src/gray_core: refactor ic_gb
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,4 +65,76 @@ contains
end if
end if
end function unfold_index
end function unfold_index
pure function fold_indices(params, j, k)
! Maps the pair (j, k) of radial (j) and azimuthal (k)
! indices to a single index jk=1,nray.
use gray_params, only : raytracing_parameters
type(raytracing_parameters), intent(in) :: params
integer, intent(in) :: j, k
integer :: fold_indices
fold_indices = (j - 2) * params%nrayth + k + 1 ! jk
end function fold_indices
pure function tokamak2beam(n, inverse) result(M)
! Returns the change-of-basis matrix for switching
! from the standard tokamak and the local beam basis.
use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one
use utils, only : diag
! function arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: n(3) ! central ray direction
logical, intent(in), optional :: inverse ! do the opposite transformation
real(wp_) :: M(3,3) ! change-of-basis matrix
! local variables
real(wp_) :: c
logical :: inverse_
inverse_ = .false.
if (present(inverse)) inverse_ = inverse
! If n̅ is the normalised direction of the central ray,
! and the {e̅₁,e̅₂,e̅₃} the standard basis, the unit vectors of
! the beam basis are given by:
! x̅ = n̅×e̅₃ / |n̅×e̅₃| = (n₂/c)e̅₁ + (-n₁/c)e̅₂
! y̅ = n̅×(n̅×e̅₃) / |n̅×e̅₃| = (n₁n₃/c)e̅₁ + (n₂n₃/c)e̅₂ - ce̅₃
! z̅ = n̅ = n₁e̅₁ + n₂e̅₂ + n₃e̅₃
! where c = |n̅×e̅₃| = √(n₁² + n₂²)
! Or in the case where n̅ ∥ e̅₃ by:
! x̅ = e̅₁
! y̅ = (n₃e̅₃)×e̅₁ = n₃e̅₂
! z̅ = n₃e̅₃
! So, the change of basis matrix is
! [n₂/c -n₁/c 0]
! M = [n₁n₃/c n₂n₃/c -c], c > 0
! [n₁ n₂ n₃]
! or M = diag(1, n₃, n₃) if c = 0.
! By definition then we have: x̅_loc = M x̅.
c = norm2(n(1:2))
if (c > 0) then
M = reshape([ n(2)/c, n(1)*n(3)/c, n(1), &
-n(1)/c, n(2)*n(3)/c, n(2), &
zero, -c, n(3) ], [3, 3])
M = diag([one, n(3), n(3)])
end if
! The basis is orthonormal, so M⁻¹ is just the transpose
if (inverse_) M = transpose(M)
end function tokamak2beam
end module beamdata
end module beamdata
@ -862,4 +862,80 @@ contains
xgcn = 4.0e13_wp_ * pi * qe**2/(me * omega**2) ! [10^-19 m^3]
xgcn = 4.0e13_wp_ * pi * qe**2/(me * omega**2) ! [10^-19 m^3]
end subroutine xgygcoeff
end subroutine xgygcoeff
pure subroutine gaussian_eikonal(Q, r, z, S, grad_S, hess_S)
! Computes the complex eikonal, gradient and Hessian of a Gaussian beam
! subroutine arguments
complex(wp_), intent(in) :: Q(2,2) ! complex curvature tensor Q(z)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: r(2), z ! coordinates
complex(wp_), intent(out) :: S ! complex eikonal
complex(wp_), intent(out) :: grad_S(3) ! gradient of imaginary eikonal
complex(wp_), intent(out) :: hess_S(3,3) ! Hessian of imaginary eikonal
! local variables
complex(wp_) :: Q2(2,2), Q3(2,2)
Q2 = matmul(Q, Q)
Q3 = matmul(Q, Q2)
! The most general Gaussian beam is given by
! E̅(r̅,z) = e̅(z) exp[-ik₀z - ik₀r̅⋅Q(z)⋅r̅/2 + iη(z)]
! where:
! - e̅(z) is the amplitude
! - Q(z) = Q₀ (I + zQ₀)⁻¹ is the complex curvature tensor
! - η(z) is the Gouy phase
! - k₀ = ω/c
! - r̅ = [x, y]
! See for more details.
