tests: replace all gray_params.data with gray.ini
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
nrayr = 11
nrayth = 16
igrad = 1
dst = 0.2
nstep = 1800
alpha = 42.0
beta = 20.0
iox = MODE_O
ibeam = BEAM_1D
filenm = "beamdata_L6_B3.txt"
filenm = "ITER_s134173_r106_t0599.9.eqdsk"
icocos = 11
sgnb = -1
sgni = -1
irho = RHO_PSI
filenm = "ITER_s134173_r106_t0599.9_prf.txt"
sspld = 0.01
psnbnd = 1.015
ipec = RHO_POL
rwall = 4.0
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
11 16 1 : nray ktx,rhomx
1 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
.2 1800 0 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 5 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd=0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
42.0 20.0 : alfac, betac poloidal and toroidal launching angles
1 : P0 (MW) injected power
1 0. 0. : IOX = 1 : O-MODE IOX = 2 : X-MODE, psipol, chipol
1 : ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
"beamdata_L6_B3.txt" : filename for beam data
2 : iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
"ITER_s134173_r106_t0599.9.eqdsk" : filename for equilibrium
11 0 1 0 : icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 -1 1 : signum B_phi I_phi +1=counterclockwise , -1=clockwise from above, factb
4. : rwall [inner wall radius, m]
1 2 : iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
"ITER_s134173_r106_t0599.9_prf.txt" : filename for profiles
1.015 0.01 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 2 : factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 501 : ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
nrayr = 11
nrayth = 16
igrad = 1
dst = 0.2
nstep = 2800
alpha = 15.0
beta = -20.0
iox = MODE_X
ibeam = BEAM_2D
filenm = "beam_OM_TOP.data"
filenm = "F4E_Equil_10820_case006_25VFZX.eqdsk"
icocos = 11
sgnb = -1
sgni = -1
factb = 1.0566
irho = RHO_PSI
filenm = "F4E_Equil_10820_case006_25S3S3.prf"
sspld = 0.01
psnbnd = 1.015
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 251
rwall = 4.0
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
11 16 1 : nray ktx,rhomx
1 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
.2 2800 0 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 5 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd=0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
15 -20 : alfac, betac poloidal and toroidal launching angles
1 : P0 (MW) injected power
2 0. 0. : IOX = 1 : O-MODE IOX = 2 : X-MODE, psipol, chipol
2 : ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
beam_OM_TOP.data : filename for beam data
2 : iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
F4E_Equil_10820_case006_25VFZX.eqdsk : filename for equilibrium
11 0 1 0 : icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 -1 1.0566 : signum B_phi I_phi +1=counterclockwise , -1=clockwise from above, factb
4. : rwall [inner wall radius, m]
1 2 : iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
F4E_Equil_10820_case006_25S3S3.prf : filename for profiles
1.015 0.01 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 1 : factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 251 : ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
nrayr = 16
nrayth = 24
igrad = 1
dst = 0.05
nstep = 2400
alpha = 89.45
beta = 0.0
iox = MODE_X
ibeam = BEAM_1D
filenm = "L8_TCV.txt"
filenm = "EQDSK_55394t0.7030_COCOS02"
icocos = 2
sgnb = -1
sgni = -1
irho = RHO_TOR
filenm = "55394t0.7030_anprof.txt"
sspld = 0.01
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 1001
rwall = 0.6
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
16 24 1 : nray ktx,rhomx
1 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
.05 2400 2 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 5 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd=0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
89.45 0.0 x alfac, betac poloidal and toroidal launching angles
1 x P0 (MW) injected power
2 0. 0. x IOX = 1 : O-MODE IOX = 2 : X-MODE, psipol, chipol
1 x ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
"L8_TCV.txt" x filename for beam data
2 x iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
"EQDSK_55394t0.7030_COCOS02" x filename for equilibrium
2 0 1 0 x icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 -1 1 x signum B_phi I_phi +1=counterclockwise , -1=clockwise from above, factb
0.6 x rwall [inner wall radius, m]
0 0 x iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
"55394t0.7030_anprof.txt" x filename for profiles
