src/gray_core.f90: fix polarisation shown in summary table
This changes the ψ, χ polarisation ellipse angles shown in the summary table to be those of the current plasma wave mode, not the polarisation of the beam upon re-entering the plasma boundary after reflecting. Note that the former has always been the intended value, but was likely changed inadvertently when reflections have been implemented.
This commit is contained in:
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ contains
! beam variables
real(wp_), dimension(params%output%nrho) :: jphi_beam, pins_beam
real(wp_), dimension(params%output%nrho) :: currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam
real(wp_), dimension(2) :: mode_ellipse ! ψ, χ of the current polarisation mode
! ======== set environment BEGIN ========
! Compute X=ω/ω_ce and Y=(ω/ω_pe)² (with B=1)
@ -334,6 +335,10 @@ contains
perfect=.not. params%raytracing%ipol &
.and. params%antenna%iox == iox &
.and. iop(jk) == 0 .and. ip == 1)
if (iop(jk) == 1) then
! Store the polarisation of the mode during this pass
mode_ellipse = [psipol, chipol]
end if
if(iop(jk) == 1 .and. ip==1) then ! * 1st entrance on 1st pass (ray hasn't entered in plasma yet) => continue current pass
@ -621,7 +626,7 @@ contains
wrap(icd_beam), wrap(pabs_beam), wrap(jphip), wrap(dpdvp), &
wrap(rhotj), wrap(rhotjava), wrap(rhotp), wrap(rhotpav), &
wrap(drhotjava), wrap(drhotpav), wrap(ratjamx), wrap(ratjbmx), &
wrap(stv(1)), wrap(psipv(index_rt)), wrap(chipv(index_rt)), &
wrap(stv(1)), wrap(mode_ellipse(1)), wrap(mode_ellipse(2)), &
wrap(index_rt), wrap(jphimx), wrap(dpdvmx), wrap(drhotj), &
wrap(drhotp), wrap(sum(p0ray)), wrap(cpl_beam1), wrap(cpl_beam2)]) ! *print 0D results for current beam
end if
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:26:19.651
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:33:29.006
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: ITER_s134173_r106_t0599.9.eqdsk
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 2 -1 -1 1.00
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 5 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 501 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
-9.50204587E-003 9.99994829E-001 -2.17822650E-002 6.02423223E-002 7.66711861E-001 7.66832682E-001 7.66711861E-001 7.66269459E-001 1.55068786E-002 1.56592664E-002 1.07508852E+000 1.01806762E+000 3.60000000E+002 -9.38446284E+000 -2.10480891E+001 1 -2.11097213E-002 5.83938047E-002 1.62312295E-002 1.64058617E-002 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
-9.50222804E-003 9.99994829E-001 2.17820967E-002 6.02436034E-002 7.66711861E-001 7.66832700E-001 7.66711861E-001 7.66269459E-001 1.55074166E-002 1.56592664E-002 1.07509484E+000 1.01806397E+000 3.60000000E+002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 1 2.11205380E-002 5.84233347E-002 1.62312234E-002 1.64058608E-002 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 14:36:07.536
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:33:58.104
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: F4E_Equil_10820_case006_25VFZX.eqdsk
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 2 -1 -1 1.06
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 5 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 251 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
4.78097927E-003 9.99994553E-001 4.16933180E-004 2.08290224E-003 8.85104612E-002 4.98172531E-001 4.89184384E-001 5.86701058E-001 5.92246060E-001 5.48672168E-001 1.05575795E+000 1.02688453E+000 5.60000000E+002 -6.35965940E+001 -3.13365692E+001 2 1.63248081E-003 2.09784699E-003 6.40696801E-002 8.43774919E-001 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
4.78146303E-003 9.99994553E-001 4.16999641E-004 2.08308915E-003 8.85104612E-002 4.98191126E-001 4.89184384E-001 5.86701046E-001 5.92245874E-001 5.48672255E-001 1.05575829E+000 1.02688391E+000 5.60000000E+002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 2 1.63328740E-003 2.09888680E-003 6.40696407E-002 8.43776799E-001 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:27:30.130