! Since the eikonal ansatz in GRAY is E̅(x̅,t) = e̅(r̅) exp[-ik₀S(x̅) + iωt],
! the eikonal for a Gaussian beam is:
! S(x̅) = z + ½ r̅⋅Q(z)⋅r̅ - η(z)/k₀
S = z + dot_product(r, matmul(Q, r))/2
! Splitting up x̅ into (r̅, z), the gradient of S can be written as
! ∇S(r̅,z) = [Q(z)⋅r̅, 1 + ½ r̅⋅dQ/dz⋅r̅]
! For dQ/dz, we use the matrix identity dA/dz = - A⁻¹ dA/dz A⁻¹:
! dQ/dz = Q₀ d/dz (I + zQ₀)⁻¹
! = - Q₀ (I + zQ₀)⁻¹ Q₀ (I + zQ₀)⁻¹
! = - Q(z)²
! So ∇S(r̅,z) = [Q(z)⋅r̅, 1 - ½ r̅⋅Q(z)²⋅r̅]
grad_S = [matmul(Q, r), 1 - dot_product(r, matmul(Q2, r))/2]
! Carrying on, the Hessian splits into 4 blocks (2x2, 2x1, 1x2, 1x1):
! HS(r̅,z) = k₀ [ Q(z), dQ/dz⋅r̅] = k₀ [ Q(z), -Q(z)²⋅r̅]
! [-Q(z)²⋅r̅, -½ r̅⋅dQ²/dz⋅r̅] [-Q(z)²⋅r̅, r̅⋅Q³⋅r̅]
! having used dQ²/dz = 2Q dQ/dz = -2Q³.
hess_S(1:2,:) = reshape([Q, -matmul(Q2, r)], [2,3])
hess_S(3, :) = [-matmul(Q2, r), dot_product(r, matmul(Q3, r))]
! Note: this ignores the Gouy phase, but for the computation of the
! initial conditions (x̅, N̅_R=∇S_R, N̅_I=∇S_I for each ray) it is
! inconsequential because:
! 1. the initial conditions are given at z=const, so η=const as well
! 2. N̅_I = ∇S_I does not depend on η(z)
! 3. N̅_R does depend on η(z), but is obtained indirectly as the
! solution of the vacuum quasioptical dispersion relation:
! { N̅_R ⋅ N̅_I = 0
! { N_R² - N_I² = N₀²
! The latter implies N̅_I and N̅_R are not exactly consistent with
! a Gaussian beam, but this is a necessary trade-off.
end subroutine gaussian_eikonal
end module beams
end module beams
@ -220,10 +220,20 @@ contains
lgcpl1 = zero
lgcpl1 = zero
p0ray = p0jk ! * initial beam power
p0ray = p0jk ! * initial beam power
call ic_gb(params, equil, anv0, ak0, yw, ypw, stv, xc, &
call compute_initial_conds(params%raytracing, params%antenna, & ! * initial conditions
du1, gri, ggri, index_rt, results%tables) ! * initial conditions
anv0, ak0, yw, ypw, stv, xc, du1, gri, ggri)
do jk=1,params%raytracing%nray
do jk=1,params%raytracing%nray
! Save the step "zero" data
call store_ray_data(params, equil, results%tables, &
i=0, jk=jk, s=stv(jk), P0=one, pos=yw(1:3,jk), &
psi_n=-one, B=zero, b_n=[zero,zero,zero], k0=ak0, &
N_pl=zero, N_pr=zero, N=yw(4:6,jk), N_pr_im=zero, &
n_e=zero, T_e=zero, alpha=zero, tau=zero, dIds=zero, &
nhm=0, nhf=0, iokhawa=0, index_rt=index_rt, &
lambda_r=zero, lambda_i=zero, X=zero, Y=zero, &
zzm = yw(3,jk)*0.01_wp_
zzm = yw(3,jk)*0.01_wp_
rrm = sqrt(yw(1,jk)*yw(1,jk)+yw(2,jk)*yw(2,jk))*0.01_wp_
rrm = sqrt(yw(1,jk)*yw(1,jk)+yw(2,jk)*yw(2,jk))*0.01_wp_
@ -670,339 +680,209 @@ contains
end subroutine vectinit
end subroutine vectinit
subroutine ic_gb(params, equil, anv0c, ak0, ywrk0, ypwrk0, &
subroutine compute_initial_conds(rtx, beam, N_c, k0, y, yp, dist, &
stv, xc0, du10, gri, ggri, index_rt, &
pos, grad_u, grad, hess)
! Computes the initial conditions for tracing a beam
! beam tracing initial conditions igrad=1
! !!!!!! check ray tracing initial conditions igrad=0 !!!!!!