1.01 0.01 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 1 x factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 1001 x ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
nrayr = 1
nrayth = 18
rwmax = 1.2
igrad = 1
ipass = 2
dst = 0.1
nstep = 15000
ilarm = 4
alpha = -3.0
beta = 0.0
iox = MODE_O
ibeam = BEAM_2D
filenm = "WG2_new_138_OM.txt"
filenm = "JT-60SA_scenario2_lowden_eqdsk_chease_cocos13.geq_newlim.txt"
icocos = 13
sgnb = -1
sgni = -1
irho = RHO_TOR
filenm = "profscenario2_lowden_cut.txt"
sspld = 5.0E-3
factte = 2.51189E-3
psnbnd = 1.03
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 2001
rwall = 1.6
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
1 18 1.2 : nray ktx,rhomx
1 2 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
0.1 15000 1 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 4 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd 0/1 NO/YES ECCD calculation
-3.0 0 : alfac, betac poloidal and toroidal launching angles
1 : P0 (MW) injected power
1 0. 0. : IOX = 1 : O-MODE IOX = 2 : X-MODE, psipol, chipol
2 : ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
WG2_new_138_OM.txt : filename for beam data
2 : iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
JT-60SA_scenario2_lowden_eqdsk_chease_cocos13.geq_newlim.txt x filename for equilibrium
13 0 1 0 : icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 -1 1 : signum B_phi I_phi +1=counterclockwise , -1=clockwise from above, factb
1.6 : rwall [inner wall radius, m]
1 0 : iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
profscenario2_lowden_cut.txt : filename for profiles
1.03 0.005 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
.00251188643150958011 1 2 : factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 2001 : ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
nrayr = 1
nrayth = 1
igrad = 1
ipass = 3
dst = 0.1
nstep = 10000
ilarm = 4
alpha = 35.5
beta = 0.0
iox = MODE_X
ibeam = BEAM_0D
filenm = "./no-steer-110.txt"
filenm = "./equilan.txt"
icocos = 11
sgnb = 1
sgni = 1
irho = RHO_PSI
filenm = "./profilesan.txt"
sspld = 0.005
psnbnd = 1.0
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 2001
rwall = 1.6981
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
1 1 1 : nray ktx,rhomx
1 3 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
.1 10000 0 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 4 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd 0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
35.5 0 : alfac, betac poloidal and toroidal launching angles
1 : P0 (MW) injected power
2 0. 0. : IOX = 1 : O-MODE IOX = 2 : X-MODE, psipol, chipol
0 : ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
"./no-steer-110.txt" : filename for beam data
1 : iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
"./equilan.txt" : filename for equilibrium
11 0 1 0 : icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
+1 +1 1 : signum B_phi I_phi +1=counterclockwise , -1=clockwise from above, factb
1.6981 : rwall [inner wall radius, m]
0 2 : iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
"./profilesan.txt" : filename for profiles
1.0 0.005 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 1 : factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 2001 : ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
nrayr = 11
nrayth = 16
igrad = 1
dst = 0.1
nstep = 8000
ilarm = 4
alpha = 39.0
beta = 20.0
iox = MODE_X
ibeam = BEAM_0D
filenm = "./beamUSM.data"
filenm = "./F4E_Equil_10002_case001_24VQV5.eqdsk"
icocos = 11
sgnb = -1
sgni = -1
factb = 0.5
irho = RHO_PSI
filenm = "./profiles.txt"
sspld = 0.005
psnbnd = 1.0
ipec = RHO_POL
rwall = 4.0
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
11 16 1 : nray ktx,rhomx
1 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
.1 8000 1 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 4 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd 0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
39 20 x alfac, betac poloidal and toroidal launching angles
1 x P0 (MW) injected power
2 0. 0. x IOX = 1 : O-MODE IOX = 2 : X-MODE, psipol, chipol
0 x ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
"./beamUSM.data" x filename for beam data
2 x iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
"./F4E_Equil_10002_case001_24VQV5.eqdsk" x filename for equilibrium
11 0 1 0 x icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 -1 0.5 x signum B_phi I_phi +1=counterclockwise , -1=clockwise from above, factb
4. x rwall [inner wall radius, m]