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:34:03.505
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: EQDSK_55394t0.7030_COCOS02
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 2 -1 -1 1.00
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 5 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 1001 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 4.21468485E-008 4.21468485E-008 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 1.20000000E+002 -8.57133940E+001 -1.19957807E+000 2 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 1.20000000E+002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 2 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:31:14.242
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:34:04.763
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: JT-60SA_scenario2_lowden_eqdsk_chease_cocos13.geq_newlim.txt
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 2 -1 -1 1.00
@ -20,6 +20,6 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 4 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 2001 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
1.51691141E-009 4.54436052E-003 6.43190944E-008 1.71506265E-002 6.02647911E-001 6.01576172E-001 6.01680996E-001 6.01722246E-001 2.88901821E-003 1.76361881E-003 1.10064574E+000 1.03922811E+000 3.29500000E+002 9.55247042E+000 6.13576914E-001 1 1.06169282E-006 1.69568219E-002 9.74077853E-004 1.79307710E-003 1.00000000E+000 9.71180646E-001 2.88193543E-002
-4.77423344E-010 1.30591241E-003 -2.88894998E-008 5.51870900E-003 8.95089111E-001 8.95558541E-001 8.96049366E-001 8.95746996E-001 1.53066509E-003 1.31588770E-003 1.17338275E+000 1.02261026E+000 7.25800000E+002 7.54874568E+000 -6.28239682E+000 3 -2.60347936E-007 4.48537447E-003 2.11105846E-003 1.80615803E-003 9.66767251E-001 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 4.21468485E-008 4.21468485E-008 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 6.19300000E+002 7.54874568E+000 -6.28239682E+000 4 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 2.86883888E-002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
1.51692135E-009 4.54436052E-003 7.77985972E-007 1.71519960E-002 6.02647911E-001 6.01576172E-001 6.01680996E-001 6.01722246E-001 2.88901706E-003 1.76361881E-003 1.10064529E+000 1.03922461E+000 3.29500000E+002 2.14149518E+001 2.42883589E+001 1 1.06222518E-006 1.69653156E-002 9.94551841E-004 1.79307710E-003 1.00000000E+000 9.71180646E-001 2.88193543E-002
-4.77656743E-010 1.30591241E-003 3.37694971E-007 5.51787071E-003 8.95089111E-001 8.95558447E-001 8.96049366E-001 8.95746996E-001 1.53036611E-003 1.31588770E-003 1.17339615E+000 1.02259980E+000 7.25800000E+002 7.54874568E+000 -6.28239682E+000 3 2.60491790E-007 4.48770460E-003 2.11107756E-003 1.80616140E-003 9.66767251E-001 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 6.19300000E+002 -8.24512544E+001 6.28239682E+000 4 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 2.86883888E-002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:32:36.666
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:34:07.831
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: ./equilan.txt
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 1 1 1 1.00
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 4 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 2001 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
1.09082605E-006 1.18757272E-001 1.28420993E-005 1.44234347E-001 7.67010753E-001 7.62216152E-001 7.62978352E-001 7.62550997E-001 1.39366481E-002 7.41198052E-003 1.02093556E+000 1.01041356E+000 4.33200000E+002 -8.30828636E+001 -5.03799229E+000 2 -1.67623741E-003 1.94617343E-001 2.35345700E-003 7.25633640E-003 1.00000000E+000 9.77799467E-001 2.22005331E-002