use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one, pi, im, degree
use const_and_precisions, only : zero,one,pi,half,two,degree,ui=>im
use gray_params, only : raytracing_parameters, antenna_parameters
use gray_params, only : gray_parameters, gray_tables
use gray_params, only : STEP_ARCLEN, STEP_TIME, STEP_PHASE
use gray_equil, only : abstract_equil
use utils, only : diag, rotate
use types, only : table
use beams, only : gaussian_eikonal
use gray_tables, only : store_ray_data
use beamdata, only : fold_indices, tokamak2beam
! subroutine arguments
! subroutine arguments
type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params
class(abstract_equil), intent(in) :: equil
real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: anv0c
real(wp_), intent(in) :: ak0
real(wp_), dimension(6, params%raytracing%nray), intent(out) :: ywrk0, ypwrk0
real(wp_), dimension(params%raytracing%nrayth * params%raytracing%nrayr), intent(out) :: stv
real(wp_), dimension(3, params%raytracing%nrayth, params%raytracing%nrayr), intent(out) :: xc0, du10
real(wp_), dimension(3, params%raytracing%nray), intent(out) :: gri
real(wp_), dimension(3, 3, params%raytracing%nray), intent(out) :: ggri
integer, intent(in) :: index_rt
! tables for storing initial rays data
! Inputs
type(gray_tables), intent(inout), optional :: tables
type(raytracing_parameters), intent(in) :: rtx ! simulation parameters
type(antenna_parameters), intent(in) :: beam ! beam parameters
real(wp_), intent(in) :: N_c(3) ! vacuum refractive index
real(wp_), intent(in) :: k0 ! vacuum wavenumber
! Outputs
real(wp_), intent(out) :: y(6, rtx%nray) ! (x̅, N̅) for each ray
real(wp_), intent(out) :: yp(6, rtx%nray) ! (dx̅/dσ, dN̅/dσ) for each ray
real(wp_), intent(out) :: dist(rtx%nrayth * rtx%nrayr) ! distance travelled in σ for each ray
real(wp_), intent(out) :: pos(3, rtx%nrayth, rtx%nrayr) ! ray positions (used in gradi_upd)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: grad_u(3, rtx%nrayth, rtx%nrayr) ! variations Δu (used in gradi_upd)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: grad(3, rtx%nray) ! ∇S_I, gradient of imaginary eikonal
real(wp_), intent(out) :: hess(3, 3, rtx%nray) ! HS_I, Hessian of imaginary eikonal
! local variables
! local variables
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xv0c
real(wp_) :: x0_c(3), x0(3) ! beam centre, current ray position
real(wp_) :: wcsi,weta,rcicsi,rcieta,phiw,phir
real(wp_) :: xi(2) ! position in the principal axes basis (ξ, η)
integer :: j,k,jk
integer :: j, k, jk ! ray indices, j: radial, k: angular
real(wp_) :: csth,snth,csps,snps,phiwrad,phirrad,csphiw,snphiw,alfak
real(wp_) :: dr, da ! ray grid steps, dρ: radial, dα: angular
real(wp_) :: wwcsi,wweta,sk,sw,dk,dw,rci1,ww1,rci2,ww2,wwxx,wwyy,wwxy
real(wp_) :: N(3) ! wavevector
real(wp_) :: rcixx,rciyy,rcixy,dwwxx,dwwyy,dwwxy,d2wwxx,d2wwyy,d2wwxy
complex(wp_) :: Q(2,2) ! complex cuvature tensor
real(wp_) :: drcixx,drciyy,drcixy,dr,da,ddfu,dcsiw,detaw,dx0t,dy0t
real(wp_) :: M(3,3) ! local beam → tokamak change of basis matrix
real(wp_) :: x0t,y0t,z0t,dx0,dy0,dz0,x0,y0,z0,gxt,gyt,gzt,gr2
complex(wp_) :: S ! complex eikonal
real(wp_) :: gxxt,gyyt,gzzt,gxyt,gxzt,gyzt,dgr2xt,dgr2yt,dgr2zt
complex(wp_) :: grad_S(3) ! its gradient
real(wp_) :: dgr2x,dgr2y,dgr2z,pppx,pppy,denpp,ppx,ppy
complex(wp_) :: hess_S(3,3) ! its Hessian matrix
real(wp_) :: anzt,anxt,anyt,anx,any,anz,an20,an0
real(wp_) :: phi_k, phi_w ! ellipses rotation angles
real(wp_) :: du1tx,du1ty,du1tz,denom,ddr,ddi
real(wp_), dimension(params%raytracing%nrayr) :: uj
real(wp_), dimension(params%raytracing%nrayth) :: sna,csa
complex(wp_) :: sss,ddd,phic,qi1,qi2,tc,ts,qqxx,qqxy,qqyy,dqi1,dqi2
complex(wp_) :: dqqxx,dqqyy,dqqxy,d2qi1,d2qi2,d2qqxx,d2qqyy,d2qqxy
! initial beam parameters
! Compute the complex curvature tensor Q from the beam parameters
xv0c = params%antenna%pos
wcsi = params%antenna%w(1)
real(wp_) :: K(2,2), W(2,2)
weta = params%antenna%w(2)
K = diag(beam%ri) ! curvature part
rcicsi = params%antenna%ri(1)
W = diag(2/k0 * 1/beam%w**2) ! beam width part
rcieta = params%antenna%ri(2)
phiw = params%antenna%phi(1)
phir = params%antenna%phi(2)
! Switch from eigenbasis to local beam basis
if(snth > zero) then
! Notes on geometry:
! 1. The beam parameters are the eigenvalues of the K, W matrices.