0 2 x iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
"./profiles.txt" x filename for profiles
1.0 0.005 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 2 x factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 501 x ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
nrayr = 1
nrayth = 16
dst = 0.02
alpha = 0.0
beta = 0.0
iox = MODE_X
ibeam = BEAM_0D
filenm = "beam_DTT_VR13_EQB.txt"
filenm = "jetto_PPF2293.eqdsk_out"
icocos = 0
sgnb = -1
sgni = +1
factb = 0.51282
irho = RHO_TOR
filenm = "DTT_prof_PPF2295.txt"
factne = 0.630957
factte = 0.630957
psnbnd = 1.007
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 901
rwall = 1.36
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
1 16 1 : nray,ktx,rhomx
0 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
.02 12000 0 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 5 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd 0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
0 0 : alfac, betac poloidal [>0 down] and toroidal [>0 right] launching angles (deg)
1 : P0 (MW) injected power
2 0. 0. : iox [O/X-mode selection: 1=OM, 2=XM], psipol, chipol
0 : ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
"beam_DTT_VR13_EQB.txt" x filename for beam data
3 : iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
"jetto_PPF2293.eqdsk_out" :eqdska.gsef fldemoeqdsk22018_official_EQDSK.eqdsk Equil_AR3d1_2015_04_v2_EOF_CSred_fine_final.eqdsk
0 0 1 0 : icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 1 0.51282 : signum B_phi I_phi [+1=ccw , -1=cw from above, only for icocos=0,10], factb [B field scaling factor]
1.36 : rwall [inner wall radius, m]
1 0 : iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
"DTT_prof_PPF2295.txt" x filename for profiles
1.007 0.1 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
.63095734448019324943 .63095734448019324943 2 x factT [temperature scaling factor], factn [density scaling factor], iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 901 : ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
nrayr = 1
nrayth = 16
igrad = 1
dst = 0.2
alpha = -55.0
beta = -30.0
iox = MODE_O
ibeam = BEAM_0D
filenm = "SPR45_J.txt"
filenm = "jetto.eqdsk_out"
icocos = 0
sgnb = 1
sgni = 1
irho = RHO_PSI
filenm = "SPR45_profiles.txt"
sspld = 0.005
psnbnd = 1.015
ipec = RHO_POL
rwall = 1.0
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
1 16 1 : nray,ktx,rhomx
1 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
.2 12000 1 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 5 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd 0/1 NO/YES ECCD calculation
-55 -30 x alfac, betac poloidal [>0 down] and toroidal [>0 right] launching angles (deg)
1 x P0 (MW) injected power
1 0. 0. x iox [O/X-mode selection: 1=OM, 2=XM], psipol, chipol
0 x ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
"SPR45_J.txt" x filename for beam data
3 x iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK, 3 EQDSK invalid outside LCFS
"jetto.eqdsk_out" x filename for equilibrium
0 0 1 0 x icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
1 1 1 x signum B_phi I_phi [+1=ccw , -1=cw from above, only for icocos=0,10], factb [B field scaling factor]
1. x rwall [inner wall radius, m]
1 2 x iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
"SPR45_profiles.txt" x filename for profiles
1.015 0.005 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 2 x factT [temperature scaling factor], factn [density scaling factor], iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 501 x ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
nrayr = 1
nrayth = 16
igrad = 1
dst = 0.1
nstep = 4000
ilarm = 4
imx = 20
alpha = 0.0
beta = 0.0
iox = MODE_O
ibeam = BEAM_0D
filenm = "beam.data"
filenm = "Equil_DTT_v15_Ipl_5d5MA_betap_0d1_li_0d8_t_at_13d75s_piastre_rame_8cm_COCOS01_DTT2022_07140_OK.eqdsk"
icocos = 1
ssplps = 0.05
sgnb = -1
sgni = 1
irho = RHO_TOR
filenm = "DTT_prof_rampupAstra_t13d5.txt"
sspld = 0.01
psnbnd = 1.025
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 251
rwall = 1.36
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
1 16 1 : nray,ktx,rhomx
1 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
0.1 4000 1 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 4 20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd 0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
0 0 : alfac, betac poloidal [>0 down] and toroidal [>0 right] launching angles (deg)
1 : P0 (MW) injected power