9.94864998E-008 7.31906936E-004 1.34831179E-006 9.36717236E-004 7.75802182E-001 7.78029870E-001 7.77841628E-001 7.78840037E-001 1.19548838E-002 6.94332053E-003 1.02092468E+000 1.01040817E+000 7.24600000E+002 -8.32509793E+001 5.32965597E+000 5 9.57185349E-006 1.27533618E-003 4.07144666E-003 6.92180492E-003 8.61678670E-001 2.66131402E-003 9.97338686E-001
4.49555396E-008 9.48537732E-004 6.24290022E-007 1.36682581E-003 8.11726185E-001 8.07325441E-001 8.08218554E-001 8.07968922E-001 1.14139237E-002 6.03393306E-003 1.02090168E+000 1.01039679E+000 9.26400000E+002 -8.32509793E+001 5.32965597E+000 6 -1.22651735E-005 1.90522514E-003 2.30446030E-003 5.96877041E-003 1.95640583E-002 4.34298009E-002 9.56570199E-001
-7.83315384E-010 4.40706477E-006 -9.12259721E-009 4.45120882E-006 6.87427661E-001 6.90422695E-001 6.89916553E-001 6.91288993E-001 1.50312416E-002 9.50373557E-003 1.02096106E+000 1.01042618E+000 9.50100000E+002 7.31932505E+000 7.96902175E+000 11 -5.29473643E-008 5.75814467E-006 5.08608425E-003 9.41593883E-003 2.29124969E-003 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
4.51312019E-006 1.99291903E-001 4.81477948E-005 2.11455022E-001 6.98678817E-001 6.93617302E-001 6.94287713E-001 6.93536568E-001 1.63566984E-002 9.02658927E-003 1.02096109E+000 1.01042619E+000 9.49800000E+002 7.31932505E+000 7.96902175E+000 12 3.34402668E-003 2.68330158E-001 2.17779855E-003 8.76562927E-003 8.58655513E-001 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
2.92423987E-010 3.00247904E-006 2.43946127E-007 8.66987082E-004 6.11080841E-001 6.11092591E-001 6.11080841E-001 6.11081131E-001 1.44644511E-003 3.64048268E-005 1.02089926E+000 1.01039560E+000 1.18250000E+003 -8.34894306E+001 6.98374197E+000 13 9.59636521E-008 5.51799887E-005 7.31378967E-004 7.23821974E-004 8.08468354E-004 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
1.41746112E-007 4.17030110E-003 6.12243599E-005 8.74492688E-001 6.18552626E-001 6.18597962E-001 6.18552626E-001 6.18553160E-001 1.73242436E-003 4.96575825E-005 1.02091159E+000 1.01040170E+000 1.17790000E+003 -8.34894306E+001 6.98374197E+000 14 4.33690129E-005 7.59233244E-002 7.63597531E-004 7.29963129E-004 1.78070522E-002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
1.09082396E-006 1.18757272E-001 -4.29115678E-004 -1.44252143E-001 7.67010753E-001 7.62216152E-001 7.62978352E-001 7.62550997E-001 1.39366449E-002 7.41198052E-003 1.02093556E+000 1.01041356E+000 4.33200000E+002 -8.31222486E+001 9.43560237E+000 2 1.67706595E-003 1.94713423E-001 2.35345649E-003 7.25633640E-003 1.00000000E+000 9.77799467E-001 2.22005331E-002
9.94865477E-008 7.31906936E-004 -3.50540708E-006 -9.36832811E-004 7.75802182E-001 7.78029924E-001 7.77841628E-001 7.78840037E-001 1.19589063E-002 6.94332053E-003 1.02092468E+000 1.01040817E+000 7.24600000E+002 6.74902073E+000 -5.32965597E+000 5 9.57658383E-006 1.27596579E-003 4.07144595E-003 6.92180492E-003 8.61678670E-001 2.66131402E-003 9.97338686E-001
4.49555314E-008 9.48537732E-004 -4.07568278E-006 -1.36699445E-003 8.11726185E-001 8.07325441E-001 8.08218554E-001 8.07968922E-001 1.14139213E-002 6.03393306E-003 1.02090168E+000 1.01039679E+000 9.26400000E+002 -8.32509793E+001 5.32965597E+000 6 1.22712358E-005 1.90616572E-003 2.30445993E-003 5.96877041E-003 1.95640583E-002 4.34298009E-002 9.56570199E-001
-7.83315679E-010 4.40706477E-006 -2.07836538E-008 -4.45175802E-006 6.87427661E-001 6.90422730E-001 6.89916553E-001 6.91288993E-001 1.50339943E-002 9.50373557E-003 1.02096106E+000 1.01042618E+000 9.50100000E+002 7.31932505E+000 7.96902175E+000 11 5.29735208E-008 5.76098737E-006 5.08608352E-003 9.41593883E-003 2.29124969E-003 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