! These are diagonal in the basis of the principal axes of the
! respective ellipse (curvature, beam width).
end if
! 2. The φs are nothing more that the angles of the rotations that
! diagonalises the respective matrix.
phi_k = beam%phi(2) * degree ! curvature rotation angle
phi_w = beam%phi(1) * degree ! beam width rotation angle
! Gaussian beam: exp[-ik0 zt] exp[-i k0/2 S(xt,yt,zt)]
K = matmul(rotate(phi_k), matmul(K, rotate(-phi_k)))
! xt,yt,zt, cartesian coordinate system with zt along the beamline and xt in the z = 0 plane
W = matmul(rotate(phi_w), matmul(W, rotate(-phi_w)))
! S(xt,yt,zt) = S_real +i S_imag = Qxx(zt) xt^2 + Qyy(zt) yt^2 + 2 Qxy(zt) xt yt
! (csiw, etaw) and (csiR, etaR) intensity and phase ellipse, rotated by angle phiw and phiR
! S(xt,yt,zt) = csiR^2 / Rccsi +etaR^2 /Rceta - i (csiw^2 Wcsi +etaw^2 Weta)
! Rccsi,eta curvature radius at the launching point
! Wcsi,eta =2/(k0 wcsi,eta^2) with wcsi,eta^2 beam size at the launching point
phiwrad = phiw*degree
! Combine into a single tensor
phirrad = phir*degree
Q = K + im*W
csphiw = cos(phiwrad)
end block
snphiw = sin(phiwrad)
!csphir = cos(phirrad)
!snphir = sin(phirrad)
wwcsi = two/(ak0*wcsi**2)
! Compute the beam → tokamak change-of-basis matrix
wweta = two/(ak0*weta**2)
M = tokamak2beam(N_c, inverse=.true.)
if(phir/=phiw) then
! Expanding the definitions (see `gaussian_eikonal`), the imaginary
sk = rcicsi + rcieta
! part of the eikonal becomes:
sw = wwcsi + wweta
dk = rcicsi - rcieta
! S_I = Im(z + ½ r̅⋅Q(z)⋅r̅)
dw = wwcsi - wweta
! = ½ r̅⋅ImQ(z)⋅r̅
ts = -(dk*sin(2*phirrad) - ui*dw*sin(2*phiwrad))
! = ½ r̅⋅W⋅r̅
tc = (dk*cos(2*phirrad) - ui*dw*cos(2*phiwrad))
! = ½ 2/k₀ ξ̅⋅diag(1/w_ξ², 1/w_η²)⋅ξ̅
phic = half*atan(ts/tc)
! = 1/k₀ ξ̅⋅diag(1/w_ξ², 1/w_η²)⋅ξ̅
ddd = dk*cos(2*(phirrad+phic)) - ui*dw*cos(2*(phiwrad+phic))
sss = sk - ui*sw
! Using polar coordinates ξ̅ = ρ [w_ξcosα, w_ηsinα] this
qi1 = half*(sss + ddd)
! simplifies to S_I = ρ²/k₀. To distribue the rays uniformly
qi2 = half*(sss - ddd)
! on the curves of constant S_I (power flux) we define a grid
rci1 = real(qi1)
! such that the jk-th ray is traced starting from
rci2 = real(qi2)
ww1 = -imag(qi1)
! ξ̅_jk = ρ_j [w_ξcos(α_k), w_ηcos(α_k)]
ww2 = -imag(qi2)
! where ρ_j = (j-1) Δρ,
rci1 = rcicsi
! α_k = (k-1) Δα,
rci2 = rcieta
! Δρ = ρ_max/(N_r - 1),
ww1 = wwcsi
! Δα = 2π/N_θ.
