tbl. XI, eq. 3.1.67)
! to match with eq. 3.1.73.
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
! adimensional temperature: Θ = kT/mc²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: theta
! vacuum wavenumber k₀=ω/c
real(wp_), intent(in) :: k0
! refractive index: N∥, N⊥ (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl, Npr
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! min/max harmonic number
integer, intent(in) :: nhmin, nhmax
! absorption coefficient
real(wp_) :: alpha
! local variables
integer :: n ! harmonic number
real(wp_) :: N2, Npr2, Npl2
real(wp_) :: delta
real(wp_) :: shape, polar, absorp
Npr2 = Npr**2 ! N⊥² refractive index
Npl2 = Npl**2 ! N∥²
N2 = Npr2 + Npl2 ! N²
! tenuous/finite density parameter:
! δ = (ω_p/ω_c)²/(2√Θ N∥)
delta = X/Y**2 / (2*abs(Npl)*sqrt(theta))
! First harmonic
if (delta < 1) then
! Tenuous plasma
if (sox < 0) then
! O mode
! absorption coeff: k₀⋅X
absorp = k0 * X
! polarisation part: N⊥⁴/N² ⋅ (N²+2N∥²)²/(N²+ N∥²)³
polar = Npr2**2/N2 * (N2 + 2*Npl2)**2/(N2 + Npl2)**3
! line shape part: Φ(ζ) = Im(-1/Z(ζ)) / (√(2/Θ)⋅Y⋅|N∥|)
shape = line_shape(Y, Npl2, theta) &
/ (sqrt(2/theta) * Y * abs(Npl))
! X mode
! polarisation part: (N² + N∥²)/N
polar = (N2 + Npl2) / sqrt(N2)
! line shape part: Φ(ζ) = Im(Z(ζ)) / (2√(2θ)⋅Y⋅|N∥|)
shape = line_shape_harmonics(Y, Npl2, theta, n) &
/ (2 * sqrt(2*theta) * Y * abs(Npl))
end if
! Finite density (δ > 1)
! absorption coeff: k₀⋅Y
absorp = k0 * Y
! polarisation part: R(N∥, N⊥, O/X)
polar = polarisation(X, Y, N2, Npl2, Npr2, sox)
! line shape part: Φ(ζ) = Im(-1/Z(ζ)) ⋅ 2√(2Θ)
shape = line_shape(Y, Npl2, theta) &
* 2 * sqrt(2*theta)
end if
alpha = absorp * polar * shape
if (nhmax == 1) return
! n-independent part of α: k₀⋅X
absorp = k0 * X
! Higher harmonics
! note: the loop starts from n=1 to compute
! the powers/factorials of n, even when nhmin>1.
do n=1,nhmax
! absorption part: α(n,θ)/[(1+cos²θ)⋅n^(2n)⋅(πω)]
absorp = absorp / (2*n) ! computes (2n)!!
if (n >= nhmin) then
! polarisation part: (1+cos²θ)⋅μ(n,θ)
polar = polarisation_harmonics(X, Y, N2, Npl2, Npr2, sox, n)
! line shape part: Φ(n,ω)⋅(πω)
shape = line_shape_harmonics(Y, Npl2, theta, n) &
/ (sqrt(2*theta) * n*Y * abs(Npl))
! full absorption coefficient: α(n,ω,θ)
alpha = alpha + absorp*n**(2*n) * polar * shape
end if
! computes * (Θ N⊥²/N²)^(n-1)
absorp = absorp * (theta * Npr2/N2)
end do
end function alpha_fast
end module absorption
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ contains
integer, intent(out) :: error
integer, intent(out) :: error
! local variables
! local variables
! taucr: max τ before considering a ray fully absorbed
real(wp_), parameter :: taucr = 12._wp_, etaucr = exp(-taucr)
real(wp_), parameter :: taucr = 12._wp_, etaucr = exp(-taucr)
character, dimension(2), parameter :: mode=['O','X']
character, dimension(2), parameter :: mode=['O','X']
@ -1985,7 +1986,7 @@ contains
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psinv
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psinv
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
! densityity [10¹⁹ m⁻³], temperature [keV]
! density [10¹⁹ m⁻³], temperature [keV]
real(wp_), intent(in) :: density, temperature
real(wp_), intent(in) :: density, temperature
! vacuum wavenumber k₀=ω/c, resonant B field
! vacuum wavenumber k₀=ω/c, resonant B field
real(wp_), intent(in) :: k0, Bres
real(wp_), intent(in) :: k0, Bres
@ -2049,6 +2050,9 @@ contains
end if
end if
end if
end if
if (params%iwarm < 4) then
! Compute α from the solution of the dispersion relation
accurate: block
! Compute α from the solution of the dispersion relation
! Compute α from the solution of the dispersion relation
! The absoption coefficient is defined as
! The absoption coefficient is defined as
@ -2066,11 +2070,28 @@ contains
! α = 4 Im(k⊥)⋅N⊥ / |∂Λ/∂N̅|
! α = 4 Im(k⊥)⋅N⊥ / |∂Λ/∂N̅|
real(wp_) :: k_im
real(wp_) :: k_im
k_im = k0 * Npr%im ! imaginary part of k⊥
k_im = k0 * Npr%im ! imaginary part of k⊥
alpha = 4 * k_im*Npr_cold / derdnm
alpha = 4 * k_im*Npr_cold / derdnm
end block
end block accurate
! Compute a fast and approximate α
fast: block
use logger, only: log_warning
use absorption, only: alpha_fast
character(256) :: msg
! the absorption coefficient in the tenuous plasma limit
alpha = alpha_fast(X, Y, 1/mu, k0, Npl, Npr_cold, sox, nhmin, nhmax)
if (temperature > 10 .or. nhmax > 5) then
write (msg, '(a,g0.3,a,g0)') &
'iwarm=4 is inaccurate: Te=', temperature, ' nhmax=', nhmax
call log_warning(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='alpha_effj')
end if
end block fast
end if
if (alpha < 0) then
if (alpha < 0) then
error = raise_error(error, negative_absorption)
error = raise_error(error, negative_absorption)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user