1 0. 0. : iox [O/X-mode selection: 1=OM, 2=XM], psipol, chipol
0 : ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
beam.data : filename for beam data
2 : iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
Equil_DTT_v15_Ipl_5d5MA_betap_0d1_li_0d8_t_at_13d75s_piastre_rame_8cm_COCOS01_DTT2022_07140_OK.eqdsk : filename for equilibrium
1 0 1 0 : icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.05 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 1 1 : signum B_phi I_phi [+1=ccw , -1=cw from above, only for icocos=0,10], factb [B field scaling factor]
1.36 : rwall [inner wall radius, m]
1 0 : iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
DTT_prof_rampupAstra_t13d5.txt : filename for profiles
1.025 0.01 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 2 : factT [temperature scaling factor], factn [density scaling factor], iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 251 : ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
11 16 1 : nray,ktx,rhomx
1 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
.15 12000 0 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
2 5 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
11 : ieccd 0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
20 -20 x alfac, betac poloidal [>0 down] and toroidal [>0 right] launching angles (deg)
1 x P0 (MW) injected power
1 0. 0. x iox [O/X-mode selection: 1=OM, 2=XM], psipol, chipol
2 x ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
"./graybeam_R19_v2.data" x filename for beam data
3 x iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
"./DTT2020_00129_596_COCOS1_output_eqdsk_from_jetto.eqdsk" : filename for equilibrium
0 0 1 0 x icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 1 1 x signum B_phi I_phi [+1=ccw , -1=cw from above, only for icocos=0,10], factb [B field scaling factor]
1.36 x rwall [inner wall radius, m]
1 0 x iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
"./Prof_DTT2020_00138_R0_2d19.txt" x filename for profiles
1.015 0.1 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 2 x factT [temperature scaling factor], factn [density scaling factor], iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 251 x ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
nrayr = 6
nrayth = 56
igrad = 1
dst = 0.1
nstep = 400
iwarm = ABSORP_OFF
ieccd = CD_OFF
alpha = 0.0
beta = 90.0
iox = MODE_O
ibeam = BEAM_1D
filenm = "beam.txt"
iequil = EQ_VACUUM
filenm = "equilibrium.txt"
icocos = 0
sgnb = -1
sgni = -1
factb = 1.0566
irho = RHO_TOR
filenm = "profiles.txt"
sspld = 0.01
psnbnd = 1.0150
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 251
rwall = 100.0
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
6 56 1 : nray ktx,rhomx
1 1 0 : igrad (0 rtr - 1 gauss beam) ipass [=1,2 passes in the plasma] ipol
0.1 400 2 : dst (cm), nsteps < = 8000, , ist (0,1,2 integration in s,ct,Sr)
0 5 -20 : iwarm= 0-3 ECRH&CD computation, ilarm order of larmor expans, imx
0 : ieccd=0/1/2/oth ECCD=none/Cohen/notrap/mom.cons.
0 90 : alfac, betac poloidal and toroidal launching angles
1 : P0 (MW) injected power
1 0. 0. : IOX = 1 : O-MODE IOX = 2 : X-MODE, psipol, chipol
1 : ibeam=0/1/2 beam file with single beam shape (0) or with 1D/2D (1/2) table
beam.txt : filename for beam data
0 : iequil= 0 vacuum, 1 analytical equilibrium, 2 EQDSK
equilibrium.txt : filename for equilibrium
0 0 1 0 : icocos [=0..8,10..18], ipsinorm =0/1 [psi normalized (1) or not (0) in EQDSK], idesc =0/1, ifreefmt= 0/1
0 0.005 0.01 : indXpoint, sspl spline coeff psi, ssplf spline coeff fpol
-1 -1 1.0566 : signum B_phi I_phi +1=counterclockwise , -1=clockwise from above, factb
100. : rwall [inner wall radius, m]
0 0 : iprof= 0/1 analytical/numerical profiles, irho=0/1/2 radial coordinate rhot/rhop/psi
profiles.txt : filename for profiles
1.015 0.01 : psi plasma boundary, sspld spline coeff density
1 1 1 : factT, factn, iscal=0/1/2 nustar=const/ngreenw=const/no_scal.
1 251 : ipec=±1/2 profiles rhop/rhot; nnd=no. radial points (no. of radial intervals +1)
5 5 : istprj,istpl
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ def run_gray(inputs: Path, outputs: Path,
params = [['-g', f'{k}={v}'] for k, v in params.items()]
params = [['-g', f'{k}={v}'] for k, v in params.items()]
args = [
args = [
'-p', str(inputs / 'gray_params.data'),
'-c', str(inputs / 'gray.ini'),
'-u', ','.join(map(str, units)),
'-u', ','.join(map(str, units)),
'-o', str(outputs),
'-o', str(outputs),
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