ww2 = wweta
phic = -phiwrad
dr = merge(rtx%rwmax / (rtx%nrayr - 1), one, rtx%nrayr > 1)
qi1 = rci1 - ui*ww1
da = 2*pi / rtx%nrayth
qi2 = rci2 - ui*ww2
end if
! To estimate ∇S_I in `gradi_upd` we require the values of
! ∇u(ξ̅_jk), where u(x̅) ≡ ρ(x̅)/Δρ and ξ̅_jk is the ray
! position on the grid. Since S_I = ρ²/k₀, we have
! ∇S_I(ξ̅_jk) = (Δρ²/k₀) ∇u²(ξ̅_jk)
! = (Δρ²/k₀) 2u(ξ̅_jk) ∇u(ξ̅_jk)
! = (Δρ²/k₀) 2(ρ_j/Δρ) ∇u(ξ̅_jk)
! = (Δρ²/k₀) 2(j-1) ∇u(ξ̅_jk)
! So, ∇u = k₀/[2Δρ²(j-1)] ∇S_I, for j>1.
qqxx = qi1*cos(phic)**2 + qi2*sin(phic)**2
! For the central ray (j=1) r=0, so ∇S_I=HS_I=0
qqyy = qi1*sin(phic)**2 + qi2*cos(phic)**2
jk = 1
qqxy = -(qi1 - qi2)*sin(phic)*cos(phic)
grad(:,1) = 0
wwxx = -imag(qqxx)
hess(:,:,1) = 0
wwyy = -imag(qqyy)
x0_c = beam%pos
wwxy = -imag(qqxy)
y(:,1) = [x0_c, N_c]
rcixx = real(qqxx)
yp(:,1) = [N_c, 0*N_c]
rciyy = real(qqyy)
rcixy = real(qqxy)
dqi1 = -qi1**2
! We consider the central ray as k degenerate rays
dqi2 = -qi2**2
! with positions x̅=x₀_c, but ∇u computed at the points
d2qi1 = 2*qi1**3
! ξ̅_1k = Δρ [w_ξcos(α_k), w_ηcos(α_k)]. This choice
d2qi2 = 2*qi2**3
! simplifies the computation of ∇u in `gradi_upd`.
dqqxx = dqi1*cos(phic)**2 + dqi2*sin(phic)**2
do k = 1, rtx%nrayth
dqqyy = dqi1*sin(phic)**2 + dqi2*cos(phic)**2
xi = beam%w * dr * [cos((k-1)*da), sin((k-1)*da)]
dqqxy = -(dqi1 - dqi2)*sin(phic)*cos(phic)
x0 = [matmul(rotate(phi_w), xi), zero]
d2qqxx = d2qi1*cos(phic)**2 + d2qi2*sin(phic)**2
pos(:,k,1) = x0_c
d2qqyy = d2qi1*sin(phic)**2 + d2qi2*cos(phic)**2
grad_u(:,k,1) = [matmul(Q%im, x0(1:2) * k0/(2*dr**2)), zero]
d2qqxy = -(d2qi1 - d2qi2)*sin(phic)*cos(phic)
dwwxx = -imag(dqqxx)
dwwyy = -imag(dqqyy)
dwwxy = -imag(dqqxy)
d2wwxx = -imag(d2qqxx)
d2wwyy = -imag(d2qqyy)
d2wwxy = -imag(d2qqxy)
drcixx = real(dqqxx)
drciyy = real(dqqyy)
drcixy = real(dqqxy)
if(params%raytracing%nrayr > 1) then
dr = params%raytracing%rwmax / (params%raytracing%nrayr - 1)
dr = 1
end if
ddfu = 2*dr**2/ak0
do j = 1, params%raytracing%nrayr
uj(j) = real(j-1, wp_)
end do
end do
! Compute x̅, ∇S_I, ∇u for all the other rays
do k=1,params%raytracing%nrayth
do concurrent (j=2:rtx%nrayr, k=1:rtx%nrayth)
alfak = (k-1)*da
jk = fold_indices(rtx, j, k)
sna(k) = sin(alfak)
csa(k) = cos(alfak)
end do
! central ray
! Compute the ray position
xi = beam%w * (j-1)*dr * [cos((k-1)*da), sin((k-1)*da)]
gri(:,1) = zero
x0 = [matmul(rotate(phi_w), xi), zero]
ggri(:,:,1) = zero
ywrk0(1:3,1) = xv0c
! Compute the Eikonal and its derivatives
ywrk0(4:6,1) = anv0c
call gaussian_eikonal(Q, r=x0(1:2), z=x0(3), &
ypwrk0(1:3,1) = anv0c
S=S, grad_S=grad_S, hess_S=hess_S)
ypwrk0(4:6,1) = zero
do k=1,params%raytracing%nrayth
! Compute ∇u using the formula above
dcsiw = dr*csa(k)*wcsi
grad_u(:,k,j) = matmul(M, k0/(2 * dr**2 * (j-1)) * grad_S%im)
detaw = dr*sna(k)*weta
dx0t = dcsiw*csphiw - detaw*snphiw
dy0t = dcsiw*snphiw + detaw*csphiw
du1tx = (dx0t*wwxx + dy0t*wwxy)/ddfu
du1ty = (dx0t*wwxy + dy0t*wwyy)/ddfu
xc0(:,k,1) = xv0c
! Switch from local beam to tokamak basis
du10(1,k,1) = du1tx*csps + snps*du1ty*csth
x0 = x0_c + matmul(M, x0) ! ray position
du10(2,k,1) = -du1tx*snps + csps*du1ty*csth
grad(:,jk) = matmul(M, grad_S%im) ! gradient of S_I
du10(3,k,1) = -du1ty*snth
hess(:,:,jk) = matmul(M, matmul(hess_S%im, transpose(M))) ! Hessian of S_I
end do
ddr = zero
ddi = zero
! loop on rays jk>1
! Compute the refractive index N such that:
! 1. N² = 1 + ∇S_I²
do jk = 2, params%raytracing%nray
! 2. N⋅∇S_I = 0
! 3. N₁/N₂ = ∇S_R₁/∇S_R₂
if(k > params%raytracing%nrayth) then
! Note: 1. and 2. are the quasioptical dispersion relation,
! 3. is necessary to obtain a unique solution.