4.51312962E-006 1.99291903E-001 -6.59730755E-004 -2.11481112E-001 6.98678817E-001 6.93617676E-001 6.94287713E-001 6.93536568E-001 1.63845675E-002 9.02658927E-003 1.02096109E+000 1.01042619E+000 9.49800000E+002 -8.26806750E+001 -7.96902175E+000 12 3.34567968E-003 2.68462628E-001 2.17779776E-003 8.76562927E-003 8.58655513E-001 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
2.92468740E-010 3.00247904E-006 -3.87384950E-008 -3.94324559E-004 6.11080841E-001 6.11093245E-001 6.11080841E-001 6.11081132E-001 1.44628454E-003 8.00518460E-005 1.02089926E+000 1.01039560E+000 1.18250000E+003 6.51056937E+000 -6.98374197E+000 13 9.60260701E-008 5.52072301E-005 7.31377568E-004 7.23821974E-004 8.08468354E-004 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
1.41767167E-007 4.17030110E-003 -1.55290680E-005 -6.14842229E-001 6.18552626E-001 6.18598876E-001 6.18552626E-001 6.18553161E-001 1.73225661E-003 7.06369029E-005 1.02091159E+000 1.01040170E+000 1.17790000E+003 -8.34894306E+001 6.98374197E+000 14 4.33974961E-005 7.59608065E-002 7.63590695E-004 7.29963129E-004 1.78070522E-002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:34:42.761
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:35:27.800
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: ./F4E_Equil_10002_case001_24VQV5.eqdsk
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 2 -1 -1 0.500
@ -20,5 +20,5 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 4 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 501 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
-6.84895983E-007 6.70958966E-003 -1.32619020E-006 5.31811671E-004 3.31457142E-001 3.48275972E-001 3.50892072E-001 3.50807962E-001 6.40003501E-002 4.07899014E-002 1.02362214E+000 1.00001579E+000 8.00000000E+002 3.36364721E+001 -3.41970443E+001 1 -1.07346954E-005 5.26517874E-004 3.16342627E-002 4.14309920E-002 5.71190361E-001 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
1.67366557E-005 1.64840181E-001 3.14856732E-005 1.28963351E-002 3.70133716E-001 3.56066820E-001 3.53038507E-001 3.53670278E-001 6.44995374E-002 4.10084320E-002 1.02378712E+000 1.00001667E+000 8.00000000E+002 -5.63635279E+001 3.41970443E+001 2 2.44213094E-004 1.27912333E-002 2.96860807E-002 4.15426544E-002 4.28809639E-001 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
-6.84761868E-007 6.70958966E-003 8.41854855E-006 5.31882140E-004 3.31457142E-001 3.48277613E-001 3.50892072E-001 3.50807962E-001 6.39977138E-002 4.07899012E-002 1.02361209E+000 1.00001579E+000 8.00000000E+002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 1 1.07442271E-005 5.26793259E-004 3.16299561E-002 4.14324774E-002 5.71190361E-001 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
1.67484070E-005 1.64840181E-001 1.99720749E-004 1.28981575E-002 3.70133716E-001 3.56067546E-001 3.53038507E-001 3.53670278E-001 6.44956402E-002 4.10084319E-002 1.02377382E+000 1.00001668E+000 8.00000000E+002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 2 2.44482189E-004 1.27979295E-002 2.96804467E-002 4.15437790E-002 4.28809639E-001 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:35:19.482
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:36:07.564
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: ./F4E_Equil_10002_case001_24VQV5.eqdsk
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 2 -1 -1 0.500
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 4 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 501 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
3.90154466E-005 3.84383056E-001 7.34017379E-005 3.00750981E-002 3.70133716E-001 3.55971677E-001 3.53038507E-001 3.53578490E-001 6.45123876E-002 4.10148057E-002 1.02378559E+000 1.00001666E+000 8.00000000E+002 -5.63635279E+001 3.41970443E+001 2 5.69954824E-004 2.98373644E-002 2.96995492E-002 4.15433335E-002 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