end if
real(wp_) :: den, r1, r2, gradS2
den = dot_product(grad_S(1:2)%re, grad_S(1:2)%im)
gradS2 = norm2(grad_S%im)**2
if (den /= 0) then
r1 = -grad_S(1)%re * grad_S(3)%im / den
r2 = -grad_S(2)%re * grad_S(3)%im / den
N = [r1, r2, one] * sqrt((1 + gradS2)/(1 + r1**2 + r2**2))
dcsiw = dr*csa(k)*wcsi
else if (grad_S(3)%im /= 0) then
detaw = dr*sna(k)*weta
! In this case the solution reduces to
dx0t = dcsiw*csphiw - detaw*snphiw
r1 = grad_S(1)%re
dy0t = dcsiw*snphiw + detaw*csphiw
r2 = grad_S(2)%re
x0t = uj(j)*dx0t
N = [r1, r2, zero] * sqrt((1 + gradS2)/(1 + r1**2 + r2**2))
y0t = uj(j)*dy0t
z0t = 0
dx0 = x0t*csps + snps*(y0t*csth + z0t*snth)
dy0 = -x0t*snps + csps*(y0t*csth + z0t*snth)
dz0 = z0t*csth - y0t*snth
x0 = xv0c(1) + dx0
y0 = xv0c(2) + dy0
z0 = xv0c(3) + dz0
gxt = x0t*wwxx + y0t*wwxy
gyt = x0t*wwxy + y0t*wwyy
gzt = half*(x0t**2*dwwxx + y0t**2*dwwyy ) + x0t*y0t*dwwxy
gr2 = gxt*gxt + gyt*gyt + gzt*gzt
gxxt = wwxx
gyyt = wwyy
gzzt = half*(x0t**2*d2wwxx + y0t**2*d2wwyy) + x0t*y0t*d2wwxy
gxyt = wwxy
gxzt = x0t*dwwxx + y0t*dwwxy
gyzt = x0t*dwwxy + y0t*dwwyy
dgr2xt = 2*(gxt*gxxt + gyt*gxyt + gzt*gxzt)
dgr2yt = 2*(gxt*gxyt + gyt*gyyt + gzt*gyzt)
dgr2zt = 2*(gxt*gxzt + gyt*gyzt + gzt*gzzt)
dgr2x = dgr2xt*csps + snps*(dgr2yt*csth + dgr2zt*snth)
dgr2y = -dgr2xt*snps + csps*(dgr2yt*csth + dgr2zt*snth)
dgr2z = dgr2zt*csth - dgr2yt*snth
gri(1,jk) = gxt*csps + snps*(gyt*csth + gzt*snth)
gri(2,jk) = -gxt*snps + csps*(gyt*csth + gzt*snth)
gri(3,jk) = gzt*csth - gyt*snth
ggri(1,1,jk) = gxxt*csps**2 &
+ snps**2 *(gyyt*csth**2 + gzzt*snth**2 + 2*snth*csth*gyzt) &
+2*snps*csps*(gxyt*csth + gxzt*snth)
ggri(2,1,jk) = csps*snps &
*(-gxxt+csth**2*gyyt + snth**2*gzzt + 2*csth*snth*gyzt) &
+(csps**2 - snps**2)*(snth*gxzt + csth*gxyt)
ggri(3,1,jk) = csth*snth*snps*(gzzt - gyyt) + (csth**2 - snth**2) &
*snps*gyzt + csps*(csth*gxzt - snth*gxyt)
ggri(1,2,jk) = ggri(2,1,jk)
ggri(2,2,jk) = gxxt*snps**2 &
+ csps**2 *(gyyt*csth**2 + gzzt*snth**2 + 2*snth*csth*gyzt) &
-2*snps*csps*(gxyt*csth + gxzt*snth)
ggri(3,2,jk) = csth*snth*csps*(gzzt - gyyt) + (csth**2-snth**2) &
*csps*gyzt + snps*(snth*gxyt - csth*gxzt)
ggri(1,3,jk) = ggri(3,1,jk)
ggri(2,3,jk) = ggri(3,2,jk)
ggri(3,3,jk) = gzzt*csth**2 + gyyt*snth**2 - 2*csth*snth*gyzt
du1tx = (dx0t*wwxx + dy0t*wwxy)/ddfu
du1ty = (dx0t*wwxy + dy0t*wwyy)/ddfu
du1tz = half*uj(j)*(dx0t**2*dwwxx + dy0t**2*dwwyy + 2*dx0t*dy0t*dwwxy)/ddfu
du10(1,k,j) = du1tx*csps + snps*(du1ty*csth + du1tz*snth)
du10(2,k,j) = -du1tx*snps + csps*(du1ty*csth + du1tz*snth)
du10(3,k,j) = du1tz*csth - du1ty*snth
pppx = x0t*rcixx + y0t*rcixy
pppy = x0t*rcixy + y0t*rciyy
denpp = pppx*gxt + pppy*gyt
if (denpp/=zero) then
ppx = -pppx*gzt/denpp
ppy = -pppy*gzt/denpp
ppx = zero
! When even ∇S_I₃ = 0, the system is underdetermined:
ppy = zero
! we pick the solution N₃ = 1 + ∇S_I², so that N₁=N₂=0.
N = [zero, zero, sqrt(1 + gradS2)]
end if
end if
end block
anzt = sqrt((one + gr2)/(one + ppx**2 + ppy**2))
! Compute the actual initial conditions
anxt = ppx*anzt
pos(:,k,j) = x0
anyt = ppy*anzt
y(:,jk) = [x0, matmul(M, N)]
anx = anxt*csps + snps*(anyt*csth + anzt*snth)
! Compute the r.h.s. of the raytracing eqs.
any =-anxt*snps + csps*(anyt*csth + anzt*snth)
! dx̅/dσ = + ∂Λ/∂N̅ / denom
anz = anzt*csth - anyt*snth
! dN̅/dσ = - ∂Λ/∂x̅ / denom
real(wp_) :: denom
an20 = one + gr2
! Compute travelled distance in σ and r.h.s. normalisation
an0 = sqrt(an20)
select case(rtx%idst)
case (STEP_ARCLEN) ! σ=s, arclength
xc0(1,k,j) = x0
dist(jk) = 0
xc0(2,k,j) = y0
denom = norm2(N)
xc0(3,k,j) = z0
case (STEP_TIME) ! σ=ct, time
dist(jk) = 0
ywrk0(1,jk) = x0
denom = 1
ywrk0(2,jk) = y0
case (STEP_PHASE) ! σ=S_R, phase
ywrk0(3,jk) = z0
dist(jk) = S%re
ywrk0(4,jk) = anx
denom = norm2(N)**2
ywrk0(5,jk) = any
ywrk0(6,jk) = anz
! integration variable
select case(params%raytracing%idst)
! optical path: s
stv(jk) = 0
denom = an0
! "time": c⋅t
stv(jk) = 0
denom = one
! real eikonal: S_R
stv(jk) = half*(rcixx*x0t**2 + rciyy*y0t**2) + rcixy*x0t*y0t
denom = an20
end select
end select
ypwrk0(1,jk) = anx/denom
ypwrk0(2,jk) = any/denom
ypwrk0(3,jk) = anz/denom
ypwrk0(4,jk) = dgr2x/(2*denom)
ypwrk0(5,jk) = dgr2y/(2*denom)
ypwrk0(6,jk) = dgr2z/(2*denom)
ddr = anx**2 + any**2 + anz**2 - an20
ddi = 2*(anxt*gxt + anyt*gyt + anzt*gzt)
! save step "zero" data
if (present(tables)) &
call store_ray_data(params, equil, tables, &
i=0, jk=jk, s=stv(jk), P0=one, pos=xc0(:,k,j), &
psi_n=-one, B=zero, b_n=[zero,zero,zero], k0=ak0, &
N_pl=zero, N_pr=zero, N=ywrk0(:, jk), N_pr_im=zero, &
n_e=zero, T_e=zero, alpha=zero, tau=zero, dIds=zero, &
nhm=0, nhf=0, iokhawa=0, index_rt=index_rt, &
lambda_r=ddr, lambda_i=ddi, X=zero, Y=zero, &
yp(1:3,jk) = matmul(M, N) / denom
yp(4:6,jk) = matmul(M, matmul(hess_S%im, grad_S%im)) / denom
end block
end do
end do
end subroutine ic_gb
end subroutine compute_initial_conds
subroutine rkstep(params, equil, plasma, &
subroutine rkstep(params, equil, plasma, &
@ -524,10 +524,10 @@ contains
subroutine store_beam_shape(params, tables, s, y, full)
subroutine store_beam_shape(params, tables, s, y, full)
! Computes the beam shape tables
! Computes the beam shape tables
use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one, comp_huge
use const_and_precisions, only : comp_huge
use types, only : table, wrap
use types, only : table, wrap
use gray_params, only : raytracing_parameters, gray_tables
use gray_params, only : raytracing_parameters, gray_tables