3.90425628E-005 3.84383056E-001 4.66399221E-004 3.00793382E-002 3.70133716E-001 3.55972396E-001 3.53038507E-001 3.53578490E-001 6.45085061E-002 4.10148056E-002 1.02377231E+000 1.00001666E+000 8.00000000E+002 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 2 5.70581310E-004 2.98529841E-002 2.96939387E-002 4.15444773E-002 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:44:25.921
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:36:10.858
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: jetto_PPF2293.eqdsk_out
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 3 -1 1 0.513
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 5 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 901 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
2.45984029E-003 9.99994086E-001 3.29830860E+000 8.58780306E+001 1.38782237E-001 1.38936471E-001 1.38782237E-001 1.38959641E-001 1.21465474E-003 1.33761729E-003 1.03310983E+000 1.00513118E+000 2.30020000E+002 8.07110248E+001 -4.70239226E+000 2 3.89668610E+000 1.09880224E+002 1.05776703E-003 1.06264041E-003 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
2.45985532E-003 9.99994086E-001 3.29874084E+000 8.58877133E+001 1.38782237E-001 1.38936468E-001 1.38782237E-001 1.38959641E-001 1.21463980E-003 1.33761730E-003 1.03310974E+000 1.00513106E+000 2.30020000E+002 7.24519093E+001 -4.38539360E+000 2 3.89864483E+000 1.09934485E+002 1.05776574E-003 1.06264041E-003 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:48:19.602
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:36:14.136
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: jetto.eqdsk_out
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 3 1 1 1.00
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 5 -20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 501 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
2.50820543E-003 3.20111325E-002 4.27696478E-004 2.54187340E-004 6.38349229E-001 6.58458293E-001 6.59456671E-001 6.73409269E-001 1.46212224E-001 1.49629566E-001 1.09099363E+000 1.00356552E+000 2.40000000E+003 -6.14888339E+001 -3.72201529E+001 1 4.38767753E-004 2.50304997E-004 1.42071485E-001 1.52875275E-001 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
2.50812083E-003 3.20111325E-002 4.27647227E-004 2.54165648E-004 6.38349229E-001 6.58457945E-001 6.59456671E-001 6.73409269E-001 1.46211952E-001 1.49629566E-001 1.09099335E+000 1.00356463E+000 2.40000000E+003 -6.14888339E+001 -3.72201529E+001 1 4.38969669E-004 2.50433649E-004 1.42071481E-001 1.52875168E-001 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run date/time: 2024/10/07 15:49:15.565
# GRAY Git revision: 0.1
# Run date/time: 2024/11/02 10:36:16.897
# GRAY Git revision: fcf2864-dirty
# EQL input: Equil_DTT_v15_Ipl_5d5MA_betap_0d1_li_0d8_t_at_13d75s_piastre_rame_8cm_COCOS01_DTT2022_07140_OK.eqdsk
# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: 0 0 0 0 0
# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb: 2 -1 1 1.00
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd: 2 4 20 3
# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl: 1 251 5 5
# I_cd P_abs J_φ_peak dPdV_peak ρ_max_J ρ_avg_J ρ_max_P ρ_avg_P Δρ_avg_J Δρ_avg_P ratio_Ja_max ratio_Jb_max s_max ψ χ index_rt J_φ_max dPdV_max Δρ_J Δρ_P P0 cpl1 cpl2
2.92407899E-004 9.99994904E-001 4.11534580E-001 7.75334164E+001 1.24662955E-002 1.49385705E-002 1.24662955E-002 1.59060638E-002 9.93177469E-003 1.21079192E-002 1.04280876E+000 1.00002154E+000 2.16000000E+002 -1.31489594E+001 2.10240038E-002 1 7.34706825E-001 1.47221671E+002 5.65889138E-003 6.63254445E-003 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
2.92409006E-004 9.99994904E-001 4.11577106E-001 7.75410682E+001 1.24662955E-002 1.49385674E-002 1.24662955E-002 1.59060638E-002 9.93176824E-003 1.21079192E-002 1.04280876E+000 1.00002154E+000 2.16000000E+002 -1.61839299E+001 7.25225346E-001 1 7.35072866E-001 1.47294352E+002 5.65888691E-003 6.63254445E-003 1.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000 0.00000000E+000
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