use beamdata, only : unfold_index
use beamdata, only : unfold_index, tokamak2beam
! subroutine arguments
! subroutine arguments
type(raytracing_parameters), intent(in) :: params
type(raytracing_parameters), intent(in) :: params
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ contains
! local variables
! local variables
logical :: full_
logical :: full_
integer :: jk, jk0, jkv(2)
integer :: jk, jk0, jkv(2)
real(wp_) :: n(3), M(3,3), dx(3), dx_loc(3), c
real(wp_) :: n(3), M(3,3), dx(3), dx_loc(3)
real(wp_) :: r, r_min, r_max
real(wp_) :: r, r_min, r_max
type(table), pointer :: beam_shape
type(table), pointer :: beam_shape
@ -557,44 +557,8 @@ contains
end if
end if
! Convert to the local beam basis
! Convert to the local beam basis
! If n̅ is the normalised direction of the central ray,
! and the {e̅₁,e̅₂,e̅₃} the standard basis, the unit vectors of
! the beam basis are given by:
! x̅ = n̅×e̅₃ / |n̅×e̅₃| = (n₂/c)e̅₁ + (-n₁/c)e̅₂
! y̅ = n̅×(n̅×e̅₃) / |n̅×e̅₃| = (n₁n₃/c)e̅₁ + (n₂n₃/c)e̅₂ - ce̅₃
! z̅ = n̅ = n₁e̅₁ + n₂e̅₂ + n₃e̅₃
! where c = |n̅×e̅₃| = √(n₁² + n₂²)
! Or in the case where n̅ ∥ e̅₃ by:
! x̅ = e̅₁
! y̅ = (n₃e̅₃)×e̅₁ = n₃e̅₂
! z̅ = n₃e̅₃
! So, the change of basis matrix is
! [n₂/c -n₁/c 0]
! M = [n₁n₃/c n₂n₃/c -c], c > 0
! [n₁ n₂ n₃]
! or M = diag(1, n₃, n₃) if c = 0.
! By definition then we have: x̅_loc = M x̅.
n = y(4:6, 1) / norm2(y(4:6, 1))
n = y(4:6, 1) / norm2(y(4:6, 1))
c = norm2(n(1:2))
M = tokamak2beam(n)
if (c > 0) then
M = reshape([ n(2)/c, n(1)*n(3)/c, n(1), &
-n(1)/c, n(2)*n(3)/c, n(2), &
zero, -c, n(3) ], [3, 3])
M = reshape([ one, zero, zero, &
zero, n(3), zero, &
zero, zero, n(3) ], [3, 3])
end if
! start from the central ray or the last ring
! start from the central ray or the last ring
jk0 = 1 + merge(0, params%nray - params%nrayth, full_)
jk0 = 1 + merge(0, params%nray - params%nrayth, full_)
@ -190,4 +190,32 @@ contains
digits = ceiling((bit_size(abs(n)) - leadz(abs(n))) * log10(2.0_wp_))
digits = ceiling((bit_size(abs(n)) - leadz(abs(n))) * log10(2.0_wp_))
end function digits
end function digits
pure function diag(v) result(D)
! Returns a matrix D with v as main diagonal
! function arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: v(:)
real(wp_) :: D(size(v), size(v))
integer :: i
D = 0
do concurrent (i = 1:size(v))
D(i,i) = v(i)
end do
end function
pure function rotate(phi) result(R)
! Returns a 2D rotation matrix
! function arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: phi
real(wp_) :: R(2,2)
R = reshape([cos(phi), -sin(phi), &
sin(phi), cos(phi)], shape=[2,2], order=[2,1])
end function rotate
end module utils
end module utils
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